: , -, , ...... . t . . . ENTER! The City Beaatlfal eampalgsT Is a worthy one; yon sbooM eater your home today. , P. A. Doerfler la president of the Garden Clab, the sponsor of the event. WEATHEH Fair and mild today; De creasing humidity; Light variable winds. 'Max. tem perature Tuesday TO; Min. 87; River ; X rain; North wind. . M- r c rr. . w r rtn a ft rnm n rmt tuts. uv rsvvr tjtuuj Ji tie rcu tio aitc m Marca is. lUt SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 36 Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, May 8, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS SI 5.0 00 VOTED FOR FIRE HULL NEW ELECTION TO BE HELD AT OREGON STATE Local Interests Favored By Protective Tariff as Proposed in Latest Bill He's Busy! Fill i VOTE SUITED TODAY AT Bit IS SLAIN BY RICH HUBBY IN HOLLYWOOD LONG AWAITED 11 T E, Other Improvements Will be Included, Mayor Morlan Tells Residents Protection is Authorized in City Where Three Girls Lost Their Lives MOMOUTH. May 7 (Spl) A decisive vote in favor of improved fire protection was cast here. Tues day when 115,000 In bonds was authorized for construction of a fire hall and purchase of an engine and other equipment. In the special election, 123 votes were cast, 89 for the bond Issue and 34 against. Mayor H. W. Morlan announced after the result became known, that the improvements" would be rushed to completion. They in clud expenditure of $7000 for the truck, hose and. other equipment, In addition to construction of the fire half which will include space for a Jail and the recorder's office. Steps will also be taken to pro vide more fire hydrants and in creased water pressure. The special election was the cul mination of a movement to pro vide better fire protection, started following the disaster in which three women students of the Ore gon Normal school lost their lives December 31 when a rooming house here burned to the ground. SEELAN AREA II IT Petitions Granted After Dis cussion Before District Boundary Board Petitions of the Geelan and Champoeg school districts for an. nexation of Geelan to Champoeg were allowed by the district boun dary board In a lengthy session held In the county court rooms Tuesday, and a compromise was effected with residents of Geelan who wished annexation to Raybell and St. Paul districts. County Superintendent Fulker nn. secretary of the boundary board, declared after the meeting' that the purpose for which the - twarrtrg was called had been ac complished with no opposition, as the real objective was to abolish the Geelan district. The boundary board promised, with acquiescence of Champoeg. that former Geelan residents who wish to annex with Raybell and those who wish to annex to St. Paul may do so as soon as peti tions to that effect are circulated, purely as a matter of form. In a number of instances It will be more convenient for pupils to at tend Raybell or St. Paul schools, which are closer than Champoeg to these sections of old Geelan. and' it was largely as a matter of convenience that the changes were ought. Several high school students from Geelan are attending the St. Paul union high school, and their parents urged that it would be much easier to send the grade school children to St. Paul slong with their older brothers and sis ters, rather than sending them to Champoeg, some distance in the opposite direction. While the annexation becomes effective Immediately, the Geelan school will continue to operate for the remainder of the present term, following which there will be an adjustment of school property. Debit Checks Are Found On Increase Debit checks of the four Salem banks in the month Just closed, exceeded those for April, 1928, ac cording to Babson's statistical agency report, recently received by the Salem chamber of com merce. The figure for April, 1928, was $11,733,907. and for April, 1929. $12,181,471. OF CH Demurrer Argued Todayin Grange Suit to. Halt Fay Grab'of State Lawmakers Twenty-two thousand dollars of state funds are involved" in liti gation starting here in circuit court this morning when a de murrer to the injunction of W. A. JOnes against Hal Hoss, secretary of state and Thomas Kay. state treasurer, is heard by Judge Mc Mahan. The case involves the constitutional right of legislators to Tote themselves $5 expense money as was carled out at the last session In Its closing days. Jones who Is said to represent the executive committee of the state grange and who Is master of Pomona grange in this county, contends in his complaint that the constitution limits the pay of leg islators to 020 per session and r ' ' -sib ' 01 X i.v , X ' Mr," . Saaator Charles McXary who rep resents tbe farmers of America in their demand of the present Con gress that fitting agricultural aid be enacted. Into law. McXary is one of the oat standing men of the sen ate and along with Congressman Hawlejr gives Salem and Oregon distinguished representation at Washington. Lads Watch Automobile And Take It Ed Kellogg, whose