TWO The Sew OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morn in sr. April 7. 1929 IFfluKs Insurgents Attack Naco and are Pushed Back After Some Casualties v (Continued from Pate 1.) :" airy trooper, shot in the chert: a clrllian slightly Injured by a bdml dropped by a rebel plane; - and a Mexican woman and child hit', by spent ballets. ,'iThe war department ordered 18 airplanes to Naeo to prevent far tber bombings. The state depart ment asked that the rebel com mander be sharply rebuked. The nary set a destroyer from San Di ego to protect Americans in Sin alo. f ' Tor three hoars. Arizonan Naco heard the whine of :lfies and ma chine gun bullets. Citizens had ' been aroused before daybreak by an .explosion which prefaced the ajtack. Rebels Shoot From Ambufch At Yanks ,:The American cavalryman was shot in the chest when his patrol, after uncovering a cache of gren ade near the border, was fired upon by Mexicans believed to be rebels. .The federal garrison at Naco beat back a mass attack- of rebel tanks. Infantry and cavalry. Rebel casualties were greater than those of, the federals, though no defln 'Tte eheck was available. i reinforcement of 290 federal arrived at Naco, Ariz., by train from El Paso, and Joined their comrades in the trenches during the hottest part of the fighting. They were permitted to come by train from El Paso and to cross the border apparently under or ders' from Washington. It was thought that the rebels with wheyfl , American troopers liad tttcjstr brush had received news of tlie federal troop train and weYtf waiting to bomb It. 12 Yank Planes Am Tor ("Ytmhat Twelve American attack planes and' six observation planes were ordered to Naco, Ariz. The federal army on the west coast occupied sCul!acan, capital of the, state of Sinaloa. without resistance. General Cardenas re ported to Mexico City that the rebels were retreating to San Bias, near the Sinaloa-Sonora border. la the main northern campaign. General Almazan's advance guard ocrapied Santa Rosalia, about 90 mites, south of Chihuahua City, wMre the rebel forces have been reformed. They also took Paral, a 'strategic mountain point. Gen eral Calleg informed the govern meilt. There was no fighting in eicu&r. place. Xfeneral Escobar placed rebel dead In the fighting around Jim enex at not more than 200. The federal estimate was 1000. ;A strong federal punitive ex pedition was on its way to combat Guerrilla bands of so-called "Crfsteros" whose activities have become a serious menace to Jails coand Guana Juato. 'DRIVE IS EXPECTED (Continued from Pag J.) aforesaid vets had been planning to! do it but had procrastinated. "The coupons which have ap peared for several days In The Statesman have also brought gratifying response, a number be ing received by the adjutant, filled out; and In nearly every rase- the veteran named was one bf,whom the post had no previous record. Continuation Of Honor Roll' Listed -Following is a coutinuation of the" posts "honor role," being a list of the members who have paid dues for 1929: R. H. Brown. T. A. Brown. Earl (?. Brownlee. Bert Brdyles, Cludie A. Bruder, C. M. Bryant, Robert F. Budrow, W. J. Back nell. Otto C. Butfe. lu M. Bunting; E.E. Burch, Joe Burch. H. R. Burgess. Earl Burns. Paul Jfcur rl,' Fred F. Burya. Ernest Busch, - V;: C. Busey, Donlvan K. -Butler. Christopher' Batte, William' J. Batte,vH. F. Batterfield, CM. Byjd, .Dr. P. W. Byrd, R. D. Byrd. u B SEAT ISSUE ; (Continued from Page 1.) "The league of "nations, the .world court, the maintaining of a big navy, the conducting of a war fa Nicaragua, are all Important and may affect the peace of the civilized world, but they sink Into insignificance and fade Into obliv ion when compared with the great question that Is now agitating the whole world as to where the rice president's sister shall sit at the dinner table. "I have no personal Interest In the. decision,, I am only interest- . ed and I amVcty ng as one ot the common, ordinary citizens, who, la, a very small way, contributes In the shape of taies towards the , payment' and the upkeep of this great mysterious social sham, which towers In Importance over questions of national and