Events in the Social World and News of Varied Club Activities xPhone 500 OLIVE DOAK Society Editors fApollo Club; Will represent Splendid Program 'Good Music Week', Show Sprightly Interest x- Sir:- W ' "" Ac ? v ' n f - ' The appearance of the Portland Apollo dab at the Elsinore theater ; : Monday, April 29. dUrks their sec ond appearance In Salem, i They gare a concert at the armory 12 -years ago aa one of a series i brought here by Mlas Minnetta ' " Wagers. ? Such soloists as Julian Clausen. Charles Hackett, of Chicago grand 'epera. Nina Morgana ot Metropol itan opera, and Anna Case have :ifppeared in concert with this club ,' fearing one with the impression : that much may be expected from !: the Monday night concert at which time Harold W. Moore, bass. F. ' George Anderson, tenor, will be " the soloists for the following pro- gram: ftT MMto DudW BotV ,() Bll of ShandOB Or. H. V5- ,.h) In My Tim J. Bnietw ' Moonrle . Johnne Pach ' Vihn U S?Wi Srhufcert ) BesiCe Thy Door Snodjr F. George Andrrson Jftbberworky S;n:und SoaftU My I.ry Chloe H. Cloufh lighter fimrlw Th. Podbertukv - "t? th Wind David (b) Ho. Jolly Jenkia (from eptra "iran- hot") . SalTiTsn Harra W. Moor JrfrT . King-?rotfcroa () Mormnring Zephyr C.... . -M!f Jb b) Sl!y n our Al'e ' .. .. 0!d Eb?1:s1i t. by VT. H. Bow Twrirtnn .. i- a... Kruno Tlohn th Lett CborC Sullin ,- W. H. Boyer, has been director of this o:'"ri'.riition ev-.- sir.-e tM origin SI years aso. Local rneu ; who havt ' be n f eupr i members (;of the tf ar E.r, D. Q. 1 " Robert?,, RJih d Robertson, and Jack r.:cl:. f The pcr:.-r:i. ! club i: j Frst Tenors , j Oeora P. An lr-vcr Il-r'irf J. Ander 4ob, WiliiiM I'. Bjyer. Carl B. Brown. Andrew Cotnr-? HTnr't ikM, Jonn A. K. Dentler. JC-r'. 'I'ri)r;Tl, Silnv O. Iji throp, J. J. iVi, N. K. Matthew. Jnlea XoaV. M. L. Peter, Walter E. j Rose, C. B. S:ei. "W C. Ad . .'aeV Bi:.Vi , rec"- A. Farias. .7..1in f.:. Jo. W. Gill. Roger i Hase. Ro'eri ILttcMn. Arthnr Johnson, r W. M. -. C.-iT.Ile forsan. J. . McMirian . W. A. Pf ter, "onald B. r Sharp. O arl t II. Punchy, Robert P. "Wation. A. WHtifir. Fiiit Ecitvev P. T. A 1 - I . K. Barnctt. J. W. ' B'ekforfl, Rovi'. 3:s:iarii. Miles Bnrleiph, ? Tbo. P. rijir:., F;-ierno R. Gilbert, V. - O. Hesse. D. V. JT'Cnrrsrh, Donald Mc- Jatoih. An l f r Kilerl, Klmon G. Miller. It. W. Mil . J. Scott Milne. Karl Plek. W. F. Potts Harrey Tatro, A. Van Ilaeltt. J. F, WalliB, Ceorje H. Ward . er.TMarsha'l Wood. y, . Rei-ooi Basset AHti G. Adam. M. H. Astrop. Georre T.. BtVer. Jr., M. I-' Bowman. Donald Bornett, G. A. Charlston. B. ti. Crane, ' Merwin Unit. Kenneth H. Eat. A. A. Easter. Martin A. Howard. Jas. Lawrence, A. W. Ledbury. Stephen W. Matthien, Jr., v Harold W. Moore. W. A. Montgomery, , Wil.'reff Tr.;nips. Werner Rax, A. H. Steirm'''. t. P. Town, Alei Wagner, Leslie A. Valrad. Miss Varley Hostess ; To Hfeh School Group Miss Emma Varley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Varley, en ; tertained a group of High school : friends at her home Thursday ey l ening. The rooms were decorat- , ' ed with Spring as a motif. After an evening of dancing and cards, the hostess, assisted by Miss Dorothy Tucker and Miss Daisy Varley, served refresh- ; merits. The guest group included Con , stance Krebs, Roberta Varley, 'I Francis Reid. Georgia Nash, Lot '.: tie Nash. Kathryn Rowc, Merle ; Thatcher, Dortba Cannon, Faye Henderson, and Truxton Fareman, Elmer Suing, Wayne Blacco, ' Maxie Langfard, Frits Ammon, I Glenn Sanford, Glen Rollins, Bill Backe, Glenn Wilbur and Paul ' Rockenfeller. Mf. and Mrs Harry Toung were hosts to the Happy Dozen "500 club In the Young home Friday ' evening. Tulips in shades of I rose were attractive as decora tions. ' After a few hours of "500", the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Haag and Mrs. Kitchen, served a dainty luneh. The guest group included Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Haag, Mr. and Mrs F. Kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boles, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bars neff, and Mr .and Mrs. Frank Ha- berman. Mrs. Kitchen and Mr. Barsneff i won the high score honors of the !