SCOUT BENEFIT ILL ATTENDED Different Community Organ izations Participate in Social Affair MONMOUTH, April 24. Mon mouth post of the American Le. gion, assisted by the Lions club and Ciric club sponsored a ben. efit program of vaudeville at the high school gymnasium Tuesday evening to obtain the budget for the support of the Monmouth boy scouts. About 150 persons attend ed the affair which was well pre. sented. The first number was by the harmonica band of Monmouth high, followed by a solo by Miss .lune Thiering with Margaret S: ruirgs at the piano. Leslie Davis and Jimmy Bush in a tumbling act showed a good amateur performance. Miss Ethyl Rae Davis, was heard in a vocal number, accompanied by Margaret Scruggs. Mrs. Bernard Sellers pleased with a reading. The Lions club quartet com posed of L. B. McClendon. O. C. Christensen, S. Dietrick and Dr A. S. Jensen were encored enthus iastically on their numbers. Mrs Dietrick was their accompanist. A trio from the La Danza organ ization of Oregon Normal school were well received in a clog dance number. The program finale was a comic effort by the American Legion quartet: Walter Smith, C C. Powell, L. B. Howard and Dr. C. G. Stem with Chester Kurtz at the piano. The entire evening was a popular success. m mm put PERRYD1LE. Anrll 24. Two beautiful playlets were given Tues. day night at tne monthly club meeting or tne public sciroois. "The Prairie Princess" and the "Romance of Spring Time" made a most charming pageant. - Captain R. C. Mitchell accom. nanied the Perrrdale minstrel club to McMlnnvllle Friday night and gave the Elks an entertain ment in their hail. After the per formance the "antlered herd' sDread one of their finest feasts. Misses Elliott and McMillan chaperoned the high school girls at a slumber party at "Tne tjoi- lipa." sDonsored bv Mr. and Mrs A. M. Campbell in their fine coun try home Friday night. The high school senior play. comic drama, will be presented Thursday night at the high school auditorium. The. north section of the Polk ronntv unelline contest, consisting of six districts, held Its elimina tion contset Friday night at Per rydale. McCoy ranked third, with Ilroadmead second, and Perrydale first. The grade and high school teachers plan to attend the state educational conference at Mon mouth, Saturday, April 27. HUBBARD, April 26 Mrs. Ed ward Wolfer was hostess for the Tinir nt T.vender club wbicn met at her home Thursday after noon. Questions on current topics vam suited and answers givea. Miss Marjorie Wolfer and Miss Bessie Rector favored the club with a niano duet. Piano solos Dy MLss Anita Bevens and Miss Bes- io Roptnr o reading by Miss WH ma Dick, and a planologue by ui Velma Dies: were enioyea Members present were Mes- dames Reichel. stauiier, ttecior, Wells, Kidston, Bevens, Smith, Coffenberry, Adams, Jackson, Dimick, Paulsen, Schoor, Sewell, Kromllng. Overton, Riley, and the Misses Mary Goudy. Rose Jordon, Anita Bevens, Leah Kromling, nii ntnr. Mar iorr Wolfer. Ruby Crittenden, and Ruth Cal vert. Visitors were Mrs. G. Vo get, Mrs. P. Knapp. Mrs. A. Hoi- f j war den. of New.Hampsmre, ana bits. Woodruff of Portland. HO. 123 8TNOPSIS OT TBS AJUTUAi STATE MENT OF THE AMERICAN MOT0- I8TS INSURANCE COMPANY f Ctiieaff, n Stat I IUiuoia om the thirty-firat day of Iee!r. 1928. male to the Inauranta Comnmiionrr ! the SUM of Orrron. pnriuant to law: CAPITAL Aaoait of capital stock paid op -- (350,000.00 INCOMI Net cramhims reeivd during- tho yea? - 8611.903.12 Intcreit, dividends and renta received Curing tho year - 24.695.75 Inrnae front other source rewved during the year 509.830.17 Total income 81.146,529.04 DISBTTB.SEMEHT8 Ket loi paid during the year i-lJ- inf adjastment expense- fl04.222.4S Dividenta paid on capital atock during Commissiona and aalanea paid during the year - 1 11.459.00 Taxes, licene and fee paid during the year 5.251.91 Amount efal lother expenCiturea 13.394.70 Total expenditure $234,328.09 ASSETS Value of real eatate owned (market value) - , I Value of stocks and bonds owned (mar ket value) - $1,299,570.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. 