C A. Speacui Earl C Brownleb Sheldon F. Sackett Publishers 1 Editorial . QlITMmm ' F 'esiftiuiires Salem. Oregon Sunday H ? Afrit T, 1W9 N Lincoln and His Letters F comes as a welcome relief to read that scholars have rejected a3 fictitious the Minor collection of Lincolnalia which the Atlantic Monthly ish a few months ago. The Atlantic, after battling hard in suDDort of the authenticity of the collection, has opened its pages to Paul M. Angle, secretary of the Lincoln Centennial association cf Springfield, 111., who has written a criticism oi the material which was offered in the Minor collection. We pretend to no skill in criticising manuscripts but the documents as they were published sounded "fishy." We should hate to think that Lincoln wrote quite such drivel as was given forth as his love letters to Ann Rutledge, though you never can tell what a man will write in a love letter to a girl. Worse still was the group of letters to or about Lin coln, written by Ann, by the unknown "Matilda Cameron" or "Sally Calhoun". The spelling was fierce and the gram mar terrible. Such ignorance seems artificial ; as though the author was trying to write down to a low scale of intelligence. He did so complete a job that it confounds hi3 whole work. We can't believe that Ann Rutledge was quite so ignorant as these letters would reveal her to be. It is very interesting how Mr. Angle analyzes the docu ments and finds internal evidence of fraud. Here is one : In a purported letter to Jphn Calhoun, Lincoln is made to write : There seems some controversy between him and Green con cerning that North East quarter of Section 40 you remem ber?" Calhoun couldn't remember nor could any one else. Since" 1785 townships had been surveyed in 36 sections, nev er more. Another from the same letter: "The Bixbys are leav- ing this week for some place in Kansas. The letter is dated May 9, 1834; but Kansas was not open for settlement till twenty years after that date. The maps referred to, the country as "Missouri Territory" or "Indian Territory". An gle reports that it is doubtful if "'Kansas" was in common use at all at that time; at any rate only traders and trap pers were journeying there. Then in the collection was Newman's Practical System of Rhetoric, said to have been Lincoln's. On the flyleaf ap pears: "Miss Susan Y. Baker, March 15 Eastport Academy." On the title page is the signature A. -Lincoln, Gentryville, with a few lines thanking Miss Baker for the gift. But the book was published in 1829, so the March 15 of the original owner could not be earlier than 1830. But Lincoln had left Indiana for Illinois two weeks before that date. Ann is made to write Lincoln: "I am greatfull for the Spencer's copybook. I copy frum that every time I can spair." Ann died August 25, 1835, while the first Spencer publication on penmanship did not appear until 1848. So it goes; so it goes. Matilda Cameron and Sally Calhoun whose existence is not known of; or rather quite completely disproved according to documentary testimony and family tradition. Yet they were the original collectors of the Lin- i i coinaiia now very mucn in iiucsuuu. It is hard to put things over on scholars nowadays. It was easy enough in the middle ages and later on. The Sybil line books, the False Decretals are classic examples of for geries perpetrated with a purpose. There are false manu scripts just as there are false paintings and false antiques. This Minor collection seems to have been contrived by un known persons principally just to perpetrate a hoax. But the fraud was quickly exposed by numerous able scholars; so the authentic "Lincoln of Herndon and Barton and Bev eridge remains with his lineaments unaltered. Larger School Units THE last legislature passed a law which passed on to non high school districts the cost of transporting children to high schools located in other districts. It came about be cause high schools in their eagerness for students were ex tending bus lines into non-high school territory and hauling .t " 1 i'l A. mem in. rormeriy ine iranspurutuuu wot Bimyij in cluded in the grand total used to determine the per capita rate to charge as non-high school-district tuition. Now the entire ter capita cost of transportation of the outside pupils is added to the regular per capita, which of course will in- crease uie ioaa against me ouisiae districts, mai uui, bu bad because until recent years the country districts didn't bear their fair share of the cost of maintaining high schools which were as much for their benefit as they could be. The new legislation will not solve the problem of our schools. It is just piece-meal legislation. We have fiddled along and fiddled along. Oregon schools rate distinctlyjow er than others on the Pacific littoral. There is no construc tive leadership. Offices are just johs to hang onto. If a school executive prepared as comprehensive and progressive - a measure as Dr. Showalter submitted to the Washington legislature there would be an epidemic of apoplexy in this state. One of the first things that ought to be encouraged in this Willamette valley is school consolidation. Our schools are still in the "on foot" stage. But our roads and other dsvelopment are in the automobile age. The one room rural school in a country like this, with good roads everywhere, with towns and cities conveniently placed to serve as cen ters, is an