The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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    Enter Your Home in the City Beautiful Contest Staged by the harden ClubYouH Be a Winner if You Lose
April days are garden
days; tbe Salem Garden
club asks you to enroll in
its City Hcaatiful rr.paign.
The project is a worthy one.
Fair but mild today. Gentle
variable winds. Max. temper
ature Tuesday 62; ntln. 38;
rain, traces. Rivre 7.9. Wind
"NolFavor Sways Us: No Fear Shell Awe" ST trrVt?itt
Salem, Orsijtra, Wednesday Morning:, April 24, 1929
Private Detective Employed
to Investigate Aimee's
Status at Carmel
White Haired California Jur
ist Occupies Witness
Stand for Hours
(AP) Judge Carlos S. Hardy, on
trial before tbe state senate for
alleged misdemeanors in office
admitted on the witness stand to
day that he hired detectives to in
vestigate the Carmel angle of Ai
mee Semple McPherson kidnaping
story and that he received reports
from them.
Judge Hardy testified he con
ferred with Mrs. Kennedy, Veitch
and Leonard Hammer, another
McPherson defease attorney, rel
ative to the-employment of J. W.
Buchanon, Burns detective, to
visit Carmel and making an inves
tigation of the "Carmel episode."
"My intent was to find out
what the truth of the matter was
at Carmel," Judge Hardy said.
Report Admitted
Ffom Private Detective
He admitted having received
reports from Buchanon at Carmel
and explained that Buchanon,
whom he had known for a long
,rj, lilS'.oled when he was em
ployed that he be permitted to re1
port to him. These reports were
all turned over to Veitch.
Judge Hardy denied that he
ever hired or counselled attorneys
employed by Mrs. McPherson. He
told the senate that It was not un
til after Attorney Veitch, Roland
Rich Woolley and Leonard Ham
ner had been hired that be learn
ed tbey represented the evangel
ist. He Is charged in the articles of
Impeachment with obstructing jus
tice through the hiring and di
recting of detectives and attorneys
In the investigation of Mrs. Mc
pherson's story.
Acceptance of "Love Gift"
From Aimee Is Recounted
During the four hours tbe
white haired jurist was on the
stand he admitted that:
He accepted a $2500 check
(Turn to l'aije 10, Column 4.)
Salem School Board Hears
Recommendations; Visit
This Week Slated
Fred Wolf, principal of the
high school at Baker, will he in
Eaiein Friday to confer with Su
perintendent George W. Hug and
incidentally with members of the
school board as a candidate for
the principalship of the high
school, it became known at the
regular meeting of the school
board last night.
Wolf was mentioned for the po
sition immediately following the
resignation last Saturday of Prin
cipal J. C. Nelson and despite the
fact that the superintendent is re
reiving applications by every mail,
Wolf's record stands high in his
favor. It is possible the board will
make its selection at the next
meeting, the first Tuesday in May.
One recommendation read to the
board last night stated that he had
"all elements necessary to make a
good-high school principal." An
other time be was declared to
have ironed Tmt a bad situation at
the Baker school in the one year
he has been there and to have
achieved a loyalty and cooperation
from both students and teachers
that is remarkable.
Wolf, who has a brother coach
ing at the Woodburn high school,
was rated second best available
.principal in the whole northwest,
by a prominent educator. Before
coming to Baker, Wolf was at
Payette. Idaho, and Kalama,
Wash. He is described as a big
man, a former athletic coach and
army officer. He is 33 years old.
Ground Broken for State
Office Building; Work of
Excavation Begin Soon
The first work, in preparation
for construction of the new state
office building adjoining the su
preme court building on the
north, was under way Tuesday
when sod was being removed by
a crew from the state hospital, in
anticipation of the excavation
work which will be started short
ly after April 29 when the eon
tract for this phase of construc
tion will be let.
The lawn surrounding the su
preme court building lias been
one of the most beautiful In the
city, and the sod which is being
removed there will be used in
making needed repairs on other
Sues Wife
h- ' Is 4 I
t . . s' v J
v ? j J t-'A
h 4ar i ,";'t
X , i - fit'
LA --- fej
Former rhairman of the republi
can committee and czar of the
movies. Will Hays, top, lias filed
suit in Sullivan, Ind., court for
absolute divorce from his wife,
Mrs. Helen Thomas Hays, and cus
tody of their 14-j car-old son. The
suit states ground of incompati
bility, yet Hollywood wonders as
only Hollywood ran, just what Is
back of it all.
