The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 09, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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i April weather mast .be ap
- and down or else the old
prophecy would not be cor
rect. This year its showers
of hall and a bit of saow bat
- May -flowers are sore tar f oW
' lOW. i
. Generally cloudy and cool to
day; Fresh westerly wisids.
Moxv temperatare Monday
s'; win. 83; Rirer 2J. Rata
.08; rata Saaday M.
"No Fever Saays Us; Ho Fear Shell Ace
9t from i First Matssw
naa marcn ami.
Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, April 9, 1929
Five Persons Take Stand a
Impeachment Trial of
. . California Judge
Defendant Quoted as Saying
He Was Paid $50 Each
; Month byiAjrnee
. SACRAMENTO. April 8. ( AP )
FIts witnesses followed one an
other to the witness chair in the
impeachment trial . of Judge Car
los S. Hardy before the state sen
ate today testifying that Judge
Hardy by ( his own word "gave
conasel and - advice" to Aimee
Semple McPherson and her An
gelas temple and that the temple
"paid me for my services on the
basis of $50 per month".
Arthur W. Moore, a deputy
county clerk of Los Angeles and
clerk of Judge . Hardy's court.
Identified Hardy's signature on
document addressed to the Amer
ican Bar association., in which the
judge denied his gWtjbf any mis
conduct in office er anylviolation
of the American Bar association
"code of ethics".
Hardy Claims He -Knew
No Better
Hardy, in this communication',
declared be was ignorant "untl
IS28" ol the existence ox any eoae
of ethics set un by the American
bar that prohibited a judge prac
ticing law out of court. Although
' lift aehiai of misconduct was gen
eral; Judge Hardy admitted his
activities in behalf of Mrs Mc-
ne aammea aiso accepting a
12500 check from Mrs. Minnie
Kennedy, mother of Mrs. McPher
son, the document stated. The
statement was:
"Angelus temple paid me' for
the serrices I rendered and tbe
payment as on the basis of J 50
per month."
Hardy's statement continued to
(&nlinu4 on Pass 7, Column 4):
Mrs. Ruth W. Lockwood .will
continue her testimony-this morn,
lng when circuit court reopens its
hearing of the case of Mrs. Maud
"Williamson against the former
who in hefnsr sued for dimurM of
$7500, Mrs. Williamson is admin
istratrix of the estate of Maynard
Sawyer who was killed by a car
driven by the defendant and who
was sent to the state penitentiary
for manslaughter. -
Circumstances s u r r o u n ding
Sawyer's death were recounted by
witnesses' both for the plaintiff
and the defense in circuit court
Monday. .
Motion by attorneys for Mrs.
Lock wood to hare the case held
over until the May term of court
was heard by Judge McMahan but
disallowed although the counsel
lors claims that tbe testimony of
Jack Chapman, said to hare wit
nessed the accident, was vital to
their case. Chapman is now in Tul
sa, Oklahoma.
Oregon Prisoner
Facing Jolt In
California jail
California officers arrived In
Salem Monday to take into cus
tody Henry H. Barker, who was
serving a term in the Oregon state
prison for forgery. Barker is
wanted in Alameda county for
passing ficticious checks. 'He was
rearrested Immediately upon his
release from the penitentiary here..
Requisition papers from Cali
fornia have been received at the
executive department.
Silverton Planning Large
Time for Community Clubs
At Season-s
Silverton will be "host Tuesday,
April it, to the. last meeting of
the community clubs of Marion
county this year and the program
will be worthy of the closing get
together according to Mayor East
man who was here personally
Monday night to Pln the occasion
In company with President P. E.
O. Riley of Hubbard 'and other
members of the executive commlt
mittee of the Marion county asso
ciation. V .
May z$ was set by the executive
committee as the day for the an
nual parade and more than $100
in prises were agreed upon for
the various communities entering
he affair which will be held . in
Salerav ' .;v.-, ::tr t?
Cash Pat Vp For T
Delegation Prises
The largest representation from
any community- on that day will
win $80 while $25 in cash goes to
the community, presenting the
delegation with the - most gro
tesque - appearance. 'The - -' best
tnnt la the parade will call for a
Special Trains To
Carry Delegates
To Meeting Here
PORTLAND, Ore., April 8
(AP)-a-Spedal train ear
f lying delegates ,'; from St.
Louis and Chicago will arv
,rive in Salem; 0re4 prior to.
; July. IS when the national
'convention" of the Catholic.
