The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 07, 1929, Page 11, Image 11

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Quick, Easy ParkingFeature of DeSoto Six
Following the Firemen Is a Foolish Fad
The New OREGON STATESMAN, Sakm. Oregon, Sunday Morning, April 7 1929
if nnn nnn
Pupil and Teacher Who. Win
to Get Free Trip , to
Washington, D. C:
WASHINGTON. D, C. April 6.
Offering as principal awards a
trip to Washington with all ex
penses paid io the winning pupil
and the stucessful teacher who
submit the best papers in their
respective competitions, the high
way education board has an.
nounced the eighth annual safety
essay and lesson contests open to
elementary school pnpils and ele
mentary school teachers of the
The successful pupil also will
receive a gold medal, a check for
$15 and a gold watch, while the
teacher, upon her arrival at Wash
ington, will be presented with a
check for $500.
Contestants from every state
in th Union, and from Alaska
the Phillipines, Hawaii, Porto
Rico, and the Canal Zone are ex
pected to strive for the many
prizes, aggregating $6,509. of
fered for the best essays and the
best lessons written In this annual
competition. Thh contests in each
state are conducted with the aid
and cooperation of the state de
partments of education, and oth
er educational authorities. The
prizes are given by the national
automobile chamber of commerce.
In the pupils' contest, 442 med
als and a like number of eaah
prizes are" offered as state awards.
To the first national winner is
given a visit to the nation's cap
ital and a valuable gold watch,
while pupils whose pr.pers rank
second and third to the national,
winner also receive gold watches,
appropriately engraved, of slight
ly less intrinsic value than that
given the winner. National win
ners are chosen by a process of
. elimination from those whose es
says have rmked first In their
respective states.
i k -LwJe"-' Vet.. '"- -mmm
swi-:et WORIM3
Tlie sweetest words to the ear
of a dyed-ia-t he-wool basketball
fan are thoe rolling off he
tongue of an nmpire. "Play
Bawl." Hermlston Herald.
It's eay! Five million cars are parked dally In the business districts of the large centers of population
in tne imtea Mates. . The automobile that responds instantly to the accelerator and has wheels that
'tarn In a short radius, parks quickly and easily in a small space at the curb. It is these features of the
DeSoto Six Jhat won its title as "the easiest parked car." Photo shows a DeSoto Six roadster slipping
into at space siigntiy larger tnan tne car Itself.
They may talk about putting
business principles in agriculture,
but the farmer will never be a real I work at noon and goes out to
business man until he knocks of I play golf. Malheur Enterprise.
Driver's Liability to Err Done
Away With, by Use of
Scientific Apparatus
Massachusetts, which In 1893
was the first State to establish a
state highway, department, built
eight and a half million dollars'
worth of new pavements on Its
state road system in 1928. Inci
dentally, its engineers gave a dis
tinct shock to the army of high
way experts who regard the meth
of John Louden Macadam, the
canny Scotch originator of broken
stone roads as belonging in a
class of antiques along with the
dodo and the high wheel veloci
pede. . Out of some 128 Jobs, 93 were
of bituminous macadam, 15 of, as-
phaltlc concrete and If of Port
land cement concrete, or about
140 miles of bituminou macadam,
40 miles bituminous concrete, and
15 miles of Portland cement con
crete. The state's preference for
the modern edition of the time
honored .macadam Is based upon
the striking fact that, of the fif
teen heaviest traveled roads carry
ing an average dally traffic of 8,
354 motor vehicles, eleven' were
of bituminous macadam. In this
type of pavement about 98 per
cent by weight consists of stone
(Continued -from page 7)
business including frnt deliveries,
.express cars, , transfer, , trucks,
'hdavy duty vehicle's! 'for ! road
'building use, logging equipment
trucks and other liens for almost
every duty demanded ot a truck.
A few of the many valuable
and important features of the
Dodge trucks are precision of de
sign and construction, great
power and speed, safe construc
tion, low prices and a service al
ways available promptly and at
low cost. T
Divorce suits are becoming the
rage. The dear girls probably have
discovered that they need some
thing to wear. Cottage Grove
T. O. B.
Your Farm
"Caterpillar" TEN
(I When you want to do it
Withk great economy of fiiel
Without wasteful slippage or
hannful soil packing.
Here's what a "Cateipillar" Ten will do
tinder all ordinary forming conditions.
ImfltmtHl i SiftWi&k
Plow(fnoZJboanl). . .Two 14 in.
