The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 19, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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    Skill am 1.Q In Hood TTnnnwt fn " Umio on T.mno rw fZrmirh nf 1 fhtrlo-Hnn PJmfanwinwiTQ rtQ 7.Q (illPJife This Wfpkiiirl
Each flay 'Imt 'SiSltcf and
Iter trouble.) keep readers of
The Statesman ' interested
and make thlj new comic a
greatly desired feature.
Unsettled today; Probable
rains; Fresh shifting winds
Max temperature Thursday
: Min. 32; River 9; Rain
"No Favor Swan Vm; No Fear Shdl Awe"
thm First Sate
aurca at, mi.
Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, April 19, 1929
AQQiirni went
v- ran mam
jmniBiiL. ii i. in
justice G. Rossman Extends
Greeting in Behalf of
State Governor
Former Leatherneck Makes
First Address of Con
vention Thursday
Greetings to more than 900
delegates to the Thirty-Ninth con
Tention of the Oregon Christian
EndeaTor union were tendered by
Justice George Rossman on behalf
of Got. I. L. Patterson and by
Mayor T. A. Livesley. tae Rev.
Norman K. Tully and C. A. Kells
at the official opening of the con
vention in the high school audi
torium Thursday night.
"On Victorious Christ Leading
Our Crusade" was the topic of the
first of seven addresses to be given
by the Rev. Luther E. Stein of
San FranctBeo. Rev. Stein cele
brated the fifth anniversary of his
ordination Thursday. He served
in the Marine corps during the
war and subsequently took up re
ligious work as a vocation.
Follow Christ Is
Speaker's Advice
'To follow Christ is the only
way for your life." Stein told the
young people after relating the
difficulty with which he solved
the .problem of his life's work.
""You'll never know the rewards
He offers until you yield yourself
to Him."
Stein told the convention that
the principal aim of their attend
ance at the convention should be
to secure a deeper Christian exper
ience, which they could take back
to their home communities in the
form of better service to their fel
low citizens.
The greatest problem for every
boy and girl is to decide what tal
ents are in their possession and to
nse these to the greatest advan
tage. Only then can the full mea
sure of a life success be obtained,
he declared.
List of Committees
T. Afiwlo Pnblic
rnmmitUM announced Thurs-
day night by James C. Henderson,
president of the union, follow:
To,r.inHrni. Mrs. Frank B. Rltcfc-
.. froowatpr. chairman. Miss
Ferrantine Swinney of Coquille.
and Robert Leep of Baker: future
-rir Walter Mvers of Eugene,
Mary Guiley. of Eugene, and Lu
cille Steckert of Dufur; auditing.
Donald O. Nelson and John
Church, both of Portland. The
.rnaHnr committee which will
report later in the convention is
loaded bV Mrs. LUCllie ueimamc
if Mnrahfield.
Dnnr Rprvices in the First
Presbyterian church were the first
Tnoptlne of the delegates Thurs
day afternoon. Mr. Henderson
presided. Miss Josephine Albert
f Salem, sane "That Sweet Story
of Old". Song services before the
Affiiai nnpnine were led by Prof.
Claude Neely of the Eugene Bible
school. ' .
Main events of the program tor
wiav r the address of the Rev.
Btein at 11:15 in the First Pres
byterian church, his topic will be
wrh!n. the Crusader's Depen
dence"; the pastors luncheon in
rational church at
111 C XV-"0 " o
12 10; the conferring of degrees
v th nT Walter L. Myers at
95 m the Presbyterian church;
the Crusaders' parade and slght-
uoinr tour beginning ai
ni tha niaht address of the Rev,
Stein on "Evangelism, the Cru
sader's Responsibility.
5000 Programs
To Be Printed
For Convention
At least S000 copies of a 0-page
nrogram is desired by the Amerl
can Lecion for its summer con
vention here in August according
to plans worked out by the local
commission of ten wnicn is word
ing out the details for the con
vention. Salem printers will be asked to
furnish estimates on printing the
program as well as for soliciting
the advertising for it.
