" V ' ! PAGE TWELVE The New OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 7, 1929 Mm Our Fmms9 Many More Are Vetch and Oats For Silo Crop Taking Place of Corn In tfie Valley Districts Corn, However, Is Sometimes More Desirable, I Because It Is a Cultivated Crop; Actual . Figures From 3 Years Experiments - The following raluable Informa tion Is famished by John C. Burt eer of th department of industri al Journalism of the Oregon State. Agricultural college: r Vetch and oata are rapidly re placing corn as a silage crop in the northwest, particularly in the Wil lamette ralley. The change is due largely to the ecanomy of Produc tion of vetch and oais, combined with a feed value as good or better than corn silage. Corn, however, Is sometimes more desirable in spite of this, because it is a culti vated crop. The average cost per ton of corn silage is 17.40, while the average for vetch and oats silage is but $4.27 a ton a saving of $3.13 on each ton of feed according to a survey made by the Oregon ex periment station, f Data for this studjtf which was carried on over a ttfree year pe riod, was obtained by personal in terviews each year with a total of growers, who cooperated with the station. From each grower was obtained a record of the cash ex penses Incurred in producing his crops, and careful estimates of the amounts of labor used and of the various overhead expenses. All Items of cost were included, not only items paid for in cash by the grower, such a swages of hired help, machinery repairs, and taxes, but also nonTcash item, sueh as the value of the grower's own la bor, depreciation of lite' machinery, and Interest upon his investment. The figures, of course, are aver ages for a large number of farms, and costs for individual farms un der varying conditions will vary both above and below these aver I ages. Actual Results Shown The 2130 acres of corn grown : for silage in thisexperiment yield- ed an average of 5.7 tons per acre, at an average cost of $7.40 per ; ton, while 167 acres of vetch and oats yielded 7.9 tons per acre, costing $4.27 per ton. Kale silage, it was found, while grown at a lower cost per ton, due to a heavy yield per acre, is les desirable because of its lower feed value. . While vetch and oats are espec ially adaptable for summer silage use, the combination also makes good eliage for winter feed. It is harvested at the hay stage, at which time the- vetch has almost full size seeds in the lower pods, end the oat kernels are in the me "lium hard dough stage. Both vetch and oat plants are usually green end fresh throughout this , ttage of maturity and the tonnage ' Is practically at the maximum. 1 Vetch and oats are put into the silo as soon after cutting as pos sible. Leaving the cut material la the field for several days be- fore- using causes loss in weight ) and feed value, and the silage will not keep as well. Putting Into Silo . . It is necessary that the cutter b& equipped with sliam knives and ' ample power to elevate the cut material into the silo. Fresh vetch and oats is heavy, and lack cf good equipment and power will result In trouble and added ex pense. Silage made from fre3h vetch and oats ordinarily does not require the addition of water at the time of putting it into the silo. If the material is quite dry. how ever, the addition of approximate ly enough water to bring the mois ture content back to about that of fresh cut material is desirable, says II. A. Schloth, assistant ! agronomist with the experiment i station. An excess of water will ' usually drain off or seep out, causing the loss of considerable food value. Vetch and oats silage requires careful tramping or packing, to exclude as much air as possible, so that uniform fermentation will take place, preventing the silage from becoming m oldy or sleek. Even distribution of the cut ma terial in the silo is als oimportant, o that with proper tramping the silage will settle evenly, and air pockets will not be formed, around which the silage may spoil. - . Silage made of vetch and oat heats rapidly and remains quite warm for about two weeks after the silo is filled. It is claimed by many feeders that use of this si lage while warm causes intestinal disorders In cattle. t ' . Growing Crop : Common or Hungarian vetch and oata are most jrenerallv used for silage. They make a higV "mjc, jieiu wcu ana grquv under almost any ordinary farming- conditions found In western Oregon or Washington. The bet ter the land and growing condi . -, Dates of Slogans in (Witt a few possible changes) Loganberries, October 7, 1921. Prunes, October 14. Dairying, October 21. Flax, October 28. Filberts, November 4. Walnuts, November 11. ' Strawberries, November It. 1 Apples, Figs, etc.. Not. 26. Raspberries, . December . 