The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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The New OREGON STATESMAN, Sale, Oregoa, Thgreday Morning, May 9, 1929
Formal Tea Given by Moth
er; Grandmother Also
BILVERTON. May 8. Announ
cine the engagement of her
daughter, Dorothy May Hubbs to
James William Jenks of Albany
Mrs. George Hubbs was hostess to
a formal tea at the family home
Mar 1.
Spring flowers were beautifully
used In decoration, and little
Phyllis Adams banded each guest
at the door, a tiny scroll announ
eing the wedding date, June 1.
Miss Hubbs' grandmother. Mrs
L&nra. Hubbs and the hostess
stood in the receiving line, while
Mrs. Frank Hubbs and Miss
Blanche Hubbs received at the
door. Assisting in the dining
room were Mrs. Custer Ross, Mrs.
Ernest Ekman, Mrs. Forest Sta
nley, Mrs. Wm. Ferrin of West
Mesdames George Steelhammer,
It. c. Eastman. J. Morley, and Mrs.
Foster Cone of Salem presided In
the living room.
Henry Stevenson was hostess
Tuesday afternoon at her home
on Oak street, for the ladies mis
sionary society of the Methodist
church. About 20 members enjoy
ed the afternoon following the
short business session in music
and conversation. Light refresh
ments were served by the hostess.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Methodist church will meet in the
church parlors on Thursday af
ternoon for their regular fort
nightly meeting.
Hubbard Band1 To
Take Parade Part
HUBBARD Mav 8 The Hnb-
bard Community band has accept
ed an Invitation from S. C. Pier,
director of outside participation,
to take part in the Merrykhana
parade at the Rose Festival In
Portland, June 11.
The band also will take part in
the crowning of Rex Oregonus
which takes place at the Civic Sta
dium Just before' the Merrykhana
The band was one of the many
organizations that took part In
these events last year and so great
was the interest created by the
tnAfi w rvm ar onfl Aril 1 A rt TTiK
iuvu w vuiuf auu wusauicu u& a. u U
bard who form this splendid or
ganization that the directors were
eager to have them appear again.
They will be dinner guests of Mr.
Pier durmg their visit in Port
land. Riley Makes Music
Talk At Banquet
HUBBARD, May 8 Special)
Dr. and Mrs. P. O. Riley attend
ed the annual banquet of the Ma
sonic club at Eugene Saturday ev
ening. The doctor was the prin
cipal speaker, taking for his sub
ject "The Glory of Our Flag." An
attendance of over 300 was re
ported. Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Riley mo
tored along the McKenzie highway
as far as Belknap Springs. They
Intended to go much further, but
finding the road in bad shape,
they decided to return home.
Coming to
la Internal Medicine for Eighteen
years 1
Will be at
Marion Hotel, Tuesday, May 14.
Office Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
No Charge for Consultation
Many In this community will
avail themselves of the opportun
ity to Tisit Dr. Mellenthin on this
special Tisit to Salem.
The doctor pays special atten
tion to the SCIENCE OP INTER.
He Is trying conscientiously to
eliminate surgery in his treatment
of disease as far as possible.
He has to his credit many won-'
derful results in diseases of stom
ach (especially ulcers), .glands
(especially goitre), ailments of
women, diseases of liver and bow
els, as Infected gall bladder, gall
Stones, appendicitis, chronci con
stipation, colitis, autointoxication
and rectal ailments, circulation
disturbances as high or low blood
pressure, heart and blood disor
ders, Bkin, nerves, bladder, kid
neys, bed-wetting, weak lungs.
tonsils, adenoids, metabolic dis
tnrbances such as rheumatism, sci
atica, leg ulcers and chronic ca
Medicines are prescribed and
prepared for each individual case
In his private laboratory, also spe
cial attention given to diet as to
proper balance and selection of
For this service a nominal
charge Is made. .
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular grad
uate in medicine and surgery and
Is licensed by the State of Oregon.
Married women must be accom
panied by their husbands.
