The New OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregoo. Satnrday. Morning. April 6, 1929 PAGE NINE s CLASSIFIED ADTEXTXSnra Kesdiag aotieea, per fine . X5e (J Una iiinont charge) Classified Advertising, per liae 10e Classified Advertising, per lias $ time V - SO Clsstified AtvertUleg. per Um times -., Mo Ob month, daily and Saaday per liae - 11.00 BUSINESS OPP. ' HARDWARE STORE: S a, 1 e or trade. Bringing splendid dividends. GERTRUDE i. IL PAGE Ail Court Street Tel. 1182. LET US try our ruck with your prop erty. Phone 29 NOW. TOURIST REALTY CO. T5 Edgewater West Salem Wkj'i rinin,ii- -i,-ii-i FOR SALE trade or leaee to re sponsible party. Restaurant in good location. 715 Harrison st. Rt. 1. box A. Wood burn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $10,500. A good going business on Pacific highway north, & acres, differ ent kinds of fruit, store, restaurant, filling station. Good fixtures; electric ranee, automatic water system. Will take gooe) small house in trade. If you are looking tor sometning gooa inves tigate this. HOLLYWOOD REALTY Phone 2807 2009 North Capitol lssejaaMBBaspeeseaa APARTMENTS FOR SALE WE have one set of 6 and one sot a a iaiii4 w rmonia rwith will tthnw Ul w vaa v uai ,a-afc( wu. . ... good returna on investment. We also har several apartment houses for sale. MODERN COMMUNITY DEVELOP ERS 268 North High Street 0000000000000000m000m0000w0000 GROCERY and neat business, beet location in Salem, on account of ill health owner will sell for $2500. May consider part exchange. Good paying office business for $100. Phone 241. kOH .SALfc Real Kstttj S ACRE fruit tract, good five room Bouse, good well and P2'y?ir toga mi. o, ui smwi "7v - . r-. t" . . 1 .1 tjwm, AMP. looking lleni. Fruit acreage. Terms. moira xv. wwiicTi 0000000 M M COMPELLED to sell new 5 room house on 20th St. Fireplace, basement, furnace, garage, cement (drive, wauts and street, saiou. j.:rii. """" 00000001 mmm mm . . - n . rwrt-n rrr . AmnlMltnn ATI the Pacific Coast. We have over 3000 properties listed for exchange. Every kind of property, every price, evry lo cation. We can match your exchange xacUy. If you would like to trade your property today, come la today. B S. M. EARLEv Realtor 1 a Liberty TT-i- nn FOR SAL Attractive Fairmount- HIE Home Built by owner inTHtm BtHN Phone 1927 or 432 r. . ion iv in a Vmt.r street home. rooms newly decorated, fine east front lot. $1500. $50 down; P" rwr nHn,l Interest. 8EE us today. W. IL GRABENMORST CO. 1S4 8. Liberty-Street F00" V; TERMS , , ON good $ room house and large corner lot close in on fast growing bus- KODERNU COMMUNITY DEVEL OPERS 208 North High Street $J75. FOR a 50x98 ft. lot in N. Sa lem, good location. ; $450. FOR a lot..- 10x15$ with tev- oTfOR a lot on N. Uberty. $23. own and $10 per month. $900. FOR a lot 5214x128 on N. 14th T&oT'FOR a fine Iqt.? 2xl2T on Hood and N. Summer. . : $2000. FOR a tract lxl on Market and N. Summer. mM&Vjohnson or a. udark ISO U. S. Bank Bidg. Phone CI 7. UUVUTAftnfwVi'AI' . . - - $300.00 DOWN BALANCE like rent buys E room house and 2 vacant lots, close to school VODERN COMMUNITY DEVEL OPERS zos ixorcn xiiu duwv 1$ ACRES or cnoice iarnun wu . i ii.. Mtaii.Mi 3 am4 of straw- k.,riu moA tmnrovement. mile ast of Salem. A good buy at $ 5 .. ROOM new. fully modern English tj-pe house and garage at $4000.00. Very easy payments and terms. S ACRES with good improvement .. . . ,wA vrln In nil Will "1 no uesi ui uiu n t mu . trade for small acreage or chicken ranch. iTice tuov.vw w m A NEW English type house. $ rooms and garage,e,t fronj. WiU trad, ; for .rec v foR rknt ROOM fully modern house. WE write all kinds of insurance. J. F. Ulrich Co. Reattbrs-" via W f?om'L lit. . . Tel 1854 LfVW'l'l" mmmmmmmmm000m $200.0$ DOWN BALANCE like rent buys nearly new T room stucco, strictry jnodern house. OPERi a-'-08 North High Street $180$. FOR a new bungalow. 