2. . Mint, December f. : ; Beans, etc December XI. V Blackberries, December 23. Cherries, December 30. - Pearl, January $, 1929. Gooseberries, January . 12. .Corn, January 20. " , Celery, January t7s:-: Spinach, etci February t.'.V: -Onions, tc. February 19. -- -Potatoes, etc, February-17" 1 1: Bees, February -24. . : '?:' v Ponltry and Pet-tock, Mar. . ' City. Beautifnl etc, March 10. Great Cowi, March 17. . " Paved Highways, March 24. Head Lettuea, March 21. i A SUM,- tC4 April 7, Lerwmes. April 14. -.' : - ' Asparagus, etc, April 121. 1 : tions, the larger the crop, says Mr. Schloth, the yield sometimes run ning as high as 10 or IS tons per acre. The following table, prepared by the experiment station, shows in detail the cost and production of corn, vetch and oats, and kale silage, as found in the three-year survey made by H. E. Selby, asso ciate in farm management at the college: Oregon Experiment Station Table S -Average Cost Per Acre of Corn Silage, Vetch Si lage, and Kale Willamette Valley 1025, 1026 and 1027 Crops Combined Corn Vetch & Oats Silage Silage Kale Number records 200 39 66 Number acres. 2130 167 200 Number tons ..12367 1270 3662 Direct Man Labor ...$13.45 $8.42 $31.42 Overhead Man Labor ... 3.82 2.37 6.07 Horse Labor- 6.01 3.18 13.34 Tractor .... 3.59 3.18 2.36 Other Machinery 3.21 2.11 2.15 Automobile . .14 .06 .03 Seed 64 3.05 .47 Fertilizer .. .51 .17 2.60 Twine 26 .08 .... Taxes 2.10 2.08 2.22 Interest on Land Value 6.94 7.21 7.5S Use of Silo 2.33 2.37 .... Irrigation Water ; 48 Totals 43.00 34.28 68.69 Credit for pasture, ca, corn, kale plants . .77 .51 .21 Net cost per acre $42.23 $33.77 $68.48 Tons per A 5.7 7.9 18.1 Coct per ton $7.40 $4.27 $3.78 'Including kale, plants purchased. Sparrows Are Great Booh to U. S. Farmers It has been authoritatively esti mated that the native sparrows are worth about $75,000,000 an nually to American farmers in de stroying undesirable weed seeds. Many other birds thrive on insects which harm crops, flowers and plants says Albert A. Hansen writing in the April Issue of "Successful Farming". He points out that a little consideration shown the better sort of birds will provide a busy lot of garden weed ers for the home grounds. "First," he writes, "build suit able homes and watering places for them. Second, destroy or drive away the rowdy little Eng lish sparrows or they will oust your bluebirds, wrens, and other desirable tenants. Third, feed the birds during the winter when the ground and weeds are so covered by snow that the birds cannot get at the seeds. "A study of the eating habits of birds points to the native spar rows, meadow larks, grosbeaks, shore larks, orioles, flickers, blue birds, thrashers, cardinals, tan agers, wood thrush, robins, chick adee and ruby throats as friendly species while the English spar rows, crows and cowbirds are un desirables with which decent birds cannot live." Any residential street, being a series of homes, each having its lawn in front, gives to the city's appearance a definite , influence, good, bad or indifferent,' accord ing to the character of the devel opment or lack of it. It can be tmly said that It is the street trees, attractive homes and well landscaped lawns that give 3treets of character their distinction and give cities the name of beautiful. Let us think of a garden as an attractive outdoor room,' rather than a plaee of orderly beds where fitters or other plants are grown. ?f3 matter what type of design or what type of fnnrishings if one may speak of the elements of a garden as furnishings a garden usually does not offer Its full complement of enjoyment without that desirable feeling of Intimacy and privacy. Oregon Statesman . Grapes, etc, April 22. - Drug Garden, May 6. Sugar Industry, May 12. Water Powerr, May 19. Irrigation, May 26. Mining, Jane 2. . Lend.' Irrigation, etc, June 9. Floriculture, Jane If. Hops, Cabbage, etc. Jane 23. Wholesaling. Jobbing, Jane 24. Cucumbers, etc, July 7. :. Hogs, July 14. . Goats, Jury 21. Schools. Jury 2 1. ' Sheep.) August 4. ., - Seeds, August 11. National Advertising, Aug. It. Livestock. August 25. Orals 4k Grain Products, Sept. 1 : Manufacturing. Septr t. -,Woorworking, et, Spt. It. Automotive Indurtries Sept. 22. Paper Mills, Sept. 29. (Back: copies of the Sunday edition ol i The Daily Oregon Statesman ' are on hand. They are lor saIs at 10 cents each. mailed to any address, t .