The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1929, Page 8, Image 8

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    The New OREGON STATESMAN. Saleia. Oxeron. Sunday Horning.' April 7. 1929
.Ambassador to the Arctic
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Bulcfc f Plans Scout Party
Over Carmer-San Si
meon Highway
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Activity on the eontruetloa of
taa Carmel-Saa Simeon Highway
tha ols retnaiaiar gap ia Cal
. lorataV all-cast - boulevard is
proceeding apace, according to ia
formation Jut released by W, B.
Albertfloa, superintendent of the
LHtte Sur prison camp.
A silver anniversary .Buick
eouCparty dfspatchedto the Lit
tle Sar sector ' recently ' learned
from Superinteaaeat Albertson
that there were then 63 men at
work on the northern end of this
important new road project, fif
teen men were scheduled to ar-
rire within a few days and ulti
mately the camp will hare a pop
ulation of approximately 100. A
aim liar group of coavict-worknien
is employed at the southern end of
the construction.
Albertson in detailing progress
of the road construction-thus far
to the Buick party took the pre
caution to explain that visitors, in
th- ordinary sense of the term, are
distinctly not welcome at the con
rlct settlement not because of
any danger, but. in the Interest of
avoiding embarassment to the
workers and consequent breaking
down of morale.
One cut. involving: the removal
of 25.000 cvubic yards of earth,
has already been excavated, with
the . removed soil being used to
bridge a gorge separating the cut
from the next ridge. The work
has proceeded about one mile in
each direction from the Little Sur,
near the mouth of which the pris
on camp has been established. Al
bertjon estimates that his outfit
.can move about 30,000 cubic
fards a month and thr.t the ffwxs
- sol 'job -will average about! ljjcjo
yard of excavation to the linear
mile, although this will run as
high as 120,000 yards for some
miles. Two bridges must be built.
Albany Man to
Become Member
Of Fair Board
T. O. Woodworth of Albany Fri
day, was appointed by Governor
Patterson a member of the Oregon
state fair board to succeed Frank
K. Lynn of Perrydale, Polk coun
ty. Mr. Lynn has served on the
beard since March, 1&23.
H. R. Kreitzer was reappointed
a member of the state board for
vocation education. He lives in
The "Northland," successor to the famous cutter "Bear" in the Bering Sea, !s again
on her way to the Arctic regions. Each year, in the Spring, the Nary sends the ship
north to act as ice breaker, mother ship, hospital and messenger to the inhabitants'
of the far North. A number of sailors aboard the "Northland drire the new Cherrolet
Six daring their Winter stay in port. s
Cutter Northland Ready for
Patrol Duty in Arctic Zone;
Crew Finds Life Pleasant
The coast guard cutter North
land leaves shortly for Arctie wa
ters on its fourth cruise. Four
years ago the Northland succeed
ed the famous old cutter Bear,
which for many years carried
mail, supplies, etc., to the various
inhabitants of the northern, ports.
The Northland will be on pat
rol duty along the Alaskan coast
and the islands of the Bering Sea
nntil early October, at which time
It returns to its home -port In
Like the Bear, the Northland"
acts as a mail boat, holds federal
court at the various ports of call
along the coast, cares for smug
gling, violation of the game and
fish laws, and the welfare of the
Indians and Eskimos.
Life aboard the Northland is
pleasant. The boys who make up
the ccew. all of them members of
the regular navy, take their du
ties, in the nature of adventure,
and had .many tales to tell a
party of visitors ia a Chevrolet
Six. of humorous Incidents met
with, among the people of the ice
and isow..
The North.and acts as the
mother ship of the Alaskan patrol
of five coast guard cutters. The
other ships are: Chelan, now at
Unalaska, Uualga, Snohomish and
the ITaido.
The ' first task of the patrol
fleet will be to meet the north
bound seal herd. The coast guard
provides escort to the migrating
sea. animals in order to prevent
poacher3 from wiping out the
herd as. the swim the long course
to the Pribfloff 'and other seal
islands in the Bering sea.. The
wintering of the seal is a puzzle
to the naturalists. Fact has them
appearing off the Coast of Cali
fornia the first of April and mak
ing their way north to the breed
ing ground.
The most northern calls are
made by the Northland, which
reaches Point Barrow, farthest
north on the American continent,
providing the ice permits passage
that far. The rest of the fleet
will patrol as 'far as Attn in tha
Aleutian group. Captain Claude
8. Cochran, who will be remem
bered as the veteran captain of
the Bear, is in charge of th Ves
sel. This Is his last voyage, as he
Is to retire at the end of the pres
ent season's work.
TO. 11
gnwpais mt 0 imil Stoti 1 H the
VaiUd. Mataal Tir9 Iasoraae Cwinn
at B torn, ia the gttte mt Htm cSra tto.
tha tkrrfy-firrt sy-f Dwwitir, 1928.
mmim to Uu Iatanae. OjnuiioMr mt
tfc Stat Orecwn. BnrtOkBt to lav:
iwmt of ciptl" aUck ssi ,
Kt prwitu retTd inriac thm 7 Mr,
$1.70,470 3.
Iateimt. dividand sad vest neWd
dnriaa; tiia year, S3.57.22.
Iaeoma fraat other wveu vaeeivad
4oria the yaar, S7.985.1S.
Tatal iaeoM. 9 1. 85 1.035.31.
