The New OREGON STATESMAN. Salens. Oregon Thursday Morning, April 25, 1929 PAGE FIVE A 1 Local News Briefs Mason C. of C. Speaker B. E. SkMon, manager of Miller' store, will address tbe high school com mercial student at an assembly during tbe activity period this morning. His subject is particu larly pertinent at this time ot the year for those who will graduate an is: "How Not to Write a Let ter of Application and Salesman ship." Mr. Sisson'a appearance has been arranged by the Junior chamber of commerce, as tbe April event in Us program of bringing some business man before the students once a month. John Boat rack, is .president and Miss Muriel Wilson secretary f the r!ah. See Many Die "Yes, sir, I have seen many executions." remarked " Daddy Lamb, guard at the state penitentiary while down town Wednesday on a business trip. "I sot my largest experience when (.served 14 year in a constabul ary in the Philippines. During my life time I have witnessed 837 men hung and lour women." Lamb is la charge of the hospital ward at" the state penitentiary. Prison ers have been unusually well this year, he reports, only eight men being sick with inflnensa at any on time. There are five men in tb hospital now. Brnnner Still Held James Branner, charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, drunk enness and liquor possession, was sttli in the city Jail Wednesday ntxht, baring failed to furnish the Sift bail set by Recorder Mark Ponlsen. Brnnner has engaged Burrls as his attorney and is evidently preparing to tight la cane. He was arrested after he had pointed an unloaded .45 automatic at Mrs. Marie E. Anderson in the Quick Lunch on Liberty street, ac cording to the police. Hear Miss Webster The senior high school Home Economics club listened to a sure-enough style talk all it own Wednesday morn ing when Miss Amena Elliott Web ster, fashion expert from Marshall Field company. Chicago, ad dressed the girls on Tarious phases of dress and dressing. Miss Webster is spending a few days at Miller' store. Loses Students The graduat ing class of the senior high school has dropped back to a potential Z?7. Fnncipal J. C. Nelson report ed Wednesday afternoon Gwinn Bar ham, a senior In the college preparatory course, withdrew from school the previous day to enter Washington high school in Portland. The figure is still one ahead of the record class of 132C, weu 2Ti received diplomas. Tag Sale Slow Sale of tags for the block "S" to be constructed by the Salem high school student body at Olinger field did not reach the quota set in the drive, Victor Wolfe, committee chairman, reported Wednesday afternoon, and the sale may be continued over today in hopes of reaching the $70 limit. About $55 was rea lised in the first two days. Con struction of the "S" will cost $67. To Rbekah Convention Miss Ethel Fletcher, and Mrs. Clara Shields will motor to Canby today to attend the afternoon, and eve ning sessions of the convention of district number four of the Re hetah lodge there. Other Salem delegates will also attend and the Salem degree staff will put on work at the evening session. Return Front Sonth Mr. and Mra. James Smith returned Tues day afternoon from a three weeks' motor trip into California and as far south as Tia Juana. where the spent most of their time. Mr. Smith Is associated with "Bill" Watkint in the Smith and cat kins serv'cre station. Judgment Granted A judg ment of $56.25 for costs In the case of Ronald E. Jones vs. J. M. Bales was issued In circuit court Wednesday, the court overruling the motion of the defendant ask ing that costs be not allowed. Suit Settled Suit of Lulu E. Boring vs. Gus V. Boring, was filed in circuit court before the April t-rm. was settled out ot court by a stipulation agreeable to both psrties. Non-Suit Agreed On A volun tary non-t-uit was agreed upon by the parties in the case of R. D. Gray vs. A. E. Bradley which was 1 1) have leen tried in the April term of court. Hearing Today Hearing of the ca of Lang and Co. vs. Mclntyre wfll be on today in circuit court. Judge Percy R. Kelly presiding. The action is brought for the col 1h tion of funds alleged to be due the plaintiff. Fined for Bad DrivinRGuy W. Phillips of Portland was fined $15 bv Justice Braxier Small Wednes day when he plead guilty to the charge of