Address: 224 Bradbury Bldg.,
Los Angeles, California,
100 Grangers Enjoy Meet
At Brush College; Work
Is Put on by Degree Team
A large attendance was a feature
at the regular meeting ot the
Brush College grange Friday night
about 100 being present. Arrange
ments for the 6:30 o'clock supper
were in chargo of Mrs. Wayne D.
Henry, chairman and Mrs. J. S.
Worthington. Mrs. W. R. Edwards,
Mrs. A. E. Uttley and Mrs. Walter
The guest table was centered by
a beautiful basket of pansies. Daf
fodils were used at the other ta
bles. Twenty-four members of the
Buell grange were present and
gave the third and fourth degree
work. The team presented a strik
ing appearance in their distinctive
white uniforms.
SILVEItTONTMay 8. Compli
menting Miss Dorothy May Hubbs
whose wedding has been announ
ced for early June, Mrs. H. B. La
tham and her daughter, Mrs. Fos
ter Cone of Salem were hostesses
at a one o'clock luncheon at the
Latham home on Mill street on
Pastel shades of tulips adorned
the rooms and the luncheon table
where covers were laid for the
honor guest and her mother, Mrs.
George Hubbs, Mrs. Laura Hubbs,
Mrs. Frank Hubbs, Mrs. Nuen
berg, Mrs. Helen Curray Aim,
Miss Blanche Hubbs, Mrs. Forest
Stamey, and the two hostesses.
Only very intimate friends and
members of the family were in
Music and conversation filled
the afternoon hours.
A group of the younger set as
sisted in the serving, including
Ruth Hubbs, Billie Eastman, Har
riet Campbell, Frances and Eliz
abeth Keene.
Miss Hubbs is a graduate of
O. S. C, as also is Mr. Jenks. Miss
Hubbs is a member of the Delta
Delta Delta sorority, while Mr.
Jenks is a Beta Theta Pi man.
The young couple will plan to
make Albany their home.
Mother's Day Is
To Be Celebrated
Mothers' day, May 12, will be ob
served by the Brush college Sun
day school with a program to be
given by the primary class prin
cipally. Mrs. Corydon Blodgett
has charge of arrangements with
Mrs. Ann Irons assisting.
Rev. W. C. Kantner of Salem
will give a talk on "Mothers."
The program will be given In
the evening at 8:00 o'clock at the
Brush college school house.
Bridge Tea At
Silverton Fine
SILVERTON. May 8. Mrs. H.
B. Latham was hostess at a very
charming bridge tea in her home
on Monday, nine tables being in
play during the afternoon.
Lavender and pink tulips, pur
ple iris and lilacs were used in
profusion to carry out the decor
Its TIME for a
Oar special
"Rainshini" pro
cess helps every .
"Solar" Straw to re
sist the action of tun
and rain, adding to the
life and appearance of the
hat Only the mass-buying
resources of the J. C Penney
Company make these values
1L I
- $398
Six Candidate Takca la
Six candidates were Initiated
into the grange Friday night,
namely Mr. and Mrs. Caah Rob
erts, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith,
Mrs. C. Bison and Mr. W. Know,
elts. Following the Initiation three
vocal numbers were given: "I Love
a Little Cottage." by Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph H. Scott: "Good Morning.
Brother Sunshine," by Billy Utt
ley and a popular song . by Bob
Lehman. Mrs. Marie Flint McCall
was accompanist for the three
Because of the initiatory work
a very short business session was
held and the negative side of the
debate on "Surplus production of
farm products," was omited.
ative color scheme. Mrs. John
Hoblit and Mrs. Lewis Fischer
poured, while Mesdames Ernest
Ekman, R. E. Kliensorge, Camer
on, and Miss May Service assisted
In serving.
High score during the play
was won by Mrs. Dr. Keene. Mn.
Loar received second honors,
while Miss May Service was given
the consolation.
