The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1929, Page 7, Image 7

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- The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon Snnday Morning, April 7, 1929
' " ' ' ' - ,r ------ :.-.-.ty -.- - - - . I TheFmesdFidi .j- J
Average of $7.50 Per Per
son Spent by . Hotel
Tourist Group r
"Oregon win entertain the
greatest number of . motor ..tour
ists she has ever seen In 1929..
aid George- O. Brandenburg,' sec
retary of the Oregon State Motor
association, in a recent statement.
"The trend in motor . vacation
touring la steadily upward; and
1928 witnessed the greatest out
pouring of motor vacationists In
the history of the automobile,
continued Mr. Brandeburg ."but
a recent surrey conducted by the
American Automobile association
shows that the figures of. last
year will be surpassed by the fig
ures of 1929."
Reflected In Economic Llfel,
Mr. Brandenburg pointed out
that there was an increase in va
cation taring of at least ten per
cent over 1927 and the value ef
the vast touring army was reflect
ed in the economic life of every
section of the United States. .
Further rextracts ' from H his
statements follow:
"Perhaps the most reliable
barometer possible is the annual
report of "the department of the
interior showing the number., of
visitors to the national parks and
monuments. This disclosed that
last year the record breaking total
of 3,026,273 were checked, "an In
crease of 228,433 over 1927,-and
just a shade under 10 per cent
over .the registration of the year
previous. As usual, the vast
majority of park and monument
sightseers drove privately owned
Tourists Are 44 Millions
"Judging from scattered re
ports released from strategic lo
cations along the streams of sum
mer tourist traffic, the grand
total of pleasure tourists In 1928
numbered 44,000,000. They drove
11,000,000 ears. Of the 1928
crop of motor tourists, 31,900,000
stopped at hotels and resorts
while 12,100,000 either camped
or patronized cottage camps.
Tenters numbered 8,470,000.
while cottage campers totalled
"Ten days was the average
length of trip made by hotel tour
ists and the average sum spent
per day per person was close to
17.50, making the total expenditure-rise
to the record breaking
dimensions of 82,392,500,000.
Campers averaged 83.30 a day for
each Individual and were 30 days
afield. Their total expenditures
amounted to the staggering sum
of $1,197,900,000. Thus hotel
tourists and campers last year
left a trail of gold summing 83,
590,400,000. From these figures
it is apparent that the business of
selling scenery In the United
States amounts to an enterprise
worth approximately one-third of
All Set to do a Real Truck;s Work in This County
v,. rK2D t) S e : life
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s A-Vw , A v VVK, x A s w a -art l -Trr
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Eight of the ten Dodge Bros, tracks shown here were sold and deliver red In Salem and vicinity during the month of March by the Bonesteele
Motor Co. oa South Commercial street. This is the 12th year this firm has served this district and Its business has increased each year.
Sales volume In the truck, bus
and motor coach field for 1929
appears unusually bright from
surveys of the market represented
by the world-wide dealer organ
isation of Dodge Brothers, ac
cording to Howard E. ' Sneathen,
director of the company's truck
Outstanding factors In sup
porting this outlook are:
1. General prosperity shared
alike bj industrial and agricultural-districts.
2. Construction of additional
thousands of miles of paved roads
and street widening projects.
3. Stabilization of foreign mar
kets, opening larger export pos
sibilities. 4. Engineering and mechanical
improvements of new models that
represent desirable features for
more economical and dependable
5. The growing demand for
fleets -of trucks on the rfrt of
corporations expanding its mo
torized delivery service because of
its many advantages.
"The year 1928 represented an
Increase of 18 per cent in produc
tion sales volume compared to
1927," said Mr. Sneathen. "These
figures alone show the remarkr
able growth of the Industry, and
Indicate that just as the public is
profiting by every development of
the automobile. It Is likewise reap
ing the benefits of the Increased
nse of the motor truck, bus and
"A prominent development dur
ing the past year has been the
moves of the truck manufacturer
the annual anrnorer of the auto- to furnish a unit that exactly
mobile manufacturing industry." (Continued on page S)
Bonesteele Finds Dodge Line
Is Well-Liked; Versitality,
Durability Outstanding
March is Good Month for Local Dealer and
Outlook for Coming Season Held
To be Very Encouraging
The field of the light truck: is
rapidly coming into its own and
is paying very successful divi
dends both to owners and to the
truck sales agencies according to
Russell Bonesteele, sales manager
of the Bonesteele Motor company,
local dealers for the Dodge Broth
ers autos and trucks.
The last three months have
been very good ones for his firm,
Mr. Bonesteele reports, especial
ly as regards truck sales which
were slow during the winter sea
son. Optimistic Outlook
.; Mr. Bonesteele finds good
grounds for an optimistic out
look toward the future. "We are
carrying as complete a line of
trucks as our source of aupply will
permit,' says Mr. Bonesteele. "In
cluded In our stock we have
trucks ranging from a one-half
ton express delivery to our own
three-ton heavy duty trucks. Our
objective is to be able to make
immediate delivery to our cus
tomers. The majority of the trucks ob
tained by the Bonesteele company
come from the Stockton assembly
plants where one can drive the
vehicles away and thus save the
time necessitated by the usual
method of shipping. This service
enables the Bonesteele company
to make almost immediate deliv
ery on any modes which might not
be carried in stock.
According to Mr. Bonesteele,
the Dodge Bros, line ZLas consist
ently held a high place in their
fields In the use of commercial
vehicles and with the expansion
of the products to the heavy duty
field and the passenger bus de
mand such as those used by
schools and street ear lines, sales
hare been continually increasing
In volume.
