The NeW OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, May 4r 1923 PAGE THREE Miss Crary ofMarqu CONFUSION us. iniMins uuest at many ueiigntiui Events Given in Her Honor HUBBARD HOSTESS Society News and Club Affairs 30UVE M. DOAK, Society Etfitoi? 2U0tatK)nS Very Unsteady aS His Mary Elizabeth Crary of Mar- queue, Mich., who has been New Developments Are Awaited NEW YORK. May 3. (AP)- The stock market floundered about In confusion today, as bulls struggled to retain control of the market, against a tide of selling inspired by fears of large increase in federal reset-re brokers loans and swelled by sharp breaks in a few recent favorites. Gains and losses were about evenly balanced at the close. The increase in brokers loans, as disclosed in the weekly com pilation Issued after the close, waB but 140,000,000, in contrast to predictions running as high as 1100.000,000. This brought the Tolal to 15,532,000,000 dollars, or hrhlte tapers In crystal holders guest for a month at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Marie Flint McCall, intends to return home this week. While here Miss Crary has been the recipient of many lovely af fairs, the most recent being that of Wednesday morning when Mrs. McCall entertained wjth a 9:00 o'clock May Day breakfast in her honor. The three-course breakfast was served at two beautifully ap pointed tables, the color scheme of yellow and white predominat ing. Dainty miniature May baskets filled with yellow elyslum and snow-on-tbe-mountain marked each place. The centerpiece ar rangement at the table at which the guest of honor was seated was of crystal, flanked by yellow and 1261. 000.0 00 below the peak es tablished on March 20. With, drawals of about 940,000,000 by corporations, presumably to meet May 1 dividend and, interest re quirements, were more than offset by the banks, the New York insti tutions alone putting $55,000,000 into the market. Report On Borrowings Adds To Uncertainty While this showing was some what more favorable than had been generally expeeted, the stock exchange released Its monthly compilation -of total member bor rowings which was distinctly dis appointing, showing a reduction during April of only 129,527,012 from the record established at the end ot March ot IM04.CS7.408. The day's Industrial news were favorable, including the catting of a $30,000,000 melon by Columbia Gas and Electric through offer ings ot rights, and another assort ment of pleasing earnings state ments. Schulte retail stores, how ever, passed the dividend due on the common at this time, the man agement explaining that the cigar et price cutting war necessitates conservation ot funds. I Call money renewed at 10 per cent. In contrast to 11 yesterday. but failed to go below the renewal rate all day. Some ease in the situation is expeeted with .the clearing of the month end settle ment checks at the banks. United Aircraft rovm XjIkiii rouu An unsettling development ear ly In the sesion was a drop ot S points In the United The guests enjoyed a pleasant social hour after the appetising breakfast. Assisting the hostes were Mrs. M. Focht, Mrs. W. J. Lehman, Mrs. C. S. Teeple and Mrs. Tomlinson. Included in those invited were the guest of honor Miss Mary Elizabeth Crary. Mrs. W. Frank Crawford, Mrs. Wayne D. Henry, Mrs. Ralph N. Allen, Mrs. A. E. Ewlng, Mrs. S. B. Gillett, Mrs. Charles K, Spaulding, Mrs. Frank C. Bowersox. Mrs. Charles McCar. ter. Mrs. Karl Kugel, Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Mrs. Fred Ewlng, Mrs. W. E. Tomlinson, Mrs. U. J. Leh man, Mrs. M. Focht, Mrs. M. M. Cusick, Mrs. Burton