James Franklin Savage Dies
Here at Home of Daugh
ter, Mrs. Pound
James Franklin Savage, pioneer
resident of Marion county, died
suddenly Tuesday afternoon at
the home of his daughter, Mrs.
B. F. Pound with whom he had
been making his home the past
three or four years, at the age of
80 years, three months and 25
days. He had been working in
the garden but a short while be
fore he died.
Mr. Savage came to the Waldo
Hills section with bis parents in
1850. His father, the late Dr.
John Savage, being one of the
earliest pioneers of that country.
The family crossed the plains
from Missouri.
Mr. Savage spent most of his
life on the farm, retiring ten
years ago to move to Salem. Mrs.
Savage died here seven years ago.
Six of Mr. Savage's seven chil
dren survive him: Mrs. Alva M.
Martin of Salem, John I. Savage
and Mrs. Lucille Smith, both of
Portland: Mrs. Ruth (B. F.)
Pound of Salem; Ernest Savage of
Keizer; Miss Grace Savage of
Clatskanie. Two brothers and one
sister also survive: Dr. Benjamin
Savage of Kansas City, Kansas,
and Albert D. Savage, who resides
on the donation land iclaim in the
Waldo Hills; and Mrs. Mary Bee
he of Woodland. California. Mrs.
Beebe arrived here last Saturday
for a visit and is still here. A
large number of more distant rel
atives also survive, probably num
bering nearly 200 persons.
Funeral arrangements have not
been made, pending arrival of the
children. The body is at the Rig
don and Son mortuary.
Wages Reduced In
Mines In Montana
BUTTE. Mont., April 23.
(AP) Wages of employes on the
dally payroll of mines in the Butte
district will be reduced 25 cents
per shift on May 1. operators an
nounced today. The reduction
wipes out an Increase which be
came effective April 1 when cop
per was quoted at 24 cents. It is
selling at 18 cents. With the new
scale in effect, underground
workers wHI receive 85.75 a day.
staW .rounds. It is expected that
some of it will be placed around
the building which houses the au
tomobile license department and
the state printing office.
Part of the earth removed In
excavating for the new building
will be used In filling up low
places in tbe Willson park lawn,
and part will also be turned over
to the city for the Liberty street
The sod knife which Is being
used on the lawn is mounted on
wheels and drawn by eight men,
so that a strip of sod a toot
wide and the full length of the
proposed excavation. Is removed
at one operation.
Company Issues Report Upon
Situation Long After
Deaths Occur
Mystery Disease, Sunstroke
and Other Causes Cited
as Rumors Fly
NEW YORK, April 23. (AP)
The death of four passengers
aboard the Canadian Pacific line
steamer Duchess of Atholl while
the ship was on a cruise in African
water was announced today by of
ficials of the company after re
ports had ben published that ten
had died.
As made public by the Montreal
offices of the line, the dead were
Dr. Edward Hardenbrook, of Ro
chester.N. Y., Henry J. Norweb,
of Roslyn, N. Y., Mrs. A. H. Ern
ecke, of Hollywood, Calif., and
Luther Facey, of Kingston, Ja
maica. Reports that ten had died ab
oard the ship were contained in
letters received by relatives in old
Lyme, Conn., from Miss Louise
Terry, a passenger on the ship.
First Letter Says Six
Passengers Are Taken
The first of the letters, dated
April 2. from Cairo. Egypt, and
received by the family of N. M.
Terry at Old Lyme, said the dead
were six passengers and four
stewards, but gave no names. A
later letter like wise gave no names
and did not mention the number
of dead.
Miss Terry's first letter said the
ship's doctor, "thinks It Is a form
of malaria. Which of course is not
contagious. But the health officer
came aboard at 5 this morning
and is much puzzled and went
ashore for another doctor who was
equally puzzled and they sent for
a third. The doctors are now in
Rite of Tick Given
As Next Reason
In her second letter Miss Terry
said a doctor at another port be
lieved the deaths were due to the
bite of a tick and that those af
fected had been bitten while on
excursions ashore.
Officials of the line said that
(Turn to Page 10, Column 5.)