: Central society of . America
and Its auxiliary, the NationV
.al Catholic Women's Union is
held there It will continue
until July 18.
Last Word
On Cinders
Is Awaited
Definite announcement of a rec
ommendation for cure of Salem's
cinder nuisance will forthcoming
soon from rror. e. a. Boales of
Oregon State college, who was
commissioned a number of weeks
ago by the city council to make a
survey, it was indicated Monday
by city officials.
One phase of the survey which
has not yet been completed, is a
chart of the distribution of cin
ders, which is being obtained by
the use of metal containers placed
in various parts of the city. When
this is finished the quantity of
cinders fonnd to be falling in each
section of the city will be charted.
Following the completion of the
survey, officials of . the companies
whose burners are responsible for
the rain of cinders, are expected
to reach a decision as to the steps
which they will take to overcome
the condition.
More Expected to Enter Con
test or "Miss Salem"
Honor, Word
It's been a long time since i
really representative beauty con
test was held in Salem, but there
are plenty of comely girls who
can be prevailed upon to compete
for the title of "Miss Salem,"
which carries with it thejight to
compete in. the "Miss Oregon
contest later at Portland.
At latest report Monday, there
were 10 local girls entered in the
Miss Salem" contest which will
be held Thursday and Fridlr
nights of this week at the Elsi
nore theatre, which is associated
with The Statesman in arranging
te event.
Each of these girls will be
sponEored .by a local merchant,
A new feature - in connection
with the event announced Monday
is of outstanding interest. A dance
in hono of'lsa Salem'andnhe
omer contestants has been ar
ranged, to be given at the Mellow
Moon hall Saturday. nightr-lApril
13. Thomas - Brquu&siKrhetra
will pTtrrrarihe'music'I
"lis BaTem'8" Q)enss wlHTe
paid for te .trip to. Portland to
compete in '-the '"Mlaa Oregon"
contest at the Portland theatre
May 1, 2 and S. "Miss Oregon"
will go to Qalreston, Texai, in
June to compete in the nation
wide contest.
William Godsey
Severely Hurt
In Auto Smash
Severe cuts and bruises were" in
flicted on William Godsey, circu
lation department salesman of the
Capital Journal, when he was
hurled through the windshield of
his car as the result of an acci
dent at Center and Commercial
streets Saturday night.
H. M. Glrod, ronte eight, the
other driver figuring in the acci
dent said that the rain obscured
his vision and he did not see' the
Godsey" ear. He took the injured
man to a hospital where he was
treated and spent the night.
Last Meeting
$15 cash prize while $10 will be
the consolation award. As a spe
cial prise. C. P. Bishop has an
nounced that he will give a $25
Indian blanket to the largest
family from any community. Last
year this award went to a family
oLnine children-but it is said that
one family with 14 children is al
ready in the race for honors this
year. .- , .. -
One of the features for. the
parade day here will be the par
ticipation of at least ten bands
including four organised In Salem
schools. . While each band will
perform separately a special event
will be the playing of all the bands
in unison during several numbers
on-taeprogram.;-' '"
v -ffh night of May 28 at the El
slnore, the first of a series of six
community clubs nights will - be
staged. - Ear night five community-clubs
will present their offer
ings for honors on the evening's
program. , Last year crowds at
tended the event and much ama
teur talent was shown.
New Figure Will Take Ef fee
This Morning, at Every
- Station in Salem
Local Association Fixes New
Rate at 23 Cents After
; Long Conference -
Gasoline will sell at .23 cents a
gallon, retail, in Salem .today.
redaction of two cents, from 'the
"post-war" price of 25 cents
which has prevailed since the. last
wholesalers' conflict was termin
The -reduction was decided upon
at a meeting of the retail dealers'
nv!atfnn Afnnriav nTrht Clffi.
cers of the association could not
be reached for interviews after
the meeting, but word of their
action was' obtained from reliable
sources. ,
Tne aecision was, reached, it
was reported, not because of any
hew. difficulties between - whole
salers .not because of - any price
cutting on the part of independent
dealers, but solely because the as
sociation members had reached
the . conclusion that it would be
good business, according to these
unofficial reports.
Wholesale Prices
Are Not Reduced
Wholesalers have not reduced
their -prices to the dealers here
but on account of continuing dis
agreements elsewhere, prices in
nearby cities have been lower than
the prevailing Salem prices. Be
cause of this situation, Salem mo
torists have been cutting down on
their use of gasoline, or buying
only enough ' to get to a place could be purchased more
cheaply, in case they started on
trips of any length.