anachronism. School efficiency and ultimately economy demand larger areas for school districts, each with its high school center, and with as many junior high schools and grade schools as the needs of the district require. Trans portation then can be provided at a minimum expense. The legislature did enact some laws which will be help ful to the consolidation program A number of communi ties are undertake to create enlarged school districts. This is far better than setting up a new union high school dis ' trict with its separate organization, additional basis of tax ation, and its sharp break in scltool hdrninistration at the eighth grade. This is better than the county unit system which' has been tried in some counties. We need to think in terms of modern business in the field of education. The automobile and good roads are the factors to determine district boundaries; not the walking distance of pioneer days. The Statesman is strongly com mitted to educational development. We shall not hesitate to scrap old sentiment and moss-back ideas about one-room schools. The Willamette valley ought to become prominent as a region of fine community school systems. Now its sole distinction on the educational map is that of a low salary depression. - m . , . , Not a New Problem "nriHERE is even now something of an ill-omen amongst us. JL I mean the increasing disregard for law which pervades the country. Although bad laws if they exist, should be re pealed as soon as possible, still, while they continue in force, for the &ake of example, they should be religiously observed." This is not an abstract from Mr. Hoover's last address. Nor did William Borah tell it to the senate. Rather it is an excerpt from a Lincoln lecture delivered before an Illinois lyceum in the late 30's. The plea has a familiar ring and is heartening for it forcefully emphasizes the point that rum running and hi-jacking were not the instigators of law's dis regard. The problem is age old and always will continue; its modern manifestations are only more sensational. A recent world summary shows an exceptional total of damage by wind storms in 1928. Bring that to the attention of Senator Brookhart and he will introduce a bill in congress providing for slower tornadoes. La Grande Observer. Editor Appleby-who comes from Brookhart's o. h. Washington; Iowa, should know his Brookhart better than that. : Smith is the middle west's continuous tornado. His rtfll wniilri nmvtrl vnr tnnrp and hf fltrer .windstorms. Inee. printed with considerable flour L i. I L ... A !mt1r !m oo - . Old Oregon's Yesterdays Town TaJke from The Bteeee. nan Onr Fathers Read April 7, 1904 New officers for the Liberty Good Roads League include: H. B. (Seveland, president; T. C. David son, secretary; Bruce Cunningham treasurer. H. S. Glle. secretary of the Wil lamette Valley Prune association, is having good success soliciting orders among eastern and Canadi an dealers. Louis Lachmund has left for an extended business trip to New York. The waiting room at the termi nus ot the Citizens' Light and Traction company in South Salem, near the I. O. O. F. cemetery, has just been finished Conrad Krebs returned last eve ning from his ranch near Buena Vista, where Krebs Brothers are setting out a large hop yard. Editors Say: THE HANDSHAKERS If he did not realise before It is certain that President Hoover now knows the dangers that lurk in the grip of the White House visitor. One thousand seven hun dred and fifty of them grasped the presidential hand yesterday. Some ot them may have used the "dead fish" clutch, but most of them must have used the firm, decisive .compressive clasp of the kind insisted upon by correspond ence schools as a sure way . tb success. For they were successful In laming the presidential right to such an extent that it is down to 5 per cent efficiency today. They wrung that right, they pumped it, they clung to it tenaciously, they swung it back and forth, they clamped down on it fervently. It wlU doubtless be a precious memory to these visitors. If so, that will be the only good that may come of it. The nation has lost the time that its chief execu tive dedicated to a mauling at the hands ot one thousand seven hun dred and fifty shakers and in addition the time which will be necessary tor his recovery. Perhaps this practice of whole sale handshaking would be diffi cult to do away with entirely, but the. advisability of reducing, the number' of shakers to a minimum may be readily seen. The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Presi dents can do no finer work than to create public sentiment la favor ot such a change. ivArrrrjo pictures - RENO. Ner., April 6 (AP)- Newspaper photographers ran in. to a concert of objections ihls af ternoon when they attempted to take pictures of the principals in the Inman divorce trial here, rap idly n earing its close after three weeks ot sensational testimony. Counsel for Mrs.' Helen Garnet. Pat ton Clarke Inman and Walker P. Inman, heir to he Duke tobac co -millions, strenously objected to the camera men's presence and thelr objectlons were sustained by Judge George A. Bartlett. At re cess, however, the photographers were successful in getting several negatives. Following the close of Mrs. In man's testimony, during which ths attractive young woman collapsed DIVORCE Hands Across the Sea! n i Bits for Breakfast By R. J. Working