22,000.00 rush in "banks and on hand 189,688.04 premiums in course of colection writ ten fine September 30, 1928 48,948.51 Interst and rends due and arerued 78.630.95 Total admitted ansetn $1,638,837.50 XXABIXJTIXS Grosv claims for losses nnpaid . .. ... $ 89,423.00 Amount of unearned premiums an all outstanding risks 156.084.70 Iue for commission and brokerage ... , 25,313.65 All other liabilities 22.096.09 Total liabilities, exclusive of eap- intal stock of $350,000.00 $9889.204.12 business nr obeooh ron the TEAS Net premiums received taring tne year LoaaeVpaife daring tho year - 237.15 Losses incurred during the year 737.15 ' Name of Company American Motorists Insurance Company. Nam of President James 8. . Kemper. Kama of Secretary Edwin E. Hooper. the year vice J. Gordon Baker, McMian villa, Ore-1 aon. i. I ME IS WOLFED HIS 1 HER HOME " . I I 1 I . , r v MMMa Fall Grain Grows Fast at Auburn; Trees Blooming Al BURX, April 2. Pall grain tn this district is grow injc well and fruit trt-rsrv3 well filled with bloom, and the fanners are busy prepar ing the fields fop corn, with the exception of one farmer, who having recently moved here from California, ha had his corn planted for six weeks. He reports however, that he has found the corn sprout!, where he has ex amlned the hills. PEOPLE JT WOODBURN, April 24. A large number of Salem folk ac companied the West Salem Com munity club minstrels to the state training school here where they entertained the boys of the school and several guests with a minstrel show Wednesday evening. The program follows: Opening chorus, entire company; "Let Me Call You Sweetheart." Ward Wolfe; "When the Snowbirds Cross the Valley." Robert Patti son; "Hear Dem Bells." Jack Gos ser; "Don't You Cry Ma Honey," R. A. Raymond; "Carolina Moon, Charles Know land; "Down Where the Cotton Blossoms Grow," Bil lie McAdams; "Golden Slippers." Jack Summers; monologue, Billie McAdams; whistling duet, "Mock ing Bird," Mr. and Mrs. Wood; "The Yesterdays," Messrs. Know- land, Kelso and Hull; and- clos ing chorus, entire company, and special number. "I'll be Back in a Minute. But I Gotta Go Now, Dr. Epley. Betty Bedford, pianist, and Mrs. Blaine Hanks,' of Twin Falls. Ida ho, violinist, accompanied the vocal numbers. After the program refreshments were served to the company, their families, and a few special guests from Woodburn. COUPLE HIED JT NORTH HOWELL, April 28. Miss Emily Cllne and Nick Rich ter were married Tuesday morn ing in Silverton. They will make their home on the Keber farm In North Howell where the groom and his parents have lived for several years. The bride is. the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cline and both young people are well known in the community. An old fashioned charivari was given the young couple Wednes day evening and congratulations and best wishes expressed by all A new sewing club in the handl. work division has been organized in our school under the able lead. ership of Mrs. Florence Oddle. The eighteen members are as follows: Myrtle Kurre. Eleanor Rutherford, Doris and Mary Helen Rlckard. Lois and. Evelyn Coom ler. Blanche Pickens. Helen and Clara Smith, Freda DItchen. Dor. othy Bump. Ellen Vinton, Celia Jefferson, Ida May Summers, Alice Dunn. Margaret Woelke and Pearl and Nellie Colyer. Cappy Ricks?' Given At Church SILVERTON. April 2fi The Epworth League of the Methodist church nresented "Canny Ricks." by Peter B. Kyne In the Eugene Field auditorium Friday evening. April 26. The cast of characters was as follows: Ellen Murray, Marie Iverson; John Skinner, Robt Stranix; "Cappy Ricks," Harold Alfred: John Singleton. Roy Brady; Florence Ricks, Mrs. Lee Alfred; Matt Peasley, Lee Al fred; Lucy Ricks, Frances Keene. SERVE CHILI DINNER SILVERTON, April 28. The Willing Workers Circle of the Im lnuel church served a chili con carne dinner In the church base ment Tuesday night. The dinner hour was from five until eight o'clock, which was followed by a program. The affair was well at tended. no. so BTwovaia or the AinroAif itate- MEXT Or THE FEDERAL CASUAiTT coMPAjrr of Detroit, in the State of Michigan, on the thirty-first day of December, 1928, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oreron. pursuant to law: CAFITAIi Amount of capital ttoek paid up - $350,000.04 INCOME , Ket premiums received during the year : $603,184.27 Interest, dividends and rents received durinr the vear 83.621 T59 Income from other sources received tar ing the year 2.810.90 Total income $639,616.86 BISBTmSEMENTS Net losses paid during- tho year Includ- mr adjustment expenses 9zee.vvs.03 Dividends paid on capital stock tnrinit the year 85,000.00 Commissions and salsries paid during- the rear 281.745.74 Taxes, licenses and feet paid curing the year 20,460.74 Amount of al lother expenditures- , ,. 