"A Society Combined Chorus Gives Splendid -: Program I. . ! An outstanding concert of Mb- i Tveek srfll be airea thia eye-l lie muff ib iu urtuiu iuvvu u vw atafins; orjanlsaUons ot th city. f; American Legion auxiliary Slee k club and quartet, the Salem Lyric '.singers and the Elks club chores. Te choral group will appear sep- -irately and combined. The final nmtra on the nroarara will bel iY,m assembled rrouo ot singers ! rrm n w . niTtd thoru of more I than seventy yoices. J arf.n irion auxiliary glee club and quartet established .i ...i - .v MmAtnrA atfttel U refutation at the Medford sUte f convention last August by win ning -the competitions in the choral contest. This group .of singers includes many popular soloists of the town, Mrs. R. W. Wya'tt. Mrs. Frank Lilburn, Mrs. D. J. Bowe. Mrs. Fitxgerald and " Mrs. Walter Zosei. The Salem Lyric singers Include twenty-five young ladies of the town who are not members ol any other singing organisation and who have met each week tor the pleasure of having practice in part singing. This group also in cludes a number ot solo voices. Neva Cooler, Ruth Stermer, Mary cMt Elisabeth Clement, ' i XT' A wds Jewell and Mildred Card- wards. a- Bene ma ner, Mary mctouc-- . riett Adams ana iiacuo - mings. The Elks chorus includes twen ty select men's voices that prac tice regularly nnder the direction of Mr. Robertson. This group has oi r uT. appearea i lo4e U W cause it represents the only men s , chorus in the city. ' The program for the evening will include many interesting chorus numbers that have not been heard before in Salem. The combined ladies choruses will ting, "Learest Lord Jesus' Bach. -On the Steppe' Grcchanlnotl I and -The rfeavens Are Telling H The' combined ladies and men's choruses will sing "A Sweet .Mystery" Herbert. "Goln' Home iborak. and "Unfold Ye Portals Gounod. . Directors for the concert are Miss Lena Belle Tartar and R. H. Robertson. The accompaniments will be played by Miss Lucile Cum- mings! Mrs. Bearnice Skeen and Mr. Clarence Wenger. Reception Will Honor Returning Regent Mrs. Homer Goulet. regent tor Ae Chemeketa chapter of the D. -o m he honored with a re- eeption in celebration ot her re- n from Washington, U. V-I where she has been attending ; the nations', conference In Pan with her sister ana .Z XZl Mrs. Clyde Apperson, so It was e- cided in the Monday meeting oi , the D. A. R. at tne cuy t..o.ii ratlin and Mrs. Frank Spears will be hostesses tor this affair. No -detinue i been set as it is not known when Mrs. Goulet will arrive Further business plans made were for a cooked food sale to be sponsored May 18. Molly Hill Styles spoke concern-U During me proerm ing the history ot music and sev- era! musical numoers c" 1 in honor of music ween. i The "Piper ' Cast Of Child Characters nf the Salem Drama loaeue for which the date has not yet been set, will present a group and paper ariTe on Friday and ot most interesting child char- gaturday ot tbIs week. The pro mAr. The main characters oi ---j. frnm tnA iM vA AtviA the 75 children which will appear ed utwtn the BeTen drclea t0 have been announced as "WB- apply on this hundred dollar quo Jan The littfcj shipwrecked star, u wbch eajh yeaf paJd ntothe Richard Smith. General Aid Fund. .lira. W. C. Kuno Son of Axel, the Smltn, Yomg pregident ot the General Wilson Meynard. Aid and her committee are In .yu,7",v "wi;: ciiisaueiu auu ren Downs. Else Daughter of Hans, the Butcher. Patty Neimeyer. Second Acolyte, William Mudd. Trudie, Helen Rhea Kestley. Hansel. David van Cleave. . Rudi, Maurice Mercer. -Children, Joan Newcomb, Patty , Llvcsley. Jean and Janice Mey- ers.