Inter national1 import. Writer. Fears People May Discover Sham -If you delay this decision too " long the common people ofAmer lca may hare 'their eyes opened and may discover that Issues v In campaigns... usually fought bat ' alpeg national and International lines, are second In importance to the social 'functions ot our cap ital city. " r ,,rWe have Just emergel from a campaign where we talked about the tariff; wo argued about farm BURST OF SPEED IN HIS WORRIED AT relief: we secretly and covertly talked about the pope-; we were agitated somewhat about world peace questions, the league of na tions and the world court, bat the common people did not teem to realize that these were -ell bluffs that they were only" deceptive surface indications of a disagree raenL about political matters and domestic matters, when as a mat ter of fact the real contest, as is now shown by the agitation going on-- in the civilised world, was whether. If we elected a vice pres ident who was a widower and whose hostess was to be his mar ried sister, the entire superstruc ture ana unuerpmning oi civiiizea government was going to be shak en to the very foundation with dangers of controversies, even leading to war, until it could be orrtciaiiy determined by you where the vice president a sister should sit at the table or, indeed, whether she should have any din ner. Hubby Also Comes In For Comment "While yon are deciding this question, you might Just as well also decide what is going to hap pen to the vice president's sister's husband. Just as soon as you have determined where his sister shall sit, you will be confronted at once with the problem of find ing a place at the table for her husband. Either decide it with out delay or officially report disagreement on your part to the president or the United States and ask him to submit It to the world court. "Hoping that, without farther delay, you may-relieve official so ciety of the terrible suspense In which it now finds itself, I am very truly yours. G. W. Norris." (Continued from Pare 1.) log; 9:55. conferences: 10:40, singing. Prof. Claude Neelv: 10:- l. C. E. literature. Paul Brown; li row, announcements, Ross Gut ley; 11:10. song service; 11:15, world Peace, the Crusader's Task." the Rev. Stein; 11:43. Cm sader s covenant hour, Paul Brown; 12:10, pastor's luncheon. Friday afternoon. 1:45, pre prayer service. Mrs. Ross Guiley in cnarge; 2:00, song service: 2 20, prayer, Marlon Carelson; 2:30 crusader's armor and conferring or degrees, Walter Myers; 2:60, announcements, Ross Guiley; 3:00 conferences: 3:45. parade; sight seeing; 8:15, Jnnior workers' din ner. Friday nfght. 7:15, pre-prayer service, Mrs. Ross Guiley In cnarge; 7:30. song service. Prof. Claude Neeley; 8:00, prayer, the Rev. C. C. Ha worth; 8:10, Intro duction of state officers and Salem convention committee: 8:30, ad dress "Evangelism, the Crushd ers' Responsibility." the Rev. Stein; 9:00. crusaders' covenant hour. Paul C. Brown. Saturday morning. 7:50, life work recruit, breakfast, Mrs. Ross TJulley in charge; 9:00 bible stu dies: 9:40. assembly and singing. Prof. Neely; 9:55. conferences; 10:45. assembly nad singing; 10: 50. announcements. Ross Guiley; 10:55. address. "World Peace, the Crusader's Task." Rev. Stlin; 11: 30, crusaders' covenant hour. Paul Brown: 11:45. convention pic ture; 12:00, denominational lun cheons. Saturday afternoon. 2:00 pre prayer service, Mrs. Ross Guiley In charge: 2:15. song service; 2: 30. prayer, Mrs. Evelyn McClus- ky; 2:40. graded Endeavor clinic. Drs. Stein, Brown and tJiuley; 3: 00. C. E. world tournament: 3:16 address. "Citizenship, the Crusad. er's-Duty." Dr. Stein; 3:45. an. nounceraents, Ross Guiley. Saturday night. 5:30. ban quets; 7:00, pre-prayer; 7:30, song service; 7:45, election of of ficers; 7:55. budget raising; 8:40 intermediate oratorical contest; 9:20, Invitations received for next state convention; 9:30, report of judges of oratorical contest; 9:35 crusaders' covenant hour. Sunday morning. 8:30, morn ing watch for young women, Faye Steinmets; 8:30. morning watch for young men. Paul Brown; meet ing state executive committee: Sunday school of choice; church service of choice: 12:30, state ex ecutive committee luncheon. Sunday afternoon. 