-- evening. j- : Mr. and Mrs. Haag will be hosts - to theclub this Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Creigh Long were hosts Friday evening for three tables of bridge, in honor of the birthday of Carroll Long. Guests Jnyited for this affair were the honor guest, Carroll Long. Mrs. Carroll Long, Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Smith, Mr. and Mr. Sheldon Sack- et, Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson. The W. T. M. 8. of the Jason Lee Memorial church: will .hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. A. J. Vick 1495 North Liberty street, Tuesday evening. Mite boxes will be open ed at this meeting. Mrs. Marie Putnam Is chairman of the pro- .gram eommittee for this meeting. The general Ladies Aid of the , First Methodist church will cpon. sor a rummage sale and a. paper and rag drive Friday and Saturday May 10 and -11. The place will be announced later. f -. ; ; GRAND Calvary S. S. 9:45 a.m. Classes for all ages. Preaching services 10:50 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. B. Y, P. TJ.'i 6:30 p.m. WELCOME. Young People. A. M"EMPTY WATERPOTS." Morning: Anthem : ' "Give Unto the Lord," Cadman. P. M "SOLD AND BOUGHT BACK." Male Quartet Baptismal Service WELCOME ; W. EARL COCHRAN, Pastor y . '-If: ft V J v v - r I i Mrs. J. B. Dinner-Bridge Group Entertained Thursday The Impromptu Dinner Bridge club 'members were guests at an attractive dinner for which Mrs. J. E. Godfrey was hostess last Thursday evening. Following the dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Vera Suko entertained the guest group at an evening of bridge in the Suko home where the rooms were at tractively decked with wild flow ers. The club members Include Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Laldlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Jensen, Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Lebold, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wood row and the hosts, Mr. and The high score bridge honors Mrs. Vern Suko. of the evening were won by Mr. and Mrs. Wiley and Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw. Mrs. Byrd is Hostess To Spokane Visitors Mrs. W. H. Byrd entertained at a six o'clock dinner in her home on Liberty street Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Byrd and Dr. and Mrs. Roy Byrd. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bjrrd have been the guests of Mrs. Prince Byrd while visiting here on the return trip to their home in Spo kane after spending a time in Honolulu with their daughter. Mrs. John Nelson. Mrs. W. S. Mott has had as her house guests during the past week Mrs. Thomas Sims of Los Angeles, Mrs. Mary Mcintosh of Berkeley, Mrs. John Clark of Portland, and Mrs. Dan Shaw of Beaverton. Mrs. Jesse Walling and Mrs. C. F. Merrick entertained at an at tractive afternoon bridge party in the Walling home Friday after noon. Four tables ot bridge pro vided the center of attention dur ing the afternoon for those who wished to play. Other guests spent the afternoon in conversation. The drawing rooms were attrac tive with arrangements of Japon lca, narcissus, and the flowering quince and currant. . Mrs. Ralph Allen of Salem won the prize for high score of the af ternoon. The guest group Included Mrs. V. L. Gibson, Mrs. Charles Mc Carter, Mrs. W. W. Henry. . Mrs. Ralph Scott. Mrs. Walter Hunt, Mrs. Jesse Worthington, Mrs. W. Frank Crawford; Mrs. Wayne B Henry, Mrs. W. N. Crawford, Mrs. Alvln Madsen, Mrs. James A. French, Mrs. J. D. Walling, Mrs. T. J. Merrick, Mrs. Roy E. Barker and her son Sammy, Mrs. F. H Barker. Mrs. L. F. Matthews, Miss Jesse Smith and Mrs. Ralph Allen, Mrs. L. M. Purvine and Mrs. Mary B. Crawford, all of Salem. Miss Alma Weller will entertain with a musical beginning at fonr o'clock this afternoon at her stu dio. The affair Is given for her advanced students. Victor Wblf will assists with this program Saturday afternoon Miss Weller presented her younger students la recital. Miss Elizabeth Lord and Miss Edith Sehryrer are at home again a tier -a visit of a few weeks in Seattle.- ' Baptist Church THEATRE - . V-1; ::j:v.