Plow(dtfk) . . . 3dik. .
Plow (one-way disk) .6ft.
Lister (or lister-planter) 2 row
Ffek Harrow staadard waicht) 8ft.cfebf
Disk Harrow (heavy cover crop) 3 t. double
Spike tooth barrow
Spring tooth harrow . .
Land rollers, light wwders,!
Rotary hoes -
Grain dri&s
Grain binders . . . . .
Combined harvester
Potato planter .
Potato picker . .
4 section (2C)
.8-10 ft. . .
. 12-17 ft. .
. Ono 12-14 ft. ,
.Two 7 ft..
Two 7-8 ft. . ,
.One 10-12 ft. ,
Ono or two row .
Two row
Two row .
3- 9
4 (second speed)
5(third speed)
4- 3
2. Tea fot singie diikhattwwead
ft home
odel TEN
at esr.rort
Write for Iksrripiiv Fofcer SOOB
i oil arr rordLiUy invited to Inspect this New
CATIRpJJLIfArV TRAtTOR now, on display
land ana ISalem solfoasns.
we0 3D(D9(I1)(D).
Hhsqv gttllirecsadily
Ita(nsBim. tfDn Me
Smooth Six-Cylinder Performance
The Chevrolet Sli delivers its power easily, freely
and without annoying vibration or body rumble,
assuring at every speed the quiet, luxurious com
fort that everyone expects of a fine automobile.
Better Than 20 Miles to the Gallon
Due. to finer carburetion and improved manifold
ing, this marvelous six-cylinder" performance is
delivered with fuel-economy of better than 20
mites to the gallon of gasoline with extremely
low oil consumption.
Distinctive Bodies by Fisher
Longer, lower and roomier ... and offering such
fine car features as Fisher W windshield, adjust
able driver's seat, and Ternstedt hardware the
new Fisher enclosed bodies give the Chevrolet Six
an outstanding measure of distinction.
Every Modern Driving Convenience
The new Chevrolet Six is equipped with full ball
bearing steering mechanism . . . quiet, non-locking
4-wheel brakes . . theft-proof Electrolock . . .
automatic stop and tail light . . . rear vision mirror
. . . and oot-controlled adjustable beam head
lights. A Six in the Price Range of the Four
Many people do not realize that this marvelous
new six-cylinder Chevrolet is actually offered in
the price range of the four. Compare total de
livered prices as well as factory prices when deter
mining automobile values. You will find Chevrolet
delivered prices Include the lowest handling and
financing charges available.
"Following the Firemen" is a
foolish fad in which too many mo
torists take peculiar delight. This
practice may Sire them a thrill bat
it fire toe fire fighters and police
more work at a time when their
energies should be devoted to the
task of safeguarding llres and
property. The motorist who in-
or gravel aggregate, thereby mak
ing fall use of local materials,
saving freight and manufacturing
dulges In this practice of chasing
fire apparatus may get into a bad
Jam some day. In his haste to keep
up with the procession he may run
down some pedestrian or his ma
chine may be struck by another fire
truck coming from a side street un
expectedly, points out the National
Safety Council.
costs and insuring quick and easy
repairs without causing undue in
convenience to motorists.
(Continued from page 7)
over which the nation's 100,000,
000 or so rubber tires are run
ning, there are still no more than
SO, 000 miles of road; that can be
rated as first class. r "
More Money for Roads
More money must be spent for
permanent highway Improve-"
ments, highway officials and au
thorities all over the country are
pointing out. Better use can he
found for funds now being spent
for maintenance and construction
of roads that cannot cope success
ful with the tong of shifting traf
fic that hurtle over them.
In many instances those charg
ed with road planning hare failed
to recognize that motor trans
portation is a permanent thing
and that the highway should also
be as permanent as possible, else
this and succeeding generations
will continue to pour cash Into
the sink hole of maintenance and
periodical rebuilding.
An automobile mileage of C5.
000 does not compare favorably
with a first class road mileage ot
80.000. j,
SEDAN.,, ......'675
$5 95
TOcLlafctD. IJAA
irCti 1UV
Th Sport
CaaaaUwickGafc 0911
Attprtemtf. m. .arft
Hint. MicMlfmrn
See Your Nearest Chevrolet Dealer
. im'n w 430 N. Commercial St Phone 1802
Ball Bros Tamer - Hardy Chevrolet Ceu, Wood burn - HolUs B Smith, 'Dallis "-'
Cehtmhia Garage, Mt. Ange4 1 .
u Cob: sH
' Wherever You Go
. in tbe Wegt
. . yn are always near a
"Western Aeto store and
every one of eer stores offer
yea the saaa MMunif
vie ea kifk grdy folly
a rawliisJ Tirsa, Rattari,
Acc tori . Cm Goods,
Golf Eqwipnemt and Radios.