Arguments Will be Heard
In Grange Injunction Suit J
Early Next
Arguments In the suit brought
by representatives of the grange
to restrain the members of the
1928 legislature from collecting
IS per day expense money ."will be
heard before Judge McMahan of
the Marion county circuit court
next week.
A resolution authorizing pay
ment of the expense money was
adopted by both houses of the
legislature during the closing days
of the session. Before the reso
lution had been delivered to the
secretary of state, the suit was
filed and a restraining order fol
lowed. Papers restraining pay
ment of the expense money were
filed on both the secretary of state
and , state treasurer.
Attorneys representing the leg
islators were in Salem Thursday
Song Leader
' f - " -
" f
Prof Claude Neely of the Eu
grno Bibie school, leader of the
song services of the Oregon Chris
tion Endeavor convention. Sir.
Xeely baa been leading- evangel
istic mos;c work in churches for
the last nine years.
Early "Blossom Day" Cara
van Slated; 150 Cars
to Make Trip
An early "blossom day" cara
van will be staged today in con
nection with the Christian Endea
vor state convention, when ap
proximately 150 local automobile
owners, marshaled by the cham
ber of commerce, will take the
delegates on a tour of Salem and
vicinity. Not enough motorists
have yet announced their inten
tion to assist, and all who wish to
do so will be welcomed.
Instructions have been issued
to the local citizens assisting in
this program, to park on Chemek
et street between Church and
Winter, facing east, before 4:16
o'clock. The Christian Endeavor
ers, after finishing their parade,
will load Into the cars there.
The delegates may be taken
wherever they wish to go, it is
explained by the chamber of com
merce, but if they want to see the
blossoms, the drivers are advised
to turn north to Center street
after loading their passengers,
cross the bridge to Polk county
and on Wallace road to Orchard
Heights, then drive west a mile
or so and return. The trees on
this route are in full bloom.
Letters of Instruction sent out
suggested also the regular Cher
rian route through Rosedale, but
it was found on a scouting trip
Thursday that the blossoms have
not yet appeared there. Another
route outlined is by way of 12th
street and Turner road, past the
state institutions south of Salem.
Twelve persons were killed and
312 were injured in a total of
20 CO traffic accidents in Oregon
during the month of March, ac
cording to a report prepared
here Thursday by T. A. Raffety,
chief inspector for the state mo
tor vehicle department.
Approximately 943 of the acci
dents were due to carelessness on
the part of drivers, while 18 S ac
cidents were caused by drivers at
tempting to pass on the wrong
side. In 827 accidents the driv
ers did not have the right of way.
There were a total of 1821 ar
rests during the month, with fines
aggregating: $4311.80 Delinquent
fees were collected in the amount
of 17682. A total of 8721 warn
ings were Issued during the
month. The officers traveled 85,
888 miles, and visited 3 8 87 towns
and cities.
Dr. A. R. Miller of McMiarUl
Thursday was appointed by Gover.
nor Patterson a member of the
state board of examiners lit .opto
metry, to succeed Dr. Henry -Mor
ris of Salem.
Week, Report
in connection with the suit. It
was said that the case would be
appealed to the supreme court re
gardless of any decision that Is
given in the lower court.
It was reported here Thursday
that a suit also would be filed in
the circuit court for Marlon
county next week attacklng the
.constitutionality of the 1929 leg
islative act creating a board of
higher education. Under this law,
the board of higher education has
complete control of the University
of Oregon, Oregon State college
and the. three normal schools.
Boards of regents of these insti
tutions are abolished under the
act. -
The complaint probably will at
tack sections of the law relating
to the finances of the institutions.
Influence by Judge Hardy Is
Denied by Assistant to
District Attorney
Asa Keyes Kept Witnesses
From Grand Jury, Says
Joseph W. Jtyan
(AP) Assembly managers late
today announced they would show
through former Deputy Attorney
of Los Angeles Joseph Ryan that
Judge Carlos S. Hardy, on trial
for Impeachment, did Interfere
with the Carmel investigation of
the Aimee Semple McPherson ease.
