The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salenu Oregon. Saturday Morning. April 27, 1923 PAGE SEVEN Raadiag notice. Pr liaa 85c (2 Una minimum charge) Classified Adsertisiag. per Km. We Classified Advertising, per line 5 time . tos Classified ACvertuing. ps sin 6 time o One month, daily aad Saaday per line ' 8100 BUSINESS OPP. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IF its a confectionery you want w have one for $5500 that to completely equipped and the only one to good pay roll town. MODERN COMMUNITY DEVELOP 201 North High Street HARDWARE STORE 8 a 1 or trade. Bringing splendid dividends. GERTRUDE J. It. PAGE 4S1 Court Street Tel. 1112 LET US trr ear ruck with your prop erty. Phone 298 NOW. TOURIST REALTY- CO. 75S Edgewater West Salem xru-srr-ernr-Ms"y' ' iY''rT'YvTYTr" DRT GOODS STORE Far sale or trade. Clean cut stock fai excellent vallev town. Sale at tavoice. Around S.'O.OO.. BECKS HENDRICKS 189 North High Street CENTER STREET BUILDING For lease Suitable automotive or oth er occupancy. Large leveled parking lot adjoining. 8 EC KB HENDRICKS 149 North High Street 24 ROOM hotel, all furnished, and filling station oa highway. Wonderful business. Call 24 tS. FOR .SALE Excellent auto camp sight. Roosevelt highway. Ctatnsahuc. deep sea fishing. Sea or write E. J. Htowa, Garibaldi. Oregon. FOR SALE Real Estate t ACRE frutt trace, sag CI re rosea house, good well and spring. tbUd lngs. mi. S. of Sales. Phew 34F1S. GREATEST Trading orgaaautlon oa the Pacific Coast. We have over 30 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, every lo cation. We ran match your exchange exactly. If you would like to trade your property today, com ta today. SEE 8. M. EARLK. Realtor S(C S. Liberty Tel 2342 FOR SALSt Attractive Pah-roouat HSB ARTHUR RAHN' ' 1 ; ' Phono 11? or 48 ' 260 ACRES dairy farm 1 miles from Salem with good bulMtnga. Near-li- all under plow and fine bottom land. SEE A. V. White. 6 ROOM new fully modern English type house on North street. Easy payments. Terms. 27 ACRES 5. miles from Salem. A choice place. You will like this pea when you see it. Price $S.0. Will trade for house In Salem. WE write all kinds of Insurance. J. F. Ulrlch Co. Realtors N. ComO. St. 129 Tel. 1SSI. NOTICE We have ten new mod ern up to date homes priced from $8.- US SHOW YOU THESE HOMES EK- FORE TOU BUT. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 South Liberty 8treet BARGAIN Eight lots, two on pave ment. $1200. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street NEW HOUSE BARGAIN i rooms r.ow under const ruction, full basement, furnace, fireplace, hdw. floors, garage. $2300 Very easy terms. o. k. Dewrrr 1313 Edgewater 3 HOUSES and S ft frontage. Lib erty st. business property. $00. 2 FINE lots, 3 room bungalow, nice location. $250 terms. GOOD Court at. lot. $189 terms. 50 A. farm near Salem, enough Um ber to pay for H. $SeOaVTerms. 25 A. farm near town, good bidg, fruit, snap. $380. terms. DANDY 50 A. farm, good blags, fine soli, $480. terms or exchange. GOOD stocked and equipped SO A. farm for acreage. PERRINE MARSTERS 213 Gray Building sJeaaseJteeaa.eOeP FOR SALE New 4 room house, small payment. Inquire 2274 North Church. Owner. A FINE home for sale on South High street with large lot. S rooms down, I up unfinished. Priced at 1. &00. $1000 or less down. 130 ACRES land suitable for sheep or goats. Good pasture and lots of wat er for $2000. No mortgage. Exchange for anything owner can use. C ROOM plastered house near Mc Klnley school. $1250. $200 oewn : bal ance like rent. HAVE you a cheap lot for oouity In 3 room plastered house la North Sa lem. Mortgage .$1800. who would like to swsp a good farm for service station on highway? S. M. EAKLC 166 South Liberty St. Tel. 333. 1 SMALL tract at Eola. Four room house, chicken house: spring water; 130 young cherry trees. Call 2415. 1700. For a 5 room bungalow, larw lot, totlet, bath and garage. $U0. down. . . 2500. FOR a 4 room house, base ment and garage Terms. . - $'650. 4 IWQM bungalow with nook, basement, furnace, garage. Good S3000. 4 ROOM bungalow with nook, basement, furnace, fireplace and garage Kooa terms. .,.111 - Drtrtir hiiTiriinv with nook and sun room, modern in every way 5250. 7 ROOM English type house. tile drain board and batn, ingioarre, basement, furnace, fireplace and gar- ag. Terms. .aaa nenriTP TrMmev to loan. MELVIN JOHNSON OR A. U DARK. s-o it s. Bank Bldg. rooue mn fitl.E Five room uungaiow. South Salem, paved street, fruit trees. $3 -1 50. Easy terms. F. U WOOD Sit State Street or.rea-saTar'sj'M'M'ar"! FOR SALE My four room Plaster ed house, large lot, fruit trees, signt iv Uvstlon: 11500. easy terms. Phono T91 - - - - ii n nnn-i-i""- ""' LOOK HERE! A CHANCE TO GET TOUR SUBCR naic HAUB 2 ACRES of rich, productive Und not far out oa good road with oeau tifu' view of surroundlnc soountama. nrw 4 room house, doable ' i.i. .4.1. atne aEaraaTO" VIUI V m i - . shed, good drove wett. Price eee with little down, bal. like reert. pn n fMlt,n1 CO- Realtors n st.ite Street Phono 1TST FURNITURE FREE The as est sensational offer ever made t andean. $2000.00 worth of furniture, nice over stuffed davenport and chairs, wakmst dining set, electric range, nose lamp, rugs and drapes, all free to the party that buys my modern boms. Hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, nice lawn, shrubbery, lily pond. donMe ararage. Money talks or will trade for clear property. Come and see for yourself. 