- Harry " GTay. William KJng, Mary Kestley. . The Woman's Foreign mission ary of the First Methodist church will meet In the church parlors on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. M. C. Findley the president, pre siding. Mrs. J. S. Green will have charge of the devotions; Mrs. C. W. Day, Mrs. F. L. Odom and Mrs. H. C. Scott will act as hos tesses. Leland Chapin of Willam ette University will speak, on Chi- ' na and Miss Lucile Cummings will 'provide special music ' " The church school board of the First Methodist church wlll hold Its regular ; - monthly business meeting in the Wesley Class room of th church. Reports of th. u-. permtendenta will he given and plana for Children's Day will be discussed. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Filslnger, Mr and Mrs. ' John i Spong, Mr. and - Mrs. Roy Shelton, Mr. aad Mrs. . John Hawk, and Mrs. C H. Busey - were recent Woodmen ot the World guests from- Salem to the Woodmen of the World meeting In Dallas. . s, Dr. '. Mary i Purvinv jnotored ,to McMlnnTille-Mohday night to be : present for the Business and Pro- fesaloaal Woman's " banquet of " that town. Dr. Purvine took with her 'as special guests Miss Mosel Hair, stat president of th-organ-- taation, Miss Josephine Shade, Sa fest president and Miss Grace S- kOtt 1k "'-' ' h. - .J. r- K' News arid Club Olive JJ. Doaxv SOCIAL CALENDAR ' " Twcoday - Eleanor Moor. soloist, Klwanls War Mother'!, 2: SO o'clock, Y. M. C. A. American Lerlon auxiliary alee elab. and uuartet. Salem Lyric singers, and Elks clnb chores. Grand theatre, S:li wwsw "Rip Van Winkle," "Hla- watha" operettas, Parrish Junior high, S o'clock. Public invited. Musical kindergarten, t o'clock to 11. icpiscopai rmr- rish house. Salem school bands in con- .cert before program. Grand theatre. Lawrence Deacon, bar! tone. Elslnore WeflBeKUT Willamette UnlTersity En semble program, I: IS, Wal ler hall. "BuIbuL" operetta Leslie Jr. high. Grand theatre. Mrs. Martin Ferry presents program. Girls Training school. . Musical kindergarten, o'clock to 11, Episcopal Par ish house. Lucille Cummings, con tralto,. Rotary. Thursday Louis Ferry recital, 4:30 o'clock, C57 Chemeketa street. The Academy .of the Sacred Heart concert, St. Joseph's auditorium, 8:15 o'clock , st.t- Behooi or the bll SUte school for the blind. E. Ruth How, Joy Turner Moses' students. 8 o'clock. Bulbul. Leslie Junior high school, Grand theatre, 8:15 o'clock. v Beethoven club, concert, . Qld PeoDle.8 nome. ' " flnthyn Turney. tuberculo-- orcheAra U4I special members. Eleanore Moore Arbutus Rudie, sketch from "Madam Butterfly," Elsinore. Friday H. M. S. Pinafore, Grand theatre. 8:15 o'clock. Y. M. C. A. auditorium, special program, Iva Claire Love, Ruth Bedfor. Ida Mathews, Ronald Craven, 8:lf. Elizabeth Levy, violin stu dents, special program, boys' Industrial school. Musical kindergarten, t o'clock to 11, Episcopal Par rish house. Salem school bands in con cert . before program. Grand theatre. Melodette quartette, Lions club. Daughters of Veterans "Home Coming" dinner, 8 o'clock. Salem Woman's club house. Saturday Pageant, "The Blue Tri angle," Willson park, S o'clock. The Salem Choral , society. . Grand theatre. 8:15 o'clock. a.knWrt i-hnnl Vl.lnnrit. clare gtudent eltal. Roberta studio. 8 o'clock m rasMiay Special music week pro gram, Leslie Memorial church. Minnie Miller in recital, Roberts studio, SO 5 North Summer St.. 3:30 o'clock. Arbutus Rudle, soloist, aft ernoon and evening, Capitol. Ford Memorial, West Sa lem, Mrs. Clifton Mudd In charge, evening. Vint rhrlotlin rhnrrii , Minnle Miller at organ, Lois piummer, piano. Angela JacK- CDoIr director, evening. Knight Memorial, '8 o'clock, cantata, "Chambered Nautilus." First Methodic church is sponsor ling a rummage sale and magazine chJ5 of the plans. The Ladies Aid of Christ Lu theran church will hold their reg ular meeting Wednesday at two o'clock in the church parlors, Mrs. Lieske, Mrs. R. Meyer and Mrs. Nets will be hostesses. 