The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 27, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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The New OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morninr, April 27, 1929
tje (Oregon iirtatetfman
"No Favor Sways Us; No Fear Shall Awe."
From First Statesman, March 28, 1851
Charles A. Spracue, Sheldon F. Sackett, Publisher
Charles A. Sprague - - - Editor-Manager
Sheldon F. Sackett - - Managing Editor
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for
publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper.
Entertd at the Postoffiee at Salem, Oregon, at
Matter. Published every morning except Monday. Butrnese
office SI 5 S. Commercial Street.
Pacific Coast Advertising Representatives:
Arthur W. Stypes, Inc., Portland, Security Bldg.
San Francisco, Sharon Bldg.; Los Angele3, W. Pac. Bldg.
Eastern Advertising Representatives:
Ford-Parsons-Stecher, Inc., New York, 271 Madison Ave.; .
Chicago, 360 N. Michigan Ave.
Orations on the
T AST niffht The Oresronian
ILi iects dealiner with the national constitution. There were
eight speakers on the program,
. . a m
ence quite a goodly supply of
spiration for one evening.
We raise the question why the contest should be limited
to thetme theme. The constitution is something to be re
spected, to be studied, to be observed, and to be applied. It
is not something to be worshipped. The Protestants substi
tuted an inerranfr book for an inerrant people; but modern
thought in protestant communions has now deviated from the
old bibiolatry. We wonder if there is not a tendency to look
upon the constitution as the political bible of the country and
to fall into the same habits of adoration of it as formerly
were exclusively applied to the bible.
A cm in minv rtf tho constitution-worshiDDers are looking
principally at just some of its
concerned about property ngnts, dui tney oo not nesiiaie tu
violate or ignore the eighteentn anenamenu iney are ar
rfonf in t hir faith nhnnt frvednm of contract, but are ruth
less in suppression of free speech in coal mining towns or
steel towns in case of strikes. Tney Derate tne miunanas ai
TVklfn fnr mm nine the Jans out of town : but sav not a word
against deputized hoodlums
rights of labor leaders in UUizabetntown, lenn.
The constitution is a.remarkably well drawn instrument.
Qot o-ninor hv snrh hip exW utivea as Georee Washington and
Alexander Hamilton, and given
. ... . . - - ......
pretation by John Marsnau it nas provea an aamirauie irame
of government. It is however the product of its social, po
litical nrl wnnnmic milieu, and is bv no means to be regard
ed as something handed down from Mt. Sinai.
It has received 19 amendments, and most every politi
cian can think up some alterations which he believes would
be beneficial. As time passes additional changes will be
written into the document. We do not plead for a flexible in
strument for our fundamental law; but we protest against
rigidity of opinion upon even such a practical instrument as
the constitution.
If The Oregonian seeks to sponsor oratory among high
school students, why limit the subject to a single theme? If
the purpose is primarily a study of che constitution, it would
seem that essays would be a more effective vehicle of ex
pression. The constitution will of course survive the ora
torical onslaught. We hope that it has vitality enough to
outlive the tendency to make of it a holy covenant in a holy
Running the Railroads
WE are quite sure it must be as easy to run the railroads
as it is the newspapers of the country. At least there
are as many volunteer performers who give generous advice
on how the railroads should be run. Just now we note that
the roads are about to "reduce the passenger fares between
Portland and Seattle in an effort to regain business lost to
the stages. We are quite sure however if some grange or
chamber of commerce had suggested such a move to the rail
executives they would very solemnly have protested that it
simply couldn't be done ; and produced reams of auditors' re
ports in proof of the impossibility. Then they might have
gone ahead and done it.
That was what happened in the case of the reduction in
time between Chicago and north Pacific terminals. The
executives meeting in Portland were so final and their evi
dence was so conclusive that the petitioning chambers of
commerce almost passed a resolution telling them they could
lengthen out their running time a day or two if that-would
permit them to stay in business. A few weeks later, presto,
the impossible became the possible. Every railroad an
nounced it had suddenly discovered the time could be reduced
without throwing the roads into bandruptcy.
We do not suppose the roads will find the passenger busi
ness profitable as time goes on. They may find it "less a
loss" to put into effect general rate reductions such as they
contemplate on the Portland-Seattle run. That is what hap
pened in the case of railroad stage lines. The stages do not
pay or pay very well; but they prevent the roads from piling
. up the heavy losses caused by operating unpatronized trains.
Being only an editor we shall not advise the roads what to
do. They do have a serious problem in rendering passenger
train service with coaches half-filled. Perhaps reducing the
rates will save the day; perhaps passenger trains will pass
out like the street cars except on the long hauls.
Mexlical Men Do Well
.f-iJEDICAL practioners who
If x time to the prevention
will win a warm admiration from people everywhere. Little
by little we are learning that the best way to reduce is to
stay thin; the easiest way to treat cancer is to guard against
its mcertion.