71.40O.73 Total expenditures .$ 656,7 65.88 ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value) $160,000.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned (mar ket value) 513.470.00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. . ao.ouo.uu Cash in banks and en hand 9,782.50 Premiums in course of collection writ ten since Sentember 30. 1928 Interest and rents due and accrued $$ 8.932.73 Total admitted asaeta $701,185.22 LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses unpaid $53,569.09 Amount of nnearned premiums on all omtstandinr risks 44.3s. Due for commission and brokerage . , 4,000.00 AD other laibilities 85,853.84 Total liabilities, exclusive of capi tal atock of $350,000.00 $157,971.17 BUSINESS ZH OBEGOH FOR THE TEAK Net premiums received during the year fl8.482.T0 Losses paid during the year 5,433.01 Losses incurred caring th eyear 1 S.STS.27 Xama of com pan? Federal Casualty Company. mm 01 iresioent v. u. vim. Kama of Secretary H. A. Cliff. Statutory resident attorney for ssr- vieo Hon. Insurance Commissioner. SALEM PROEM NORTH HOWELL SILH DRIVER SMASHES IflTO Si Sonnyson Unhurt by Smash- up on Main Street Fri day Morning SILVERTON. April 2. The entie front of the Herigstad Tai lor shop on Main street was de molished Friday morning, when a car driven by P. C. Sonnyson. rammed the window and door of the shop. ' In backing the ear, which had been parked diagonal to the curb, Sonnyson lost controt of the gears, and instead of back ing, the car lurched forward, striking the building before he could gain control. Sonnyson, who was alone in the car. lives in the Scanty district, IVt miles northwest of Silverton. He was not hurt. The car was nn injured except for a bent fender. FALLS CITY LIME PLANT UNDER WAY The Marsh Construction Co., of Spokane, Wn., has a crew of 15 men at work opening up the quar. ry and installing crushing machin ery on the Oregon Lime Products Co. property on the cement spur near Falls City. The Oregon Lime Products Co. has entered into' a contract with the concern to in stall and operate a lime plant. It is 'expected that the plant will be in operation within 30 to 60 days and a erew of SO men will be employed, according to Ar nold Muck of Falls City. , , Opens Quarry The opening up of the lime de posit has been a project of A. A. Mock, Falls City business man, for the past three years or more. The company was organised some time ago, but had never opened up the quarry, although a spar trackage was put 1b several months ago. Mr. Muck and Dr. W. L. Pemberton of Dallas are the principal stockholders in the Ore gon Lime Products Co., the former being president and the latter, secretary-treasurer. Under the present plan the com pany will handle the Bales end of the work and the Marsh Construc tion Co. will take out the rock and grind it. It is planned to man ufacture agricultural lime and chicken grit. An outpuUof 300 or 400 cars is anticipated for the first year of operations. Sales activities will begin within 30 days in order to have orders to handle the out put after operations begin. Mr. Muck underwent a serious operation at the Dallas hospital Saturday and has been in a very critical condition since. Lime Deposit Good The lime deposit, which Is sim ilar in nature to the rock taken out nearby by the Oregon-Portland Cement Co., for use In manu facture of cement at its Oswego plant, has been tested by the state and various attempts were made to have this supply used to operate the penitentiary lime plant. The use of agricultural lime has been increasing by leaps and bounds, and an almost unlimited market is expected for it In the Willamette valley. 