Blossoms Were Never More Beautiful and They Are Harbingers of Best Fruit Crop in Four Years EVERYONE OUT! Rain or thine, every Sa 1cm citizen will wut to make m tonr - of the many beautlf ul orchard districts ia this wonderful Talley. WEATHER Cloudy today; Normal hu midity; Moderate northwest winds. Max. temperature Saturday 66; Mln. 36; Rain fall .17; River 5.8. "No Favor Saays Us: No Fear Shell Aae" T LVtt SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 28 Satan, Oregon, Sunday Morning:, April 28, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 1 L ABOUT VALLEY Blossom Day Event Expect ed to Attract Thousands to View Sights 2 Special Caravans Slated in Addition to Stream of Private Cars "How the universal heart of man blesses flowers! They are wreathed round the cradle, the marriage altar and the tomb . . Blossoms should deck the brow of the youthful bride, for they are in tbemselyes a lovely type of marriage. They should twine round the tomb, for their perpet ually renewed beauty is a symbol of the resurrection. They should festoon the altar, for their fra grance and their beauty ascend In perpetual worship before the Most High." u m. Child. Today has Been set aside by the Cherrians as Salem's day for re cognition of the beauty and fra grance which at this season are associated with the never prosaic business of fruit growing. The appearance of cherry, prune and other orchard trees in the Salem district, varies from buds just beginning lo open, to others in full bloom and still oth ers from which the blossoms are la'Mag but the Blossom Day tour Is well worth while, and thous ands will follow the guiding aigns which the Cherrians have posted. Transportation Is Provided For All Nature lovers who . have their own automobiles may make the tour itf any time today, but two special caravans have been ar ranged, starting from the cham ber of commerce headquarters on North Liberty street at 10 a.m. and S P.m.. and arrangements have been made to provide trans portation for those who wish it. It has been emphasised by the Cherrians that the blossoms in Polk county are better near the end of the route at Schlndler's than they are closer to Salem. On the Rosedale loop, the blossoms gave every indication Saturday of being at their maximum display today. Motorists are advised not to overlook the opportunity to view the tulip farms, the most convenient being that of W. C. Dibble near the junction of Wal lace Road and the Dallas high through the state hospital grounds, which are now at their best appearance. IIS STRUCK BY '10 H. D. Hubbard. 116 Marion street, an attendant at the Oregon state hospital,- was knocked down on the street near his home Sat urday night by an automobile driven by Dayle W. Jory, 1297 South Cottage. Jory took the in jured man to the Salem general hospital where it was reported that he did not appear to be ser iously hurt, although no x-ray pictures had yet been taken. An accident of 'the "hit-and-run" variety near Woodburn Sat urday morning resulted in serious injuries to Carl Bjork, an itiner ant laborer who gave his home address as Seattle. Bjork" suffered a Iracture of the left knee and painful lacerations. The car that hit him apparently had dragged him for some distance. Bjork was brought to the Salem general hos pital by two traveling salesmen who discovered bim lying beside the road. $512 Tax Rebate Given Court Here - Marion county will shortly re ceive $512 as a rebate from the state for gas taxes paid last year on gasoline consumed by the court in construction work and not for transportation on high way's of the state, states a letter received by County Clerk Boyer Saturday from the office of the secretary of state. If T Work on Marion County's Road Program Will Start Tomorrow, Officials Say Initial , work on Marion coun ty's 60-mile market road program for this summer will be begun Monday when a crew of men be gin straightening corners on the road running from Woodburn to Mt. Angel preparatory to changing stretches of pavement laid there many years ago. Four teams and their drivers as well as four ex tra workers will be employed on this project. Deputy Road Super visor Johnson announced, Satur day. I Construction work on the Bue na Vista ferry and the Indepen dence -r ferry - market roads will Bl ossom Day Route Cross the intercounty bridge to Polk county and turn north on the Wallace Road, stopping at the W. C. Dibble tnlip farm; continue out Wallace Road and take the. second turn to the left, the Orchard Heights road; turn around ' at 8chlndlers and return to Salem. Drive south on Commer cial street and out liberty Road which extends directly south at the point where the Pacific highway bends east ward; follow the Cherrians markers to Rosedale, then turn left, go to the Pacific highway and back to Salem. Drive out Center street to the state hospital grounds. Encouraging Note Sounded - by Local Man Over Out look in