(AP) Joseph W. Ryan, former
deputy district attorney, today tes
tified before the state senate In
the Impeachment trial of Judge
Carlos S. Hardy that former Dis
trict Attorney Asa Keyes withheld
material evidence from the grand
jury which investigated the story
told by Aimee Semple McPherson
of her alleged kidnaping several
years ago.
"Did you have material witness
es who were not presented to the
grand Jury?" Assemblyman Wal
ter J. Little asked Ryan, who tes
tified that he had Investigated the
Carmel episode of the McPherson
"I did," Ryan replied.
"Why was tnat evidence not
presented?" Little demanded.
"I was not the district attorney
of Los Angeles county. I received
my orders from Asa Keyes. Had
I been district attorney those wit
nesses and their evidence would
have been presented," Ryan re
torted. Four Witnesses See
Aimee With Ormlston
After leaving the stand Ryan
declared that during his Carmel
investigation he found IS witness
es who positively identified Ken
neth Ormlston and four who iden
tified Mrs. McPherson as having
(Turn to Pa8 S. Column 8.)
Annual Event Postponed to
April 28 Due to Late
ness of Season
The route of travel for the an
nual Blossom Day festivity to be
held Sunday, April 28, was an
nounced Thursday by C. F. Geise,
King Blng of the Cherrians, spon
sors of the event. No change has
been made in the usual route,
however markers will be placed
the evening before so that none
may miss the sights. The regular
Blossom Day placards will begin
at Center and Capitol streets, lead.
ing across the bridge and from
thence along the entire route.
The line of travel Includes:
Across the Marion-Polk county
bridge and north on the Wallace
Road to the Orchard Heights road
and to the top of the hill. Cars
will return over the same route
and travel out the South Commer
cial road and through the Liberty
and Rosedale districts, turning left
atathe first road beyond Rosedale,
past the Friends church over to
the Pacific highway and back to
town on the highway.
King Blng Glese with other
Cherrians made a survey of the
routs this week and reports that
the prune trees, the central attrac
tion, will just be in full bloom en
the Sunday set, but that only a
few cherry blossoms will be left
in the Polk county district. Had
the event been held this coming
Sunday as at first planned, the
reverse would have been true:
cherries would have been at their
best but prune trees would be
without bloom.
. The shortage of cherry blossoms
across the river will be partially
(Turn to Pas . Column 1.)
Gangsters Kill
Man Who Aided
Illinois Police
JOLIET, Ills., April 18. (AP)
Joseph Perconti. 87. said to
have aided police in their invest!
gation of the Billy Ranter! kid
naping ease, was shot to death
here tonight. The assassins drove
past the Perconti home in an an
to mobile and fired a volley at Per
conti as he stood in his yard.
O. S. C. Closes Its
Debate Schedule
CORVALLIS, Ore., APrt 118.
(AP) Oregon State college clos
ed the longest debate schedule la
its history tonight with-a co-ed
no-decision contest with girls from
Mills College. Oakland. The Ore
gon team took the negative on the
question as to whether Mussolini's
regime was of benefit to Italy.
1 ID
Atdo of Ancient
Vintage Sad Too
Long in One Spot
PORTLAND, April 18.
(AP) Neighborly peace ta
residence district of East
Portland has been disturbed
by aa appeal to the police by
one Fred W. Brown for aid
In persuading a women liv
ing nearby to remove from
the parkins; strip in front of
her home a flivver which has
graced 'the open space for
the past IS years. According
to Brown, when the fllwer
was new, the novelty of Its
appearance as a lawn orna
ment, when it was not being
used bj its owner, gave the
neighborhood a certain dis
tinction, bnt after the IS
years in the open the flivver
Is nos as ornamental as It
once was. Patrolman Traver
reportfna; on the matter to
Chief of Police Jenkins,
"Thai gentleman has
stood for this practice for IS
years, bat at last he feels he
has the right to complain.