address Is 732 North Commercial street, Is n't going to trust any boys who look too obliging to be true not any more. Kellogg's Ford touring car ran out of gasoline at 15th and Belle vue street the -other afternoon, and two youngsters who happened to be in the vicinity volunteered to "watch" the car while Kellogg went to get "a gallon in a can" lots of Statesman readers know how pleasant that is. When he got back with the "gallon," there were no boys In sight; neither was the car. A few questions brought Kellogg the In formation that one' of the boys had formerly been an inmate of the state training school. How they drove the car away with the tank empty, he wasn't able to learn. LEE GOE SALEM'S Lee Coe, senior student, has been selected by Miss June Phil pott, head of the science depart ment and with the approval of Principal J. C. Kelson, as the out. standing science student in the senior high school and according ly will be Salem's choice for dis trict entry for the Thomas A. Edi son scholarship contest to be held at West Orange. X. J. The middle Willamette district in which Sa lem is and of which Robert Goetz of Silverton is director, will choose its candidate at a meeting to be held in Silverton at 1 o'clock Sat urday afternoon. Norborne Berke ley, Jr., debate coach at the high school, will represent Salem at the meeting. Other towns which will compete with Salem for the dis trict honqr Include Corvallis, Al bany, Newberg, Silverton, Dallas, Independence, and other Marion, Polk, Linn or Benton county schools. The Oregon representative, to be chosen here June 1, from the 13 districts into which the state has been divided for the purpose, will compete with candidates from every state in the union and the District of Columbia for the na tional honor. Edison proposes in a way through the contest to se lect his successor in the scientific world. The winner will receive a four year scholarship to some American university. "no more." Legislators who have made up a pool to defend their expense request, are contending that the field of expense money does not come within the scope of the compensation provided for by the. constitution. Custer Tos sof this eity Is to represent Jones while L. T. Harris of Eugene, and W. Lair Thomp son of Portland will appear with Attorney General Van Winkle to represent the state officers against whom the injunction was served. Because of the moment of the case and its bearing on future leg islators, it is expected than an appeal will be made to the su preme court following Judg Mc- Maban s decision. 11 Student Body Votes Ordered Thrown Out After Probe by President Kerr Officers Forbidden to Take Places Due to Alleged Ballot Innovations CORVALLIS. Ore., May 7. (AP) W. J. Kerr, president of Oregon State college, today ap proved recommendations of the faculty investigating committee which found an election April 24 had been conducted irregularly, and ordered a new student body election. The president's order prohibits elected officers from taking office and reverts the entire election to its position following nominations three weeks ago. The investigating committee. Is its report, did not attach blame to either the associated party, composed of fraternities and soror ities, or the colition independent fraternity party which was suc cessful in the election. The asso ciated party attacked the voting on grounds that irregular casting of ballots occurred In the so-called proxy voting by graduate students. The committee found that the executive committee of the stud ent body had not been consulted in election arrangements, nor had the Australian ballot system been followed. Such a system is pro vided in the constitution. G IS PRESENTED HERE Legion Auxiliary Quartet and Other Groups Deliver Pleasing Numbers Music week is bringing to pub lic consciousness all manner of new realizations concerning musi cal organizations in Salem. Tues day night at the Grand theatre the American Legion Auxiliary quar. tet sang a group of numbers, all of which were well received, but one of which, "The Dusk Witch," stood out in remarkable Individ ual beauty. The quartet is unus ually fine and could be made a more popular part of Salem music circles to the advantage of all con cerned. Salem lyric singers under the direction of Miss Lena Belle Tar tar began singing together only a little over a year ago. They have developed remarkably in that time and gave a very creditable concert on the Tuesday night program. Neldlinger's "Rockin" in de Win'," was especially lovely. The second group of women's voices presented on the program was the American Legion Auxiliary glee club. This group sang excellent numbers, outstanding among which was the "Hymn Tonight," Beethoven, with the Auxiliary quarfet solo parts. Miss Lena Eelle Tartar is the di rector for both the glee club and the quartet. Appearing on this, program as a concluding group was the Elks Male Chorus which sang first alone and then in chorus work with