The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 02, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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Floor Leaders of Republican
and Democratic Forces
Clash In Senate
Crowded senate galleries today
enjoyed the unusual spectacle of a
spirited debate between the floor
leaders of the two jnajor political
parties as Senator Watson, the In.
dlana republican, and Senator
Robinson, the Arkansas democrat.
discussed their past and present
attitudes toward the equalization
fee in farm relief legislation.
Jtecent verbal exchanges on the
latest tehicle for dispute over agri
cultural relief the export deben
ture plan were orershadowed by
the pungent but good-humored
colloquy. On their feet for nearly
two hours, the leaders hurled
questions and charges back and
forth while the gallery throngs
leaned forward to listen and occa
sionally laughed at some pointed
Robinson Good-Humored
Throughont Entire Debate
After the debate had subsided
somewhat, Robinson looked to
ward his opponent and asserted
.with a smile that he hoped "my
v distinguished friend will soon ter
minate his tirade and come to
luncheon with me."
The setto occurred as Watson
undertook to reply to a recent as
sertion by the Arkansas senator
that the republican farm leaders
bad deserted the equalization fee
for political expediency. Robinson
himself, the Indianan declared,
once yoted against the equaliza
tion fee after describing it as "tax"
. leried without the consent of the
person against whom it was to be
Recalling that Watson was once
a leading adrocateof the fee. Sen
ator Robinson asked "why should
the senator from Indiana go wrong
when thesenator from Arkansas
goes right?"
Change of Front
Labi to Democrat
- ' Senator Watson declared that
the democratic leader also had
voted against the export debenture
plan which he now is favoring.
; Robinson replied that he voted
' against the plan because it was
offered as a substitute.
"Oh no." Watson came back. "It
was offered as an amendment to
the tax Mil."
"Well, It had no business being
in a tax bill," Robinson shot back.
, Challenged as to why he had
voted to pass the fee over Presi
dent Coolidge's veto, Watson said
he was to this day in favor of the
fee but he knew he couldn't get it
"I claim to be something of a
practical legislator and I am try
ing to shape my course to serye
new conditions," the republican
leader declared
The senate voted 70 to 14
against the resolution of Senator
Heflin, Democrat, of Alabama,
asking condemnation of the recent
attack upon him at Brockton,
Mass., after he had delivered a Kn
Klux Klan speech.
Daily speeches In the senate
since the opening of this session
two weeks ago, Heflin declared
that Roman Catholic Influences
were inspiring opposition to his
resolution. In a ,wo hour speech
after today's vote, the Alabaman
called the roll on the vote on
his resolution, warned that "this
Issue will hant you many times
when you come up for reelection"
an(T again blamed Catholic influ
ences for the result.
After Senator Heflin had con
cluded. Senator Jones, Republi
can, Washington, after he admit
ted that he had been Influenced,
as the Alabaman had charged,
"but the influence was solely the
Senator from Alabama." He said
he had felt Impelled to vote for
the Heflin resolution at the out
set. Senator Tydings. Democrat.
Maryland, interrupted Heflin at
one point to ask the presiding of
ficer to expunge from the record
the charges made by the Alabam
an hflectlng upon the motives of
tfie 'Senators ; in making their
"I am not afraid," Tydings .shot
at Heflin ."to vote for what I
think is right. The senator .can't
frighten me a damn bit."
Heflin had said that Tydings
would he defeated, and added that
"whom the gods destroy, they first
make mad."
. "Then the senator must be in
sane now," retorted Tydings and
the galleries roared with laughter.
Aviator forest rangers of Alas
ka look out for the lonely trap
pers on their trail. Smoke sig
nals convey the state of affairs on
the ground.
Peter B. Kyne's
ii r ' " . 1 ., - - ,
Clara Bow
Very First
To Whistle
Songs have bee nsung into mi
crophones for sound pictures, tap
dancers have had their agile feet
registered, women have screamed,
guns have roared and even ghosts
have talked, but it remained for
Clara Bow to be the frist to whis
tle for the screen.
In the red-hatred star's first all
talking picture for Paramount,
"The Wild Party" which comes to
the Elsinore theatre for a four day
run, tomorrow, her whistle plays
an important part in one of the
principal scenes and hard-hearted
indeed will have to be the man or
boy, who, hearing the sound in the
Elsinore theatre, will be able to
resist the Impulse to "come -on
Miss BoW Is supported in the
play from the pen of Warner Fa
bian, author of "Flaming Youth,"
by a "gang" of twelve of Hollyi
wood's most pulchritudinous flap
pers, and she uses the whistle to
round them up for action In a
night club dance scene.
In addition on the stage the
Fanchon and Marco "Varieties"
wBi be presented.
