The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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,The New OREGON STATESMAN,, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning. April 7, 1329
126 Member 's of. Veterans'--Association at Meeting
Banquet Served Visitors at
Woodburn; Patriotic
Program Given
WOODBURN, April 4. One
hundred twenty-six members of
the- Marion County Veterans as
sociation attended an all-day
meeting which is the first of three
to be held this year.
Only routine business was tran
sacted at the morning business
session. The president. Mrs. Eliz
abeth Smith, and the secretary,
Mrs. Florence Shipp. both ot Sa
lem, were instructed to re-write
the records of the association,
which were lost a year ago. The
record will include a history of
the organization.
At noon a banquet. was served
by members of the Woodburn
group. The afternoon program
which was arranged by Mrs. J.
H. Livesay was as follows:
"Star Spangled Banner," group
t song, with Mrs. Bessie Coles at
the piano and Mrs. C. C. Geer as
leader: address of welcome, Rev.
A. J. Neufeld of Woodburn: high
school quartet, "Snowflakes."
Juanlta Hicks, Ruth and Edith
Shrock and Opal Dickey; solo,
"Keep the Home Fires Burning"
Miss Bernice Holm, piano solo,
medley of old songs, Mrs. Mollie
Geer; Tocal and harmonica solos.
Comrade Harris Salem; and read
ings by Mrs. King and Mrs. GurMe
of Salem.
The next meeting of the asso
ciation will be held in Sllverton.
Friends Invited to Home
of Mrs. Art Ross for
"500" Party
.VALSETZ, April 6 (Special)
In celebration of her birthday
anniversary. Mrs. Art Ross invited
,Mr; and Mrs. Lott Gardner. Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Green. Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Dodson. Mrs. W. McDon
ald. Charles MeArthur and Owen
McDonald to her home Tuesday
afternoon. Mr. Ross and Vesta
helped entertain. "500" and other
games were played. For the game
of "500" Mrs. Green and Owen
took first prizes. Mrs. Dodsoa and
Charles took the consolation priz
es. A beantiful floor lamp was pre
sented the hostess. The table was
pread with nice luncheon. A
birthday cake with a candle for
each year decorated the center of
the table. , ,
"Just Our Gang" bridge club
met with Edith Worth at 1:30 p.
m. After a business meeting and
the initiation of Pauline Powell
and Mable Erickson. two tables
were put in play. The members
present were Ellen Wright. Velma
Hautze. Rose Wells, Madge Frai
ser, Betty Sanders. Lets Lawson.
'Pauline Powell, Mable Erickson
and the hostess Edith Worth.
Marige Fraizer received first prise
V and Pauline Powell the consola
tion. The next meeting will be at
Ellen Wright's.
Two tables of bridge were play
ed at an afternoon party given by
Grace Wlckland. Mrs. Eva Gates,
r Mrs. Dixon. Mrs. Henry Patton,
Mrs. Farrer. Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Stolt
enberg and Catherine Smith of
Portland were there, Mrs. Gates
receiving first prize. Mrs. Patton
carried home the small prize, me
hestess served a delicious luncn
Mrs. Myrtle Hart of Portland
is visiting her sister Mrs. Dick
Laferer for a couple of weeks,
rtvinr to business being slack
Mr Harrv Wolf, inspector at
Nelstadter's Portland factory, "is
. spending a week vacation visiting
hAr .later. Mrs. Bill Tedd.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Farrell and
fmilv have moved to Salt Creek
near Dallas, where they have a
ranch. James and Wayne win fin
ish the school year at the Salt
Creek school.
Tnnv MUnn and Charles Me
Arthur have both gone to Verno-
nla where they will worn in w
Mrs. Alfred Erickson has gone
to Salem to visit relatives tor a
Th'fl p t. A. will hold Its an
nual spring bazaar April 20. The
arrangement committee inciuaes
Mrs. Bert Thomas. Mrs. Clarence
Powell and Mrs. L. O. Gates. Sev
eral of the ladies are making a
quilt. The patterns, an old fash
ion girl. Is made out of different
colored cloth on a white back
ground. A great deal of other nice
and useful articles will be for sale
at the bazaar.
while nrartlfin basketball
Wednesday evening In the com
munity ha VI, Mrs. Sundstram
sprained three fingers or ner tigai
hand. She piays wun me xmub.
mV inn XI r Marvin Smith, for
merly of Fordson, Michigan, are
living at the T. Mrs. smun is
the oldest daughter of Mrs. Cox.
iprIlTool jokes
MONMOUTH, Apr. (Special)
Mrs. Ira C. Powell delightfully
entertained the Social Hour dab
at her home Wednesday afternoon
-, with Mrs. R, B. Swenson as assist
ant hostess. Roll call was an
swered by telling April Fool jokes
and stories. . A clever game of
guessing advertiaemnets which
had been clipped from magazines
. and arranged upon the walls prov
A ed entertaining. Several musical
' numbers by Oregon Normal school
W f
students were enjoyed. The rooms
were attractive with Easter lilies,
daffodils and ferns, and a deli
cious late afternoon luncheon was
A tennis association has been
organized at Oregon Normal school
with am aim toward enforcement!
ef court rules, to promote fair!
play, and to encourage more play
ing of the game on the campus.