March sales and deliveries in
cluded eight of the ten trucks
shown in the accompanying
"We take a great deal of pride
in the business which we are bow
operating,. says Bonesteele, "and
which we have built from a one
room? cramped showroom to
which was located on North
Commercial street across from
the Farmer's 'Hardware store. It
is just 12 years ago this month
that the business was started in
Salem with a total stock of one
touring ear. The situation then
presents a real contrast to pres
ent conditions where a complete
stock of passenger cars and trucks
Is carried along with several
thousand dollars worth of parts
and. equipment which enable us to
guarantee a complete service .to
our customers."
Full line Available
Bonesteele says one reason for
the popularity of the Dodge Bros,
truck line lies in the fact that
there is a truck for every type of
(Continued on page 11)
the completion of our 30-mmute car washing syste
If s&ii? 5oi? Woc&ocl Dottttoi?, ETocttci?
OE1C3 GE? E.GCC r.3osn3T
Prices Listed Below
and (X)UPESleaW
Ford, CkevrofciDurant
4 cyL, WWppet"4vcyL
. , - - 'V.
and COUPES 9l3
All Light Sixes .
Advance 6 Nash, Master
6 Buick and cars of same
' size '
Lincoln, Cadillac, Pack
ard 8 and ears of samo
' .. . sizs ..
Have YffiCar Washed the iVei7 WMthe JIewM or Day
iTCio Cttccn ptftilito -CHc?I
I V - ' III-
During the first two weeks of
March, the Hudson Motor Car
company retailed 17,853 cars.
This la the greatest retail sales
volume in the company's history,
for any similar period. The in
crease amounts to 5000 cars.
"This means that at a time
when shipments usually exceed re
tail sales by considerable margjn,
Hudson-Essex retail deliveries for
the first half of March amount to
70 per cent of actual shipments.
"Tor the single week ending
March 18, reported sales totalled
90 per cent of actual shipments,
whereas retail sales for the same
week of 1928 totalled 7 per cent
of shipments.
Length to be 65,000 Miles By End of 1929 Combined
4 "T '
Statistics recently compiled by
the Oregon State Motor associa
tion show that motor car pur
chasers are adding to the high
way burden at the rate of 100
miles of new automobiles week
ly. JLt the end of 1929 the com
bined length of trucks, busses and
passenger ears will be approxi
mately 85,000 miles.
In addition to the replacement
ef about 2,000,000 worn out cars,
automobile manufacturers expeet
to place new cars In the garages
of another 2,000,000 owners.
Highway Volume Heavy
Records kept by state highway
officials, park officiate, health re
sorts and countless tourist camps
reveal that motor car usage is In
creasing at an even faster rate
than registration figures. This
means that the highways are car
rying a tremendous volume of
traffic that as yet shows no sign
oMessening its growth.
Last year 44,000,000 people
spent more than three and a halt
blHTon dollars "seeing the coun
try." Touring is only a small part
of the highway story but is U In
dicative of the pleasure use of
the car. With busses of one com
pany alone no worrying passen
gers over routes totaling 100.000
miles, and with bus line invest
ments at about the half billion
dollar mark, It is erident that
commercial motor transportation
Is more than a mere rumor.
As for the matter of highways
(Continued on page 11)
50 Refinements, Many
Them Exclusive, Held
by All-American
Building further toward Its rep
utation as a pioneer of new engin
eering achievement widely, adopt
ed throughout the Industry, the
Oakland AU-American six, dis
played by Vick Brothers, local
dealers, reveals mechanical ad
vances that are sharing tbe lime
light with Its ne wand different
body lines.
Just as in the past Duco finish,
four wheel brakes, crankcase ven
tilation, the Harmonic balancer,
tilting beam headlights with foot
control, gasoline pump, and many
other chassis improvement firet
(Continued oh page 9)
Sales and Service
Chrysler designed-full size Automobile
The Low Priced Car of High Priced Car Features
Handled in connection with complete line of Dodge Bros.
.Trucks and Passenger Cars
Bonesteele Motor Co.
474 So. Com'l. "Personal Service" Phone 423
xuality is the Keynote
of what
People Say
about Plymouth
7 '
WHEN people discuss Plymouth,
quality is invariably the keynote of
their conversation.
They say most complimentary things
about its Chrysler smartness, its charm,
its slender-profile radiator, its graceful
, -ving'fenders,it3 arched windows,
. its chromium-plate bowl-type lamps.
Theycommenthighlyon Plymouth's.
fuU-sizt dimensions, its richness and
spaciousness, its wide, deep seats, its
exceptional leg-room.
UrMOtTTB aleea m .
named JbecauM ka endurance
and stUBdi ruggedacM and free
doa from ltnutstkws ae accurately
trptfy that FOgriai hand who were
- . - . : t - ,
They refer glowingly to the powerful
performance of Plymouth's 45 h. p.
engine, of Chrysler "Silver-Dome"
principle its spoed,itspick-,itsabil-iryonhillssmoothneitsquietness.
They speak of Plymouth's safety
of its fu&sbtt Chrysler weatherproof
-4-wheel hydraulic brakes, its rugged
full-stzi chassis, springs
and axles; They ' Pri
b fuel, efi and vpkeep.
' After all, it is only natural that people
should talk more about Plymouth's
fine qualities than they do about
its low price for Plymouth is, first
and last, a motor car of intrinsic quality
and value
Cm, $6sSt XidJittr with rtmUt ttsi).
tog Si D4 Imju Cm (with rmmU
-NT StdMM, $695.
UUfrimi. a k fmstwj. PJymitk
imim m ss f fmtim t 0umJ
lit tmmmimw f timt pjmnu, '
, ' . aso '
FitegraldSIji6 mb. Rtdter Co.
Comer CHemeketa tad Libcxt7. Pfecaa 1123
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