Regional Secretary Delivers
Speech Before Local
Group Tuesday
Endowment'funds were termed
as Invaluable to a Y. M. C. A.
because of the stability they bring
about, Fred M. Hansen, Pacific
coast regional secretary of the na
tional Y. M. C. A., told officers
and friends of the local associa
tion Tuesday noon. The local
group is building up a fund.
"An endowment fund gives an
association stability, takes up the
slack in funds in times of depres
sion. Increases the Incentive to the
paid staff to carry on a good pro
gram because of the- permanency
of the association and gives the
board of directors and townspeo
ple confidence in the organiza
tion," Mr. Hansen told the group.
He pointed out that persons will
give to a permanent fund such as
an endowment, whereas they are
hesitant to make yearly contribu
tions to a fund that is exhausted
each season.
Sources of such endowment
funds as numerous associations
have built up are persons who like
to know that their money will con
tinue to do good work after they
die, friends who make provisions
In wills for surpluses to be given
to the association, persons mak
ing direct contribution to tbe fund
and others taking out life Insur
ance policies to the "Y". The
local group has been named bene
ficiary In several policies by men
active Jn "Y" work at the present.
Mr. Hansen told the staff at a
meeting in the morning of tbe ten
dency toward work with groups
and to carry the same group
through from the beginners class
to the business men's activity
when possible. Getting members
to volun ir to do work instead
of the paid staff doing all was
pointed out as another of the lat
est trends in most organizations.
Upkeep Of Still
Proves Costly
To Moonshiner
Possession of a still costs O. D.
Short) $280 cash and the costs of
the action brought by the state
against him and It almost de
prived him of six months of lib
erty. Judge Percy R. Kelly, how
ever, suspended the six months
jail sentence awarded Shorb when
he took into consideration the fact
that Shorb was a sick man, ac
cording to physician's testimony.
The ease was heard Tuesday in
circuit court here.
Postd Cards Witt
Be Mailed Oat to
Back Blossom Day
Blossom Day postal cards
inviting friends of Salem
resident to come here Sun
day for the annual tour
through the orchard district,
are available from King Bing
Gieae or from C. E. Wilson,
secretary of the chamber of
All Cherrians have been
given cards as weU aa the
members of the service clubs
In tbe community. Citizens
are requested to send oat a
large number of the cards so
that many people will be
here for the affair.
Formal Petitions Presented
to Salem School Board
at Its Meeting
At least 80 more Polk county
students will be attending Salem
high school next year If petitions
represented at the school board
meeting last night bear fruit.
Some IS residents of the Brush
college. Popcorn, Mountain View,
Lincoln, Spring Valley and Zena
districts were present at tbe
meeting to present the petitions,
bearing a total of 13S signatures
Some 50 Polk county students al
ready attend here.
Frank Crawford acted as offi
cial spokesman for the group.
pointing to the problem faced by
the small districts to get adequate
secondary education for youth and
asserting that the districts would
prefer to send their students to
Salem rather than to Bethel or
Amity, as at present. The Polk
county school superintendent as
well as the district school boards
are favorable to the proposition.
Mr. Crawford said. He proposed
that in addition to paying the 8104
tuition fee per head. Polk county
pay a transportation fee of 850
per pupil, asking that the Salem
board operate a bus, or two busses
as would be needed In such an In
stance, Into that territory.
Sentiment of the local board is
in favor of accepting the pupils,
however the general expression
was against the board "going Into
the bus business." The board ex
pressed a belief that a contract
with some bus owner would be a
satisfactory arrangement, but fi
nally referred the matter to Su
perintendent George W. Hug to
work out a satisfactory arrange
ment. Patton Has
Fast Stunt
"Now you see it presto! Now
you don't!"
E. Cook Patton, well known lo
cal magician, had that one pulled
on him Monday night, only it was
n't so funny as when Patton does
it for the enjoyment of an audi
ence. Patton hung his spring hat and
his spring overcoat alongside his
raincoat in the hallway at the
Patton residence, 883 Court street,
and when he was ready to sally
forth again Tuesday morning, all
three articles were gone. Now
he's looking for some hobo all
dolled up in a light colored hat
together with a light tweed over
coat and a light raincoat, or both.
BORDEAUX, France, April 23.