Nat louaa paid doriay; tha yea la
clodin adiDStatrnt expanaet, SS58,80S.22
ThTidend paid on capital atoek durtat
tka yaar. S7.O00.0O.
Coauaiaaions aad aalariaa paid dartac
taa year, 230,927.7.
Tax, lietaa and fees paid d arias
tha yaar. (31.275.00.
Aaioant of all other zpaaditaraa,
Total axpenditore; .91.467,163.54.
Valae , af eal .aitaaa awsad (aurKet
alw). Sam 1
Valae af stacke and bnada cwned (mar
ket valoa),
Caih in banks and on band, $195,
152.73. Premiamt In eoarsa of ealleetioaj writ
ten since September 80, 1V2S, (124,
839.91. Interet and rents da and accrued.
Otker asaeta, (39.629.4S.
Total admitted atet, 82.501.858.56.
Ores elslmi far loasaa aapaid, (119,
590.84. Amooat af arned pramiaaM oa all
amBdinf riaks. 8 1,101.985.53.
Ine for eonuniaaioa and brokerare,
All other li.WlUUa. (148458.29.
Tnal HbiKti. exelntiT of raoltat
toes, or sio4) 91.s71.szs.59,
Nat prevjinau raeairad dariag tho year,
Lae" paid dwriny tk year, SI, 594.19.
Lasse iacsrrad dariay tka yaar,
Kaaa af eoarnaaT United afvtnal Kra
jDMuaae CamaoBr.
Kama of president Lanlo XT. Lfitrett.
naaio at Kseretarv w. cars
MtvendUen FmDyEqmipped
Dmlierd Her Fmlfy Equipped
NO other low-priced Six in the world can uv
ceaafuDyatand cciparion J"eatr by feature,
with the aensational Durant Siz.To obtain the
Durant adrantages in any other car, 70a would
hare to step up to the high-price level. V Prove it
to your own aatisf action. Compare ! The popular
Durant Six has UieWorid-famoua Red Seal n
nental Motor, Lancheater Vibration Dampner, Nel
son Bohnalite Invar -Strut Pistons, Morse Silent
Chain Timing Drive, Full Force Feed Lubrication,
and other features found in costly Sixes and Fights.
f s- ..-.J.- -I 1
without parallel
regardless of road or speed
Faetom . . . . $S45
fttmdttrr Ftjrr-t, 845
Smdmm Cock . . M5
Cup Buie . 845
pJdan. . . C85
CvpdLnj . CSS
Sedan d Laj.. ,t 955
jUlpric-mtfmcUry '
It isn't enough these days ation that spins the apeedora-
that a car abjJl get you there eter to a wind-wif pc.
and back. The world Is step- Exult in the ample t powi
ping to a livelier tune. And still left for utmost effort.
De Soto Six U setting the paco Appreciate how quickly, clex-
that the spirit of the time" erly De Soto Six maneurers
tmd up at tha factory
t' t . .
detaiands. Ptformanee with- through trazSe how gallantly
out parallel speed and flash- . it sweeps you hnmming along
the open highway.
' '--,. , , - '
Here vivacious beauty is in
fine complemenl to brilliant
performance---to superb crafts
nuuuUp-and to that inher
ent stamina which insures
comparable smoothness and years and years of thoroughly
ease of liandling -the accelcr- dependable transportation
ing geVaway--reapoiifven
that exhilarates a sure grip
on fbe road that spells secur
ity at all times and at any
gait, these are De Soto's.
Try for yourself De Soto's in-
C H R Y S L E 1 ' 110 TORS' PRO DUCT
: "3$0 Marion 5t.
,7 a :
JeleKpnoc 920
II ,. 9SJ
SDDQQ 00tiS)iBQ(S)Q)HIl :(S5)o
-' . ..
' nIiiiajiililfieiii.fl .
fln)n jpBciripll
an-rrms:tT m rr
LHE New Pontiac Big Six was de-'
signed primarily for people who
appreciate the finer things m life
Its pmpo is to enable; them to
atop up the quality of their motor
cars without stepping out of the
low-priced fieldv To achieve this
result, it is powered by a big, new
carburetor. Its rotating
PrU are all ia accurate dynamie
balance. It is equipped with noise-
- rV awrw. aawRB'waaa, saoaa MaaaMenanCaao aleMaaFeM svioa
leas, dirt-and-weather-proof, In
ternal brakes. It is completed by
stunning new Fisher bodies, the
cry essence of luxury and good
taste. And it Is serviced by more
than 5,000 Oaldand-Pontiae deal
ers, located in every' section of the
United States, all esuploying spe
cially trained men and special
equipment to assure the utmost in
satisfaction at all times.
mmd f a ay
-a s.
High Street at Trado
Telephone 1841s
Wbfteaide Motor Co forralHal fhww rni.. nH.' n ',. . : -,
Motor Car Co., SUverton, Orrgoar C J. Shreeve Son, Dallas, Orron; T. D. Ponseror. '
Independence, Oregon; Fred T. Bilyen, Scio, Oregon) Elmer Fitzgerald. Lebanon,
Orecom, Aastlna Sertico Station, Browaaville, Oregon; H. W. llorrla, Waklport,
LU.Jh7UTnrt Ueur C. Haneman, Barrlabarg. Oregoa;
, xrava. a a? sr.
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