Hie New OREGON STATESMAN, Satan, Oregon, Satnrday Momin. April 27, 1929 - PAGE NINETEEN ' ' " j a,-. T Wl WWJ Wmt fl prfTTTyTT1 Month V .1 End Sales! MILLERS BASEMENT UNBLEACHED SHEETING 81 and 90 in. widths 45c Monday and Tuesday Only! fa A (2Il(BSlE3ainl(S S r-il, t&3 is i Demonstrating the exquisite beauty building qualities of Colonial Dames Beauty Aids All this week a specialist from the Colonial Dames laboratories in Holly wood will give you these free facials. Colonial Dames have provided these for the express purpose of proving the worth of their beauty aid products Make Appointment Early ....Telephone 2397 Almond oil, almond meal and other natural- beauty builders jro into the making of these delightful preparations. And now you may see for yourself the better method of make-up which Colonial Dames promise to give to you this week. , Sun, Wind and Complexions Right now is the opportune time to have your complexion fortified to stand the rigors of summer sun and wind. Let Colonial Dames show you the way. Remember, Free Facials All This Week! 11 tnff si MILLER MERCANTILE COMPANY INC DIMITIES mm FLAXONS 15c 74, Special Month End Sale! One Lot of Seven-eighths ' ' length Hose Reg. 50c pr. NOW 10c pair m Sizes 10y2, 11 , Basement Miller's Basement ft y On Special Sale, Thru Wl. sW-' ..." JA -1 bbibibibmmk. a a a m a ft. . jx . .. ' -v - - - m mam VUV ,flMTnnil ADIil I II I II W HI. II HI I Inw M THstafl9 I ii 11 : Gay borders of blue, green, gold, lavender and rose with "hit and miss" harmonizing centers. Picture the color and cheer that these rags can-bring to your bedrooms, bathroom, halls, etc. As Ifcis la o COMDINATION 1?I-AN Md,yoaimc2Sxxred splendid yahies. Of courwt these regs re carefuDv braided of even quality, smooth, mstroos, strong " .Mon nvna fitlnN VlTl Tkni ffldci. Yoa tyffl wnxtt two or tfcree d Iccst. P2b 01 Bisll yocar order, or eeo ihcsn ot onf. X i f t (X Mrs h FIFTY Values to $170 Just fifty dresses In this collection for quick clear ance$6-95. Here are frocks for spring and mummer made of Wonderful quality crepe iffe chine stin4ack creftfrelvet, prints, etc. In tans, navy, black, pastels and a few bright colors. In this group you will find dresses for merly priced at $15,00 to $17.50. Size range includes frocks from sixteen to forty-two. Come early Monday if possible, for, these will not last long at this low price. (Main Floor.) Spun Silk and Baronette Satin ()) yd. A few hundred yard of -tbla splendid quality spun dlk far undies, wash dresses, drapes, etc, also baronetta satin for Slips. In this MONTH END SALB at 65c yd. A wide range of colors. Pure Silk Pointed Heels Hosiery Special Only a few doten pairs of this weU known fu3 fashioned pure silk hose to sen at this price. Pointed heels, nearly all sixes. Mostly odd colors. Exceptionally good for utility service. CREPE De CHINE Combinations Crepe de chine combination suits and step-ins offered in this Month-End Sale are rallies worthy of your earnest consideration. Pastel shades in peach, nlle. shell, etc. See this special ralue in lingerie section Main Floor Mon day and Tuesday. Tuck-in Pajamas These new tuck-in- pajamas are the last word In chio nighties. And, slum ber wise will Investigate these at once. HEAVY CREPE De CHINE Slips Here are heavy crepe back satins and crepe de chine slips tailored with deep shadow hems at only $3.85. In, this group are a few laoe trimmed slips In all the wanted shades. Corset-Brassiere These are on display for Month-End Sales In the lingerie section Main Floor Monday and Tuesday .$1.98 SALE OF Printed Crepes Regularly selling at $255 per yard, these printed crepes offered during Month End Sale are new. quality crepes, but only a few yards to the piece. It win pay yon to look these over. ..There are so many possibilities such as children's dress frocks, women's street and sports wear outfits, undies, etc. ODDS AND ENDS PURSES We've collected all odds and ends In purses and placed them In this Month End Sale at a very low price. Simply choose the color, style, and material and the purse Is yours for only $1-98. Many women will avail them selves of an extra purse during Month End Sales Monday and Tuesday ' a- J it tf'S ff CLEARANCE OF GROUP -.Men'sHats VALUES TO $6.00 These are mostly the weU known Oordon blocks of fine felt AU an thoroughly de sirable. In color, in shape and most assuredly in price. Reg ularly $S and . SLOVAK SANDALS 03.75 0V75 Ml r W V Come in Monday for jour Slo vak sandals. These are going fast and it takes a long time to gat them from Czecho-Slovakia our. prices on tnese are ex tremely low. One has Y choice of meral stylet f ana colors. SPECIAL KAYNEE BLOUSES New BluesTans, Greys, Greens, etc Smart patterns, guar- ahteed fast color. Sizes ;6 to 11 years. k3 ' 3 Phono Court st d , f3 23 Liberty ; -3-D r " j 2nd Floor - . 1 - s ;