2, pre-prayer service; 2:10. Song service; 2: 30. prayer, the Rev. W. Earl Coch ran; announcements, registration report ; report of future work com mittee: offering: special music; 3. address, "Victory" Through Christ's Enabling Power," Dr. Stein : crusaders' covenant hour. Sunday night. 5:45. pre-prayer service: 6:00. graded Christian Endeavor meetings: topic, "How Can I Crusade with Christ": 7:00 song servcie; 7:15, prayer. Dr. F. C. Taylor: 7:25, awards; 7:45, Installation of officers 7:55. re port of resolution committee: 8:00 announeaments: 8:30. address, "Carry on to Victory." the Kir. Gates; 9:00. crusaders covenant hour and closing of convention, Paul C. Brown. TEXAS GOINAfl'IN America's 'most famous night club hostesa.Texas Guinau is to open with her first Vltaphone All Talking singing super-epeclal at Bligh's Capltol theatre today, and will run until Thursday. .. In "The Queen of the Night Clubs" Miss Guinan Is in an en vironmenthat fits her -like the proverbial glove. She Is shown in her own fashionable clnb and the story woven Into ' and around it takes on a tragic turn when a pistol shot proclaims a murder within Its brilliantly Aued con fines. The story has its: heart twists and teems with ever in creasing .action. ..... . As the picture is constructed H is full of , drama, comedy music ot the jazzy kind, and the lite of the big city in which its scenes are laid. Vltaphone vaudeville acts, and the Fox Movietone News will complete the program. FOR BIG MEETING H CAPITOL SHOW STOllSTOLL IUITST020 Wisconsin Hardest Hit With U Killed; List of Dead Mounting Steadily (Continued from Page 1.) accounted for. Of the five dead re ported in Minnesota- four were fanners whose homes were demol lshed by the wind and the fifth was that of a motorist whose car was wrecked on a highway by timbers blown onto the road by the storm. lO Year Old Lad Dies off Injuries A ten year old son of Mrs. Ida Moyer, died In Barron, Wis., hos pital, from Injuries suffered when the home of I. Voll, near Barron, collapsed. Reports trickled in slowly from the stormswept sections, adding to the death list hourly as new fatal ities were made known. It was feared that when wire communica tions are fully reestablished the toll may be further increased. ' Airplane photographs of some sections of the stricken areas. made 12 hours after the storm struck, revealed many scenes of havoc. In some cases only a few boards marked the spot where farm homes had stood only yes terday. Even most of. the debris had been carried away by the wind. Red Cross Workers Start on Surrey Hardly had the flying timbers settled to earth when representa tives of the Red- Cross started a suurey in the Minnesota storm area to determine whether any relief measures would be required and to. definitely fix the extent of the damage. Although the storm was describ ed in some reports as a tornado, (he federal weather bureau said it was "a low pressure area" with St. Paul almost in they center. The wind there reached 'a maximum velocity of only 38 miles an hour but was estimated at almost dou bled at some other points. The weather bureau said the low pres sure area had moved out over Lake Superior today. While accurate figures as to the monetary loss must necessarily await a closer survey, preliminary estimates exceed the million dol lar mark. Destruction Covers MM Rnnaiw MUm The bulk of the damage is be lieved to hare been in Wisconsin as the wind beat down or blew apart farm homes and buildings in an area roughly 100 miles sanare in the northwestern sec tion. Barron, Rush and Sawyers counties were hardest hit and parts of five other counties in that district fett the wrath of the wind. One estimate from Barron plac es the damage in that vicinity at $750,000, but It was Impossible to check the accuracy of the re. port. From Glenwood City came an estimate that damage in that district would reach 8100,000 and might exceed that figure. In Minnesota destruction caused in a ten mile stretch through Chi cago county, particularly near LIndstrom, was placed at 8500. 