005 Tamarack. Phone 1- m m m m m CHICKEN RANCH ft GREENHOUSE 6H ACRES, 7 room house, barn, coops. In small town1 on Pacific high way Price $4000. Will consider Salem residence to $3000 SOCOLOFSKT SON Ftrst National Bank Building Ihhwwwviii - - -" - " FORCED TO BELL FARM FINE 85 A. FARM FOR $3700 FULLY equipped, all stock and Im plements, also furniture goes with deal, has 30 a. rich bottom land. 28 a. curt. Some fine pasture and timber, spring and running water. Good O R. nouse. barn, hen house, woven wire fence. Not far from town and good roaeU'Soano terms ; must have some cash. No trade, immediate possession. -Owner lmvtng state, reason for selling at a big loss. This farm with equipment is really worth $100 per acre. Will show if in terested. No Information given over the phone to anyone. To see It SEE LOUIS BECHTEL or MR. XOEHLER at . S41 State Street Rooms S ant t. FOR SALE Real Estate $4200. NICE 8 room house. Fireplace. built-in buffet. Full burmeaL Wired for electric stove. Tour eta terms. $3X00. ALMOST new 5 room houw. Unfinished upstairs. Strictly mod ern. Tour own terms. 11800 CLOSE in. Corner lot. All paving in and paid. Terms. If you want to buy If you want to sell If you want to rent -If you need Insurance If you need money Come la and see us and we will five you service and satisfaction. RICH L, REIMANN. Realtor 219" N. High St. Phone SC. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR TRADE or sale by owaer.Twe new. modern, fire room houses; one new, modem sis room house: price $3500.0; $460.0 and $410.. Will take closed car, not older than 1927 at full market value, remainder lt'-ie rent. Or what hare you? No reduction for cash. Phone 1S72R or 1840. 4 RM. house. N. Salem, garage. targe lot. only $1250. Terms like rent. YALXJCI LJUSLS (JO. 1C4 North Liberty Besort Property PARTIALLY furnished 5 R. beach borne, running water, electric lights. shower, electric range, ocean view. 15. Terms, B. F. Lane. Manzanlta. Timber Land WANTED Saw timber. piling poles and hardwood. We have buyers for all kinds of timber close to Ry. or river gad pay the highest market price. See us If yea want your land cleared of timber. BLACKWOOD'S Real Estate, Loana, Insurance Masonic Bldg... Salem WANTED Real Estate WHEN TOU TIHNK OF BUYING, selling, or exchanging farms, stock ranches, fruit, nuts, or suburban homes, SEE BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 N. Com'L St. Salem. Oregon. HAVE you a farm near Bend! 1 have a client with fine income prop erty that will pay $100. a month, who wants farm property in that 1 district. Submit your farm at once. WINNIE PETTYJOHN I , 178 South HigK Street EXCHANGE Real Estate TRADE 1 ACRES of good Land close to Sa lem without building for place with buUdtngo. SEE Mr. Lynch. ZVB North High street. TRADE LARGE, modern Salem residence In best part of town for i acres dose to Salem with strictly modern home on it. SEE Mr. Lynch. 208 N. High street. EXCHANGE HAVE income property in Salem to trade for Redmond city property. Price $11,500 with i:;0U mtge. Will bear inspection. GOOD house In Dallas, price $2., to trade for small tract close to Salem. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 120 State Street Phone 1737. LOT and house not modern : also vacant lot in South Salem for trade for modern house. What have you 7 Phone 293SW. FOR EXCHANGE pnBTI.n lmmv modern, wall la. rated Give your description, location. reasonable price, equity. Box 811. Statesman. ACREAGE MODERN SUBURBAN HOME 833S0. MODERN six room bungalow with three bedrooms, basement, plumb ing, electricity, one half acre of land set to fruit and nut trees, $350. down ; balance easy terms or wHl consider vacant lot as part payment. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. Four bUCa from bus. SEE W. II. GRABENHORST CO. 134 South Liberty Street LOOK LOOK SMALL ACREAGE ON EAST TERMS $700. ONE acre close in. ail in bear ing apples. $50 down. $10 per sno. $87&. ZH acres located ease near Sllverton road, a fine place to build. $28 down. $10 per mo. $1000. Five acres of good land, east near paved road. $25 down $10 per month. 81573. Five acres on pavement, near Sweg-te school. $25 down $10 per mo. $?00. Zhi acre located on rtiver- slde Irive close hi. beautiful building site. $100 down, balance $10 per mo. $1500. Five acres, located soutn near Pacific highway. $100 down. bal. $1 per month. Dandy fruit land. 81250. Four acres, located $Vi miles sooth, all In bearing orchard. $25 down. $10 per mo., or wui ouua to salt up to $350 at $25 down and $25 per month. S1SO0. Beautiful view, five acres, all in bearing orchard, located 4 miles out. near Paciric Highway. iwt down 815 per month. Real Estate and ire insurance. W.