The New OHEGON STATESMAN, Salta. Oregon, Scaday Kerning. April 23, 1923 Newa of Tito Week la Local Bulldlns Week For You to Inspect April Building Permits Exceed March Figurby,Jxwge Amount Last Week Especially Busy ; With Standard Oil Service Station on New Projecte With three days yet to go, the April building permit figure Friday night was more than $11,000 above the March total, tl3 record for the month so far being 45 permits f or buildings and alterations estimated to cost $125,276. Even that figure didn't represent all of the new activity which the month should be entitled to claim, as one addition al project of considerable magnitude was started just beyond the city limits, the addition to the Mount Crest Abbey mauso leum, which will cost $65,000. Tfce put week km been espec ially aetlre. permits Issued la that time representing; practical half of the month's rallies. These included the. Standard Oil . com pany lerrice station at the eorner of Chemeketa and High streets, to cost Ill.OtT, and the alterations on the Oreron building. S2.000. The largest project started this month inside the city limits is the Jarman residence, estimated to cost $30,000 for general construc tion alone. The number of permits Issued is erldence that the month's high total Is not based entirely on a tew large Items, but is Indicative of real quickening of building ac- tlritr here. INVESTMENTS AHinSakm Lots Homes Business Properties Fleener's For Fixtures I'M Rceneiaccftic Anyone with $200.00 or up can share In Salem's Future growth Some Decided Bargains in Lots Becke & Hendricks 189 N. High Street Know Your PAINT MONARCH 100 Pure i Cannot Be Made Better ' Here is the formula Lead, Zinc, Turpentine and Drier Guaranteed to con tain No Sand No Whiting nor any of the other adult erants quite generally and generously used in the man ufacture of a Trig majority of other Brands of Paint. Use MONARCH 100 PURE PANT And enjoy the satisfaction of KNOWING there is nothing better in outside house Paint. Know Your VARNISH Martin's 100 PURE Varnish The Finest Varnish made Bar None. It also is 100 Pure and contains No Rosins No Benzine No Gaso lineNo Kerosene Nor any of the other adulterants quite Generally and Generously used in the manufac ture of other brands of Varnish. Bring us your Paint problems DOUGHTON & SHERWIN Paints and Hardware -A 1 1 . 286 N. CW1. St. Phone 639 You'U Find It Easy To Pay This Loan On our 142 monthly payment pUn, payments on a 11000 loan start with $12.00 per month including interest. Payments eachmonth decrease until both principal and intejsst-ftrepaid off. ixx 11 luid 11 177. convenient and practical to borrow from us on the above basis. ' Hawkins & Roberts have made it possibte f or many Salem people to own their homes without being financially burdened. Perhaps we can also make 1 home ownership more convenient for you, too. Why not discuss it with us? Hawkins & Roberts Inc. i h 205 Oregon Bldg. LOANS INVESTMENTS INSURANCE INSTATE $30,000,000 More Protec tion for $50,000 Less Premiums Granted Darius the calendar year 1I3S tie Sit stock fir insurance com panies operating- in Oregon vrote orer IS9.t00.00O or four par cent mora tire Insurance tea a was in force on December II, 11 ST. and receired SSSCOOO or eight per cent leas la premiums from agents. according to the forthcoming an nual report of Ininranee Commis sioner. Lee. In ether words Ore gon poller holders secured ISO, 000,000 more In fire protection ralno in 1028 than In 1127 at a sarins of orer $500,009 In pre mium coat. These same compan ies paid net losses, less relnsnr ance, of $(82,000 In 1028 In ex cess of lt27, or an Increase of 25 per cent. While this record does not ap pear so f&Torable to the insurance companies In the biennial com parison, an analysis of the depart ment ,records- covering (the five year period, 1924-1028, prepared by Mr. Xee,' reveals a more equa ble condition of the Insurance business in this state. The total coverage for 1928 was seren per cent abore the normal of the five- year period while the reduction In premium receipts, due to a reduc tion In rates, additional credits and broader rules of underwriting promulgated by the Oregon Insur ance Bating bureau and the oper ating companies, was seren per cent below the fire year arerage. Net losses paid In 192 S were 5 per cent less than the average for the fire-year period and the loss ratio for 1928 showed an in crease of but one per cent over the average year. The increased losses for 1928 was due to a ser ies of conflagrations, principally in wood-working plants, which wrought property damage of orer $1,000,000 in excess of the 1927 losses the lowest in the history of the department. The total amount of tire insur- ia force in Oregon on De cember 81. 1928, exclusive of re ciprocals, automobile and marine companies, was $1,108,882,027. Of this amount $741,318,547 was carried by stock companies and $288788,080 by the mutual com panies. Of the total-amount car ried by the matuals $185,389,780 was written by the six Oregon companies. , Stock companies carried $784. 799.808 fire insurance at the close of 1927 as against 8784.- 898.547 in 1928 and the total pre mium collected from agents in 1928 was $8,159,974 as compared to $8,788,172 In 1927. Net pre miums from all sources for 1928 were $8,848,282 and for 192T they were $9,501,022. Net losses paid by stock companies la 1928, less reinsurance. were . $2,848,382 while those for 1927 were $2,284.