The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 23, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    The New OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Tuesday Morning. April 23. 1929
Back Home Again .
Mr. Bancroft said It might be
possible to raid a saloon and fiad
a violator only possessing liquor,
but declared that charges were
against it. In such a case the usual
procedure of filing an information
and trying the case before a fed
eral judge would be followed, he
There are about 225,000 cut
throat trout and 365,000 youn
Steelheads at the Neeanicum
hatchery. now. The steelheads will
be released in the Necaiiicum.
while. the trout will be distribute
among the smaller streams of thd
Allen Succeeds to Pest
1th Weew f Reparations
. Conference Begins; En
lsiasra Absent
Svvlsn fliver Waters Lap
Top oT Levees Threat
ening New Flood j
Eastern Wisconsin's Federal
Official to Specialize
in New U. S. Law
Now Playing:
n iiPAbt
PARIS. April 21. TAP) The
eleventh week of -work "by the sec
ond TJawes committee towards eetr
tlemeni of the thorny German
reparations problem began today
In an stmospeere of despondency.
Dr. Schacht and his colleague
arrives in Paris this afternoon
after a Hying visit to Berlin bul
were understood io have brought
1ack with them nezhiag thatcoul
dissipate the clouds which have
been hinging over the work of
the experts -since the 'German
made known their offer. i
The only question that seemed
to remain ior settlement,
how he experts should
the end of their labors. j
Sew 1'ropoaalfl By 4
Germans Are- Talked j
It was still regarded as possible
in some quarters, that the Get
tnaus might mate new proposals!
but there has been no continua
tion of any such intention an
there is great skepticism as t
whether they would -otter any
thing that win justify eontinue-
tion of the conference. ,
On his return from BerHn to
dar, Dr. Bchacht conferred wKh
Owen D. Young, chairman f the
second Dawes committee and with
Emil Moreau. principal French
Nothing transpired from these
interviews and there is no reason
t sHonoee that they changed the
situation sufficiently to make pes-l
sible continuance of the commit
tee's work. 1
C-onchHfon of Meet I
Maki Coauidarntioa
The majority of the experts are
now thinking chiefly about hew
tbey are going to conclade their
work. Under the terms of refer
ence of the committee they were
expected to discover a new way
for finally liquidating the repara
tions problem. Considered from
this point of view, they nave
failed. But much of the work they
have done may eventually aerve
for an ultimate solution and this
fact may have a certain influence
on the reports to their govern
ments. Premier Poicare f France,
speaking to the ffeneral council ot
the Mouse department today, made
clear that France was anahle so
go further than he bad already
done in the way of conciliation.
Caaqurign Tatt.
Are Referred To
The premier recalled that, no
aot only made clear the policy of
the French government ia speech
s last tall. nt had also emm
snanicated it through diplomatic
chaanels to tho German govera
sneat. Procedure at the plenary ses
sion tomorrow prebafcly will fce
chiefly formal. The Germans
may possibly demand continuation;
f the conference, and if they de
Mr. Young will probably ask if
they have any new proposals a
make. If nothing is forthcoming.,
the committee will then appoint; a,
sub-committee to draw ap a rJ
.port to the government re pre-
seated. -
Jazz Age is
Depicted on
Screen Her
i . v
Former -Governor Henry J. Allen, right, of JEanaajfc ,dira at
Toptika leceirteg Ms roraaiisMou -of appointment ta Hie t? senate;
Trent Coventor Oyde M. Seed. AOest turn fceea ajsaaintea to c
coed Viee fsuoideat Charles Cartas. -. :
StimsorTs Pet Parrot Now on Its Way Home
ay -
SNOW LAKE. Ark., April 22.1
-(AP) The Laconia circle le
vee, encompassing about 13.000
acres of rich farm land, broke
unexpectedly today, adding about
1500 refugees to the 3500 others
previously forced from their
homes in lower Phillips county by
high 'water. The entire area inside
tho 18 mile levee was Inundated.