This month free clinics
the auspices of the Oregon Tuberculosis association are being
held in various sections of the
, tuberculosis. The clinics are part of an Early Discovery
campaign and they are proving extremely valuable in dis
covering and checking tubercular cases. Out of 66 cases
examined 21 were found to have the early symptoms of tu
berculosis and these cases are
There will b sickness a plenty for doctors to care for
despite our best efforts to check disease. But the move for
health must continue; preventative medicine is more worthy
than the curative type.
Action Needed on New Building
fTTHE supreme court's objection to a new office building as
J. planned by the state board of control because the noise
of construction will interfere with the work of the justices
will not be taken seriously. Concentration is part and par
cel of a jurist's equipment, we would presume, but if such is
impossible when the rat-tat-tat of the steel riveter, is on, we
should suggest the judges pack up their books and try the
fishing on the North Santiam while mentally browsing in
the tangles of higher jurisprudence.
The complaint that the new building will darken the
offices now being used is more serious. Judges certainly
need as much light ahining on their reflections as any class
of citizens. Such modification as will permit such help must
be made by the state board of control. Otherwise the judges
will all take to golf and that splendid, record of catching up
with the docket will be. only a memory
But by all means, action is needed. The state has been
, m without its office building too long. . :v:
held Its state contest on sub-
which would give the audi-
A J 1
oratory, lniormauon ana in
provisions. They are vitally
who invade the constitutional
life through judicial inter-
i 1 M
are devoting much of their
of disease as well as its cure
conducted by doctors through
state, examining people for
at once receiving medical care,
) IMS, U rmlabs
Bits for Breakfast
Going fine
1. V
The -whole of the 4590 seres of
flax contracted to the tUte Is
seeded, with the exception of 250
to 30 acres on low land, and this
will be planted within a few days,
if the sunshiny weather lasts. The
early sown flax in many of the
fields is vp and growing well.
Col. Bartram is in Portland dis
posing of the balance of the bond
issue of the Oregon Linen Mills
Inc., preparatory to pushing the
program, for increasing the wear?
ing forces working on towels and
crashes, which will lead to the
making of the finest of fine lin
ens, in table cloths, napkins, etc.
W "W
With all fruit and other crops
pretty well assured now, the Sa
lem district is going to hare a
great business year. With the gar
age, administration and other
buildings at the penitentiary, and
minor improvements at the old re
form school farm now being
worked by the prison forces, there
ill be more than 1100,000 In
building improvements for that
institution during the present
year. There will be over $150,000
expended in the new grandstand
and other new construction at the
state fair grounds.
. S
With the state office building.
the industrial building at the
state hospital, the new telephone
building, and other major pro
jects around Salem, a million and
a half dollars more will be ac
counted for Then there Is the
Urge addition to the plant of the
Terminal Ice and Cold storage
company, taking care of larger
needs In the way of cold pack
fruit operations and the reiclng
of cars from southern points here
making up a beneficial contri
bution to the activities here in Sa
lem that are of vast Importance.
With the West Salem cannery
plans developing Into all the year
around working conditions.- an
open river the summer through,
and various other developments
looking to the growth of business
here, Salem and her trade terri
tory are certainly oa their way"
towards wonderful things In the
opening of a new era.
One of the finest show places
that will be seen by the -thousands
on blossom day parade to
morrow will be the' plantings of
the Salem Bulb company (W. C.
Dibble) a few rods from tho Polk
county end of the. Willamette
bridge, fronting the Wallace road
as you go out of Salem. Mr. Dib
ble has there 10 acres in tulips.
which will make about a million
and a Quarter bulbs. The blooms
win be fine tomorrow; though the
showing will bo fuller a week
later. Mr. Dible has a new depar
ture, ia a central part of his
plantings, with, sample beds of his
staaaara varieties, so they
bo examined without walking
about much; also la what ho calls
his tulip curiosity shop, contain
ing sport varieties, in black and
other shades. Including a wild tu
lip from Asia, on named "WB
Ham tho Silent, tho Dutch som
ershooa, etc., etc Tho big crowds
will bo there tomorrow, and other
throngs will go to Mission bottom
to see tho Lather J. Chapia
plantings, tho next largest for tu
lips ia tho Salem district this
w ..V
The Question of yesterday as to
who mads tho survey for the
platting of the original town of
Salem can mow bo answered. L N.
Gilbert, tho first county clerk of
Marion county, made tho surrey,
prepared tho plat, and In his of
ficial capacity filed ft. He for a
time acted as county surveyor. Mr.
Gilbert was one of tho four men
who organised th first Congre
gational church of Salem, and he
was one of. its principal support-
One Kind Of Safe Roost
ers till the time
of his death.