(AP) The dirigible Graf Zep
pelin, which left Its home hangar
at Friedrichshafen this afternoon
on its second Mediterranean
cruise, passed over this city at
8:55 tonight. It was flying at an
altitude of 1,500 feet, headed
southwest on a course that would
bring it to northwestern Spain.
The dirigible, commanded by
Dr. Hugo Eckner, carried 20 pas
sengers and 1200 pounds of mail
in addition to fuel for 90 hours
flying when it left Friedrichshaf
en at 1:35 o'clock, local time.
The dirigible made good time
In Its flight across France. It was
reported over Chalon-Sur-Saone at
6 p. m., and Montelucom at 8:30
p. m.
Miss Salem To
Appear At Local
House Wednesday
"Miss Salem." winner among
the numerous entrants for city
wide beauty honors at Che recent
Statesman-Elsinore contest here,
will appear at the Elslnore Wed
nesday night for her final stage
presentation locally before she
goes to Portland to be in the state
contest started Monday at the
Portland theatre. If winner in
Portland, "Miss Salem" who in
ordinary life is Miss Velete Arne
sen, wiU represent the state at
the Galveston beauty contest next
1 B
Ten Weeks of Steady Work
Is Without Accomplish
ment of Any Kind
Divergence Between Germany
and Allies Too Wide to
be Bridged, Verdict
PARIS. April 23. (AP) Aft
er a little) more than ten weeks of
existence endeavoring to settle the
problem of German reparations,
the second Dawes committee be
gan to draw np its will today.
Representatives of some countries
on the committee were still trying
to make that work appear prema
ture by efforts to prolong its life.
Consultations thus far held have
brought forward no remedy, how
ever, and the new offer which had
been announced in some quarters
aa likely to be made by Dr.
Schacht after his talks yesterday
with Owen D. Young, and Emil
Moreau, did not materialize.
Private Conversations
Are SUU Carried On
Private conversations are con
tinuing between the German and
the allied experts with a view to
bringing demands and offers near
er together. In German circles,
However, no hope is held that the
divergence can be so narrowed as
to permit a present arrangement
for final liquidation of the repara
tions problem. But for the report
to the various governments and
for possible subsequent negotia
tions it is desirable that the dif
ference be narrowed as much aa
It Is now fairly well established
that Dr. Schacht, head of tbe
German delegation, brought back
no new offer with him from Ber
lin and had not made one of his
own responsibility.
Exchange Of Views
Makes Compromise Possible
Exchange of views which have
taken place since his return, have
tended simply to clear the field
for a new proposal in case It ap
peared useful to make one.
The proceedings today were of
the simplest. When Mr. Young as
chairman called the full commit
tee to order, the report of the sub
committee that tried to conciliate
the adverse views of the experts
was laid on the table. The report
merely announced that the sub
committee had failed to bring
about an agreement on repara
tions figures.
The report was filed and with
out further discussion. It was
proposed to appoint a special com
mittee to study the principal
points to be treated In the full
committee's report. That pro
posal was adopted and the chief
experts of each delegation were
named as members of the special
committee. They entered upon
their duties Immediately.
NEW YORK, April 23. (AP)
-John F. Curry, an old-fashioned
district leader, was today elected
big chief of Tammany hall to suc
ceed George W. Olvany, who re
signed. Curry won with 12 1-8 votes
over Edward J. Ahearn, leader of
the fourth district, who had
10 2-6. Martin G. McCue, leader
of the East Side district, regarded
until today as Curry's strongest
opponent, withdrew bis name be
fore the voting began and threw
his support to Ahearn. The elec
tion was later made unanimous.
For nearly 25 years Curry has
been leader of the fifth district.
on the upper west side. At pres
ent he is commissioner of records
in the surrogate's court. He has
been deputy county clerk, pay
master in the comptroller's office
and an assemblyman.
Curry is president of the John
F. Curry Insurance agency, also
is a real estate operator, and is
regarded as wealthy. He has one
daughter and four sons, all
'Dead' Man Says
He Objects When
Embalming Done
SANTA CLARA. Cuba, April
23. (AP) Certified as dead
from heart failure and on tbe
point of being embalmed, Jose
Martinez Mejia rose from a ten
hour "death" last night.
Mejia became unconscious late
Sunday night and efforts to re
vive him failed. He was removed
to an undertaking establishment
and while attendants were prepar
ing the body for embalming, the
dead" man's hand waa seen to
stir, and Mejia rose to his feet
as if he had just awakened.