Crary, Mrs. George Brown, Miss Minnie Moeh ler, Mrs. Grace Babcoek, Mrs. S. W. Poorman. Mrs. F. D. Kimball, Mrs. A. E. Uttley. Mrs. Croydon Blodgett, Mrs. C. S. Teeple. Plans Made for Art Show; Rural Advertising to be Discussed Mrs. Earl Fisher Is Bridge Tea Hostess MRS. FOCHT HOSTESS AT FIXE LCXCHEOX Among the other events honoring Miss Mary Elizabeth Crary was the luncheon given by Mrs. M. Focht at her home at Brush Col lege with Miss Crary, Mrs. Marie Flint McCall, Mrs. George Singer and Mrs. Ferd Singer as guests. Mrs. William McCall entertain, ed for Miss Crary with a dinner, the color scheme of green and white being used. Included In the guest list were Dr. and Mrs. Cory don Blodgett, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Uttley. Robert Davis of Salem, Billy Uttley and Croydon Blodgett Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- HUBBARD, May 2. Mrs. Mar garet Anderson was hostess Wed nesday afternoon to the Hubbard Woman's club which met at her spacious country home east ot Hubbard. At the business session plans Mrs. Earl Fisher entertained with the first of two parties for this week Friday afternoon at her home. Flowers and tapers carried oat the pastel motif in the color mrr . . flAMMtlAna Ptlla Tint, ior in an wiucu wu WM also caught in the tea iSenu a feature of the next meeting. were discussed.- A committee for rural and high way advertising was appointed to assist the chairman of this depart ment of the Oregon Federation ot Women's clubs. Members ap pointed to serve on this commit tee were Kathleen Beckman, Merle Stewart and Rebecca Clearer. Coble de Lespinasse gave a splendid report ot the convention held at Silverton. Gives Watts' Biography Kathleen Beckman gave the bi- Assisting at the tea hour were Miss Julia Creech and Miss Pau line Knowland. The afternoon until the tea hour was spent with bridge. High score at the close of playing went to Mrs. Elmer Daue, and second to Mrs. O. A. Olson. Guests for this afternoon were Mrs. H. ft. Worth, Mrs. Ralph Wirth, Mrs. Donald Madison, Mrs. H. O. White, Mrs. Cal Patfon. Mrs. P. E. Fullerton, Mrs. Fred DeLano, Mrs. Gleasdn, Mrs. L. P. Aldrich. Mrs. L N. Needham, Mrs. V. E. Kubn. Mrs. J. R. Martin of Portland, Mrs. Ralph Cooley, Mrs. nmnhv of Georea Frederick CL tr tt y Th. I" f.tor7 5 'H Frank Loose. Mrs. Jesse Campbell. 7w itir. rV. Vn a ? 5 r " . . . ... . I Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mrs. Elmer - - - - i icr iKiuriu lue ciuo wiio a piaou Marie nim racuau io nwwwin. selection of Beethoven's. Miss Crary nad never seen ine Hme grown product consisting i-acmc ocean ana us wonaer. xaa of cWcken sandwiches and prune Daue. Mrs. P. J. Meany. Mrs. E. A. Kurtz, Mrs. E. KappaBCn, Mrs. C. Vibbert, Mrs. Charles Know- . .. oi cmcaen sanawicnes ana prone , . n r tt p BRUSH COLLEGE IS SGEHEJDF PARTY Eight Tables of Bridge En joyed by Friends At Party Ten Guardians Present With Their Groups at Inde pendence Meet BRUSH COLLEGE. LMay 3. Outstanding among the many so cial affairs given in Brash Col lege recently was the bridge par ty held by Mrs. Charles MeCarter and Mrs. Wayne D. Henry at the home of Mrs. MeCarter Saturday evening. Eight tables of bridge were In play daring the evening, high score honors being won by Mrs. McPettys and W. Frank Crawford. The living rooms were profuse- yellow INDEPENDENCE, May S The grand council of the various campfire groups was held Tuesday evening In the grade school auditorium. Ten guardians were present with their groups and each group MtntrthiitoA inmthinr to thai uro gram. Two of these groups were Series t)f Health Talks GiV- Tartar, Miss Oretchen Krammer, ly decroated with lovely Aircraft, daffodils in tall, ornamental rases. which touched 144 tt. In contrast Charles MeCarter and Wayne to the peak of 162 reached yester- Henry assisted in serving the daln dav. This was attributed to a ty lunch. The jolly group of guests withdrawal of pool support after Included Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pet- the driving of a rtdrt Interest. I erepn, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Page, Columbia Graphophonec another! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allen, Mr. recent favorite. droDDea-4lnts 1 and Mrs. Fred Gibson. Mr. and to 77. in contrast to its recent I Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mrs. James Im peak of 88 3-4. A large block was hah, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chaffee, understood to have been liquldat-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lou Grote, Mr. and ed In disappointment over the L Mrs. M. C. Pettys. Mr. and Mrs. lack of merge developments. Un- William McCall, Miss Mary Eliza- ion Carbide, which was sent uplbeth Crary. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. nearly 2 points yesterday, drop- Crawford. Dr. and Mrs. Corydon from Monmouth and four were from Albany. The rank ot wood-gatherers conferred upon Mrs. Peggy Miller, Mrs. Rex Dallas, Mrs. Verl Miller, and Sadie Kaser all of Al ped 7 on realizing. The advance "namely issues, a point of conten tion between opposing speculative forces, again broke sharply, sail ing off about 6and 10 points. General Electric Is Ball Favorite General Electric was the most conspicuous bull favorite of the session, rising about 14 points to 258. within 4 points ot Its high record. Radio was heavily bought to the accompaniment ot rumors ef extraordinary success in the de velopment of talking motion pic ture apparaturs, mounting more than 5 points to a new peak at 112 2-4. The so-called Morgan stocks were generally strong. 'Johns-Manville, in addition Blodgett, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Utt ley, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henry ana the hostesses and their husbands. Mr. and Mrs. Charles MeCarter and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Henry. Style Show is Gub Feature Woodburn General Electric, making a wide gain, and International Harvester mounting about 6 points to a new top at 118. Postum mounted about 3 points to a new peak in buying inspired by merger rumors. Borg Warner again broke into new high ground, and Wilcox Rich Issues reached new highs. The movement in the latter was promoted by predic tions ot high earnings from Its special aviation motor valves. Air reduction, American Radiator and Standard Sanitary, Hershey Cho colate issues, and Lndlum Steel also reached new peaks, R. H. Macy was sent up 10 points, while WOODBURN, May 3 A style show by members ot the domestic to I art department of the high school featured the regular meeting of the Woodburn Women's club at the library Wednesday afternoon During the businees meeting Mrs. H. L. Gill and Mrs. C. C Geer gave reports of the meeting of the county federation ot Wo man's clubs held recently In Sil verton. A short talk on the ob servance of National Good Music week was also given by Mrs. Geer, A review of "Dark Hester" by Ann Douglass Sedgwick, by Mrs. Katherine Powell, a vocal solo "That Wonderful Mother o Mine." by Donald Countney, and Piano solos by Elisabeth Weiss and Margaret Aplia comprised the Hahn department stores tagged afternoon's program. to a new low at 40. nOSEDAU