The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 09, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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Stock Quotations Irregular
But Generally Lower;
Session Slow ;
NEW TORK. April 8. (AP)
The stock market worked irregu
larly lower In the dullest session
so far this year today. With the
supreme coart reconvening In
Washington, traders were dis
posed to mark time In expectation
of decisions affecting stocks, and
in the meantime found little en
conragement la the credit sitna.
tion. ; r- .
The supreme court decision
which was handed down in the In
terbo rough 7 cent fare case wa3
something: of a shock In Wall
street, where a favorable decision
had been looked for. and sent
laterborough 'stock tumbling 25
ooints. A decision in the St. Louia
ind O'Fallon case was awaited
vith even greater interest, hut
Vas not forthcoming,
'all Money
Msted at 7 Per Cent
Call money renewed at 7 per
cnt. and with the elow pace of
rading. funds were adequate' at
hat rate all day. Although it was
he lowest renewal rate since
March 19, it failed to promote
bullish activity and the days total
ales fell of to 2.719.880 shares.
the smallest day's business for
fnll session since the quiet period
'hat followed the severe break In
Seven per cent money was not
encouraging in the face of contin
tied 9 per cent time money for all
maturities, and the general ex
pectation of a money squeese dar
ing the coming mid-month shift.
ing of balances.
Ilent Declared
Mart's Great Need
Many i probers were Inclined to
the view that the market needed a
period of rest Incidentally, it was
pointed out that he steel and
automobile Industries usually
reach their seasonal . peak within
the next few weeks, and a period
of watchful waiting pending more
. definite determination of business
trends, after the current record
activity in many lines. would be
lu the interest of caution.
Tbe Day Industrial News con
tinued largely favorable. Steel In
got production for both March
and the first quarter were an
nounc as having set new high rec
ords. Sir Henri Deterding of the
Royal Dutch Shell group, discuss
in? crude production control said
his organisation, with its world
wide ramifications is ready to join
whole hearted Iy in the movement
to put and. keep the world s petro
leum business on a sound basis.
American Smelting reduced the
price of lead U of a cent a pound
for the second time In the last few
She Says
Teacher Madefler
Former Matrons .
-Of Star Meet at
Jefferson Home
JEFFERSON. April 8. (Spe
cial) The Past Matrons club of
the Eastern Star met at the home
of Mrs. Charles McKee Thursday
afternoon, yfith eleven members
present. Mrs. V. II. Sherman is
president and had charge of the,
meeting. After the business ses
sion, the afternoon was spent In
a social way. A delicious lunch
was served by the joint hostesses,
Mrs. Charles McKee and Mrs.
7; r"
, ,
' -'I'll
' f t X
: -v.-.-.-.'A-.-.-.
t s - r
Miss Hhw Hacer who attribatos mnch of her success to the careful
Instruction furnished her by Professor E. W. Hobson.
Notable Career of Pupil
Dates Back to Start She
Received from Dr. Hobson
"They Say" that notorious
liar of all ages, has been knows
to remark that there is no job so
thankless ai that of the teacher
and the preacher. I bee to oi
ler a concrete example- in opposi
tion to that statement.
Miss Mina Hager, whose list of
engagements sounds ' Imposing
enough to satisfy the most exact
ing crltle. has come to Salem and
sung In the Grand theatre, with
I i
. nvn m m. km -
Vltaphone ,
8 access
Texas Gnlnan
Vaudeville Acts
. ftnd
Movietone News
m a. s n Kf a is
starts FRIDAY, APRIL 12
1 ' rr
. - Dramatic
the Willamette university glee
club, 'all because . of the early
chlldhowd Influence and teaching
of Professor E. W. Hobson. now
of Willamette university, then of
a college In Dakota.
. Introduces New Music
New iTork symphony. New Tork
Philoharmonic. . Chicago sym
phony, and such directors as Fred
erick Stock, and Albert Coats, are
only a few of the notable connec
tions of which Miss Hagsr speaks J
as oToinaruy as me Willamette
student speaks ef Prof. Hobsoa.
She. has for the pastflve Tears
beea latrod arias mew saoderB
auxle forsnch mea aa Joha Ai
des Carpeater MHaaoiL aad Hoo-
aegser. She has just flaished a
tour with Hoasegcer em a Pro.
Itaaka procraatu aad aho v has
made Robiasoa's Zoological SolU
oqnles live for the eastern musical
circles. (, j ,ft
This work Is modern musie was
presented through Miss Hagcr by
such societies as rro-Maslea, and
the Allied ArU of Chicago aad by
her has been made a real part of
every eastern' musical nroeram
putt ins in the light loaches that
are felt to be needed of times is a
heavy dramatic program.
