The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 12, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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Al G. Barnes Outfit One
Noted for Cleanness
of Attractions
Today at the Elsinore
' In connection with the enact
ment of laws tor censoring of all
forms of state entertainment, the
circus is the one style of show at
which censorship Has nerer been
directed. The modern circus of to.
'day does not present any perform,
ances that contain any objetion
able features.
hlbits at , the Ollnger athlet'c
field,. Salem. Saturday, May 18.
has always been noted for both
the cleanliness and norelty of its
performance, and this year finds
the program replete with new acts
and performers, among which are
the Klinkert LlUputlan equestri
ans, fourteen in number. Those
tmy performers hare Just arrlTed
from Bararia and present a dis
tinct noTelty. The spectacular fea
ture of this year's program is
termed "Aladdin and the Parade
of Gold." and it la claimed by the
management to surpass anything
of this character heretofore pre
sented under canras. -It requires
the sendees of nearly one thous
and persons, and the part or Aiaa
din is played by the Chinese beau
tr TjiU T. Thong.
Vft street narade will be riven
i.t h Al r. Barnes cirrus this
year because of the amount of
time required in preparation for
the spectacle. However, a iree ex
hibition will be given on the show
.rnunrfa f 1:00 and 7:00 D.m.
at which hours the doors to the
It-m nnn allnwinr amnle time
k ii v w " ' " -
for the Inspection of a mammoth
Jack Oalue, Nancy Carroll Skeets Gallagher in the Para-'
mount A li-Talking Piaurc."Closc Harmony'-8'
"Redeeming Sin" Story of
Underworld as Seen
in Paris
Dolores Costello and Conrad
Nagel co-star in "The Redeeming
SinV aWrner Bros, latest Vita
phone Talking special which Is
playing today. Monday and Tues
day at Bligh's Capitol theatre.
"The Redeeming Sin" is told
against a background of the Paris
underworld, and many of its char
acters are Of the sordid and pic
Viresque types known as "apache"
.Hiss Costello appears in the
story as Joan Villiare. a tempes
tuous singer in an underworld
cafe. Vitaphone records Tolces and
sounds, and gives a brilliant in
terpretative symphonic accompan
iment. Other features on the bill are
four very wonderful Vitaphone
vaudeville acts, "The Neal Sisters"
a star trio of the vaudeville stage,
Mexican Tipics orchestra, official
orchestra of the Mexican govern
ment. Fred Ardath is in a comedy
sketch in "The Country Store."
The Tangers popular male double
Quartet of the Orpheum circuit
offer a number entitled "After the
Round TJp." Movietone News will
complete the program.
Blood Stained
Found By Body
WINDSOR. Conn., May 11
Six handerkerchlefs, five Of them
Mood stained, one a woman's and
two bearing different initials,
were in the pockets of Walter
Treadway Huntington, Howard
Junior, when his body was found.
Medical Examiner Henry N. Cos
tello revealed in his official re
port of homicide to the coroner
late today. The boar was iouna
In a field two days ago with a
bullet wound In the head.
'Show Boat Outstanding
Production, Secured Here
While Los Angeles, so called
theatrical center of the west. 13
paying two dollars a seat to see
"Show Boat," Salem will have the
opportunity of seeing this same
production at the usual price at
Blish's Capitol theatre, according
to the terms of a contract Just
signed between Frank Bligh of
the Capitol and Carl Laemmle,
president of the Uniyersal Pic
tures Corporation.
Although Laemmle's contract
with Flo Ziegfeld, who collaborat
ed on the production, calls for
road showing of the Dictures.
Bligh's contract was made an ex
ception because "of the fact that
he has used every Universal pro
duction that has, been made in the
past few years. Therefore, Salem
has the lead on Los Angeles, and
Chicago and New York, for that
matter, where "Show Boat" is
playing as a road show and at ad
vanced prices. The filings also
playing Seattle and Portland at
a Doost in price, Blijrh said.
Attraction in 16 Keel -
Of! Fill Mill
"Indian Summer Idea" Is
Wext Attraction For
Muriel Strvker. famous Ziee-
feld Follies dance beauty, becomes
the most stunnine Indian maiden
ever sesn on or off a reservation
In Fanchon Marco's colorful
Tndian Sumer Idea." which will
bring a tepee-full of musical eal-
ety and a boatload of dancing
beauties to the stage of the Elsi
nore theatre Tuesday instead of
Wednesday for a "now wow" of
beauty, brilliance and cleverness.
xne Elsinore theatre will be
come the center of a tribal gather
ing, and in the gathering there is
none other than Chief Eagle Fea
ther, celebrated Indian chief who
holds the worlds' record for hard
shoe dancing.
The Hardi trio, are Indiana, too.
for time being, as well as being
one of the most sensational adagio
teams ever seen on the Pacific
Coast. Dave Hacker, the human
scarecrow, whose antics' are not
only novel but fascinatingly orig
inal and bizarre.
At n . . -
anow Boat is a two and a
half hour attraction, being In- 16
reels. This means that but four
performances can be given dally,
Bligh announces, starting at two
in the afternoon and running con
tinuously until midnight.
The film stars Laura La Plante,
Joseph Sehildkraut. Otis Harlan,
Emily FItzroy, Jane La Verne,
Neely Edwards and Alma Reu
bens, while Helen Morgan, Jules
Bledsoe. Aunt Jamima and the
Ziegfeld chorus, all stars of the
musical show "Show Boat," ap
pear in a three reel movietone
prologue and render such songs
as "Old Man River." "Can't Helo
Lovin Dat Man," "Bill," "Hey
Feller," "Show Boat." "Lonesome
Road," and negro spirituals.
