The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1929, Page 16, Image 16

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The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, April 26, 1929
Burnett Bros. 'Tay Us As Tou Are Paid" Thirteen Stores on Pacific Coast Not Only Largest But (We Hope) Best
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CTnpnininifCT li &ma immmtm Hi . , i
tllUUIV mnillXLI H "".y uiiumumin iuiiu
Can Money Flurry Upsets
Bui! Movement With
Serious Results -
NEW YORK, April 25. (AP)
The stock market ran into an
other call money flurry today. Just
at a time when Wall street was
beginning to believe that the worst
was. over in the credit situation.
Prices drifted lower, there was no
netted selling, and the day's
transactions fell off to 3,335.800
shares, a drop of about 700.000
shares from yesterday's turnover.
Call money jumped from a re.
ewal rate of 8 per cent to 12, the
first time It has reached that fig
are since the money crisis at the
turn of the month, when it went
to 20 per cent.
Commercial Solvents and Corn
Products again broke into new
high ground, up about 8 and 2
points. Motor Body shares were in
demand in expectation of high
earnings from the unprecedented
output, Murray and Hayes mount
ing 3 and 5 points to new peaks.
General Gas and Electric B jump
ed more than 17 points to a rec
ord price. Jvkils were well support
ed, Katy preferred and Cotton Belt
preferred mounting more than 2
points to the best level of the year.
A conspicuous soft spot was
Case Threshing., which broke 21
points to 405, 104 points, under
Its high of the year. Allis Chal
mers lost 8 of yesterday's 1 5 point
rise. Motor shares generally sag
ged 1 or 2 points. Bethlehem Steel
closed 1 point and U. S. Steel
about 2 points loVer. American
Telephone, Bordens, Hu Pont, In-
phone, Fostam, spicer, u. a. iu
dustrial Alcohol, and Yellow Truck
were among more than a score of
recent strong points losing from 2
to 5 points.
Li v,
if" . x r
A extensive musical program has
been planned for the city for mu
sic week beginning May 5. One
feature will be a recital in the
Presbyterian church under tho di
rection of Mrs. Joy Turner Mose3,
teacher of violin and piano. Some
ef the teachers of the city are
planning a house to house mus
ical program for the shut-ins. The
schools and churches are making
plans for something special along
the musical line.
The Moninde Male quartet went
to Salem Wednesday evening and
helped give a musical program in
too Evangelical church. The quar
tet Is composed of Rev. L. H. Wil
lard and E. N. Poole fo Monmouth,
K. O. Ranton and Arlie Anderson
of Independence. Mrs. L. H. Wil
lard and Mrs. E. G. Ranton ac
companied them to Salem.
The seventh grade girls in the
training school met Monmouth in
a game of indoor baseball Wed
nesday afternoon. Independence
wen 49-16.
boroihy Sebastian, screen star
wears one of tho first barkless
bathing suits seen on the Santa
Monica, C'al., bearli. She has chos
en : white which accentuates her
sand tanned skin with smart black
the storm bound towns were re
quested to notify tho newspapers.
At the specified hours, high lights
of the day's news, baseball scores
and important state news were
sent out over the air.
CAP) A three hoar attack upon
the farm relief legislative program
generally considered to have the
endorsement of President Hoover,
was delivered in the senate today
by Senator Brookhart, of Iowa,
while the house moved rapidly to-1
ward a final vote on its bill and
with machine-like precision de
feated attempts to amend it.
Tho Iowa senators address was
pnnctunated with flourishes of i
pamphlets containing the speeches
hehad made for Hoover In v the
presidential campaign. He had de
scribed the chief executive during
that contest as "the best friend
the farmer ever had." Brookhart
said that prior to election Mr. Hoo
ver had given every indication that
he would "actually bring equality
to agriculture."
"On that basis I supported
him," he shouted. "But when his
message came to congress we
found the statement that 'the agrl.
cultural problem must be solved'
changed to the statement that 'It
can notbe done In a day .
Turner People
Drive to Portlandl
Halsey Girl Has
Visit At Home of
DeVrievs Family
PRATUM, April 26 Miss
Irene Quimby of Halsey was a
week-end visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold de Vries.
William de Vries and family
motored to Detroit Saturday.
Choir rehearsal was well at
tended Tuesday evening.
Players from West Salem gave
an interesting play at Willard,
Wewnesday evening.