This neighbor. It seems,
leaves home about 11 pun.
and returns about 5 ajnM
and the machine is on the
parking strip all day long."
T. G. Kelley Urges Officials
to Fight Salem's Plan
of Keeping Rights
The Marion county court, an
xious to see road development on
the North Santiam and in the
Marion lake district which would
permit the opening of a new route
across the Cascades to Sisters and
on to Bend,, was brought face to
face with the plans and proposals
of the Northwest Power company
when T. G. Kelley, its representa
tive, appeared before the court
Thursday afternoon and urged its
support in obtaining water power
development permits from the fed.
eral government.
Kelley, who for a score of years
has been active in surveys of the
entire Sintiam watershed urged
the court to take issue with the
city of Salem and go on record as
in favVr of the development of the
Marion lake project which he as
serted would in no way interfere
with the future use Salem might
wish to put to the water supply.
He also asserted that fishing In
the lake would not be Impaired
while the construction of a rail
road and highway into the Mar
ion lake district, as needed when
the power company undertakes its
operations, would be a distinct ad
vantage to the county.
While It took no official action.
the county court expressed itself
as friendly to the development
proposed by the Northwest Power
company. This organisation, or
ganized in Portland, is supposed
to be but a .dummy organization
for large power interests 1n the
northwest who are said to con
template a $4,000,000 develop.
(Turn to Pag 8, Column 1.)
Johns Cuts
Corner; Cop
Takes Spill
There are certain rules to truck
driving. .
One is not to cut corners. The
next rule is that one - certainly
must not ent corners when a traf
fic officer is at hand.
Paul Johns was driving his
truck down Capitol street Thurs
day. Two autos were approaching
him. He essayed to cut the corner
and get past the cars.
Traffic Officer VanDeWalker
was close behind Johns. When the
latter turned VanDeWalker swung
his motorcycle sharply to the left.
The vehicle skidded and the traf
fic officer speedily was on the
pavement with a large section of
his trousers considerably damaged
by the smash.
After considerable discussion
Paul Johns admitted to Judge
Brazier Small that he cut the cor
ner although Tan DeWalker and
Johns were at variance over the
mooted point of whether or not
Johns had held out his hand.
He is to appear this afternoon
at 2 o'clock in justice court to
find out what the court's sentence
will be.
Theft of. Food
Being Probed
At High School
Several high school boys faced
Principal J. C Nelson and Officer
Edwards of the city police force
Thursday following burglary -of
the high school cafeteria after the
annual basketball banquet Wed
nesday night. While the extent of
the theft was minor the left-over
of the banquet ice cream and sher
bet and some cookies the' prin
cipal refuses to regard ft as a boy
ish prank, inasmuch as a window
which was nailed down had been
jimmied to effect the entrance.
The guilt had not been definitely
fastened late Thursday afternoon.
Seniors Summon Reinforce
ments After Incorrect
' Report Circulated
Rides Into Various Sections
of Willamette Valley
Are Arranged
"Flunk day" 'skirmishes with a
new angle enlivened Thursday
night for students of Willamette
university when the seniors, play
ing a "hunch" that the juniors
had scheduled their secret picnic
for today and that their departure
was to be that night, called
freshmen and sophomore men to
their assistance, raided fraternity
houses and staged a general "tie
up" or Junior men.
Then, as rapidly as possible, the
prisoners were being spirited away
hi automobiles to far distant
points, there to be abandoned to
make their way back to Salem as
best they could.
Fourth Tear Men
Obtain Wrong Hunch
But the unique feature of the
affair, according to members of
the junior class, was that the
"flunk day" wasn't scheduled for
today and the men of the other
classeswere wasting-their efforts
if the sole Intention was to spoil
the picnic plans.
This skirmish is an aftermath
of the events of Monday night
when the seniors actually did 'de
part on their "flunk day" excur
sion, leaving behind two members
of the class who were waylaid by
juniors and transported to Canby,
where they were left in a haymow,
still bound. They escaped, made
their way to a telephone and
called a classmate to come for
them, so. that they were able to
Join the others in the class at Nes
kowln, where the picnic was held.