under difficulties Is 1 The farmers of this district, la boring between sunshine and showers to get in their late crops But they have been doing well Three fourths of the flax seed for the 4500 acres contracted to be grown for the state flax industry has been taken out, and almost all of it is in the ground. This is en couraging. But all ot it should be planted at the earliest possible date. Growers of flax put in much later than the first ot April will be fust "out ot luck," In case we do not get the "usual June rains," which we usually do, but occasion ally do not for flax Is a 60 to 90 day crop after seeding, and It needs all the moisture it is likely to get after the first of April, not withstanding the idea that ours is the webfoot state. The Portland Telegram is mak ing or allowing a series of attacks on the Oregon penitentiary man agement directed largely at dis ciplinary methods. But there is nothing to worry about in this. Compared with former days in the Oregon prison, or any prison in the United States, the present methods make the institution here a Sunday school. And compared with the best of them, at the present time, the Ore gon prison will, upon proper in vestigation, make a good showing. And growing better all the time, under the operations of the re volving fund law making it an in dustrial concern, and under its present very competent manage ment, too. The man, newspaper manager or other, who thinks dif ferently, is just badly Informed, or Is playing to the galleries. -W Salem T free employment of fice had last week 33 women and 13 men applying for work, and secured jobs for 81 of the men and six ot the women. Not good, but growing better. on several occasions while relat ing marital difficulties, Inman was called to the stand and ad mitted that'theTeason for many conflicting statements in his testi mony was because he had a "very poor memory. The much altered deposition Inman is alleged to have made at the beginning ot the divorce proceeding was subject to fire by George B. Thatcher, Mrs. Inman's chief counsel. . . Mrs. Inman wle called to the stand again at the close of In man's testimony- and she told of the discovery of a dictograph la the Inman apartment. She 'said that when she called her hus band's attention to it. he admitted having It placed and said that he was "thoroughly ashamed of what he had done,." Mrs. Inman said that Inman had paid 147,000 In federal In come tax returns but that he, his mother and his sister had filed theirr eturns collectively but that he paid his pro rata of the tax. FJiitcal Saymgs and 1 Association , A Salem Institution Organized in 1910 Place your savings with us Let us finance your home on weekly or monthly payments 142 South Liberty Street HENDRICKS In its leading editorial of yes terday, the Oregonian spoke, in commenting on the social war in Washington over the question of where the vice president s daugh ter Is to sit at the table, as one in which there is a "great deal of cry over very little wool to bor row the metaphor of a preceding generation. How many people now living re member the application of that metaphor to Incidents that were happening in this state in eon nection with the Indian wars of southern Oregon in which many lives were lost? These wars broke out -in 1855 and lasted through '58 and '57 and longer, and they were the cause of great disturb ances and much bloodshe d hundreds or white men, women and children being killed in skir mishes or massacred at or near their homes; and hundreds ot In dians losing their lives at the hands of regulars or state volun teers or through the wreaking of vengeance by outraged settlers. General Wool was in supreme command ot the federal troops, tor Oregon was then a territory soon after to become a state. There were clashes between the territor ial and federal forces. There was general indignation on the part of the people towards General Wool and they were not slow in apply ing the metaphor, "much cry end little Wool." When It was proposed to move part of the southern Oregon In dians to the Grand Ronde Indian reservation in Polk county, beyond Sheridan, the Willamette valley settlers were ready for a riot. Fred Way mire of Polk county, in the territorial legislature, made a blazing hot speech ot protest, against the Idea of bringing "4, 090 aavages, red from the war and planting them In one ot the counties ot this valley, with a savage- and barbarous foe already up on its borders." It looked like there would be armed resistance on the part of the enraged set tlers. V But better counsel prevailed and the Indians were brought and settled on the St) 00 Mres tf the Grand Ronde reservaMn that had been purchased for $35,000. This was In April. 