The Sunday school of the M. E.
church will meet in the church
basement Friday evening for its
monthly social and business meeting.
TURNER, Apr. 25. Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Bear drove to Portland
on business Saturday and spent
the night with a nephew, R. V.
Straid and family. Sunday was
spent with friends near Melino.
The return trip was made Sunday
evening with a stop at the boys'
stae training school where they
dined and spent a pleasant eve
ning with old friends who are
employed at the institution.
wow -
Dentists UsinQ the
World News Is
Taken By Radio
After Blizzard
DENVER. April 2.'. fAP)
With all telephone and telegraph
wires down and roads impassable.
Associated Press newspapers in
storm Isolated Cheyenne, Wyo ,
and Scotts Bluff. Neb., received
their report of the world's news
today over radio. Through radio
station KOA, of the General Elec
tric company, the Associated Press
broadcast notices that news report
would be read from the station
for Isolated members at various
soars throughout the day and
alght. This notice was rononteri at
ehort intervals and listeners in
Howard Booster
Home Scene For
Pleasant Party
PIONEER, April 26. Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Booster entertained
at a two table card party last
Saturday evening. "500" was the
game played. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunze, Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Aker, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Brock of Manitor, and
the host and hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Manning
visited their son-in-law a n il
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl
Woods at Central Howell, Sunday.
John Lutz has' been engaged to
plow a large tract of mint near
Sandy for Sylvester Manning, with
his tractor.
Your Statesman carrier Is a
little merchant and pays for all
papers delivered by him. Failure
of a subscriber to pay is a loss to
the carrier.
It is now an established
fact that Dentistry WITH
. Dentists using the E. R.
painless dentistryand
their prices are very mod
erate, can be paid for as
the work progresses, fewer
visits are required because
more work is done each
visit under the Parker
systematic plan
Remember the longer
you neglect your teeth the
more it will cost you in the
end, and the greater the
suffering in the meantime.
Visit a dentist using the
E. R. Parker System today
examination and advice
free without obligation.
Painless Parker
: using tli
State and Liberty Sts.
Salem, Oregon
1 lie
Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday
Very Special Prices on Staple High
Grade Merchandise
' Lot No. 1 Bullock Saw Blade Gar-
den Tools something' different in
High Grade Hoes Rakes Hand
Cultivators - Weeders Made in
several sizes and patterns Tools that
sell regularly for $1.25 to $2.00-
take your choice
, any piece for only
Lot No. 2 Heavy Weight Galvanized
Tubs These tubs have Wood Han
dlesWringer Attachments and a
very heavy roll top are a wonderful
value Only 4 dozen to sell C
Very special at . p7D
Lot No. 3 Another shipment of
those 7 lb. Reed Roasters. They have
the inner tray feature and are made
of the best grade enameled ware
Self basting a regular $1.50 value
we have several dozen aa
to sell for only sPl.UU
Lot No. 4 Pennsylvania Tires for
less One lot of 80x3V& extra size
Vacuum Cup Casings Absolutely
First Quality and fully warranted
This lot
only for
We have just unloaded a carload of Certainteed Roofing and shingles. This is
quality goods and the prices are less than you have been paying for light cheap
toff. Let us figure your roofing job we will save you money.
Hardware, Paints, Machinery, Plumbing
236 N. Commercial
" ' ' ' . ' '
F)r- a tiV.
Specials j
Today Allowing Jays we shall offer for our
April Showers Sale a few groups of Diamond Set Engage
ment Rings. Nothing finer nothing more fascinating
nothing with greater intrinsic value has ever before been
offered at these figures so far as we know.
And when such diamonds are offered at such prices and
on such easy Terms it would seem like turning one s
back on "Lady Luck" to neglect the opportunity.
The young lady above is loolcing at the newest and most
modern diamond ritfg to be presented in this Great Sale.
AiamnnA i fifrv if-whit set in an 18-k. white
gold mounting squared so as to give the effect of a beau
tiful square-cut stone. April SJiowers offer this at
THE GEM OF GEMS Here is on of the pretti.
st things w have to offer. A gorgeous blue
white Diamond set In a hand-carved 18k white
Sold mounting. Be cure to aee thla 9fCkTl'
at the APRIL SHOWERS price of V i
Take a Tear to Par
Into this collection we have placed Diamond!
of the finest character and real worth. The
mountings are of the highest quality white
ofer these at 3UIOU
v" J