In view of this situation and
the general attitude on the part
or tne public which brought it
about, the dealers. It was report
ed., decided that a smaller margin
(Continued n Pif 7, Colama )
NEW DELHI, India. April $.
(AP) The campaign of the In
aian government - against com
munist agitation had an ominous
sequel in the legislative assembly
today where several members wefe
injured and the -others- panic
stricken by the explosion of two
bombs - thrown from a . gallery.
-p.SifrBetaanJee Delalal was struck
by a fragment of the bomb which
made a wound two inches long
and half an inch wjde. He was the
only onejrraxelynjured although
other prominent persons, includ
ing Sir George Schuster, financial
member of the executive council
of the viceroy, were Injured.
The motive of the bombing was
disclosed by a pamphlet signed by
"Balrain, honorary chief, Hindu
stan Socialist Republican army."
FreojCh Anarchist
Quoted la Missive
This said:
"It takes a loud voice to make
the deaf ear hear. With these im
mortal words uttered on a similar
oecasloa by a valient French an
archist martyr, do we strongly jus
tify' this act of ours."
After charging that labor lead
ers - were being Indiscriminately
arrested and that the people were
' (Continatd on Par T, Colnaa t)
Wifie Likes '
- He was only 19, and never mar
ried, and she was a widow with
one child. , , . -
Starting with sueh a handicap.
Carl J. Scbants found that his
wife domineered him from the
start of their domestic affiliation
in 1025. She-went as she pleased,
drank considerable liquor, stayed
away over night with other men
and women friends in short,
caused Scbants so much difficulty
that he,' rather than she, is the
one entitled to a divorce.
Such Is his contention in an an
swer and Cross complaint filed
Monday with the county clerk in
answer to suit brought by Lois
Schantx, his wife, for divorce.
Legion Post Will
The degree team of Capital Post
No. f. American Legion, will go
to Portland tonight to inlttiate
new members of Portland's new
post. Members of the team are
Herman Browh Carl D." Gabriel
son. H.. G.5 Mai8on, Rufev White,
William Panlus and Irl 8. Mc-
Sherry.i i- ..- - - ; .'
WASHINGTON, A P 1 1 1 1.
((AP) The supreme court today
upheld President Wilson's order
during the world' war fixing the
price of coaL
Last Picture of Ambassador Herrick, at
Last picture of late Myroa T. Herrick, Americaa ambasaaddr to France, takea aa he sat with representatives of other large nations
la the IavaUdea, Paris, during a civil funeral service for late Marshal Foch. Ambassador Herrick died several days . later as result of
exposure suffered during long, drawn-out services for Marshal Foch.- Left to rlgfc are shown Herrick, IrWilllant Tyrrei of England,
Qulnonea de Leon of Spain, Prince Charles, the Count of Flanders, Belgians, aad the Prince of Wales. . ;
Supreme Court Ruling Holds
Against Oil Magnate in
: Contempt Action
Harry F. Sinclair, under a su
preme court decision today must
serve three months In Jail for
contempt of the senate in refusing
to. answer all questions asked in
the Teapot Dome oil investigation.
The opinion of the court was .unan
imous. The wealthy oil operator
will have 25 days in which to ask
for a rehearing before the man
date will be issued but rehearings
are seldom granted. In addition to
the Jail sentence he must pay a
fine of $500.
Sinclair had appeared several
times before the committee, as a
witness at the time he was called
on Mareh 22, 1924. The committee
tnrougn senator waisn, uemocrai,
Montana, sought to obtain infor
mation concerning a contract
made in September 25, 1922. by
Sinclair in behalf of the Mammoth
Oil company with F. G. Bonfils
and John Leo Stack.. - .
Refusal Follows
Quia On Contract
Questioned concerning the con
tract which the committee had
been informed called for a pay
ment of $250,000 to Bonfils and
Stack for surrendering rights they
claimed onJTeapat pome, Sinclair
(Continued en Pas 7, Column S)
An appeal to the Order of Rain-
how for Girls to inaugurate a
campaign against the "degrading
of the girlhood and womaahood of
America by the growing use of to
bacco," was made Sunday morn-
ng by Rev. Fred C. Taylor of the
First Methodist church. Sixty
members of the Rainbow Girls at
tended the church services in ob
servance of - the anniversary of
their, organisation. Dr. Taylor
spoke on the Golden Rule.
