The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1929, Page 11, Image 11

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    The New OREGON" STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, April 2ft, 1923
Local News Briefs
i Answer Filed PL D. Gray as Visiting at Coast Mr. and Mrs.
plaintiff in an action against Wal- J. E. Unrau, who are here from
ter D. Push is not entitled 10 any Canton, Kansas, for a Tisit -with
such amount of money as a judg
ment as he deems is Lis, claims
the defendant in an answer filed
to Gray's complaint. A. M. Han
sen, for whom the defendant is
said to have assumed the liability,
paid the plaintiff $271.35 of an
amount said to be owed the latter
by selling him goods In that am
ount whereas $266.65, admitted to
be owed by the defendant is avail
able for the plaintiff at any time
in goods which he can purchase,
Pugh maintains In his answer
filed Thursday.
Stsson Advises Students Girls
applying for positions ought to
make some Inquiries about the
man for whom they will work,
just" as the employer should know
hu assistants. B. E. Sisson. man
seer of Miller's, told the all-commercial
assembly held at the sen
inr hieh school Thursday morn-
Ins and sponsored by the Junior
chamber of commerce. Mr. Sisson
gpoke particularly on how not to
write applications and salesman
ship, building his talk largely
around experiences which have
come to him in his position.
Mumps In Schools Quite a few
cases of mumps are causing ab
sences of senior high school stu
dents, Principal J. C. Nelson re
ported Thursday. Garold Simpson,
ex-yell leader, returned to school
Thursday morning following a
siege of mumps. Thomas Nelson,
son of the principal, has been at
home this week with them. The
disease had quite a run at the
Leslie Junior high, with nearly a
hundred cases among the students.
University Orchestra Pys
The Willamette university Orches
tra, conducted Hy Miss Ida "Matth
ews, gave a brief concert at the
university chapel hour Thursday.
Cleo Sellen, violin pupil of Wil
liam Wallace Graham, was guest
artist and presented a briUlaat vio.
ln solo. The nnirersty otphestra
has 18 members. This Is the first
year that a student orchestra has
been organized since 1925.
Ice Cream Man Here C. L.
Van Voast. special representative
for the Western Dairy Products
company of Portland. Is a business
Tlsitor in Salem, where he . will
remain until Saturday. -Mr. 'Van
Voast is calling at a large num
ber of local restaurants and con
fertlonarie3 to aire demonstra
tion in the most effective and ex-
nariitinna foundation service. He
13 at the New Salem.
Brunner Asks Time J a m e s
Brunner, charged with assault
xrith a dancer on s weapon, appear
ed in Recorder Mark Poulsen's
court Thursday afternoon and
asked time until Saturday morn
ing at 10 o'clock to plead. The
charge was filed after Brunner
was Bald to have pointed an un
lnnrfPil automatic at Mrs. Marie
Anderson in a local restaurant.
Attend Conference Dr. J. M
Canse, president of Kimball school
of theology, in company with stu
dents there who are serving
in Portland, attended a
Hintrlct convention in that city
Worineadav Professor C. I. An
drew, in charge of religious educa
tion Instruction, also went wun
the party.
Suffers Poison Oak Mrs. R. W.
Tavenner, senior high school his
tory teacher, has been confined to
her home the past two days suf
fering from a severe dose of poi
son oak.
Case Dismissed By a stipula
tion between the attorneys the
case of Maggie Tedder vs. J. C.
Tedder was dismissed in circuit
court Thursday.
their daughter, Mrs. Prank
Schmidt, and the Schmidts left
Thursday morning for Newport
and expect to return today. Miss
Agnes Pankratz, who is a nurse
at the Deaconess' hospital and for
mer Kansas resident, accompan
ied the rrouD to the coast. The
Schmidts came here last fall from
Kansas. Mr. Schmidt Is with the
Singer sewirig machine office
Find It Here
Longine Watches -"" V . f .
Will check up with Ixngtne
time signals every night, Pomeroy
& Keene are Salem dealers.
Furniture Cpholstew
And repairing Glass-Powers
Furniture Co. :
Dollar Dinner- '
Every night !:! to t at tb
Marlon hotel.
T r is YAnV Viator SmddIv
Of wood while you can get It
direct from car. Heavy, au square
wood. Call us. Phone 813. Cobbs
& Mitchell Co., 348 S. 12th.
r. ttinck from Polk end river Rrinr friends. Phone
116F4. Salem Bulb Co.
