PAGE EIGHT The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Moraine April 27, 1929 POUTIGALPOT f sins FAST Downs Backs E. F. Slade for Job on School Board; Petitions .Out More school politics are evident already this year than was show ed (or the whole election last year, with announcement last week - that Dr. C. A. Downs would not seek to hold his office as director which, expires this year and Downs himself leading a group of peti tlon-circulators who are seeking to place E. F. Slade on the school ticket: School elections fall Mon day. June 16. Members of the school board as wel las other citizens have en couraged Mr. Slade to allow him self to be a candidate for the di rectorship, as it ts felt his finan cial experience and ability will Drove of genuine value to the school district. He is vice-presi dent of the First National bank and a former examiner rn the fed eral reserve bank. He has lived here since 1910, was In the army during the war, and has two chil dren in the local schools. He has been active In civic undertakings is a Kiwanian, Elk, and Legion member. Two other names have been mentioned for the school posts those being Dr.. F. L. Utter and Bert T. Ford. Mark McAllister's term will al so expire in June. He has not yet decided whether he will make a bid for another term. JURORS HUH FOR BTTE10FC0UBT Drawings made for the trial ju ry for the May term of circuit court were announced Friday by County Clerk Bpyer ' who with Sheriff O. D. Bower drew 31 names from the sheriff's wheel. Under the requirements of the law the drawing must be made at least 20 days before court con venes and not less than 10 days before the session opens. The jurymen drawn, their ad dresses and-occupations are: Roy J. Hampton, East Hubbard, farmer; Albert J. Evans, Chema wa, fruitman; Irene Cutsforth, West Gervais, housewife; Anna M. Vick, Englewood, housewife; Nel lie M. Gerig, Macleay, housewife; William Xendel, East Woodburn, loans & real estate; Thomas Con nor, St. Paul, farmer; Fred J. Browning, Liberty, farmer; Aug ust Nibler, West Gervais, mer chant; W. W. Wright, Riverview, farmer; T. D. Trick, Rosedale, farmer; Frank B. Hoefer, East Woodburn, mechanic; Maria Put nam, Salem No. 7. housekeeper; Adelbert C. Barber, East Silver ton, mechanic; Clifford E. Hald, Fairgrounds, barber; Charles R. Shaner, West Mt. Angel, fanner; Edwin Furrer, Pringle, gardner; Charles Becke, Aurora, retired; Albert Frank, East Stayton, re tired; P. L. Frazier, Salem No. 9, contractor; Myrtle Stewart, West Silverton, housewife; Marie Bac ker, Salem No. 18, housekeeper; Hazel B. Gillette, Salem Heights, housewife; Henry Kk-sch, West Mt. Angel, farmer; Mildred Lee, Salem No. 9, housewife; Earl Bear, Turner, farmer; Andrew J. Moffit. Salem No. 14, machinist; C N. Armstrong, Salem 7, guard; J Carrie B. Ross, Salem No. 14, housewife; Nora B. Leslie, Stay ton, housekeeper; Nellie E. Gun nell, Rosedale, houseekeper. SALEM HIGH TEAM IN TYPIST TOURNEY Salem high school typists will leave this morning for Corvallis to meet other teams of the state in the annual typing contest held en the O. S. C. campus. Lougine Brietxke and Dorothy McCracken will write in the amateur class and Dorothy Kloepping and Ed na Faxon will work for novice honors. Four alternates will al o make the trip: Willette Taylor, Lela Fox, Jean Peterson and Mel va DeBord. Faculty members who will accompany the students in tlude: Merritt Davis, head of the commercial department. Miss Mu riel Wilson, Miss Elizabeth Hogg and Miss Margaret Burroughs. Last year Salem high school took second place in the state con- ' test, losing to Eugene by a small margin. In competition between the two schools this year Salem high won all honors, but that Is little indication as to the ontcome ef the state event, as Salem beat Eugene in preliminary practice vents last year also. Spouse Very Cruel to Her, Wife Claims A drab story of years of mar ried unhappiness with a husband who is alleged to have cruelly mis treated her. is unfolded by Marie K. Wilmarth in a complaint ask ing divorce filed Friday In