These officers were chosen: pres
ident, Joe Watts; captain of wo
men's tennis, Alice Staples; cap
tain of men's tennis. Sherman Fos-1
ter; secretray-treasurer, Jessie
Morris. The men and women are
organized separately, but xdues
have been made payable only to
the main association. Coach Wolfe
is active in promoting greater in
terest and participation in this
Stayton People
Have Interest
In 2 Weddings
STAYTON, April 6. Two wed
dings of local interest have oc
cured in the past week. Miss .Clar
ice Downing, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Downing of this city
and Eric Fisher, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Fisher of Shaw,
were married at Goldendale,
Wash., on Tuesday. The bride
has been employed In the bank
here since her graduation from
high school.
Ventia, daughter of Mrs. Laura
Leffler. who lives south of town,
was married to Henry Eecleston
at Albany on Monday. Following
tha Mremanr the vounc couole
left for Klamath Falls for aJ
week's visit with relatives. They
will make their home with the
bride's mother and Mr. Eecleston
will have charge of her farm.
Edgar Irish is
Oratory Winner
SILVEHTON. April S. Edgar
Irish, senior, won first honors in
an oratorical contest staged In
Sllverton senior high this week.
"The Relation ot Chemistry to
Industry," was both written and
given by the winner. Anna Lytle,
Junior, won second place with
"The Girl In the Kitchen."
7tie orators were Judged o ef
fectiveness of delivery, subject
matter, stage presence and ability
to be trained. Robert Goets and
Rev. Hardie acted as Judges.
'Angre4 bjr tks prosecution of his soa wlio was arrested for rob
bing the church poor box, Guatso Ueana, aceordin'g to-Chicago po
: Ike. shot tad Rev. Charles JL Erkenswick, CO, pastor of the Bely
Ghent German Catholic chnrch. three times, wounding him danger
mwOji as the priest, extended-his hand to take some letters which
12et&a yhi rj 3sl iligck b r&qwja abort jwtta police 'ofi
ficers, shortly after tbe shooting
Mow THirrfe livt;
riUfFY A HO aOUmMftf
Ladies Aid Group Has Its
Regular Meeting With
Mrs. Bailey
BROOKS, April . The Brooks
Ladies Aid society held its regu
lar meeting at the home of Mrs.
O. L. Bailey on Thursday after
noon. Mrs. Monroe Ward pre
sided at the business session.
Plans were made to hold a silver
tea at the next meeting, which
will be held in the church in two
weeks. The afternoon was spent
tying out a, comforter and in em
broidering, piecing quilt blocks
and in social conversation.
The rooms of the Bailey home
were prettily decorated with
greenery and yellow flowers. Mrs.
Bailey was assisted In serving by
Mrs. William Buchanan.
The guest group included: Mrs.
Harriet Splcer. Mrs. John Lesher,
Mrs. Wayne Gibson, Mrs. Monroe
Ward, Mrs. A. J. Rasamussen and
daughter Arline Rassmnssen, Miss
Edna Lesher, Mrs. Raymond Blan
ton Jr.. and daughter DeEtta
Louise Blanton, Miss Ina Lesher,
Mrs. William Buchanan, Mrs. WI1
lard Ramp and daughter Cleo
Ramp, Mrs. A. E. Harris, Mrs.
William Schafer, Mrs. Sylvester
Harris, Mrs. John Dunlavy and the
hostess, Mrs. C. L. Bailey.
Harry O. Dean and Mr. Graf
fius or Browley, Calif., were re
cent guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Sylvester Harris and
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Harris en
tertained a group of friends at
their home on Tuesday evening.
The evening was spent playing
games and in social conversation.
Refreshments were served by the
hostess. The guest group Includ
ed: Rev. George Cole, Miss Esther
Truschell, Miss Marie Dunlavy,
Mrs. John Dunlavy, Mr. and Mrs.
Sylvester Harris, Miss Lavon Har
ris. John Dunlavy Jr.. Frank Rlg
gi. Albert Harris and the hosts,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harris.