- H. GRABENHORST tc CO. 184 South Liberty Street S ACRES? IS miles from Salem. Good house: electric lights, bath, toil et and water system : four chicken houses and barn: nice chicken and di versified farm. Creek through place. Calh248. A CHEAP COUNTRY HOME 10 ACRE tract on good road, close to school, fine set of bldgs, water system, electricity available, beautiful shade trees In yard. One acre bearing filberts and 6 acres mixed fruits, all cultivated. Price $00. or will ex change for Salem home. I.KO N. I HlUtb CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone 1727. MAKE AN OFFER THIS fine farm of 80 acres with arrwtd bulldineTS and fencing will be sac rificed for the best rasa oner, xnis is worth investigating. OWNER, SIS N. Summer St., Phone 284 W. TOU WOULD ENJOY TJV1NG on this fine 140 A. dairy ranch, situated only about Vt hour's drive from Solera on paved highway A fine trout stream running through the place, good home and fine dairy barn that will house 20 head cows and bold 100 ton bay. Deep, sandy, learn hand. Will grow alfalfa or clo ver. Owner retiring and will take in exchange a modem horns in Salem and give terms on balance. His place Is cheap at hw price ec i . per acre. SEX REARS at TUCKER 841 State Street Phono 2181. SO ACRE FARM smnTstED AND EQUIPPED 43 a an m crop. a. timoer seeturo. Chocolate Mam sou. r am ow eVnlt and harries. Good 7 room hmisa. largo barn, poultry house and garage, FuH one OC iarra macninery, 3 horses, 8 cows, t betters. T hogs, 100 chlckeno, aH Included ror Waist v. some terms. Take Salem res. or small acre age for pert. tmajJglk realty company 421 Court Street Ground Floor Bargain A real bargain for some cash . . ". Must sell Listen 1$ ACRES oa Center street last out of tho city limits, with $ room roodera home, foil basement, fireplace, 1 mM strawberries, 10$ fruit trees. a! for $8000.00 with $4240.00 cash. THIS ntoptity is worth 08OOO.OO of anyone's money, oox xne ewner soma hM anu eaonev BOW. There Was 1- U acre tracts ndjotniag sold f o r $784 and $750 each. So sen what this man is onenng you. Beeson and Leeper For Exchanges 19 8. Com. ICS, ACREAGE 8 JERSEY COWS 4 HEIFERS. 1 hull. 2 horses, wagon and harness, let hens, all farm tmplo ments go with this itf A. land. Has 4 K house, aood barn, scant tons for ! cows, crop all In and only T miles from Salem on good road and a very gooa location. Bargain at 87804.90. $30.- down: balance easy terms. This ta no common place, but a paying aairy proposition. SEE TUCKER ft SEARS 14 South Com. Street 9 J. MT JJUtv Alvu . . - nn yrm imd chicken house. 'electricity. 'walnut and frutt trees. $3.- 250. Very good terms, zu acres ae small town, 8 A. in cherries and fil berts, all fenced, small house. Only $1400. Terms. VALLEY UWJ UO. 14 North Liberty FOR RENT Houses ROOM house. 1051 8. 11th. ll.- 00 per month. HOUSE 715 N. ComtnareUL FOR RENT Houses tarnished and unfurnished. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street MODERN S room Cat, neat, well furnished. Heat, light, water, phone, garage. N. Stb. Phone 428W. STRICTLY modem house, one fur nished, alao one four-room house. Call litt State. FTVK room house, nowtr kslsomlnod. 1793 N. Fifth. Modern bungalow, 1495 B. and liUu Phone S30. NEW 4 room bouse, furnished, gar age. 14Z0 N. commercial. FOR RENT Apartments APARTMENT for rent. Wsll give 2 year lease. Melvia Johnson. 320 U. & Bank Bldg. Phono $37. TWO room apartment. 221 Haxel. Tel. 1939 W. AMBASSADOR APTS. 2 room fur. and unfur. : one X room fur. apart ment Radio and refrigeration: plenty of heat and hot water. Nicely fur nished. Garage or free parking. Cool In the warm weather. 30 N. Summer 1972. ATTRACTIVE S-room front apt. Best of furnishings, real bodroom, elec tric range, garage.-concrete building, refrigeration, near state 'house. $3$.00 and $40.00. Phone 2034 or 3311. t ROOM apartment light and wat er, garage. 1421 rtortn Church. FOR RENT BEATJTTFUX. Edgewater Court bun galow 3 rooms, bath, fireplace, elec tric" range also a Lang garage, laundry with Maytag $2i. Phone owner 2810. NEW apartment 3 rooms, bath with shower electric range hot wat er, heat Meet ro KolJ garage $33. 00. Robertson Bldg Klngwood. Phone 281$. wwwMwwwMwMMjassssassa APARTMENTS opposite Hunt can nery. 110 Division. FURNISHED High street. S room apt. 444 So. 4 ROOMS, new. modern, electric range, Mueoteum, garage $23.80. 1914 Haxel. Phone 2337R. NICE, Union. furnished apartmect, 69 0 FOR RENT Rooms BOARD AND ROOM $33 per mo 340 North Capitol. BOARD Ic ROOM Homo cooking. $30 per month. Phone 9SLT. FURNISHED room for rent. Also garage. 44 ff. Chorcw. - - - LIVE STOCK and POULTRY MWWMWMMMaWMMMWIial FOR 8ALE Cheap every Wednes day until June IS. Odd and ends m day oid chicks. Come and see them. WILLAMETTE VALLEY HATCH ERY 410 South 24th 8treet CUSTOM hatching now at reduced Drices 3c per egg. Baby cbicka 13 varieties. Setttng ana natcninera twice each week. Phone 133F2. LEE'S HATCHERY SOME exceptional aheay and stock puppies. Salem a retutnd. FOR SALE USED CARS ONE 1929 model A Ford coupe. priced to sell. K. F. Kerr. Phono 220, 8 n. conn. st. Deliveries Pickup Roadsters 19 2d - Ford pk-k-ap, new Ueuer $190 1922 Ford, extra good box for berries 8 80. 1917 to 1920 Ford Rdster. pick- un. t?5 to S as. A good Dodge Delivery $125. PASSENGER CARS 1926 Ford Tour. Original paint is still very good $183 1921 Franklin Demi-Sedan, over hauled and newly painted Sifca 4927 Star Coupe $350. 