The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 28, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 28, 1929
- 5
Answers Framed in Weekly Report From tOregon State
TJ ; Highway Commission. ru f
Already! Mae sties and "the
Charm of Oregon's great out-of-doors
is calling to the tourists of
the state and the attraction of the
highways and the byways of the,
state loom large. . This week's re-
fiort on the condition of the road
s: . ''
Pacific Highway
f Y.E4Wand-Oswego - Ore? on Clty-Ealem-Albany-Harrisburg-J
City-Eugene-Cottage Orove-Grants
task-Medford-Asfiland - California
"'State Line: Paved. - r
tVest SWe Pacific Highway
Portland-N'ewberg-MeMinnville -
Corrallis-Junction City - Eugene:
'' Pared.
Columbia Rlwr Highway
' Astoria-Rain!er-St. Helens-Port-
land: raved. Portland-Hood River
'The Dalles: Paved. The Dalles
Arlington - Umatilla: Oiled ma-
Old Oregon Trail
Umatilla-Pendleton-La' Grande-Baker-Huntington-Ontario:
" macadam.
Rooserelt Coast Highway
Clatsop, Tillamook and Lincoln
Astorla-Seastde: Paved.
Seaside-Mohler- Brighton - Lake
Lytle - Rockaway - Garibaldi - Bay
, City-Wilson River: Macadam.
Wilson Rlver-Tillamook-Beaver:
! Part paved, part macadam.
j Beaver-Hebo - Neskowin - Devils
Lake-Siletr River -Otter Rock -i
Newport: Macadam.
Roosevelt Coast Highway
boaglas, Coos and Carry Counties
Reedsport-Lakeside-Xorth Bend:
'-JJacadam. Free ferry, across Coos
' Bay, 7 a. m. to 11 p. m. Road
from Drain to Reedsport open and
In fair condition,
i i ' North Bend - Marehf ield - Co
q utile: ' Paved
- Coaullle-Bandon-Port Orford-
Cold Beach-Brookings-California
' t 9 T - y ' -
? J4 jfjerry across Rogue river'
at Qoid. Beach, 7 a. m. to 11 p. m.
V Coos Bay-Kosebarg Highway
-y Junction Pacific Highway-Myr-t!
Point-Coquille: Macadam.
Green Springs Higtmay
Junction Pacific Highway-Keno
-Klamath Falls: Macadam.
Siuslaw Highway
Junction Pacific Higbway-Ches-hire-Goldson
- Blachly - Rainrock -Mapleton:
Mapleton-Florence: Dirt road.
Impassable in wet weather.
Corvallis-Xewport Highway
Corvalli3-Philomath- Eddyville -Toletjo-Newport
: Macadam.
Tualatin Valley Highway
Portland-HUlsboro-Forest Grove
-Carlton-McMlnnville: Paved.
Jit. Hood Highway
Portland - Government .Camp
Hood River: Paved to Multnomah
county line, balance oiled macad
am. Open to Swim; chains se
qaired east of Rhododendron.
Closed by snow between Swim and
Cooper Spur. Road between Gov
ernment' Cain and Wapinltia
closed by snow.
The Dalles-California Highway
The Dalles-Dufur-Maupin-Was-co
county line-Madras-Redmond-Bend-Lapine-Crescent-Fort
Falls: Oiled macad
am. Oiling operations under way
between Redmond and Bend.
Klamath Falls-Merrill-Califor-nia
- state line: Macadam. Oiling
operations under way between
Lakeview Junction and Merrill.
No inconvenience to traffic.
- Oregon-Washington Highway
Pendleton-Washington State
Line: Paved. Pendleton-Pilot-Rock-IIeppner-Ione-Heppner
tion: Macadam.
MrMlnnrille-Tillamook Highway
McMhmvHle-Sheridan: Paved.
Sheridan-Willamlna-Grand Ronde
Hebo: Oiled macadora.
Klamath FalU-Bonanza: Mac
adam. Bonanza-LorenzMill: Old road
nnsurfaced grade, soft after roin.
Lorenz Mill Beat.ty-Lakevlew:
Fremont Highway
Bend-Lapine: Oiled macadom.
Laplne-S i 1 v e r Lake-Summer
Lake; Unimproved dirt road.
Sum men Lake-Paisley: Nine
miles, macadam, 18 miles fair
dirt road.
Lakevlew-New Pine Creek-California
State Line Partly mac
adamized, -balance fair dirt road.
Central Oregon Highway
Bend-Barns: 12 miles macadam
127 miles fair dirt road. ' ,
' Burns-Crane: Macadam. Burns-.