Visit From California
Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Dean
and Mr. Grafflous of Brawley,
Calif., were recent guests at the
home ot Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester
Harris and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walstad of
Portland were recent guests at
ofbboks mm
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Gibson. Other guests at the Gib
son home were Mrs. Dewey Bron-
dldge and daughter, Barbara.
Valsetz Worker
Gashes Foot as
Pickaroo Slips
VALSETZ, April . While at
work Clem Breedlove was In
jured. ' A pickaroo that he was
using slipped off the cart, strik
ing his left foot. The sharp end
of the pickaroo went Into the foot
behind the main Joint of the big
toe, making a large gash. After
the doctor stopped the flow of
blood he took several stitches in
the foot.
Mr. Breedlove will probably go
to Salem, while his foot is In
jured, as his family is living
Frank Moor of Camp 1 was
rushed to Hoskins on a speeder
Tuesday. He was suffering with
a severe attack of appendicitis.
An ambulance met him at Hoskins
and proceeded to Portland with
the patient, his wife accompanying
Claud Brown returned from
Portland where he had been
called on account of the critical
condition of his mother. The crisis
has passed and Mrs. Brown is ex
pected to recover, although slow
ly. The many friends of Grandma
Powell will be glad to know that
she is able to be up again after
being confined to her bed for If
days. Grandma Powell is still in
George Sellers has quit his
position with the Long Bell com
pany at Longview, Wash., and is
visiting his mother, Mrs. Grace
Wlckland for a few days. He is
leaving Saturday for Portland
where Jimmy Chatterton will Join
him. Both boys are sailing from
Portland April C. on the steam
ship Admiral Dewey for Los An
geles, Calif. George and Jimmy
are entering . an aviation school
in the southern city. -
Silverton Man
On Last Trip as
Officer in Navy
SILVERTON. April f . Accord
ing to word Jnst received by rela
tives here. First Lieutenant Oscar
Benson of the S. 8. Tennessee, left
San Pedro this week for the Ha
waiian islands, for a two year
cruise, at the end ot which time
he will be retired from the navy.
Mr. Benson Is the brother ot Mrs.
Carl Specht.
Mrs. S. E. Enloe and children,
Esther and 8tephen, of Eugene,
arrived in Sllverton on Friday
evening to spend the week-end
with Mrs. J. E. Lytle. On Sat
urday Mrs. E. C Coughenower
and son and daughter, David and
Clara, came from La Grande to
spend the school vacation with
Mrs. Lytle. -
Sunday, Mrs. Enloe'e mother
from Portland will also spend the
day at the Lytle home, as well as
Mr. and Mrs.' Woodruff and son
nil'I'l'IRFAT TVmtB!Ag?q,
Production of buttertat In Mal
heur county Is ' about 75,000
pounds annually. The average
price per pound received was 60
cents In 192S.
Finds a Way to Stop
Attacks of Fits
Reports are received of an
amaslag treatment that epileptics
state has proved successful in
stopping their attacks. R. Lepso,
Apt. 107. StS Island Are.. Mil
waukee, Wis has been supplying
sufferers with this treatment Be
now -wishes to reach all those who
have not been helped and to do so
Is making the startling offer of a
generous treatment free to all suf
ferers. Anyone afflicted should
write for this -free treatment at
once, giving age. adv.
Districts Want Prizes for
Home Garden Im
provements e
WOODBURN, April . In or
der to stimulate interest In the re
cently begun, city beautiful move
ment a plan of rivalry has been
arranged by a joint committee of
the Woodburn Garden club and
the chamber of commerce. The
city has been dlrided Into five
groups to which points for vari
ous phases of improvement will
be awarded. The contest will end
October 1.
The districts with the chairmen
are as follows: 1. East slde,toorth
of Lincoln street, Mrs. Hiram Ov
erton; 2 East Side. Lincoln street
to Young street, Mrs. T. K. San
derson; 3. East Side, South of
Young street, Mrs. Lyman H.
Shorey; 4. West Side, south of
Hayes street, Mrs. Ray J. Glatt;
and S. West Side, north of Hayes
street, Mrs. Eugene Moshberger.
The chairmen will be responsible
for canvassing their district and
requesting the property owners to
beautify their property and homes.
One point will be awarded for
each of the following items: con
struction of new or remodeling of
old building, painting ot an old
building, construction or painting
of fences, planting and care of
shrubbery, planting and care ot
flowers, improvement of lawns or
parkings, cleaning pt vacant prop
erty, destrutcion . of 'unsightly
bufldings, and construction or re
pair of sidewalk.