1928 Ford Rdsters. $11- to $200 Some with Ruckstetl axles. See the big stock of Bargains at Valley Motor Co. Corner Center Liberty Tel. 199 A Man's Prestige is Noted by the Make of Car He Drives Whether New or Used THESE CARS WILL MAKE YOUR NEIGHBORS TAKE NOTICE A Chrysler J Coach not a bump or scratch on it, in a-i shape. Only : 8 789 A 1928 Dodge Senior Six A - $1900 car for only $1250 A 192$ Essex. Coupe looks fine Ton must see this at oniyo 1925 Cher. Sedan, rrfinlshed. good upholstery, new rubber . 9 285 1928 Essex 4 -door Sedan, a real buy at 7 A Few 1924 and 19 2 S Ford Tour ings from $50 up with licenses. Bonesteele Motor Co. Just acroos the bridga an So. Coral. Reo's Used Cars Splendid condition, good tires, and some have 1920 license. . 1928 Nash Special f Coupe 192$ Studebaker 4 -door Sedan 1927 Dodge 4 -door Sedan ..$920. ..$993. .$835. 192$ Studebaker. 2 -door with trunk Sedan .$435. 1925 Studebaker 4 pass. Victoria $55. 1928 RIckenbacker 4 -door broug ham : 8148. Trucks v Ona'toa TfteO Speed ' wheel base, driven 1704) mDeo no oustrator. Ton mmM Tnalf Boo Sanaa long wheel base, driven end. miles, baa dual Urea. WE want to demonstrate trar ear and trucks. . , j t; Reo Sales & Service Co. , . trr-3 IT North High Street Wanted White Fir and Hemlock Pulp Wood Inquire Oregon Pulp and Paper Co. Salem, Oregon FOR SALE Used Cars McKay's for Used Cars with an O. K. that Counts 192S Chevrolet Coupe 193S Chevrolet Sedan $i:.oo 375.00 1914 Ford Touring .00 $75.00 192$ Star "f Sedan Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 430 N. Commercial Phono 112 PPss9VMsa Pettyjohn's Fine Used Cars Chevrolet Sedan, late Model Ford Coupe and Roadster Chevrolet Coupe, new finish Buick Std. Sedan, late model Nana Special Six Coupe Chevrolet Touring, late model BARGAINS GENERAL PURPOSE CARS Splendid low priced used cars, maay makes and models, some as low as $35. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 335 N. Commercial Telephone 1260. Nash Automobiles Federal Trucks "After we sell we serve. Guaranteed Used Cars of Merit l-Days Free Trial. 30 Days ran ran ts, on all cars over $350.00. 28-OakIand. Sport Sedan. A. I- madianically. 8 wire wheels, original finish $S50.00 27 -Oakland Sedan Original Fin ish , 02.0S 2 7-Pontine Sedan-New tires 4c paint thoroughly overhauled 5:5.00 2 7 -Cher. Coach, new paint, thor oughly overhauled - 42.oo 27-Chev. Roadster A. 1. 295.00 28-Dodgs Sedan new paint 4k Urea A. l mechanically 615.00 Z5-Star Touring glass lnclos- pre original finish 3i.00 18-Essex Coach new paint ft overhauled . 295.00 3S-Essex Coach new paint ft overhauled zes.oo 2t-Type Hudson Coach new nalnt & tires A. 1 mechan ically SS0.00 74 -Hudson Coach new paint ft tires 325.00 25-Ford Coupe 175.00 ALL the above Hated cars have 29 license.' . Ford Touring Cars from $60.00 up. IT wHl pay you to see our stock of Used Cars before buying elsewhere. State Motors, Inc. Hudson-Essex Distributors High ft Chemeketa Sts. Phono 1000. WANTED Used Cars CASH paid for Fords Clker Ante. MONEY TO LOAN CITY AND FARM loana at lowest rates. Best terms obtains bio. Oanr insurance department offers you es ert advice ana service in ail lines. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS (Inc.. TaL 1427 SOS Oregon Bids. CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates-No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION TO 1-4 First National Bank Bldg. 4 ST aialatn. Oregoo WANTED lri rate Wo have several aptaticanoao on band. Hawkins at noeerts. ana. 806 Oregon Bldg. SALARY aad collateral loana Re payable in weekly or monthly Install ments. GENERAL FINANCE COR PORATION. Fits Nat l Bank. Tel Its. - WE have several different loan plans. Wo try to arrange loans moot convenient for the borrower. "arm and dty loana Lowest interest rates and expense. . HUDKIN8 ft SANFORD. INC. Phono 3318. Miller's Store Bldg. Salem. Oregon. ON FARMS AND. CITY REAL ES TATE. LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Private Money to Loan FARM LOANS inon' of to loan oa good farm security. City Loans Wt are loaning Prudential In surance company snoney on dty rent dances and business property at S4 per cent, pies a commission. Hawkins ft Roberts, 208 Oregon Bunding. YE have private tnoeey for real ae tata loana. Straight and Installment loana on city property. rrm at $ Ptaa commission. ANDERSON ft RUPERT Realtor 389 & High St. FEDERAL FARM LOAN . P. L. Wood. 841 State Street. MONEY LOATTEV UIC AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payment Yon keep the ear. P. A. KtKKR nor. IJbertv St. and Ferrr Phono 121 Saba. Ore. VERNE E. McINTYRB IiOanB. bonds. Insurance. 114 Oregon Bldg. Phone 241 WE LOAN MONEY on business property, apartment houses, homes aad farms. Bcraignc loana or xnomiuy m- stallmenta. Get our rates, vruics: vice. ' tjict.ano n H1EUN 29 N. Church Phono 283 WANTED Leans WANTED $200. WTLX. gtrsTaa secwrlty a first SEE LEO If. 4TTHTUM CO, Realtora St State Street Phono 1717. WANTED .Male Bel? IJNTJSTIAX. ormortnnttr to be connected with o. live-wire rent estate selling concern, tuusr Jona w 20 North High. Most have car. WANTED Situations in -in irrrr r 'i-iTri-i-i-iinimi-nr WANTED Sewing to do at your home. Mrs. Carrier. Phono lliOU. HOUSEWORK by hour. Call I334J. HOUSEWORK bx day or 40o an hour. 2977J. uisciaaLAnEorj3 rURNITURH PACKXNQ WAilTTCTkrisad sdanos, in chaaga on RadTiee, phonographs, or for. nlturo, ii. I Stiff nrrniture cornpanr. CARD rsadrng, crystal (aging. Call nsnt. v FREE While it lasts a stick of chain graphite. Good for summer use. alack a suxo amp. FOR SALE MISC. FOR RAI.EM Bcaronccr service call 1ST. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERIN'l and repairing. Pit as Powais Furniture Store, USED and rebuilt pianos greatly reduced in price. $0-$75-$95-$125- $145-8195. Over 7$ used pianos to choose from including some o& the world's finest makes. Terms, $$-$S-$10 monthly. Your old organ phono graph or musical Instrument taken on down pnyment, Talanan Piano Store. Baldwin, HERRING-Marvin Will aeU very cheap If taken at 2089 N. Capital. Hollywood Realty. Phone 2887. ' 18-2$ RUMLEY Oil poll tractor, a bargain. Salem Bargain House. 820 North onnmsrclal St, Phono 492. BIG reduction on new art supplies. Mrs. Carrier. 80S South Church. PIANO FOR SALE la good con dition. Will aacrtflca. Leaving town. 110 Nebraska Avenue. VEGETABLE, seeding and ' porch- box plants, bed plants, priced right- get them at Jay Morris1 greenhouse. 166S & Liberty St, phones 1321M or 1787WL FOR BALE Mahogany player pi ano. Cabinet and rolls. First class con dition. Phone 1729W. ALL most new Butter Klst pop corn machine for sale or trade. Will give good terms. 874 Statesman. EN shrubs,, rockplants. berry bush' es. Catalog. Suhrs Flower Farm, Troutdale. Ore(ron. WANTED MISC. WELL drilling. C. A. Witcraft. 1118 Burch, Dallas, Oregon. Phone 973. LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown fur cltoker. Reward. Phone 423. FOR SALE Wood 18" OLD FIR $7.50 eor. Tel. 1278W. GOOD DRY wood for yon D. Larmer. Tel 1898. FOR SALE Wood of all kinds. M. D. llayfield. phono 7SF2. DRY FIR ft OAK Wood Coal & Fuel Oil Call on us for prices. Wo giro good measure, good quality and good ser vice. - Larmer Transfer & Storage TsL 92 GUARANTEED DRY Wood coaL Tel. 13. Salem Foal Co, 751 Trade, GOOD COALDRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HfLLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 DRY 18 in. old fir sec. growth. any length. Reductions on large orders. C. V. riaroaugn. sss tiignianu. pnone 1990. GOOD WOOD at a reasonable price Well seasoned second growth fir ami old fir stab and Inside wood. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells. Phone 1542, 280 South Church street. FOR SALE 16" OLD fir $7.00 cord. Phono 26F-32. GOOD DRY Second growth 4 ft. $8.00 detlverl. Phone ev.nlngs. 271 1W. 1 GENERAL DIRECTORY ATTORNEY AT LAW O. W. EMMONS. 3d floor. Oregon Bidg. General Practice, mono l4. AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry It Tra Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1810 N. Summer St. Phone Sll COL. A. L. STEVENSON auc tioneer. 28 rears' experience In the Willamette valley, for dates or ar rangements see F. A. Doerfler. farm advisor. First National Bank. Salem. Phono or Write. A. L. Stevenson. Cor- vallla. Oregon. H. F. Woodry and Son Tho AUCTIONEERS Who Sell "Rite-Down-To wn--Phone 7S 5 Years Exoerience BATTERY ELECTRICIAN Battt-ry Service Station Automotive Electricians Vick Bros. High St at Trade TeL 1341 R, D. Barton .National Batteries Starter and generator work. 303 South High. - BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD K. RAMSDEN Columbia Bicycles an drepairtng. 387 CwiTt. sHlROPRAfORS Dr. O. TU. SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor. S ft. High. Ta si. tes. zivt-j. DRS. 8COFIKLD, Palmer Chhro- acaetora. X-Ray and N. C M, Now Bank BKe. DOCTORS U. A ALTMATC. M. D, Homeopath- M nyaaaaa. paoas ss n. uo erty sc EICTmCIANS" HALDX ELECTRIC CO. fOoctrie extracting aad repairs. Elsctrio Cvtures aad supplies. SEleetrlo ranges and washers. Ph. 9 441 N FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occasions Olsen a Court ft High St, TeL 80 L CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets tuoaial wreatna, oecorauona c r. Beosthaupt. Corist. SIS State Street. Tel, 880. INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Ufa and General Insurance TaL aol tl TX a Bank Bldg.. ANDERSON ft RUPERT General '" 18$ & High " TeL 1844 BETXE ft HENDRICKS It N. High . TeL 181 RICH U RKIMANN General Inauraaca. Loans 219 N. High 64. , Tot. 8 INSURANCE WILLAMETTE INSURANCB AGENCY 21S Masonic Bidg. Tel. $28. FARMERS Mutual Fire Relief Assn, Wm. A. Persey. Agt 83T North Ztttu St.. Salem. Phone 01 !M. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY . THE WKIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 2S 23 a High CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY The Laundry of Pure Materials" Telephone 16 1244 Broadway MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED by the Capital City Bedding Co, 3030 North Capitol. Called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. Tel. 19 MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New ptanos. H, L. Stiff Furniture Company. GEO. C WILIV PUaos. Phono graphs, sowing machines, sheet tnuse and piano studies. Repairing phono, grapha and sowing machines, 433 State street Salem. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for house decorating, paperiianging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PLUMBING PLUMBING and general repair work. Graber P.