Backwaters of the White river.
which had been banked against
the circular dykes for weeks.
forced, a fifty foot gap in then
weakened earthwork this -moraine
and a few hours later the
break had widened to more thann
200 feet.
Residents, warned by telephone i
and farm bells, quickly began to
scramble for places of safety. Por
several days the Missouri Pacific
railroad had kept a train near
Snow Lake for such an emergen
cy. Steam was kept up in the lo
comotive day and night. 'Attached
to tho engine was a string of flat
cars and box cars on which the re
fugees left with their household
effects. No lives were lost and all
livestock was saved.
The Laconia circle section la a
low lying area that at pne time
was believed to have been a lake.
It has been farmed for more than
80 years.
-Jars Age. the talking d
that Is to appear at the Elsrtnore!
v today, endeavors to present tne
youth of today in the most faith-i
fol fashion.
Their speech, their merriment
wisecracks, cbeers and tears have
een eansht toy the sound rani era
and form one of the most polg-j
Mot and searching dramas that:
the screen has known j
Taking a purely representative,
body of young people Directorj
Lvnn Shore has taken thorn, as,
jiaturally as possible through
scenes that might lave leen cull
ed from the night trTe of any com
munity. The result is a movie that
3s fltartUcc in its steer realism
and tense drama.
"Jazz Age" brings the life of
modern youth beneath the micro-
acope, presents ft tor lair AriaL
and. through the .spoken dialogue,
allows ft to be Its own advocate
' MarceJlne Day. Douglas Fa4rH
.banks Jr.. Henry B. Walthall and
Gertrude Messlnger are starved
The HCX Photojthone method off
und syncnronizjCLion was used.
PORTLAKD. : Arll , A! )
August Wemme, 'brother of fsei
late C Henry Vemsa smd on of
the vrJncbwJ heirs nader: ,t
Weans win. was ml tfberty ,t-
Biarht wader a f 2S bond tst-
Vtet: Dfiag of wrtt of laabesa
eorpns, after tm bad "beea arrestod
Saturday and lodge la iks
i sty jafl n. nndy ejEweaQsai
an amred Sranm tnK
Tao body eacrcarttoa was s'
Yarned hf eenael lor Howand
Sutherland. aJfea sroporty sst
tflsm. -mim aeeastly eras sxasted
Indffment tot ii754S fegr ir-
entt cesut Jury mguan Wemme,
Dow V. V&er. anfl XL. W. Wick,
sr. Sutherland had cnargesl
defendants were gMflty of
ar doaJiaes Isi Che jttoek f
. Henry Wemane csmpany. tsv
lonctax do a xmp t Onmaa
heirs, to Cherx earn profit, plattoe
f appeal from At Jadcvenl bad
boon iserved hr tXaraoja lor ssxSh
f. tbo -flafendaato. 2xat Xother
bxnda attorney started yroeeed
tos at ones ito eolloct the indjr-i
meat or to have bond seated lo
jroioct Jt doriac (as appeal. Fail
irxo is find any property axalnsl
which to levy execution lad Ao ,o-
day's action, ft was said, fiotbor J
- land's attorney also said he would
WASHINGTON. D. C April 22,
(AP) (jhit of the east today
came the news that "The Old
Soak" is coming home.
A cablegram to Secretary Stim
son from Manila said first class
passage has been booked on the
linen President Wilson for his pet
Chinese-speaking parrot "The Old
Soak." He will sail from Manila
April 24 and will circle half the
globe "before arriving in New York
June 11.
Secretary Stimson cabled for
"The Old Soak" to be sent on the
first available vessel, after learn
ing that his favorite pet while
governor general ot the Philip
pines was pininc la Us absence.
The immediate trip was defsrred.
however, until a ship going fo
Singapore touched at JfianUa. The
President Wilson will visit Singa-i
pore and arrangements nave been
made for "The Old Soak" to Tialt
his former haunts of the land of!
his natirity. (
Captain F. . Anderson of the,
President Wilson, wno will shard
Us labia wit "The Old Soak
have proceeded similarly against!
Walker, a' former county commis
sioner, out he could not be found.