reckless driving. Murker Arrested Georgs Ruck ec. 128S State street, was arrested Wednesday on a charge of driving through a funeral procession. Find It Here r'nrnltar Cpholac Ana repairing Farniture Cn. Gleaa. Powers Every night f:t, to I at im Jargon not?. OWt Time Dance, Crystal Gardens. Every Wed., Sat. night. TKemas Bros. Band, Mellow Moon Every Wed. and Sat. nights. Vrk Brothers Have a special fine showing of good used cars at very attractive priees. , lUsmmage Sale 138 S. High St.. Friday and Saturday, April 26 and 27. Daughters of Veterans. lr. Lloyd Hockett Ultra-Violet ray therapy, 545 N 5th St., 1859-W. Fwstoria Glassware Is always acceptable. Large se lection In our gfitry. Pomer y & Kefne. Conference Delegate J! P. Ul rica, local realtor will leave next Wednesday in company with Mrs. Ulrich, Miss -Agnes Brown of Sa lem and Miss Alice Hayden of O. S. C. for Seattle where he will at tend the northwest annual confer ence of Evangelical churches as a lay representative of the First Evangelical church. The confer ence will be held from May 2 to 5, inclusive. The Ulrich party will be joined In Portland by Mlss Es ther Anderson, the gronp planning to return here Sunday, May 5. Dr. C. C. Poling, district elder, and Rev. A. P. Layton of the First church will also be in attendance at the conference. Cbemekevans Meet - Between 6P and 75 persons were present at the social meeting of the Chemek etan outdoor society held Tuesday evening at the T. M. C. A. John Scott, president of the Mazama so ciety of Portland, gave an enthus iastic talk on the Maiama trip to Jefferson park four years ago, his talk doing much to work up in terest In the trip which Chemek etans and their friends will take to Jefferson park in July. Dr. D. B. Hill showed two reels of recent outdoor pictures which he had tak en. Light refreshments were also served. Portland Tenor Hero John Thomas, one of the best known tenor singers in Portland, sang several numbers at the Salem Ro tary clnb luncheon Wednesday as a sample of what local music lov ers may hear at the Portland Ap- polo club concert at the Elslnore theatre next Monday night. His accompaniments were played by Miss Marie Hursey. Thomas was introduced by Warren A. Erwin. Portland Rotarlan. who described the program which the Appolo club will give. Realtors Meet Today Earl C. Bushnell, recently appointed build ing inspector for the city of Sa lem, will be the principal speaker f-t the regular Thursday noon ses sion of the Salem Realty board. Mr. Bushnell will speak on phases of the new building code which are of interest to realtors. The board meets at the Marlon. J. F. Ulrich is president. Diseases Few Marion county communicable diseases for the week ending April 20 numbered just IS cases, according to the bul letin of the state department of health just issued. Measles are by far In tie ascendancy over the state, with 215 cases. Sixty-four cases of influenza were reported from the state at large. Officers Elected W. I. Staley was elected president of the Sa lem Rotary club for the year be ginning July 1. at Wednesday's luncheon. The entire ticket as proposed by the nominating com mittee was elected, the other of ficers being W. H. Dancy, vice president; W. S. Walton, treas urer: Eric Butler, secretary; W. L. Phillips and E. L. Wieder, di rectors. To Give Annual Stunt Mem bers of the staff of the Clarion, Salem high school yearbook, are practicing for the stunt which they will give before the student body Monday morning. The advertis ing skit will disclose the art motif being used as well as introduce the staff gtoup. Edith May Jenks is editor and Gordon Bennett manager. ' New Store Open The Neuman Bros., paint and wallpaper sell ers and painting contractors In McMinnville and Corvallis. are to open a store in Salem early next month on Court street in the Bllgh building, now owned by C. P. Bishop. Charged With Non-Snpport Raymond Saunders was charged with non-support of his wife in a case filed Wednesday in justice court. Hearing of the charges has been set for Thursday mornjng at 10 o'clock. Rotary Guest Many Guests at the Salem Rotary club luncheon Wednesday included Jack Sim mons of Seattle. Warren Erwin and Walter Gray ot Portland. Roy Goetz and H. B. Nolan of Corval lis. License Suspended Jerry Cal