37 Lodge Members At Canby Meeting SILVERTON, April 26. Thir- ty'-seven members from Triphena Rebekah Lodge, Silverton, motor ed to. Canby on Thursday, to at tend the 21st annual Rebekah convention of district No. 4. During the evening session, the Silverton lodge gave the memor ial exercise, in memory of depart ed members. Mrs. Leon a Krenz sang two vocal solos during the ceremony, which was penormea by Mrs. Mercy Sylvester, Mrs. Ruth Kottek, Sybil Weils, Giaays Whitlock, Alice Thorburn and Vi olet Crofoot. Election of officers of the next -convention which will be held in Aurora, Included Fran ces Gourlie and Frances Gehrke both of Silverton. SO. 124 STHOFSIS OF AJriTUAL STATSKZR Of the Atlantie Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Savannah, in the State of Georgia on the thirty-first day of Do camber. 1928. made to tho Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pur suant to law: CAPITAL Amount of. Guaranty Vnod paid up -- , isu, XXCOUX Net premiums received during, the year $252,145.24 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year . Income from other sources receive during the year - b,bh.s7 Total income $371,080.19 sisBTj&sKJtxirrs Ket losses paid during the year includ- inc adjustment expenses of, ova. 11 Dividends paid on Guaranty during the Tear 14,Svl.S0 Commissions and salaries paid daring tho year - Taxes, licenses and fees paid during tho rear - o,7 0.iv Amount of all other expenditures . . 13,7UZ.1Z Total expenditures $330,805.34 - ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value) . Value of stocks and bonds owned (mar ket value) 337.036.72 Loans em mortgages and collateral, etc. ZZ7.VB4.V7 Cash in banks and en hand 76,457.88 Premiums in ranru of celleetio writ ten since September 30, 1928 50.413.31 Interest and rents due and accrued 6,079.7V Other Assets 1.891.67 Total admitted ansets 1634,033.34 LIABILITIES Gross claims for Idases wnpaJd U.831.ZO Amount of nnearned nteminu on all ntstaadiar rtitt . ,j io.oa4.f Iuo for commission and brokerage.. - , ,ri1 '. l.OUO.OO All other liabilities . S3.096.09 Total liabilities, exclusive or capi tal stock 8191.O01.vw Tjgnnus or osxoox rom thz TXAX Set premiums received during tkt year SZ.8 7 7 .3 Losses paid during the year 413.83 v r " j : ,k. m m i a m Name of Company AtantM - Mutual Fire Insuranew Company. name of President O. H. Kenemema. Name of SecretoryFred Weasels. Rtatntorv Mtklant Itaruv far aarviee W. C Bagerty. The New OREGON STATESMAN, Saleac, Oregon, Saturday Morttirg, April Garden Club To Meet April 29 At Silverton SILVERTON. April 2 The Silverton Garden club will hold its May meeting In the city hall Monday evening, April 29. Elec tion of lfficers will be Included In the business meeting. In order that the new officers may start their year's work at the begin ning of the "fiscal year of the state Federation of Garden clubs. Oscar Lo, of Silverton will speak on "Flowers of the Month." Several new books have been pur- cnased by tne club will be shown and loaned to the members. These books deal with gardens and shrubs and after the club has read them, they will be donated to the library. Plans for the May flower show will be discussed, and the com mittee In charge, Oscar Loe, Mrs. Joe Winter and Mrs. San Ames will give their report. EIONS CLUB HAS IfilEHESIIfJG MEET MONMOUTH, April 26 Lions club enjoyed an interesting meet ing Tuesday with luncheon at the Monmouth hotel. The quartette opened the program with vocal numbers, accompanied by Lioness Dietrick. F. E. Chambers gave a very in teresting report on the meeting of presidents and secretaries of the various state organizations of Lions who convened Monday at ternoon at the Multnomah hotel. Portland, to meet Ben Russln, of Richmond, Va., international pres- dient of Lions clubs. L. P. Cum- isky. Dr. A. S. Jens, J. B. But ler and F. E. Chambers were pres ent from Monmouth. These delegates were 'appointed from th'e local den to attend the state Lions convention at Tilla mook, May. 17 and 18: Gay H. Deming, C. C. Powell and L. P. Cumlsky. . MONMOUTH. April 26. Wil liam Rlddell Jr., and son Eldon, returned home Monday night from San Francisco with 13 head of Romney sheep which arrived April 1 at San