Old Time Dance, Crystal Gardes.
Every Wed., Sat. mguu
Thomas Bros, Band, Mellow Moo
Every Wed. and sat. mgm.
Sophs Win Scries The sopho
more girls' basketball team at the
local high school won the inter
class series and the highest num
ber of points toward the Inter
class rivalry cup. The sophs won
two games, juniors one and sen
iors one. All games for the second
team have been postponed until
the week following the gym Jam
boree, which will come the eve
ning of May 1 as a grand finale
to Health Day. The Girls' numeral
club is sponsoring the Jamboree.
Itailev Visits Here Ralnh Bai
ley of Medford. debate coach and
history instructor at the senior
high school here last year, stopped
in Salem a short time Thursday
morning while on his way to Port
land with William Dougherty, the
Medford district candidate for the
state constitutional oratorical fin
als. The boy is a janior in high
school, but 15 years of age, and
won over all representatives from
arm counties which were In eluded
In his district. Bailey reported that
he had been re-elected at Mearora
with an increase in salary.
Cord Regulation Passed Eith
er a warm reception to the tune
of a paddle or a chilly bath In the
millstream awaits any underclass
man at Willamette university, who
dares to venture forth on the ram-
pus la corduory trousers. A reso
lution to this effect was passed by
the men of the Junior class last
week, and senior men on Wed
nesday voted to cooperate with the
juniors in enforcement of tali
Hfwrtal Table Arranged A
sneclal table for Willamette uni
versity alumni has been arranged
for at the Hazlewood in Portland
each Monday noon, according" to
Ed Ave nil. president oi tne aiom-
ni association, who is one ot tne
sponsors of the new Idea. Averill,
formerly state fish warden, is now
in the insurance business In Port
land. "
Enjovlne Trip Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Perry are enjoying a trip
through southern California ac
cording: to word received by their
sons. The first of this week they
were at Bakersfield. and from
there drove over the well-known
"Ridge Route" to Los Angeles,
which they are visiting for the
first time.
Rase hall Week Late The sen
ior high school girls' baseball
practice will begin a -week later
than planned, or the second week
in May. Mrs. Grace S. Wolgamott,
director of cirls' physical educa
tion reports. The preparation for
the nuhlte entertainment the num
eral girls are planning for May
Day has forced all games to be
postponed a week.
Lower Rates East Tourist tra
vel east will begin shortly after
summer excursion rates take er
fect Awril 2 according to local
ticket sellers who are aireaay
making bookings for numerous
Salem parties who expect to mate
a train trip to some eastern des
tination this summer. Special rates
will continue throughout the sum
mer to October 31.
Anta Recovered The Reo
coupe belonging to Lowell White,
stolen in Salem Wednesday night.
was found abandoned in Eugene
TiinMiinr moraine- White's bro
ther saw the ear pass tnrougn
Junction City Wednesday night,
but supposed the loeal man was
driving it.
Plastering: Being Done Plas
tering is being done on the Adolph
building on State street which la
being prepared for, occupancy by
Williams Self Service store which
is to open there about May 1. The
Williams store has branches in
Eugene and Bend.
Norman Rickii m Norman'
RirVli. small son of Mr. and Mrs.!
Benjamin Rickii has been 111 for
the past two days with an attack
of cold which has brought about
considerable lever.
Musical Tonight The Beeth
oven society of Willamette uni
versity will present the program at
the Y. M. C. A. tonight at S o'
clock. "Vocal and instrumental
numbers are on the program.
Klla Tn Central! C. A. Kells.
reneral secretary of the Y. M. C.
A. is in Centralia, Wash., attend
ing a meeting of the Northwest
Council of the association.
c:t Installation Contract Con
tract for installation for the new
photophone which is to be placed
in the Globe tneatre at AiDany ns
been awarded to vlbbert & Todd
of this city.
Skating Party Soon The Tech-
ne Art club of the senior high
rhool 1m vnonsorincr an all-school
skating party to be held at the
Dreamland rink Saturday eve
Answer Filed An amended an
swer was filed Thursday In circuit
court in the case of Alfred Jame
son ts. C. F. Valentine.
Kamml Administrator Melley
Kelley was appointed administra
tor of the estate of Charles H.
Work, deceased, by County Judge
Siegmund, Thursday.