- Current topics, -S cents. HOLLOW TILE SILO is in n here Some of the Most Successful Dairymen in Salem Dis trict Put Them Up The hollow tile silo is coming into favor In the Salem district, as well as those built of concrete; though a large proportion of those built in the past were of wood, of the various manufactures, at home and In other sections. The Mount Angel college peo ple hare recently had erected two large hollow tile silos. Forehanded farmers In other sections of Mar ion and Polk counties, and throughout the valley, hare been putting up silos of hollow tile. Argument for These The Salem Brick & Tile com pany has In one of its booklets some arguments under an appro priate heading in favor of the use of hollow tile for silo building. The writer copies some of them, as follows: "Hollow tile as a silo material permits of the construction of an ideal silo. The sweet state of the ensilage kept in a hollow tile silo, the freedom from freezing due to the cellular eonstructure, the ease of erection, and the permanence guaranteed .by this material, make it the .most satisfactory for such a type of building. ' "Tie stock or dairyman with out asllo, in these days of mod ernization In things about the ranch as well as in the homes of the city rich, is In the position of a bank without a vault, a vessel without a sail or a wagon without a box. And he Is likewise like minus a savings account in the bank.. It Is now thoroughly recog nized that the silo is the dairy man's vault in which may be de posited the treasurers of the field. It is the sail which propels the ship of profit, and it Is the sav ings bank for the accumulation of the gold of the meadows. Those whod employ them in their dairy ing operations are known by their signs of prosperity, visible in their well fed cows and the figures on ' "Any silo we know of, except the pages of their bank books. the hollow tile kind, is a constant expense, repair costs pile up on you in season and out of seasoon, unltl Instead of paying for itself as it should your silo has literally eaten its head off. Burned clay, if thoroughly burned, Is more dur able than even the best of stone, as Is shown by the brick and stone work of buildings centuries old and dating back before the Chris tian era. Besides, the hollow tile silo has the advantage of dead air space which is the best resi3t'ng medium to freezing and transmis sion of heat of anything known. "A silo of hollow tile requires practically no repairs and what few there are will be on the doors, which require occasional renewal; as in all other types of sios, there ls.no shrinking, warp ing, cracking or driving out; no use for paint aside from the roof and doors, no decay, no attention needed to keep an empty silo from being wrecked by a wind storm as are so many of the- wooden kind. It is a fact that two inches of dead air space is a better non conductor of heat than two inches of dry fir. The wooden staves of filled, which lowers Its non-conducting properties, while in the hollow tile silo there are three and one-halt Inches of dead air space besides the two Walls of the tile so keep the cold out. Tho hol low tile silo will resist the cold much better and hold the heat for curing. "Th6 cost of the hollow tile silo Is no greater than that of the bet ter grades of wooden silos, which are snot expected to last more than 10 to 12 years, and from 20 to 50 per cent less than concrete and far superior to either. Keep - Your Money In Oregon Buy Monuments Made at Salem, Oregon Capital Monumental Works J. C Jones St Co., Proprietors All Kinds of Monumental 4 Work ;- Factory and Office: . 2210 S. Commercial St. Opposite I. O. O. F. Cemetery, Box 21 Phone 489s Salem, Oregon Everything In DU1LDING MATEE1IALG Cobbs & Mitchell ' - - A. B. Kelsay, Manager S49 S. ISth St. Phone SIS Gldccn Otdiz Coapdnsr : - - - - . , - . ltannfactnrers of - v Vinegar; Sods Water,. ; ' Foontaia Supplies .: ; ... :1 " . rboao a ? Ore. The Silo For Stability The greatest dairying section of the United States, in Wisconsin, has the largest number of silos in comparison to the number of farms. - Marion and Polk counties lead in Oregon in pure bred high record cows and In most dairy ing lines, and the use of the silo in the Salem district is the most general in this state But there are thousands of farms in this valley that should hare some silos where none are yet provided. Some one has said that ''the silo saves the crop and it saves the soil and makes spring last