March 20, 1879. Mr. Gilbert came
to the Oregon Country with the
emigration of 1844, from New
York. He was born at RushviUe
In that state, June 27. 1818. He
married Hiss Marietta Stanton of
Salem in 1850; a-daughter of Al
fred Stanton, an immigrant of
1847. The land claim of the Gil
berts was in the northeast sub
urbs of what Is now Salem, in the
Garden Road district; the Cine
Gilbert home (for those days)
being well remembered by many
old residents still living here.
'Salem small boy, son of a
mother whose ancestry harks back
to the braes of bonnle Scotland,
asked for a penny. "What for?"
Inquired the mother. "For being
good all day. answered the boy.
Nonsense, laddie. said the moth
er, "can you not be gooa xor notn
Ing, like your father?"
Editoro Say:
With the action taken by the
student body last Friday. Willam
ette bids adieu to one of her most
time-honored and least noble tra
ditions, and takes a step forward
in her development toward more
ideal social relations.
Recognizing the identification
values jot the green-lid and the
harmlessness of the custom In It
self, we feel that In our exper
ience on the campus the least
praiseworthy incidents have re
sulted from attempts to enforce
this tradition.
Whereas, it should be the pol
icy of the student body to foster
a spirit of cooperation and strive
to make the new students feel
that they are a part of the camp
us activities. It has let soma of its
members resort to the most prim
itive methods in an. attempt to
control the pursuits of the Fresh
man class. The enforcement of
the green-lid tradition has tended
to produce enmity rather than cul
tivate a friendly feeling of asso-
Where. If not In a student
group shall we learn to control
ourselves, order our activities by
reason aad not force, and learn
to live in peace and harmony
with our felloWmen? And so with
no grief or lament wo consign
this tradition to tho errors of the
past. Willamette OrtlearUn.
Gasoline is being retailed sin
Portland at from 17 cents to 21 hi
cent a. gallon. A majority of sta
tion sales are being made at 20
cents a gallon, which ia tho price
that tho dealers' association Is
trying - to maintain. The price to
the dealers Is lf cents. Only
at the stations operated by the oil
companies Is tho top price of 23-
eents asked. In their latest
meeting the - dealers apparently
gave- ao thought to bringing up
their own price to that figure.
Tho retail dealers charge that
tho oQ companies are seUlag di
rect to largo city consumers at
from 12 Vt cents to IX cents a
gallon. Tho oil compaaieo reply
that they are making ao ouch
contracts, Tho dealers charge that
the oil companies are selling to
farmers at 10 cents. This, too,
is denied. Tho dealers at their
meeting charged that tho com
parties are treating them unfairly.
Specifically, tho dealers object to
the exclusive ' one-company con
tracts that tho companies enforce
upon dealers. That jteems to bo
tho chief specifies tl on of alleged
unfairness made at tho dealers'
meeting, aside from tho one con
cerning cat-price sales to large
consumers, but quite appareatly
tho dealers are Inclined to blame
tho companies for tho whole de
moralization of tho gasoline-selling
trade, whoso ramifies ttoas are
hartT for sa outsider to under-1
Out of the muss in the trade in
the metropolis the consumer has
for weeks past been getting his
gasoline at various bargain prices
and is still doing bo, with no pros
pect for a ehange in sight. Cut
prices have extended in a few in
stances to outside towns, but the
storm center is Portland. Here in
Eugene there was a brief flare-
up of price cutting, but it soon
subsided. Eugewe Register,
Amarillo was a "mute inglori
ous Milton." droning away Its
days contentedly in the brown
drowsiness of the Texas Panhan
dle until oil came and Howe.
Trim bungalows routed unkempt
shacks, nondescript houses disap
peared before the march of Tudor,
and Main street flung out Its mer
cantile chest in statelier temples
Oil has transformed Amarillo as
Aurelium beautified Rome, then
came Howe of the Atchison,
Kansas, Howe) to prove himself
the son of his Journalistic sire.
The first page first heard of
Amarillo and Howe when the edl
tor verbally spanked Col. Lind
bergh tor his snooty attitude
towards Amarillo, which Had as
sembled to welcome the flyer with
acclaim and eclat. That sensation
fixzled out, but when Mary Garden
gave Amarillo an allegedly expur
gated rendition of "Thais" Editor
Howe struck another blow. He
told his subscribers, in the vig
orous speech of Kansas, that they
had been short-changed by the
Chicago opera crowd, and he has
made them believe it. They have
refused to pay the guarantee, on
the ground that they did not get
what they contracted for. and the
chances are that the prospective
litigation will evolve into a cause
That Is what oil has done for
Amarillo and Howe! SC. Louis
Post Dispatch.
When we hear men around 60
years of age talking about being
tired and growing old wo have
but to think of Ellhu Root, aged
84. the great lawyer and states
man, who sailed for Europe a
short time ago to represent his
country la seeking new under
standing among nations as to
America's reservations in the mat
ter ot the World Court.