- 4 "r ... Protzinan Yo-rlVJar-Co Group GuestSln Byrd Home - f Mrs. Prince Byrd and Mrs. Paul Johnson were hostesses to the members of the Yo-Mar-Co gToup Friday afternoon at the Byrd home. After a brief business meeting at which the president, Mrs. By ron Herrick presided, Mrs. E. C. Cross, Mrs. Byrd's mother, -spoke to the group in a most informing and Interesting manner of her trip through the Holy Land last year. Mrs. Cross' discussion- was made doubly Interesting by a number of curios and art objects from the Holy Land which she showed and explained to the group. Mrs. Cross was one of a num ber of special guests of the group which included Mrs. Johnson's mother, Mrs. M. T. Graham, and Dr. Byrd's mother who has been visiting here from Spokane. - At the tea hour Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Graham presided at the beautifully appointed tea table. They were assisted in serving by the dainty little Misses Betty and Janet Byrd. The tea table was centered with a lovely arrangement of snap dragons, petunias and carnations in pastel shades. The hostesses for the next meeting of the group will be Mrs. Walter Minier and Mrs. J. D. Foley. Piiscilla Club Group Guests of Mrs. Craig Mrs. John Craig entertained the members of the Priscilla club at an attractive, afternoon affair in her home last week. Spring flow. ers were artistically arranged about the drawing room. The club group included Mrs. Dan Fry, Sr., Mrs. W. S. Mott, Mrs. Fred Steusloff, Mrs. C. M. Epplejr, Mrs. Walter Buckner, Mrs. S.v S. East, Mrs. Kittle Graver, Mrs. George Dunsford, Mrs. A. T. Wain, Mr 3. Ida Babcpck,' and Mrs. A. L. Brown. The Lincoln community club re ports a very excellent program re cently. The main part ot the pro gram was musical. A four-act dramatized eong was presented by Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Scott, assist ed by Roy Barker. A copy of the "Bugle" published 30 years ago by the Lincoln community liter ary society was read by Frank Boehringer. Guests for the even ing were Col and Mrs. Abrams, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerth, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boeing, Mr. and Mrs. John Spong. Mr. acd Mrs: Barkus has had as her; house guests during the past week. Ernest Summerfield of Tacoma and Oscar Wolf of Cus son, Minnesota. Spring Fever . Sunshine at lastand Salem's little world shows the effect of it-cleaves have bursted their " wrappings, blossoms are in profusion and there is a lure in the air that calls to the beach, the mountains, . the golf course, the tennis courts and the bridal ! paths. Salem folk are lucky who can within three easy hours humor any one of these calls. Already there are picnic parties, and on Friday the woman's semi-finals will -be played off on the Salem golf course. There are riding parties from six A. M. on : , through the day, tennis "tournaments, weekend 5 beach parties, and for those who like the soft spring flower air of the drawing room there is plenty of interest. Parties last week were many. Mrs. Frank Spears and Mrs. Russell Catlin entertained with two afternoons; Mrs. F. E. Halik entertained with two afternoons; Mrs. Hollis Huntington had a luncheon "bridge, and the Willamette university May Queen and her princesses were entertained with a formal tea at the Alpha Phi Alpha sorority house. Add to this the regular club parties, the plans for "good music week," The Piper," and the auxiliary's work for "Hospital day" it must be said there is "spring fever" in the air true enough but socially it has none of the elements of ennui so often attributed to it. Miss Miller Appears In Interesting Program A program of unusual interest was given Friday evening at the Robert, studio by Miss Mae Miller, organist lot" the First Christian church. Miss Miller was asssited by Ralph B. Patterson, baritone. The -studio was attractively decked with tulips, lilacs and ap ple blossoms. Guests were greeted at the door by the Misses Lolita and Lorita Robinson and Miss Ed na Miller, sister of Miss Miller. The varied program opened wiht the "Third Sonata" by Borowski, and "Dawn Enchantment," by Dunn, followed by "Ball's Littel Road," and "Rockin in De Win'," by Nudlinger, sung by Mr. Patter. Ron. The nroeram continued with "May Time," by Lemare, "In Sum mer." by Stebbins, and "Sea Gar dens" by Cooke, & group ot organ number which were rendered in splendid style by Miss Miller. Mr. Patterson's other three numbers, "Invictus" by Huhn, "The Old Road." hx Scott