the whole year for live stock; provides a green pasture under cover; pays for itself every year." Also, that "the silo takes the element of luck out of dairying and live stock breeding," and that "the silo is a watch tower of prosperity. The silo saves the crop that would otherwise be lost, in many times of unfavorable harvesting weather. Silage is better in some respects than natural pasture, for it allows the making up and feeding of a balanced ration. Stability, safety these are the goals of progressive men. The silo, conserves these values. (The silo is the cheapest equipment on the farm; for it saves its cost every year. You pay for a silo whether you have it or not; in profit if you have it in loss if you have it not. ; More and tnore silos are needed in the Salem district. Campaign for Safety Will Go on Nationally; 13 Men Of Note Booked to Speak CHICAGO. April 7 "Univer sal Safety" will soon be carried directly into millions of Ameri can homes, through a series of 13 weekly radio addresses by na tional leaders the first of whom will be Charles M. Schwab, on Saturday evening, April 20, at 7:00 p. m. Alarmed by the accident fatal ity toll which claims nearly 100, 000 lives each year In the United States, the National Broadcasting company. In cooperation with the National Safety Council will pre sent this ''Universal Safety Ser ies" In an effort to awaken the American people from an attitude of seeming Indifference toward a national problem of vital import ance. Schwab First Speajter In addition to Mr. Schwab, who will discuss "Safety as a Factor In Industry," the following speak ers are announced: Hon. Robert P. Lamont, secre tary of commerce: "Safety as a National Problem." Hon. James J. Davis, secretary of labor: "Safety and the Work er." Madam Schumann-lleink: "Safety In the Home." Dr. Miller McClintock, Director Albert Russell Erskine. bureau of street traffic research. Harvard university: "Making Our High ways Safe." Grover Whalen, commissioner of police, New York: "Enforce ment as an Aid to Safety." Joseph E. Sheedy, executive vice president United States lines: "Safety on tne High Seas." Talks Last 15 Minutes President Henry A. Reninger of the National Safety Council will outline the series and introduce Mr. Schwab on Saturday evening, April 20. at 7:00 p. m. The oth er 12 talks to be given on succes sive Saturday evenings will go on the air at 7:15 and will be of 15 minutes' duration. All talks will! Oakland Sales and Service VICK BROS. High Street at Trade BRING IN YOUR NEW WHEAT And exchange it for' hard wheat patent flour, or any of our long list of milling specialties. We do custom grinding. We supply what you need for what you have. CHERRY CITY MILLING CO. Salem, Oregon 481 Trade St Phone 318 Oregon Paper Company Manufacturers of BOND LEDGER GLASSINE " GREASEPROOF TISSUE . - - . : - .... . . i Support Oregon Products ; Specify "Satan Made Paper for Your . r Office Stationery ' , r be given on eastern standard time schedules.' All speakers, with the exception of the two cabinet members, will talk from the New York NBC studios. Messrs. Lamont and Davis will speak from Washington. Mdke Haste For Time Is Flitting Past Is Advice Make haste, for there are' busy days ahead. The sun is shining a bit warmer and Is staying with us a little longer each day. Almost before you know ft you will find yourself busy putting your gar den in shape. The lure of the outdoors will claim you completely and, as you work the soft soil, delighting in the smell and feel of the newly turned earth, you will find little time for planning. Do your planning at once.. Decide what you want to do with your garden and grounds this year and then, when It comes time. to don your work clothes, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that every effort brings you closer to com pletion of a carefully thought out garden. Planning makes the successful ; garden as truly as planning makes for the successfully built house. H.A. Hyde Co. DEALERS IN Berry Plants, Seed Potatoes Kerry Crates and Hallocks Portland Road, Salem, Oregon Pontiac Pulp and FILLING THE SILO MADE REGM JOB The Wisconsin Plan Requires Small Machenery and Cuts Out Neighbor Help The hard work connected with filling the silo Is often given as an. excuse for not building one, and so the economic value of this system of conesrving farm wastes ana providing essential feeds is lost. A college authority. Prof. A. L. Haecker at O. A. C, suggests that in order to obtain light on this question we should call into view the methods of the