Dr. Taylor asked that the order
oin a movement petitioning Mrs.
Herbert Hoover to head- a cam
paign to check, this habit and in
this way begin a nationwide move
ment to this end. He called at
tention to a recent ' resQtion
adopted by the sheet metal work
ers union protesting against the
display of women and girls in the
posters on billboards.. ,
The Rallbow Girls were asked
not . only to , abstain. ' themselves
from the so-called "torches of
freedom" but to use their influ
ence against the habit by women.
Possibility that a plan for re
modeling the city hall may be de
vised ' soon.: despite the adverse
report brought in by the city
council's publie buildings com
mittee at the last meeting, was
sees Monday when it was learned
that a local architect had .offered
to prepared free of charge, a
rough draft of such a plan.
The need of changes which
wonld permit the city to utilize
more of the space tn the city hall,
was brought up several weeks ago
by "Alderman W. H. Dancy and
referred to the committee, which
brought in a report that nothing
could be done this year as there
were no funds available to employ
an architect, - r
It will not be possible to put
the proposal up to the people this
year, as there will be no election.
but - Alderman. Dancy believes a
start should ! be made so that
the matter may - be discussed
thoroughly before the time for
voting. On Ittdoes coma. small
bond issue was proposedr. -
t '
Banks and Court Stand by
Guns in Fight Over Refund
Row Over Tax Levy to
Today ; Deficit Looms if Assessment Not
Demanded This Year, Officials Say
rriHIS morning representatives from the six national banks
X of the county are scheduled
county court to decide the vexing question of how much
taxes the banks will pay to satisfy the court.
From all reports current Monday, the banks are coming
to court determined to stand
tne sum 01, ine xotai
thus far paid for the 1926 and
1927 taxes is sufficient to
satisfy the county although
it represents but 23.94 per cent
of the total levies for the years
Of 1920-1927-1928.
Coart Insists
85 Per Cent Needed
The county court," unofficially,
Is said -to be fully adamant that
at least S 5 per cent of the assess
ment levied for the three years
be paid.
The bankers' contention Is that
all bank stock taxes for years
have been 'illegal inasmuch, as
competing capital was not sim
ilarly taxed. However, tney win
not protest taxes already-paid,
The court s contention Is that
Marion county has, already paid
its share of the total taxes, sup
posed to be received from the
banks, into the various road dis
tricts, school districts, and into
the state treasury in the radio
prescribed for tbevyears the mon
eys were recelysdAilt. the, banks
reiuee iTay; up Jie-j.. rer"""x.
it wiu mr33 tonntyf eurt?l -. v-
bers say? ia the j SeOd iriiM ?
UVj VMM,WW 1. 5
inks.-- Xiir-'
other, than banks.
Court Action
Strongly Hinted
If the banks are firm and their
spokesman say they are, and if
the court Is firm and it is said to
be, an impasse which might lead
to court action will be created.
The banks hold that a suit would
(Continued oa Pas f, Coltua 1) -
LOS ANGELES, April .--(AP)
Search for two medical men for
questioning In connection with the
finding of a woman's torso In the
Los Angeles rirer last Thursday
night was being made by sheriff's
officers here tonight. . :
The Investigation was tarned to
medical men because the head and
limbs have been removed with evi
dent expertness from the body. A
doctor who previously had been
under investigation because of
complaints from women that they
had bees maltreatedaad tortured
by him was one sought. The other
was a young man who had Dis
played a medical certificate dur
ing the time he called upon, Miss
Minnie .Nordhock, Mrs. C. Nord
hock reported her daughter- had
been missing since last August, .
W. F. Baird. a.mechantc, failed
to Identify the torso as that of his
wife, who had been missing three
weeks. He said she had been In
the company of medical students.
Numerous other clews were being
followed by officers tn an effort
to solve the murder-mystery. -
Fdr Board Votes
$50fi00 For New
I' ' Grandstand Here
The state fair board Mon
day authorised the issuance
of $30,000 ia negotiable
warrants to apply oa the
coastractloB of a new grand
'stand and educational bend
ing. Tbe state legislature, at
Its last session, approiated
9100,000 for the strnctnre
contingent upon $30,000 be.
far raised locally.
U- It was provided that the
state appropriattioa shall be
aid within lO years oat of
receipts of the fair.