There is no reason .why the
mind or tho body should play out
at SO, for if properly treated, both
are good for a much longer per
iod. Eliha Root is an Inspiring ex
ample for men around io, who are
tired. Ellhu Root, we believe, will
live many more years to serve this
country ia tbo usual manner that
he has served it in the past.
h Falls Herald.
Old Oregon's
Town Talks from The States
man Our Father Read
April 27, 1004
Tho postoffiee at Woodburn
was broken into bat no loss sus
tained as Captain O. D. Header
on and John Zimmer heard an
explosion aad went towsrd the
building-. Tbo burglars opeaed
fire, aad tho Woodburn men re
turned shots. No one was injured.
One of tho burglars dropped an
Iver-Johasoa 2 8 -calibre revolver
as bo raaw
Marion county received an In
crease fn population, of six immi
grant families from Central
Tho Roseburg and Salem teams
ot the Oregon state baseball lea
goo wffl lino up at tho C. A. A. C.
field here today. Salem players:
Fay. shortstop, Wilkins. catcher.
Lougheed. third: Davis, center;
Suess. right: WOner. left. Nehr
tng. first; Dowale, second; aad
Califf. pitcher.
Tba Travel Accident Insurance
Policy Issued to Statesman readers
is writ tea by The North American
Accident Insurance Co.
row? MiayoKUfr croracB
Writ Salem, Corner Girth AvefiOe and
Third Street. Meredith A. Groves, pastor.
Residence. 973 Edgewster St. Phone
1341-R Services: Sunday seboel at 9:4$
a.m. Lester DeLspp, Superintendent.
Olasta for all ages. Morning worship 11
a.m. Mrs. Charles Birleirh wilt preach.
Text: "Keep thy heart with all diligence,
for out of it ar tba issues" of life."
The boy elasa will furnish the special
Bomber. Junior Lvzne 11 a.m. Mabel
Thomas. Superintendent. Intermediate
League 7 p.ns. Mrs. J. H. Benton, Super
intendent. Senior League 7 p.m. Mrs.
Jt. A. Graves, leader, Supject: "Choos
ing A Lifa Partner." Keening service,
8 p.m. Sermon subject "The Supreme
Question," by the pastor. The Benner
family ef Salem will give a nautical pro
gram in the first part ef the service.
Boy Scouts will meet Tuesday at 7:30 in
the .Community halt The Ladies Aid will
sneet Wednesday May 1, at the home of
Mrs. Leonard fiorgoyne, e Second street.
Prayer meeting' Thursday night 8 p.m.
The pastor will preach at the Summit
Church Soniay morning.
Nebraska and 17th street. L. W.
Biddle, pastor. Phono 2622 J. Sunday
school 10 a.m. Lesson, "A Suffering Ser
vant of Jehovah." Head, Isaiah 52 and
53. S. T. Long, . superintendent. Morn
ing worship 11 o'clock Message aabjeet
"Life A Stewardship." Special music.
Every member ia asked to bring an
offering ipv the Boaefcrake Seminary.
Junior C. E. 3:S0 p.m. Kits Bertha Vaa
eleave, saperiatens nt. At 7 p.m. the
Young People's anniversary day program
will be given. Theme: "Service, a Way
to Leadership." John Gilheusea is the
loader. There will ho several short talks,
special snasical numbers, an exercise by
the Juniors entitled "Little Big Hearts."
High and Center 8rs. 1. J. Uowe, pas
tor. Residence 765 N. Cottage. Mr. and
Mrs. Claytoo B. Jaeksoa, Assistants. Re
sidence SO Parrisfc St. Bible School
:5 a.m. Ton are wuleome in any
department of tho school. Morning Wor
ship ii:oe clock, upoctai Jtasie An
them "Worship The Lord Host High"
(Davis). Duel "Ha Will Wot Slum-
her" (Hart? Helen Xiltoaherger and
Louisa Kihoaberger. Sermoat ' ' Fellow
ship ia World Evaageliant" pastor.
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m. Wo have
loerr Endeavor societies and are always
ghtd to have von present ia say of
theaa. Evening service 7:30 clock.
Special music ' 'Cosae all To People.
(Conned) by choir. Sermon "The
Great Salvation," pastor.
One block south of Center on 19th. L.
P. Smith, pastor. Ses. 1249 S. Cons' 1.
'Phono ifeO. Sunday school :43 in
the morning. Hr. frank Lrtwiller, Supt.
The Sunday school with a Heart
classes for al leges, a lire wtro school.
Tho children' choir will sing a special
auashor. Morn log worahip 11:00. Sermon
subject "Son Remember" Mr. Prank Lit-
wilter will sing a solo. Young peoples
meeting Tn tho evening at 6:30 Miss
Thea Sampn, president. Mr. A. 6.