4 rooms, fireplace, garage, paving pd. S100don. , . and nook, large living room, basement and ararage. siv. oown. . m - rooms and nook, modern In every way. nrasre and paving pa. sown. $3250 FOR an Attractive 4 room Mrlng. Tawn and easy payment. 40yt. FOR a new f room . EmrUah type nome. rowiiwrta w .. location and easy terms. tome, strictly nodTi. tii lo..'" bath room. ui lain.. xvxv . . 0. STleni. lot 60x150: o. MUST BfcJ iv TED Reasonable terms to right party. $$760. FOR a neWaaa attractive LTcornlr of Hit n! Bummer. Te"rn.s oee.n in r. cwcin. uua ww MTo Wt. flr. and MFlvjSrtNSON OR iLJLDARK lie I J. m. ttans dius. " " JUST THINK - FOR $15 down and Ill s month yon can buy a dandy little $ room house Vk'o down. 'sTper month buy. fmgl bOUSe Mrr UIBUk - 1ORl$2S down, 2S per month buys Jr. tV bouse on a fine corner lot teN. SalenTinear Highland. Price CAN you afford to rent? Mra. EHls with 120 State Street Phone 1.2.'. BUYS T room" bouse with lot. $$ a tea 300 0$ down: balance like rent. USdERN COMlhlNlTY DEVEL- SOt North High Street nni ij'.k " ' ' ' ' FOR SALE HA VINO moved from Salem, I have my N. Summer street home for sale. See my agents. Urs. KlltS wim LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors $50 State Street h?? . . 1 0m00 mm m m . - - - S ROOM modern house on 8. Church r Paved street, good location, land raoed Can be handled with bonus loanTPhone owner at 238JJ after S p. m.f iirmjwyMii" i ' GET acnuanited with TOURIST REALTY CO. List your property with -them now for results. Phone 29$ or address 775 Edgewator. W. Salem. m ii nnnrfiriiV 1 . mjki wi i i " - - $4250. BEAUTIFUL new modern $ room home in Hollywood disc, paved street fine location. $250 down; bal ance like rent. $2925. A NICE S room home, wonderful view. Down payment $39. balance 25.00 monthly including interest. Hnr.LrwnnD realty Phono 2807. 200$ - North Capitol GOOD BUYS': w .. - $55$ all cash buys $ room house aad ' lot close to schooL $2500. $20$ cash buys room house dege In, In good condition, arranged for S apartments, beautiful location on : creek with trees. i 80COLOF6KT 4k SON First National Baaat UutUlIng ; FOR SALE Real Estate $ico.oo BUYS 1 roou house with lot 40s 148. Close to school and bus. Very good terms. MODERN COMMUNITY DEVEL OPERS 20S North High. Street NEW HOMES NORTH Four rooms and breakfast alcove, new and strictly modern. Tiled bath, large lot with bearing fruit and 7 ahade tree In front. East front. A wonderful buy at $4,00. $500 cash. 8TATB STREET Five large. Jetry rooms and breakfast nook. New and modern In every detail. Two acts of plumbing. Extra large lot. Fine loca tion. Price SC.AO0. SI. 300 cash. TRIANGLE RE ALT I CO. 421 Court Street Ground Floor HOMES FOR SALE S ROOM modern house for only $!. 850.00. Clone in : C room home, also modern and good location for $2 7 CO. Small payment down and pay lik-s rent. Houses and apartments to rent close in. IF these do not suit, we hare others also farms, city property and house for exchingo. Call and see us before you close that deal. BEESON ac LEEPER For exchanges of ail kinds. 190 S. Com. St. Phone 1S80. EXTRA SPECIAL CHANGE in business forces me to leave Salem. Will sacrifice my modern home of 4,roomi and nook, full base ment, furnace, fireplace and oak floors, lots of built ins. Price only $3300. S30U cash, assume $2000 street loan anJ balance by month to suit. SEE Mrs. Ellis with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors S?0 State Street Phone 1727. WANTED Heal Estate WE have S parties with clear farm. Want homo In Salem. Part payment or full amount. TOURIST REALTY CO. 775 Edgewater West Sulem Plume 29C. I HAVE party who wants to buy 2 to C acres must be on good road. TOURIST REALTY CO. Phone 29$ 77S Edgewater West Saleni EXCHANGE Real Estate A FARM in middle west to trade for something in Salem. N. C. STEVENSON 414 North Oak Street Centralia. Washington GOOD 20 A. chicken ranch, modern bldgs. $7500 : take Salem property. 