Valley "We're more optimltic now ab out the 1929 fruit crop than we have been for four years; Salem seems assured of a good produc tion and at the present time it seems that canneries here will be able to handle all the crop." With these cheering words Rob ert C. Paulus of the Paulus Broth ers Packing Co. set to rest all re ports that the fruit crop was any thing but excellent and at the same time sounded the most en couraging' note Salem has heard in some time concerning its fruit outlook. Even the prune, which has been buffeted about by adverse circum stances in the last few years, may stage a comeback this year, Pau lus believes. The California crop (Turn to Pas' 8, Column 3.) WOLF IS NOT FJ ELECTED HUM Press reports from Baker that Fred Wolf, principal of the high school in the eastern Oregon town, had been elected principal of the Salem high school were declared to be without authenticity by members of the Salem school board. Board members said they had not held any meeting since Mr. Wolf arrived In -town Thurs day night, although individual re action of members of the board is generally favorable to Wolf. One member said last night he believ ed Wolf the likely man for the Job, but considered him pretty younp. Wolf Is 33 years old. Mr. Wolf stated Friday that If offered the position he would ac cept, as he considered it a big ad vancement and the Salem system an excellent one in which to be. He said, also, that the Baker school board had promised to match any salary -offered him by another school. He was reelected at Baker at an increase In salary and next year would be drawing more there than Principal J. C. Nelson, resigned, had been receiv ing here. If the Salem school board wants Wolf's services, the matter of a few hundred dollars in salary will not stand in the way of his election, it ia authoritative ly learned. Mr. Wolf will return to Baker today, driving from Portland over the Columbia river highway. Truck Clambers Up Lamp Pole As Glass Splinters "Wasn't that a marque that I knocked down?" asked Keith Ber telson, driver of a Portland-Albany truck, when something crashed to the sidewalk with a great splinter ing of glass. But it was only lamp standard. The top of the truck hit the standard when Ber telson drove in close to the curb on South Commercial street, the slope of the pavement causing the top to project too far over the sidewalk. also be under way by the middle of next week and shortly after the month opens more crews will be sent out on different projects the county plans. to complete this year. From 800 to 400 men will be employed during the heighth of the season, said Johnson. Wages of $3.20 for an eight-hoar day are paid for common labor .while teamsters furnishing their own horses draw $6 a day. -C The county bridge crew has al ready begun work, and Is now working on the repair of a bridge across Abiqua river at ' the Jay Morley farm, out . from Sllverton. OPTIMISTIC ABOUT IT CROPS D WATER RATES Service of Local Company is to be Sifted at Inquiry Before'Commission Little Interest Being Shown Locally In Important Public Matter A hearing of vital importance to all of Salem is to be held be fore the state public service com mission Monday forenoon at 10 o'clock, but from all evidence that can be gathered, little inter est is being taken by local citi zens or even by city officials. The purpose of this hearing Is an inquiry into the rates, rules and practices of the Oregon-Wash ington Water Service company in Salem. It was announced since the. last city council meejting was held, and no instructions have, been given Fred Williams, city attorney, as to what attitude the city should adopt in the matter or whether it should take any stand whatsoever. Williams Plana To Ask Continuance The city attorney said Saturday that he would be present at the hearing and if it appeared that It would be closed before the city had an opportunity to participate, he would move on behalf of the city that the case be continued. It was his opinion, however, that it would be continued without the necessity for a motion on his part. J. W. Helwick, vice president of the water company, said Sat urday that so far as he was in formed, the hearing had to do on ly with the question as to quality of water being furnished for do mestic use here, and that he had been requested to appear before the commission with copies of the correspondence between himself and higher officials of the com pany with respect to proposed im provements. Hearing Called On Commission's Motion It had previously been stated by ; members of the public service commission, that the hearing was called on their own motion, as the result of complaints as to the service, but that these complaints were not numerous or unusual as compared to statements that might be heard from patrons of any public utility. The hearing is of particular im portance to Salem residents for the reason that official