Francisco from New Zea land. W. R. Rubs of Eureka re ceived IS head at the wharf, and the remainder of the number were shipped by freight to Hydesville, Calif., in Humboldt county, where ten head were received by D. N. Gould. Of those which were brought to Monmouth, these dis bursements have been made: one ram and one ewe to C. W. Gib son, Corvallls, one ewe to Mrs. George Schulmerick, Corvallis, one to Orville Doerfler of Marion, one ewe and one ram to A. H. Craven. two rams and five ewes to Mr. Riddell. The trip was made both ways via Ros$bJirg-Myrtle Point and the lower Roosevelt hignway, wltn a truck, and Mr. Riddell states that the road is in excellent condition. Mr. Gould, who has purchased a large number of Romneys within the past two years from Mr. Rid dell, and A. H. Craven, accompan ied Mr. Riddell to San Francisco from his home at Hydeville. Chapin To Speak At Silverton On Sunday Morning SIIATSRTON, April 26. Leland Chaplin, a former schoolmate of Mrs. Catherine Woodard Ferrin, who has spent some years in the Chinese mission field, will speak at the Methodist church Sunday evening on China. During his short stay here he will renew acquaint ances with Mrs. Ferrin. The full choir of thirty voices from the Tmanuel Lutheran church went to Monitor Sunday night and by special request, repeated the entire Easter cantata. Mrs. J. Dullum. Miss Clara BJontegard, Mrs. Conrad Johnson. Elmer Johnson. Louie Larson and Oscar Overland, carried the solo parts. Following the cantata, Rev. Jensen spoke a few words, which were responded to by Rev. Roken of Monitor. Refreshments were served. CTTATIOV S No. 2814T In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah. In the Matter of the Estate of Thomas Arnold Johnston, De- To: Paul E. Johnston: James Johnston ; Reginald Irvine Johnston: Rachael Lafore; Martha Jane Coffey; Mattie P. Houseman, and to all heirs un known, if any there be: In the Name of the State of Oregon, Ton are hereby command ed to appear before the Honorable Circuit Court of the State of. Ore gon, in and for the County of Multnomah, at Room S60, Court House, fn the. City of Portland, on the 27th day of May. 19ZS. at tne hour of 1:30. o'clock in the fore noon of said day, to show cause, it any exist, why an order of sale should not be made as in the pe tition prayed for of the following described real property: Lot Five (5). Frullnger Acres, Section thirty-four (34), Town ship Four (4). Range On (1) West, W. M. Marion County, Ore gon. Witness my hand ana the seal of said Court affixed this 23rd day of April, 1929. (Seal)- A. A. BAUit i , Clerk of the Circuit Court. By F. O. MeGREW, Deputy. Date of First Publication April 27, 1929. . Date of Last Publication May 25, 1929. ELL BEINGS IB Apr27May4-ll-18-25day ajinlTersarj. Society News and Club Mrs. F. E. Halik Hostess For Two Afternoons Mrs. F. E. Halik has been hos tess for two or the most attractive parties of the week, one given Thursday afternoon and the other given Friday afternoon. Tulips and spirea were gracefully arran ged about the guest rooms la bas kets and bowls. Bridge was the center of attention for both af ternoons. Mrs. Paul Hauser won first prize for high score and Mrs. Ed VIesko won second for Thursday playing, and Mrs. E. B. Graben horst won first prize for high score and Mrs. C. B. Wallace sec ond for Friday playing. Assisting M rs. Halik in serving Thursday was Mrs. George Duns- ford, Mrs. D. C. Minto, Mrs. T. C Mesh, Mrs. T. J. Meany, and Mrs. Emil Halik. Mrs. D. C. Minton Mrs. P. J. Meany, Mrs. T. C. Mesch, and Mrs. Sam Laughlin assisted Mrs. Halik in serving Friday afternoon. The guest list for Thursday in cluded Mrs. Frank Keedham, Mrs. D. C. Minto, Mrs. Paul Hauser Mrs. O. L. Newton, Mrs. Edwin Armstrong, Mrs. Elmer Daue, Mrs, W. M. Mott. Mrs. Ed Viesko, Mrs L. B. Gilbertson. Mrs. H. L. Sta- ver. Mrs. Emll Halik, Mrs. Fred Williams, Miss Clare -Bensinger Mrs. Dean Adams, Mrs. K. B. Ku gel. Mrs. Claire Vibbert, Mrs. J. Nathman, Mrs. Romeo Gouley Mrs. L. P. Campbell, Mrs. C. F Giese, Mrs. P. J. Meany, Mrs. Per cy Cupper, Mrs. George Dunsford, Mrs. R. E. Downing, Mrs. G. W Day, and Mrs. T. C. Mesch. The guest list for- Friday in cluded