aba, Salem, route 3. was arrested Wednesday by a local traffic of ficer on a charge of speeding. Fol lowing his plea of guilty in mu nicipal court, his driver's license was suspended for 30 days. Parks Recuperating Ben Parks, of the Man's Shop, is ex pected to return to the store Thursday morning, following an absence while he recuperated from a sinus operation which he under, went recently at a local hospital. Closes Estate Petition for the final hearing in the estate of G. M. Staples, deceased, was filed Wednesday in probate court by Mary M. Staples, administratrix of the estate. Discharged m Guardian Har old E. Mehl and Chester O. Mehl, having attained their majority, Gottfred Mehl. their brother, has been discharged by County Judge Slegmund as guardian of the lads. To Have Hearing Today Nap Rocque will have a hearing la jus tice court this afternoon on the charge of selling Intoxicating li quors. He was 'arraigned Wednes day and asked for a hearing today Oregon Leader Here Burt Brown Baker, yice-president of the University of Oregon, was here on business Wednesday, visiting num erous frlenda while in the city. . Clinic At Gervais Dr. Edward T oa Rnftivil will eondnct a clinic at the Gervals health center Thurs day, as a part of the regular coun ty health program of the ehild health demonstration! Speeding Charged K. E. Hin ges, 455 North Summer street, was arrested Tuesday night by city traffic officers on "a, charge of speeding. . To Wed License to wed was granted Wednesday by County Clerk Boyer to Chester Sundborg. 21 of Salem, and Mary Selack, 22 of Gervals L Hi BOLL FINISHED Alphabet Completed Listing Old Members of Post; New Names Next Today's Installment of the hon or roll of Capital Post No. . American Legion, completes the alphabetical list prepared prior to tbe recent intensive campaign which resulted In putting the post "over the top" with respect to last year's record. Further install ments will Include the names of members received since that time. R. H. Wacken, L. M. Wacken heimer. Ralph V. Wagner, H. 3. Walker. L. D. Walker, Paal B. Wallace. Louis Wampler, Frank N. Waters. T. C. Waters, W. P. Watkins, Herman Watson, Ouy N. Wearer, Harry A. Wechter. . Ben F. Wedel, H. D. Weese, Sam Weese, O. P. Wenger, W. W. Deinert. S. B. Welch. Carl L. Well man, A. J. Wenger, K. E. Wen ger, Leonard Wenger, Royal A. Wenlg. A. R. Wetjen, Eugene M. Wheeler, George A. White. George D. White, H. R. White, I. H. White. Leslie H. White, Clyde Whittman, Frank Whltte- more, J. W. Wlckert. David Van Sellar Wieder, W. D. Wiggins, John F. Wikoff, Verne E. Wlkoff. Frank Wilhelm. George Wlikening, K. E. Wil kinson, Clark M. Will. B. B. Wil liams, Earl M. Williams. F. Alfred Williams. Newell Williams. Thom as L. Williams, W. W. Williams, Irving Williamson, A. H. Wilson. Arthur P. Wilson, Mrs. B. M. Wil son, Glen Wilson, E. J. Wlnken- werder, L. Winkenwerder, A. A. Withers. Frank R. Woelke, Ursule Q. Wolfer, Tom Wolgamott, Ward Wolfe. G. G. Wood, G. Fred Wood Dr. R. L. Wood, T. C. Wood, Troy D. Wood, W. A. Wood. R. D. Woodrowm, Henry L. Wood ward, J. L. Woodworth, Elmer V. Wooton, Ralph Worden, Byron C. Wright, Albert G. Wulfmeyer, Charles A. Wurm. R. W. Wyatt. A. N. Wysong. J. C. Yantis. Wilbur Yarnell. Rich ard J. Yates, J. M. York, Donald A. Young, Francis Young, J. B. Young. Frank L. Zink, Frank N Zlnn. F. H. Zlnzer, Walter H. Zosel. S Need of Making Pledges Into Cash Faced To Meet Rockefeller Terms Endowment pledges secured in the recent campaign as well as well as those rewritten from the campaign of former years, total $225,000 including some estate pledges recently received accord ing to announcement Wednesday by Vice President Oliver. The uni versity is seeking to secure pledges of $300,000 by October 1, 1929, to be used in obtaining $140,000 in cash from the Rocke feller foundation. Oliver said Wednesday that ev ery dollar In cash available would be met by 54c tn cash from the Rockefeller board although it is possible that the time limit al lowed by the foundation may be extended. Problem Faced To obtain the Rockefeller moneys the university faces he problem of ronvestlng its pledges into cash. One method suggested has been tba securing of a- loan backed by the pledges as collat eral. The bequest of $100,000 recent ly made by Eric V. Houser