PEOPLE Hostesses were Mrs. A. K. Aus tin, Mrs. E. J. Allen. Mrs. Eliza I Chrtotenson, Mrs. Ella Hall, and Miss Gladys Adams MOTOR o mm The talking movie sare still In their Infancy. Perhaps that why they lisp. Kalamazoo Ga zette. k 110 till til OF Miss Neva Cooley Gives Surprise Shower Miss Neva Cooley was hostess for a surprise shower honoring Miss Katherine Knox at the Cooley home, 595 Belmont street, Thursday evening. The evening was spent in inspecting the many presents given Miss Knox in cele bration of her approaching mar riage, which will take place some time In tne summer. Music and conversation followed this. Miss Cooley sang several numbers which were particularly well re ceived. A late supper was served with a color scheme Ot yelldw and white as the decorative motif. Miss Knox is an instructor in McKinley school and the guest list for the shower were teachers from McKinley. Making up the guest group were Miss Katherine Knox nd Mrs. Clarice Batter man. Miss Dorothy Taylor, Mrs. Merle Davenport, Miss Merl E. Dimlek, Miss Bertha C. Engel horn. Miss Dorothy Keber, Mrs. Herma Pfister, Mrs. Cooley and Miss Neva Cooley. Portland Luncheon Attracts Salem Folk GAMP FIRE IS HELD! Mlt.-...1 - - - - J ana iiuunagji cucrae were crTeulrs p q grocjj wim coiiee. I w u ...., ,.tir.n nwun iv rm ca.i wg fuouvMii,- i . i. w- uj glTing ueiyxui lUtKciuuus mi, a a a child training. Members present i m - . . were Sadie Rich. Ella Staoffer.I MUSIC Week Anna Stauffer, Cora Smith, Ethel I t- a t Riley, Lois MHlerNeralMcKen-l i rogiauw mc icouy sie. Marsaret MieMaajus. Edna Mack. Lanra Jackson. Louise The official program for "na- Grlmps. Lorena Duncan. Coble dejtlonal good music week" which Lesnlnasse. Mabel Croisant. Re- has been arranged under the en- becca Cleaver, Vera Boje, Katb- thuslastic direction ef Mrs. Walter A. Denton is now ready for j the public beginning with Sunday's programs in the churches and the. aters. Music week for Salem in the "general planning" is under the direction of Mrs. Walter A. Den ton, both city and state chairman of good musie week, and Miss Frances Virginia Melton, president of Salem Musie teachers associa tion, and Mrs. Walter Bush, Mrs W. F. Powers: Miss Lena Belle leen Beckman, Mand Bldgood, ana the hostess, Margaret Anderson. inure m will BE HELD 1MIIY f en by Dr. Russell of Health Board schools: O. P. Thayer, bands, and the Key. W. Earl Cochran, and the Rot. H. C. Stover, churches and choirs. Every day has something of ex- high cellent promise planned and many oi TURNER. Mar 3 The bany.'and Miss Marian Barn urn, school play will be given May 10. days there are several things I iL . 1 ' . JU..I..-. fr.. a a I nvt nana f mant XMImm VaafwTi sTimfeflkll HMrm HarTV I BL LDV KUUV1 1UU1. A U II VI I UMUoaai aaas tri jtm Dalr.1. PerVar I hi! the reDQtfttlOll of DttttillX OB ot Independence, sood entertainmenU and the play Younff MlSS to Have Mrs. Lee werscnDereer. a soon- " "s cyvuu6 i.v . .r . i sor of the council, awarded a five exeel, If possible, former pro- MUSIC Week KeClial ear national honor to Mrs. W. A. I grams I w mm mm A m mm n Barnum. The same honor was amau ana iamuy auena- conferred upon Miss MUdred ea the runerai or. an agea orotn Crane of Monmouth. observed iii towii INDEPENDENCE. May I. During the week May 5 to 13 which has been designated Na tional Music Week Independence I u.trict' fol- er, Edward C. Small, at Silverton, Wednesday. A series of health talks were given at the high school, this week by Dr. Russell, representa tive of Marion county health work. Harold Smith, high school stu dent who was Injured in an