Vale via Drewsey: Eartbroad,
rough.' Make Inquiry at Vale or
Burns -regarding snow conditions
before attempting trip.
Sherman Highway
Vernon-John Day
Piairla City-AustU-?U p 1 1 y-Iron-sUe-tyfwj
Vale-Ontario: Macadam. Oiling
operations- under way between
Condon and Fossil.
RedmpBd-Prineville-M i t c helli
Mitchell-Antone-Dayville: Dirt
road, rough but passable. Through
travel advised to take route via
Service Creek.
Crater Lake Highway
Med ford-Trail- Prospect - Union
Creek-Fort Klamath Junction:
Macadam. Closed from Prospect
across Crater Lake National Park
on account of snow.
La Grande-Wallowa Lake ''
La Grande-Island City: Paved.
Island City-Elgin-Minam-Wallo-wa
- Lostine - Enterprise - Joseph
Wallowa Lake: Macadam.
Baker-Cornacopit Highway
Baker-Halfway: 30 miles mac
adam and 30 miles graded road- '
bed, good condition.
Road to Oregon Caves '
Short Course To
Men Next May
A short course for state traffic
officers - will be held In Salem
during the third week of May, at
which time all the officers will be
called to headquarters for an In
tensive stodr of the new automo
bile and traffic laws, and to hear
leaders In "traffic and uaw en.
forcement work speak. It is plan
ned on a three-day meeting, with
a program covering many phases
of traffie controL There have
been many Important changegs
made In the" automobile laws, and
the officers will be coached care
fully In matters pertaining to
their operation and enforcement.
The secretary of state has delegat
ed T. A. Raff ety, chief Inspector
for the traffie division to be In
charge of the sessions. A new
style uniform, patterned some
what after the officers' of the Ca
nadian army has been adopted by
the division, and it Is expected
that some of the men will appear
at the school dressed in the new
oatflts. It has been the desire of
Secretary of State H'oss to hare
the state traffic patrol outfitted
with distinctive uniforms, in order
to readily distinguish them from
the great army of bns drivers, de
livery men and others who have so
nearly copied the present uniform.
It is believe dthat'the new uni
form will serve the purpose most
A Favorite oiFashibn-
' - ..
For All occasions, .whether the informal afternoon tea the formal
Bight theater party dinner at the country club or supper at the night
dub, the demand for 'ultra modern personal transportation must be
met. Spring days, calling for uewuess, find expression la this DeSoto
d Lojo Sedan. Its exterior style and color combinations matched with
Interior luxury la appointments, make It decidedly popular for every
social function everywhere.
100,000th Grahani-Paige
Car is Turned in April
Grants Pass-Deer. Creek-Kerby-Callfornia
State Line: Macadam.
From state line to Crescent City,
43 miles macadam, 10 miles nar
row roadway.
Kerby-Or-egon Caves: 10 miles
macadam, 9 miles dirt road. Con
struction work under way on last
8 miles and closed to travel ex
cept Sundays.
McKenzie Highway
Eugene-Springfield - Waterville
B ye ; fcj J f 4 knap Sprlnis-Sis-
tersRednmd; 'ificfedam. Closed
by snow between Belknap Springs
and Sfsters. A" "
Baker-Unity Highway
Baker-Unity: 25 miles mac
adam, 21 miles, cushioned road
bed. Good condition.
Pendleton-John Day Highway
Pendleton-Pilot Rock - Lazlnka
ranch: Macadam.
Lazlnka Ranch-Albee: - Graded
road open for travel.
Albee-TJklah: Surfaced.
Uklah-Rltter: Rough mountain
road, steep grades.
Ttltter-Mt. , Vernon: PaTtlally
graded and surfaced, fair condi
tion. .
To Lewlston, Idaho
Enterprise -Flora: Improved
road to Paradise, remaining sec
tion rough country road to-Ana-tone.
May be blocked at any time
by snow or mad between Flora
and Paradise.
Another milestone In Graham
Paige progress was reached last
week, when the 100,000th' Gra
ham Paige ear was built, Just 15
months after the new line of six
es and eights was Introduced.
Production at the Graham
Palge factory Is now running over
500 a day, well ahead of the fig
ures of last year, when Graham
Paige established a new first year
sales volume record for the auto
mobile industry.