in hit will, will not be counted in the moneys raised by the school inas much as the Rockefeller Interests bar gifts made in wills from the funds which they agree to match. Return to Toledo Mr. and Mr 3". James Tur nidge have returned to their home in Toledo after visit ing with her sister. Mrs. C. H. Cannon, 1515 South Commercial street. Son to Hilfikers Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Hilfiker, Salem route four, box 21 A, are parents of a baby boy, born April 19. The lad has been named Hollis Everett. Clnb Leader Here L. J. Allen, state boys' and girls' club leader, was a visitor in the city Wednes day. Kugrls in Portland Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Kugel were Tuesday visitors in Portland. Can you afford to be without The Travel Accident Insurance Policy issued to Statesman read ers when it costs only $1 per year? in To Complete our Files Copies of The Oregon Statesman of Sunday, Sept. 2, 1928 as Pen Coipst for the first five copies. Brin; to the Statesman office. Marion Lake Retention is Advocated by Albany Men; Private Interests Opposed Retention of the Marion refuge and its eventual power development by municipal rather than privately owned -interests is advocated by the Santiam Fish and Gamer commission in an extensive state- mentlssued by A. G. Prill, its president, following a meeting held with J. G. Kelly of Portland, who represents the North west Power Co. in an application made to devekm certain power righfc. in the Marion district. The statement, in part, In reply to the speech' of J. G. Kelly of Portland and representa tive of the Northwest Power com pany, before the Albany Chamber of Commerce last week, wherein it was charged that 'tbe officers and members of the Santiam Fish and Game association and the city council of Albany, were hasty and not fully advised as to the facts, the Santiam Fish and Game asso ciation through its officers most emphatically deny the allegation. L. G. Kelly admitted in his talk before a combined meeting of the chamber of- commerce, the city council, members of the county court and representative of the Santiam Fish and Game associa tion held in the committee room ot the St. Francis hotel that his first filing was made on or about the year 190$. The original fil ing was never completed and al lowed to lapse. On December 8, 1928, J. G. Kelly, R. O. Young and J. H. Walker revived the project by filing with the Corporation commissioner papers creating a new corporation. The capital stock was given as 800 shares of no par ralue. Would Destroy Wilderness Surrounding the lake and streams named including White water creek, and situated within the Santiam National forest, la to be found a natural wilderness area abounding in game and fish. Here lies one of the few remain ing wilderness areas to be found in the state of Oregon. The de velopment of hydro-electric power win forever destroy this wilder ness area. The development as outlined will result in the absolute destruc tion of Marion and Linn Falls, Gooch Falls, Canyon Creek falls and four miles of Marion river. It Is the contention of the ob jectors that the area to be de spoiled if this application is grant ed, that for recreational purposes, both for the residents of the state OBITUARY Savage James Franklin Savage, Marion county pioneer, died Tuesday af ternoon at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. B. F. Pound. He Is sur vived by six children, Mrs. Alva M. Martin, Salem; John I. Savage and Mrs. Lucille Smith, Portland; Mrs. Ruth Pound, Salem; Ernest Savage, Keizer, and Miss Grace Savage. Clatskanle; also two bro thers. Dr. Benjamin Savage, Kan sas City, Kansas; and Albert D. Savage, Waldo Hills, and a sister Mrs. Mary Beebe, of Woodland, Calif. Funeral services Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at Rlg don's mortuary. Interment City view cemetery. Swart a Robert Swartz. eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Swarts of rural Salem, died late Wednes day night at a local hospital. Fun eral announcements later from Rigdon and Son. 1 ?3tlere$t iHemoriai "VS ..T. Modarataly 8205 $texu A. Park Cemetery with perpetual care Just ten minutes from the heart of town ' Indoor Buial LLOYD T. RIGDON, Mgr. City View Cemetery Established 1893 Tel. 12o4 Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided for Prices Reasonable 0 o lake area for a fish and jrame lake and North Santiam river reads: of Oregon and tourists, hunters and anglers coming to this state, the said area, and the said lakes and streams are of greater value and importance to the people of the state of Oregon than for com merclal purposes. As far as It can be reasonably determined there is no need for the development of hydro-electric energy in said lake and streams, nor does it seem that such de velopment will be needed in the near future. There is question and doubt as to tbe financial ability of the applicant to carry successfully to completion the proposed hydro electric development. Power Valne Questioned The value of this development to Albany and the Willamette val ley is questioned. The public service commission regulates the rates of all utilities. Without rate reduction there is no need of the proposea development. At a re cent hearing the representative of the Mountain States Power com pany assured those present that thex, were in a position to take care of any and all demands for power, no matter how large. Industry is not flocking to Portland and they have the de velopment on the Clackamas: Medford situated in the heart of the most highly energized district in Oregon is not growing by leaps and bounds. Eugene is constructing a mu nicipal and public owned plant on the McKenzie. The mighty de velopment electrically of Califor nia that Mr. Kelly mentioned is largely public and municipally owned. Los Angeles and San Francisco are the proud possessors of plants publically and not pri vately owned. Portland right now is concerned over the fact of industry leaving that city and locating in the state of Washington, which possesses power as low as one-half of one per cent per kllowat hour. All' made possible through public owned utilities. Not lone since a five million dollar paper industry after making a surrey of Portland finally located In Tacoma. Indus try after industry has done like wise. Ashland as a small city with many attractions is the. proud possessor of a public owned plant and enjoys rates far below that of cities supplied with current and Etta Burns FURS AND REMODELING at Millers $4.95 For the bast Tori reading lenses ExamiaaMaa Tnm Wo lasara your gUtsas agsiait breakage THOMPSOX-CLTJTSCH OPTICAL CO. 110 N. Commercial St. ii 1JTTJ Wouldn't You Like a Soil-proof Floor ? Of course you would! And that is exactly what you will get if you will let us cover your floors with one or another of the charming in laid patterns we are showing in BLAB07TC Linoleum They are made by an entirely new Blabon method lacquer-processed that closes the thousands of little dirt-absorbing pores and produces a soil-proof, wear-resisting Inlaid Linoleum that is without a superior. They then receive a heavy surface coat of wax which not only improves their looks but practically prevents surface scratches. All Blabon Inlaids are made this way and are Ready to Install as a Finished Floor Come in and see this us quote you prices. TPnWTffiTiTtimTRB (Qnfc It 'III! II HU1L" 1111 ii-vts 4kMWfntJEa ImiuiiiaunuinmiiaiiaitiuuimiuiBu 467 Court power from privately ewned plants. And finally, the growth of in dustry in the valley may be pro moted by cheaper power than can be obtained elsewhere. Show to industry that cheaper power is available in the cities of the valley and industry will come. Industry seeking locations in Oregon have located in Tacoma and the areas that are served by the municipal ly owned plants ot Seattle and Tacoma. Why Barter Away Power T Public owned and municipally owned utilities may be needed in Oregon and if so why dissipate and barter away the wonderful cesource on the North Fork of the Santiam? To make the statement that J. G. Kelly and associates are finan cially able to finance the project is not sufficient; to make the fur ther statement that the proposed development has the backing of some ot the mightiest men in the electric world is also open to ques tion unless it can be followed and backed by a statement of fact and detail sufficiently strong to be ac cepted as final. This we do know powerful fi nancial interests invest money only when a satisfactory return can be expected. The wildest flight ot