auto accident Saturday evening, is re ported getting along nicely at a Salem hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Martin, Mrs. Martha Barnett and Mrs. 1 J. Rowely attended a Rebecca convention a t Canby Miss Louise Ferrey, daughter ot the Rev and Mrs. Martin Ferrey will give a recital at her home Thursday afternoon at tour-thirty at one of the affairs for music week. The program follows. Piano duet "Asa's Death"- Grleg. Violin solo "Marche Slav"- Tchaikowsky. Vocal solo "Welcome Sweet -Rubinstein. solo "Largo" HandeL solo "Fifth Valse! Thursday. Sprlng"- Piano Piano Durand. Piano duet "Walts Brahms. Mrs. Martin Ferrey will be ac- companlest for her daughter, will recognize the event as lows: Monaay evening, Mrs, joyi t, m.n frioniia t rri Turner Moses will be in charge of t.. ... k . n isi" iamuy are moving near vancou- IVlOtner 8 LaV I arty who are physically unable to leave L.- w.B1,n,trtn . 1. . "J. . y home to hear music. The Woman's club will have a special musical program on Tues day and the high and training schools will have musical assem blies en Thursday and Friday respectively. Sunday evening the churches ot Independence will unite in a pro gram 67 sacred music in the Pres byterian church. Rev. E. G. Ran ton has been chosen by the other ministers to give the address ot ver, Washington. I At Carruthers Home SWEET BRIAR CLUB WW ENTERTANED BRUSH COLLEGE. May 3. About thirty guests and members the evening. His tople will be "The were present Wednesday afternoon I Macy. At the tea hour Mrs Mrs. J. R. Carruthers entertain- ed-wlth a Mother's Day party one afternoon during the week at her country home. "Brightview." The rooms were beautifully dec orated with blossoms from the woods, flowering; current, sarvis and dogwood. Guests from Salem were Mrs John H. Rhoten, Mrs. Agnes Bobb, Mrs. Mover and Mrs.- Elisabeth C. J. Music-Filled Life. when Mrs. A. E. Uttley and Mrs. Corydon Blodgett entertained the I Sweet Briar club on guest day. That most consistent results in No business meeting was held. potato seed disinfection hare come from the use of corrosive sublimate, are the findings of the Oregon experiment station, and experienced growers are now In- Mrs. Oliver Jessup, daughter of Mrs. Rose Babcoek of Salem who has Just returned from a trip to South America, gare a graphic de scription : of her trip going and clined to use this method In pref- coming, and told of her adventures erence to any other, wane not l while In South America. Mrs. formaldehyde la effective In klU-ljessup exhibited numerous relics ing KBizoctonia on ine sunaee ox land curios which she had obtained. tubers, the heating or tne solution I Spanish phonograph records. is vsuauy consiaerea ioo moon-1 wheih sh brousht .home were venlent, and cold formaldehyde is not effective. It is found. played during the afternoon. Af- Lisle assisted Mrs. Carruthers In serving. see Miss Anne Reed Burnes was recent youthful hostess tor a group ot school friends when she entertained with a treasure hunt at the Fainnount hill home .of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Burns, in celebration of her thir teenth birthday. Delegates attending the recent confederation of Women's clubs at Silverton from the Bethel Dor cas club were Mrs. John Hain Mrs. C. A. oJhnson, Mrs. Clifford ter Mrs. Jessup's most Interesting Chaffee, Mrs. J. M. Nichols, and ROSEDALE, May 3. Several tjudUs from here motored to New- berg Saturday evening to . attend the friends Christian Endeavor banauet held there. ' Fred Morris and Miss Caroline Bndlong were married Saturday evening. A family dinner