The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1929, Page 17, Image 17

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The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning. April 7. 1929
" - - i i a ss
Morcfe For Music Week May 5th to 11th
' Music Week$faiis
Hold Interesting
MUSIC week la to be May -o
11 and many plans are un
der way for the accomp
lishment of a very successful pro
gram. The way is being lead by
the Institutions committee of the
Salem Woman's club under the
general chairmanship of Mrs. S.
M. Endicott who hare announced
their program as follows,
The Salem Woman's club Is co
operating with the Music Teachers
association In presenting programs
at the different institutions and
are being sponsored by the Insti
tutions department.
The program at the Girls' In
dustrial school will be siren Wed
nesday evening May 8. This pro
gram is in charge of Mrs. Martin
Ferrey assisted by Mrs. W. J.
Minkiewitz. A short talk will be
given by Rev. Martin Ferrey. Hid
subject will be "The Uplifting in
fluence of Good Music." Mrs. W.
F. Powers will assist with instru
mental music given by girls at the
The program at the Tuberculos
is hospital will be presented Thurs
day evening. May 9. This pro
gram is in charge of Ruthyn Tur-
nftv nf the mn1i itpnartmjtnt
the Chemawa Indian school.
The program at the Boys' Train
ing school will be given Friday,
May 10; this program is in charge
of Miss Elizabeth Levy. The com
plete program will be announced
The program at the state hos
pital will be in charge of O. P.
Thayer and his band. The date
has not yet been determined but
will be announced later.
It is also announced by Dr: J. H.
Seitz that the Salem Choral society
of which he Is the director, win
present, the "Golden Legend" by
Dudley Buck sometime during mu
sic week.
A committee from the T. W. C.
A. meet at the home of Mrs.,W. J.
Minkewltz Saturday afternoon to
make plans for a pageant which
will be put on b y that o r
ganizatlon during music week. It
dadud that Mrs. Minkiewitz
should direct music for perform
ance which will be given in Wil
son park. Members of the commit--
tee were Mrs. George Moorehead.
Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, Mrs. Shel
don Sackett. and Mrs. Minkiewitz.
Mrs. H. H. Vandervort was a spe
cial guest.
The Salem Music Teachers un
der the direction of Mrs. Walter
Denton, will make final announce
ment of the plans they will carry
music week at their
regular meeting Tuesday night.
The wee win on
. Miiriov(ll program
r.r. tj.u Willamette unlver
.Ity. under the direction ol ! Vte
Frances Virginia ----
the Salem Macuoweu wu --
log. i . .
The Music Teachers' associa
.,.! with Mrs. Lena
S?". .::V h home at 1658 Court
street at 8 o'clock Tuesday eve
ning. Mrs. P. F. mum
the assistant hostess for the eve
ning. At the next meeting of the
aviation Mrs. Clifford Moore of
Dn.i.n4 will rlvo me lrus "
and not at this meeting as
previously announced.
The W. H. M. S. of the Jason
. vr v. church will meet
So JfdSt Wednesday afternoon
m PA Glese wll have charge
M":.r,.... .Ydv. Mrs. Harry
l wmrfv. a ahort talk on
tke : deVcones. "work of the Metn
odlft church.
vTr Rrevman Boise
. -rr.d lii.. Frank Durbin.
Jr.; motored to Seal Rock wi
their familiesfor the week-end.
i tir.ii..a in been
vUito'r Irthe'Some. oT friend,
Ini ' All", for the past week
in rornauu-
Mr and Mrs, Seymour Jones
. Mr " their country
have renoTcu w - -mhi
at Keizer for the summer
aiontns. 0
f l.llfllft San.
Mr. and Mr. ww ? JTmthr
terulned at an attractive family
thPir home on Court
street Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spear and
their family .VJJ" i".
Spears cottage at Neskowln for
the wees: enu. . ,,
her guest ror w v
E W. Haines of Portland, " ;
. .
? f fill V7$. 'M
Young folk who will take part in the operetta 'Golden Hair
and the Three Bears.'