Mrs. F. E. StteTwln, Mrs. C. F. Giese, Mrs. P. J. Meany, Mrs. James Lewis, Mrs. W. E. Hansen, Mrs. J. W Follis. Mrs W. J. Mink iewitz, Mrs. C. F. Ellison, Mrs. C W. Peterson. Mrs. M. P. Adams, Mrs.' John Craig, Mrs. M. Abst, Mrs. C. B. Wallace. Mrs. G. W. H 11 man, Mrs. M. C .Cashatt, Mrs. Lucile Sweeney, Mrs. D. C. Min to, Mrs. G. Sherman, Mrs. T. A, Raffety, Mrs. F. W. Steusloff, Mrs. L. P. Aldrich, Mrs. E. B Grabenhorst, Mrs. G. W. LAflar, Mrs. D. B. Jarman, Mrs. Sam Laughlin, and Mrs. Emll Halik Vancouver Visitor Honored with Party Mrs. E. A. Miller entertained in honor of Mrs. Wallace Jordan of Vancouver, B. C, who is a house guest of Mrs. T. S. Mac- Kenzie, Thursday afternoon at her home, 1530 South High street. The afternoon was spent in con venation with each guest requir ed to tell at least one Joke. After a very happy time refreshments were served by the hostess assist ed by Mrs. W. I. Staley. Guests present were the honor guest Mrs. Wallace Jordan, and Mrs. W. I. Staley. Mrs. T. S. Mac- Kenzie, Mrs. G. E. Ward, Mrs. F. D. Kibbe. Mrs. Cannon, Mrs. J. W Cable, Mrs. J. C. Tibbetts, Mrs. R. B. Fleming, Mrs. E. J. Donnell, and Mrs Mark McCallister. Members of the Sons of Vet erahs auxiliary are to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ida Newmyer as a group. Each member is asked to come dressed in white. E SALT LAKE CITY, April 26. (AP) Three alleged promoters of fraudulent oil 6tock selling schemes were being held under bond here today pending arrival of extradition papers from Oregon, where the men are under indict ment for unlawfully selling stocks and securities without a permit from the stats commissioner or corporations. Two of the men, E. F. B. Daude, 35, and E. E. Brown, 36, were ar rested here today, while Charles W. Ingram was arrested at Mil ford. They are alleged to have de frauded Oregon residents, especi ally around the city of Burns. out of thousands of dollars in fake oil deals. . The three men were indicted in Oregon April 10. Broadside Fired Upon Battleship Cause Oi Mishap i LOS ANGELES, April 26. (AP) The firing of a broadside of the U. S. S. California's 14 inch guns in battle practice 80 miles off San Nicholas Island today, caused one minor mishap. The con. cussion bowled over a steel gun locker, which struck a boatswain's mate, J. R. Toler in the head. Toler, who was In charge of a gun crew firing a five inch gun at the same time, remained in charge at his post until, weakened from loss of blood, he fell unconscious. The California and tile Idaho, which also participated, reported rough weather for the long range firing, which will contjnue tomor row. Mrs. Durkheimer Visits Convention HUBBARD. April 26 Mrs. H. M. Durkheimer of Salem, sister of H. C Mack, Hubbard druggist, was a visitor al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Wednesday night, returning to her home Thursday morning. Mrs. Durkheimer, after having attended the W. C.T. V. Convention held at Woodburn Wednesday came to Hubbard to be with her brother on his birth- OIL STOCK MEN TO be en HER 27, 1929 Olive M, Doax. Society Editor Unusual Pageant Will be Presented Through the Blue Triangle a pageant to be presented in Will- son park under the auspices ot the Y. W. C. A., May 11. at three o'clock, by the Girl Reserves of Salem, in which will take part 100 young folk, and in" which will ap pear six choruses and four feature dances. This production will be some thing unusual and colorful, and beautiful as well as acting an 1m pressive story. Its whole tone will be well in keeping with that of "good music week." There are four directors who de serve much credit for the admir able work which is being done in the pageant. These are the direc tor of choruses, Mrs. W. J. Min. kiewitz. director of dances, Miss Carin Degermark. costume man. ager. Mrs. Prince Byrd, and stage director, Mrs. C. A. Swope. The cast as It will appear Is as follows: Spirit of the community. Iram Babcock; spirit of the association, Wilma Finster; chalice bearer, Maxine Murphy, white robes, tri angle bearers, Betty Minkiewitz, Waneta GUbob: blue scarves, tri angle girls, 42 girls from Garfield. McKinley, Highland, Washington, and Richmond Girl Reserves. Spirit of inspiration, Theresa