farmers of the section where silos are most num erous. In south ' central Wiscon sin. In that section there are a number of counties where the great bulk of the corn cron is nnt into the silo; where practically every rarmer who has livestock has one or more silos, and where the Job of fillinz the silos Is con sidered of little consequence; is regarded as a regular part of the farm work, and the help of neigh bors Is not asked in carrying on the operation. Small Outfits Used The "Wisconsin nlan" of fillln is now recognized the country over as using a small outfit rather than a large one, and by using principally the power and labor of the farm rather than making a Dig excnange-labor event like threshing. Silo filling by this method is no more irksome than having or harvesting, or in fact any other work about the farm The" crop Is put in by each farmer when it b&a reached the proper stage or maturity. This means bet ter silage, and lower cost of fil ling. "By filling silos on the "Wis consin plan" no one Is needed in side the silo to tramp, but the tramping is done at the finish, when the ton surface need seal. ing by a few trampings. The Best Practices Many farms are now eauinned with electricity, and, with a five norse power motor and a thirteen or fourteen inch cutter .experi ment stations have nroven that silos can be filled auicklv and easily. Tests made In Minnesota, Kansas, Idaho. Indiana, and Wis consin and other states, show that five horse power motors are able to cut from five to eight tons per nour ana deliver into a thirty or You will Build Economically with our Lumber and Building Materials Our service will help you with every detail whether you are building or remodeling. Call us Telephones 2248 or 728 Let forty foot silo. These tests were all made by cutting what we call "line," mat ts, irom nan men to tnree-elgaths inch slices. By using the small cutter and taking plenty of time to fill, the silage will hare ample time to settle and more tonnage can be put into the average silo. Farms that are equipped with their own power, whether It be electric, gas or steam, can obtain figures from any competent manufacturer of cntters as to how this power can be hooked up and turned to use In silo filling. Those who wish to avoid hand ling corn, can largely overcome this with bundle loaders which are now made by several compan ies. Stock keepers cannot afford to go without silos, especially dur ing this time of low profits and heavy competition in all farm op erations. The dread o calling in the neighborhood to fill the silo naturally would discourage many would-be users, but they should know that this is not at all neces sary nor even to be recommended, for there are plenty of figures to show that silos can befilled in bette r shape and at lower costs by using small equipment and by putting In a few hours of each daywith their own labdr or possi bly one or two exchanges. Never leave stubs when cutting off limbs. Cut close to the shoulder. i : We have obtained the distribution of CERTAIN-TEED Paints and Varnishes And are making an introductory offer Anyone desiring; paint for any purpose for inside or outside work, of the highest quality made will find it to their advantage to see us. JT. W. CIPE1LAJ LUMBER YARD West Salem Telephone 576 "Dependably Serving the Xumber Consumer" Us Suppy T7 T7T FIR OAK, ASH Delivered in the quantity you want and sawed to the length you desire . "CASTLE GATE COAL" A fine grade coal delivered in the quantity wanted. -' r"r A - - ... -"- V - - . - .- In bulk any quantity delivered in your tank. " f z SALEM, y. OREGON E PBE16 FIELD Growers at Woodburn Pio neer Crowing, on a Large Scale cial)- One of Woodburn's Infant Industries, that of commercial bulb growing, has almost doubled itself in its second year. H. F. Butterfield and George A. Landon are the pioneers in the field hav ing begun the growing of bulbs on a large scale last year. Twenty-one varieties of narcis si, 33 of tulips, and 10 of IilHes are grown o nthe Butterfield farm on the Pacific highway south of Woodburn. From 2000 to 3000 blooms and as many bulbs are shipped out each week from the patch, which covers a little over two acres. A portion of the field in which imported bulbs are grown is still under government quarantine. , The entire acreage of George Landon is under quarantine which will be raised next year, when Mr. Landon expects to increase his field considerably.- Most of the bulbs and blooms are shipped to florists in Montana. Your 3 LB K ON ; and let us-p r?V 'serve yoa'i1