Tale Presented
SOME 'one hundred fifty youno; folk of the Sacred Heart
academy have been preparing "Golden Hair and The
Three Bears", an artistic operetta, for the past weeks under
the direction of the instructors of the department of music
at the academy. This will be presented Monday night at
the Elsinore theatre.
The story is fairy-like In its conception, having been
built around the old fable of the same name. Because it is
a fairy-tale it has been worked out in a most colorful, and
elaborate manner. The music and songs which accompany it
are light and graceful, as are
V.TTV tnril t. AP)
The main army of General Jaan
r Almaxan was still at Jimenez
and La Forma this evening wait
ing for completion of repairs to
til railroad to enable them to ad
vanion SanU Rosalia. BacWmba
Pass and cninuanua ww.
Aviators after observation
h. iritorr lust
north of the army reported that
thera was no sign ot any larga
concentraUon ot rebels, but only
small aisorganweu
. a tttm. v. ttforma mat-
sacre. Federal cavalry now Is at-
temntlng to rouna up uese
Secretary of War. . Plutarco
Ellas Callee In messages to pres
idential headquarters today con
tinued to-express the opinion that
there will be no more Important
fighting In the state of Chihuahua.
Some Indication of tho terrltfe
storm of metal loosed against Hie
rebel positions in the . battles of
Jimenez and La Reforma . was
gUned from the report; today, ot
General Nasario Medina Doml
guez. who commanded the federal
artUlery, tha.t47 sheUi of ,78
miUlmeters calibre were '.fifed; In
three days.'; -"; !"
the gay costume dances which
form much of the beauty of
the whole. The whole cast
for the operetta is in costume.
The settmg also is that of
fairyland. The ensemble effect
should be very lovely indeed.,.
The main parts ot the cast are
being carried by Evelyn Emery,
as Golden Hair; Agnes Moisin,
the Woodland Queen; Margaret
May Thompson, the faithful bard;
Josephine Barr, and Monica Rush
as the queen's attendants; Fran
cis Saalfeld, Bruin Bold, Arnold
Jarois, Mammy Muff, and William
Trumm, Tiny Cub.
It is Interesting to note in a
recent report of the General Fed
eration of Women's clubs that of
the thirty state federations which
maintain scholarship loan funds,
Oregon ranks third with a loan
fund valued at $29,605. The Ore
gon fund was started in 1908.
Mrs. Rodney Brown (Jeanette
Meredith) of Corrillla is hec tor
the. we end YUitlag with her par-
ata, Jjr. and JJrs. Frank Mere
Mrs. Roy H. Rice entertained
the G. T. club ot Roberts, with a
attractive luncheon and afternoon,
Thursday. Mrs. R. J. Betencourt
was special guest and the mem
bers present were Mrs. Alice Cool
idge, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. C. D.
Query, Mrs. W. C. Pettyjohn, Mrs.
C. W. Brown. Mrs. G. S. Higgins.
Mrs. J. W. Osborn, Mrs. S. Dav
enport, Mrs. Holly. Mrs. W. N.
Myers, Mrs. J. B. Bressler, Mrs.
Forest Edwards assisted the hos
tes. .Mrs. W. H. Fisher entertained
at a family dinner for her daugh
ter. Mrs. Glenn Otis of Tacoma,
and her two children, Ruth
Thompson and Glenn Junior,
Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Asa Fisher and Jape Robinson
were included in the guest group.
A decorative motif ot yellow and
Sreen was used attractively at the
inner table.
, Mrs.. Ida Xlnsmoor Burroughs
has returned to her home ni Salem
after, visit' of three months in
different -parts of California and
Mexico, . t .
uiri Keserres in saiem are an
active group.. New ; members are
being added ajar bew and more
Interesting pre grama' are being
planned as the meetings progress.
The Parriah Girl Reserves will
have a potluck supper in the T.
W. C. A. dining room Tuesday.
" The high school Girl Reserves
enjoyed one of the first hikes of
the season Saturday. They cooked
an "open air" supper before re
turning home.
The high school Girl Reserves
celebrated with a potluck supper
at the T. W. C. A. Tuesday night.
An Impressive ceremonial was cel
ebrated during the evening for
gusets who anticipate coming into
the Reserves.