The committee from the Garden
club Is Mrs. George A. Landon,
Mrs. C. A. Parr, and Mrs. E. E.
Settlemier, and the one from the
ehamber ef commerce is composed
of Keith Powell, and Harold Aus
tin. Dallas Firemen Make Chart
Showing Location of All
Stations in City
DALLAS. April S. The Dallas
tire department held ats month
ly business meeting Thursday.
There was a special feature in
form of a map examination. The
map was drawn by members of
the Dallas fire department and is
one that the department can real
ly feel proud of. It shows all the
streets and the exact locations of
the fire hydrants and also shows
which streets are accessible with
the truck.
There was a prize given to the
person who had the highest grade.
Walter Syron won the award. All
the members of the local depart
ment showed great Interest in the
study of the map.
Homer Smith to
Speak Before
Insurance Men
Homer Smith ot Salem, presi
dent of the Oregon Insurance Ag
ents Union, will give the opening
address at the third annual con
vention of the association to be
held at Eugene April 8 and t.
An address also will be given
by Clare A. Lee. state Insurance
commissioner. The program will
Include discussions, consideration
of reports and addresses by the of
ficers. There also will be a num
ber of social features.
Another million of freshwater
shrimps have been received by
the state game commission from
Utah. They planted In
streams and lakee where addi
tional fish food is needed.
9 750 player pUau, f250
Nearly new, rolls and bench,
f 10 monthly
GEO. O. WILL, 432 State. Sc.
The Best for .
Table and Bed Linens
TTORE and more housewives with an eye to economy are taking
advantage of our laundry service for sheets, table-cloths, etc
The finest linen and damask fabrics nre carefully and skillfully
washed white as driven snow, ironed in specially designed mangles,
and speedily returned to yon, saving you the bother of hand-ironing.
Jersey Cattle Bring High
Price at Pioneer Auction;
Demand Strong from South
PIONEER, April . The auc
tion sale at the C T. Brixey farm
brought some very good prices for
grade cows and heifers. The pres
ence of buyers who are shipping
to California held the prices firm.
One cow brought $120. A nice
yearling heifer, which will not be
fresh.'for several mouths, brought
the tidy sum of 175. Brixey sold
35 cows and heifers and seTeral
small calves and is keeping only
two cows.
During the sale, the highway
Kells and Hill on Program
for Community Meeting
Monday Evening
8TAYTON, April . Monday,
April 8, is P. T. A. night. Charles
Kells of the Salem Y. M. C. A.
will address the meeting and Dr.
D. B. Hill will show motion pic
tures he has made. It promises to
be an instructive and entertain
ing evening.
V. A. Goods has purchased tne
10 acres of land adjoining his pro
perty on the west from th Leut
ticfc , estate. This
used by Goode's Floral Gardens,
the present land being well filled.
Prof. H. E. Takle Is home from
Spokane where he was called last
week by the serious illness and
death of his mother.
Chris Nertting ot the Stayton
Hardware company has purchased
the property west of Jake
Wourms, formerly owned by W.
P. Fallla.
H. J. Marking, who has been
associated with the Spanlve
plumbing shop left Thursday for
Alaska where he expects to be
employed at his trade.
Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Watson and
children arrived in town the last
of the week from Vancouver, B.
C. The doctor returned but Mrs.
Watson and the children will re
main for a visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ray and her sis
ter, Mrs. C. E. Taylor.
Beginning at 2:30 on Monday
next a toxin antl-Voxln clinic will
be held at the school house under
the direction of the Marion county
child health demonstration. It
will be for school children and any
pre-school child who is over 16
months old.
Boys Entertain
. Girls at Party
VALSETZ, April 6 (Special)
The high school boys entertain
ed the high school girls Thursday
evening in the community hall.
Games played were basketball and
indoor baseball. The students
played from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. af
ter which they adjourned to the
soup kitchen where the boys serv
ed a nice luncheon of sandwiches,
salad, cake and punch. Prof. Ber
reman and his wife chaperoned.
Mrs. Warren D. Smith, wife of
Professor Warren D. Smith, head
ot tthe geology department of the
University of Oregon, has an
nounced her candidacy for elec
tion to the Eugene school board.
Waste Your
We will be glad to go to
your place and pay the
full value. We want
Rags, Paper, Metal, Etc.
Salem Junk
S20 N. Commercial St.
Phone 492
Saffron A Kline
si m i
was lined with parked cars on
both sides for nearly half a mile
A fine eight-pound boy was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Meye Monday, April 1. The boy
and mother are at the Hubbard
hospital. The Meyes recently
moved on the farm of C. A.
