The New OREGON STATESMAN, Sitea. Oregon, Thursday Morainw, April 18, 19-9 PAGE ELEVEN - 55 CTiUlTTIZP ASTZXTISZXO teasing settees,' per Uss ,, . tit yi Una a is imam efcsrge) Clstsitied Advertising. pr lisa. 10 Classified Advartiaiag, par Use B tiSMS , , ... , SO f . Classified pr Um J! time , 80e i 0a month, daily a ad 8asday i per lin 91.09 BUSINESS OPP. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IF Ha tk confectionary- you want we lave one for $5509 that la completely nipped and the only one In food pey- wll town. MODERN COMMUNITY DEVELOB9 ERS 201 North High Street HARDWARE STORE S a 1 or trad. Bringing splendid dividends. GERTRUDE i. M. PAUB aSI Court Street TeL 188!. LET U3 try our rock with your prop erty. Phon 2 NOW. . TOURIST REALTY CO. f5 Edge water Weat. Salem DRY GOODS STORE For Mtle or -S ' Plnnn All t - In BYO lift fit ilUC. VaM t Ul 'kttev town. Sale at hivoioe. Around 9:0.000.00. BECKE HENDRICKS 183 North "High Street CENTER STREET BUILDING For lease Suitable automotive or oth er occupancy. Large leveled parkins U A HENDRICKS . 18$ North High Street "SERVICE STATION for rent 2 yr. F-ane on highway in West Salem, izj igewater. FAR cif Furniture of 12 room I. rooming and boarding house close in. All rooms fulL A paying propoattlon. Kent 90 per month. Phone 2005W. Esn-ARr.tsHED collection agency nly $150. L. V., Oregon Statesman. Bpovifu cttinn ttmrrv. confec tionery and horn-, all combined, k tated in small town right on the Pa tlflc highway. The house haa 6 rooms tnd the lot is 110x200. There is room or aevoral tourist cabins on lot. The awnr is going cast and says to sell Hi for $250.0O. MODERN. COMMUNITY DEVELOPERS 208 Nortii High Street IXXK COURT apartments, consisting of 4 $Its. 1-7 room and 5-5 room. Well lo rited In good, small town. Cost own er over 816.000.00 to build last Deoem fer. Ownor 1ms hard luck in other 'ines and says to sell for $10,500.00 md $4,500.00 will handle with 10 (-ears on balanc-. bee us at om-e. MODERN COMMUNITY TlEVEIiOPERS 208 North High Street iffST A 1 'RANT $1600 00 BUYS going restaurant well located in Salem. 4 year lease on bulldins. Sales average $50.00 a day. Established 6 years. Owners, old and 'ant MODERN .COMMUNITY DEVELOPERS - " " -508 Korth High Street FOR SALE Rod Estate AUKG I run Iran, - ,Tj souse, good well and. spring, outboild ngs. I mL S. of Salere. Phwmnt GREATEST Trading organization on the Pacific Coast. We have over 100 troperties listed for exchange. Every lnd of property, every price. vary lo--atlon. We can match your exchanse Kactly. If you would lik ,te trade Jour property today, com Is today. S. M. BARLE. Realtor .4 & Liberty YeL 22 Attractive FairtnouBC Hill Built by owner a DTiTTTn ctatrM n mm v - - Phone 1927 or 411 JUUTJlr-ii-i n -i n ...., FOR SALE S ere choice, bear ing fruit trees, modern house, close .tn Right price. Phone owner at 19? J. j urtirp e a. eboice rlew property, close in. S room mod ern house, ctty water. 13600 easy terms. O. K. Dewitt (J1S EdgewaUr. . sesaasae ' GOOD 5 room modern house. Good Vocation. $1900.00. Small Prment down balance like rent. Phone 2492M. a TtRAn of srood sheep to trad for nodern house In Balem FOR RENT g ROOM fully modern bungalow on N. Summer st. A fine house. $35. A complete lino of food houses to ROOM fully modern Spanish type rtucco house at $4400. IK YOU have anything to trade. ee us. J. F. Ulrich Co, Realtors ! N. Com'l. Bt (Tel. 12S4. tru-.n "i ' i -'mmmmmammm0tm $1700. FOR a 6 room house on Sex 120 lot on N. Liberty street. Good location $100. down. 00' 4 ROOMS and nook almost sew", -on paved street. Very easy terms. $2650 4 ROOMS and nook, base ment, furnace and garage. Good terms. $3000. 4 ROOMS and nook, modern m every way. good terms for right $Voe NEW English type house, lesement. furnace, fireplace and gar- $l1IV NEW room English type, asement. furnace, fireplace, garage rp2f 75rm.FOR a real home on- & Com. ttreet. valued at $5. Terms. $S75t LET us how you a room house and nook. English type, corner t east front. Oaks addition, best lo cation m Salem. $100$. down. $00. TO LOAN at 7fi. MELVIN JOHNSON OR A . L. DA .RK 12$ V. 8. Bank Bldg. Fnon "j- IF you want a rdc close In lot on aved street at a bargain phone the Swner--4S 3 2 tvn StlT.! GOOD t room housa on fine corner lot not far out on N. Summer street. Price only $21$. small payment down. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS COZ 21Wr S3 State Street Phone IJJ1. Li-Li' 'I' !,.. NEW HOME ON N 17th near Market. $ rooms, well built and will, make you a fine home Price $5000 with $5 down. ANOTHER ONE-$4J5 for new English house. 