the Auxiliary glee club, and the Lyric Singers. This group to gether sang "Unfold Le Portals," Gounod, in such manner as to thrill its audience even though the number was the last to appear on a rather long program. This en semble chorus was under the di rection of R. H. Robertson, direc tor of the Elks chorus. fob mum picnic Preliminary plana for tbe first annual picnic of the Salem Teach ers' association were made at the Teachers' Council meeting held Tuesday afternoon at Parrish jun ior high school. The meeting was the first held by the new council of which Miss Dorothy Taylor is president, and went off with en couraging despatch for a new group of officers, the president reports. The picnic will probably be held the last week In May. Further arrangements will be worked out by a committee head ed by Mrs. Grace WolgamotL ' The legislative committee, of which Miss Phebe McAdams is chairman, gave a report upon teacher pension laws. This com mittee will be continued next year with the same membership, which also includes Mrs. Maybelle Burch and Miss Lina Heist. Miss Tay lor outlined her policies for the coming year, during which she hopes to make the council func tion more efficiently in serving the Salem teachers and In increas ing the professional efficiency of the teachers. DRY OFFICER SUED HARSHFIELD, Ore.. May 7. (AP) Charging him with bum ing her dwelling and chicken hous es during a liquor raid a year ago. Mrs. Emma Martin, Marshfield, today brought suit against E. E. Oakes, state prohibition officer, seeking $1,000 damages. MUSICAL PRO RAM TEACHERS PLANNING Financier Shoots Self After Fatally Wounding Peggy Troxler, Eighteen Frank J. Williams Executes New Will Just Previous to Double Killing LOS ANGELES, May 7. (AP) Frank J. Williams, 4S, finan cier, shot and probably fatally Wounded Peggy Troxler, 18, his bride in her Hollywood home to night and sent a bullet through his own brain. He died la a hos pital two hours later. The couple separated a week ago detectives said. Mrs. Williams was eating din ner with Ruth, Helen and Phylls Grant, sisters, with whom she lived, when WUMama arrived. He askedwto see his wife alone, say ing he was going to Florida. Two of the sisters left the house and Helen went to an adjoining room. She said she had just reach ed the room when she heard two shots. She found Mrs. Williams still conscious. Both were shot through the. head. Shortly before the shooting Wil liams went to the office of his at torney, and made his will, leaving all his property to a former wife. Infatuation Of Two Months Standing Williams, whose widow had sued him for divorce recently, had become infatuated two mounts ago with the Troxler girl. They quarreled, detectives said. Williams called at-the house where the girl lived with Ruth. Helen and Phylis Grant, sisters, while they were eating dinner and asked to see her alone. Two of the Grant sisters left the house and Helen stepped Into an adjoin ing room. Helen Grant said she heard two shots. She found Peggy Troxler still conscious, crying "I'm dying, call an ambulance." At the hospital surgeons said the girl probably would die, and would be blind if she lived. The bullet pierced her temple. Williams was president of the Williams Securities company, di rector of the Citizens Thrift com pany, San Diego, Cal., and former president of the Community. Fi nance corporation. Long Beach, Cal. IE UNTIL NEXT WEEK F. A. Doerfler, newly elected president of the Salem Garden club Tuesday announced that tbe City Beautiful contest has been extended to May 15, and that be cause there are more prizes than entries so far, the committee has added special prizes to farmers and suburban home owners. Mr. Doerfler says: "There Is no entry charge and if you lose, you win. The American Legion, the Kiwanis club and the Salem Re alty Board are spending over $21, 000 to put on conventions in Sa lem this summer. The Legion alone expects more than 20,000 visitors. Surely, if these club3 can spend such an amount, we should do our bit by making our city and community an attractive place to visit." Mr. Doerfler also points to the success of a similar contest start ed In Davenport, Iowa; the beauti- ficatlon program in California; and the part such a program can have In attracting the much-discussed industrial plants and pay rolls. Publicity for the Kiwanis dis trict convention, which will be held here August 18, 19 and 20, and incidentally for Salem and its attractions, is being prepared by tbe convention committee of the local Kiwanis club, to be distrib uted to all of the clubs in Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and the panhandle section of Idaho. Most of these clubs have their weekly bulletins and the publicity matter win appear In these. The local club Is expecting 750 to 1000 delegates here for the convention, and is making elabor ate preparations for their enter tainment. Members of the conven tion committee are U. S. Page, general chairman; Ralph