TJlrich with 12 dancers of lnspira tion from Parrish reserves, white robes, rose scarves. Spirit of education, in white robes, green scarves, Wilma Cour sey with 12 dancers of education from Junior Business Girls club. Spirit ef recreation, white robes and yellow scarves. Betty Mae Hartung with 12 dancers of rec reation from Leslie Girl Reserves. Spirit of cooperation, white robes, lavender scarves, Florence Marshall with 12 dancers of co operation from high school re serves. o o o Jason Lee Has Delightful Tea Baskets of cherry blossoms, and Japanese quince transformed the social room of the Jason Lee Meth odist church into an attractive tea room Wednesday afternoon when members of 'the General Aid met for a social afternoon. An address was made by the Rev. Gardner, and a program of music and readings was presented. This was followed by a tea hour. The tea table was centered with Japanese quince and pink tapers. Mrs. W. P. Miller of Dallas Doured and Mrs. W. L. Lewis and Mrs. Joe Klinger asssited about the rooms. About 60 guests were present for this delightful afternoon. o o Try-Outs for Child Parts for "The Piper ' The time has come for selection of the child characters who will take part in the production "The Piper." which is being presented by the Salem Drama league under the direction of Mrs. Otto Paulus. The child characters have a very Important place to fill in this play and tnose concerned with its pro duction are particularly anxious to get a large number of entrants for the parts. Children from four on up the age scale are Invited to try out. The try-outs will be held Mon day afternoon beginning at 3:30 at 253 Court street. o o Bridge Tea is Elks Club Affair Mrs. D. X. Beechler and Mrs. hos- Harry Crawford were Joint tesses for 10 tables of bridge at the Elks club Wednesday after, noon. Brilliant red tulips, Oregon grape and wild currant made the guest rooms most inviting and gay for the bridge which occupied the greater part of the afternoon. Mrs. Leon Barrick won first prize for high score, Mrs. M. B. Wagstaff second, and Mrs. Fred Gibson won third prize. Tea was served at a late hour. Mrs. Charles McDonah, of Van. couver. Wash., was an out-of-town guest for the afternoon. BRIDGE ENJOYED SILVERTON. April 26. Mem bers of the Past Matrons club of the Silverton chapter of the East ern Star were entertained at Ger- vais Tuesday afternoon by the Past Matrons club there. Bridge was the feature of the afternoon. HAD TO WORK TOO HARD LytHa E. Pinkhaxn's Vegetable Compound Gare Her Strength Mt Cannel, Pa. "After my second baby was born I had to work too hard and be on my feet too soon because my hus band was ilL Af ter his death 1 was fn such a weakened and run-down condi tion that noth ing seemed to help me. I ant starting the fourth bottle of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and feel a great deal better. 1 am mucn. stronger and dont get so tired out when I wash or work hard. I do housekeeping and dressmaking and I highly recommend the' Vegetable Compound. I am willing to answer letters." Mas. Gntncra Burrs, 414 S. Market St, Mt. CarmeL Pa. Lydia Pinkham Vegetable Compound For Sale at Nelson A Hunt Drag Store -Corner Court ft Liberty, TeU 7 7 SOCIAL CALENDAR Saturday Girl Reserve afternoon practice for May Day fete, city. B. oV P. W. district meet ing in Oregon City. Salem Woman's Club, Wom en's clubhouse, 460 N. Cot tage streef, 2:00 o'clock board meeting, 2:30 business meeting, and 3 o'clock pro gram. Rummage sale. Daughters of Veterans, Bligh building, S. High street. a o o Surprise Shower Honors Bride-Elect Miss Georgia Sneed, whose wed ding will be an event of the near future was delightfully surprised with a miscellaneous shower Wed. nesday evening when Mrs. A rapid Wenger, and Mrs. Leon a Wenger entertained for her. Little Miss Caroline Ward, dressed in pink and carrying a large pink umbrella from which floated dainty pink and white streamers and In which were at. tractive gifts for the bride-elect, presented these gifts. When they had been unwrapped. Mistress Car oline presented Miss Sneed with a warranty deed, and at the close of its reading she drew back a curtain before which she was standing, revealing