4 rooms and finished attic, east front lot, close to school Tand I bus line In North SaUm. SEE Mrs. Ellis with - v LEO N. CHIIJS CO. Realtors ! State Street vba.1A"J: iijui ij-U mi i- irn'i - - - - FOR SALE OR TRADE $S SO Jaity In 4oom boose bus line Trade for anything K. K. weow, " ------ .mm m aui. kiuM ahBost flew oa Xpaved reeu PrlcVcut from $22S. te N$l5$.. I10W cash. SECOPPOCK OR DUMBECt i aa Martb Conunaixlal Street iijuirTn ""M MOUSES ; FOR SALE AND TRADE laOOe EQUITY In H boos t trade for anything. - GOOD t room bungalow. North, for $1,100.00. . . GOOD T room modera house do In for 425040$. GOOD S room furnished bouse for $2,000.00. $200 00 BUYS on year old strictly modern S room house. Rooms are ex Salarga. Paved street Fell price 9 1150.00. Bee this. .-zJ; OOOT t w-oom house close In where valueVare Increasing. Will take In rood small house In Salem. Good a rnvfest ment. - t- . WILL take good car to on 7 room bouse at $i.eo.c. -!, NEW 7 room house, lot 7tli. Price I5I0O.00. - MODERN COMMUNTTT DEVELOPERS SOS North High Street FOR SALE Real Estate ssssessaeseiaeSeaeaeWaMeeaseejeaeebeW SUBURBAN HOME FIVE ROOMS with electric water system, bath, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, full cement basement, piped furnace, etc. One acre of fine garden soil, 14 large bearing English walnut trees, berries: poultry house and yard. Close to school, bus and stores. Price $5500. $500. cash. Will take modern Salem home for part. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street . Phone 451. WANTED Heal Estate NOW IS YOUR CHANCE DON'T give away your farm or city property because it is mortgaged heavy. Call 175S-W or write 2110 State street. EXCHANGE Real Estate eaaaa,aa1,1aaal1a,aJ1fcaa TRADE 1$ ACRES of good land close to 8a lom without buildings for place with buildings. SEE Mr. Lynch. 208 North High street. MewewwwwweweMwWW TRADE LARGE, modern Salem residence In best part of town for 5 acres cloee to Salem with strictly modem home' on It. SEE Mr. Lynch. 208 N. High street. 4 ROOM new modern home with hdw. floors, furnace and fireplace, gar age, beautiful trees near at rear of lot, a mighty good buy and will trade for acreage up to ten miles out. Priced right at $3500. 4 ACRES at edge of Portland will trade for city or farm property at Sa lem. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 175 South High Street "i" " ri JiBsrrnr erisrertrwrurtvbi PROPERTY here to trade for Okla homa. Nice, improved, small place. Also large house and 4 lota Submit what you have. TOURIST REALTY COMPANY 775 Edgewater Street . Phone 298. WANT TO TRADE 10ft acres alt in cultivation, without buildings, clear of incumbrance, for rental property in Salem, or ranch with buildings. As sume a roort;xge up to $8000.00. FOR TRADE 22 acres. $1500.00. Clear of incumbrance, for Salem home. Will pay cash difference up to $1000. 00. Mr. Stewart TOURIST REALTY CO. Phone 296. LETS TRADE $8700. BEAUTIFUL 64 a... farm, stock, crop, implements, alt equipped, 5 miles from Bush bank owned by wl dow. Must sell or trade for a home in oriiear Seattle. FINE FARM 125 ACRES LOCATED in the famous Waldo hills all storked 'and equipped for $15,000.: 7 good cows. 4 calf a. 3 horses, 3 pigs, all farm machinery. Take small acreage on part pay. 80 A. FAR MOST Ideal for dairy or poult ry located only 5 miles Salcra ; 0 K. house, barn, 2 poultrv houses spring water, some timber. Must' Sell on ac count of health. A snar for some one Price .$6500. Might consider small acreage If priced right. SEE LOUIS BECHTEL 311 State Street Room 4 Over 30 Years fn Business WILL take a good house in Salem or Albany as first payment on a good 22 acre berry and fruit farm. 11 miles from a good co-operative cannery, 2 miles to a good town. 25 ACRES Improved to trade on a good CO or 70 acre improved rarm. FOR SALE or trad aome good bus iness properties In Salem. Send us your trades. BEESON LEEPER For Exchanges ! S. Com. St. Phone 180. DO IT NOW A CHANCE to trade your farm for a number one auto camp. Phone 1759-W, NEW S rm. house on 21st. base ment, furnace, fireplace, garage, ex change for older house. Valley Land Co.. 164 N. Liberty. TAKE Salem home to 93500.00 in on 10 acres with good $ room house, some fruit. Well improved. 110$ ACRES In eastern Oregon, trade for anything worth the money. 36$ ACRES near Independence, well Improved Including tractor and Implements. $70.00 per acre. 169 ACRES near Roseburg. trade ror saiem property. 26 ACRES rioee to Salem. 5 room house and other improvements. Take some trade. 10 ACRES near Oakdale. Califor nia. S room modern house, electric lights, etc., trade for farm here. MODERN COMMUNITY DEVELOPERS SOS North High Street Salem. Oregon FOR SALE or trade. $6500.00 home. Take small place and terms Owner, phone 2 1 . J. ACREAGE iVjVCTUSSXT'of city limits, all in crop, old house and barn, garage. 3 wells, small stream. This land once sold for $3800. Price $250$. Terms. 45 ACRES 1H miles from Salem, 6 room house, barn, all in cultivation, wall creek. $5000. Will trade equity for good lots. 16S ACRES 100 acres fn cultivation balance in timber and pasture, 7 acres In 15 yr. old English walnuts, house and barn. Price $10,000 on good terms, 10$ ACRES It. miles north of Sa lenv 65 acres in cultivation, good soli large dairy barn, S room house, well fenced on good gravel road, several cows, horses, bogs, and farm tools. Price 912.004, easy terms 4 ACRES mile of Woodburn, small house; large barn, all In culti vation. Price $10,000. Terms. tt ACRE S-t miles east of Salem, 4 room house. ELECTRIC water system, garage. 