20 A. Suburban home, nice income, stock, tools, crop. $6000 terms. t NICE lots N. Com'l. St. $2000 each. Good terms. 75 A. alfalfa, farm Sacramento val ley : modem bldgs., for acreage. . FOR RENT 25 a. farm, close In, good bldgs, $25 per month. 12 A. farm, bid., fruit $$000 for residence or acreage. PERRINE A MARSTER3 Gray Building EXCHANGE 8 room house, two sets Slunibing. fireplace and furnace, six locks out. $5500. Want smaller house. 1 room house, fine lot, fruit treas. close in. for Spokane home. Want a car as payment on four room house with large lot. fine location. Price $1509. P. L. WOOD 241 State Street 00mm000m0w0000M MWOwWWWMWMWtf COZY 8 room house, suitable for 2 or i people small paymenta or ex change for acreage. Phone 2492M. WHAT have you to trade for large house. 4 lots, price $2000, Mortgage $300. Phone 29C. TOURIST REALTY -775 Edgewater W. Salem 7 ROOM house In Tacoma. Wash.. for $5500. Exchange for small acreage near Salem. 2 ROOM plastered house, paved street $2000.00. $200.00 down or would take a lot to equity. HOUSE In Sclo. Ore, price $1100.$$. Exchange for Salem house and assume-$1000.00. , 7 ROOM modern house close In on paved street. Price $400.90. Trade for home in Vancouver B. C to $2000. ROOM plastered house near lie Klnley school. Price $2500.00. $20.0$ down ; balance arranged. S. M. EARLE. Realtor 1SS South Liberty Phooe 2242 NEAT 5 room house located in Port land. Want to trade for house in Sa lem. Will assume. See pictures at our office. COPPOCK OR DUMBECK ISO North Commercial Street EXCHANGE for Salem residence of equal value modern residence in one of Portland's best residential districts. Will consider acreage near Salem. Phone 1000. Ask for Mr. Lambeth. m00m00000mmm0m0P000000mm000 TO EXCHANGE 122 ACRE dairy farm, about 4 acres cultivated, some timber and open rtpsture. has a fair set of build ings, some stock and equipment. Price $C50. Will take part trade. ' SEE Thomann with LEO N. CHILDS CO., Realtors 220 State Street . Phone 1727. ACREAGE IRRIGATION land, cheap water, 20 acres, ( rm. house, electric lights, milk route, school bus. Only $2(25. $1000. down : bat. terms. 05 ACRES. 8 plowed. 25 a. fine bot tom, some timber. $ rni. house, spring water, on river. 2 cows, $ calves, chickens, turkeys, all for $2700. $1000 down. Write C. E. Taylor, Stayton. Oregon. ' NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT INSTALLMENT ACREAGE $50.00 down and balance $10.00 per month will Buy a fine 10 acres, lo cated on paved road close in, best of prairie soil. Price $2.00. Int. (:(.. $25.00 down and balance $5.0 per month will handle 2H acre tract close in on pavement. Price $1,009.00. Inter est 6 per cent. $25.00 down and balance $10.$ per month will buy a acres on good gra vel road, close to pavement. Price $1,000. - $10.0 down, and balance $10.00 per month will handle 6 acres locat ed south, close In. Price $125$, Int. $ per cent. $25. down and balance $19.0 per month will handle S H acres close to Fairgrounds. Price $875.00. Int. $25.00 down and balance $10.00 per month will buy a view acre located south, close to highway. Pries $1.00. Interest 6 per cent. . $50.00 down and balance " $10.00 per month will buy S acres, all in bearing orchard. Price $1(00.00. Int. $ per cent. $5.0 down and balance $10.00 per month will handle I acre, close in. all Lin bearing apples. Price $70.00. Int. I $ per cent. $10.0 oown. and balance $10.00 per month wilt buy hk acre close to Fair grounds. City water. Price $70. Inter est 0 per cent. IF you are looking for a smalt In stallment acreage, let as show you. W. H.