GENEVA, HI., April 23. (AP)
Indicament of three county of
ficers and a dry . investigator for
the killing of Mrs. Lillian De King
during a prohibition raid was de
manded of a grand jury today.
Pope's New
sir "y .
Z - c- ft .
S ' " '"
tj-f nil v ? 'r,
Views of luxurious new Isotta-Fraschinl motor car presented Pope
Pins XI In Rome by anto plant workers. Top, car's interior show
ing npholstcry of red silk. Below, the car. Inset, papal creet of
arms on radiator front.
Polo Contest,
And Monster Barbecue on
Tap for Legion Meet Here
Something Going on Every Minute of Conven
tion, is Plan Worked Out by Committee
Of Local Post; Auxiliary Active
Clothier is
Quick With
Empty 'Gatf
Marie E. Anderson, waitress at
the Quick Lunch, 178 South Li
berty street, experienced the
slightly unpleasant sensation of
looking down the muzzle of a big
.45 automatic pistol Tuesday
night, and she admitted afterward
that It wasn't any fun even
though the gun turned out to be
The big "gat" was pointed at
her by James Brunner, who later
said he was a tailor at a local
clothing store and gave his ad
dress aa the Central hotel.
Just what Brunner meant by
hla actions didn't become known,
ror a second or two after he pro
duced the gun. S. J. Holbrook.
proprietor of the restaurant and
Miss Anderson's brother-in-law,
came charging out of the kitchen
and landed on the tailor in such
fashion that the latter looked
rather the worse for wear when
he appeared at the police station.
He waa arrested by Officer Da
vidson. Brunner was charged with as
sault with a dangerous weapon,
intoxication and possession of li
quor. A pint bottle of alleged
moonshine was found on bis per
son. Ball was not set.
Twice recently the police had
been called to investigate Brun
ner's actions when he was seen,
apparently watching the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook at 1232
Center street, where Miss An
derson lives with her brother-in-law
and sister.
At the police station Monday
night, asked as to the reason for
his display of artillery, Brunner
replied, "I guess I Just went
Cities, Counties
Buy Own Books
To Enforce Law
Virtually every city and county
in the state has equipped itself
with the 1929 registration lists
for use In law enforcement work,
according to announcement made
by the secretary of state. The
books are being purchased from
a private company instead of be
ing famished by the state as in
the past.
The state has purchased approx
imately $750 Worth of these lists.
Publishing the books previously
cost the state more than 820,000.
A special price for the books has
been quoted to state, county and
municipal officials.
Mexican Boundary
Closed Suddenly
NOGALES, Ariz., April 23.
(AP) The International line
here was closed suddenly without
explanation, by Mexican officials
shortly after midnight. No per.
sons were allowed to pass in ei
ther direction. The order was
made to Include United States bor
der officials who sought to enter
Sonora to discover the reason for
the move.
Private Auto
Air Circus
Something doing every minute
for three days and the greater
part of three nights, is promised
when the American Legion de
partment convention is held in Sa
lem in August, it was disclosed
when an Incomplete outline of the
convention program was revealed
to the members of Capital Post
No. 9 Tuesday night by Fod Mai-
eon, executive secretary of the
convention commission.
The big event on the first day,
Thursday, August 8, will be a po
lo game; the first ever played in
Salem and the first ever included
In an Oregon convention of the
legion. The crack Seventh In
fantry team from Vancouver Bar
racks will be one of the contes
tants. That same afternoon Salem's
new municipal airport will be
dedicated, it is planned, with a
flock of planes on hand to make
the event Impressive. That will
be followed by a monster barbe
cue served free to all legion
naires; and in the evening, danc
ing, a bnd concert, street stunts
(Turn to Pa.g 10. Column 1.)
SILVERTON, April 23 (Spe
cial) Practically all communi
ties in Marion county were repre
sented at the last meeting of the
Marion County Federation of
Community Clubs here Tuesday
night. A luncheon preceded the
regular meeting at which many
speeches were made.
Welcome was tendered the visi
tors by Mayor L. C. Eastman and
Charles J. Johnson, president of
the chamber of commerce of Sil
verton. Henry Morris, secretary
of the federation summed up the
work of the organization and an
nounced the talent contest in Sa
lem In May.