Lombard, Kaufman And
Curran Among Victims
In the belief that the Juniors
were to hold their picnic today,
members of the other classes tact
fully postponed certain events
which would have involved Jun-
tors, and then proceeded to make
heir own plans for entertaining
the class.
Frank Lombard, Walter Kauf
man and Hugh Curran, who were
credited with being leaders of the
junior forces In Monday night's
affray, were reported to be among
Thursday night's victims.
' "You musicians left me flat, I
want 37000 and am working on
it. They done everything against
my rules. I have a new show and
will be back in Salem in a few
Such is enlightening word re
ceived from "Billy" Mack, erst,
while Salem show promoter, by
members of his stranded crew
which he is said to have deserted
in Eugene and who have returned
to Salem to recoup their fortunes.
Mack's postal card was post
marked in Vancouver, B. C. and
it Is a safe guess that he will re
main in that safe locality for at
least some time, as a warrant for
his arrest on the charge of de
frauding a hotel keeper is out
here while members of his troupe
seek $1200 in back wages as well
as several hundred dollars said to
have been loaned him.
Mack skipped out in Eugene
last Saturday night after the first
performance of his show' troupe
there brought him face to face
with a payroll and no funds to
meet it
The Salem Heights Community
club will meet tonight in the club
hall at 8 o'clock. The program
includes musical selections, three
skits and motion pictures. A
short business meeting will follow
the program. Visitors are Invited
to attend the open meeting.
By The Associated
The house started debate en
the farm bill.
e mtmm
Senator McNary Introduced
his farm bill containing the ex
port debenture plan.
President Hooven sent to the
senate nominations for ten fed
eral Judgshlps.
Senator Nye sought to limit
senate consideration to the farm
relief bill until passed.
Senator Borah reintroduced
his resolution for recognition of
Soviet Russia by the United
. States. r- ; v
Senator Blease Introduced
resolutions to ask President
Hoover to request diplomats In
Washington to cease drinking.
Victor and
V.- " - - "i
A ' - " c --i: v
Mrs. Lowell F. Hobart, Cincinnati, O., left, was elected head of
the Daughter of the American Revolution, defeating Mrs. Julias
K. Talmage, Athene, Ga right in the annual election held in Wash
ington Thursday.
Ohio Woman Wins Over Mrs.
Julius Y. Talmage of
Athens, Georgia
(AP) The Daughters of the Am
erican Revolution congress to
night elected Mrs. Lowell Fletcher
Hobart, of Cincinnati, as president
general. She defeated Mrs. Julius
Y. Talmadge of Athens, Ga.
Others officers elected were:
Chaplain general, Mrs. W. Pain
ter of Missouri; recording secre
tary general, Mrs. Charles Hum
phrey Blssell of Connecticut; cor
responding secretary general, Miss
Margaret B. Barnett of Pennsyl
vania; organizing secretary gen
eral, Mrs. William A. Becker of
New Jersey; treasurer general,
Mrs. Harriet Vaughn Rtgdon of
Indiana; registrar general. Mrs.
Josiah A. Van Orsdel of District
of Columbia: historian general,
Mrs. Flora Myers GiUentlne of
Tennessee; recorder-general to the
Smithsonian Institution, Miss
Anne Laag of Oregon; librarian
general, Mrs. Russell W. Magna
of Massachusetts, Curator general.
Samuel Jackson Kramer of New
Vice president generals, Mrs.
Daniel Garrison of Maryland, Mrs.
Ralph Van Landingham of North
Carolina; Mrs. William L. Man
chester of Rhode Island; Mrs.
Katherlne Kittriedge of Vermont;
Mrs. William Smith Shaw of
Maine; Mrs. Robert B. Campbell
of Kansas; Mrs. N. Howland
Brown of Pennsylvania; Mrs. Her
bert Backus of Ohio.
Mrs. Hobart received IS 21 out
of 2249 votes.