Schroder, is letter. Tho Junior
yenng people will meet at 6:30 Mrs. L.
U. Smith, supervisor. Evening sn rel
ist ie service 7:30. Happy song service
aad pxaiao meeting. The John S. Freiaen,
family will sing a special number. Ser
mon rabject "God's Supernatural Burnt
Offering" there will he prayer meeting
Wednesday evening at 7:30 and choir re
hearsal at the close of tho prayer meet
ing. The young people will meet Friday
night at the homo of David Meggers.
944 Union. Ave. for prayer and Bible
ECgar P. Siau. pastor. Residence 2345
Maple. Phone S939 W Services 11 a.m.
aad 7:30 p.m. Bible school 10 a.m.
BaperiateBdeat: Earl Beckett. Junior C.
E. 5:30 p.m. Senior C. E. 6:30. Prayer
meeting Thursday 7:30 p.m. All welcome
who o not attend elsewhere.
Cottage and Chemeketa street. Rev.
Martin F. Kerrey, minister. Church
School at 10. OO a.m. Graded instruc
tion. Devotional services at 11 a.m.
Subject of the sermon "The Great Phy
sicisn and the Lowly Carpenter." Mrs.
Martin Ferrey will aing, "Trust in the
Lord." Handel's Largo. Mrs. W. A.
Dentoa at the organ, Tho sermon Is the
fourth of a series of sermons t dealing
with the evolution of Christianity and
will consider the various healing cults
which have developed within and without
the Christian churches.
Fraternal Tempi on Center street,
between Liberty and-High. Services this
Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Our reg
ular pastor, Rev. Laella M. Lo' Valley
will bo tho apeaker. Messages, a circles
will be held Sunday evening from 6
to 7 o'cock.
Corner Capitol and Marion streets. T?.
O. Lienksemper, pastor. Sunday school
at t. I., uruse. superintendent.
Eagbsh services at 10:30. Subject:
"Tho Second and Great ContmaaxUaent."
German services at 11:15. Subject: "The
Expediency of Christ's Departure."
Corner of Liberty and Center. A. P.
Layton, pastor. Bible school at 9:15.
L. L. Thorton, Supt. Worship at 11
clock. Subject. "Coatmanions With
tod. CTinrtisn Endeavor at 6:30
Leader, Lillian Garajoost. Worshio at
7:3. Subject "freedom." Conference
sonoajr May a.
North loth and A Sta., (block north of
Old Peoples Bode) H. W. Gross, pastor.
Sunday school 9.-00 a.m. Tngtiah ser
vices at 0:43 a.m. German at 11:09 Bi
ble stod? 30. Choir rehearsal Thurs
day evening.
Corner 8. Commercial and Washington
streets. 10:00 a.m. Saaday school. Mrs.
Marguerite P. Elliott, Superintendent. 11
a.m. worship. Sermon: "An Essential
F1 ant u Christian Work." :3 -p.m.
Christian Endeavor meeting;. Topic: "Tho
Triumphs of tho Bible oa Mission
Fields." T:SO Evening Worship. Thurs
day, S:30 p.m. Church night supper aad
Monthly Meeting. Chas. C. II a worth,
Corner Haael and Aealemy. Sunday
school ot 10 a.m. P reacting aerviees
at 11 a.aa. and 7:M p.m. Thursday
evening prayer meeting at S o'clock.
Toung Peoples meeting Pridsy evening
FUtemstli and Mitt streets, Petri .
pahHsi. poster. 1S5 Trade street. Mern-
Worship 11 o'clock. Sermon tople
"The Mind of Chris" Church aeheet
Miaa Sashes- Exickso. 8exmten
dens. Miae See Okerberg, Elementary
Swpi. Evening services: Intermediate
League t 8:30 to 7 'clock. Senior
League at 7 o'clock with tho post or lead--
Tbo topie for discussion ia "The
Basis of a Life Ceearadskrp." The ev-ening-
service at S 'deck will be la
charge of Mrs. Alto M. Gentry,
covmr smssT chtoch or chvst
Ceeri aad 17th street. B. F. flhumsh
r. minister, 344 jr. 18U street. Bible
chMl. Mrs. Frank Marshal, Sept. t:45
.as. Moraine worship 11 svsn. Theme
Traniient Goodness." Christian Endeav
or and Junior Meetings :SH p.m.
'reee From the State Ceaventiee," will
bo tho topie for Endeavor.- Song ser
vjcj ami serasos) 7:30 ojsv Subject
The Everlasting GepeL'r Aid Society
r4" .r-y pvaa. Midweek meet
ia Wednesday 7:30 uias.
IStk and Ferry streets. H. C. Stover,
minister. Saaday school at 10 a.m.
Mer-ataa warship at 11. "A Kick Maa."