00. While in north Minneapolis, the loss was placed at 8100,000. Indications tonight were that two or more storms Joined forces in Minnesota before launching an attack Wisconsin. Apparently one storm, coming from directly west of Minneapolis, Joined anoth er which swept into the state from the southwest but neither caused much damage until they combined near Lake Mlnnetonka and then fell on north Minneapolis. "Sonny Boy" Is New Role Which Davey Lee Plays i Manager Archie Holt of Bligh's Capitol theatre announces that April 21 will be the opening date for "Sonny Boy", Warner Bros, latest Vltaphone talking picture. and the first starring vehicle for four-year-old Davey Lee. who won this early honor through his mar Velous performance in support of Al Jolson In ."The .Singing Fool." Davey's part in 'Sonny BoPy" has nothing ot the tragic charac ter ot the role he had In the Jol son play. He is shown asJ.the child of temporarily battling par ents, and to keep the child's fath er from taking Sonny ' Boy with him. his mother plans with her sister to kidnap him. It la by his winsome and. Ingenious doings that things are finally straightened out. Hearing wm&w The New EAR GEM Now Ready ; Worn in the Outer Ear First Showing In Our City ' Look at it and you SEE the simplest and smallest device in 4he world: use It and you FEEL that you have the . most wonderful piece of mechanism yet devised for suf ' ' ferine; mankind. Successfully used under all conditions In the church, theatre, over radio, telephone, and gen--eral conversation. Let us prove we have conquered your affliction. The-AUTO EAR MASSAGE Is psed to stop head noises and Improve the hearing. - . v - , FREE DEMONSTRATION AT OUB STORE from '9 a. m. to 6 p. n. Monday TsWbty - April 9-9 '-' An . expert from New York. City will be with us on the ' - .above days. We most earnestly request you to call, . - make a, test privately and receive expert advice, without : t charge. Every Instrument guaranteed. Ask or write for booklet. j Tell your deaf friends. . ; ' 115 S. Commercial St. Bees House of Representatives Votes to Impeach Louisi ana Governor (Continued from Page 1.) and turned on Representative Woods, of New Orleans. Members rushed between them.' Solon's Speach Is Charged With Passlom A few moments before the rote was ordered. Representative De Lesdernler of Plaquemines, ran to the loud speaker microphone in front of the chamber, and in a voice trembling -with passion be gan an address in which he sought Ho compare the drive against Gov ernor Long with that ot the cru cifixion upon the cross. A member sought to stop him on the point of sacrilegious utter, ances and during the excitement, the Plaquemines representative ex claimed: "Take my life but spare by privilege." He collapsed in a heap at the foot of the microphone, and mem bers rushed to his aid. throwing a glass of water in his face and lift ing him to a chair, -where he was fanned. Physician Asserts Poise Is Normal A member physician examined him and announced his pulse was normal. "He quickly revived and recorded his rote. At the afternoon session neither the senate nor the bouse jaade much headway as recess followed recess. They did succeed in appro priating $100,000 to defray the cost of Impeachment trial. This morning the Long support ers came forward with a compro mise proposition to provide for a public rebuke of the governor be cause of the Manship incident and an apology from the executive to the publisher, but the attempt to offer such a resolution was howled down and a rule Invoked that threw it out. From early morning the entire capltol was keyed to a high pitch and crowds in which were a large number of women swarmed about the streets and capital. - The action today climaxed a week of Investigation into the gov ernor's official acts In which heat ed accusations were flung from camp to camp. The governor's op ponents openly expressed the belief that many of the 1$ other counts, running from abusive lan guage to a plot to commit murder, would be added to the impeach, ment before the house closes down, while a spokesman for the governor announced we nave Just begun to fight. They cannot win." FOUND GREAT HIT Tk ttir' rreatest slay brought to the screen by the mov- m,. la William Haines new starrinr picture. "Alias Jimmy Valentine, the attraction a " Elsinore theatre, with talking se quences. TI.U.i Tklava another O fthS gor- geously human roles which won him such great popularity in "Ex r. ..