was giv en ' in their honor at the Morris home Sunday. Their daughter May and husband Jack Davis from Medford. and a daughter from Portland were present. Mrs. Haldy and Mrs. Cam mack motored to Portland Sun-1 dav afternoon where they Tislt- d relatives. They retarded I Monday evening. Mesdames Tricks. Way. Alexander, Haldy, and Cammack from here attended the ladies' missionary meeting at the home ot Mrs. Reeee oi eunny- Ma last Wednesday afternoon. Prnnoi are now in full blossom. being a little later here ilk the bills than most other piaces.. . T)ainty for Warm Weather' Hubbard Musician Speaks To School HUBBARD, May 4. Dr. A. F. de Lespinasse, director of the Hub bard community band and ot the high school orchestra, addressed at.dent bodr of the Hubbard high, school Wednesday morning at assembly. The doctor spoke of music In Its relation to everyday Af thm individual from birth to tbVgrave with the thought that musie holds an Important ptace M : tifa h also outlined the n fa musical week of yivtiW;. . which' lie has charge. - PATTERS 1707 Statesman 15c Practical Pattern Today's model Is extremely smart yet exceedingly simple to make. The bodice is plain with short, ki mona sleeves. The skirt is flared in graceful manner and joins -the yoke in a point that corresponds with the pointed vestee. Scarfs are outstanding in the mode this season, and may be worn In several becoming ways. Design 1707 knots the scarf on the left shoulder and covers the right with pointed end. Printed crepe fash ions this frock apd white or pale I Ham Franklin and the hostesses. contrasting color is used for the talk the hostesses served a dainty lunch, Assisting were Mrs. V. L. Gib- Edith Stoddard, Mrs. M. C. Pettys Edith Stoddard, Mrs. McPettys and Mrs. Nina Adams. Included In the guest list were Mrs. W. Toung, Miss Mary Crary ot Mich igan, Mrs. Fred Klrkwood, Mrs. W. Allen, Mrs. George Plane, ot Colorado, Mrs. David Rice, Mrs. L M. Niles, Mrs. Paul Wallace, Mrs. L. Noble, Mrs. Dora Wallace. Mrs, Rose Babcoek. Mrs. Oliver Jessup, Mrs. Bert Hill. Mrs. V. L. Gibson, Mrs. Fred . Gibson. Mrs. H. M. Stechler and Mrs. John Schindler. Club members present were Mrs. Elsie Mereer, Mrs. C. C. Chaf fee, Mrs. Lou Grote, Mrs. Alice Adams, Mrs. Pettys, Mrs. James Imlan, Mrs. Mose Adams, Mrs. Ralphs Allen, Mrs. Marie F. Mc Call, Mrs. E. O. Moll, Mrs. Wil- Mrs M H Utter The hostess for the next Dorcas meeting will be Mrs. Clifford Chaffee. q? Hovelfcr SOCIAL CALENDAR Saturday May morning breakfast until 9 o'clock on the W. U. campus. .Townspeople wel- come. Good Homes Week, "Model Home." 1395 Fairmount ave- nue, open 2 o'clock to :00 o'clock. P T-n a f Inn !.). Mrs Uara Gustafson, 360 Capitol street, 8 o'clock, "500". Sunday Minnie Miller, in request recital, Robert studio. 3:30 o'clock, friends and those in. terested are invited. G. K. P. Club Guest of Mrs. Harms Mrs. W. H. Hogan. Mrs. Charles Kinzer. Mrs. John Dunstan, Mrs. L. B. Hlxon, Jr, and Mrs. T. W. Davles, motored to Portland Wed nesday for a one (O'clock luncheon given by Mrs. George Taylor and Mrs. Em 11 Krowl, assisted by Mrs. Joyce, in honor of Mrs. G. H. Tay lor at her home, 214 East 19th street. Lilacs and purple iris made the decorative motif for tables and guests rooms. Following lunch eon, bridge and "500" were in play at eight tables. At the close of playing Mrs. G. H. Taylor was presented with a beautiful set of dishes. Mrs. G. H. Taylor, the honor guest la the daughter ot Mrs. T. W. Davles. Miss Grace Smith Entertains Piereans Miss Grace Elizabeth Smith was hostess recently for an evening meeting of the Plerean Sunday school class, pinner was served and a programNtiven later under the direction ofMiss Mildred Si mons. Members present were Grace Taylor, Maud Simons, May Hale, Amy Martin, June Pbilpott, Al ma Pohle, Adella Chapter, Laura Hale, Mildred Simons. Ina Koon. Jessie Martin, Lina Heist, Margar et Sutherland, Miss Hetta Field, ana special guests, Mrs. Edith Bagley. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith. Mrs. Ernest Smith, Mrs. Almlra Hale, Mrs.. Reeves, Mrs. Josephine Taylor and Miss Mattie Sutherland. Mrs. Florence Walsh and Miss Erma Papenfus honored Miss Alice Papenfus with a shower re cently presenting her with many lovely presents in token of her coming wedding. Musie, conver sation, and refreshments marked the remainder of the evening after the presentation of the presents. The guest list included the honor guest, Miss Alice Papenfus, and Miss Violet Hess, Mrs. Marjorie uewitt. Mrs. Ora McKenzie, Mrs Edna Webster, Mrs. E. M. Papen- lus. Miss Laura Wright. Mrs. Grace Sautter, Miss Maxine Saut ter, Miss Marie Jorgenson. Mrs. Louise Mlltonberger, Mrs. Dora Johnson, Mrs. Rose Sawyer, Mrs. Mabel Houston, Miss Prudence Brunk; Miss Amanda Schwaub bauer, and Mrs. Clarice Herbster. Mrs. H. H. Harms entertained members of the G. K. P. club at her home Tuesday evening. Spring flowers were used attractively in the guest rooms. After a social evening refreshments were served by the hostess. Members present were Mrs. H. S. Gile, Mrs. W. Pickens. Mrs. Newell Williams. Mrs. K. H. Pick ens, Mrs. Dale Taylor, Mrs. Thom as Roen, Mrs. O. Pickens, Mrs. Catherine Mlddleton. Mrs. T. A. Raffety, Mrs. B. E. Sisson. Mrs. J. Billeter, Mrs. Walter Nelson. Mrs. W. F. Foster and Mrs. H. H. Harms. Mrs. Charles Davis was a special guest for this evening. Students Appear In Theatre Programs There will be presented during music week three pupils of Miss Mlnnetta Magers at the Elsinore theatre. Lawrence Deacon, bari tone, will appear in special num bers; Arbutus Rudie and Eleanore Moore will each appear. Miss Moore In eoBtume will sing "One Fine Day" from Madam Butterfly, and Miss Moore and Miss Rudie will sing la costume, the dnet, 'Even Flowers,'" also from Mad am Butterfly. There will be spe. cial stage settings for this number. The Shubert Sextette will also apper under the direction of Miss Magers. Mrs. Ada G&ler Celebrates Birthday ; , Mrs. L. G. Curtis entertained with a delightful surprise party! and dinner f r her mother, Mrs. Ada Gjbler, recently, honoring he ' on her seventy-first birthday. Tb dinner table was centered with a French bouquet arrangement of flowers in a long, rose-colored bowL Covers wer placed for the hon or guest, Mrs. Ada Gibler. and the Rev. Earl Cochran and Mrs. Coch ran, Mrs. Clara Starr. Mrs. Deane Morse, and baby Marilyn, Mrs. Jo sephine Starr, all of Brownsville Mrs. Addie Calbreath; Monmouth, and Mrs. Flora Bishop, Mrs. Fran ces Ramadan, Mrs. D. H. McKic zie. and Mr. L. a Curtis all ot Salem. In the afternoon many friends called among whom mere Mrs. (1. A. Wilson, Mrs. Fannie Kay Bish op, Miss Ruth Van Patten, Mrs, Mrs.; Ralph Cooley. Miss Elisabeth Bishop of Portland, Mrs. Donald Ringle, and Mr. Earsel L. Stow. Many gifts were presented to the honor guests. a a Miss Jones Announces Engagement Miss Rosalie Jones, daughter it Mrs. W. Al Jones, and the late W. Al Jones, announced her en gagement at the Kappa .Alpha Theta sorority house at Corvallis, Thursday night, to Jack L. Porter, only son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Porter of Medford. Mr. Porttr Is a member of the Sigma Chi fra- ternity, and is taking