and "Schubert's "Serenade," were greatly appre ciated by the audienee. The Sere nade was especially beautiful with both orran and niano accompani ments played by Miss Miller and Prof. Roberts. The closing organ nnmlwr. "Polonaise in C Minor" by Stebbins was a splendid climax to the program. Both artists were at their best throughout the eve ning and graciously responded to numerons encores. The numbers selected brought out the beautiful tonal effects of Tmf. Roberts organ. esDecially the "Polonaise in C Minor" in which the powerful and majestic tones of the organ proved their true musical value. Mrs. Fred Gordon Bridge Club Hostess Mrs. Fred C. "Gordon enter tained the members of her bridge club in here apartment at the Glendora Tuesday afternoon. The high score awards of the afternoon .were won by Mrs. Vern Suko and Mrs. Stanley Burgess. Amone the sruests who were present were Mrs. R. D. Wood row, Mrs. Donald Madison, Mrs. R. O. Koent. Mrs. Hal Wiley. Mrs. Roy F. McGee, Mrs. Stanley Bur gess, Mrs. Vern Suko and tne hostess, Mrs. Gordon. Mrs. E. M. Laird was hostess to the Fifty-Fifty five hundred club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. A. J. Nixon, won high score and Mrs. Will Hunt second. Guests for the afternoon were E. L. Gray, Mrs. L. W. DuBois, Mrs. M. McDowell, Mrs. A. J. Nixon, Mrs. Will Hunt. Mrs. R. A. Erixson, and Mrs. E. B. Taylor. Tea was served from a service table centered with pansles. Mrs. F. G. Franklin, read "Through California Art Galler ies." a paper which she has only recently prepared, before the En glewood community club Satur day afternoon.. In addition to this she gave the high lights of European galleries commencing with the lake region of England and tracing art and literature In to Italy. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Molton Gatke will be dinner hosts today to Mrs. Virginia Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Sackett, Dr. Henry Kohler, and Leland Chapln. CORSET WEEK See the new Spring .Models ..." - Artistique Foundations An inexpensive dress oyer a good founda tion looks, far better than an expensive dress over a poof foundation. Be sureyou are correctly corseted for the new dresses. - s: " Special Attention Given to Fittings ' v ' ; , . . : . - : Howard 165 N. liberty St. W. Q T. U. Convention Given in Resume The recent Marion county W. C. T. U. convention which met at the Presbyterian church in Wood burn, transacted much important business under the able manage ment of their president, Mrs. Sarah Oliver, who was also re elected for the seventeenth time. D part in nt reports were given as follows: flower mission, Mrs. J. R. Presnall, evangelistic, Mrs. Nellie Gunning, publicity. Lena V. Robins, christian citizenship, Mary Charlton; legislative, Mrs. J. J. Nunn; child welfare, Mrs. A. H. Deane; constitutions, Mrs. J. Wil son; anti-narcotic, Mrs. Almara Reed: Sunday schools, Mrs. A. Hadley; circulation of official pa pers, Ora Bear. The general reports showed a total active membership in the county of 239, with 23 honorary members, and all budgets paid in full. Following the noon prayer, a delightful luncheon was served 'by the Woodfturn women. The afternoon session was op ened with "singing, followed by a memorial service conducted by Mrs. O. A. Condit. Mrs. Mary Brooks then placed upon the ta ble, a beautiful bouquet of flowers in memory of the following: Mrs. Retta Pemberton, Mrs. Emma Hawkins, Mrs. Mary Newton, Mrs. Dorothy Clamp, who have gone to their Great Reward. Mrs. Vern Bain, and Mrs. J. Hanson sang a duet, and kindly responded to encore. Mrs. Fran cis Swope, state corresponding se cretary, gave a short talk. A vote of thanks was extended Mrs. C. A. Swope for the efficiency with wfiich she acted as manager ot the White Ribbon Review. Res olutions were passed expressing appreciation to the various civic organizations and individuals whose assistance greatly aided in makfng the convention a success. A separate resolution made the statement of aim for the W. C. T. U. for the year in that It "urged clean, wholesome pictures, that will in no way reflect against home life, or rjrohibition law en forcement, and that the policy of education as to the bad effect of narcotics be promoted even as it had been against