cir cult court. "He was abusive mean fault-finding suspicious he cursed her frightened and terri tied at her approach, life became almost unbearable the plaintiff maintains. She contracted tuberculosis but that fact did not prevent, her from receiving the continued abuse of her husband, Mrs. Wil marth affirms. His failure to pro vide made her seek to help her self by constant work and this brought on the disease attack. Help in suport of four minor children is asked of the defendant by the wife. ROAD WILL TAR WEIGHT ALLOWED TRUCKS IS FIXED Four wheel trucks, operating under the so-called truck act of the 1929 legislative session, may be operated with a combined weight of 22,000 pounds, but not more, than 16,000 pounds shall rest upon the wheels of one axle. according to a legal opinion pre pared here Friday by Willis Moore, assistant attorney gen eral. He also held that a four wheel truck may be used in conjunction with trailers and semi-trailers. but the combined weight shall not exceed 34,400 pounds. Six wheel trucks having two axles spaced less than eight feet apart may have a combined weight not exceeding 27,000 pounds, but cannot be used in conjunction with any other vehicle. Another type of six wheel truck where the axles are not spaced less than eight feet apart, may have a weight of 34,000 pounds. This six wheel truck can be used combination with trailers and semi-trailers, but the combined load shall not exceed 34,000 pounds. The opinion was request ed by Hal Hoss, secretary of state, and was said to be of much interest to truck operators. ESPEE COMPANY IS SUED FOR DAMAGES The Southern Pacific Motor Transport Co. and E. S. Coates were made joint defendants In a suit filed in 'circuit court Friday asking S 2,5 00 damages for Injur ies said to have been received by Cameron C. Butte, 8, on January 17 when he was .struck by a car driven by Coates. C. W. Butte, the lad's father who acts as his agent in the ac tion, alleges that the Southern Pa cific bus stopped outside the safe ty rone provided for by the city and that Coates drove to the right of the bus, hit car hitting young Butte as he alighted. Edna Sneed Now Seeking Divorce From Her Hubby Life for Edna Sneed has been almost unbearable in recent months and in fact, for several years her husband has made her the object of his bad temper, of ten calling her vile names and on some occasions striking her with his fists. This is the complaint of Mrs. Sneed filed Friday in cir cuit court where she seeks a di vorce. TIMPT Portland Men Ask Route Into Eastern End of Marion County be Opened Theodore Hansen of Portland and son, Theodore Jr., were in the city Friday morning to ask the county court s approval for work which they propose on the Scotts Mills-Bucket county road that they may open np their 30 million feet of green timber In the Crook ed Finger country in easternmost Marion county. In addition to work on the county road, they seek permission to build a road into the territory from Bucket camp, a distance of several miles The court Is holding decision until interpretation of the last leg islature's bill establishing load limits on state and county high ways. The Hansen trucking ompany seeks a promise that they may carry up to 3,000 feet load within the 22,000 pound regulation, as serting that they cannot operate trucks with lesser loads. They plan to use 10 or 12 trucks and to maintain the county road. Mt. Angel is the nearest railroad. distance of timber belt. 18 miles from the 6R16ESUITT0BE 1 W 8 Whether legislators may legal ly help themselves to $5 a day expense moneys will be argued May 8 before Judge L. H. McMa han in the Marion county circuit court, Custer Ross, attorney for W. A. Jones, master of Pomona grange of Marion county, an nounced riday. The case concerns an injunction granted by the court restraining the secretary of state and the Btate treasurer from in- suing warrants to the legislators The argument May 8 will con' cern a demurrer which was en tered against the injunction by a group of attorneys representing the state officials. Jones