Repeal of Multnomah Circuit
Judge Measure Not Pos
sible Before Fall
Any referendum Invoked against
the 1929 legislative acts creating
two additional circuit Judgeships
in Multnomah county and increas
ing the fees of the circuit courts,
cannot be referred to the voters of
the state until the next general
election In November, 1931.
This was announced by the at
torney general's department, fol
lowing a careful study of the law
authorising a special general elec
tion on June 28 of this year, and
other Oregon laws having to do
with the filing of referendum peti
tions. It was reported in press dis
patches that the sponsors of the
proposed referendum measures
hoped to have them referred to the
voters under the law authorizing
a special general election in June.
Special Election
Limited la Scope
The law passed by the legisla
ture at Its last session authorizing
a special general election on June
23, provides specifically that such
election. If held, shall be restrict
ed to refetendum measures Invok
ed against the so-called excise tax
law- and the Intangibles tax law.
Both of these laws were approved
at the 1929 legislative assembly.
Because of the legislative limit
ations contained la the law au
thorizing the special general elec
tion, the attorney general said It
would not be possible to call such
election to refer referendum mea
sures attacking the acts creating
the two circuit Judgeships In Mult
nomah county and increasing the
circuit court fees.
The Oregon laws further pro
vide thaf in case thesponsors of
the proposed referendum measures
desire to have them referred to
the proposed referendum measures
desire to hare them referred to
the voters at the general election
ia November. 1921, It will be nec
essary to file the completed refer
endum petitions with the secretary
of state not later than June 6 of
this year. The completed petitions
would have to 'contain the signa
tures of approximately 15,000
qualified voters of the state.
Legislators said that the law
authorising the special general
election on June 28, 1929, was re
stricted to referendums against
the excise tax, law and the intang
ibles tax law, so as to prevent an
attack on the state income tax
Dr. P. B. Newmyer has been
selected as resident superinten
dent of the state tuberculosis hos
pital near Salem, to succeed Dr.
G. C. Bellinger, who hereafter will
supervise the activities of both
the Salem and The Dalles tubercu
losis institutions. Dr. DeWal;
Payne, until recently health offi
cer of Douglass county, will act as
resident superintendent of The
Dalles tuberculosis hospital.
Dr. Bellinger will make his
home In Salem, but will divide his
time between the two Institutions.
He has served as superintendent
of the state tuberculosis hospital
here for a number of years.
10 I'll
When the popular light opera
"H M. S. Pinafore" is presented
by the Salem high srhool musi
cians on Friday evening. May 10,
the people of Salem will have
the pleasure of hearing xnany
beautiful solo voices. Several of
these won honors recently in the
vocal competitions at Pacific Uni
versity and others were ia the
prize ensemble groups.
The part of Josephine, daughter
of Captain Corcoran will be sung
by Bernice Rickman who posses
ses a very high soprano of etf
perior quality. Mildred Gardner
who won first in the state girls'
low voice competitions will sing
the part of Hebe. The well-known
character of Little Buttercup will
be taken by Ruth Howe, a junior
in high school who has a splendid
mezzo soprano voice and consid
erable dramatic ability. . Kenneth
Abbott who was first in the finals
among the basses will be Sir Jo
seph Porter; and Homer Smith
who sang the leading part in "Ro
samunde" so acceptably will have
the part of Captain Corcoran.
The high school orchestra of 24
pieces Is already working on the
orchestration and this group will
provide the musical setting for the
soloists and chorus. About 100
musicians will take part In this
Dr. F.C Jones'
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You'll Enjoy Every
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The Eyerly motto is: "We fly. any place, any time."
Moderate rates for transportation are given between va
rious points in the valley and out of the state.
Ride with Lee Eyerly
or ' 'Scout Hazelwood of the
yerly Air Traispit C,
Facts about the Eyerly Transport School
The Eyerly School of Aeronautics is the only school in
Oresron irivimr a conrolete course of crounrl and mV flviW
which includes instruction from the ground up. This school
which was established in 1920 has grown steadily throughout
the nine years of its history.
The Eyerly school has the record of carrying thousands
of passengers and students without accident to a single person.
It also has the record of being the first builder of successful
airplanes in the state.
The Eyerly school has entirely modern equipment, and
all its transport pilots and instructors are licensed.
The public is invited to visit the school and see how stu
dents take a part in building the planes.
You are invited to view the old type of engines once used
in airplanes as well as to see the latest type of engines beinjr
used at the present time.
low to Secure Tickets for Ymir Air Trip (Over Sa
Offer open to any boy or girl
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Movieoe AO-TaUns Comedy, The Belle of Sense with Lola
, t Moraa and CUrk McCuHoutfu.
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