Cooley, president of the club; Ed Schunke, Karl Becke, Dr. Henry Morris, C. B. McCullough, O. J. Myers and W. I. Needham. Woman Accused Of Having Too Many Husbands PORTLAND. Ore., May 7. (AP) Vaneta H&over, alias Rita C. "Boots" Noble, .20, facing a grand Jury .indictment charging her with polygamy, was arrested at -Vale, Ore., today and is being held for Multnomah county an thorities. K MED KIWIS PREPARES HI WORK Extensive Changes Are Provided in New Schedules Exclusive Dispatch is Sent Statesman by Rep. Hawley Extensive changes in the new tariff being considered by con gress, all of which are favorable to the agricultural interests of this valley, are contained In the list of increases telegraphed by Congressman Hawley to The Statesman lata Tuesday afternoon in an exclusive dispatch. Products especially affecting Willamette valley producers in clude flax, filberts, sheep and goats, chickens, walnuts, wool, cherries, tulips) onions and cheese, all of which are subject to major increases over the existing sched ules accbrding to information fur nished by Mr. Hawley who as chairman of the ways and means committee has been extremely in fluential in tbe formation of the new tariff. Mr. Hawley's wire reads: Tariff On Beef And Veal Doubled "Among changes proposed in the new tariff are increases in beef and veal from three to six cents a pound. Sheep, lambs and goats are raised from $2 to $3 a head. An increase is made in cheese from four to seven cents a pound. Five to seven cents a pound is made on live poultry. On dressed poultry the increase is from three to six cents a pound. "Turkeys are increased ten cents per pound. Baby chicks are four cents each, eggs eight to ten cents per dozen, frozen eggs six to eight cents a pound. Cherries Are Given Added Protection "Cherries sulphured or in brine with stems and pits five and one half cents pound; with stems and pits removed, nine - and one half cents pound. Maraschino, candled, etc., five and one-half cents a pound plus forty per cent ad valorem. Bulbs of tulips, lily, narcissus and lily of the valley all increase from $2 to S6 a thou sand. "Filberts in the shell are raised from two and one-halt cents to five cents; shelled 10 cents. Pound of walnuts in the shell are in creased from four to five cents; pound of shelled walnuts from 12 to 15 cents. Pound of onions are increased from one to one and three-fourths cents. Rate On Flax Straw Increased "Pound of flax straw is raised $2 to $3 ton. Hackle or dressed line is raised from $40 to $60 a ton. Ton noils $15 to $20 a ton. Wool is raised from 31c to 34c a pound in clean contest. f "Approximately lOOitems ad- (Turn to Page 10, Column 1.) George Perke, 12-year old lad who says his home is in Oakland. Calif., was brought before Mrs. Nona White, county Juvenile offi cer, Tuesday morning following a night's sojourn at the Chemawa Indian Training school after his money ran out as he was on his way home to Oakland from a two weeks' visit to an aunt at Wood burn. Mrs. White immediately sought relatives to learn why the lad was given but a dollar, as he said, to return to Oakland. Georga de clared a cousin had brought him north two weeks ago and that he had spent the intervening time with bis aunt, who Monday gave him a dollar and started him homeward. Conflicting stories of the Incident had developed last night and whether or not the lad's story Is strictly true will probably be learned today as the case la be ing further Investigated. Navy Balloon Is Declared Winner Of Extended Race PITTSBURGH. Pa.. May 7. (AP) The navy balloon No. 1, tonight was credited with winning the 1929 national elimination bal loon race. The crew of the Detroit Times entry, last of the bags to report, advised race headquarters late today that they had landed near Neweomb. N. T., and that all was well despite discomforts experienced in landing In an iso lated district. E. J. Hill piloted the "Times." entry and Axjthur Schlosser was his aide. CORPSE FOUND MONTREAL, Que., May 7. (AP) A body Identified by the family chauffeur as that of Miss Barbara Pitcher, missing McGill university student who disappear, ed March 21, was recovered today from Black river, - near a convent at Sault A a Recollet. IDUIEUE TRAVELER l JUVENILE COURT Tuesday in Washington By tbe Associated Press The new tariff bill was intro duced Jn the house. Harry F. Sinclair was put to work in the prison pharmacy. Senator Watson Informed the president that a senate vote on the export debenture plan was expected tomorrow. Bolivia protested to the state department against the Tacna Arica settlement agreed to by Peru and Chile. President Hoover said the government would follow up Us declarations at Geneva fav oring further disarmament. Senator LaFollette called the commercial committee to con sider a resolution for investiga tion of textile working condi tions In the south. Senator Brookhart Introduced a bill "to outlaw block book ing" of moving pictures. T Drainage and Arrangement of Field