Will Visit Schools County Sn-
nerinteadent Mary L. Fulkerson
plans to visit the rural schools at
Silver Falls and vicinity today.
Mr. Calleader Here M. H.
Callander, Astoria, salmon packer
is In the city from the coast town.
He is stopping at the Marion.
Have a special fine showing of
good used cars at very attractive
vxtrm. Buccal! Large geraal-
-- utnii toe. Friday and
fiitnrdtr only. Salem's Petlana,
273 State St.
Rummage Sale 142 S, High BU
Friday and Saturday, April 2
and 27. Daughters of Veterans.
Husky Hi-Grade White Leghorns.
For delivery now. Salem's Pet
land. Tulip field .
One block from Polk end river
bridge. Bring friends. Phone
116F4. Salem Balb Co.
Two Youthful Victims of
Poison Moonshine Give
Varying Accounts
Attempts by the Salem police to
learn the source of moonshine
whiskey or whatever beverage it
was that blinded one loeal youth
and caused anotner to suiter
temnorarv naralrsl3. struck a snag
Thursday when the two victims
gave widely different descriptions
of the stranger who offered them
the drinks.
One said that he was a heavy
set fat man and the other de
firihAri him tall and slender
with a black moustache. The po
lice were of tne opinion tnat tne
boys were either shielding some
one, or had obtained the poison
ous liquor uemseives.
The victimi were Eddie Fickard
and Elmer Lenon. Pickard was
stricken with blindness while
rf&nrinr Wednesday nirht at the
Mellow Moon dance hall at West
Slm and for a time was totally
blind but gradually recovered his
sight Thursday.
Lenon complained of pains and
friends took him home, but before
they got there he was paralysed on
the leit side ana eouia not use ms
leg. In his case too, the condition
was only temnorarv.
Reports were heard that a third
youth partook of the stranger's
hosnitality and eollansed on the
dance floor, but this was not cor
roborated. .
Girl's Purse
Found After
Alarm Given
The mystery surrounding dis
appearance of a purse containing
a diamond and sapphire necklace
valued at S3 00. and other valu
ables, the property ot vThelma
Stroud, member of a Fanchon and
Marco troune. was cleared up
Thursday when the nurse, found
Wednesday night In the New Sa
lem hotel by Clarence A. Hunt,
bellhop, was discovered to be Miss
Stroud's after employes at the ho
tel had read the story about it in
Thursday morning's Statesman.
There was no name In the purse
and Miss Stroud did not report
her loss at the hotel, where she
stayed while la saiem. bo mat
its ownershio was not determined
there until the morning States-
arrived. By that time Miss Stroud
had left the city, but it was for
warded to her She had told the
Dolice the nurse was lost while
she was on a bicycle tour of the
Plans for the annual meeting
of the Willamette university al
umni association were made
Wednesday night at a meeting of
the executive counci of the group
held In Portland. Fi Averill. pres
ident of the association, had
charge of the meeting.
The business session this year
will be held on the campus at
4:30 o'clock, Saturday, June 8
and at 5:30 o'clock the annual
banquet will be hejd although the
exact place for the latter gather
ing has not been determined.
Short, "snappy" speeches In
contrast to long reminiscences are
planned this year, Averill said.
The banauet is to be finished in
time for the president's reception
which is to be held Saturday eve-
nlng. r-
Lestle Sparks, Benjamin Rickii
and Sheldon F. Sackett, all mem
bers of the executive committee.
attended the meeting in Portland
Saturday night.
You and every member of your
family between the ages ot 15 and
"0 years are entitled to make ap
plication for the Travel Accident
Insurance Policy issued to States
man readers.
11 P01EBS ON
iccnrn unrniurcnkv
Mayor T A. Livesley has not
yet returned the lighting district
ordinance, passed at the last coun
cil meeting, to Kecoraer ara
Poulsen either with his signature
or veto. The mayor has until Sat
urday night to return it oerore
it goes Into effect automatically.
Veto of this ordinance has been
asked by the planning and coning
commission for the reason tnai
the council's amendments to the
commission s ordinance Dill, in
cluded severaL which the latter
group finds objectionable. One Is
that it requires plans ot proposed
lighting systems to do reierrea
tn the Portland Electric Power
company for its recommendations,
which the commission says is rec
ognition of a private corporation
as a factor in city government.