- " The wise-cracking comedian has added a dose of hu- ....a iml nathm to his CharaC- uiiuioo. r terlzatlon wnicn uits mm forefront -Of screen acting. it.. f a the nld familiar , BfcV.J - - on that has brought tears anu i...,diir tn anAfenees in neariv ev ery theatre in America tor a gen- New Adeline Machine Fit Vest Pocket Does Work of $300 Machine Costs Only $2.95: kAAtnm Innr inInmM of figures nn innr warrr storekeepers and business men. For a highly practical adding machine, weign- lnr only 4 ot.. wnicn his om tsh Waa hAPn invented by C. M. Cleary. Safte 1475,. 78 W. Madi son St.. Chicago, 11U This amas- flnr machine sells f OT- $2.85, yet does the work of a ISOfl machine. It is simple to operate, n tint a ta a billion, clears instant ly, and is absolutely accurate. The inventor wants It introoucea T.rrwhor and la makina a spe cial Free Offer to agents. Write him today It you want to make big money. adv. for the NEW MIS FILM eration. Haines Js the wise crook who upseta the police departments ot halt s dozen cities and virtually defies afreet. ' He is aided in his nefarious as saults on society by two of the funniest-crooks the screen has ever seen, Karl Dane and Tully Marshall. Opposing them Is the de tective played by Lionel Barry more, a grim and seemingly heart less personality that yet is as nat ural and human ai any role the great actor has as yet' enacted. To "hide out" after a bank rob bery the three crooks come to the small town where Haines finds love and sweetness. He resolves to go straight and Indeed becomes a highly- respected citizen before Barrymore tracks him down. Then indeed he proves an alibi that he is someone else than Jimmy Val entine and it is only when the sis ter of the girl he lores becomes locked in the new vault, that he shows his marvelous ability and opens the safe to release her. eELMll (Continued from Paae 1.) at 11 a. m., when the rebel forces fell reluctantly back -after their second charge had melted under vicious machine gun and rifle lire from the Naco breastworks but there has been scarcely a minute ot the day that bullets have not snapped and crackled through this battered adobe town. . Federal troops tonight were on the alert for another attack in force by Topete's combined troops. An attack in the dark might put another aspect on the battle. This morning ' Topete did not get his first charge under way until the sun. was high In the sky and the federal riflemen ' and machine gunners favored by perfect vis ibility on the rocky terrain in front of them, picked oft the ad vance guard of the attacking troops with ease. The rebels laid themselves open to deadly fire from the trenches on all fronts. Several tluis rtbf tanks approached the federal wire and appeared ready to: nose through, with machine gun bul lets playing on their armoured sides like trip hammers on a wash boiler, when they were forced to fall back for lack of foot troops to follow them in. ELSINORE STARTS Friday. April 11 ICO HURLED DICK 3 II W4W1'..U1W H Ik ft I MSI II nil mm wi jci 5 flf.f ill I . ''eSWxl J l " MUMJ M. III s COLLEGE CHUMS ; J tM PATHE SOUND NEWS rt"7. v".s TODAY ! 1 3 "'X Prices I H ft STA 2-xr-rmr 1 II t -Hill U '"111)"" H I SH WA . llll U nr. - R - A. ,.mml 9 " CELEBRATE ' N I I l Of the Oregon Theatre v ) I k Dilly Uaoli' o )J Musical J l ; Comedy ywjff Jm ' j I rrJz ON THE 1 y STAGE ; f Oottm 1 ' Milton ; ' URLS!! Lm "THE, i Aw, - fe -CRASH".;, T t " THEOIA TODD ; SOOPWSM MADE FOR TALKIES 'The Broadway Melody" Coming to Elsinore, First of New Productions "The Broadway Melody." Met-ro-Goldwyn-Mayer's first all-talking, all-singing, all-dancing film, a unique combination of musical comedy and dramatic technique which will open at the Elsinore theater. Friday. April 12. was this company's first production to tax to the full the various resources of the big sound stages, recently perfected at the studio, which heretofore had been used only