And why have I told you all
this about Miss Hager? Because X
wished to show proof for my first
statement that . the -work of
teachers is -. sot ; necessarily - a
thankless work. y f :
'V'Slsypj For Professor "
In speakias of Prof. Hebeoa,
Miss Haser said. "I came here to
Salem lost to sins tor. sad to see
Prof. Hobson, who did so much
for me. sad continued "he in
stilled me and his other students,
by some queer means, the love ef
good music not . the accepted
music, but good music." In some
way and against the greatest of
odds. Miss Hager said Prof. Hob
son was able to teach a "certain
sense of values by which one
could always tell : good music."
She continued "W did not have
any opportunities to hear good
music there in that little . college
town, so Prof. Hobson sot Tic
trola records and introduced us
to good moaie hi such manner."
"He did such a splendid piece
of leaching so far as I was con
cerned that he has " picked my
teaphers for me from' that day to
this. Of course he does not or
did not know it bat his influ
ence, his style of teaching stayed
In my mind aad I judged all who
followed him by that style.
. "Prof. Hobson has ooe other
trait which Is remarkable," said.
Miss Hager. "He has the power
of iadlrldaalitins oaxh member
o'f a chores so that he feels that
he has an active part in the whole
production and is not just an atom
ia the whole mass. That adds per
sonality to his chorus work and
happiness to his students."
Husband Is Banker -
Miss Hager Is in jreallty Mrs.
Fred Hledeneon. "the name means
sob of a heathen laughed. Miss
Hager, "and Mr. Hiedensoa is
banker." She assured mo that
she Is going East soon where la
the sprang she will sins Bach's B
Minor mass, and la the summer
will no doubt sins la some grand
opera. . ....
"Yon see," said she, "I llks
my husband and I should prefer
to stay in or near New Tork for a
time at least.
Constructive Administration
on Prisons Rewarded
by Committee
NEW TORK, April -ft. (AP)
Former President Calvin Coolidfe
received by proxy, today a medal
from the national committee on
prisons sad prison labor ia recog
nition of bis services in bringing
about constructive legislation for
prison administration. '
-The presentation was made by
Edwin P. Grosvenor. treasurer, at
the committee s annual meeting
at the colony dab. Representative
Frank H. Foss of Massaehnsets.
received It on behalf of Mr. Coo
Udse. - . . - , . -
."Mr. Coolldse'a interest In pris
on enforcement dld - not begin
when he was called to Washing
ton," Mr. Grosvenor said in mak
ing the-presentation, "it was dur
ing his administration as gover
nor of Massachusetts that the bid
prison, system there Vas reorgan
ised into the department of correc
tion, with a commissioner, respon
sible for the management of the
prlsoas. "-. ' .v ,-
Through his messages to con
gress and the many biU which he
signed he has helped to make
progress towsrd the- time 'when
the federal prlsoas will be mod
els fpr tha nation." :
Mr. 1 Foss expressed a belief
that the prison bill which Mr. Coo-
ridge signed just before" he went
out of office would break the back
bone of the prison contract system.
Members from many .states at
tended the meeting.
A survey of the damage caused
by frost thus far this season by
County Agent Wilcox of Jackson
county shows a 10 tptfO per cent
damage to cherries and 1 to 20
per cent to peaches and apricots i
Canadians Not Native Born
Barred From Entering U. S.
In Excess of Their Quotas
Aliens subject to the Quota re
strictions of the immigration laws
were held today by the supreme
court in a unanimous decision to
be prohibited from freely entering
this country to work.
The question, regarded as of
great importance by the govern
ment and by American labor or
ganizations, involved" a construc
tion of aa article of the Jay treaty
with Great Britain, and of the pro
vision of the Immirration act pro
viding t- -"-
United States without regard to
quota restnet ou .i ...
"temporarily for business or plea
Britoa and Italian -Br
ins Question Up
Mark Cook, a British subject.
born in Scotland, and Antonio
Danelon. a native of Italy, both
residing at Niagara Falls, Ontario.
placed the question before the
court In contending that they had
tbe right to cross the Canadian
border to work upon the presenta
tion of an identification card and
with the quota provisions. The two
insisted that under article S of the
Jay treaty, they were free at all
times to cross the boundary sad
farther argued that they were ex
empt from the quota restrictions
because ia coming Into the coun
try to work they were entering
temporarily for business. t
Native Born Canadians -Given
Free Entrance
The federal district court sus
tained the government in its con
tention that while native born
Canadians were entitled to freely
cross the border without regard
to quota restrictions,, naturalised
Canadians were not. The circuit
court of appeals, however, took
the view that the aliens coming
here daily to labor for hire were
visiting the country on business
and were not immigrants.
- This' construction, accepted by
courts along the seaboard, threat
ened, according to the govern
ment, the breaking down of the
quota restrictions, many aliens be
ing admitted on the declaration
that they were entering tempor-
- Juatic " '! -Ins
the opinion, exhaustively re-
viewea !
the conclusion that the war of
It It had set aside article S and
that under these circumstances
congress free to place restrictions
upon Canadians.