93e04. Good terms. $1000. private money to loan at 1. MELVIN JOHNSON OR A.- L. DARK S2$ U. & Bank Bldg. Phone 637. A REAL FARM 202 H A. 7 R. home, with bath and electricity, good barn, well house, 25 cows and 5 horses, garage and poultry house. 170 A. plow land. 75 a. in crop, family orchard. 20 A. timber, also 1$ rood cows, 1 Jersey bull, S good horses Fordson tractor, all tractor implements, 2 wagons, mower, binder, two horse cul tivator. 1 corn planter and other tools. This is a good, sandy loam river bot tom ranch, no wast land, and Is a money maker. Will give terms or trad for smaller place or Income property, ANOTHER GOOD BUY 3$ A. good, black, loam : 14 A. culti vated, it a. in gram, x good weus, . v a inMit., a - hoase. small barn and good poultry house: priced for qulcs turn. 92300.0$ will take residence in Salem in ex change. To see these places call. - SEARS 4k TUCKER 181 S. Com. St. Phone 2161. SPECIAL S ACRES close In on highway, haa about 400 foot frontage, has a S rm. house, barn and chicken house. 12 large cherry trees. A real bargain for VZove. 2 2-3 acres with 4 room plastered house, close in. Price $200$. Will take some trade. 6 ROOM new house, garage, paved street- Price $3000. Willake old house or lota as part payment. APARTMENT house of 4 apt, ail modera for S6S00. N ratge. WIU trade for Improved acreage near Salem or Woodburn. SEE Tbomasoa with ' LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 81$ 8tat Street - - Phone 2727. FOR timber lands and farmaj see B. L Hummer, Real Estate Specialist, 1867.8. 12th at. Salem, Oregon. Phone me-j. - - .... i 9 ACRES, close In, with good 9 room bouse. Easily subdivided Price 95509.; terms. . . - TH ACRES. S ml", from Salem. Good 4 room -house. Price $4540. : term a Would consider small house in Salem as part payment. 36 ACRES on 811 vert en rd. Good 9 room house: barn: best of soil. Price $09. Would consider home la Salem as part payment. W. O. KRTJEGER -Realtor 14T N. ComX Phone Sit. ACREAGE 79 ACRES, good rofl. buildings. 111 aaain watr mvmkt-n bwH-Wtv. hlghway, ' cheap for quick sale. Want small ftiaca. some cash. J. F. nans, Woodburn." FOR SALE A good 10$ acre farm, five . miles out, good road, $10,000. Would take a good house. Terms to suit. F. U WOOD 241 State Street eMMWMMMWMMMMWeMMMMMM INVESTIGATE THESE, 8 A. tract near Salem, bldgs.. frmlt and 5 room Salem home both clear for farm. - 28 A. fsrm near Salem. Udga, fruit, timber 9500$ for residence. 9 GOOD Salem residences, all good rental for sheep ranch. - GOOD 4 room house, 2 ate lots N. Salem, 9140$ terms or rent. 6 A. farm. Polk Col. alt 1n cult Bldga. 18 A. fruit for farm aear Rose burs, Oregon. PERRINE A MARSTERS Gray Bldg. . FOR SALE OR RENT IS acres. S acres fruit new four room house, gar age, good well water, small wood" lot balance In cultivation. HOLLYWOOD REALTY 2009 N. Capitol Tel. 2807. CHERRIES 9 9 CHERRIES 9 9$ CHERRIES win be worth dollars this year and the 6H acre cherry or chard, which I now offer you has re turned regular profits to Its owner. There Is every promise of a big crop this year. The orchard makes a won derful suburban home site also. Ask about it A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor Loans Insurance 147 N. ComT. St Salem. Ore. 92 ACRES stocked and equipped, river bottom soil, fine buildings, to trade for .residence In tovgn or small acreage near Salem. H. C. SHIELDS 281 State Street Phone 1784. FIVE ACRES 93150 9600 CASH FIVE ROOM HOUSE, barn, poul try house. Electricity. Fruit, berries, walnuts. 6 blocks to school. Price 93.- 150. $600. cash. Balance $25 per month. TRIANGLE REALTY COMPANY 421 Court Street Phone 651. ACREAGE 10 ACRES on Pacific highway, spring water, $3000. Small down pay ment 1$ ACRES on paved market road, close in. $1200. $75. down. OSWEGO Lake lots to trade for Salem property. Will take car. 1 rSOCOLOFSKY A SON; - ' First National Bank Bntldlng FOR RENT Houses weMeMwwwwwewwMW 5 ROOM, furnished. 576 N. Church. $25.00 per month. NEW 2 room house, furniture, lights, water and bath. $18. Phone 1028 M. 1311 Waller. FOR RENT Good six room house, large lot, fruit and garden, close to canneries, north. $20. Six room fur nished house, $25. F. L. WOOD 311 State Street FOR RENT Apartments MODERN 2 room, with radio. At the' Stratton apts., 570 N. Winter, TeL 392-M. APARTMENT for rent We'll give 2 year lease. Melvin Johnson. 320 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 637. AMBASSADOR APTS. 2 room fuf. and unfur. ; one 3 room fur. apart ment Radio and refrigeration; plenty of heat and hot water. Nicejy fur Jiished. Garage or free parking. Cool in the warm weather. C50 N. Summer 1972. TWO room apartment 2261 HareL TeL 1939W, 3 ROOM apt. with bath. 1248 Che meketa st. Phone 55 6 J. ATTRACTIVE 3-room front apt. Best of furnishings, real bedroom, elec tric range, garage, concrete building, refrigeration, near state house. $28.00 and $40.00. Phone 2034 or 2911. 