approval will probably be given to the wa ter company's clang for a filtra tion system here, unless some contrary showing is made. This would in effect commit the water company and the city to continued use of the Willamette river as Salem's source of water supply, and would also mean that if the. city at any time in the future attempted to purchase the water system, a step that has in the past been widely discussed, the filtration plant would have to be paid for even though the city planned to seek another source. AIRPLANE CRASHES NEW YORK, April 27. (AP) An airplane crashed into a tree and burst into flames while land ing near Curtiss field today. Sample TOMORROW Judge Hardy Will Resume His Work Monday, He Says LoSaN'GELES, CaL, Apr. 27. (AP) Superior Judge Carlos 8. Hardy, who was ac quitted Friday in hie im peaebment hearing before the state senate at Sacra mento, will resume his duties on the bench here Monday he announced tonight. "I feel that it was all brought put gesture against the lady whose name waa prom inently mentioned In my trialY said Judge Hardy, re ferring to the charges grow ing out of his accepting a 92500 "love check" from Ai mee Semple McPherson. He added that the actions of "a noisy minority toward any thing and anybody who might turn out a good tar get ... Is not the best ad vertisement for Los Ange les. Mrs. McPherson announc ed that she plans a series of special services at Angelas temple. "All our troubles are over now until the devil thinks up something new, she said. UP. Train East Now Is Fastest PORTLAND, April 27. (AP) A. S. Edmonds, assistant traffic manager of the Union Pacific rail, road, announced tonight that on June 9 the railroad, in conjunc tion with the Chicago and North western railroad, would inaugu rate a 61 hour train from Portland to Chicago, eclipsing by two hours the time planned by any other road serving the Pacific northwest. The return trip to Portland will be made in 62 hours, 45 minutes. The announcement was made through Edmonds from Carl R. Gray, Union Pacific president. ' On March 9 the Great Northern railroad announced it would re place the existing 68-hour train with a 63-hour passenger service sometime this summer. All other railroads immediately announced intention of quickening time from the east, but the Union Pacific de cision is the first starting date es tablished. Governor Long Formally Given Copy Of Qbarges BATON ROUGE, La., April 27. (AP) Governor Huey P. Long was served formally today with notice of Impeachment charges voted against him by the house of representatives and was directed to appear before the senate In Its capacity at noon on May 14, for trial. The senate sergeant-at-arms and his assistant called at the ex ecutive offices in the state house ! and handed the papers to the gov ernor in person. The governor, surrounded by a group of friends glanced hurriedly through the pages and laughed. Governor Long immediately be gan preparations for his defense. He is expected to appear for trial with able constitutional lawyers, who will contest each step of the case, which probably will run over several weeks. of a Typical Scene on Blossom Day! -Hi HOT WUT IS HEARD OVER Solons Closely Divided Over Legal Right of Mellon to Retain Office Warm Discussion Continues Two Hours; Vote Put Off Until Tomorrow WASHINGTON. April 27. (AP) Decision on the report of Chairman Norria holding that Sec retary Mellon is illegally holding office was deferred today by the senate judiciary committee until Monday after more than two hours of warm discussion. A close division was apparent, however, after the sharply worded report of Senator Norria had been read. The report held that Mr. Mellon as a stockholder in various business enterprises was serving in violation of a 100-year-old sta tute forbidding the secretary of the treasury to be interested in trade or commerce. Senator Norrls did not go Into the merits of the old law but he argued that a stockholder was in terested in trade and commerce (Turn to Pag 1 Column 1.) BE OUT BY If 17 Art Motif Kept Secret; Skit Planned Monday Before Salem Students The 1929 Clarion, yearbook of the senior high school, will be ready for distribution Wednesday, May 17, reports Edith May Jenks, editor. Appearance of the annual will be but a week later than orig inally scheduled. A skit, the most pretentious to be given this year, will be presented before the stud ent body Monday morning to re veal the art motif, which has been carefully guarded. David Eyre, staff member, wrote the skit. The book contains 144 pages this year, a few less than a year ago, with the six front pages, in cluding index, dedication and me moriam, printed In green Ink. Page headings are in green through out the book. One completely new section has been introduced this year, and ac cording to the editor will be the big hit of the annual. This section has been Btyled "Buried Gold" and contents will