-os, 144. So. Liberty. Tat 85. PAINTING PAINTING and paperhanging. Chas. Bennett. Tel. IStIR 7t9 Wilbur. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pam phlets, programs, books or any kiad of printing, call at the Statesman Printing Department. 216 8. Commer cial Tel 60S. RADIO FOR orery purpose, for every purse Ail standard sizes of Radio Tube a EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 335 Court SC. Tel 488. STOVES" STOVES and stove renalrinaT. Ktavea for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets and hooks, logan hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court St. Back of Buslck's. TAILORS D. H. M OS HER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court St. TRANSFERS CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 224 Stats St. TeL 933. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. PATTERSON Transfer. Local and long -distance hauling. Phono 33. TRANFER. Short and long dis tance hauling. lean Tucker , 2759 Brooks are., Tel 202 4 M. TRANSPORTATION" Yelloway Pioneer System STAGES. Los Anaeles. 818: San Francisco, Sacramento, $13.50; Seattle $4.8. Depot Blbrh hotel, phone 742. VETERINARIANS DOCTOR W. G. Morehouse, veterin arian, residence 725 S. Coral Phone 1S1. omca S3 8. Com l. tmoae liss. Salem Markets rrarsa rWaotsaafs Ooetacisns) Apolee. f. end f . Seiiee- Aewtewas .1.50 .1.00 Fsscy Roaes Wiaeaaot. cseice ..2.00 .2.7S 1.CS 5.25 06 2.50 Wiaesape, extra iaacy Cheiee DelieieM Crab. Delicieaa lb I.taiea. cartas 6 dex. , lstM Dresaedary, 00, 10 .x. pkgt. Balk IlaUowi, lb. 13 Oose'a Pitli. case S.75 4.50. ..4.2505.00 4.75WS.50 -4.7566.25 Grapefruit, Aria, ease . Flerlda. esse - Cesib hooey, aew crop Cel. Oraarea. Ksvels I ov a . .8.8 -5.SO .5.00 ..4.50 ..4.5 .4.25 ..4.00 8.75 ..3.50 114'a ISO'S 17's 20O's SIS's 2S2'S 288'a 344's Juablee Strawberries Les Aagsles' 15 Sexes ..8..-.0 ..4.50 J lenas, .10 feezes Vee-etaslea (Whateiais 4)otstioas) Boat Vecetsbles Carrots 2-0 Beets 300 Tsraios .-2M Psrsaups ...5.00 3.00 Ratabafcma Artiebekes. dox. .1.40(1.80 10 15 Paaa. Calif, lb. Oreea beaaa. Calif. Green Oaieae, lecals ls. oa .40. 80 Celery, dec. Calif, rrate ..4.50 Spisseb, local orsare box Beached .vegetables, per des. Carrels 1.23 bosches- 80 90 Beets Taraipa Raisk.a ,. Paraley, doa. , , Peteteea IiOcal. Burbsak Yak. Geaas, Ho. 1 Yak. tressa. Ke. 2 ...00 ..eO.SO an .1.25 .1.50 .1.10 SoTithera Sveets, crate Carlic. Ih Peppers, Mexican. gren, lb Tomato, Uexican, lug. Onions . No. l'a 3.50 30 20 6.00 ..S.50 ..3.50 ..3.50 Ne. 3's Boiling, locals Lettuce i Imperial Valley, crate Rhubarb, Calif, outside box Local rushers. Is. , .8.0 -L25 03tt New potatoes, lb, Broccoli. Saaaharg, bet beaea . Cabbage. -Teens , 1.TS08.M 1.2S t. 3.10 -4.50 laiileraia .4.00 Pasds fXotsSl tjaetaMoas) Calf aaeaL Mas. Dairy feed, ton , Scratch, tan , . Corn, wbeaa, tea ' Cracked aad aroaad Mill run, tea . 1.18 4S. A50 4T.0O -88.M Bran, tea .84.0 ggmasb vua sank TSars (Saying Price) Pxtrat Standards .88 Mediams .1 Feaitnr (Bnyiag Sfrlas) Stags Roosters, Heavies lied toss .It eld .070.0 -32 .2 4 A 9& Lights Springer, largo Broilers .....854J.S0 Tegetsblea and Traits (ssyiag race Potatoes, rwt, Tare is a. ew - Oaiena, rwt, . . Pannine. Ib . 1. 00 .2.95 ..03 Carroti. taok , . . 1.50 Apple, (ar aad filled 1.00 Kaasera, it. eVaasasaaie Carteas . Prsata Betted at -AS Ad 44 Prists , .47 Cartes , ftaai aad Tanr (Baying Price) Wheat, westera red. ba. . , .1.0 .1.03 5S Soft white Oeivgray. ba. M .09 -36 Hay- Oats aad vetch Clover, eh.ic. - -28 2 00 00 00 Xj erase aad cheat (Saying rrases) Cow a . ..072 . .08 H Kteerr. tea Veal, rood Kalis, road llors, top lleary sows Kpring iaaaha Wethers 11 14 -07V.0H im 07t. .0SV, .14 -06 . .OSVi Ewes, top .07 Dreaaed Meata (Baying Price) Veal, tea .1 .15 Hogs, top General Markets HAY H7 baying price?: eastern Oregon tim othy. $21. 58 (a .23.00: do Taller. $17.00 17.50; alfalfa. $2.Su 33.00; clever, $17.00 17.50; oat hay. $18.0018.50; straw, $0.00 ton; aelliag price $2.00 ton aaere. TTtODVCK POSTLAXD. Ore.. April 25 (AP Milk raw mOk (4 per cat). $2.55 ret. Delivered Portia n 4. leaa 1 per coat. Bat ferfai, statioa. 42c; track. 43c; delivered at Pertlaaa. 45c. Peuttry (baying prices') a bra. heavy heaa ever IS lbs.. 20e: saedieaa b.aa, -H to IH lbs.. -3c; light, nader m lbs., 30e)21e; apriaga. 34 4 30c; breil era, 3638c; ducks. Ptkiag, 80c; eol red decks, 14)2; rarheya. N. 1 heas. 3uJ31c; tema. 304jS4c; cspoas, $43 38c. Potatoes per cwt., geaaa. Ke. 1 rree. $1.40ril.S0; fancy geasa. $1.401.90. POBTLAaTB OIADT PORTLAN'O, Ore.. April 33 (AP) Gaah grains wheat Big B..4 hlnritui. hard white 1.30; s.ft white, westera white, 1.18 ; hard winter, nerthera spring, weal.ra red. 1.11. Oats X.. 2-38 Ik. white 87.50. Barley o. 2 45 lb. B. W. 85.00 Cora Me. 2 eastera yellew, shipment 40.00. aiillran-tandard 80.00. UVSTOCK PORTLAND. Ore., April 23 (AP) Cattle sad eaWea steady; ae receipts. Steers (11OO-120O lbs.) good 11.50 ft 13.00; De (950-1100 lbs.) root 12.254 12.75; De (800 and ap) mediaas. 