Wicaey. the third defendant. Is iai
Washington, T. C, out of the
local court's Jurisdiction. Wenratenj
wife provided the bond for J re-;
was said In today's cablegram to
ha. Installed -sevens! -pieces of
rattan furniture to alc the ship
-more homelike -antf.nTford his
gnest the rattan Ami' Oemanded
by parrots at the tropics.
The secretary nns.wiraennced he
will greet "The Oiaostk" at the
dock wnen be nrtrtae in New
York. If his Tecfffflnn at New
York Js o be estteaVifJlicIal. his
depertnre from Matnita vin cer
tainly "be honored iaoi ejoyal way.,
Nick Kamtnski. csvosaker ot the
Malacanang palace laSSantla. who
has 'Veen the TjfTicial snattodlan of
many famous pets, ini!Jufting Gov
ernor Forbes' mmiaAnje Jackass
and Governor Harrisatrjs orang
outang, -will grant fb jsilace em
ployes pass prirtieces am the day
of "The Old Soak's" departure.
At -present the anlacipal prob-
lem tethering Becretary tlmson
is where his -yet Is e ?nake hbr
home. Wrs. Stlmm abjected to
bringing "The Old fiofcfc" to Wash
ington in the first jftfom because
he is ac&sy. Kn. Bvoyer has of
fered quarters in the WWjlfce House
tf no wther home cat 1 found
for the parrot.
It lias heen nnggaatefl "that he
might make his ho-ma-n tfhe sec
retary's office or fie tasr eastern
division of the irtato -Aepartment J
where ae coma cuuveme witn ine
assistant chief of 4ha division.
Wirrys R. Peck, whawsa irorn in
"China of American jiarents ana
speaks the language.' -ft -has been
pointed out, however that this
might "prove embairoifShig when
Chinese-eseaking enilisrs. come,,
since the taings ""Oma -Did Soak"
Film Sneeze
Results in
It is arsiher early far' hay fever
but I saw a sua at h Capitol
Theatre at the piiStm that had
as had A ease of it aa 1 have ever
seen- may Jiavw been' the f uzx oft
the rain, hey say tha rain is get
ting jbd eld in Oregon that it is
getting musty- Butwrhstever the
canse the re&nlt was terrible.
Worst thing about it all was
that he sneezed explosively at- the
least effort amd be hard. aiat been
by tbefbree roads, through xtas-1 taught the proper nse :uf a hand
(AP) Plans to link the servioes
of tho Great No it kern. Western
Pacific and Santa Te railways,
through construction tn 20e miles
of read between Pattan at Keddie,
Calif., and Klamath Tails. -Ore..
were made at a recent meeting of
the representatives of the three
lines, it was announced today.
Amplication tor a -nexnrlt to con
struct the 210 miles of road Is fee-
fore the Interstate ceanssaree com
mission at the present time. Grant-
lng of ths appHcaliem hy thai body
would glare connection between the
Great Northern and Western Pa
cific lines in California.
Under the agreement reached
senger and freight rstes are to he
established between points on the
-Eante Fe and points on the Great
Northern, it was stated. Officials
ed. competition will be established
from the Hexican herder to Canada.
ward, -may we suggest, he arm ap-
-pear with a orana , sew
Bend BoUecfca.
kerchief not till the-sneeza , was
over at leasts eea taught In a
dlXferent school som Jna perhaps
one that teaches, the use of
pointed out that with this effect-J'the hanOkerchief alter the sneeze
raxner than nezore. sse tnat as
It may he sneezed and Xhe crowd
laughed and every thing was. mer
ry for aaid sneezer avss on the
stage in th em o v ie "Sonny Hoy."