work in the school ot forestry. Miss Jones it a sophomore in the school of home economics. Tha. young folk plan to be married some time in the early summer. Mrs. W. H. Dancy, Mrs. W. Al Jones and Miss Mabel Creighton motored to Corvallis for the event, Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Phelps, tied for sec ond place in the low voice contest of the state music contest held in Forest Grove recently. Another daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phelpo, Miss Naomi, is studying voice in New York city. Roth's Freshly Made pT3ayfinimaiiGe 25c Potmd or Pint Saturday Only Watch us make it BlIIH Women art saying: .Tinkham's Compound keeps me fit to do my work." VI was nervous and all run down. Now I eat better and sleep better". Vlt helped my thirteen year old daughter." "I took it be fore and after my baby was born." "1 am gaining every day,' QorUtp IT iPlimifein Lydia Pinkham Vegetable Compound For Sale at Nelson A Hunt Drag Store Corner Court & Liberty, Tel. T belt cuffs, vestee and scarf. WILLIAM O. 8. A. SISSON C. May PoulseRke,worUfanwTeidcJc can positively reaa your taunts, vwxuca sad faults fat the drawings, words and what nets that you scribble when "lost mthouche. t Soul t.ipXa.lMifiii, mtmT alaiwtnra i VENCUV CO, VBWTTJBX HONORED aay!&thctMertt?S 9 wini.m I LaalTcatSwaa W 0ka4o eaartli.d Mar ba obtained onlv la sizes It. , -- , . , - ' I nfcmt irislt 1, 18, JO, 3 J. 34, 3, and 38. trle-1 anrlneerlnir. was elected HUM pis model is easy to make. No gwretary of Scabbard and Blade, aressmaxuig experience J"w- national military society. Scab- ?. .aPern comes w you D4rd od Blade draws only those wita simple ana exact instructions men taking advanced military Turn Your Junk INTO CASH We will call for any amount of Junk yon have and pay fuU Cash Value on sacks, rags, paper, metal, etc. CAPITOL JUIIK CO. . H. 8TEINBOCK, Prop. . Telephone SOS 145 Center St. By the bridge including yardage -for every size perfect fit is guaranteed. Patterns will be delivered upon re ceipt of Fifteen Cents (15e) la coins carefully wrapped or Stamps. Be- sure to write plainly your name, address, style number, and size wanted. -,;;.;.:s Our new spring: and summer fa shion book will be sent upon re ceipt -of ten cents In coin. Address all mall and orders to Statesman Pattern Department, III W. 17th street. New York City. . who are outstanding In leadership and character. "Xyfta;f1ahaa alaOS fNaa-AgaUkai ...u nTI (WUmS Read the Classified Ads. - THIO COUPON Good for one free pietnre to any chOd between ages of 2 to 11 years whose birthday is in the month oi May Children Most be Accompanied by Parents Not good after May 31, 1929 Kennell-Ellis Studios 429 Oregon Bid. . TeL 951 $1 Box of 1 Golden Pheasant Chocolates FREE with Each $1 Purchase or .Over . Today Sunday May 4th and 5th v I would like to make your acquaintance at THE GRAY BELLE CONFECTIONERY & RESTAURANT Have already made a few additions and believe you will enjoy a Hot Milk Chocolate Hot Malted Milk or Hot Ovaltine made in one of our NEW HOT CUPS. I. E. M. DOUBLE SEAL TOASTED SANDWICHES ARE TRULY DELICIOUS MADE . RIGHT BEFORE YOU Besides our own Home Made Candies we have secured the Agency for the justly famous Golden Pheasant 5 Candies And with each purchase of $1.00 or over AT FOUNTAIN CANDY DEPT. or RESTAURANT ON MAY 4TH AND 5TH WE WILL PRESENT Y0U A $1.00 box of Golden Pheasant Chocolates FREE - i . . . Sincerely, - JOHN BLAKELY. v P. S. We invite yowr faspeetion of oar line of special boxes off Candy for MOTHER'S DAT, MAY 12tat lusciiatl ' gladly nude. - " . " - '--'- .3,TL-'- ' t,,