. ye .:.v3(...;.....t
be Continued at Meet
for another meeting with the
by their guns and maintain that
Ask Status
The diplomatic corps at a meet
ing at the British embassy tonight
agreea-inat sir rame Howard, the
British ambassador and dean- of
the eorps, immediately should ask
the state department for a definite
ruling on the social status or Mrs,
ETlward Everett Gann, sister of
Vice President Curtis. .
The diplomatic representatives
were called together by the Brit
ish ambassador, the discussion
over what action should be taken
lasting nearly two hours. v
The corps decided that since
.Vice President Curtis had protest,
ed- to the state department aeainst
ferAUBtg'. kjiformer Secretary Kel-
ld tea tl ? elft r Mr&Gnnn3taocIaI
fnsstloni af tether vivi:ot XhH
headgtef foreign missions.
woul4Kb be,ttet, toL.hate JUrsJ
Gann's status definitely establish
ed by Secretary of State Stlmson.
Coming Social
Affairs Are Feared
It .was pointed out that a large
number of outstanding social func
tions are expected before the vaca
tion season starts and "that a rul
ing by Secretary Stlmson would
eliminate the possibility of hos
tesses offending either the ' vice
president's .party or foreign diplo
mats whom they might entertain.
Previously the corps bad indi
cated it might , get around the situation-by
not Inviting other diplo
mats to functions which the vice
president and his sister were
Several' members of the -corps
contended, however, that since
both the chief Justice and the
speaker of the house of represen-
. (Continued n P( T, Column S)
Weather is
Now Due for
Real Cbange
, "The weather Is going to change
tomorrow," said Old Timer, the
ultra authority on weather in this
locality; and since he said it yes
terday, the weather . ought to
change today. And since it can't
change for the ; worst, according
to the general verdict, it must
change for the better.' Old Timer
bases his prediction on the lunar
change which is scheduled for to-
. -Persons who have advocated
"giving this country back to, the
Indians", on coming in out of the
cold and wet the last few .days,
are expected . to change i thejg
minds about it,. ;
. . The rainfall in ' Jthe - 24 .hours
ending at .5 o'clock Sunday after
noon was .33 inch, and for the
succeeding 24 hours .08 inch. In
that time the temperature did not
get down to freexing, although It
was disagreeably cold' much of
the time. , v ..-.. , ;V':,
April -if-tAP) American air
planes from Managua, Nicaragua,
which bombed suspected rebel
camps along the border were re
ported today to have also bombed
the town of Las Limas in Hondur
as. x-
Foch Funeral
f V
Joint Group, to Appear Be
fore City Council at
Next Meeting
The Joint airport committee of
the American Legion, chamber of
commerce and city council will
have a definite report to make to
the council at its next session, it
was announced following a meet
ing of the committee Monday
At this meeting, the action of
a subcommittee in completing
negotiations with the state board
of control for a site souttheast of
the city was approved, and recom
mendation that- this purchase be
completed, will be one item of the
report to be made next Monday.
The committee also considered
the need for additional land to
enlarge the airport to dimensions
required if it Is to be a class A
field and ltts report will also
recommend some action in this
direction,. It la probable that the
committee wijl meet again before
next Monday night, to make this
recommendation more "definite.. -The
agreement with tbe board
of control contained ' permission
on the" board's part for the city
to proceed with any Improve
ments desired at the tract selected
even in advance of completion of
the transfer, and to use the field
if any use can be madeef It- for
landing purposes before that time.
With this permission in mind,
the committee will make some
recommendation as to starting the
work of Improving the airport.
The deed to the property was
placed in eserow at a local bank
last week, to be turned over to
the city upon 'payment of the
agreed price. $7240. Payment can-
hot be made until part, at least,
of the bonds voted last year for
the purpose, are sold.
The .tract purchased Is south of
Turner road, and directly south
of the penitentiary. ,
The Salem high school ' boys'
band of 46 pieces will take a
prominent part in the annual ben
efit concert of the Salem . Boys'
chorus, to be given tonight and
Thursday night at tbe Grand the
atre.' The high school boys, un
der direction of Prof. O. P. Thay
er, have been practicing diligent
ly for the past week, and the large
chorus, directed by Dr. H. C. Ep
ley, has been no . less careful in
Its. preparation for the programs.
The school band has made but few
appearance;, but has been met
with enthusiasm eaeh time. Tne
work of the boys chorus is almost
too well known to need commend
ing. The programs are being giv
en, aa a benefit for the Salvation
Army and' high school band.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Aorll t.