2 and 3 ROOMS Light and water furnished 267 South Church or 412 N. 21st. Phone 1937R. PRESCOTT APARTMENTS Three rooms now empty well furnished fine kitchen A. 1 furnace heat near Capitol building 1064 Oak st 2 ROOM furnished apt 344 N. 18th, Phone 1576J. FIRST floor apt 1335 State st or 21$ N. 14th. .NICE furnished apartment 599 Un ion. 2643W. ' FOR RENT-Rooms NICE room In private home on creek, close to state house, garage Phone 948. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY CUSTOM hatching and baby chicks Expert service. Guaranteed quality settings and hatches twice each week Watch our Sunday display ad. Phone 133F2. Lee Hatchery FOR SALE Cheap every Wednes day until June 15. Odds and ends in day old chicks. Come and see them. WILLAMETTE VALLEY HATCH ERY J414 South 24th Street YOUR CHOICE of two good young cows. One fresh, one soon. 3rd home, east of Turner. ' FOR SALE Used Cars awpseressaMeeSeaeeaMeaeVveeaafl Prices Talk for Them selves 1928 Advance Kasbr Sedan cost 91825 new : 8975. 1921 Studebaker Special Touring driven only 34.000 miles, new paint 125. Franklin . touring seats -cut to make bed. Rons fine 186. Ford 4 door sedan 195. Ford deliv. starter and balloon tlrea J ; . , ,, ., 59. Ford dellv. without starter 35. Dodge delivery 9$. Ford truck , 125. Valley Motor Company Reo's Used Cars Thee cars are priced for quick dis posal . 1928 Studebaker 4 dr. Sedan8 998.00 1928 Nash Special six coupe 920.9$ 1937 Dodge 4 dr. Sedaa 925.9$ 1926 Studebaker, 4 pass. Victoria - ux studaosar a or. sedan with trunk 925.99 595.00 195.0$ S 75.99 175.00 1925 Rlckenbaeker 4 dr. broug ham 1925 Ford Tudor Sedan 1924 Dodere Roadster 1924 Chevrolet Coupe This car has 4 new tires and Just been over hauled : also new license. TRUCKS TON and half Reo Speed Wagon, driven 2000 miles ; like new ; has dual tire in rear. Long wheel base.- ONE ton Rao Speed Wagon, long wheelbaae. driven 170$ miles been used for demonstrating only. SEVERAL other good truck buys, both solid tires and pneumatic Reo Sales &. Service Co. 9ST-247 North High Street ' SOME EXCEPTIONAL BUYS 1927 Packard Sedan, new mo tor. New car guarantee very cheap '. ' i' ," . 1925 Packard sedan. - com- pletely overhauled, good rub ber, a' steal at t i09.99 Late Sterling Knight Coupe A 93800 car in perfect con dition. Make us aa offer 1929 Buick Master Coupe Country Club Model Just .. like new ready to so tor41199.0 PACKARD SERVICE and SALES Inc. 619 8. Commercial St - Phone 933 FOR SALE USED CARS ) Meweeweeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeewv Vick Bros.f 1927 Oakland Sedan . 1929 Pentiac Coach 1922 Chevrolet Coach 192$ Pontlac Sedan 1927 Pontiac De Luxe Sedaa lI7 Pontiac Sedan 1924 Paige $ Sedaa 1928 Chevrolet Coach- 1927 Star Coupe 9 Late 1927 Indian Motorcycle Phone 1811 Vick . The House That McKay's for Used Cars with an O. K. that Counts 1924 Star "6" Sedan 9273.00 1938 Essex Super "6" Sedan 575.00 192$ Dodge Coupe 450.00 1924 Chevrolet Coach 335.00 1924 Ford Touring 200.00 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. 430 N. Commercial Phone 1302. eeeeeeeAweeeeeeeaeeeeeeeew Finer and Better Used Cars Ford Roadster CheVrolel Coupe Chevrolet Sedan Overland Six Sedan Dodge Sedan, like new Chrysler Coach Buick Coach Olds De Luxe Coach Hupp Sedan Nash Special Coach Nash Light Six Coupe Nash Special Coupe And other cars representing excel lent values, b 1 . 1 ; ' Open Evenings F.'-W. Pettyjohn Co. S63 North Commercial Tel. 1260. Nash Automobile Dealers Federal Trucks. "After we sell we serve." WANTED Used Cars CASH twld for Ford Kikr Auto. MONEY TO LOAN VVwVwVwVrVVVVwVVVwwArVVVwVVVV CITY . AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service tn all lines. HAWKINS & ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. 1427 205 Oregon Bldg. bsSwweeMMMas ee. CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 703-8 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 457 Kaiem. Oregon WANTED Private monnv for farm loans. Wo have several applications on hand, Hawkins 4t Roberts, ino. 346 Oregon Bldg. 8ALARY and collateral loans. Re payable in weekly or monthly Install ments. GENERAL FINANCE COR PORATION, Fust Nat l Bauk. Tel 1349. eeeewwweeeeeMwwMMwwMwwW WE have several different loan plans. We try to arrange loans most convenient for the borrower. Farm and city loans. Lowest Interest rates and expense, HUDKINS A SANFORD. INC. Phone 2219. Miller's Store Bldg. Salem, Oregon. ON FARMS ANT CITY REAL ES TATE, LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Private Money to Loan FARM LOANS Plenty of money to loan on good farm security. City Loans W are loaning Prudential In surance company money on city resi dences and business property at 6ft rr cent plus a commission. Hawkins Roberts, SOS Oregon Building. WE have private money