What a picture that as! Davy
e Binidnjc "Somrv ov " is
worth the -price of the Aow alone
and Wirtlam. Edward. jBortoa ami
One million Hollars has been
offered Charlie Chaplm to act iai Lee
a single film ia the talkies. If
accepts, it is stated, he will appear
n a brand -new vote. Aaid attest-j Betty Sronson trying to work out
troubles of somehodr tOse- is just
plain interest n ysar xoowy. -
Mere Cnbh. '
.. . i
- HP :
Kidnaped by his 'father and taken
to Poland 16 months ago, Sig
mund Kristeli, Jr.r has heen re
turned to his home in Detroit
through the efforts of the secre
tary of -state's efftce. The parents
are divorced and 'the boy's father j
spent seven months in Jail as an
-aftermath of 'the -kidnaping.
Above, the 'child's reunion with
'his mother..
QTJTNCY, 111., April '22. (AP)
The murky waves nf the swol
len Mississippi rapped the top of
levees in this region tonight as
the river choked with spring
rains, threatened to rise to record
heights and flood additional thou
sands of acres.
Rich farm lands for InO miles
along the river's edge to a dis
tance of ten miles on either side
were in danger as observers pre
dicted the level reached In 1852,
21.S feet, would be passed.
It was expected the crest of .the
flood would be reached some time
during the night, -for the Tiver was
stationary at Keokuk., Ia., all day.
Illinois national guardsmen pa
trolled the levees protecting the
prosperous truck farms of the
south Quincy district. It was be
lieved they would be able to avoid
a break. Others watched the new
Lima lake district to the north.
The water which ran through
the streets tt 'Canton, AIo.. wras
found to have come over the em
bankment of the Burlington rail
road. A hundred and fifty families
deserted their homes for higher
The Mississippi river at 8t. Lou
is was reported headed for a stage
or si. 5 feet, or 18 inches over the
(flood level, some time about Fri
day. This, however. It was said,
merely would cover the levee and
slow up railroad switching and
' At Hannibal, Mo., tbe.stage was
21 feet, highest since 1905. The
main plant of the International
Shoe company, employing 1800
men, and other factories suspend
ed operations. The rise of the riv
er at that point was slowed by le-
saya m Chinese xabrhtaat he of aUee breaks near Mark, Mo., and
Canton, Mo., -where thousands -of-
acres of farm land were Inundated.
Read the Classified Ads.
Having fslfhfnrfy
R flower arrirea ia ftdlattBUUta aamr jrard to
hytmr eaJrtqsee. Tha wwarl Jkas dtswa jmxt mat Uf
order of rVesideat Tiorsinrr la aa atfort to save annaal 'laao.SOO ex
fiaaasKer BS
peaditnre necessary to the Mayflower's upkeep and operatioa.
The sparktinfr aialagaa . .
Tb Saappy tteloa-les ...
The scresrsslaa' actlea at
ywrth . . 2ti trash as to-1
day's lipstick . . . new
tdalte's -date!
Tonight! fiee -the .Sal
bowlers la action! lactates
direct from Taaconver, B. C
(Many af them)
..'We ".often wondar what would
liappen If a. body of jnen like the
highway commission and other
like commissions of the state
were appointed and left alone
that is, have their meetings and
conduct the business without hav
ing delegations of from dozens 'tv
hundreds of people attend each
meeting to'te.11 them what to do.
We wooder. Redmond Spokes
" MILWAUKEE, April 22 (AP)
Levi H. Bancroft, federal dis
trict attorney for eastern Wiscon
sin, announced today "all cases In
Vis district will be Jones law cases
and they all will go to the grand
Jury," despite the recent order of
Mrs. Mabel Willebrandt that the
Jones law be applied only when
oases savor of "extreme commer
cialism." ,
"Under the Jones law. Impris
onment of five years or a 110,000
fine may he fixed for sale, manu
facture, transportation, exporta
tion or importation of liquor,"
Bancroft continued. "These all ' e
come felonies under the Jones law.
Possession and the maintenance
of a nuisance still are misdemean
ors, punishable by one year In pri
son or a 11 000 f me. A nuisance is
ny room of building where liquor
is manufactured, sold, kept or bar
tered. "In attempting to convict a via.
lator of maintaining a nuisance,
you must first prove that he is
selling or manufacturing liquor,
at least that is true in 95 -per cent
of-the cases. In proving that fact
you are proving a felony under
the Jones law in order to convict
a man of misdemanor.