not be known until the book Is in the hands of stu dents. All cuts will be here Monday and all copy must be In by that time, It is announced. A heavy pa per cover with cloth reinforcement will be used and will contain an effective two-color design. Although Robert N e e d h a m, manager, cannot figure his financ es too closely until the bills are paid, he reports the Clarion will yield a tidy profit thsi year. Last year a profit was made for the first time in several years. Near Salem today, hundreds wealth of spring-time Lipoma. T BERTH i c won to Building Over Two Million .Construction in This $3,000,000 Mark, is Indication After Survey of Situation is Made By R. J. HENDRICKS The new building programs for 1929 in Salem will re quire the expenditure far above $2,000,000. perhaps it will reach the $3,000,000 mark. making and not ready to announce, and these will increase with the fuller development of the opening summer activities. With no attempt to make the list complete, which would be impossible now, the following are some of the prospects sKeucnny given: E Monthly Meet of Farmers Organization is Staged Here Saturday Mrs. Louis C. Wampler was giv- en the first and second degrees and the third and fourth degrees were conferred upon Ernest E. Tripp at theregular .monthly meet ing of Salem Grange No. 17 held Saturday at the new meeting place, McCornack hall over Miller's store. Two applications for membership were received and will be voted on at the next meeting, the fourth Saturday In May. Miss Ethel Fletcher, secretary of the Grange, was elected alter, nate delegate to the state grange meeting to be held in Marshfield June 11 t o 14. Dr. A. Slaughter, president of the local chapter, will be official delegate if he can at tenr. A report from the committee on cooperation was given at the morning session but inasmuch as the report was not complete the membership took no official action on recommendations. Numbers on the afternoon pro gram were: song, "The Dear Old Farm." by the grange, reading by Miss Wyatt, piano solo by Miss Margaret uBrns. and reading by Mrs. 8. H. Van Trump. Visitors present yes.terday in cluded Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Lambert of the Stay ton grange: Mrs. B. F. Simpson of Ankeny and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rogers of Woodburn. 2 Couples Are Given Licenses To Marry Here Two marriage licenses were is sued from the offices of the coun ty clerk Saturday, business im proving somewhat from the lull of the former days of the week. John S. Loy, a lumber worker In the Pedee district received per mit to wed Elva Ruth Se4tsinger, also of Pedee. The sermon was performed by County Judge Sieg- mund. The groom gave his age as 21 and the bride as 16. Lawrence Cook of Valsetz and Nina Porterfield, also of Valsets, both obtained a license to marry. Cook Is a mill hand while Miss Porterfield is a teacher. 1 - r , 4 of orchards are lovely with their NATES IIS NEW MEMBERS -'5U"S-V. 1 " A - j, Program Section May Approach There are many projects in the The state of Oregon will put over a half million dollars into the state office building, for which $600,000 was provided by the 1927 legislature, to be borrowed from the industrial accident funds, to be repaid from savings on rents by the various depart ments, and in other ways. The penitentiary improvements to be made this year, including the combined garage and dormi tory building work on which is proceeding, the new administra tion and office building about to be commenced, and minor im provements at the main institu tion and the old reform school farm now being operated by the prison, will mount np to above $100,000, not counting capital in vestments from the revolving fund (Turn to Page 8, Column 1.) OFFICIAL OF WATER J. T. Delaney, Vice Presdent of Company, Will Take Up Duties Tuesday J. T. Delaney, who will suc ceed J. W. Helwick as vice presi dent of the Oregon-Washington Water Service company with headquarters in Salem, arrived in this city Saturday for a brief vis it Saturday. He went on to Ho qulam, Wash., and will return here Tuesday to take up his new duties. Mr. Delaney has been division manager In charge of the north ern division of the affiliated com pany in California, with headquar ters in Chico. He was promoted to the vice presidency of the northwest company updn the re signation of Mr. Helwick, an nounced recently to take effect May 1. Until he becomes better ac quainted with conditions here, Mr. ueianey win nave no announce ment to make with respect to the company's policies affecting Sa lem, other than that its previous ly announced plans- for improving the local system will be carried out as rapidly as possible. Mr. Delaney will make bis home, for the present at least, at the Royal Court apartments. His family will arrive within a short time from Chico. Cannibalism Is Laid To Band Of Nineteen Gypsies PRAGUE, Cxecho-Slovakia, Apr. 27. (AP) A case of cannibal- Ism by 19 Gypsies has been report ed by the authorities of Ssepsl, Slovakia, the Gypsies, including two women, were stated to have confessed to killing and eating a dozen persons. So shocking were the revela tions that the attorney' general rejected them as beyond belief, but soon convinced himself by an official investigation at the scenes of the crimes that the statements were true. t i Portland Youths Retained by Cops John Elligott. 