The city hufldinr lnsnector. S
a. Rmthnell. Is still belli kept
busy Issuing permits In a contin
uation of the man whica started
th first of th weelc Seven were
issued Wednesday and Thursday
as follows:
Evelyn Travis, renairs on dwell
lag at 1 35 Norway, $150, E. Cox
Evert Logan, repairs on dwell
Ing at 1735 B street, f 800.
A. R. Hoover, renairs on dwell
Ing at 1904 North Fifth street,
E. L. Swenwold, . dwelling at
1D40 Highland avenue, S30Uv.
F. W. Cheney. dwelling "at 450
North i9tn street. 3vuu.
O. E. Lenon, repairs on awea
(up at store at S9I North Commer
clal street, 300 Herbert Babb,
F. LaBranch. garage at 498 So
23rd street. SS.
Jnrirment fftr tl.OdO and costs
was awarded to Lang & Co against
James Mclntyre, defendant in a
suit brought Thursday in circuit
court to foreclose on a mortgage
held by the plaintiff. The jury
was out but a short time.
McTntvre maintained that he ac
quired the property against which
the mortgage was made, with the
explicit understanding that the
mortgage was to apply solely
against the land and was not to be
made a matter of his personal li
ability. The property, which was at
Falls City and had been obtained
by Mclntyre through a trade with
one Richardson, its former owner.
was not taken by the plaintiff
which elected to sue Mclntyre on
the obligation.
The defendant said late Thurs
peal the case to the supreme court,
day afternoon' that he would ap-
There will be no circuit court
today the cases of Peet ts. Simp
son and Adjustment Bureau ts.
Barber going out of court, tne
first because of' the death of the
father of one ot the attorneys and
the latter through settlement.
Judge Percy Kely will resume
trial work Saturday morning.
Tha Travl Accident Insurance
Policy issued to Statesman readers
is written by The North American
Accident Insurance Co.
Read the Classified Ads.
The Powell Valley Lumber and
Hardware company, with head
quarters in Portland and capital
KtAcie nf S. 000. has been incor
porated by William L. Crowe, Lee
Patterson and A. cook.
Other articles filed with the
state corporation commissioner to
day follow:
Wilkes Iron Works, Portland,
35.000; L. M. Wilkes, R. A.
Wilkes and George Baldwin.
Willow Buck Club, Inc., Port
land. $9,000; H. B. Newland. L. A.
Jacobsen and F. B. Turner.
Underwriters Insurance com
pany, Portland, $3,000; S. A. Tur
ner, F. T. Greer and Charles Begg.
uwm mm iniTinwo I :
Candidates for the position of
physical education director ior
bovs at Leslie junior high school
urn herinninsr to "sten UD." with1
three already seeking the post va
cated by Earl Douglas, who plans
to attend medical school next
Dr. Edith V. Witzel
Osteonathle Physician and Sur.
geon. specializes In diseases ot
women and children
Office 428 Oregon Bldg.
Phone 77S Ret. MIR
102A Ford Truck with length
ened chassis. Over-drive trans
mission, overload springs, steel
cab and stake body m fine con
dition for osdy $375.00
The Hevse That Senriee Built"
nr . m rw4lTiaz wood zrom
min t Valaetx. Will deliver
direct from ear. Get yoiir order
in. Cobbs Mitchell Co., 141 S.
Tulip Field ,
r tiiwk- front Polk end river
v-ir. nriir friends. Phone
116F4. Salem Bulb Co.
Will open tor business Sunday.
For slab wood. Let a take cure
of your needs with rood wood.
Cobbf A Mitchell Co., 4t 8. 12th.
RmwnlMi Have Boy Mr. and
Mrm Alhert Brownlee. route eight
tti narBta of a baby hoy. born
Thursday at the Bungalow Matern-
it ham. The infant has been
mmMl Billy LeRoy. A girl l
hnni Mnndar at the home to Mr
nf Mn Allen Larkln of HUC
California. The Larkla baby has
been named Dorothy May.
nwmwmt a Office Edzar B.
Damgherty. superintendent ot
mails at the local postofflce. will
return to the postofflce this morn
ing after a two-day vacation. Un
like other members of the postal
.k. mwm aaatehed a few
days off to go fishing. Mr. Daugh-
erty has been spending moat oc
ttme off duty making Improve
ments to the heme place.