for real es tate loans. Straight and Installment loans on city property. Frm loans at 5 plus eommlssle ANDERSON A RUPERT Realtors 199 & High S FEDERAL FARM LOAN . F. L. Wood. 341 8tate Street MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments. You keep the car. P. A. KtKKr Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 121 S lam. Ore. WANTED Loans WANTED 92000. WILL give as security a first mortgage on good real estate. SEE LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 334 State Street Phone 1727, "WANTED Salesmen Wanted, Young Lady Or man with experience tn sell ing Christina s cards to become our exclusive representative in this lo cality. A Wonderful Opportunity to one who can furnish satisfac tory reference. Only residents of Salem desired. See Mr. Footer, Marion Hotel. Thursday, April 18 th, between S and 9. "WANTED Male Help UNUSUAL opportunity to became connected with a live-wire real estate selling concern. SEE John Werner, S99 North High, Must have car. PERMANENT POSITION available A local business firm desires a per manent full-time representative to represent It throughout the oountry tributary to Salem. The work requires a man who can meet people and make friends, do part-time solicitation, build steady respect and loyalty to his institution. Salary and commission will be available to right party answering this Inquiry. Ability to write clear ac count of each day's transactions Is on of the requirements. This is not a ped dler's Job but a high-class proposition. Make written application to box 433, Oreewi Statesman. WaN it JJ Female Help --- - j-pj HAVE opening for young lady of neat appearance. Apply 299 North High Street WANTED Women to visit the sick. 144 new Bligh Building. WAITRESSES please register at Labor Temple, 457 Court, between S and 9 p. m daily except Sat- and Sun. For Information call 1941-M or 179. - WOMEN who actually need and want permanent dignified employment; must not be afraid of honest work or to meet the public. For such, there is most excellent opportunity and com- SusaHon. future. Busineae or travel. rsHfCareyjaJemjOreg WANTED Situations HIGH SCHOOL boy wishes per manent 1 employment. Not in school now. Phone 105, evenings. WELL drilling. C A. Wltcraft, 1119 Burch, Delia, Oregon. Phone ts; FOR SALE USED CARS wwwwwwwiwhwwwwxwwmm Used Cars . 9785.9$ 650.00 625.00 79S.09 478.99 575.99 . 45.e 825.00 High at Trad Bros. Service Built." bAeBjaaAssjsAeAAafV)BBA MISCEXI-ANEOUS 8j8srajsaspaaemsaj9peej FURNTTURB PACBONO (or ship ment Glee re wars FornUare Co. WANTED Used pianos. In ex change on Radios, phonographs, or fur niture. H. L. Stiff Furniture Company. CARD readmg. crystal gazing. Call 2967 M. FOR SALE MISC. i"ilriJV,V'ftf9Jjru FOR SALEM oes ranger service call x a i. - i i i iiri ft.rn n w FITRNrTURS DPHOLfrTERTNn and repairing. Uloee Poware Furniture Store. ---------- - rinvivinftn(wjmftM FOR SALE Italian beea Phone 1693-J. FRESH COW FOR SALE With calf. Phone 91F12. Route 8, Box 75, Salem. HANNSCHEN seed barley. Paul Townsend. 10 miles north of Salem on Wheatland road. Phone 6F3. ' -- -- - -i-r-i--.---u-utjvuxrui PIANO FOR SALE A good instru ment upright with bench. Call at 567 North Front. WANTED MISC. .------ - - - y y-N-iririnju'tnj-Lru-ij POEMS Set to music. Master- Jtau Hong publisher's, Seattle. -M-ii-i-in.rvri.rLn.nnjLf SADDLE horse wanted. Must be sound and gentle. Hunt Club Riding Academy. Phono Salem 551. LOST AND FOUND LOST Pair horn-rimmed glasses. Reward. Phono 2091W. FOR SALE Wood DRY FIR A OAK Wood Coal & Fuel Oil Call on us for prices We give good measure, good - quality and good ser- rtce. Larmer Transfer & Storage TeL 920 a yTris'Vi s arsfUtrLruU"L81 GOOD DRY wood for you D. A. irmer. 'lei leys. GOOD. DRY Second growth 4 ft. $6.00 per cord. 2 cord lota $5.75. iTione ziiiYY. wwweeeeeweMeeeeewwwuwM FOR SALE Wood of all kinds. 1L D. Mayfield. phone 72F3. wieieeeeeeeewweMeeMWWm DRY 18 in. old fir sec. growth, any lengtlu-Reductions on large orders. C. U. Harbaugl), 83S Highland, phone NICE dry fir and oak wood for sale. Phone 622. aeeoeEaaaasaeeyWeeeaseja GOOD WOOD at a reasonable nrice. Well seasoned second growth fir and old fir slab and inside wood. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells, Phone 1542, zsw tsoutn cnurcn street. GUARANTEED DRY Wood coaL TeL IS. Salem Fuel Cow 753 Trade. SppaamaSeaSaoaOeasaaoaeasaeaee GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 I GENERAL DIRECTORY ATTORNEY AT LAW O. W. EMMONS. Sd floor. Oregon Bldg. General Practice. Phone 1649. AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry IS Tra Salem's leading' Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer . -., -Residence and Store 161$ N. Summer St Phone 611 COL. A. L. STEVENSON auc tioneer, SS years' experience In the tviiiameit vauey. tor dates or ar rangements see F. A. Doerfler. (arm advisor. First-National Bank, Salem. Phono or write. A. L. Stevenson, Cor vallis. Oregon. H. F. Woodry and Son The AUCTIONEERS Who Sell 'Rite-Down-Town-Phone 75 2$ Tears Experience BATTERY ELECTRICIAN Batter ry Service Station Automotive Electricians Vick Bros. High St at Trade TeL 1S41 R. D. Barton 'National Batteries Starter and generator work. 202 South High. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN Columbia Bicyclaa an drepelrtng. 367 Court XhTropractors" Dr. Ol L. SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. tS9 N. High. Tel. 7. Res. 3104-J. . DR3. SCHOFTELD. Palmer Chiro practor. X-Ray and M. C M. Now Bank Bldg. , DOCTORS L. a ALTMAN, M. D Homeopath le Physician, phone 147. 296 N. Lib. erty St - El2CIClANS HALUC ELECTRIC CO. Electric contracting aad repairs. Electrie fixtures and supplies. Electria ranees and arashara Ph. S 441 N. Front FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occasions Olsen'a Court A High St, Tet SOL CUT Flowers," ' wedding bouquets Amoral wreaths, decorations. . C F. BrelthSuDt florist 611 Stats Otraai l TeL 880, INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Tel. 607. zia u. a. Bank Bids. ANDERSON RUPERT i.i -,erm Insurance iS9 & inch 7 - .... , Tel. 1944 BECKE a HENDRICKS 189 N. High TeL 191 RICH L. REIMANN - - General I raranoe. Loans 319 K. High St TeL 946 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY SIS Masonic Bldg. TeL 928. FARMERS Mutual Fire Relief Assn.. Wa A. Fersey. Ast.. 9S1 North lath at, Salem, phono 91294. LAUNDRIES THE V'EW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY Telephone SS 263 8. High CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY The Laundry of Pure Materials" Telephone. 16a 1164 Broadway MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED by the Capital City Bedding Col. 301$ North Capitol. Called for and deUvered. All guaranteed. Tet. 19 MUSIC STORES FOR RENT New P-rtoa, H u Stiff Furniture Company. GEO. . C. WILL Pianos. Phono. Cranks, sewing marhmea sheet mnsfe and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines. 433 State - PAPER HANGING . PHONE GLENN Adams for bouse decorating; pa perhanging. tin ling. ate. RaiiabM workman. PATNTING, tinting, papering. TeL PLUMBING PLUMBING and General repair work. Graber P.-oa, r66 So. Liberty. TeL 650. PAINTING PAINTING and paperlnging. Chas. Bennett Tet 161 1R 728 WUbur. PRINTING FOR STATION ERY. cards, pam phlets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call at the Statesman Printing Department 215 S. Commer cial TeL 600. RADIO FOR every purpose, for every purse All standard sues of Radio Tubes EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 335 Court St- TeL 488. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets and hooks, logan hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works 250 Court St. Back of Busick's TAILORS D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court St. TRANSFERS CAPITAL City Transfer Co. 221 State St TeL 933. Distributing, for- waraing ana storage our specialty, uet our rates. PATTERSON Transfer. Local and long-distance hauling. Phone 330. TRANSPORTATION YeiBoway Pioneer System STAGES. Los Angeles. SIS: See Francisco, Sacramento, $13.60; Seattle $4.50. Depot Bligh hotel, phone 742. VETERINARIANS UfX-TOR W; G. Morehouse, veterin arian, residence 725 8. Com'L Phone 1410. Office 2 s. Com'L Phone 11$$ VIOLINS HANDMADE, old rare. H.M. Man dolins and stL. guitars, all strings and supplies, exchanges. Bring me your old wracK. Kepeura acieauiic aajusanenia 199914 Sooth Commercial Salem Markets rresa rrnits (Wholesale Quotation) Apples, f. and f. Oreroa Reds. Hood River 2.40 Yellow hew towns 1.50 Faaey Homes 1.00 Choice Kernes 1.50 Wisaaapa. choice 3-00 Wiaeaaps, choice 1.35 Choice Delicious , ,, 1.84 Comb. Deliciou 2.35 Bsaanss. lb. , .07 Data Limes, cartes 5 dot. 2.90 California, crat . Iremeiarr. 36. 10-ei pkf. .0.50 ,Blk Hawaii, lb. i Geaa'a Pitta, cata - .18 .4.58 .4.50 LtQn oaf ruit Art -ease I Fleriea. caaa ..4.255.20 Comb boner, sew crop .4.75S.50 Lemeas uau Oranges, Karel 100'a 128's .ISO's 17$'S 200' t 214's 252's 188'S 844's Jumbles .4.7506.25, .5.50 5.50 5.00 .4.35 4.00 3.50 8.50 3.50 3.25 .3.00 V eatables (Wholesale Quotation) Root Vegetable Oarrots 2.50 Beats 3.00 Turnips .,-.., 2.50 V, 1. Parr nips . 4.00 9.00 Rntabaga Seed Potatoes - Karly Re. Ib. . Karly Ohio, lb. Earliest of AIL ..OS ..OS lb. .0$ Earliest bf AH, lb. Artichokes, dot. Peas, Calif, lb Sreea beaas. Calif Qreea Onians, The Dalle Dos. ba. , Celery, dee. Calif, erst. Spinach, iacsl orange box Sqaash .18 ,1.409l.$0 17 25 ,60.$0 l.$5 4.60 1.25 fianana .04 .04 Hubbard, lb. Marbleneaa Besehed vefatsbles. Garrets ,- , .04 par des. bsacb 80 0 Beats ' Taming , Radishaa - Parsley, des. .,, . -Potatoes LocVl, Berbsns: . Yak. Oeas. Me. 1 Yak. tas. Ke. S Sosthera Sweats, orate ..$0 .80 J99 J.2S .1.58 .1.18 Oerlie, Ib , Peppers, flerida. greea lb. Taasateea, Masieas, lag. Oalen Ke. l' Ke. 3'a BoUiag, locals Lettao - I serial Valley, erate Bbaberb. Waaiu, erate 20 .9.59 .5.00 .