alcohol." The next convention will meet ill Salem nest April. Mrs. W. S. Foster was hostess Friday afternoon to the women of the Calvary Baptists Missionary society. A program entitled "Facts" was enjoyed by the 39 women present. Miss Mina Gile and Mrs. O. Pickens arranged the program. Mrs. A. J. Gile lead the devotions. A special thank-offering of $30 was taken for the month of April. Tea was served by the hostess committee, Mrs. C. R. Gregg, Mrs. R. Sachtler, Mrs. William Taylor, and Mrs. Mina Gile. At the tea hour Mrs. George King gave a reading and Mrs. Carl Huber sang. , Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Davis left early last week for a motor trip through the South. They plan to visit as far as Arizona before their return. The study classes ot the Wo men's elub wil meet at 3:30 o'clock In the clubhouse. The Rev. Martin Ferrey will review "Sing ing in the Ram" and Professor B. F. Franklin will discuss current events. ' A. , . ) ' W. .-.v. : : : V'v:-i':::-Vxv; X ':':'' w'Stv:-:-::::::::: .": Miss Sigma Mrs. Walton Hostess To Thursday Club Mrs. William Walton was host ess to the members of the Thurs day bridge club and a number of additional guests at the Walton home last Thursday afternoon. The special guests of the after noon included Mrs. T. A. Lives-' ley, Mrs. John Carson, Mrs. T. A. Roberts, and Mrs. O. F. Johnson. The members of the club group include Mrs. David W. Eyre, Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mrs. Harry Hawkins, Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mrs. Henry Meyers, Mrs. George Rodg ers, Mrs. Fritz Slade, Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Jr., Mrs. John McNary and the hostess, Mrs. William Walton. The high score honor for the afternoon was awarded to Mrs.. T. A. Livesley. Mrs. Henry Meyers will enter tain the group at the next club afternoon. Leslie Ladies Aid Will Picnic Tuesday Mrs. Fred Soptt will be hostess to the members of the Ladies Aid society of the Leslie Methodist church for a picnic at the Scott country home at Liberty Tuesday afternoon. Unless the weather proves inclement, a potluck lunch eon will be spread out of doors at the noon hour. The committee In charge of the picnic Includes the hostess Mrs. Scott, Mrs. O. E. Brooks and Mrs. Kate Holder. The Book and Thimble club was guest of Mrs. A. J. Krueger for an Interesting social afternoon program presented by Mrs. Fred Kubin. Miss Mamie Hillman, a bride-elect, was given a miscel laneous shower. Following this re freshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Damrell. Guests present for this affair were Mrs. Charles Adams, Mrs. Mary Beaver, Mrs. L. F. Brown, Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mrs. Fred Kubin, Mrs. Ray Lacey, Mrs. Charles Schwartz, Mrs. Hettl Simkins, Mrs. Ross Damrell, and Mrs. A. J. Krueger. Visitors were Mrs. George Grabenhorst, Mies Mamie Hillman, and Miss Florence St. Pierre. The Mizpab class of the First Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Fannie Campbell Tuesday afternoon of last week. The hostess eommittee for the after noon Included Mrs. McCain, Mrs. Ayers ana Mrs. camp Den. 2 P. Walstrom SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday . Woman's club study class- es mee tat 2:30 o'clock. Tuesday Missionary society First Congregational church at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. Steus- loff, 607 North Commercial. Leslie Ladies' Aid picnic et 11 o'clock with Mrs. Fred Scott of Liberty. W. F. M S. Jason Lee church mite box opening meeting with Mrs. Vick, 14 95 North Liberty. Wednesday W. H. M. S. of First M. E. church meets at 2:30 o'clock in the church parlors. South Dakota club. 6:30, American Lutheran church. Thursday Carnation club meets at 2 o'clock with Mrs. W. D. Al- bright. 