'Slender Lines For Matron' Society E&itvi Musical Sponsored At Kreft Home Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fis cher sponsored a musical .at th horn of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kraft Matteson. Country Gardens ...... Grainger Win. H. Fischer . My Task . . B. L. Aahford Marxareta Hartlng Smllln' Thru Arthur Fenn Th Phone Bell Rang,... Hey ser -Ladies' Quartet Pal Moon . . . .Frederick Knight Th Rosary ....Ethelbret Nevln Logan Selma Hlllman-Flschar In Th Sweet Bye and Bye, SMer Frieda Dobberfuhl Llttl Mother of Mine H. T. Burleigh All Thru th Night ..... Old Welsh Melody Marrareta Hartwlr Reading ........ Hulda Schults Beautiful Moonlight ... Glover Margareta Hartwlg and Irene Roemhlldt Wldmung ....... .Robert Frans EIn Schwan ............ .uneg Lehn Deine Wang Adolph Jensen Selma Hillman-Flscher Die Lorelei Fr. Sllchen Sextet Gypsy Love Song .Victor Herbert Ladles' Quartet The Erlking Schubert Rev. H. W. Grosa Non e Ver Tito Mattel Ore Maria ........ Bach-Gounod Selma Hillman-Fischer Evening Song Parks Octet Sunset-Reverie Sentimental Carlo Mora Wm. H. Fischer Mr. Fischer and Irene Roem hildt accompanied the singers. .After the nrocram refreshments wefet served Mxs: C. Kreft ot Dal las and Mrs. -A. Kreft of Salem presiding at the punch bowl. Those nresent were Mr. and Mrs. Hart wig, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kreft, of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold of Albany. Mr. E. Roemhlldt ana Mr H. Burris of Portland, miss Aim a Hoiman ana xaiss rneas uvuwi fnhl of Mt. Angel. Rev. and Mrs Gross, Prof, and Mrs. H. Ruecker. the Misses Hulda Schults, Ida a- ber and Elsie Kreft. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hinx, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Mill er. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kreft. Mrs, 1.. Mever. Mr. and Mrs. L. Laue, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fischer all of Salem. Luncheon Given Winning D. EL Team Members ot the D. E. elub dl Tided themselves into tour groups early last October for an educa tional fund contest with the un derstanding that the losing teams should entertain th - winning team. The winning team. Mrs. Al hert O'Brien, Mrs. M. J. Petsel Mrs. F. M. Alley. Mrs. H. Hart man. Mrs. H. Lynch. Mrs. B. Zie- linlkl, Mrs. E. A. Thompson, ana Miss Ruth Brentano, were enter talned with a one o'clock lunch eon followed by a card party at the Elk's club. For the "500" score Mrs. A. A Mickle won first prize and lor bridge Mrs. P. F. Kilian won first prise. The guest prize was won by Mrs. Albert O'Brien. Plans were made for continu Ing the work begun on the educa tlanal fund urogram. Mrs. A. A Mickle wil be the next hostess for the D. E. elub. Entertaining for this affair were Mrs. S. J. Gentzkow, Mrs. 5. Dimeler, Mrs. T. D. McClain, Mrs. William McLaughlin, Mrs. P. F Kilian. Mrs Olive Belisle, Mrs. A. Bairev. Mrs. T. A. Windlshar, Mrs. N. Roque. Mrs. M; Lane, Mrs E. Eckerlen, Mrs. V. Nadstanek, Mrs. W. Quackenhush. Mrs. J. Per ry, Mrs. C. Roach. Mrs. A. A. Mickle, Mrs. A Engel, Mrs. A. H. Schneider, Mrs. J. E. Smith, Mrs. F O'Brien, Mrs. A E LaBranch. Mrs. V. Com p ton, and Miss Anna O'Brien. Little David Smith, Jr., crown bearer for Willamette's May queen, will be featured on the "Myrohhl Smiling Tooth Army" program, which will be broadcast over KGW today, at ,4:30 p. m. This program is directed by Miss Jane McNanghton. supervisor of music, Portland public schools. David, Jr., will sing several solos. Mrs. David Smith, Sr., will accom pany the young soloist to Port i land. ' Pattern 1270 The Statesman 15c Practical -!" Pattens The model shown today Is slim ming and attractive for the ma tured figure. The long cascading collar and graceful skirt Jabot car ry the eye the entire length of the xrock creatine sender lines of chic, There