10.25 11.50; De coaunen 9.00ft 10.25. Heifers (850 lbs. dewa) good ll.2StJll.50; de common 9.00(rx 11.25. Cows ro4 lO.OOfj 10.50; de commoa te bmuib 7.506 10.00: de low rotter 5.0 57.50; Bulla (rearliag excluded). Good beet 8.00m) S:O0; ratter te mediaaa 7.00la0. Calves (500 lbs uwnt, Baedinm te ,ehiee 10. 00 12.50; do rail to remmos 8.00 10.0O. Vealers. milk fad, good U rheie. 13.50614. 50! d. mediam 12.00f91S.50; call to eoramen 9.00 12.00. (No representative e( limits of Qual ity within the grade). DAI IT PORTI.AXD. Ore.. April 25 (AP) Dairy exchange, net prices; butter: ex tras 43; standards 42 H: prime firsts 42 M; firsts 42: eggs: extras 28; first 27; mediaaa extras 25; medium firsts 21H. CHICAOO GSVADf. CHICAGO, April 25 (AP) Kew low price records for the 1029 wheat crop were established Way br May. July sad September deliveries. The dowatura of vales wa aiaultaaeus with a aeddn al most complete suspension of export busi ness ia northern American wheat aad with widespread beneficial maistare throu cheat the greater part of domes tic wheat-producing territory. Closing aeetatieaa ea wheat were hea vy. 1VC te 2j2 l-e s bushel net lower. Cora finished at 1 l-8e set decline te 2 Sc sdrasce sad eata t te He off. MOTICS Or SALTS OF QOVSBUnsZlfT Ooaoral Laad Office Wathingtoa. D. C. March 15. 1929. Kotice is hereby given that subject te the conditions and limitations of tba act ef Jaae 9. 118 (39 Stat. 218), amend ed by the act of May 17. 1928 (45 Stat. 597) and paraaant to departmental reg stations e( April 14. 1924 (SO L. O. 874). the timber ea the follewiag lands will be solC April 29. 192. at 10 o'clock a. aa. at public anctioa at the Vailed States land office at Rostburg, Oregon, te the highest bidder at set less than the ap praised value as shown, bv thia notice. sale te be subject te the approval ef the Secretary of the Interior. The parchese price, with ea additional ram of one- fifth ef one per ceat thereof, being com missions sllewed. snnst be deoesited at time ef sale, asoney te be return d if aale is aet approved, otherwise patent will isrne ter toe tioaDer, watch must be re sieved within tea years. Bids will be received from citiseas of tba United States, associations ef sack eitixees and corporations organised nader the laws of the United Statea or aay State, territory or district thereof ealy. Upon application ef a eaelilied purchaser the timber ea any legal aabdiviaioa will be offerad separately before being inelaled in any offer ef a larger unit, T. 8 N R. 8 W Sec, 33 SWfc 8WK yellow fir 1420 M, dead yeUew fir 600 It, T. $ s. R. 1 K.. Sec. 31 KWtt NP4 tod aad yellow fir 8300 U, KE. KW .red aad yellew fir 2400 M. let 1 red aad yellew fir 8300 M. T. 3 S.. R. 5 W. Sec. 17 SWj SPVs red fir 1200 M. whit, fir 10O at, T, 19 a. K. a W. Sec, 15 HWU 8WU red fir 440 M. SW14 BW red Hr 810 M. T. 21 8.. a S W. Sec. 1. NW4 SW4 yellew fir 950 M red fir 7o at. aoae ef tae timber ea theae sec tioo te be- sold for less than $1.50 per hi for the red aad yellew fir aad deed yellow fir aad 50 cents per M far the white fir. T. 10 8, R. 1 E. Sec 89 NWii KW4 red fir 1850 Sf. T. 13 S.. a W.. See. 1 lot 2 yellew fir 118 M. red fir 12 at. T. 2 8.. R. 9 W. See. 29 KEI4 NEVs Port Orford cedar 350 14 yellew fir 22S0 M SVf'ti NE4 Port Or ford cedar 570 M yellow fir 130 M SKVi KEU Port Orford cedar 840 U. yellow fir S3 M, dead Port Orford cedar 40 V. KE4 JtW. Port Orford cedar 320 If. yellow Wir 40 M. dead Port Or ford cecar 40 U. NEi 8E Port Orford cedar dOO M. yellow frf io M, none of the timber ea theae sections te be fold for less than $1.75 per M for thai red and yellow fir. $9.0& per SI for the (green) Pert Orford cedar and $5.00 oer M for the caad Pert Orford cedar. T. 37 S R. 7 W., Sec. 8. 8W4 SEa red and vellow fir 250 Jf augar pine 1I.-.M. NKW SEU red and yeUow f ir j 400 M. T. 37 8., R. 8 W. Sec. 25 NWVs I KW1 anger pine 135 M . yellew pine 31 M red and yellow fir 130 M. SU14 augar pins 1251C. yellow pine 100 M'red and yellow fir 150 SI. NEVi 8W4 sugar pise 75 M, yellew ' pin 80 M. red aad yellow fir 150 M, See. 35 N'EH SEh augar pine 250 M, yellow pine 20 M. red and yellow fir 80 U. SEV4 8E K sugar pine 90 M. yellow pine SO M. red and yellow fir 180 M, none of the timber oa theae aeetioa te be sold for less than 81.25 per M for the red and yellow fir. 88.80 per M for the sugar pine, and 33.0O per M for the yellow pine. T. 17 8, K W See. 1 BWs 8WV red fir 500 Sf. T. 2 8.. R. d E. Sec. 85. NWVs 8E4 red fir 820 M, red cedar 100 M. hemlock SO M. aoae of the tun her on thee aeetioa to be aold far lea taas $2.00 per K far the red fir. $1.00 par M for the hemlock, aad L50 per at for the red cedar. T. 8 8., R. 7 W See. 11. KE NE4 yellow pine T ht, sagar piss 300 M. red fir 220 M. 8K4 NK4 ysIUw aiso 10 Taf, aegar piae 180 If. red fir BO M. SWtA XkL yellow piae SO M, sugar piae 5 K, red fir 60 hf. KW. SCa yauew pine 7 Sf. sagar piae 114 M, red fir So M. 8WK 8E4 valWw pine SO Sf, awrwr pin. 85 M, red fir 1 M, MZ 1W yellew naoo 10 M, sagar piae 120 M, red firSO St. SEfA SW44 yeUew 5iae a hf. sagar oiae SO at, red f or M, W14 8W4 yellow via. M, ongac piae IS M. red fir 3 M, nonp of tho timber ea this section to bo esM for be thaa $1.00 per M for the red fir aad $3.04) per hi for the sagar aad yellew, piae. T. 87 8,. R. 7 W 8ec. If. BE NW4 yellow fir 845 M. TeUeVr piae 75 M. SW4 KWU yellew fir 400 M. yeuew