for short subjects and experimental work. Not a talking picture scene of any kind, however, was "shot" at the M-G-M studios ntil months of nainstaking reparation under expert supervision, made It ap parent that everything was in readiness to produce dialogue films technically and artistically as good as the best silent dram-' as. The futility of a "haste makes wastte" policy was recognized at the start, and the groundwork was laid with the utmost care and attention to -detail. The two great sound-proof stages at Culrer City are the largest to be found at any studio and are completely outfitted for th production of . any kind of sound film, from a one-reel mono logue to a musical comedy de manding spectacular effects. Stages Sound Proof Each stage is 100 by 125 feet, surrounded by eight-Inch concrete walls. When the two-ton doors of the stages are closed by machin ery, the interiors are JTermetlcally sealed, ventilation being supplied through sound-filters. These" stages were designed by Professor Verne O. Knudson of the Unhrer- I ELSINORE I ! TODAY I sit? of California, and each con tains ' six- sound-proof camera booths, housing. In addition -to the camera equipment, motors synchronized with th recording in struments In the two-story build ing abutting on the tall window less stages. Representing, as they do, an in vestment of millions of dollars and presaging a new and unlim ited field of development for the motion picture, these talking film facilities are under the manage ment ot the best electrical engin eers men who, for the most part, hare followed through the attempts to develop a practical talking picture from the time of the earliest "flickers." Others In Production Other all-talking films which have recently been completed on these stages include. "The Trail ot Mary Dugan" with NormaxShearer and "Hunted", an original screen play of prison escape written and directed by Willard Mack. Among the other all-dialogue films pro jected for the near future are S350 Cable Piano, $323 This 1 one of the finest umrie. 910 monthly'. CflEO. G WILL, 432 State. St. WARNER BROS, roeit BUI I HE Jew . B3F : -Ite Oueen oft he mant Guru if2r.V t If. . . A The Bic Whoonee Girl and Whoopee Show. JM4hiiy You'll all giTe JfS hOKSU 1 Drincesa of GOOD CHEER-rWitty, spanc- 'Z'- ling. , fiaii B- V"- ri I ,4- IS MuntmxtAis, . Charter Oak .- - - - IH)emimGtl;E,sitinS)im w . t - Many people have taken advantage of our special dem onstration offer, and purchased Charter Oak Ranges. Come in tomorrow and see this stylish modern Range. Charter Oak itrtam Lam Ranged 10 New Features! n la. ewaw u Ovaa Kmc CommL a, A al. X Owi-llla wtaa. 4 yd. Wfcha. t Uda UW KtmkU fa m abw cata lace mk 9m. NaaUKyltie Trade in your old range as part payment 42-Pi OF HOMER LAUGHIJN CHINA with every Charter Oak Range Sold This Week Value 117.50 SEE OUR TT iimmra; IFiminmMiiiilraH(B(m. auiuiiuiuiKuiuuiinnsnuumu2ifltfuiuiuuiiu 467 COURT STREET The Last of Mrs. Cheney" and vAv Free Soul." adaptions of two popular Broadway plays; "Rosa-lie"',-4b"!usical comedy success; "Dynamite." a Cecil B. Je Mllle production: "College Daye", a new sort of campus story to be di rected br Sam Wood; and "White Collars"; ; which William C. pe Mills win make. ', COMING NEXT THURSDAY AUDttU FEBAJS MtjRNA LOtj lAllun ,t net DiAiocuit She stole from the man she loved she risked her happi ness to save the honor of her family name. Don't miss this great thriller. CHIC SALE and OTHER ACTS TODAY MON. TUES. WED. i, her a big hand, she's the - ir r All Salfdi will be wild about this great show. A Vltaphone All Talking and Singing Special. See this new range before you buy! Here Is a range that will thrill you the minute you , tee it. A scream line, full enameled range that you Can wine clean in an in- if afanL No comers, cracks or bolts to catch dirt. Everything simplified and improved. AD eofxmtteasoadsdt door aaadlM an amikledt lags Solid; shaker Is waist kick. prian uy attached; aah MTS9 s 0sa la fans she a ejufck, . eatfon b5t. Assmsic Ore Heat Coatrol kaepa fciakwah kftawf erWIaatma. Besun assedrisCtetwCKaasja. WINDOW'S ire i maaissp iiMWiitasMsMU4AlMss E3i ms "Mr" I B-Tr-VlSksF m