Is a very slight bleuslng at the sides ot tbe frock that further help the stout silhouette. Many printed fabrics would be lovely for Design 1270. Silk crepe with tiny 'designs, blue and white . dotted fonlard or flowered georg ette. Th charming collar, and cuffs maybe made of plain color , that harmonises with th color scheme of the material used. . May. be obtained, only In sises St, SI, 40, 4Z, 44, 4C and 48. Six SI requires 34 yards printed 'and yard plain fabric, 40 inch- as wide. -This model la easy to make. No dressmaking experience Is neces sary. Each pattern comet to you with, simple And exact Instruc tions, including jardag for every six. A perfect tit is guaranteed. -. Patterns will be delivered upon re ceipt ot Fifteen Cents (lie) " In i coins carefully wrapped or stamps. B- sure to - writ plainly your nam, address, style number and ix wanted. - - -" Our new spring and summer fash- Son book will be sent upon receipt t ten cents In, coin. Address all : mail and orders to Statesman Pat - tern 'Department. - S4S ' W.-- 17th Affairs PrkrxroDic Chih 7c VUlVCUHb IslUU . IS Guest Oi Salem mm I frnlJr .1 Th Art and Needle elub of Cor-l vallis waa entertained by Mr a. A. spragn and Mrs. K. K. Hewitt Monday for an 11 o'clock! breakfast at the Spragn horn. w mkmk ... a m & mm, . . a I t ouowing Dreaaiast ins eiuo neia short business meeting, and I were then taken to enjoy a line I party for "The Ghost Talks," at I ton, Mrs. Frank Moor, Mrs. Gro the Capitol theatre. fver Hinman, Mrs. O. P, Thayer', At the close ot th show the I guests were entertained with tea at th R. R. Hewitt home before motoring back to Corvallls.' Special guests wer Mrs. Mar tha Schmuck, mother of Mrs. Sprague, and Mrs. Helse, mother of Mrs. Hewitt, and Mrs. A. Siewert, sister of Mrs Hewitt. Club members of the Art and Needle club of which both hostesses were members during I their recent residence In Corrallis, I who motored to Salem for this I occasion were: Mrs. A. B. Mac- Leod, Mrs. C. B. Mitchell, Mrs. L. L. Noble. Mrs. J. M. Nolan. Mrs J. H. Pinkerton. Mrs. J Fred Yates. Mrs. U. G. Dubach. Mrs. Sam Walters, Mrs W. A. Jensen, Mrs. J. R. Jewell, Mrs. W. M. Ball, Mrs. W. A. Bates, Mrs. J. A. Bexell, Mrs. Minnie Bosworth. Mrs. J. J. Flnley, Mrs. A. E. Frost, Madame Gunn, Mrs. R. J. Gunn, Mrs. J. T. Hay and Mrs. R. C. Mc intosh Daughters of Veterans Install New Tent The department of Oregon, Danghters of - Union Vetesana .of the Civil war haye aded a new tent to their number, making twenty tents In the state. This new tent was instituted in the city of Gor- vains, Saturday evening. May 4, by the department president, Miss Mane Bennett, or Portland, miss Bennett Is a former Salem girl, 5K? The new tent started with 33 cureu lurougn ill enuiio ui mm. T(Crci:-w r. .r hav made numerous visits to Cor. .-111. . 1. l-nff The newly elected officers were installed by Miss Bennett assisted by the following Salem tent mem bers: Mrs. J. W. Entress, Mrs. Laurine Stow. Mrs. Tyler Morley, Mrs. Margaret Ringle, Mrs. Kath ryn Brown, Mrs. Laura Arpke, Mrs. Paul Bales and Mrs. E. E Bergman. Mrs. I. D. Bennett ot rrn.;. r hrrf present from th tents at Albany in,aiT. v1 i and Eugene to add intert to the ""bitten, some i of which are be occasion. A banquet was served at ln ?er'c?tedvta orsmanship WW OI S SJ V MV th dose of the evening. . Th new tent Is well started on -- ; 'uuu the way to a very successful year, the riders seems to Indicate an eo Th institution of this tent makes J?Tbl "me for all concerned at y,m nrnlutnn more utronrlT en- tmmnmltmA fn th. wUtrn Ttnrt (II the .t.u a thr is now a tent ...v a (ia i...., -iff frnm 7 . . r7.r,A .ny, A.hi.nd. also at Astoria and Marshfield. This ! th thirrt new tent dnrme inj . ui.. t tViA nthmr two being at Newberg 'and Beaver- ton. Stunt Night is Plan for B. & P. W. The