"The Lore Is My Skephsrd" (E. O. Ex
real) by Mixed quartet. Christina En
deavor a :4 pja. "Diviate Pailaree"
wffl bo th evening earmea aabjeet. The
caeir sir "Cast Thy Burden oa th
Lord" ( Wilaea).
nnsT baptist arrnoH
aee- "of Mariea. mmA 1 itmr At
atoaert i. rayae neater, rrod
Saaday echoes Bap, aad 1 rector of
sic Saaday seheea S:4A. Mas
pre scaler strvie. II 'Clock.
topie 'fnirh That Ia Victories) Over
Death." Ala sssmiailto for children.
Three Teaag Peoples Caieao meeting at
S:SS a.m. Eveaiag nranchisar aereire
T:Se. Sermem topic "Wsiting aad Hoe
tnc aeweiel Ceepel masts by the
chart a caesv. Old fashieaad pray ex saeet
laf Thursday Evraiac T:SS.
spB V VM
Corner of Cheeses: eta aa X. 17th.
Pastor r C. E. Erskiaa. Ttt-rftsars: SSS
X. 17th St., Pheaae; iees-W. aWvieu
11:0 .2, UA 7:30 p.m. Sermon Top
ics. Morning: Tho Baca That ia Set
Before Us. Evening1. A Great Woman.
Sunday school 10:00 a.m. Superinten
dent: O. Id Strausbsugh. Christian En
deavor: 6:30. Leader Genievieve Martin.
The Joader la arranging a special pro
gram in connection with this service and
desire a full attendance of the member
ship or tho Society, particularly since
this is tho last meeting of this Confer
ence year. Mid-Week Prayer Service:
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
Corner State and Church. Fastor: E.
C. Taylor, lien i dene a 636 State. Phone
74. Director Religious Education: Mar
garet K. Sutherland. Phono 87'2. Ser
vices 11 ja. and 7:S0 p.m. Sermon
topics: "Blessed to be a Blessing." "The
Peerless Poarl" by the Pastor. Special
music: Anthems "A Prayer of Thanks
giving" Keesnser an "Abide with me"
Arr. ty Mark Andrews. Church school
9:45 a.m. Classes for all ages. H. F.
Shanks, superintendent. Epworth Leagues
Tciverkity chapter Topic "Roads"
Loader Mario Hessersmith. First Church
chapter Topic "Comrades aad tho Social
Order" leader Etna Vannice. Junior
High chapter Topic "Counting the
Cost" Part 3. Leader Glenn UaUaher.
Junior Church: Annex 11:00 a.m.
Corner of Court and High streets. W.
Karl Cochran, pastor. Eible school at
e45, W. T. Jenks, Sapt. Graded school
aad a place for everyone, under eon
leerated teachers. Preaching services at
10:50 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Subject of
morning sermon "Empty Water-pots."
and ia the evening "Sold aad Brought
Back," with special music at both ser
vices. Senior topic "The Triumps Of
The Bible Oa Mission Fields," Interme
diate topic "Tho Bible A Missionary
Book." Mid-week prayer and fellow
ship meeting Wednesday night at 7:30.
This is a combined devotional aad busi
ness meeting and everyone is urged to
be present. Deaceas' aad Deaconess'
meeting Sunday evening at 6:30, and the
Executive Board will meet on Monday
evening at 7:30. The choir will practice,
a usual at 7:30 oa Thorsday evening.
Thirteenth now Center streets. Sunday
school at 10:00 a.m. Morning worship
at 11:00 o'clock, subject: "Ye are My
Witnesses." Kvening worship at 8:0
o'clock, aabjeet: "Who did not Sin.
Neither was Guile found in His Mouth.''
Rpworth League meets at 7:15 o'clock.
Theme: "Tho Triumphs of the Bible on
Mission Field." Miss Lydia Rebinss,
Leader. P. J. Sehnert, is pastor.
Church street between Chemeketa and
Center. Rev. P. W. Triksea, Pastor.
Sermon at 11 a.m. "The Holy Spirit
Convicting Tho World" at 7:30 sermon
toDie: "Almost A Chirstian" special mu-
. sic at both services by the choir and the
Church cHosue. The Sunday school at
9:45, Max Uehlhar, Supt. Senior and In
termediate Luther Leagues at 6:30. The
choir and church chorus meets for re
hearsal every Friday evening, at 7:15.
X. Cottage aad 1). Streets. ?. W.
Rutsch. minister: 6. Schunke As't. min
ister. Sunday, school 9:45 a.m. Sam
Schirman, Supt. Service 11 a.m. Ser
mon Topie "The Labourers in Tbe Vine
yard. 9 p.m. Sermon Topic .Salva
tion. Male Chorus singing at both ser
vices. Regular midweek prayer service
at 8 p.m. Wednesday. Friends and
strangers welcome.