$.00 .S.OO -9.0005.59 t. 4001.00 bes$.50 Rhabarb, Calif, ootoide Kew petateee, lb. .07 BreeeaU. Rosea org Caemasbers, set E .L75 0 8.00 .-.85QS.4Q 4.09 Cabbage. Tessa CaUforaia Feeds XetaS Hnttsrltat) Calf smsL 25 lbs. Dairy feed, tea . , Scratch, tea , , Cora, whole, tea , - Or eked aad greasd . Kill res. ten - - Bra a. toa 1.99 44.08 -90.80 -45.00 -47.08 M$ .84.00 -58.0O ita- aullc -45.00 Ears Oaylng 2eeV -xtrss SUsdsrd M4hs , .2S .SS .It .12 lery Stags Boaerera,-! Hssvtei Me-am -Light Maria gars. -87 -S3 .$ .84 .18 .1$ large -24 ttretiers 250.80 TegeUMes end Traits M ! -. tayiaf Frie , Potato, swk. - - Tnraipa, ewt - , " Oaie-a, wt. Parsatn. Ia Carrot, seek o Applae. fare asd filled J.00 09 unubarb, l. BstteifaS (Wheleeala) Certeaa . .49 -44 Priasa Batterf -44 (Batail) Print Cart oss -4T -49 area aad Bay tsuyiag roes) wneat, weeters ree on. Soft white Oats, gray, ba. White, ba. , , . Barley, tea ., , , Her Oats sad rates .1.01 .1.0S 65 60 -36.00 -22.00 -32.00 .20.00 Clover, choice By grata aad cheat Livestock (Baying roses) Caws -07. 0816 11 Steerr, top Ve.l. good Balls, good Hogs, tap Heavy sows .073.06 11 03.08 H Spring Iambi Wether -is -06. 08 06 Ewea, top - XHeased Meats (Bayiag. Fries) Teal, top ... .19 .14 Megs, top General 11 ark els j BAY PORTLAND. Ore- April 16. (AP) Hay Bering price: Eastern Oregoa. timothy, 8Jl.5022.0o: Da. valley. $17 to 17.50: alfalfa. $23.50033.00: clever. $17.O0&$17.50; oat Say $18. 00 18.50; straw. $0.00 ton; Belling prices $3.00 ton more. rmoDtjcB PORTLAND. Ore.. April 16. (AP) Milk: Raw atllk (4 per cent). $2.55 ewt delivered Portland, lets 1 per eent. But- terfat. station 42c; track, 45e: deliv ered at Portland 43c. Paaltrr ( bayinr sriees) Alive, neavy heas ever 4 Ibt 26c; medinm hen. t to 4H lb.. S3e; light, under 3H lb. ou'jle: pring. Jlsw r30e; broilers. 3S(i3se: dnck. Peking. 30c; colored dorks. 1820c: tarkey. Ko. 1 hens, 30 31c; tons. 3.ic; cspons 8ffc. Potatoes Per ewt., Oems No. 1 grade $1.40(6 '$1.50; fancy Gems $1.40&1.50. SAXKT PORTLAND. Ore April 16. (API- Dairy exchange and net prices: Batter: Extra 43; standsrds- 42; prtsae firsts 42; firsts 41. Eggs: Kxtras 28; first 27; medium extras 25; mediam firsts 24. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND. Ore.. April 16. (API- Cattle and eaive steady; no receipts. steer (1100-i:t00 lbs.) good 1 1 2.001) rt.50; Do. (950-1100 lbs). Good $12.50 6t' 13.00: Do. (SOU and op) meciura $10.75(12.00; Do. eemmon $9.50e 10.25. Heifers (805 lbs. down) (rood $10.75 11.00; Do common $9. a 10.75. tows: Uood 9.50M 10.00; Do comfon to medium 7.50 9.o0; Do. low cutter, $5.50(5 7.50. Balls: (yearlings excluded) goo. beef 8.009.00; Do. cottar to medium 7.00 (a,' 8.00; cslres (500 lbs. downi medium to choice 10. 00(ji 12.50 ; Do cull to common 8.5 if 10.00. Vealers. milk fed. good to choice $13.50(a 11.50; Do. medium $12. (g 13.50 ; cull to common $9.00 (n 12.00. Hogs: steacy; no receipt.. Heavy welglit (250-350 lbs.) medium to choice 9.50(2 10.25; medium weight. lSOO-250) medium to choice $10.25(C' 11.25; light weight (160-200 lbs.) med inm to choice $11.2511.60; light lights (130-160 lbs.) medium to choice 10.25(i 11.35. Packing sows, rough and rmooth 8. 00 (W 9.00. Slaughter pigs (80130 lbs.) mediam to choice 9.50 (ri; 10.50. Feeder and stoeker pig (70-139 lbs.) medium ot choice 9.00 10.00. (Soft or oily bogs ana roasting pigs excluded in above quo tations). Sheep end lambs steady: receiDts 275. following quotations oa full wooled basis: Lambs (82-02 bs.) good to choice $14$1G; medium to choice (92 100 lbs. $13$16; Do. (all weights, cull to common) $11 12. Yearling wethers (100 lbs. down), medium to choice $10 913. Ewes (120 lb, down), medinm to choice 97.5010; Do. (120-150 lb), medium to choice $6.50(4 9.00; Do. (ail weight), call to common $4.006.50. PORTLAND OBAIN PORTLAND, Ore.. April 16. (AP) Cash grain: Wheat Big Bend blueftem. hard white 91.42; soft white, western white, 9L14; hard winter, northers spring, wasters red. 91.12. Oats No. 2 SS la. white $38.00. Barley No. 2. 45 la. B. W. $$5.50. Corn No. 2 Eastern yellow, shipment $41.00. Millmn Htaadar $28.30. CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, April 15. ( AP) Train price nptara based en farm legislation prospects amounted to 1 8-8c a bushel in many cases today, but increased selling among trade rs was apparent regarding the market effect of several clauses of the farm bill introduced in the house to clauses which referred, to minimising of day by Washington, especially the spocslatioa and made mention of insur ance against price declines. Closing quotations on wheat were via settled at the saasa aa Saturday's finish to 5-8e higher. Corn finished 3-8e to 5-8c up aad oats st 1-4 te 1 1 8c sdvance. If 6I0IIE 161 KNIOHTSTOWN, lnd., April 17. (AP) The colors ot the American Legion again came to the front today In p: C. Pyle's bunion derby when Johnny Salo, Passiae. N. J., Legionnaire and policeman, won his second consec utive lap, lending the field Into the eighteenth control point