Linoleum Display Attracts
An exceptionally attractive exhib
it ot Inlaid linoleums has been
arranged In the Stilt furniture
company display windows, show-
tag st only tne mare yacteraa,
t effective combinations.
which may he made from the floor
covering and the border strip as
sembly. cLmStm nwMr Com E. A.
Rhotea. who conducts a number
ot cattle aales over the valley, re-
mrta tnat ha has luSt SOld tWO
Guernseys from his herd to Oetav
Voget of the Foshay dairy at nue-
bard. Yoget'a herd is compose -
tirely ot Guernseys.
Speaker Asmemaced Walter
W. R. May ot tha advertising de
nf tha Morning Orecon-
lan will bo tho commencement
speaker at Willamette university
this year, it waa announced Thurs
day. Mr. May has hot yet an
nounced tho title ot his address.
JS9W Biding Instructor LeRoy
Edwards ot Portland has Joined
the Salem riding academy, con
ducted at the fairgrounds stables,
as Instructor. Mr. Edwards is an
accomplished horseman and will
work with Miss Jean Loyd In fir
ing riding lessons.
license Issued License, to wed
was Issued Thursday by County
Clerk Beyer to Chester Sendberg,
21, and Mary Ledock. 22. Tho ter
mer's home Is tn Salem and the
letter's In Gervals.
Mrs. Ida Newmyer died Wednes
day evening at the residence, lis
West Washington street, at the
ace of 86 years. She is survived
by the following children: Dr.
Phil Newmyer and William R.
Newmyer both ot Salem; Paul, of
Ogden, Utah; Mrs. Ruth Taylor,
Sedro Woolley, Wash. Funeral ser
vices at Clough-Husten's mortuary
with Rtr. W. Earl Cochran ofQ-
Hatinr. Interment Citwiew cem
etery. The body will Me In state at !
the chapel nntll 2 o'clock Satur
day afternoon, following which
the casket will not be opened.
Robert Schwarx. t year old son.
Af Vr ad Wrs. W. J. SchwarS.
died Wednesday evening at a local
hospital. He is survived ay a js
tr Vlrrlala; and two brothers.
Herbert and John Cyril. Funeral
services Friday morning at t:S0
at St- Joseph's church with Rev. J.
R. Buck officiating. Remains la
care ot Rigdon and son's mortuary.
Tor taa bait Torls reading lu-
giaminittom tt Wa Ultra yaw
(Unas araiait braakac
110 N. Commercial St.
Plant Now or Loose
A Year!
Next week will end tha shrub
planting season. Wa still have
a largo selection ot evergreen
shrubs. . . Firetherae. asalea,
daphne, laurels, eotoaeasters,
etc Shade Trees greatly re
duced in price.
Flowering shrubs ...
Walnut trees grafted
Pearcy Bros. Ntrraety.
240 N. lihestr.
Bet. Cow-t nasi
Mellow as Moonlight
In Uzht and Dark 1
Assorted FUrora
Regular Prlca anywhere
60c per id.
Week End Special at
36c lb., 21b. for 70c
This Special Sold fen
aly at this price
1S8 If. CesnT. St. Phano 1ST
The Origin! Cay upeciai
gcora oc sauna,
ilar Agency
fStw View Cemetery
Fstanilshfnl 1SOS TeL 120
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
St ivltmcrial
1tSt slaeafstaly
Sat! Frlca
A Park Cemetery
with perpetual care
Just ten minutes from the
heart ot town
at Millers
To Complete our Fik
Copies of Tha Oregon Statesman of
SunHay, Sept. 2, 1928
5Q Pes? Sgm
for the first five copies. Bring to the
. Statesman office.
I tt
For Men
Young Men
Styled For
Young Men
And For Men
Who Wish To
Stay Young
Tailored Where
By Master
G. W.
Johnson & Co
Sole Distributors
"Monroe" Clothes
469 State St.
Salem. Oregon
Let not the surge of swift
days restrain that sweet
urge Co aee MeCaJlum
Silk Steoklnge. Al
though last a Meeting
gfanaa might eaves one
to suoownb to their vaat
beauty that would
be quite timely and
stirring lor McCaJHim'a
are as moderns sa
easjulslte In eeletir
aa aaalhr possessed.
$2.00 the Pair
Box of 3 Pair
$5 JO
I I : -i j '
I if
' ' !!'
-i I
i '
s " . : '
j ' ktMuxiitiwe
! ' ' ' tt: : r yi