Tonight is the night Willamette
university women have been talk
ing about for weeks; it is the
night of the famous Co-Ed Carni
val. The mysteries of the carni
val are known only to the univer
sity womenr wives of faculty
members and women who are
members of the faculty. From re
ports that have been floating on
the campus, however, one would
infer that Flo Ziegfeld. himself,
would find the program interest
ing. Suffice it to say that there
will be a costume contest, and an
interclass stunt contest.
Men of the university, however,
refuse to be greatly impressed by
the tales of the carnival, for it is
the night when they aU get to
gether at the city Y. M. C. A. for
a jolly time. The entertainment
committee has arranged various
games, athletic contests and swim
ming events. The feature which
is not least Interesting to the men
is that refreshments will be served
at the close of the evening of
Approximately 110 Salem fam
ilies, heretofore served on the
rural routes, will receive city de
livery service after April 25, Ar
thur E. Gibbard, assistant post
master, announced Thursday. The
new city territory will include
North 17th, North 19th and North
20th from Market to Madison and
also the south end of the territory
bounded by Berry, Lewis, 13th
and Hoyt streets. Routes four
and five formerly served the new
city additions. Auxiliary carriers
wll handle the new city sections.
At the present time three auxil
iary carriers are on the postoffice
staff, with one of these having
served full nine months without
being made a regular, the assist
ant postmaster points out. Even
with the several increases In city
service which have been an
nounced within the last month or
so, no word has been received au
thorizing mere regular carriers.
IT Vsl
Three Cases Develop in This
City Thursday, Health
Officer Reports
Th'ree cases of smallpox have
developed in the city since Wed
nesday night. Dr. Vernon A. Doug
las, county health officer, reported
Thursday night. History of the
cases show that they are directly
traceable to attendance at special
services held several weeks ago
at the Evangelical tabernacle,
Hth and Ferry streets. A visit
ing evangelist who was conduct
ing the services is asserted to be
the source of the cases. He com
plained of being quite ill while
occupying the pulpit here.
Dr. Douglas is endeavoring to
get in contact with as many per
sons as possible who attended the
revival meetings, and while he
has heard of no other cases, said
last night it was probable that
others would develop.
All persons who attended the
services or believe themselves to
have come in contact with the con
tagion otherwise will be treated at
vaccination clinics to be held each
morning this week at 10 o'clock
at the health center at 434 North
High street, Dr. Douglas an
nounced. The clinics are free. Of
the cases so far, two are adults.
All three are in different families.
The state land board ThuT -'day
declared leases of Jason C. Moore
and the Pacific Chemical company
embracing Summer and Abert
lakes, forfeited because of the
lessees' failure to comply with the
terms of the contracts. The leases
covered 80,000 acres.
The action of the board will
make it possible for other bidder
to lease these waters and lakebeds
which are valuable for the manu
facture of chemicals.
J. J. Underwood apr ."red be
fore the board relative to the lease
of these lakes. The board consid
ered Mr. Underwood's proposal.
out no definite action was taken.
The leases forfeited by the land
board were executed In the year
PARIS, April 18. (AP)
Frankle Oenaro, American fly
weight, defeated Spider Pladner
of France, claimant of the world
title, on a foul in the fifth round
of a 15 round match tonight. Both
weighed in under the 112 pound
Parker Branin, Formerly
On Staff of Statesman, is
Victim of Overturned Car
TWIN FALLS, Idaho, April 18.
(AP) Injuries he suffered in
an automobile accident on the old
Oregon Trail last Sunday night
caused the death here today of
Parker E. Branin, 2ff, efty editor
of the Idaho Evening Times. His
father, Charles E. Branin of
Portland, and his widow, Mild
red Branin, were at his bedside.
Two operations were performed
in an attempt to save his life.
The automobile in which he and
his wife were riding with friends,
rolled from the highway at k
eurre, and overturned. ' Mrs.
Branin was unhurt, Branin suf
fered cuts and bruises and com
plained of pains in his .abdomen.