0 9
Western Gianr
Fuiiw .iszs no I X
G&K I '-CSj X motorists with long-last
ing, trouble-free tires; prompt
smiling service at more than ISO
conveniently located stores, and
prices made low by quantity produc
tion and economical distribution, ex
plain the tremendous popularity of "West
ern Auto" tires.
Thousands upon thousands of motorists who purchased
over half-a-miUion "Western Auto" tirea last year, know
from experience that we give the greatest Tire Values in
the west . . . and daily, new scores of car owners are won
over to Wear-wells and Western Giants by their splendid
reputations for economy and satisfactory service.
Our Trade-in Allowance
Mahmm Your Saving Evmn Greater
It's Spring Time Touring Time- Time to put new tires oa all
around ... Our Trade-in Allowance makes this easy! Use your
old tires as part payment on new, fully guaranteed "Western Auto
tires, at any of our conveniently located stores. -
Every "Weetern Auto" tire la backed not only by oar llbral
Minimum Mileage Gvarantee, but also by onr guarantee of Abse
leto Satisfaction for the Life of the Tire. This Guarantee is P
held by Service at every ono of our more than ISO atorea. and by
nur well-known CUSTOMER IS AX.WAT8 RIGHT Policy.
Tires Mounted FREE!
A Tire for Every Car for Every Use for Every Purse
Wear-well Western Goat Western Cant e. D3J Jmvbo
K17K Banaaa fta4ara w Dtt i"?OH HaTT Red
ia.eo-Mlla tota-Trta C W-Ti a. I Gra Tnho lm
eaaaa lS4a.MUa ie.Ma.MUa WMJ AW Tan-
2sMswbvAs)sb CJauss)sj w
29x4.40 (4.40-21) . .$ 58 $25 $ 7.45 $1.15 $1.48
30x40 (40-21) . 6.10 6.95 &25! 18 . 1.67
29x4.75 (4.75-20) . 65 a30 &95 135 18
30x5.00 (5.00-20) . 7.65 &95 105 1.48 1.89
31x5.00 (5.00-21) . 7.85 935 10.65 16 1.96
30x5J25 (52&20) . &80 105 11X0 1.67 2.11 i
31x5J5 (5&21) . 8.95 105 115 1.72 2.18
30x5.77 (5.77-20) :. 10.45 11.55 12.65 158 2.40
32x6.00(6.00-20). 11X0 13.75 15.60 2.18 258
33x6.00 (6.00-21) . 11X5 13.95 15X5 Z2S 2.65
32x620(62020). 1625 - 17.80 ..... 3.15
33x6.75 (6.75-21) 20X5 2125 3X8
Wear-wea Western Garni Western Giant Bine Kbbeaj Jnmabo
SHE ,eo. cZFZZ ST HearRei
OMntw it m um . tn Tab lobe
30x32 CL Regular $ 4.65 $5X5 ..... $1.05 $1.47.
30x3y2O. Oversize 4.95 5X5 $8X0 ..... 147 :
30x3 SS Oversize 5.75 6X5 ..... 1.47
31x4. . SS Oversize 7.95 925 ..... . 127 1X5
32x4.'. SS Oversize 825 " 9X5 13X5 w 1.65 1X6
33x4.. SS Oversize 8X5 10.45 .....j 1.75 2.06
32x4Vz SS Oversize 10.95 13.65 17X0 ..... 226
33x4 SS Oversize 11X5 13XS ia75 ...... 2X5
30x5. . SS Oversize .i.. . . ..v 21X5 ...... 2.75
33x5. .. SS Oversize ..... 19.45 23.65 ...... 2X5
Ask far Omr LotPrict on Six Nt Shewn. WaHaoa YaarSUm '
-l!cse tl30 63 tiibsiXct'
I Salesa Stcrca 210 RComt J.. U
'Wetem Aulo"
, Sorrice
MrwMSt -ejsjsi
"3J"RlwaaSS? Sal.
ST2 j- S" jy
. " l
345 Center Sbrect
. - m wynvia w-i r -