Max Bloch, Metropolitan
Opera Tenor, To Be
On Program
Sprightly, brilliant orchestral
music, like shafts of summer sun
shine, and ballads of love and ten
derness will form the program of
the Atwater Kent orchestra under
Josef Pasternack's direction, and
dominate the vocal efforts of Max
Bloch, Metropolitan Opera tenor,
in the Atwater Kent hour Sunday
evening. May 19.
This concert, the second of the
new summer series, was especial
ly prepared to be in tune with the
rare days and evenings of which
the poets sing. The soloist. Max
Bloch, is one ot the younger and
more lyric of the Metropolitan
Opera tenors and his contribu
tions to the evening will be of a
romantic type. He sings as his
first number the famous old bal
lad "I'll Sing the songs of Araby,"
and will follow this with Guy
d'Hardelot's equally well known
"Because", which was one of Ca
ruso's best known ballads. In his
second group the soloist wiU pre
sent "Duna". usually heard as a
baritone solo and Caruso's song,
"Dreams of Long Ago."
Tomlinson Nam ed
Manager Of Paper
Harold Tomlinson of Salem has
been appointed manager ot the
Willamette Collegian, weekly pub
lication of the Willamette univer
sity student body, for the coming
school year. Mr. Tomlinson has
had considerable experience on
the managerial staff of the paper.
He is a Junior In the college of
law and a member of Kappa Gam
ma Rho fraternity.
Read the Classified Ads.
r. . . Can a, woman commit a 1
f sin so terrible that it be- VijJSSi, --Js
f comes a redeeming sin? Vf "" I
1 Don't miss this tingling mel- ljLs-v
1 w drama of Apache Love. U'X JBI
ARDATH & CO. . . NEALfW- fZ l
Fox Movietone News -Y 'All I
175 S. HiifiTTfeL 1161
E & 0 N B&. E5
TODAY The Great Musical Extravaganza of the Screen
We fk 'em I -o5 VAUDEVILLE
Comein C ZtP
U Your V aW0J 'J
Trouble. . ijl
"Close Harmony"
Popular Drama
Ot Stage Life
"Close Haxmonv" nroved ta be
aptly named at-the Xlslnore the
ater wnere Buddy Rogers and
Nancy Carroll, popular screen lov
ers, appear in a peppy, xestful
Paramount production la which
the "red hot" music of the Jau
age formed the medium for a fine
presentation of their musical and
dramaue talents.
The play, an adaption from the
original story of the same name by
Elsie Jams and Gene Marker, Is a
portrayal of the lives and loves of
th se who gain their livelihood be
hind the footlights on the vaude
ville stage of the big cinema pal
aces. One of the best Fanchon and
Marco raudeville shows seen at
the Elsinore in some time will
be presented again today In con
nection with the feature picture.
California's fruit crop is a fitzie
this year and it is predicted that
thousands of the Native Sons will
be coming to Oregon to work this
falL Won't it be galling to a Call,
fornian to have to plejc Oregon
prunes? Carlton Sentinel.
We honestly believe CRANOLENE
the cranberry cream, will heal
any case of eczema or other skin
trouble. Come in and let us tell
you about it. Use one Jar, and If
you are dissatisfied, your money
will be refunded. Price 1.
115 8. Commercial
aCJrl W
Beet Shows Batons has Ever Had!
Salem's House of Hits!
a I W szm
1 WK.
m sr v m x
tit X V
Put On!
let uIkingWsmxig triumph
i mm a x
w J o i AC V
Li singing Zi8.
feld htti. IMna t
Ferber's novel por- !
t rayed by Iura La
Plante, . Joseph
Sehildkraut . O 1 1
Harlan, Alma Ita
bens, Emily Fitwoy,
Jane I .a Vernr.
SHOW BOAT is more than a picture, more than a novel.
More than a stage show. Show Boat is drama-Romance-Life
-and Entertainment Supremo.
A big road show talking pic
ture, brought to Salem at
regular prices. Adults 60c:
children 25c . . Seattle paid
$2.60; Portland paid 75c
Shows start at 2, 4:30, 7:00
Mid 9: SO. . . Guest tickets
and passes suspended on this
road show attraction.
fait qmm
For One Week Only
May 12th to 17th
In order to move some of our radio stock before our June inven
tory we are offering the following radios at a sacrificed
Amplex Reg. $127.50 Now $94.75
Six tube all electric set, complete with tubes in a beautiful walnut finish
console cabinet.
Buckingham Reg.$165..00 Now $99.50
Six tube all electric radio with power dynamic speaker in a beautiful wal
nut Console.
Radiola 18. Reg. $144.00 Now $89.50
Six tube all electric table model, complete wth tubes and speaker.
Radiola 41 Reg. $241.75 Now $165.00
Six tube aB electric set with RCA dynamic speaker in a beautiful walnut
Radiola 60s Reg $298.00 Now $195.00
A real bargain at this low price.
Radiola 62 Reg. $402.00 Now $265.00
Incorporating the famous super-heterodyne with the RCA dynamic speaker
in a marvelous solid walnut cabinet. Truly the finest in radio.
Radiola IV Complete for $12.50
This set has batteries and speaker built Into attractive compact cabinet.
olsterK22 Reg. $240.00 Now $130.00
. A real buy at this figure, consisting of the six tube all electric radio In a
walnut console cabinet, complete with tabes and speaker.
Orthophonic Victrola with 25 records $50.00
337 Court St
Phone 488