the imag ination cannot see anything any where that will bring a return that will Justify the expenditure of from four to sixteen millions- of dollars. According to press re ports and quoting Mr. Kelly, in Albany it was said the develop ment would require an expendi ture of four millions, in Salem the sum has been boosted to six teen. Nothing to Lost As a section of Oregon we lose nothing If the application is de nied. Show to capital that indus try Is awaiting a development of the character proposed and that the demand Is sufficient to justify the expenditure ot the money in volved it can very easily be put under way. The big idea is that if time per mitted the entire public, with pos sibly a small exception, could be educated to the thought that the development when made shall be public owned and never permitted to become the owner in fee simple, in perpetuity forever of any pri vate individual, concern or corpo ration. May we not guard it as a jewel PILES CURED Without operation or loss of time. DR. MARSHALL 329 Orezon Bldg. Thomeson's Chocolates In Light and Dark This lot includes Chews and Nougouts. Also soft centers Week End only 36c a lb., 2 lbs. 70c Only at Schaefer's Drng Store 155 N. Com'l. St. Phone 107 Tbe Original Candy Special Store of Salem. Penslar Agency kind of linoleum and let KS81I83X1 Telephone 1142 of great value and preserve and protect it with all the power with in our means fighting to pre serve it to posterity and never al low the hand of privately owned capital to despoil It and rob us. our children and our children's children of their rightful heritage. SflLEM WILL ENTER KICT01IH Lena Belle Tartar, head of the department ot music at the Salem high school, and 43 ot her pupils will leave late this Thursday aft ernoon for Forest Grove where Salem high will compete with Portland schools for class A hon ors In the sixth annual state high school music tournament. En semble numbers, in which the lo cal students will compete in five events, will be held Friday, and solo contests will occur Saturday. The girls' quartet is composed of Marjorie O'Dell. Joan Evans, Doris Gardiner and Lois Wilkes; and the boys' quartet Includes Homer Smith. Victor Wolfe. Ken. neth Abbot and WlHard Moses. Soloists from the local school will be: girls' high. Marjorie O'Dell and Claudia Buntin; medium, Elizabeth Clement and Hope Ray mond; girls' low. Kathleen Phelps and Mildred Gardiner; boys' high, Willard Moses and William Mosh er; boys' medium. Cleo Seely and Homer Smith; low. Victor Wolfe and Kenneth Abbott; violin en High Grade Furniture Friday, 1S7S Madison t BOu. N. and 5 Blk& East of F. N. Woodry's Auction Market Plane, phonograph, range, S pleee overstaffed davenport suite, window curtains and drapes. Wilton Velvet rugs, 2 walnut bed room suites, din ing and living room and all furniture, tools, etc. Neva Pierce, Owner F. N. Woodry Salem's Old Reliable Auctioneer in Charge Cash paid for used farniture Phone 511 AUCTION YOUR INVESTMENTS WHY worry trying to keep your money safely invested, when for a small fee, you may shift the burden to our shoulders! We will attend to all the details of keeping it safely and profitably in rested, and collect and remit the income to you at regular intervals. Our judgment and erperience it at your command. e See our Trust Officer. Ladd & Bush Trust Co. A. N. Bush, president Wm, S. Walton, vice president L. P. Aldrlch, secretary Jos. II. Albert, trust officer Cakes served at given in honor of queens, presidents and world-no-tables; that capture first prises at county and state fairs are leavened with Calumet. You can make and serve the same kind of cakes right in your own home by using the same superior leavener. 15 OtutrialvriUproixiL r rv - mm immsmmm trants, Cleo Seely, Nathan Stein- bock. Dalbert Jepsen and Jeanette Scott. mm SAYS 1030 Ford Track with length ened chasai. Over-drive trans mission, overload springs, steel rak and stake body in fine con dition for only $873.00 "The Boose That Service Ballt" WASHABLE as well as beautiful walls if you paint them with felumina Flat Wall Paint For anything in paints or varnish this is the store of quality and helpful service. WELLE It HARDWARE AND PAINT STORE 428 Court St. Telephone JWtf a II banquets D04JDLB ACTING MAstCS BAKIM9 CAStXO HI! MBOanSk