S35 Ferry street. Sunday school at
:5; Walter W. Wells, Supt. Preaching
service at 11 o'clock. There will be
special music aad good congregational
singing. The morning message will be
upon the subject: "Membership Ia The
One Body of Christ." Young People's
service at S:30; Mrs. Dan Sheets will
be the leafier. Preaching service at 7:30.
Miss Laverne Olson and Miss Elverta
Mm ton will aing "Room For Jesus." The
subject of the evangelistic message by
tho paster will be: "What Shall I do
With Jesus." Prsyer meeting Tuesdsy
evening. The young people's cottsge
prayer meeting on Thursday evening will
be held at the home of Floyd Steward;
Gerald Mintoa is to be the leader. Bible
study and prsyer Friday night at the
tabernacle. J. G. Mintoa, pastor. Res.
1340 . Cottage St. Phone
O. 187S-W.
Corner of X. Winter and Chemeketa
streets. Rev. Norman K. Tully D. 1.,
pastor. Church school 9:30 a.m. Classes
for all ages. Morning worship It o'clock.
Sermon by the pastor, "Isaiah 'a Social
Vision" Evening Worship 7:90 o'clock.
Sermon, "The Parable of the Sower.
There will bo apecial music by tho
choir at both services. C. E. Societies
meet at ff:30 p.m. Regulsr mid-week
meeting Tharsdsy at 7:30. The sub
ject of this weeks lesson will be "The
Atheism of Force and Fear." Resd Isa.
10:5-31. Yon are invited to all these
services. .
Center and Liberty. 9:45 Sunday
school, F. E. Xeer, Supt. 11:00 Morn
ing worship, theme: "Have you been
Slsving?" 7:30 "The Adventure ot Life,"
with the very interesting moving picture
"Alasksa Adventures" portraying the ad
ventures of Cspt. Jark Robertson, ex
plorer, and Arthur H. Yonnf. world's
champion bow and arrow ahot and big
gamo archer, who for two years hunted
big game with bow and arrow ia a
land aeldom sees by man. Tuesday af
ternoon, Missionary Program at the. home
f Mrs. P. W. StesMoff, 607 X. Commer
cial, topic: "China," ia address by Le
land Chapia. Thorslay at 7:30 prayer
meeting and bible study. Charles .
Ward, minister.
(Full Gospel) Corner 13th and Ferry
streets. Bible school, Sunday 1:45 pja.
Boy C. Ferguson, spt. Afternoon ser
vice, 3 'clock, sermon theme. "The
Three Essentials to Health lor Body and
SouL" Eveaiag meeting. 7:45, "The
OK Fashioa Gospel for Old. and Xew
Pashioa Petk." The munie also will
help yea. Tuesday, Thursday aad Sat
urday sights at 8 o'cock. the latter being
in charge of the Christ's Ambassadors
the Toeng People. Children's ehurch,
8rerday. 2:0 B.m. A hearty we I cease
- . J""1 at each service.
Earle V. Jennisoa, pastor. Phone 2050
Aorth Winter aad Jefferson streets.
Harry . Gardner, paster. Boaiaoaco SA9
J oversea. Phone 8234 W. Sermon tea
ses: "The Xew Commandment" at n
The Transgressor's Way" at 8
r- - wieeuai aaasie B! Bta th SSeTBinr
I..- arrvscea under tke direction
Of Mrs. Saeldea Sackett. Suattay school
:45. Soperinteadeat: H. B. Carpenter.
Inaros anssioB
14SV4 Capri street. C, S. Johnson, pss
tor. Saaday schawl at S p as. Services
p-m. Meetings Tuesday,
Thursday nd Saturday evenings.
Win ktwatcaa their morning services
fr to it, through KtW. Bible
?4J. alteraoea aa usual from
2:30 t 4:30, at 11 40 Broadway.
"Prebetiea After Death" Christ las
ocwaca jjeaaee) lewie Today. Tho re
gular aervieee will be held in the Chris
tie Science church, corner of Liberty
Chemeketa at 11 a.m. aad S p as.
aad the same service is repeated ia the
Wetaesdar evenmg meetings
re held at S o'eroek and include tee
tiaveaiea of leattag through Christian
Seieac. A readme; roam far th pub
ke is maintained at 404 Masonic Tent
The hosrrs are frees 11:00 to 5:30
ibl aad rt aatkorised Christian' Science
titers tare assy be read, borrowed or
aarckaaaeL Public is 'Urfted to attend
Camrch St. between OtetusekeUt and Cewter Streets.
11 A. M. Convictiaff the World
Anthem: Homeward and Heavenward Beasley
9:30 Sunday School Graded System,
Max Gehlhar, Supt.