(AP) Perry John. Klamath In
dian, ' will be sentenced on ' s
charge of manslaughter tomorrow.
siiiiM men sen
Legion Membership Drive
Nears Goal With Only 82
Veterans' Names Required
. Membership In Capital Post No.
9, American Legion, reached 1030
Monday, leaving only 82 more
members to be received before the
post goes ."over. the. top," a con
summation which post officers
hope to reach before the end of
this week. '
.Workers will be out all; this
week In. an. effort to cover the
county completely, especially out
lying districts where post member-
Kehlp has not been talked to sny
great extent previously.
Following Is a continuation of
- i ... ....
$50,000 Heart Balm Action
Filed by Minister Who
Says She Proposed
Aimee Intends to Stand by
Her Mother, She Avers
on Hearing News
PORTLAND, Ore.. April
(AP) Mrs. Minnie Kenntav,
mother of Aimee Semple McPher
son, Los Angeles evangelist, to
night characterised the $50 OeO
heart balm suit brought agaiswi.
her In Seattle by Rev. H. H. Clark
as a case of 'biting the band that
feeds It.
Although Mrs. Kennedy's com
ment was terse. It was vitrolic.
"I have nothing to say abius
this case," she first commented.
Then she augmented' her state
ment in strongly worded phrat
into which crept reference te
"blackmailing" and "hypocracy."
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. April' 8.
(AP) Aimee Semple McPhr
son, the evangelist, tonight sprang
to the defense of her mother wra
informed of the breach of prem
ise suit.
"The reported charges against
my mother," she said, "are toe
absurd to even consider. I knew
my mother and I know that her
actions could be nothing but
"If it is true that these pre poe-
terous charges have been filed 1
will do anything I can to help ssy
Mrs. McPherson wept ss she
read the Associated Press dispat
ches. SEATTLE, April 8. (AD
Asking $50,000 heart balm. Rev.
H. H. Clark, middle aged Seattle
clergyman of the Christian de
nomination, entered suit lev
breach of promise against Mrs.
Minnie E. Kennedy, mother ef
Aimee Semple McPherson of Lee
Angeles tabernacle, here today.
In the suit, filed by Attorney
Gordon McGauvran. Rev. . Clark
charges that "Ma" Kennedy proaj
ised to provide him with a taber-
' (Continues on Pg T. Column 1)
By The Associated .Press
With the situation along tbe
American border viewed aa less
alarming by Mexico City and
Washington alike, principal Inter
est In the Mexican revolutionary
campaign centered Monday lfpen
the unexpected departure of Gen
eral Calles, federal commander in
chief, to take personal charge of
the federal campaign on the west
General Calles arrived yester
day at Guadalajara on his way to
Maxatlan. ,
Eighteen American airplanes
are guarding the border. But wHh
failure of the rebel attack against
Nace on Saturday, the immediate
crisis seemed to have been passed
there, though concentration of all
the Insurgent armies in the state
of Sonora, might ultimately make
It acute again.
Rebels Beaten Back
All Along Line -
The rebels were everywhere e
the defensive and slowly with
drawing Into Sonora as tbe sixth
week of insurrection began.
Six troop trains neavuy ioaoeo
with soldiers of the rebel com
mander Escobar left Juares " for "
western , Chihuahua, accompanied
bv all the town's taxieabs and mast
of Its Mexican-owned 'trucks aad
automobiles on flaNcars.
General canes conierrea wue
General Cedillo and other federal
commanders organising pursuit of
tne gueriua nanas oi so-cauew
"Crlsteros" in his way to Maxat
lan. Cedilla Informed him that a
mere ahow of troops has caused
most of the guerrilla forces to
take to their mountain lairs, and
indicated that the campaign which I
the federals aesign to pui an eaai
once for all to tnetr activity,
would resolve Itself into a kind of
(Continued an Pr T, Column 4)
the "honor roll." which is a list
of an members of capital post who
have paid their 19 29 dues:
Frank Cain. A. V. CaldweU, H. ,
F. Caldwell, J. H. Callagban, L. .
P. Campbell, W. P. Canoy, Clyde
R, Cardy, Hugh A. D. Carroll. Lyle?
Carrow, Harry V. Carson, John H. f
Carson, Wallace P. Carson. Ed f
Carver. Albert C. Case, Frank Cas-j
pell. Wilbur C. CavenderE. . T.
Caufield. ' ,
Ed Chamlee, Karl A. Chapler, ::
1. C. Chapman, E. C. Charlton, M.
(Contiaacd on Parr T, Culnmn 1)
. v