Business and Professional Woman's club is planning a "stunt night" for its next meeting. May 16, at the Woman's ciuo- nouse. Each committee is to originate and present a stunt, under the ai- rection of "Its chairman. me chairman who will be. responsible for stunts are Mrs. Blanche Isher- wood, publicity committee, juiss Grace Taylor, nomination com- mlttee. Mrs. Emily Howard, mem- bership committee, Mrs. Grace Se- hon. health committee, Miss trace Gilliam, headquarters commitxee, Miss Olive M. Dahl, program com- mlttee, Mrs. FheDe MCAaams, 11- nance committee. Miss Grace Hen- drickson. emblem committee, Miss June Philpott. education and re- search committee, Dr. Mary Pur- Tine, cooperation committee, and the chairman for the new mem- hers committee, xaiss aiubuu Schwabbauer. The evening will be under the general charge of the hospitality committee whose chairman is Mrs. Susan Varty. The annual Mother and" Daugh tqr banquet sponsored b y the Men's Council of the First Metho dist church wiU be held In the church parlors Friday evening. The executive committee compos ed of Messrs. U. G. Holt, J. B. Crary and B. H. White with a pro gram committee of ladles, Mes damea A. A. Lee, J. M. Canse, R, C. Glover and Miss .Sutherland, will have had general charge of the evenings plans. Th ticket and Invitation committee includes: Mesdames W. M. Pennington. Mary Walx, E. T. B. Hill, and R. N. Al len. All mothers and girls who are members or friends ot the 'church are eligible to attend this banquet. Waste Your ; JUNK r We win be glad to so to your place and pay the tuS value. We want SACKS 4 . Bags, Paper, iletal. Etc Salem Junk Co. sso w. St, 489 UHeuBMi&iClub Has Last Party For Year ' Mrs. Fred Williams was hostess for tb last luncheon bridge party (fl. .a. TWimr Gal elnb this for th LHeur Gala elub this rear. The luncheon tables were centered with long stemmed yel- iow iuups ana yeuow tapers. Following luncheon bridge was m a m a in piay. an. viaj irwu won uiv i artomoAii nrui ror nicn score. Members nresent were Mrs. 8. r. DiDnel. Mrs. A. C. Nelson.- Mrs. hHarold Hughes. Mrs. Guy Irwin. Mrs. E. E. Ling. Mrs. Bert Flack. Mrs. G. L. Forge, Mrs. C. V Me- mtm m k m mmmm . m iveivey, Mrs. koss Biaweii, xars. W. H Hogaa, Mrs. R. H. Baldock. Mrs. John Orr, Mrs. I. M. Dough- and Mrs. Williams. Mrs. EL Carlson Has Informal Afternoon Mrs. EmQ Carlson entertained with an Informal afternoon at her home on' North 4 th street Satur- theiday afternoon in honor of Mrs Carrie Fowl and Mrs. Teresa Kriesel, the latter a popular mem ber of the Silverton high school faculty who will be leaving early In the summer for California. Mrs. rowie nas just returned rrom uai ifomla, where she has been visit UK for some time. Spring flowers among which Iris and tulips predominated made at tractive decorations for the guest rooms. Mrs. Carlson was assisted in serving at the close of a very happy afternoon by Mrs. Merrill Richmond. The guest list included the hon or guests, Mrs. Carrie Fowle and Mrs. Teresa Kriesel, and Mrs. Frances Neer, Mrs. Burton Mey ers, Miss uora Taiaington. miss Oda Chapman, Mrs. C W. Biener, Mrs. Clarence Siewert, Miss Mar ion Siewert, Mrs. Charles Sher- man. Mrs.'L. O. Smith. Mrs. Mer rill Richmond, Miss Jessie Miller, Miss Agnes Bayne. Miss Ada Ross. Mrs. Otto K. Paulus, Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist. Mrs. Al Rasmussen, Mrs. L. E. Barrick. Mrs. William East and Mrs. Harry L. Clark Hunt Club Plans rormal Ooenincr frw ,-., ft.v f tli W nlng to tell and they are now get- ng all ready for a grand opening to be held at the state fair ground idium May 17. R ,,j ,A re Special drills are being worked out with daily practice under the guidance of "Jimmy" Emmons, th riding master whose work is proving so successful that even hurdling Is planned for the open ing