"The varxoos acts of coogress
since It It evince a progressive
policy of restricting Immigration,"
the opinion stated. "The history
of this legislation pointed clearly
to the conclusion that oae of its
great purposes was to protect Am
erican labor agatost the latlux of
foreign labor."
could not be required to comply arily for business.
Read the Classified Ads.
Dr.F C-Jones
20th Century
Dental Plate
Fit Guaranteed
Examination Free, Crown and Bridge work $5 per tooth
Fillings fl ap
' Painless Extraction $1
It wQI pay you to investigate my work
and prices. I will save you money anil
give you the best dentistry.
All Work Guaranteed
Dr. F.C.Jones, Dentist
Upstairs Phone 2860
Over Ladd and Bush Bank
Friday, April 12
-4 i
r-ji!ef Christ
Oi The: Screen
Todsy Tomorrow.,"
. JI W I
II : 1 II - I I XII
I V. U
j&f-e: 4. S,U?fgISl!. HEAUT1E3
CftlMi li li fi IJDQ
rv '
f -- :- belle: BENN ITT v- .
Larel Hardy Souad . Comedy
SporlUgfets Paramount News
2.rBroadwar WekiaV
Starts Mdsar
" on The Stage'
7bo Wffl Miss Salesa Be?
Entry Ticket f or EUInore-Statesman
Beauty Contest April 11-12
........................ ......,
I hereby enter the Miss Salem contest, and agree to abide
by the rules and regulations of the contest. . - .
I agree to make appearances on the stage of yonr thea- -tre
as many times as deemed necessary by the contest com-
mlttee, for which I am to receive no compensation.
It la agreed lhat you are privileged to ase my photo- -graph,
for advertising-purposes, -as' well aa allow my name
and picture to be used in connection with the publicity of the .
contest, in' the dally paper designated by yourself, without
any rennmeratlon'whafsoever tor same.
I agree to accept the decisioa of the regularly appointed
judges, as final, and It selected do hereby agree to appear on
the stage of Portland theatre daring the days of May 1-2-3,
with the understanding that my traveling expenses as well as
hotel expenses while in Portland shall be taken care of by the
state committee.
I am years of age, nnmarri$dr-and Uvs at
with , l. .
Name of Entry. ...... ............
v Approved by;
: , Parent or nearest relative.
;:: Present this ticket to the El sin ore theatre at once
: ri Ccdodsr-Co.
f m " 3535; J
A 'J l 15 : :
li TOM MIX in
L "&e I
. Y DritW'
i (GlIlEWOILffiT
1 r M m
And... . H (tjoes mghrcompressioni
its new oraers should avoid hard carbon from burned oil
'1 k ' v&4"K"V. 4,i' 1 1 K
I 4 " Ji lSlB Bi,l S
W n - ft sift R
- Hhr- '- ' - Irl iJ
'O; I
N ADVAN( rif:lakeardli
fPLJ&JtgotZitfavyfr and bearings,
it everywhere Hih- i-
compression, higher powered, ; - rapidlr.
Yet one motor oil meets new
. conditions squarely. It forms
only 13 to 15 as much car-
.T&e feet power of tho nam Chevrolet
comes Jrom m new kigh-compression type
Mot. No room in it for herd carbon.
Koto Uum cnUaeey cylinder see how the
piston comet right to the toot Where
would you put the handful of coke4ike
rbon lhat old-style oils toon lease
Eean the costliest eUs
form more carbon. A
sample of this oil, when
bmned, left more than
three timet as much
at Shell Meter Oil
'An equal sampfe ef
this smaU fraction of
mi h it toft
net the herd..
gruty. damaging kind
motors; yet more economical,'
smoother runniog. Nearly all
the cars built this last year or
two ase higher compression,.
among tne newest and most
notable the Chevrolet six, the
announcement of which was
repeated by millions of lips.
.This modern trend in mo
tors caught many oil refiners
unaware I Their fine lubri
cants had fault serious .
when engines were- roomy in
side, but a positive menace in
new-type motors. This fault is
the tendency of their oils to
form flinty layers of hard car
bon. And there is no room for
carbon deposits in the new
liigh-ccmpression motors.
Bard carbon causes knocL
Ing, engine attain power loss.-
bon as even the most expen
sive oils you can buy! The
little it does form is soft and
soot-like a kind that blows
harmlessly away through, the
exhaust. " '
It is Shell Motor Oil, a re
markable new lubricant. It
withstands violent tempera'
ture changes without break
ing down; keeps its sturdy
body long after ordinary oils
'would disintegrate.
New daymotorit acclaim
Shell Motor Oil as the answer
to the high-compression lubri
cation problem keep away
from hard carbon!
ii2?y; iJfr ifctarrt do not specify
bwrih re oO. None It factory recommended fortho
IE! ttZOTiZ?! modf7i have an oil
that forms no hard carbon. Ask any lubrication expert.
" - ' " i " -T ...... - . .
'I? .db m
.430 N. Commercial
. : TTcIephono 1C02