Parrish Girl Reserves met In
the new social room in the T. W.
C. A. Saturday morning for dis
cussion of the "ring program" to
be used in their group. Recom
mendations were made which
will be adopted by the group for.
future action.
Reserves of Highland school
held their meeting in their club
room Friday afternoon. Lois Sav
age, vice president presided. A
short business meeting was held
during which plans for raising
money for Girl Reserve camp at
Santaly were discussed. A "Moth
ers Tea" Is also going to be an
event ot the near future.
This group call themselves the
Grace Dodge Girl Reserves. Those
present were Lois Savage, Vera
Coward. Doris Martin, Mary Pearl
Collar,- Dorothy Pro, Margaret
Channer. Arlene Moffit. Kather-
ine Shaeffer. Helen Strohlner,
Violet and Evelyn Nelson.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars
Auxiliary will meet at 2:30
o'clock Wednesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. George E Lew
is at 1180 North Winter street.
Kv rrrjr
1 IWll tJUiii
Children Cry
for It -
nih-r h& little UDaeU at times.
All your care cannot prevent them.
But you earn be prepared, men
on ea da what anr exnerlenced
nurse would do what most phy
sicians would tell yon to do
give a tew drops ot plain Castorla.
No sooner dons than Baby Is
soothed: relief is just a matter ot
moments. Tet yon have eased your
child without use or a ' single
itonhtfnl drae-: Castorla Is veg
etable. So It is safe to use as often
as an infant has any little pain
yon cannot pat away. And it's al
nn res.dv far tha crueler nancs
ot colic, or constipation, or diar.
rhea; effective, too, ror oiaer cnu.
drexu Twentv-five safniOB bottles
were boagfat last yes. -.t- '
.For sale by
Nelson & Hunt Drug Store
Corner Cowt Jt Uberty TeL 7
s,.; Dresses
at 9 a.m.
460 State Street
Kitchen Shower
For Vincent de Paul
The women of the St. Vincent
de Paul church will hold a kitchen
slower for the kitchen of the new
hall, which has just been com
pleted in that parish, Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the hall.
Mrs. T. Franklin fTipton is in
charge of arrangements. Cards,
and general entertainment is
planned for the afternoon, with
refreshments to be served after.
ward. All members are urged to
come trad bring something for the
The Lincoln, McKinley. Leslie
Parent Teacher association will
meet Tuesday evening at Leslie
school. The evening has been
planned by the acting president,
Mrs. Floyd Utter, in such man
ner, as through a unique program
to bring out the need and work
of the P. T. A. This program will
take the form of a mock trial and
it promises well. i.
Not long since it was announced
that a scholarship' would be
awarded to the girl of Leslie
school who won tha moat vnii
from student body and faculty
aiixe ror having the most con
structive school spirit. It was
hoped at that time that soma on.
would offer a like scholarship for
a Doy. now tne Lincoln, McKin
ley, Leslie P. T. A. has taken up
the matter and are working hard
on ths idea to offer such a
scholarship. It is highly prob
able that the scheme they are try
in r mar ha arnmnllahail TH
Floyd .Utter and Dr. B. F. PounTT
nave seen appointed as a com
mittee to make investigations.
Mrs. (Offblkel, daughter of
Mr. and-Mrs. G. P. Volkel became
the bride of Daniel R.' Hughes,
son of John- Hughes, at a quiet
service Saturday afternoon. The
Rev. J. D. Hows officiated at the
ceremony. Both of the young
people have been employed in the
secretary - of state's office for
some time. They plan to make
their home In Salem.
Miss Elizabeth Lord wa hntn
for an informal supper party at
aer some Friday night following
the Gilbert reception.
Practice Piano $SO .
Easy Terras
CEOT a WILL, 439 State. St.
ttEiie tti?ea(3
$Q oca oi?.
the new
I!1 f
Open 8, 760 Hours Each Year
(That mean we never close)
The Station With a Clock
Hi, ,i
$400 down balance $1 pgr week
These are absolutely the latest model Columbia Portable Phono
graphs latest style reproducer beautiful and serviceable case
this is a machine that you will be proud to own.
BSfifiQ liOUlii: mW