Studied by Spe cial Engineer Preliminary surveys looking to ward the early Improvement of Salem's new municipal airport, are being made by R. D. Cooper, engineer employed by the airport committee, it was announced Tuesday, and a tentative plan will probably be ready sometime next week. At that time Marshall C. Hop pin, airport specialist sent out by the aeronautics branch of the United States department of com merce, will visit Salem, and after going over the site and conferring with the engineer, he will meet with the airport committee to ad vise its members in connection with these plans. Surveys which Mr. Cooper is making Include the matter of drainage, and also studies of the best arrangement of the .Xleld, and wifh his report and the advice of Mr. Hoppin, the committee wil probably at Its meeting next week determine what additional land should be purchased to make the field a, class A airport. Early improvement was made possible by the sale of $25,000 of the $50,000 in bonds authorized, to the Ladd, and Bush Bank Mon day night by the city council. Members of the committee be lieve that this will enable them to pay for the state land, purchase of which has already been nego tiated with the state board of con trol, purchase the additional land needed, and improve the field suf ficiently so that it can be dedicat ed in August. The plan has been to hold dedicatory exercises in connection with the American Le gion state convention, to- be held here August 8, 9 and 10. No call for bids on the remain der of the bonds has been au thorised as yet by the city council. Approval of the sale of carna tions for "Mother's Day" on the streets of Salem the coming Sat urday is given by Mayor T. A. Livesley in the following state ment: "My attention has been called by the President of the Salem Chapter of American War Moth ers for permission to sell carna tions for "Mothers Day" on the streets of Salem on Saturday, May 11, 1929. "As the proceeds of the sale of these carnations go to the relief of the veterans and their families, I deem it a worthy cause and trust it will receive the suport of our loyal citizens." Patterson Back After Jaunt To Southern Oregon Governor Patterson returned here Tuesday night after a "week spent In Southern Oregon. He at tended the sawmill celebration at Glendale last Wednesday, and la ter went to Klamath Falls where he spoke before the chamber of commerce Friday flight. He spent yesterday Inspecting the various irrigation and drainage projects In Josephine county. Governor Patterson stopped off in Eugene today, where he had official matters requiring his at tention. NOW BEING IDE APPROVES SltOFCUK Readjustment of Num erous Rates is Effected Tobacco and Spirits to Be Left Unchanged By Measure WASHINGTON, May 7. (AP) A readjustment m of the protec tive tariff structure set up seven years ago after the republicans took control the government was proposed by the majority mem bers of the ways and means com mittee in voluminous bill present ed today to the house and design ed to replace the Fordney-McCum-ber law of 1922. Substantial increases In rates designed to afford greater protec tion to American farmers, sugar producers, wool growers and many manufacturing industries were recommended, although a o in e schedules, notably those dealing with tobacco and spirits, were left unchanged. Few alternations were proposed in other schedules, deal ing with books and paper, and iron and steel. Cuban Raw Sugar Slightly Increased The Increase generally accre dited on Capitol Hill with being of the greatest moment to the peo ple, were 64-100 of a cent a pound on Cuban raw sugar, with the new rate 2.40 cents a pound, and three cents a pound on raw wool, with the new rate 34 cents. Compensatory increases in prac tically all manufacturers of wool, including clothing, blankets, and the like, were proposed, with like increases affecting molasses, ma ple sugar, syrup and dextrose. Although raw cotton would be left on the free list by the bill, substantial advances in duties were proposed in the case of cot ton goods, more particularly those of the finer grades, with the ex planation that the purpose Is to improve conditions in the New England textile industry as far as may be possible by means of the tariff. Besides advancing rates, the ways and means republicans pro posed many changes in methods of administering the law, chief among which Is authorization to the president to Investigate sys tems for valuation in the United States on which to base duties on imports and to report to congress with plans for its use. JAPANESE BOY IS SAVED FROM DEATH An unidentified Japanese boy about, eight years old was rescued from 'the millrace opposite the Willamette university campus, by Ray Suing, 1108 North Church street, and Carlton Roth, 1113 North Cottage, Tuesday night, just as the little fellow was about to float under the bridge near Lausanne hall. Playing with several other chil dren near the race, the boy fell