ThNw OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Orer. Thm-grr Xloenlngi Aprtt 25, 1B The Human Punching Bag Ctie (Oregon ibiatesman "No Faror Sways Us: No Fevr Shall Awe." From Fir:t Sia.csr.-.a.', I.. 11 . THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. CHAKLE3 A. SPKAGti, SnriXON V. oC'CTTT, PubUthcrt 160 North Liberty Street Suggestions from Every Department for Appropriate Qifts on Charles A. Snucui: Sheldon F. Scke.t "tiler-Mo .ieser Mcaciis Editor Member of th? Asioci.ioi ' . . s The Associated Press is exclusively e : ?i o the ise for publication of all news disrstehc credited j it or not otherwise credited in this paper. PAGS FOUR Moth Day er9s Entered at the Poaloiiic? at oVc-f, Oregon, cf Stcoud-Clas Matter. Published ever; .nor.ting except Mov-ioy. office 215 S. 'Commercial S. c-. Pacific Coast Advertising Rtprc-entaiive..: Arthur W. Stypes, Inc., Poj-tiar.c', SeurLy Bid. San Franci3co, Sharon Bide,.; Los Anjtics, Vv. Pac. Bldg. Eastern Advertising Representative;. ' " Ford-Parsans-Stechcr, Inc., Nevr Ycrk, 2?1 Madison Ave.; Chicago, 300 Ji. Michigan Ave. The Joy-Killing Debunkers SOMEBODY is always taking the joy out of life, breaking our Idols, smashing our traditions, destroying the beautiful illusions we long have cherished. . Now someone is telling us that General Foch never sent that fa mous dispatch. "My left is giving way and my right is retreating; I shall attack with my center," that it was the product of the fertile Imagination of some French Journalist. General Pershing, upon his arrival in France at the head of the American army, was credited with saying 'Lafayette, we are here.v as he placed a wreath before the statute of the Frenchman who helped the colonists win their freedom. This laconic message caught our imagination but later we were told that Pershing never uttered those words, that some news paperman, with a romantic mind, was the author of the story Well, or course, whether Foch sent that message or not, the fact remains that he did attack with his center-while his left was broken and his right in retreat, and, whether Pershing addressed the spirit of the Lafayette or not, he was instrumental in wiping out the debt America owed to that immortal Frenchman. Somehow or other, we wish these nosey, prosaic researchers would be less eager to tear down all of the pretty traditions with which we decorate our history. Pretty soon they'll be telling us that Patrick Henry never did say, "Give me liberty or give me death," or that Nathan Hale never said on the scaffold, "I regret that I have but one life to give for my country." Astoria Budget. Alas for the Budget editor, his "facts" are somewhat il lusory too. Foch for instance did not attack with his center. He pulled his fighting 142nd division off the left front and moved them back of his line to attack the weak junction point of two enemy armies. His center had been forced back along with both his wings. Now about Patrick Henry, it does seem well authenti cated that he concluded his speech before the second revolu tionary convention of Virginia, with the famous words: "Give me liberty or give me death." But the widely quoted passage in his speech on resolutions opposing the stamp act is now in question. We quote from Rupert Hughes' Life of George Washington: "Henry shouted part of that oration which every school boy knows, about Tarquin having his Brutus, Charles his Cromwell, and let George III beware lest but he did not say the famous line, "If that be treason make the most of it." As with so many other noble utterances, tradition was the inventor of this, and it must go by the board in view of the report recently discovered in the National Ar chives at Paris." With reference to Nathan Hale, Rupert Hughes remarks that he "had reluctantly consented to risk his life as a spy"; and again : "He is one of the nation's sacred figures now, but his name rested in oblivion until it was rescued in 1799." The only authority for Hale's words at dying which the Budget quotes was his army comrade Hull, who received the report from a British officer who visited the American lines under the flag of truce after Hale's execution and reported the eveit to Hull. Hale of course accomplished nothing for the good of che patriot army because he got caught. John Honeyman, a Scotch-Irishman, served as Washington's spy preceding the battle of Trenton. and gave valuable information that helped make possible the victory. Hughes says of him: "A splendid monument glorifies Nathan Hale and his name is a household word in America, though he failed in his't.hort mission; but for John Honeyman, who made the first great victory possible, there is oblivion. Among Washington's other spies was an uncan nily intelligent idiot boy who did invaluable work. He died of star vation and his name perished with htm." mere is no mistake aoout iamous words now, pro vided they are anticipated. For shorthand captures the glowing phrase, and the vitaphone records even mistakes of speech as Chief Justice Taft found in administering the oath to Mr. Hoover. 11 "j - " - " "-."