Mrs. Brown Happy
At Home Reunion
HUBBARD, Ma y8. Mrs. Wal
do Brown was hostess for a Joyful
occasion Sunday when members of
her family gathered at her home
for dinner. She was assisted by
her children, Betty, Boyd and
Guests were her mother, Mrs.
Nora Gard Miller of Portland, her
sisters, Mrs. Forest M. Gist and
children, Gloria and Glenna of
Cloverdale, Mrs. Walter Spaulding
and daughter. Leone of Salem,
Miss Lul aand Miss Lillian Miller
of Portland, Mrs. Linus Pauling
and Linus Jr., of Pasadena, Calif.,
and Mrs. Edwin Brown and Mr.
Mrown and daughter Phyllis of
Vancouver, Washington, her bro
thers Clay Miller and Mrs. Miller
and daughter Barbara of Portland
and George Miller, Mrs. Miller and
George Jr., of Bull Run.
ZEN A, May 8 Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Purvine and sons, Wal
ker and Byron, accompanied by
Miss Mildred Hlatt were Sunday
visitors at the home of Mr. Pur
vine's brother, Cyrus Purvine of
Buena Vista-
Scats on Sale Circus Day at Sherman A Clay Co., 180 S. High.
olar draw
The Hat That Combines
StyleComfort Quality
'Solar" Straw Hats
clusively for the J. C Penney Company. They
are presented in a variety of models and shapes
to rait your style preference. Every "Solar"
Straw is made in strict conformity with
our rigid standards of quality materials
and finished workmanship. Remember
il nil -- jJ
Davis and Louis Wampler went
to Independence Tuesday to get
water system for Mr. Davis.
James A. Looney left Sunday
for Glendale for month' stay. Mr.
Looney has made bis home with
daughter, Mrs. C. U. Van Cleave
and son, O. O. Looney the past
Mr. and Mrs. Schrenk and
daughter, Loretta of Portland
were guests Sunday of Mrs.
Schrenk's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hashlebacher's.
O. G. Looney and family visited
their cousin Virgin Looney at Al
bany Sunday.
Will Tarnell of Salem, and
Maurice Dunigan and Louis
Wampler have constructed a lily
pool and birth bath for Mr. Ed
ward Dunigan, senior.
A wiener roast was enjoyed by
a number of children in Van
Cleave and Luckey Woods Sunday
afternoon. Present were Ernest
Luckey, Iola Luckey. Clarence
Zellniskl, Laurence Zeliniski, Hel
en and San ford Davis, Charlotte
Van Cleave. Kenneth and Norman
Luckey, LaRoy and Richard Van
Cleave and Nora Rutherford.
Mr. and Mrs. lew Fatst were
host and hostess to an enjoyable
party Saturday evening. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Magern and
Romamery, Mr. and Mrs. Phil
Fisher, Mr. Will Chapman and
Mrs. Viola Fisher all of Salem.
Refreshments and radio music
were enjoyed.
Singing Carrier
Away On Vacation
ZENA. May 8. John Moritz.
popular singing carrier on rural
route one, out of Salem is away
on a two weeks' vacation. Mr.
Barney Krector is acting as his
Helen Kane, pupil at the Zena
school accompanied her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Kane of Salem
when they went to Seattle Sat
urday. They intend to return the
first of the week.
See Window Displays
Big 5 Ring
1080 People
Two Performances Daily-Rain or Shine
are designed and styled ex
hat the name "Solar" in your straw
hat is a testimonial of character
backed by the honor of the J.
C Penney Company.
Let Us
Be Your
(Continued from page eight)
the ocean when the almost
drowned, paddling out beyond her
depth, admiring his beautiful,
rhythmical stroke, watching his
wet blond head eleave through
the dark green water.
And then there waa the gala
night, the red-letter night when
he took her to hear Carmen at the
Civic Auditorium and she Suc
cumbed to Flora's entreaties, and
bought a blaek chiffon dinner
dresa for the occasion.