a diminutive house filled with more gifts. iteiresnments were served at a late hour by the hostesses. The guest list included the guest of honor. Miss Georgia Sneed, and Miss Minnie Miller. Mrs. James Thompson. Mrs. Alvin Marr. Mrs Howard Ball. Mrs. Lawrence Chris. tenson. Miss Patty Rowe, Mrs. T. S. Roberts. Miss Mable Temple. Mrs. T. W. Hall, Mrs. William Johnson. Mrs. Jack Tucker, Mrs. C. T. Hoover, Miss Glenna Rus sell, Miss Marlon Barber. Miss Bessie Tucker. Mrs. V. E. Burson. Mistresses Helen Wenger, Caro line Ward. Beverley Marr and Mrs. Arnold Wenger and Mrs. Leonard Wenger. District Meeting Attracts Salem Folk Dean Collins will address the district meeting of the Business and Professional Women's club at Oregon City today. Following the day's program there will be a meeting of state officers at 6 o'clock, and at 7 o'clock there will be a dinner given for the visitors at the First Congregational church. Among the Salem club members who will attend are Miss Jose phine Shade, Mrs. Susan' Varty, Dr. Mary B. Purvine. and Mrs. Emma Hafcy. PLANT For Saturday only we offer regular 25c plants for 15c. Large 2 year old roots Rockery and Border plants A fine collection Salem Seed & Orchard Supply Co. 178 S. Com'L Formerly Pearcy Bros. stor. REFRI6EM1DRS i inBiiiMHJK r Be Prepared for the First Warm Weather Refrigeration of some kind Is almost a necessity in the mod ern home. For the sake of health and economy you cannot afford to be without it. We have a large stock of high grade ice boxes and refrigera tors that we are offering at extremely low prices. Come in and see them. , tlA ilft Prices range from Jl'taUU up We also have a number of used refrigerators that we have taken in on Electro-Kolds, many as good as new. Special 5 lb. capacity ased refrigerators Large size used boxes $9.00 up 467 COURT ST. PACETHRKR Affairs Woman's Club Has Excellent Program Mi Helen Virth. daughter nrf. S3 Mr. and Mr. H. It. Worth, vriil b ' the three minuta speaker on i ti" observance of National Hc-titlr week at th Woman's club this afternoon. Mis Worth v. an khosen Friday morninr in ben competition at the Parrish school from a rn on the students ot tLe eighth grade home economics class. Her speech is extemporan eous. This part of the program will take place as a part of the program hour. Miss Sara Wrt-iin will be the speaker of the afiei noon, her topic heina; "The Ori ent" and she will display some of the choice collection of OrlecTKl things whick she has gathered 'to gether in hr tours of the east. Miss Josephine Albert will lie the soloit. A a-special feature of the afternoon copies of oid masters paintings will be shov. c and 6hort histories will be gnrn of them by members upon whom Mrs. William Fargo will call. ii. Fargo, who has charge of this nw project of the club, has anuouEi hopes for this project to grow into a traveling library sponsored ly the Woman's club which will sent out to the rural schools lor use in picture and art study. Tf.e pictures are to lie classified, ae to schools (German, French, etc.. as to class, and as to the mouth, the spirit of. which the picture might most truly represent. Reports will fa given of th Silverton confederation meeting at which 21 club were represent!. Those giving reports will be Mr. William Fargo. Mis. Harry Wli- man, Mrs. Ro Bidwell, and Dr. Fanny Brown Tibbetts. A special report will be given on the ne host" luncheon which was trd for the first time In Silverton at the confederation meeting aid , which proved quite a success. Those who were in attendant at the confederation meeting were Mrs. W. L. Wallace. Mrs. William Fargo. 'Mrs. W. M. Pennington. Mrs. W. G. Clarke, Mrs. S. M. En dlcott, Miss Ida Niles, Mrs. F. A. Elliott, Mrs. Alice Dodd, Mi. Mattie Beatty. Mrs. William Kirk, Mrs. T. A. McBride, Mrs. W. B. Johnston, Mrs. Frank Erlckroc, Mrs. Ronald Glover, and Mrs. Henry Bean. Auburn Pupils To Enter Contest AUBURN. April 26 Ths pu pils from Auburn school chosen to enter the county spelling contest are: Elsie Grimms, eighth grade. Jean Hawkins, seventh grade. Glen Mallett, sixth grade, Floyd Baumgartner, fifth grade. Mar garet Rannells, fourth grade, and Normal Kriebel, third grade. 1 SPECIAL $4.95