- -"J-"---": 3,3 't r-'-y-f' . :-- - - - rx r , tilt. - - "" - - - .. .. - - - - n l ; - .. :f:- .. fb .! j- - . - " " ft: - 1 - , . - "t J - - . " .. ; .. . i 1 .1 " , ' - - J1 js 3 j: i. a . - I - J: - - a -i ,11 : - , . , - t H - - - Jtr-r- - Ete for Breakfast By K. J. HENDRICKS The Opening of the Senate WE can just imagiife what a dictaphone would have picked up if one had been set going when the ladies' aid society of wives of Washington diplomats discussed the famous case of Mrs. Gann over their. teacups and carpet rags. The wives, though defeated and probably discomfited in their placing of Mrs. Gann in the social scale must have proved rather unrelenting. When the senate was called to order by the new vice president last week, Mrs. Gann was there and she had the best seat but not a single member of the diplomatic corps appeared in the gallery reserved for them. The press report said Mrs. Gann "wore an air of triumph" also a gown of light blue with a hat in a darker shade, nuk ing a very stunning picture. About her were the wiveslof senators who had declined to make her president of th"ir club ; but she had a better seat than any of them. Another interesting item of news from the opening ses sion of the senate was the swearing in of the new senator from Kansas, Henry J. Allen an old-time political foe of Mr. Curtis. Curtis' hated to see Allen appointed, as his successor, but he proved a good sport. After Senator Allen had taken the oath and signed his name at the clerk's desk, the vice president advanced to meet him, greeting him with out stretched hand and cordial smile. Hold on, Henry, said Curtis. "You're not going to get away without shaking the hand of the vice president," Allen responded in kind. "I knew you wouldn't forget the oath," he said. The one-time feudists shook hands warmlv. So it may be set down that the Kaw war is all over. Her Last Assignment SIX persons were killed at San Diego last Sunday in the collision of an air liner and an army plane. One of the victims was Cecelia Kelley, a reporter on the Phoenix Eve ning Gazette;. With true newspaper instinct she was jotting down notes for her "story" of the flight. In the wreckage of the plane her notes were found just catchwords that would suggest again the panorama and the sensation of the trip. Here they run : "Sea gulls white. Gobs. Destroyers. L. A. shops. Other planes. Fleet. Army plane. Stunting. Near Mexico. Lakes. Red particles of earth. Shining big sea. Water. Gold path ot after noon sun. Green smooth place " ' The notes end. They are the crude sketch of her story, just as an artist might pencil on paper the rough lines he hoped to translate to enduring canvas. Miss Kelly did not complete her assignment. Death, an unchosen companion, rode at her side and numbed her writing fingers. She her self became the story, not her impressions of a lofty ride with the sea gulls for comrades. There is a tragic beauty in those last catch-notes. They seem almost prophetic The full thrill of the flight, earth .spread out on a vast scale! Then near the "shining big sea," in the "gold path of the afternoon sun, loomed a "green smooth place." Goal of souls of working men as well as fliers, of laborers as well as poets and dreamers and art ists, that "green smooth place" .where the final landing may be made; may we not fittingly leave Miss Kelley there, her life flight over, her last assignment halted? Crowded out several days S The following, which is given space with'due apologies to an in dulgent public: S m Under the heading, "About Fa ther Parrish's Hand Ax," directed to the editor of Bits for Break fast, Mrs. J. L. Parrish, Salem, Oregon, widow of Rev. J. L. Par rish, tinder date of April 17, sends the following: "There Is nothing within the limits of the possible, that would seem too much for me to do, in furnishing facts for Rob ert J. Hendricks: because he has given more time and Intelligent energy to advertising boosting the limitless resources ot Oregon, with rare perspicacity and truth ftlness, than any other living man I know; also in trying to preserve its traditions and history and that of those who made possible to us the fruition of their labors. I no. ticed in The Statesman of yester day, that Mr. Hendrick3 was won dering about the hand ax used in hewing the logs of the house built by the M. E. missionaries on the slough of the Willamette river, 10 miles below Salem. I asked rather Parrish one day if he kept his hand ax on the kitchen safe be cause of some special care he wished to give it. He told me it was the ax that he and his help ers had used in hewing the logs for building the mission house and other timbers used about the place. The other ax is here unless it has been lost in moving. They had no means of transportation ex cept Indian canoes or horseback. Once when theywer going in a canoe to work, the hand ax fell into the river and lay on the bot tom of It for three rears. One day when the. water was low and clear, he discovered his hand ax and fished it out. So, he said, it had quite a history. Vhen, I told him. it should be in a safe place; that it should have its history pasted on the blade and put a ong the other souvenirs of the mission aries in the state house. He agreed with me. The next time he went to the the university, I handed the ax to him and asked him to leave it at the state house, and he did. I said to him that some day the people of Oregon would prize the history of all these little .angs. Now, after all these 40 years, someone wants to know several have asked me about that same thing. "Mr. Hendricks has been laughed at called a dreamer be cause of his incessant, enthulastlc optimism about Oregon's resources and their early development; but the cold facts have Justified his Judgment and more. And yet, her resources are scarcely touched, much less fully plumbed. It is doubtful whethen he will ever b3 fully repaid for all the good he has actually accomplished, unless it comes from the Joy and satis faction he experiences from know ing that he has always done his level best by his state and the patrons of his paper." - Please excuse the blushes. The Bits man craves no greater reward than the Joy and satisfaction re ferred to. Nor any higher recom pense than the privilege of a long lease of time in active and emer itus labors to continue industrious ly to a belated end In the field of