Miss Viola was a little hurt be
cause the hadn't been asked to
make It. "Of course, I coulda
made it for about half what it
cost you. Those boughten things
are just thrown together. Hold
still, is that a flaw? No. It's only
a basting. . . . Very stylish, but
dearie, why did you get black?
Black is so old "
"With her black hair and white
skin it's a crime for her to wear
anything else," Flora shouted,
drowning her out. "In fact If I
were you, Daphne, I'd marry some
old guy with one foot in the grave
so as to be a young widow . . .
if you wouldn't look wonderful
in real swell mourning with one
of those marvelous hats with
Corner Marion and
Dependable Used Cars
at Reasonable Prices
white niching, and a long Tell,
and a string of real pearls to re
lieTe the all black "
"I wore black for Hlnckle two
years, aber no pearl beads, I had
Jet," old Mrs. Hinckle mumbled,
moistening a crooked finger and
rubbing the hem of Daphne's
dress to see if the dye was fast.
"Ach it looks all right, I don't
know, maybe it's stylish, aber, it
wouldn't do for me "
Even Mrs. Spellman, hearing
the confab, came and stood in the
doorway admiring the new dress
and apologizing for her dirty
kimona, "Don't look at me, I been
washing out a few things, I like
to do Mr. Spellman's union-suits
myself, the laundry's so hard on
them That low neck looks fine
on you. Miss Haines, you've got
a real full neck, considering how
thin you are. I always like a
good, plump neck. And legs with
some shape to them. Mr. Spell
man always says . . . Mercy, don't
all look at my legs, I got on an
old pair of stockin's, and Spell
man's slippers, I was just goin' up
THIS expert consultant will analyze the
needs of your skin, your facial con
tour, your hair and your coloring. Tell
her frankly how much you ordinarily
spend for beauty preparations a month
and she will outline your treatment
Court and Liberty-
160 N. Liberty St., Salem, Ore.
Reveals Greater than Ever
Thrift Possibilities!
Here are coats of smartest styling . . markedly fine workmanship . . .
such favored fabrics as broadcloth, twills, poiret-sheens, silks and
mixtures . . . such popular colors as Black, Tan, Navy and other
wanted shades . . . such style-prominent detail as scarfs,
stitching, belts even a few with fur! And be
cause of the unusually successful cooperation
of our buyers with the manufacturers, we
are enabled to offer these coats to you
at only
For Women Misses Juniors
stairs to get cleaned up, time goes
so fast it's fire o clock before a
body knows it"
In the end she had to go up to
Flora's room to get away from the
mob. There Flora brushed her
black hair until it lay slick and
lustrous as satin on her small,
well-shaped head. Lipstick, and
a touch of mascara Flora was an
artist at make-up, and finally
after a half-hearted, "Oh I could
n't. Flora I couldn't think of It,"
she borrowed Flora's Spanish
Coming out of the opera she
saw her fleeting reflection in a
glass. "Oh!" she gasped, stealing
another look to make sure. This
radiant, starry-eyed girl Daphne?
Coming out of the opera with
Ralph McKevitt!
"It's too good to be true," she
thought that night. "It can't last
some darn tblng'll go and hap
pen!" And something must have hap
pened, for he stopped coming.
"Busy!" he explained briefly,
"Sorry I can't get away!" So there
Friday arid Saturday
to have a definite program of Beauty outlined specifically
for your needs by
Miss Dufief
who has been personally trained by
in her Maison de Beautc
wasn't anything to do but bear it.
and make up excuses to tsll the
Inquisitive roomers.
'(To Be Continued Tomorrow ) .
Turn Your
We will call for any amount
of Junk you have and pay
full Cash Value on jacks,
rags, paper, metal, etc.
. H. STEIXBOCK. Prop. .
Telephone 808
145 Center St. By the bridge
Valaze, New York
You will be delighted not only at the
intimate and expert advice you receive
but also at the economy effected in your
usual expenditure for beauty by taking
the advice of an expert in preference to
selecting beauty aids by haphazard
Telephone 7