in and was carried downstream. Attracted by the cries of his com panions, the two youths, who hid been playing baseball with others on the Willamette field, rushed to the scene. Suing jumped in to the .water and caught the lad by a leg, and Roth, reaching down from the bridge, grasped his cloth ing and together they pulled him out. There was strong possibility that he would have been drowned if he had gone a few feet farther. The victim's name was not learned, as he ran home, sobbing, as soon as he was placed on dry land. DIVORCK 18 QUICK LONG BEACH, Cal., May 7. (AP) In the Quickest divorce ac tion In the history of Los Angeles courts, Mrs. zeila Smoot Nibley, daughter of U. S. Senator Reed Smoot, today was divorced from Carlyle Nibley, local automobile dealer. Wide Variety of Opinions Expressed on Subject of Water Supply for Salem Divergent opinions on how and through what agency Salem should receive Its water supply were expressed Tuesday in inter views gathered by The Statesman but none of the citizens who dis cussed the matter with reporters failed to expresslhe opinion that a marked Improvement was need ed Immediately "in the quality of water supply here. Statements were made Inform ally by townspeople and their re actions were not gathered with the intent of showing more than random opinion about the prob lem now before the city. The statements follow: " "Salem's water supply ought to come from the mountains," said Newell Williams, secretary of the Oregon Finance corporation. "Per Tense Atmosphere Pervades Senate as Forces Line Up for Battle Administration Leaders Face Difficult Job Defeating Export Debenture WA'SHINGTON, Hiy 7. (AP Despite determined efforts by senate administration leaders te rally a majority for defeat of tbe export debenture plan opposed by President Hoover, an element of unsteadiness within their ranks today brought discouragement em what was expected to be the ev of a vote on that feature of tbe farm relief bill. The most recent check by tb debenture group was asserted te show a margin of five votes in fa vor of retaining that disputed see tlon. Members of the administra tion group declined to estimate their strength by the opinion vm expressed that the vote would be extremely close. Watson Tells Hoover About Situation This outlook was conveyed to President Hoover today by Senat or Watson, the republican leader. The veteran Indiana legislator de clared later that even if the de bentures were approved by tbe senate, that provision would be eliminated in the ensuring con ference by a committee of gen ate and house members. Watson is sponsoring the elim ination move in the senate, and his success or failure was expect ed to be known by late tomorrow or Wednesday. An agreement to limit further debate on the debe- (Turn to Page 10, Column 1.) ARE AGAIN AI W ' HAMMOND, Ind., May . (AP) Three men, apparently "ride" victims, were found beaten to death early today in a littl used side road off Sheffield ave nue. Two bodies, one piled on the other, lay in the back of a four passenger coupe which was nosed into a ditch. A third body was found beside the road 40 feet away. A police squad discovered the bodies shortly after one o'clock this morning. The men in the coupe were about 24 years old. the other victim about ten years older. All three, had been brutally beaten. It was not determined in the cursory examination made of the bodies whether they had benn shot. There was an Illinois license plate on the coupe. It had been issued to J. Cerny of IJerwyn, III., who recently reported the car sto len. The early police theory was that the death marked a new outbreak of Chicago gang warfare. Mystery Veils Roseburg Death Despite Inquest ROSEBURG, Ore.. May 7. (AP) With nothing but tbe knowledge that an unidentified masked man demanded George X. Hess, federal building Janitor, to turn on the light no he could see to kill bim, Douglas county au thorities today opened the Inquest into the mysterious slaying of. Hess last Saturday morning. Excepting for the repeating of Mrs. Hess story, little was accom plished. Hess was slain by a bul let fired through a bedroom win dow by a black-masked assailant as he and his wife fled through the door. Both the theories of rob bery and enemies have been dis carded. sonally I would rather see a pri vate company in charge, but I can see the difficulty In Inducing a private company to go to that ex pense." "Willamette river water should not be used'any longer than Is ab solutely necessary." said James Preble, law student at Willamette university. "The city should go into the water business and bring its water from the mountains, de-. veloplng power at the same time." "The water doesn't .kill the grass on my lawn nor the lilies in my pond, but outside of that I can't say anything for It," said Ray Ritchie, employe at the Han-sen-LHJequist mill. "The city ought to take over the task of sup plying waterrynd it ought to (Turn to Page 10, Column L) CHICAGO GANGSTERS