7:30 P. M. "Almost PersuadesT
6:30 Senior and Intermedixte Leagues
Chorus: A Voles Came to Ufi Gabriel
Rev. P. W. Erikaeop Pastor.
to aorvieot) Ssvd to use the Keadi
State and loi-it orrreT. P-ev",
of Portland will ocfy i'ne pulpit, y.
urvrres t 10 rWk. s lr
t;30 p.m. Miss Martha Batttrjun
day school superintendent.
(Methodist Episcopal)
At South Commercial and ,
streets; S. Darlow Jhnon. p,.tnr
34-) E. Myers street, phone '7rj i' ,
J. M. Csnae, D. D., president .f Kirni .
School of Theology, will rin,imt .
morning worship, at 11 o'clock 1',
subject will be "How Ke.vlcsi Th
The choir will give the anthem 'Wl v '.
ieemer Lives" (FeariO. The 1!
Evening Hour will begin it 7 .'!''',.'
will be an illustrated story. Amour T I
Thatched Huts of Rhodeis" sr,' ,
School at 9:45. A. C. P.ohrnst.dt (,'.,
eral Supt. Three Leagues: Interne I .,'
(Junior High): Asbury (High School
and Leslie (Young people) meet at ti
The Asbury Lesgue, A. C. Bnhrno.. '
lesder, ad The Leslie Leagne, s l'.
Johnson, leader, considering the toui.
"Th eBasis for a Life Comrad.-.h
The young people of the ehnrrh n-,. t
Thrusdsy evening at 6 o'clock for th,. r
pot-luck supper and discussion
, . i-rayer meeting Will
Held tost same evening at 7:U0.
NEW YORK. April 26 (AP
Fenwicke Holmes, pastor of tbe
First Church of Divine Science of
New York and exponent of "Divine
healing and metaphysical prosper,
ity," was served with a summons
and complaint for permanent in.
Junction and receivership today on
the charge that he used his cult
to promote the sale ot virtually
worthless mining stock.
The complain was made by At.
torney General Hamilton Ward of
New York and allowed upon a
long Investigation by his depart
ment through the bureau of secur
ities. The papers name, in addition
to Holmes, his brother William H.
Holmes, William C. Carr. a stock
broker, and the. Fremont Grant.
Inc., the mining corporation whose
securities the Holmes brothers
were alleged to have sold.
Watson Washburn, assistant at
torney general, said the property
of this corporation was a gold
mine in California which had not
been worked for years and in
which the shafts and tunnels were
filled wtlh water. The Holmes bro
thers were said by Mr. Washburn
to have represented tbe property
to be worth "at least elOO.000,-
Holmes and his brother hav
been giving lectures In Atlantic
City, San Francisco. ChicaRO, Hus
ton, Buffalo. New York and other
cities. The church of whirh Holme
Is pastor has its headquarter
here and has branches in a num
ber of cities throughout the coun
try. At each lecture, the attorney
general's office charged. Fenwicke
Holmes introduced his brother at
"master metaphysical healer," and
a wealtby and successful busines
man who owned large properties
In California.
LOS ANGELES. April 2fi -(AP)
Claims that Charles Cliul
la, who was killed near Lancaster,
Calif., in a gun fight with Harry
Chenoweth and Jack Ormsby. for
mer federal prohibition agents,
had disagreed with them on thu
payment of "protection" monoy
were being investigated by ofli
officials of Los Angeles and Kern
counties tonight.
The story, given by nnnam-d
residents of Lancaster, which of
ficers were investigating was th;it
after Chenoweth and Armaby had
found a 500 gallon still Just over
the Kern county line, they dis
played badges. After a confer
ence, it is claimed. Chulla aRr-.-
to borrow $220 and meet them af?
a ranch ten miles distant. Chulla
kept the appointment and took
along a second man. a stranger to
Chenoweth and Ormsby. They be
came suspicious of this second
man, it is claimed, and a quarrel
and the shooting followed.
Because Chulla died in Los An
geles county, an inquest will be
held here tomorrow afternoon at
which time the statement of Chen
o wet h and Ormsby that they wern
looking for stills with the hope of
being reinstated as prohibition
agents will be investigated, nis
trlct Attorney Roy Baliey of Kera
county, scene of the shooting, pais
If the coroner's Jury finds that ths
men shot in self defense thry
probably will not be prosecuted.
Mexican Women
Are Given Severe
Punishment, Word
Concepcion Acevedo de 1
Llata, mother superior of a fat h
lie nuaery who was sentenced
last November to 2ft years impris
onment as "intellectual author"
of ths assassination of President
elect Obregon by Jose Leon To
ral. wlU be sent to the Las Tres
Marias, which hsve been called
ths Devil Islands of Mexico.
Prison officials when they made
this announcement tonight sl
that all other women convicted of
direct or indirect participation in
anti-government activities, espe
cially In connection with the o
called Cristero revolt, would b
sent to the Island prison colony,
which usually is reserved for those
gniltr f greater crimes.