night. The kiddies class, too. is planning a special number or I two for their contribution to the evening entertainment. I mmm " ,lu "V ,v ua"' rm" ""'"s "el"- -nin wi be tne recture top- II. C V 1 .1 - IV. 1 v iui mg iccuur innusi ui tue Woman's Missionary society of the Wwt Presbyterian church Wednes- "" .w ' 1 nere win do lantern siiaes to illustrate the discussion. A social uv ui niii luuvw -b viuw tiuio Mrs. R. H. Robertson will be so- loists. Anyone will b welcome for this afternoon. Belated Information has it that Miss Jennie Tbomnson was ouiethr married to Tom M. Tatham April . Mrs. Tatham is a Salem high school graduate and well known 1 jn the younger circle. She Is now connected with the University Guild I The Salem. Daughters of the wm boid an all-day meeting Wednesday. Hostess for this meet ng are Mrs. Mesa Liljequist, Mrs Lattla Lewis. Mrs. Cora Lausrhlln jjrg Emma Bombeclt and Mrs Alic Hoff. Members are requset ed to bring sandwiches Mr8 G A White motored to PnrtlsnA Mnnrlav tn sttn1 the Ja8t meeting of the season for the Army and NaTy League. This last meeting. was celebrated with a plcnIc at notne of Mrs Henry AIke of m.-rdale. v ' - -'if . 3030 N. Capital Have Your Mattresses -Renovated Charxn&s Debuttnto . v ajM Naalta MUm. One of the charming debutantes who has recently made her bow to Washington. D, C, society is Nanita Miles, daughter of Major and Mrs. Sherman 'Milesf and granddaughter of the late General Nelson A Miles. Miss Catherine Bliven Is Sunday Bride Miss Catherine Bliven. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I: Bliven, of Gerrais. became the bride of Car roll Hamlin of this city Sunday morning. at a quiet wedding per formed by Rev. Norman K. Tully, at the Presbyterian manse. The bride was attended by her broth er, William Blevin. Mrs. William Blevin, her sister Miss Sarah Bliv en. Habeeb Mossawfcr and Miss Norma Dietrich. The bride is a graduate of the Gervais union high school and of the Capital Business college of Sa lem. The. groom, a graduate of O. A. C is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hamlin, of Albany, Oregon, and is employed In tbe U. S. postal service here. Both are prom inent in the church and Sunday school activities of the Presbyter ian church. They will make their home in Salem. Delta Phi Alumnae Have Business Tea Mrs. Sheldon Sackett was hos tess to. the Delta Phi Alumnae at her home on Marlon street Satur day afternoon for a four o'clock business meeting following a Delta Phi 1:30 luncheon at the Elks club. At the conclusion of the bus iness meeting tea was served. Miss Pauline Remington and Mrs. Verne Bain assisted in serving. Members present were Mrs. O K. Paulus. Mrs. Everett Faber, Central Point. Mrs. George Rho- ten, Woodburn, Mrs. Jack Hansen, Woodburn, Mrs. Audrey Fletcher, Mrs. Bruce White, Mossyrock, Washington, Mrs. Verne Bain, Woodburn. Miss Helen Sandy, Miss Pauline Remington, Miss Sadie Jo Read, McMinnvllIe and Mrs. Sack ton. Col. E. Hofer and Mrs. Hofer spent the week-end at their cot tage. "Madinore." Agate Beach They are rebuilding the cottsge and enlarging their gardens there While they were at the coast they visited Ben Hur Lampman at Nei- scot for a few hours. see Mrs. S. H. Barker will be host ess with Mrs. Ralph S. Shephard and Mrs. Rot E. Barker at her home Wednesday afternoon to the Zena Missionary society. This meeting will take the place of the regular meeting which was to have been May 1, but was postponed. Week-end guests at the Sheldon Sackett home were Mr.