The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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The New OREGON STATESMAN, (Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, April 26, 1929
Aumsville Bested, 7 to 2
Lindquists Celebrate
39th Anniversary
The Aumsville baseball team
came to Central Howell to play
Friday but before the fourth inn
ing was played the rain stopped
the game so the two teams met
at the Keiv?r (ball grounds on
Tuesday. Central Howell beat
Aumsville 7 to 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Van Cleave
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Carle
Krehblel and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Simmons and fam
ily at dinner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Steffen are
the parents of a six pound girl
born April 19 at the Silverton
Mt and Mrs. Chas. LIndquist
celebrated their 39 th anniversary
recently. Their daughters Misses
Charlotte and Mabel were at home
for the event.
Miss Mabel Lindquist who
works at the state house in Salem
Is having her vacation at this
time. She plans on making a trip
to California where she will visit
another sister.
Grover Lichty Back
Grover Lichty is back in school
again after being out a few days.
He had a fall from the hay in
the barn which sprained his
wrist and cut a gash under his
chin which it took several stitch
es to close.
Miss Phyllis Kaser has accepted
a position in Portland where she
went the first of the week.
H. L. Lichty has purchased a
new separator to do his threshing
with this fall. He plans on using
his tractor to furnish the power.
George Stevens is planning on
building a fine large barn right
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hughlett were
pleasantly surprised by a few
friends last Saturday evening.
Those enjoying the evening with
them were Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Hall and Lucille; Mr. and Mrs.
Bertie Bye; Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Simmons and family; and
Ted Kuenzl.
PIOXEER, April 25 E. W.
Manning is making quite an Im
provement on his farm, by clean
ing out th efence row and stretch
ing a new wire fence- along the
Parkersville road. Manningg be
gan this work at the corner join
ing C. T. Brixey and has his fence
completed nearly to the bridge.
Graveling Roads
Several truck loads of gravel
have been hauled from the Collard
gravel plant in Mission Bottom
and spread on the road going past
Ralph Harper's place.
Several growers on this side of
Lake Labish are replanting their
onions. John Lutz and Charles
Mendenhall are replanting be
cause the first seed failed to
sprout. There Is reseeding oper
ations on the Hayes place where
the recent high water drowned
the seed.
Schools Bny Wood
Robert Massey and Wendell
Burnett have recently sold a few
cords of wood to the Buena Crest
and Mission Bottom schools. Both
schools had enough wood on hand
last fall to last an ordinary school
year, but due to the severe winter,
they were obliged to buy more
wood to finish the season.
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Wedding of Colonel Charles A. lindberjli and Mia Anne Morrow is to take place in Junj at the Morrow's Deacon Brown Point estate oh
North Haven island in Penobscott Bay, Maine, according to latest reports. Above, right & a view of the estate. At left is Caretakei
Hubert O. Grant, now in charge. Lower left is the only entrance to the Island,, showing point where Lindbergh and bride-to-be would
land.. Lower right, Caretaker Grant snapped getting the Morrow parlor Into shape.
FRUITLAND, April 25 The
Fruitland Community club will
hold a special business meeting
about May I. Lloyd Girod, presi
dent of the club, states that it will
be necessary to have this meeting
because of the annual home talent
program held at the Elsinore the
atre. All local members are eleg
ible for try-outs. Eats will be serv
ed after the business meeting.
Edith Amort and Robert Run
ner have been chosen as the best
spellers of the first four grades.
They will represent Fruitland at
the senior high school Saturday
afternoon at the annual spelling
contest for the grade schools. So
far the two best spellers have not
been selected from the fifth to
eighth grades. The pupil3 are tak
ing great interest for this event.
Lloyd Glrod and Guy Fagg mo.
tored to Silverton to attend an In
formal banquet Tuesday evening
in honor of the last meeting of the
Marion county confederation of
community clubs. After dinner a
good program was given that was
enjoyed by all.