Graham-Paige motor cars,-dls-tlngulshed
by the four-speed
transmission with standard gear
shifts ' attracted Immediate and
;jaisprea,d, , acceptanpg 0 . when in
troduced' In January, 1928, bythe
three Graham brothers. The
steadily increasing sales soon tax
ed the already - large and well
equipped manufacturing facilities
of Graham-Paige, and since then
construction crews hare been at
work almost continuously enlarg
ing existing plants and erecting
new ones. More than $10,000,000
have been-Invested in plants and
Graham-Paige now owns and
operates two separate manufac
turing plants at Detroit, three
large modernly equipped body
plants, one at Wayne, Michigan,
and two at Eransville, Indiana;
and a lumber mill at Perry, Fla.
. New factories and additions
have more than doubled the floor
area of Graham-Paige' plants
since the three Graham, brothers
acquired ownership control. The
total Is now well over 2,000,000
square feet.
Along with the growing public
me sjnadesi
seitifig ,
MANY new owner are now en
joyingthe smoothncss.silence
and power of the patented double
sleeve-valve engine. The superiori
ties of this simplest and most effi
cient of motors are now available at a
record low price for so large and
beautiful a car as the new style
Willys-Knight "70-B."
Experienced motorists praise the
Knight engine's lively acceleration
sustained high speed, rugged endur
ance.operati ng econom y and remar k
able freedom from carbon troubles
and repairs.
The . dome-shaped cylinder head
and sliding sleeves of the patented
Knight engine combine to form a
perfectly sealed combustion chamber
assuring high, uniform compres
sion at all speeds and with any gas!
VniXYS-OVERLAND. Inc.Toudo, O.
yf it ii
, M
One button, In center of Jteering
wheel, starts motor, operates lights,
sounds horn. Simple design no
wires in steering wheel. You can
keep your foot always on the braka
when starting or re-starting on a MIL
$tr4Si JTmAmt, $M4Si Tmrhg, $1943.
Motor Company
demand and the Increased man
ufacturing facilities, the dealer
organization has assumed world
wide proportions, extending Graham-Paige
sales and service facil
ities throughout the United States
and Canada, and Into 63 foreign
countries. The Jotal number of
Graham-Paige distributors and
dealers has been trebled daring
the last iff- months.
Read Dr. Copeland's Health
Articles appearing on the States
man feature page daily.
We do all kinds of Job Printing,
The Statesman Publishing Co'
Phone 690.
Off for Your
Fishing Hole
Equip with Miller Tires
and you won't be bothered with
tire trouble
Her Tire Service
199 South Commercial
II M ( J
t 4 . I t i
traight Eight or Six
1. .1
New Commander Eight Brougham, $1673, Commandu Six Bsovcham, SlJlJ sin wire whit It smJtrmti, tUmtUra BrtKghm fquif
mtnt. Commander Eicrt Count, $rjyj. Commander Sdc Court, fJJO. Fricn at thtftcttrj. Bmftr$ ami sftrt tires txtrt.
GREATER than ever and that, in a Studebakcr
Commander, is achievement indeed! Yet today's
Commander is a greater car than its illustrious prede
cessorwhich sped 25,000 miles in less than 23 poo
minutes in heroic proof of its speed and staying power.
New, as suave straight-eight or brilliant six, The
Commander by Studebaker, Builder of Champions,
provides a new-day grace and beauty as a setting for
its superb performance. Youthful and smart, the new
Studebaker coachcraft splendidly interprets the fleet
Bess and endurance of the new Commanders.
The new Commanders are lower, due to a costlier
double-drop frame. Ball bearing spring suspension,
pioneered by Studebaker, provides still further ease,
because of new type hydraulic shock, absorbers and
deep-sprung cushioning. Safety is enhanced bylowness,
greater road-steadiness at highspeed, non-shattcrab!e
windshield, steel core steering 'wheel, and amplined
action brakes that insure a velvtlfetop in half the distance
accepted as standard.
' Straight-eight or six, the new Clmmander is a worthy
Heir to the world-wide fame of tbi hame it bears. Driva
it an hour or a day. Its mettle ll win you.
The President Eight
The Commander Six or Eight je
The Dictator
The Erskine Six
0 1785 257J
. 1350 1675
1265 u 1395
860 1045
raicss at rat
r Studebaker now sells more 8-cy Under cars 1
than any other car manufacturer on earth I
Tone in "Studebaker Champions every Sunday evening 7:15 to 7:45 Pacific Tlrve
: Stations KOMOKHQKGW nd Coast-to-coast network
WaQaee H. Bonesteele .
235 S. Commercial - Opposite lrfarion Hotel "
Telephone 362
333 Center Street
- Telephoa