Arthur Penny of Quinaby had
his bazz-saw working at the
Smith place this week, sawing
wood for Ramp and Manning.
HIP, Tllflf PEST,
N. L. Guy Making Inspec
tion of Orchards in
Dallas Territory
DALLAS, April 6. The thrlp.
tiny insect pest which has been
prevalent in local prune orchards
during the past several seasons,
is out in force, according to N. L
Guy's report. He has examined
several orchards and found the in
sect very plentiful.
Just howxtensire It Is appear
ing now is not known, as full re
ports have not been made. Mr.
Guy stated that in the orchards
he examined the thrlp could' easily
be destroped with' spray at the
present stage wltfiout damage to
the fruit buds, which are still
The extent of damage traceable
to the thrlp is a very debatable
question, some holding that its
presence did not indicate injury
to the fruit, while others have
been positive that it does damage
in preventing the prune from set-1
ting. The thrtp enters the prune
bud as soon as it begins to swell
and open and apparently feeds to
some extent upon the flower. The
presence of thrlp may be easily
detected by shaking suspected
buds or twigs upon a piece of pa
per. Prune Men to Spray
County Agent J. R, Beck states
that he has been consulted by
many prune growers, who stated
pes of ill
The Causes:
1. Overhanging margins of fillings.
2. Accumulation of tartar around teeth.
3. Malocclusion (teeth that do not strike proper-
ly, or crooked teeth).
4...TJ1 fitting crowns or bridges.
5. Picking teeth with tooth picks or similar things
which irritate gums.
Pyorrhoea Is a snpposed germ that attacks the paradental
membrane. This membrane surrounds the root ot the tooth,
lies between the bony process ot the Jaw and the root ot the
tooth Itself, performing the same function as the periosteum
does or the covering of the bones of the body.
Swollen, bleeding gums, accompanied by an exudation
of pus from around roots of the teeth and in the advanced
stage the patient has a breath peculiar to the disease.
It causes the gums to recede front the roots of the teeth,
therefore the teeth become loosened and eventually will fall
out. Unless this disease is checked la Its first stages there
Is very little hope of a permanent cure. Thus the importance
of having your teeth properly cleaned and scaled at least
twice a year. Also It is very Important that yon use the
proper dentrifice or cleansing gent on your teeth after each
meaL There are many on the market and all are good. The
idea Is to get your teeth clean and keep them clean. The
mother should impart to her children this message That a
clean tooth never decays. Stop and think what this means to
the growing generation. It eliminates untold suffering. This
thing in itself causes the early death of thousands of people.
How much nicer it is to have teeth that are free from fillings
that are in some Instances very nnstghtly and Impair nature's
contour of the tooth. So REMEMBER a clean tooth will
never decay.
Dr. C. A. Eldriedge, Dentist
Telephone 303 State St. Salem, Oregon
that they intend to spray.
For the first time in several
years complaints have been filed
concerning several neglected ap
ple orchard Under the state
law atfy orchard in which control
measures are 'not practiced against
disease and Insect pests are sub
ject to-enforoed spraying with pay
ment .through taxes or cutting
down tf the" trees.
Complaints filed during the past
few weeks were all in connection
With 12 tracts in the Red Prairie
or northwestern Polk county, to
talling 240 acres, most of which
is planted to apples. According
to J. R. Beck, county agent and
fruit Inspector,, some of these men
have already Indicated that they
plan on cutting down these trees
about which the complaints hare
been filed. All of these acreages
are held by non-resident owners.
JEFFERSON, April 6. Mis
Laura Mason underwent an oper
ation for toxic goitre at the Salem
General hospital Wednesday
morning, and is said to be improv
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Mason. Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Reeves and H. E.
Jones were Salem business visitors
The new barn which Is being
built on the Ezra Hart ranch
north of Jefferson, is nearlng com
pletion. Mr. Stryker, who resides on the
Randall farm In Linn county, is
having his house re-papered. Miss
Anna KJampe is doing the work.
Tracy Roland of Roseburg vis
ited relatives and friends in Jef
ferson Friday. Mrs. Roland Is con
nected with the Pacific Fruit and
Produce company at Roseburg.
Mrs. G. B. Roland was a bus
iness visitor In Albany Friday.
If Bladder Weakness, Getting
Up Nights. Backache Burning or
Itching Sensation, leg or groin
Miss make you feel old. tired, pep.
less, and worn out why not make
the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't
give up. Get Cystex today at any
drug store. Put it to a it hour
test. Money back if you don't soon
feel like new, full ot pep, sleep
well, with pains alleviated. Try
Cystex today. Only 60c adv.
PHONE 1758