his choice and his love In helping tfce beautiful city and the fruitful surrounding country in every pos sible way towards their destined great place in this empire state, the gem of the Pacific's grand group. The Parrish ax, used in con structing the later buildings at the original station on ILission bottom and in building the fisrt residence, saw and grist mill and Indian ma nual labor school on '"hemeketa plain (that became Salem) ; the school becoming the Oregon Instl tua and then Willamette univers ity, is not at the state house. It is in charge of the Oregon Histc -ical society in. the auditorium in Portland, belonging, hewever, to the people of Oregon. V - Some day, larger quarters, and at the capital, ought to be provid ed. But there will be no adequate space In the new state office build ing In Salem. It will not be large enough to accommodate all the de. partments and offices that are scheduled and will demand accom modations there. u The proper place, in the opin ion of the Bits man, will be the prospective museum, In a build ing of monumental size, on the campus of Willamette university, that has long been & dream In the minds of staunch friends of that institution. Some day. It will be built. Who shall say this will not be soon? Old Oregon's Yesterdays Town Talks from The States man Our Fathers Read April 25, 1004 East Willamette association of Congregational churches will hold its eighth annual meeting with Central church of this city this afternoon and 'all day Wednesday. Probably one of the most unique things to issue from the hands of the Inmates of the state prison is a book of H original poems, written by the convicts and signed by their prison num ber. Composition, printing and binding were don by a convict. A local man was placed under arrest on a charge of disturbing a religions meeting at the Pentecos tal Mission on 12 th street. Bishop H. B. Hartzler of Har risburg. Pa., bishop of the Evan gelical church. Is visiting the churcbea in this section. Man And Wife Do Poor Work - As Spooners HOLLYWOOD, Cal., April 24 (AP) Tne filming of a movie ex tra couple, being posed as a pair of park bench lovers, today was halted by the barking criticism of the director, Josef Von Sternberg. "You two." he complained, "have the poorest conception ot warm affection rve ever seen. "She's your girl." he stormed at the male extra, "and you're supposed to be crasy to kiss her." "Teh?" queried the unsatisfac tory lover, "She's my wife.- Some Day Another will manage Your Property 7"OUR real estate, stocks, bonds, mortgages nd other assets may be of sound present dajQalue. But you realize that in the turn of industrial and economic conditions, it will be necessary for you to prune and remodel your invesment structure from time to time .to keep it so. , As long as you live you will anticipate these changes, but when your property passes on to your dependents, it is a matter of grave im portance how it will be managed then. This institution can be of substantial service to your heirs in this connection. It might pay you to spend an hour in our Trust Depart ment and learn how thorough going and sys tematic a service you can bequeath to your heirs. United States National Bank Where Is Mother's Pay jEnvelope? Don't begrudge her the money she spends on the home! It pays big dividends in contentment! Mother's hands are busy from morning until night, but there is no pay envelope for her on Saturday, only the satisfaction that she has in providing her family with a pleasant, well-ordered home. Don't begrudge her the money she spends to make the home attractive. Money so in vested pays big dividends in contentment. A Thrifty Way To Show Your Appreciation And by the way Mother's Day is only around the corner and we should really like to show you the many lovely gift sugges tions we have prepared. It's one way and a very thrifty one -to show your apprecia tion of her services. Umbrellas For Mothers i With cob of these attractive fcmbrcllaa, mother wSI look for ward to rainy days almost with pleasure t These art Gloria covered; 15 tlh frame, fancy self-colof border, and are only $2.98 Hand Bags Smartly New! Clever new styles which will add the final note of smartness to your Spring; ensemble. Poaches, envelopes and other wanted styles. Genuine joat and shoe leather. Splendid at- 98c to $2.98 A Lovely Complexion Results Naturally From the Daily Use of "Jaciel" Cold Cream 2 ounce 23c 4 ounce 39c Vanishing Cream 2 ounce 23c 4 ounce 39c Tissue Cream 2 ounce 23c 4 ounce 39c Jaciel a name that means loveliness to countless women . . . the name of an exquisite line of fine toilet preparations . . . every need for a complete skin treatment every day . . . and at liome ... is included. Skin Lotion 29c Talcum 19c Talcum, glass container. . . 49c Face Powder, medium or heavy 39c and 69c Single Compact 49c Double Compact 93c Rouge 49c Compact and Rouge Refills . 23c Perfume 49c and 9Sc Toilet Water 98c Cleansing Tissues - 23c Solid Perfume 49c Fancy Stationery A Suggestion for Mother An attractive gift . . . and such a useful one I Fine paper and envelopes packed in a fancy box . . . in some of the boxes, the envelopes are lined. Your choice, 23c and 49c Our Silk Stockings Reach Two Thirds of the Way to the Pole Just figure it out for yourself 1 Last year we sold over 7,000,000 pain of Women's Full Fashioned Silk Hose which would measure more than 32,000,000 feet The distance that Commander Byrd traveled before hi reached the Pole was roughly over 47,000,000 feet so our Silk Hose i about two-thirds of the way there. We didn't count Men's Hose either, or Children's, or perhaps we would hare been over half the way back by now . All Full Fashioned 444 98c 98c $1.49 $1.49 $1.49 1 1