-and Mrs Robert Notson of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Bain. Woodburn. and Mrr and Mrs. Bruce White and son of Mossyrock, Washing. tno. General and Mrs. G. F. White were hosts recently for a 12 cover formal dinner- at their home on Bellevue street. Mrs. Harrv L. Clark was the ruest of her daughter. Mrs. Emil Carlson, tor the past week-end. Complete Your c- cea You will be astonished at the soundness of your slumber If you have your mattresses renovated and cleaned. Wei can renovate your old mattresses and rebuild .them with innerspring (shown above) which is the most sat isfactory form. Thus you will have a "new" scientifically designed mat tress at a FRACTION OF THE COST OF A NEW ONE. Capital i Wedding Anniversary Celebrated in Eugene Mr. -and Mrs. Dan Fry, Sr., with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr., and Maryle and Daniel III. and Mrs. KJtty .Grayer, motored to Eugene Sunday where they were the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walsh who were entertaining in honor ot Mr. and Mrs. Fry's four, ty-third wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Orris F. Fry ot Portland also motored to Eugene for this family dinner. 1 Mrs. McCarrol will be hostess tor the North Salem W. C. T. U. at her home on th corner of Maple and Highland, Thursday afternoon. There will be a potluck dinner and Mother's Day program Mrs. Peter Phillippe has had as her house guest for the past week end Miss Luxie Walker of Spo kane, Washington. DALLAS POST OF LEHHEET DALLAS, May 6 Carl B. Fen- ton post of the American Legion held Its regular business meeting Thursday evening in the Legion club room. Plans for the Memor ial day program were outlined by the Chairman van Nuys. He an nounced that there would be a military parade at 9:30 a. m. fol lowed by the services at the cem etery, assisted by tbe firing squad of the National guard. Prelimin ary plans for the fourth of July celebration were made. The post had as guests, Locke Martin, of McMlnnTille district committeeman, and Ed Bailliss of Sheridan who is membership chairman for district No. 2. Federals Again Defeat RebeU In Small Fight MEXICO CITY. May S (AP) Special dispatches from the city of Agua Caliente today said that federal troops have driven the rebels from the nearby town of Calvillo, which they had held since th federal garrison depart ed two months ago to tight. Gen eral Escobar's insurgents. Most of the rebel defenders were reported to hare been killed In the fight tor the town, but the number of casualties was not given. Read the Classified Ads. Is your bread always FRESH? MILK-MAID BAKERY 445 Court St. Phone 954 House Cleaning "I " - Lutheran Guild To Meet May 8 The Ladies' Guild ot th Amer ican Lutheran church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock for an Ascension day pro gram, with Mrs. E. J. Coward. Mrs. Ray Johnson and Mrs. G. I. Bartlett hostesses for the day. The church council win meet Monday evening in ihe Sunday school room and at 8 o'clock Wed nesday evening the Central E cos ters will meet. Th senior group T. P. will also meet In the church parlors for their regular monthly social. Man WMU fjffiiittgiii "Before my third baby was bom my husband advised me to take your medicine and he bought me three bottles of ic When I had taken the first one I began to feel better so I kept oa during the whole period. We have a healthy baby boy and we are so proud of him and praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for the help it gave me. I feel T 1 ' ' ' ' lot stronger since I Started to use it and would not be without fc.n Mrs. Frank Lukes, R. No. r, Box 58, Lemkin, N. Dakota. Lydia Pinkham VegetablfJ Compound For Sale at Nelson A Hunt Drug Store Corner Court & Liberty, Tel. 7 3 m When company comes unexpectedly, do yon haye to apologize for stale bread? No need to now, for yon can have MILK-MVID BREAD the new loaf, made from whole milk delivered fresh from our ovens right to your door Ask your grocer for MILK-MAID BREAD. If he can't send it, phono 954 and our driver will deliver it to you. 113 ' r. :,TWephone 19 - Street, New Tork City. '