maintains that the $120 limit created by the constitution al allowance of $3 daily expense money for a 40 day session. Is clear and cannot be violated. Young Man Not So Fanciful In ' Spring, Report Despite the approach of spring's finest season, there has been nary a license issued for the past two days at the offices of the county clerk and a (ear is aboard there that the modern youth has forgotten that in the springtime a young man's fancy Is supposed to turn to love. Divorces, meanwhile, hare kept coming' In in an almost daily succession. With June still more than 30 days away, however. County Clerk Boyer has not lost hope and expressed the opinion Friday that more licenses would speedily be the order of the day. Plant Now or Loose A Year! 'Next week will end the shrub planting season. We still have a large selection of evergreen shrubs. . . Firethorne, azalea, daphne, laurels, ' cotoneasters, etc. Shade Trees greatly re duced in price. Flowering shrubs 40c Walnnt trees grafted 25c np Open Sat. Evening Pearcy Bros. Nursery 240 N. Liberty Bet. Court and Chem. Sts. - $1500 FROM DEMOCRATS A democratic club was held up la New York the other day and 11500 taken from the card play rs. This will prove interesting in formation to the national commit tee. Klamath News. n yJ GREASE cant stain the net EASILY CLEANED SEALEX LI RearJ the Classified Ads. xum Rice, world famoosyapbciogist. an positively read your talents, virtues md faults in the drawings, word and bat nots that you scribble when "lost though?. Send yoorMKxbblianor denature be ! wku cIcm thertOcJli UOmtn d, cat tm a a bee of Mikado p riia, ana catent AddrewLouheRk,carf of fcfcCtB PCXes' CO, NEW YOWC COT 9 LEUMS THE rich beauty of these linoleums is there to stay! Kitchen accidents lose their ter ror!. The Sealex Process penetrates and seals the pores in the material making the surface practically as easy to clean as glazed tile. See these remarkable- lin oleums today. See Special Window Display Now! pops jyaioj mm Burnett JJros. "Pay Us As Too Are Paid" Thirteen Stores on Pacific Coast IJot Only Largest But (We Hope) Best Mi 1. V At 47; In this group therl Is a large assort ment of the finest diamonds set in various white gold mountings. The one mil e ste6 in the sketch to a fair sample of the style. April Showers offer these at forty-seven fifty and on the Burnett Budget Plan a dollar pay ment and a dollar a week. April Shower Specials 1 Today ancJ the following days we shall offer for our April Showers Sale a few groups of Diamond Set Engage ment Rings. Nothing finer nothing more fascinating nothing with greater intrinsic value has ever before been offered at these figures so far as we know. And when such diamonds are offered at such prices and on such easy Terms it would seem like turning one's back on "Lady Luck' to neglect the opportunity. The young lady above is looking at the newest and most modern diamond ring to be presented in this Great Sale. Ihe diamond is fiery blue-white, set in an 18-k. white gold mounting squared so as to give the effect of a beau tiful square-cut stone. April Showers offer this at $147.50. This group includes r)SWw IV Cl I many exclusive and V5avuWS 'l beautiful styles llWfinSvr 3 l one of which, with llflyPw CiJa the square - topped llll Jul 3 A mounting- In the II MrYjOf , J Y ketch. There are M UjJiPjff many other styles W iftvn! k l equally effective alxSJiSlf V they may be bought U WzSlBlmk for ninety - seven HB& ZfA. m fifty apiece and j5rsfcL'S you may take a HriSfJiK V w w year to pay two flfZ!fdt?J dollars a week. BiifjrMSf URESIS A WffiKMLE TflEAIE IT IP AY 2 -V- Tins GEM OF GEMS Here U one o the pretti est things we have to offer. A gorgeous blue white Diamond set hi a hand-carved 18k white gold mounting. Be sure to see this 9l (l760 at the APRIL SHOWERS price of ftl I Take a Tear to Pay mm qbsob Into this collection we have placed Diamonds of the finest character and real worth. The mountings are of the highest quality white gold. APRIL SHOWERS CA offer these at epDleUU 457 STATE STREET, SALEM, OREGON 1 T t 'I 1