pine ou J. T. ST a, 3s, o W.. Bee. 1 SEti NE14 yellew piao SO M., red. nr eu as, sagar ptae iso as. yellow nine 1 M. red trr 4 at. sugar r pine pise 100 M. yi XWI4 yellew piae 10 M. red fir It M. rarer otae 10 M. N W4 NWi yellow piae IM M. red fir SO at, augar pine ISO Jf. BE xw yellow pine 80 V. red fir SO M, sagar piae 110 M. 8WU NW yellow pia OO M. red ir 0 M. eager pi a SO M. E4 BE 14 yellow pine S0M, red fir 20 M. sugar pis 75 M. NW4 8K4 yellew pine 20 Sf, red fir 200 If. sagar piss off M. 8E4 8E4 yellow ise 1 k. red fir too 3L tagar pias 104) M. la eases cedar 19 M. gW 8X14 yellow piae t M. red fir 380 M, sugar piae O St. Saeaaae cedar 1 M, 8EtA 8W yellew pia. 1 M, red fir 10 9. soger fine ISO M, 8W14 8W4 yeuewtae V. red fir 120 M. sagar piae 170 M. aoae ad the timber ea these seetieaa te bo aald (ar les than $1.28 nor M for tbs rsd aai yellew fir. S3. per M for the agr psaa, $8.0 par M for tha yellew piae - sad $1.00 per M for the ntreaee ceaer. William 8pry. Commtssieaer. Steb. 37-30 A 10-18-17 20-24 17. White, be. - Barlav. tea - t2rJ flew First i.aiionaJ Bank Builtllng Directory BASEMKrrt Do Lnso Shi mag Parlr Eayrts for Ladiea and Gentlemen FOURTH FLOOR Dm oNeUl A Burdetto. UfHosnetriata Pnono S3S 441-402-443-444-45 tCiGHTH FLOOR Dp. C. Ward Darts General DonUatry TaL 818 Errming by apooiatanema oei TENTH FLOOR De. W. A Johnoso, Dentist Tela! tains 1X4S 1HI L REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ANDTEJtSON 18 a High ft atTPSUCTft. Realtors Tel. 144 ... -BJ5" "ISNlaRICKS 189 K. High TeL 181 JOSEPH BARBER HXALTT CO. Gray Bldg. Phono 79 A. C BOHRNSTKDT 141 N. C umaaarrial Tel SIT LBSO N. CH1LOS CO, Realtors S3 State St, Tel. 178? F. O, DELANO 89 N. Church TeL 383 J. LINCOLN ELLIS 139S & Church Si. Phono 1341 J a M. EARLK 188 a Liberty St. .Tel. 2248 HOMER D. FOSTER RHA&TY CO. 87, State BL . TeL 843 W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 a Liberty St. TsL SIS MELVIN - JOHNSON 82 U. a Bank Bldg. Tel. 837 W. O. MILLS $31 4 State St. TeL ITS GERTUUOE J. M. PAGB 484 Court TeL 1883 PERRINE ft MARSTERS 211-211 Gray Bldg. TsL 907 RICH U RKIMANN. Boa Ror 219 N. High M. TsL 848 SOCOLOFSKT ft SON 194-8 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. TeL 978 SQUARE DEAL REALTX CO. C. a Nat'L Bank Bidg. Tel 47 J. F. ULRICU Commercial Tel. 129 N. 1354 TRIANGLE REALTl CO. 421 Court St. TeL 861 U. a REALTf CO. lit BUU St. TeL 288 r. tu wood 441 Slate R BATON ROUGE, La., April 2. (AP) --Testimony that Governor Haey P. Long tried to persuada his former bodyguard to murder Representative J. Y. Sander be cause Sanders opposed tb sorer, nor' oil tax proposal was heard today by tho Louisiana house of representatives. The house yesterday adopted flvo additional impeachment coanta against Long to add to two previously voted, aad late today tarned to consideration of a blan ket resolution charrlig "general Incompetency. Lata today the body rejected charges that he had used the state militia Illegally ia gambling raid on resorts near New Orleans. Tha vote was 43 to f S. H. A. "Battling" Bozeman. the governor former bodyguard, told on the stand of tha alleged at tempt by the governor te get him to murder Sanders. Harry James, proprietor of the padlocked Frollca cabaret In New Orleans, filed an affidacit with the house describing the governor as "tha singing fool" on frequent visits there. . ' Boxeman said he pat the gov ernor to bed one night when he found Long In a hotel hallway elad In hi underwear, one shoe and his hat on. trying to get down to the lobby. NOTICK OF ISTKXTIOX TO IM- PROVB IJBKKTV HTKrtvr FROM THE SOUTH LIXK OF PINE STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF HICKORY STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it neces sary and expedient and hereby de clares it purpose ana intention. 10 improve Liberty Street from the south line of Pine Street to the south line ef Hickory 8tret, at the expense ef the sbuttlag and adjacent property, - except the street and alley intersections, the expense of which wiL) be assumed by the City of Salem. Oregon, by bringing aald . portion of said street te the established grade, coojtrtscting Portland eemsat con crete crnxbe. aad pa viae staid por tion of said street with gtx-meh ret-tlaad eesaeat con ere t pave ment thirty feet la width, la ac cordance with tha plan and spe dfiesfieM tnvetrefee which were adopted by the Common Council, os April 16th. im, sow en file ta the of flee of the City Recorder, and which ere hereby referred to and snade a part fcereof. The Common Council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention te auke the above described 1m proTement by sad through the Street ImproTmnt - Department of the City ef Salem, Oregon. By order of the Commoa Coun cil the 15th day of April. 12. M. POUL8EN, City Recorder. Date of first publicatloa April 29. lilt. . .. . Data of final publication liar 2. 1129. ApltOMIInc. btds roll coyfrrnuci'ioitt ffie V. B. Prspsrty sod, Snoboreaag CHfiaar. Oregen. nalosa, 4ragao, salad Preps saw in rihca4a aa too receired here ant.l t Wk. T V, Msy 14, 12. and tHea opoaed for eoastraetien of one target aa target saeiarial abed at CUcb- vsegwav a .buhs aww.mi. Vtrpm", td. 88, S7. K tt, 2. M USED OF ine in