"I do not feel that I should
leave myself open to charges of
any kind by differentiating be
tween the two types Of cases," Mr.
Bancroft said. "Let the grand Jury,
do the deciding tn all cases."
f l pVjmnife "1ST
Ton and TALKS for pon A I - fiTCJL
i and charms you IntarV I ' ft . m il J 9
tboasandand oao aifCsr. I MlAlVil I ''Pi'
rffi , .
and Plymouth
Models at
Pitzgerald - Sherwin Motor
385 Chemeketa
1 t was probably
that started all this !
n i
ff j-.-.-;,;.- u ,sm .A--tKi :-r
X ft a.'' a asrrMJSk T-'- - i :,rrPaBBBam
Th dmringly high,
comorttsioned ChryIer"Red
head." gives even the mulo
motive engineers m thrill. But
it shocks the refiner of ear'
bom-forming motor oils, for
in it the thinnest layer of
hard carbon is harmful. For
tunately there is mn oil now
.that forms ae hard carbon
. Even the costliest oils form
r tnowe carbom. A sample of
' this oil, sthen burned,. left
. snare than three times as
touch as Shell Motor OH
. An equal sample of Shell
Motor Oil left ony this
mmall Jruciion of carbon
amd it is m soft, sooty kind
$hm,t wletcs easify away
She artist $nds lovely mgksal Uses.smi o hiat mf sleek
in shis nets Chrysler "75
HighKmpression motors exposed an old offender:
Hard carbon from buimed nil
32tk trp tlie aotomoiula section of
wpturaperv or torn ta 'the ear aS
trtXvetwsU 4a ytmr : nyagaxiara,
-Everywhere -car inannf actsrers' sbps
taUcif -aeater apeed, saara 1x3
Hant pormance, tlranbi-to Ugh
.eatiireauaa aetars. .
hotter balaBced there are doaeaa
advantages possessed by; theea
new motors. And if yoftll rexoem
J X3xryler was firatj. or ameqg
the first, tt tell us af the trend in
etnne desiga. .
lufow come jast three 'words of
watrilrie 'onwrie trf rolce-carbonf
Is'oairSteif the .tiew -type molar
llat a very definite fat'ra tnptor ,
oils..Qil rcfiaeraceaTd coatvezuentlj
orgel.hard carhoa as long as aao
ton wetabig saonjh to hold a hand
iftil fit. It svws harmful, of eoorae,
-Imt aot jaamediatfly disastrous.
HardtcadKm cayea knocking, en
ine strain, power loss. Elastes .gex
nnder Talves and Expose their, teats
and steais to burain&'VaTpiiiSTieat.
XUrittj Jitt grind threagh bearings,
chafe cylmdW walls and wear jour
motor mt before its time.
' And the new xootora, some of
Uem antb aa little -as 432 of an
inch clearance befMaen -t1ston and
cylinder head, simpiyran tolerate
nard caibon lieroX&avoinferit.
. Scientists iiare.anaaWer jeady.
thongh: Vsm'm pel thit forms no
Itawd Tstrhon f
And :hell Motor Oil actaally
forms only 43 talS s mach esr
4m as even tins rostliest oils .you
can bay. The little-It aloes form is
only soft soot "which - blows harm
lessty away "throarjk tho exhaust.
Helpfnl in any taotar, almost a
necessity in high-compression types,
'this sew oil has 'Other advantages,
too. It is a remarkable 'lobricani;
remaining- f laid in tho coldest
weather, rraistinglhe'hirhest sum
. aner beat. Its new high-vaeritim re
tfining process is a 'development -as
important to car -owners as is tho
dvsmtcement' in motor design.
, Mske it-an abadlate requirement
.When you refill the crankcase.
Shell 400, the. new : "dry as that jmma cleanly andeeps'oot of the crankcase, isthe idcnnaing
mate far-Shell 'MoroT 00. Even Shell 'Motor Oil can be-rainedy;Mhinningw with Svetw asolin