Woman Injures
Hand As She Is
H elding to Load
AUMSVILLE, April 25. Mrs.
E. P. Mills of Turner, while help
ing to load a calf near Aumsville,
Wednesday morning, had the mis
fortune to badly crush two of her
fingers. She stopped at the Prank
home for first aid.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Harwood
3 9fc 9 9fr 9fr 9fr 9 s
Old Well to be Converted into Water Supply
3fr 9fr i . V
PRATUM. April 25 Twenty
years ago last fal lseveral men
who claimed to know a lot about
oil and oil wells leased a consid
erable quantity of land In this
neighborhood for the right to drill
for oil on a percentage basis.
What was to be the first well was
sunk about 60 rods west of Pra
tum. An oil well derrick was
erected, powerful machinery was
installed, and a lot of stock was
sold, but drilling went slowly,
probably to give more time to sell
For the same reason It Is sup
posed that some one poured in
some kerosene or gasoline at va
rious times to keep up the excite
ment which was runnin ghigh at
that time, but when finally stock
would not sell any more, work
ceased at the well and finally to
taly abandoned. 1
Later the machinery was re
moved, the derrick taken down
and no more attempt-was made to
drill for oil since, and no one
knows till this day If Pratum Is
as tourists have been stopping here
for the winter, went on to Eugene
C. L. Lorimor of Falls City, was
in town Wednesday calling on old
Mrs. 3. Hulin has rented her
farm north of Aumsvllie and has
moved her things to Mrs. Kirk
Patrick's where she will make her
future home.
Mr. Merryman of Salem Is at
Hoyt Cupp's this week, papcr'ng
their house.
built over a lake of oil or not,
because they only went down sev
eral hundred feet and that hole in
the ground cased with heavy Iron
casing has been there all these 20
years for no use what ever, but
recently Carl Vogt purchased the
land from Miss Eleanor Schaap,
Installed a power pump and is
going to Irrigate his eight acre
field of beans which he intends to
plant. He Is now building a mod
ern pump house.
Hubbard Banker
Goes East When
Mother Is 111
HUBBARD, April 25. L. A.
Beckman, Hubbard banker, left on
the afternoon train Wednesday for
Polk, Nebraska having been called
by the illness of his mother, Mrs.'
Louis Beckman, who has been be
coming worse for some time. Mrs.
Beckman, Robert and Muriel, ac
companied him as far as Portland
returning on a later train.
Miss Ruth Calvert and Miss
Ruby Crittenden, employees of the
bank, will have charge during Mr.
Beckman's absence.
April 25. (AP) The dirigible
Graf Zeppelin landed at Its home
port at 10:24 tonight after a flight
of 57 hours over southeastern Eu
rope, the Mediterranean and north,
era Africa.
ROSED ALE, April 25 Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Haldy motored to Dun
dee Tuesday to meet some old
friends visiting there from Michi
gan. The young peoples Sunday
school class held a social In the
church basement Saturday night.
Allan Hadley of Portland visit
ed his friend Paul Cammack dur
ing the state C. E. convention
Mrs. Glover has been on the
sick list for several days.
Miss Hazel Bllnstan went to
Washington Sunday where she
was to be married to Earl Glea
son. The best wishes of many
friends go with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Millet of Salem
called on friends here Wednesday
Mrs. Lester Bates of Albany
was a brief caller In the communi
ty Tuesday.
Don Smith is visiting hi3 broth
er Clifford Smith and family.
Cherries are blooming here but
the prunes will not be out for
several days yet.
George Wilde of Vancouver, is
having his orchard near the
church, sprayed. Albert Cam
mack has Just finished plowing
Dr. Pemberton's orchards.
Mr. A. J. Haldy Is doing the
plowing for A. Bates this spring
as Mr. Bates is residing in Tillamook.
NEW YORK, April 25.