1850. Phil Sheridan, as a young lieutenant in the reg ular army, had charge of the Unit ed States force there soon after, to keep the Indians within bounds. The United States government finally paid the costs of the south ern Oregon Indian wars, amount ing to about half a million dollars. The provisional government for ces who went to avenge the Whit man massacres about ten years before did not fare as well. Many of their claims were never paid. $050 Packard Piano, S250 This in a fine instrument. Like stew condition. $10 monthly GEO. C. WILL, 4S2 State. Sc. Opinions of Marion County Editors MORE SETTLERS NEEDED We of Oregon are selling much scenerly and little land. That Is be cause the state legislature hai con tributed many thousands of dol lars which, added to the dona tions, enable us to send represen tatives who fire the tourists' blood and the tourists come, admire the attractiveness of our mountains, seashore streams, caves and lakes, then return home. Since before the war we have not had a great land boom not withstanding our exceptional cli mate, rich sous, fine crops, no total crop failure in history, no destructive elements, and in win ter time little if any cold weather cr snow. It is a state in which life is worth living. The sale of scenerly leaves thousands in the state, but those who come and locate spend more In the long run. Some day there will be another boom, but there must be more agitation to speed It. The people further east seem to prefer cyclones, tornadoes, bliz zards and the usual floods, and desire to- remain where they are. We are not looking upon this scenery-selling with contempt, for Oregon, like California, gains by baring' tourists; but we are yearn ing for the old days when so many thousands came here to perman ently locate. It was in the early part of the century that the rush was on, and then came an auto mobile era and an airplane age is in plain view. This is a great state, making advancement, but it should have more. than a million inhabitants. With twice that number ot peo ple, Oregon would prosper more than ever, taxes, including those of railroads herein, could be low er, and all would be well with the old and new settlers. Wood burn Independent. THS JONES ACT One of the real tests ot ths pro hibition law has come in the form ot the Jones Act, a federal statute increasing the penalties of the Vol stead law to a higher degree of fel ony, or with a maximum punish meat of -$ 10,000 fine or five years' imprisonment, or both. It will be a real test because the final test of any is Its enforcement. If the cit izens of the United States, thru their federal trial juries, want to put a stop to the Illicit liquor. bus iness they can ceme nearer doing it with the Jones Act than with any other enforcement measure since the advent of Prohibition as a national regulation. If they do not desire prohibition as it relates to intoxicants as beverages the se verity ot the Jones penal clauses will be their t&cit excuse for whole sale acquittals. Mt. Angel News. PAYING BRIDGE DEBT Linn county's bridge bond debt will be liquidated in full on April 1. Lenore Powell, county treasurer has called for payment on that date the 839,300 balance of the $280,000 issue that was floated in 1924 to pay the cost of construct ing the Albany and Harrisburg bridge over the Willamette river. This balance comprises bonds numbered 153 to 208, inclusive, issued for the purpose of build ing the Albany bridge Funds for the bond retirement come from accumulated balance of Oregon and California refund re ceipts from the federal govern ment, x The original $180,000 bend is sue consisted ot $122,500 for the Albany and $67,500 for the Har risburg bridge. On October 1, 1929, Linn county will pay the Installment of its county road bond issue, floated in 1919, and then will be entirely out of debt. The issue was for. $600, 000 . Sclo-Tribone, The Oregon Voter and several up-state newspapers have the spring gubernatorial fever in form of naming several possible candi dates for the position now held by Mr. Patterson. We don't think the people of Oregon take these sallies seriously. Aa a whole they are pretty level headed and they know a good governor when they have get one. Hubbard Enter prise. PIONEER DIES William Henry Hurley, a pio neer of Southern Oregon and one ot the first to realize the fruit growing possibilities of the Rogue River valley, is deed at the age ot 79 years. - Clouqh-Huflffon Cb& History o Salem atuUfje State o Oregon B RESPITE the alarming ru ' mors we have recorded, the matter of the boundary was settled without the bloodshed that was feared. The resolution, amended in w a the Senate and given a more concilatory tone, was passed by Congress on April 23d, 1846, and the United States at once entered into intimate diplomatic relations with England in an ef fort to straighen out the vexing matter. Lay Sermons "For before these days rose up Theudas, giving himself out to be somebody." Acts 5:36. Theudaa admitted he was "somebody." We wonder if when he reached Jerusalem he didn't hurry up to interview the editor of the Jerusalem Gazette to let him know he had come to town. Undoubtedly he joined the Masons and dangled for an inviation to the Jerusalem Kiwanians. Maybe be even went to the synagogue that he mieht there give 'him self out to be somebody." Perhaps he was somebody af ter all, and Jerusalem was Just in different to him. Town3 are like that, especially towns with holy names like Jerusalem and Salem and Bethlehem. Thsy have tra ditions to preserve; and pretend ing somebodies are not wanted. But Theudas did have good temporary success for a town like Jerusalem. He got four hundred people to sign his petition or join his church or vote his ticket. By that time the powers that were must have interfered for Theudas was slain; his lodge or society was dispersed and "came to nought." So Gamaliel advises the Jews to apply the acid test of time to the new cult headed by Peter. "If this counsel be of men, it will be overthrown": and if of God it