15, and Ted Col lett, 14, both of Portland and sus pected by police ot being runa ways, were found near the South ern Pacific freight depot here Sat urday nrght and taken into cus tody. A report on the two boys waa forwarded to Portland. FIRM K Marion County Girls Are Better at Spelling Than Boys, Event Here Shows Marion county girls can spell all over the boys. If results of the annnal Marlon county spelling contest held here Saturday are in dicative. Five, girls won first places and gold medals and five girls won second places and silver medals. One boy took a gold medal and one a silver award. Mt. Angel walked away with county honors, taking two first, and two seconds. . - .. ,: ' - Tbe best speller 'In each grade was determined ' to be: Beryl Fletcher. Sllverton; third 'grade; Ivo Manman, Mt.-Angel, fourth grade; Theresa Eberle, MU An DISARMAMENT SUPPORTS) By LAIN British Foreign Secretary is on Record for English Government Full Accord With American Ideas Expressed in Open Air Political Talk NOSTEL PRIORY, Tork shire, England, kpril 27. (AP) Ad- proval of the American disarma ment proposals made at Geeeva during the week was voiced here today by Sir Austen Chamber lain, the British foreign secretary. Speaking at an open air meet ing. Sir Austen announced that Great Britain was in full accord with the American pronouncement in favor of the reduction of arma ments and expressed satisfaction in the new position taken by the United States on the question of trained reserves. The declaration by Hugh S. Gibson, American representative at the preparatory disarmament conference, in behalf of naval re ductions, said Sir Austen, has paved the way for the desire for a real advance in the movement toward disarmament which all the world needs. Purpose of Two Nation II eld Alike No real difference of purpose or of principle distinguishes the policies of the governments ef the two English-speaking powers avowed the foreign secretary. He said that the American po sition on the question of trained army reserves was parallel te that ' taken by the British government a year ago and called Mr. Gibson's statement of yesterday, announc ing that the United States, in the interest of progress, would not in sist upon trained reserves figur ing in the draft disarmament trea ty, a contribution toward solution of the problem of land armaments equally remarkable as his earlier proposal for trimming down naval strength. JS GIVEN S2S VERDICT CHAMBER THERESA BECKER Damages of $25 were allowed Theresa Becky by a circuit court jury which reported late Saturday night after having the case ag ainst Esther Swartz. defendant in the suit, under advisement since 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The two women were each driving cars which collided on the Pacific high way near Woodburn, September, 1927. The accident occurred on the Pacific highway one and one-half miles south of Woodburn, Sep- " tember, 1927. The case was pend ing in circuit court for more than a year. The plaintiff contended in court that the defendant, Esther Swart i, was negligent and blame worthy while the defendant maintained that there had been contributory negligence on the part of the plaintiff who has goods attached to the suit of her car, maktag it difficult. It was said, to steer the auto. High Finance Is Laid To Check Maker By Cop& Opening an account in a local bank with a worthless check drawn on a Tillamook bank, and . subsequently drawing more checks on the spurious account, are in cluded in the transactions charged to Ray Brookshire, who was ar rested Saturday afternoon when he appeared at the bank and po lice were called by a bank tel(er. The police are attempting to identify Bsookshlre with other bad check transactions. HOOVERS RETURN WASHINGTON, April 27. (AP) President and Mrs. Hoover returned tonight from Chatectia Furnace, Md., where the execu tive fished the streams of bis spe cial preserve. gel, fifth: Iris Cutsforth, Gervais, sixth; EveTyn Tergen, Arbor Grove seventh; Alice Boyington, Mehama, eighth grade. Students who placed second in their respective grades were: Eunice Wright, - Salem Heights, third grade; Muriel Beckman, Hubbard. fourth; Marine LeDve, Middle Grove, fifth grade;' Mary Bell, Mt. Angel, sixth; Ursula Xe ber. Mt.' Angel, seventh; Waiter Gregory. Mill City, eighth. , Nearly 800 -students wrote, in the contests this year, with 111 of the entrants making perfect scores (Turn to Pass t. Column I.)