(Thursday) (A) William See
man and h 1 s bride, the former
Phyllis Haver, motion picture
actress, sailed on the liner Beren
garia early today for a honeymoon
of three months in Europe.
Amity Ball Team Winner In
Match With Independence
Played Wednesday
Ralph Parker, teacher of history,
civics, and manual training, has
returned to his work after a few
weeks' illness due to an opera
tion for appendicitis.
Amity played baseball with In
dependence on the home diamond
Wednesday. This was the first
game to be played on the new
field. The score was 5 to 4 in fa
vor of Amity.
Miss Marjorie Wunder reports
having had a lovely time at the
Dallas convention which she at
tended last week-end.
The U. S. History classes are
studying "Forever Free now. Mrs.
Ralph Parker (who has been tak
ing her husbands place during his
illness) Is reading the book to
the classes after which each one
Is to write a paper of 500 words
on Lincoln's character.
Miss Marjorie Wunder is plan
ning to enter the state musical
contest for I. H. S. She plays the
violin and will be accompanied on
the piano by Miss Naomi Hewitt.
The contest Is to be held at For
est Grove.
While crossing the street at the
corner of C and Main Tuesday,
Betty Wattenberger was struck
and knocked down by a car driv
en by Mrs. M. S. Cooper. Betty
was on her w,ay home from school
and evidently did not see the ap
proaching car. Mrs. Cooper tried
to avoid hitting a stage which
was parked In front of Craven's
confectionery and in so doing
struck Betty. The rear wheel
ran over both of her legs, but the
girl was able to get up and walk
e the Curbing where she sat.
crown tin Airs, cooper came to
her rescue and took her to Dr.
Knott's office where she received
proper treatment.
Fabriques Rent
Home and Start
On Work Quest
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Fabrique
have rented their small farm here
to Mr. and Mrs. Canfield and will
leave soon to travel until a loca
tion Is found suitable to Mr. Fa
brique's line of work. Their little
daughter, Lela Huddleston left
Sunday to visit relatives in Wil
lamina before starting on the
journey with her parents.
Goes Back To Tyee
E. D. Powell who has been
visiting relatives and friends here
the past several weeks returned to
his home at Tyee.
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Fabrique
and daughter Lela and Mrs. O.
W. Cobb and grand children, Clif
ton and Marine Huddleston, vis
ited relatives recently at Tyee,
Roseburg and Dillard.
Harold Mullin who is going to a
school of art In Portland, visited
at the L. H. Davis home Sun
day. Retha Davis visited Sunday af
ternoon at the T. W. Blacklaw
home in Lebanon.
Visit Arden Htmmr
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Hammer
went to Portland Sunday to see
their son Arden, who is suffering
the effects of a fall while worktng
at the Montgomery Ward store in
that city, a few months ago.
Winifred Davis spent Sunday
with Yergene Johnson of West
Helen Harvey and Jackie Park
er, school children here, are ill
with chicken pox.
- Mrs. Scofield who has been se
riously ill is reported a little better.
Silverton, April 25. Mrs. Ger
trude Cameron, general chairman
for National Music week, has an
nounced that the flret rehearsal
of the community choir will be
held on Tuesday April Jo. at
7:30 In the Eugene Field audi
torium. All members of the varin.j
church choirs as well as any .'.,.
interested in music, aie nrec 1
come to this first rehearsal o I
Wednesday night of music v ;
this choir will render s.'wr.l
lections. Edwin Tingiestad w - i i
Mrs. -Laurence Larson, who r
derwent a major operation a' v'
local hospital late in the weuk "u
reported greatly improved.