could not be overthrown. But is the test of time a real test af- Who's Who & Timely Views Sustained Prosperity Forecast By OEW. W. W. ATTSSBiraT BrMldaat, PcnaaylTanl Ballrwd (William Wallace Atterbury wa bora at New Albany, lad-, Ja. SI. 1888. Ha a graduat f Yale aniTtxatt-, an holda three honorary decree. He bef a hia career aa am apprentice !a the AI tooaa thopt et the Penniylrania rail road ia 1838, aod gradually climbed t the effice of president, te which he wa elected ia 1925. Ia 1917 he vu ia charge of the ereetiom ef the United States military railroade ia Trance, dar ing the World war, and waa commia aioned brigadier general. He has re ceired lereral decoration! from foreign eountriee and ha a bees awarded the Die- tinganhed Service Medal.) THE business and Industrial situation throughout the United States is satisfactory and indications are that it will be sustained. I do not hesitate to say that I have never seen the country In as uniformly good condition as it is today. Now we cross the country east of the Mississippi and north of the Potomac and almost with, out exception our industries throughout that entire section are working 90 to 95 per cent. This is true not only of the large steel companies,; but of the independ ents. Cement, for Instance, Is really a function of the general business of the country. I mean, if busi ness keeps good, cement is good. The cement Industry as a whole has plenty to do. The question of prices Is a dif ferent thing. The price of cement Is entirely controlled by the price of the Imports. Cement, in any ease, is a by-product; so with the steel industry. I should think cement and the textile Industries require a high tariff. But this wiU have to be left to the committees of congress. Textiles are picking up. In New England they are getting back on the map. I think Mr. Hoover's policies have made a profound impression on industry end the business of the country. - For the purpose of Increasing the bird ponulation In the Doa- chutes country, the Klwanls. Lions and Elks clubs of Bend will now a bird house contest in which school children may enter. Prizes to the amount of lis win be awarded. ITCHING ECZEMA HEALED .We honestly believe CRANOLENE tne cranberry cream, will heal any caseot eczema or other skin trouble. Come in and let ns tell you about it. Use one jar. and if you are dissatisfied, your money wm n reiunaea. race II. PERRY'S DRUG STORE 115 8. Commercial . ter all? Theudas may have been a somebody, preaching a beautiLul gospel, but lacking a Paul and a Peter bis teaching perished with him. Carlyle argues that Moham medanism must contain truth be cause ft has survived so many centuries. But what of the false which has survived from the dawn of civilization? There are super stitions which have persisted in spite of all the revelations of sci ence. Obnoxious religious frac tlces continue In many lands to this day. Time has not proven them; It has frozen them in a rigid perpetuity. That an idea or a faith has sur vived does not necessarily mean that It Is true. While the pre sumption may be "in its favor", yet it must continually stand the criticism of new discovery and new reasoning. Mendel died ig norant of the significance of his discoveries in genetics. Had his manuscripts been burned he would have been known less than Theudas. of old. As it Is, his name Is given to one of the great laws of biology. Folk of today are called on to pass judgment on every Theudas who appears, whether he be a false or true prophet. .We may not live long enough to give him the test of tinre or the teat of majority vote. It is our task to appraise him for ourselves using just that clear thinking and fair Judgment which we may possess. Of course, it Is to be regretted that there are violent fluctuations in money rates.. That always dis turbs industry. If the problem of how to avoid these wide fluctu ations could be solved, it would stabilise business. The Pennsylvania railroad wants stabilization of rates? are out with a big program this year. We look to the country to maintain rates. CALLES CONFIDENT MEXICO CITY. April 6 (AP) Secretary of War Plutarco Ell as Calles in reporting to the gov ernment tonight expressed the opinion that the military problem , in the state of Chihuahua has "completely disappeared" in view of the fact that the remaining reb els are entirely disorganised. He declared that the federal army had only t march on Chi huahua City and border towns in order to occupy them without op position. He reported that rebel General Gonzalo Escobar and Gen eral Marcelo Caraveo now were in Chihuahua City where they have ordered five railroad trains to be made Bp. to carry them with the remnants of their forces toward Cases Grandes. From there it was believed that they would fol low the road through Pulplto can yon toward Agua Prieta, Sonora. Your health depends on what you eat. FISHER'S FAST COOK ING TOASTED WHEAT every morning will keep you well. WHY? Because it retains 100 of the wheat, precooked wonder ful flavor easy to prepare. Cooks in three to five min utes. Costs less than lc per dish. FISCHER FLOUR ING MILLS Silverton, Ore. S47 Union Ave. AH Grocers - Portland, Ore. , . Phone E.O0S3 REVOLT 5 CRUSHED Anytime be It day or night, one has) only to ; call us to secure prompt and reliable service. We are on duty every hour of the twenty-four. CLOUGH-HUSTON C? PHONE . 120 '