His condition was not regarded as
serious until Tuesday morning
when an operation was performed
to relieve internal injuries! A sec
ond operation was found neces
sary but he failed to raBy.
Branin 1 was for three years . a
student of the University of Ore
gon school of journalism, and was
a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
fraternity. He then was employed
on the staffs of the Oregon States
OF A. E. F.
Clemenceau's Effort to Put
Pershing Into Discard
Told in Newspaper
Interview With Late Marshal
Foch Printed; American
General Is Silent
PARIS, April 18. (AP) How
Premier Clemenceau sought to
persuade Marshal Foch that Gen
eral, John J. Pershing should be
removed from command of the
American expeditionary forces to
ward the end of the World war;
was told today in an Interview,
published by the Temps, which the
late marshal gave to the French
writer Raymond Recouly.
The interview is one of maay
which Marshal Foch granted M.
Recouly during the last fifteen
years of their close friendship and
will form part of a book called
"The Memorial of Foch" which is
to be published in a few days.
, M. Clemenceau, it is under
stood, will give his version of the
affair after publication of the
book. Meanwhile, General Tersh
lng told the Associated Press this
afternoon that he had nothing to
say on the subject at present.
Yankee Aid Not
Sufficient, Charge
M. Recouly quotes Marshal Foch
as saying Premier Clemenceau
considered that General Tersb
ing's efforts to build up an au
tonomous army, acting by Itself
within the allied ranks, was pre
venting the Americans from giv
ing the aid they should have given
to the allied cause as a whole.
The "Tiger" accused General
Pershing of being too stubborn
and headstrong and reproached
Marshal .Foch for being too pa
tient and easy with the American
commander. M. Clemenceau de
clared that the time had come to
go over General Pershing's head
and appeal directly to President
Woodrow Wilson to intervene
and, If that failed, to remove him.
Clemenceau Sends Note
To Foch Urging Action
It was on October 11, when
Chateau-Thierry, St. MihieJ anf
the Argonne were history. ha,
Clemenceau, according to M. J
couly's story, after having alreadS
spoken to Foch on the subject,
sent the marshal a letter insisting
that if his patient methods with
General Pershing failed to yield
results he should not hesitate for
a moment to appeal to President
Marshal Foch Is said to have re
plied that to have done this would
have been to tilt, like Don Quixote,
wun a lance against windmills.
"It was not at all certain that
President Wilson would have ac
ceded without difficulty to my de-
(Turn to Page I, Column 1.)
O. A. Hartman of Salem was
elected president of the Willam
ette Jewelers' club, organization
of Marion, Polk, Linn and Benton
county Jewelers, - at the dinner,
business meeting held Wednesday
night at the Marion hotel. 8. Laa
strom of Lebanon was named vice
president and R. O. Warren ef
Corvallis, secretary-treasurer. T.
M. French of Albany is retiring
president and A. A. Keene of Sa
lem retiring secretary. Thirty
members of the club were present,
Carl Greeve of Portland, presi
dent of the state Jewelers' associa
tion, gave the principal talk of
the meeting. W. H. Faxton of
Portland was also a guest. The
club will hold its next meeting la
Albany the latter part of July.
man at Salem, the Morning Aslor
lan, the Pendleton-Oregonian, the
Portland Telegram and the Asso
ciated Press in Portland.
He was married In Salem te
Miss Mildred West who was als
employed by The Statesman.
Charles Branin, bis father, la
day state editor for the Portland
Bureau of the Associated Press.
One of the outstanding pieces
of newspaper work credited te ,
Branin was the news beat he seor-
ed for Associated Press papers
when at Pendleton he flashed te
the world the news of the cap
ture of William Edward Hick
man, kidnaper, mutilator aa4
killer of Marion Parker. The Cal
ifornia murderer was captured
near Pendleton and . Branin ob
tained from his a statement ef
his actions and 'flight, rejecting
offers of hundreds of dollars from
other news services and papers
that the story might be exclusive
to the office he represented.
' Funeral arrangements have not
been completed, - although Inter
ment will be in Portland