Ap) President Hoover tod n
endorsed the annual "Buddy lv
py campaign of the Veterans of
Foreign wars and had pinned m,
his coat lapel one of the first of
the flowers to be made this veir
Shop for Your
Bargains Through
the Want Ads
FOR widely diversified r6ups
of merchandise ranging great
ly in price but always represent
ing sound investment there is no
better place to "shop' than through
the Classified Ads! You need not
leave an easy chair to peruse the
Classified Ad columns and select
the items that most interest you
or most completely fulfill your
needs. No store aisle, no shop
window, offers as many attractive
things at the same attractive sav
ings. Thrifty housewives, keen
men of business, penny-wise folks
all over the land, take advantage
of these offerings. Why not you?
Turn to the next to the last pag$
of this paper
JEFFERSON. April 25. The
Jefferson high school baseball
team played the Leslie Junior
high school baseball nine Tues
day afternoon on the home dia
mond. The score was 24 to 5 in
favor 'of Jefferson.
The Jefferson district Sunday
schoel convention which was to be
held in Jefferson, April 23. has I
been postponed until some later
Mrs. Sarah Green is having
some interior decorating done to
her housa on Main street. Miss
Anna Klampe is. doing the work.
Leonard McCaw, Oliver Steph
ensen, and the Misses Elizabeth
Aupperle, Emille McCaw and Ber
tha Dillon attended the State C.
E. convention at Salem Sunday
afternoon. .
W. B. Patton has disposed of
his- eemco station and Horn a
th Pacific highway in Jefferson
to Mr. Wilson of Salem, who, will
tako vosa3ion Immediately Ev
eryoB Is sorry to see Mr." and
Mrs. Putt on leora for they have
bm many friends durisx their
tay- la Jefferson. They fcar not
as swt ffecldcd whero they will
Hubbard Folks
Go To Meeting
At Silverton
HUBBaRD. April 35 Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Carl. Dr. and Mrs.
P. X. O. Rfley and Krs. CoMe do
Lasslaaafo were too "faithful
few frtm Httbhard who attt&dtd
tha rnMiinx of tie Marlon Ccsnty
Federation of Community clubs
held at Silverton Tuesday nlfht.
Dr. Riley, president ot the
meeting and Mrs. Ooble do Les
ptSAaso was ena t tha speakers
of tha evening. A aplondld nasi
lng with many Interesting tnaak
ejrt was reported. Tha dlnnar
served by tha oommnalty alab wo
men of -iUvert en was given ena
cts! mention.
The Travel AeaUemt Inssraaoa
Poller laoaed to tuteaaaa rtadtrs
la wrkta by Tha Kartl Amarlaaa
An Inlaid Linoleum
to obtain smart new effects
in linoleum Jloortngs . .
AKXCB border, im m&d Mack or is basntifalrj
veined nunrMed effecta -wka marrower
trips of contrasting colon at its inaer edge-
Icinp out tha fnS beauty of any linoleum floor.
8o laid, tha floor mJUm the room appear to
bsto been designed expressly for it.
,TTo are equipped to lay these bordered!" floors,
entirely of geauino Seal linoleum, at prices
yon will flax! surprisingly laodarate.
Con in aad let na explain tbia latest develop
meat in smart flooring, and show yon some of
the handsome pattens in Seobs linoleum the
now spot-prooiV staln-prooiV easily-cleaned lino
tbat'a MM agcunst dirt!
Sealex Inlaid Linoleum is made
by the world's largest "manu
facturers of smooth surfaced
floor coverings. .
Featuring the Famous
Nationally Advertised
Sealex Border Strip Assembly
Jouara inrited to inspect Salem's most beautiful Linoleum Display
lw in our windows all this week.
l nife )
(Chic Beauty
that wins evergoneil.
THE fascination of the new
Sealex Linoleums only
begins with their smart up-to-dateness.
These new floorings
are actually proof against
spots and stains. Easily kept
clean with a damp mop.
Quality asserts itself in every
detail. Here are linoleums
which combine beauty and
raided seTTiceability with an
easily cleaned surface all at
nroderateco st. See them today.
M& If Ik SmUx Prcu$
We will install these smart new
floors on convenient easy;
terms. Come in and let us ex
plain the new method.
roL y