1235 Division. Piety Hill club meets with Mrs. C. K. Spaulding. Friday W. U. May Day fete at 2 o'clock on the campus. Jun- ior class play at 8:15 o'clock at Grand Ronde. Saturday May morning breakfast 6 until 9 o'clock on the W. U. campus. Townspeople wel- come. Mrs. Pierce Hostess At Afternoon Bridge Mrs. E. T. Pierce entertained at an interesting bridge affair in her home on North Summer street Friday afternoon. Spring flowers centered the tea table and decked the drawing room. High score awards of the afternoon were awarded to Mrs. E. P. Thom and Mrs. F. W. Poorman. Mrs. Frank Powers entertained at dinner for Mrs. Willard Seaton Kaufman, prominent visitor from Seattle, at her home Friday even ing. Yellow spring flowers and yellow tapers in crystal holders centered the table. Covers were laid for the honor guest. Mrs. Kaufman, and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baker, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Powers, Miss Florence Powers, and Mrs. Frank Powers. Nathan Stelnboch, 14 year old violin student of Miss Elizabeth Levy won second place In the class A. violin contest at Forest Grove Saturday. He played the "Maxurka de Concert," by Musin. TO SALEM M., MAY THIRD "Music hath power" to create more interest In a cooperative fashion "week" to be celebrated, than any such "week" so far ob served. The first such observance was supposed to be of Western origin having its beginning In Boise, Idaho in 1919. Later In the same year Dallas, Texas, St. Louis, Missouri, and Sharon, Pennsylvania held music weeks. By 1928 the number of towns cel ebrating this week was 2.26S. In Salem every one Is partici pating in some fashion either as a willing listener or an active as sistant. The schools speak through Superintendent Hug, who says "the schools have always endeav ored to give the student full en, couragefhenV in any and all lines of music endeavor." From the programs which they are offering and that In addition to keeping up full class work 6ne may well be lieve the statement is according to facts. t '- Each school In town Is planning something special. "Pinaforw" will be presented by the high school students at the Grand the atre May 8. There will be a con cert given by the graduating class of the Sacred Heart academy at St. Joseph's hall May 9. The Les lie Junior high school will present the opera "Bulbul" May 9. Con certs will be given by the Salem school bands. Parrish junior v.ill give two operettas "Rip Van Win kle," and "Hiawatha's Childhodd" May 7. These are only a Dartial list of what to expect from the I school. 1 From now on it will be the en deavor of this column to present individual programs which may he kept for reference as "places to go" during the weeks activities. ' Mrs. Steusloff Will Be Hostess Tuesday The Missionary society of tl First Congregational church will meet at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday af ternoon with Mrs. F. W. Steusloff in her home at 607 North Com mercial. The Rev. C. E. Ward will con duct the devotions. Leland ch;i pin, who but recently returned from the Orient, will be the main speaker of the afternoon. Mr. Chapin's subject will be "China". The Ladies Quartet will furnish Jhe special music for the after noon. The hostess committee includes Mrs. E, C. Charlton, Miss Edith Hazard, Mrs. John Bayne, Mrs. L. H. McMahan and Mrs. Steusloff. Dumb Doras Guests At Evening Party Mrs. Ed Kitchen and Miss Ruth Kitchen entertained the Dumb Dora club at three tables of "500' in the Kitehen home Thursday evening. After a few hours of cards, the hostesses served a dain ty lunch. The guest group included Miss Jessie Starr, Miss Hope Divine, Miss Mildred Durgan, Miss Alta Simmons, .Miss Anna Mclntyre. Mrs. Arthur Jepson, Mrs. Harry Young, Mrs. Robert Rubecl", Mrs. Carl Fisher, and Mrs. Harry Boles. The high score awards of the evening, were won by Miss Mc lntyre and Miss Divine. . Mrs. Jt H. Garnjobst, president of the woman's team of the Sa lem Golf club has announced the pairings for the seml-finala of the tournament which will take place paired with Mrs. J. H. Willett, and Mrs. Clifford Farmer with Mrs. F. S. Anunsen. Friday results showed Mrs. Clifford Farmer winning from Mrs. Curtis Cross, Mrs. Earl New ton, from Mrs. Daryl. Proctor, ami Mrs. F. S. Anunsen from, Mrs. H. K. Stockwell. ' A "White Elephant" tourna ment will be a feature ot the Fri day events and all members of the club are urged to be out. A special 1 o'clock meeting has been called by the president for dis cussion of rules. Mrs. Prescott's Drama class will meet at 2 o'clock Tuesday after noon in the public library. The topic for study will be "The Sbapespearlan Drama" with es pecial attention to ' Othello" and "The Tempest. : is ." COMING 1 . . - i