- 412 and taxes due the state on net premiums for 1928 from stock companies were $174,991 as com pared to $186,175 for 1927. a de crease of six per cent. Net risks In force on December 31, 1928, was an Increase of $49, 375,918 over that for the average year of the five-year period and the net premiums received, less reinsurance, was $5,508,217 in 1928 which was $369,457 less than for the average of the five year period, an increase and de crease of seven per cent, respec tively. A gala of $82,808,223 Is shown in the- 'amount of jinsurance in force at toe close otl92S as com pared to December 31, 1924: net premiums received show a reduc tlon of $5(1,373 or 10 per cent; losses paid, less reinsurance, a de crease of $825,363 or 29 per cent and state taxes on net premiums a decreae of $22,750 or 13 per cent. The greatest amount of losses paid by stock companies during the five-year period was $3,871,745 in 1924 and the least wa 12,284.412 la 1927. SAFETY RAZOR USEFUL A safety razor blade Is very use ful in cutting flowers. Keep it on a window ledge and It will save running into the house for your scissors every time you want to cut a boquet of flowers. TO HELP ROSE CULTURE To make your roses take on bright healthy color, and to pro duce better blooms, dig into the soil around the roots, two table spoons of bonemeal. )mt fail to secure w ymv copy r - TO AUTTOJ est ;a an a i Gnanish En&Ush lanial-Frendt- Norman -Dutch- Colonial - tna other types of architecture ate ittustraiedin lioesss of various sifia TUDG1CSNT and Foresight are neceesary la ' J business and are Just as necessary when bnil ing or remodeling. . Therefore consult us in regard to your plans and materials ... it will pay you ! a AO Types of Building Material ' Distributors of Johns-Manvillt Asbestos and Felt Shingles 'Hansen Llepisf 582 Mill Phone 344 House like Merrie England Along: the highroads of Kaglaad are hows aoi amllke the oae pic tured abore. The bay windows wlut their latticed paaea aad attractive trim are delightful feature. Farther iafonnailo abomt the plaa may be bad from The Statesman or the Haouttoa Swrnltmre Cow, which has available books of plana illustrating tale hoaee aad otbera, equally as attractive. i y tj II Now The Modern Lock , ' Doors Lock Without Keys No home completely modern without Schlage Button Locks. To lock just press the Jratton in the knob. To unlock just turn the knob. Let us give you prices on these new modern up-to-date locks for your new home. Phone 172 120 N. Commercial St Consult us Before Building We will buy a lot to suit you, build and finance your home for a small payment down.. I have a new home on Royal, between 18th and 20th. One block north of Chemeketa. Price 83400. Easy terms. H. C. HUMMEL CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Phone 2254-R 1790 N. Capitol St. mm OVER PBODIICn SEATTLE. Wash. Current lumber orders exceeded the week's production by 1S.0T per cent and shipments were 1.89 per cent over catting, reports to the West Coast Lumbermen s association xorthe week ending April 28 show. Prices coatlnne firm la practically all market, with increased orders noted la the rail and domestic cargo trades. The west coast lumber industry continues to be la a strong position with average orders, for the 18 weeks of this year. 9.44 per cent above average production and inventories show, ! Production, orders and ship ments at 207 mills la the Douglas Or regtoa were reported, for the week ending April 20 to the asso ciation as follows: Mills 207; production. 194,947,248; orders, 220.489,792; shipments, 197, 889.881. Orders were 12.07 per cent over production and shipments 1.29 over. HOW TO KILL WEEDS A good method for killing the common lawn weeds such as plan tain, dandelion, and others, is to pat a few drops of kerosene or gasoline vpon the top of each plant. When applied on a warm, sunny day. the weed will turn black In a short time. Great care must be used, however, not to arppany of. the chemical upon the griai as this kills grass as well as weeds. Modern Homes Are More Beautiful When Papered fife , I have a large assortment of new artUUc ' wall decorations. You w'lln Joy seeing them. IssBuuu Real Estate Loans 6 6Y2, 7 Money and plenty of it P. H. Bell 219 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phones: 607 - 2141-W. Salem, Ore. IV, I' I I I I U 1 'Jifl I Be Prepared for the First Warm Weather Banigaratloa et some kiaa Is almost a necessity la the mod era home. For the sake of health and ecoaemy.yoa cannot afford to be without it. We have a large stock of high grade lee boxes aad refrigera tors that we are . offering at extremely low prices. Come la Prices range from . . . $14.00 9 We also have a number of used refrigerators that we hare takea la oa Electro-Kolds, many as good as new. ftpadty used-refrigerators ............. Large size used boxes $9.09 Bp $4.95 mfk 467 COURT ST. 5 Acre English Walnut Tracts for $1625 each! At the age of 6 years. Only $300 down and $200 annually with 6 interest. This is the best investment ever offered. An acre walnut orchard will bear from 1000 to 3000 lbs. a year; price 25c to 30c a lb. English walnut trees live to over 100- years, bearing nuts. No Danger of Overproduction In 1926 the United States imported 48,000,000 lbs. of shelled and unshelled walnuts, valued at $9,000,000. 80 acres of the Twin-Maple fruit and poultry farm, 8 mils east of Salem is divided into 5 acre tracts and the entire tract is now planted to English (Franquette) walnuts. For SIX YEARS the planting will be cared for and a cover crop put in annually. At the end of six years, the purchaser takes entire possession of the tract and receives the bearing orchard. O. S. C authorities find good soil on the tract, assuring favorable conditions for an orchard. Trees planted were grown by McClure, who has the best English walnut, Franquette variety nursery stock in the valley, RICH L. REIIMJ REALTOR 219 North High Street Telephone 865 I u Pol m M SBBBBBSBBBBBB There?s NoTime r Like the Present i ! While the curtains are clean and fresh and the accumulated dust and soot , of a winter's furnace tending have - been "housedeaned" is the time to Order your Williams Oil-O-Matic. Do not let your dainty curtains ge) soiled so quickly or so badly agam. . ... C2 riiiile! aaOfl-O-lfeae Aolx. about our Special Prices for April IT13aGo.Tv3o 104 S. Commercial r Telephone 192 SEE OUR WINDOWS