The speeches as a whole stress
ed the necessity of cooperation
among the communities. Speak
ers were E. D. Harland, state
chamber of commerce; L. M. Let
ver. East Side Portland chamber
of commerce; B. E. Sisaon, Salem
chamber; Lute Wells of Portland,
Mrs. Coble de Lespinasse of Hub
bard, and Dr. P. O. Riley, editor
of the Hubbard Enterprise.
Matter of City's Protest
To Power Development to
Wait Until Council Meets
Nothing will be done by the city
council until Its next meeting con
cerning its protest, already filed,
against the proposed developments
at Marion lake of the Northwest
Power Co. At that meeting any
movement to place the city in a
situation where its prior rights to
water and power at Marion lake
would be jeopardized would not
receive the favor of Mayor Lives
ley he stated Tuesday evening.
"Since the city has filed on
these rights it has committed It
self to their conservation," the
mayor said. "If they are to be
abandoned, this new policy should
Gill Made Head of Physical
Education Department
by School Board
Fourteen Resignations Ar
Turned In By Teachers
On Local Staff
Hollis Huntington was ele!
athletic coach of the senior hil
school and Eugene L. "Luke" Gill,
assistant the past two years, wa.
promoted to head of the physical
education department at a 33o
increase; City Superintendent
George W. Hug was given a 808
Increase in salary; four teachers,
including one principal, were
transferred to new positions; a
few routine and minor raises were
made; 187 teachers and principals
were rehired; and 14 resignation!
were taken cognizance of though
no new teachers hired.
Such is a summary of the ac
tion of the Salem school board at
its meeting Tuesday night, when
the annual question of re-electing
faculty members came up for at
tention. Previously Principal J. C
Nelson had submitted his resigna
tion as head of the high school,
and Louie Anderson, coach, had
likewise asked the board to stk
another man for his place.
Announcement early on the re
election program that Hollis Iluit
Ington, popular candidate for the
coaching Job, wanted 814 00 sal
ary put a damper on the board'
supposedly cut-and-dried selection
of him. Later, however, the mat
ter was reopened with the final
result that Huntington was elect
ed coach. Under rules of the state
athletic association sdme adjust
ment must be made whereby be
fits Into the role of faculty mem
ber, as well as coach, and it la
probable he will be asked to baa.
die either study periods or de
some, of the physical education
work. Huntington resigned aa
coach of the high school two years
ago due to a press of business.
In addition to having charge of
the high school physical educa
tion. Gill will supervise physical
work- fn the tnninr blrh schools.
His promotion and salary were
made contingent upon attendance
at summer school this year.
(Turn to Pag- 10, Column t.)
American Observers at Ge
neva Forecast Likelihood
of New Agreement
GENEVA, April 23. AP)
Any five power naval treaty like
ly to take form as a result of
American overtures toward disar
mament by Hugh S. Gibson yes
terday, should be conterminous
with the Washington naval trea
ty. In the opinion of American ob
servers here.
Whether a naval subcommittee
will be appointed by the prelimin
ary disarmament conference to
study American proposals for re
duction of strength in cruisers,
destroyers and submarines, has
not yet been decided. Some dele
gates think the creation of such a
subsidiary body essential, while
others favor further discussions
in the plenary session of the con
ference when representatives ef
Great Britain, France, Japan and
Italy are ready to submit their
views on technical points on the
American proposal.
Washington Conference
Is Given Attention
Experts here seem to be giving
increased attention to the possi
bility of utilizing the Washing
ton naval conference, scheduled
for early In 1931, for the solution
of the problem' of reduction in
non-capital warships.
But staunch friends of the Lea
gue of Nations contest any idea
of having the five-power naval
parley for secondary ships di
vorced from the league.
France In particular has always
(Turn to Pars 10. Column 1.)
be decided npon and followed bof
until such a decision is made, I
maintain we should pursue the
policy already undertaken and pro
tect our own Interests in the lake."
Mayor Livesley is of the opin
ion that the development of Mar
ion lake and the construction ef
power plants there, would Impair
the city's rights both to future
power development and to water
supply. The protest filed with the
federal powera commission should
stand in his 'opinion, unless the
Northwest Power Co. presents a
stronger case than was heard Mon
day night at special meeting at
the chamber of commerce rooms.