In Knlghtstown. covering the 34.7 miles from Richmond In 4:25:24. By his run today Salo cut down the gap for elapsed time between second and third places. Ed Gard ner, Seattle, Wash., negro, second place holder, tops Salo by 3:11: 57. Pete Garuisi of Southampton. England; leader, maintained his advantage by finishing in a tie for second place today with Gard ner, In S:li :15. ' TERRS HAUTE. Ind., April It. (AP) Bud Taylor, Terre Haute featherweight, today can celled all ring engagement for the next six weeks, as the result of broken hand suffered when he knocked out Tommy Murray of Philadelphia at Indianapolis last night. An x-ray photo show ed his left thumb to be broken In three places. Taylor was scheduled to box Tony Cansoneri, at Madison Square Garden April 2f, and Kid Chocolate of Cuba la Boston, oa May 10. JOB AT MEQFORD TORTLANT); April IT (AP)- Erale) Nerers, former Stanford fallback star, now a member of the Missions baseball team, said to night he had bo tbeea approach ed by alumni of Stanford relative tS Accepting the post of eoach of athletic teams at the Medford. Ore., high school. Reports from Medford Indicate aa application blank had been for warded Keren by E. H. Hedriek. Superintendent of Medford schools. WINS UP IN DERBY TIM FORCED TO em FIGHTING IMS M TIKE Hew First iVaUonaj Bank Building Directory B ASECIrT t jira KhlMM x Experts for Ladles and OeaUasmes) FOURTH FLOOR Drs. O'NelU A B urdette. uptometrlata Pnoo 419 481-40Sr4o22e5 SUOUTa JTLOOB VdP"rU General Dent -try TaL BIS Enn K ni-.VTr' --- - -j. wrvwuuni Room SOS TENTH FLOOR r$ W A Jtah nann lAa- REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY ANOTSON A RUPRT. Rtaltori 14$ High TeL 1444 ... M.BCKK H-NDRICK3 141 ti. High xei. 1$ JOSEPH BARBER REALTT CO. 100 Grey Bldg. Pti Tl , A- C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 N. Commercial Xel 471 810 State St. xt ITS', p- a UELANO , I0 N. Church . TeL 1811 h. LINCOLN ELLIS Z295 & Church Bt. Phone n$j j ... . ... 8- EARL.E 144 & Liberty St TeL 2241 HOMER D. FOSTER REALTT CO. 870 H State St. TeL $ .. W' ,IL GRABENHORST A CO. 1S4 & Uberty St. TeL 41$ ' MELVIN JOHNSON S18 P. & Bank Bldg. Tti. 817 W. a MILLS SS1A SUte St. TeL 17$ GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 184 Court TeL 1888 PERRINE ft MARSTERS 111-113 Gray Bldg. TeL 807 RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor S18 N. High bt. ' TeL SIS SOCOLOFSKY A SON 804-9 First Nat B Bldg. TeL $78 SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO P. a Nat'L Bank Bldg. Tel 47$ J. F. ULRICU 12 N. Commercial TeL 1851 TRIANGLE REALTY CO. 411 Court St. TeL 451 p. a re alt r CO. 145 SUte St. TeL 244$ F. L. WOOD 441 State St Tel ? MAPLE DUCKED PRESIDE! CORVALLIS, Ore., April 17 (AP) Howard Maple, famed quarterback of the Oregon State college eleven, was today nomin ated for president of the student body. He has played hia three years on the varsity team but will not be graduated until next year, and so Is eligible for office. Maple Is opposed for the office by Ransom Meinke, whose back ers are said to be about equal In strength to those behind the grid hero. Others nominated include: Carl Totten of Days creek and Moore Hamilton of Central Point for ed itor ot the Daily Barometer; Dor othy Crawford of Oregon City and Lucile Porter of Lafayette for sec retary of the student body; and Reginald Height. Saginaw, for chairman of the honor council. BOW'S STATUS IS STILL UP III I SEATTLE, Wash., April IT. (AP) Action on Enoch Bag shaw's offer to resign as head football coach of -the University of Washington was delayed agals tonight when President M. Lyls Spencer halted a meeting of the student board of control. The president eald he wished to confer with David Thompson, deaa ot deans, and Alfred Schwep pe. deaa ot the law school, and send a statement to the board. He declined to Indicate what the con text of the statement would be. A board meeting was called for tonight to reply to BagshaWa of fer to resign December 5, with his three assistants, and receive the balance due under their con tracts. The coach's offer was la reply to the board's Invitation that he resign Immediately and re ceive 2l,t0. His contract has three) years to ru at 8,00 a year. The board had not mention ed hia assistants. Upsetting all advance "dope, the sophomore girls took -the long ' end of a 21 to 20 basketball game from the junior team Wednesday afternoon. The game was the sec end of a series of six inter-class games being played In the high school gymnasium this aad next week. The Juniors defeated the seniors la the first game. - - .. Members of the teams were: Sophomore: Larerna Proctor and Alice Hayes, forwards; Ruth Arn old, Jump center; Ruby Dresner, running center? : IXOdred Zehner and Hazel Duncan, guards. -Jun iors: eGrtrude Winslow and Brit- r ta Birch, forwards: Marguerite STUDENT SOPHIE GIRLS WIU OVED IIIDBS Harrey aad Vera Wheeler, guards: v ueira ueuoro, jump center; Mary White, running, center. - - A