- GRABENHORST CO.. Realtors 134 Sooth Liberty Street MUGGS McGINNIS - " ' ' ll CotyltrMA IA ACREAGE 21 H A, all in crop, oa mkt, road !i from small town. $ room house in good condition electricity 1 a. logana. Price $2. O. K. beWITT ISIS Edgewater Phone IMS aawaasWSrfSaesssBasaaaeaasaassaase LET US SHOW YOU OUR CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES 2 ACRES of rich, productive land, not far out with a new 4 room cottage, woodshed and garage, good drove well. Price $2300. cash $100, baL like rent. You can move right in. ANOTHER ONE with 3 rma and nook, woodshed and garage, good drove well. 2 V acres of Und- I1 I100, cash $10; balance Ilka rent FOR 8 ALE by LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 320 State Street - Phone 1727. A DESIRABLE HIGHWAY TRACT RIGHT oa the ractnc nignway no: of Salem-about 20 miles. 1 have a very desirable 1 acre tract. Rich, well drain ed soil, some cherries ana a two room cottage. The place Ideal for bulbs, ber ries, filberts or roadside market. Salem residence considered in trade. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT Realtor - Loans Insurance 147 No. Coral. St. Safem. Oregon ACREAGE 12 ACRES for sale or rent. Some fruit, timber and new buildings. Ask about this one. HOLLYWOOD REALTY Phone ;S7. 200 North Capitol. FOR RENT MASQUERADE costumes and wlga 22CO N. 5th. Phone 194 7 J. 4 rooms, 997 S. 20th street $10.00 0 rooms, .905 S. 20th street 12. 50 5 rooms, 1374 Mission street 15.00 4 rooms, 752 S. 18th street 15.00 roomv 2035 N. 4th street 18.00 6 rooms, 671 S. 17th street 20.00 4 rooms, 503 S. 18th street 20.00 5 rooms. 045 S. ISth street 20.00 8 rooms, 935 S. 12th street 20.00 ft rooms, 450 S. Capitol St. 35.00 S rooms, 1898 Fir street 35.00 10 rooms, 2015 State street 50.00 8 rooms. 330 N. Summer st. 50.00 TO LEASE Well located downtown store room about 25x80 feet. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 320 State Street Phone ITS?. FOR RENT Houses FOR RENT furnished or untarnish ed 3 room Court-lidw. floors, fireplace, built-in kitchen, garage and laundry. Immediate possession. Phono 1(41 or S24-R. MODERN 3 room bungalow. Gar age. Reasonable. 1735 N. Capitol. Phone 1362M. saaasasasssaMVlMaaas'MaMVM FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL 7 rm. colonial home, double garage, fine lawn, close to bus line. $50 per month. LEO N. CHILDS CO.. Resltors 320 State Street Phone 1727. FOR RENT Large house close la $50 11 rooms. BECKE A HENDRICKS 189 North High Street "ii-i-rTTrvr- irrJvitBssjai'"Br r.cnmrj. FOR RENT Furnace firenlac $20. Garage. 5 rooms and glassed in sleeping porch. BECKE A riENDRICKS 189 North High Street FOR RENT Good six room fur nished house, $25. Good five room house. $17.50. F. L. WOOD 341 State Street FURNISHED house, close In on N. High. Built-ins, fireplace, garage. Call at 890 Saginaw. Mrs. E. T. Barkus. FOR RENT 5 ROOM house, with bath. $12.00. W. G. KRUECaEK Realtor 147 North Commercial Phone 217. A 4300D FARM THE BEST INVEST MENT HAVE SEVERAL THAT CAN RE TRADED FOR SALEM PROPERTY. LIST YOUR TOWN PROPERTY WITH US. WE CAN HELP YOU TO MAKE FINE DEALS. ? ACRE farm fh Benton Co.. 45 A. Jiottom land whieh can be irri gated. Grows Alfalfa. Good buildings. Will trade at cash value. 140 ACRES in Marion Co., 83 cul tivated, baL open pasture. Good builil mgs. Will trade at cash value. OWNERS at both these farms can not do the work. Their loss is your gain. Act quicaiy u you want a nar- ELLIS OR BROWN 4(2 State Street -15 ACRES close to city limits on Pacific highway, creek and beautiful trees, some fruit, large barn, house has bath and electric lights. $8000 will take good, modern home as part pay ment. ' . WINNIE PETTYJOHN 175 South High Street $150.00 DOWN BUYS 57 acres not far from Sa lem. C acres of II year old walnuts. Seme prunes, apples, and cherries. All under cultivation. Full price $4800.00. Mr. Lynch, 20$ North High street. S ROOMS and nook, partly furnish ed, good range, garage. Vacant Mon day. Owner, 201 North Commercial. FURNISHED house, 5 rooms. $20.. . 14 N. 23rd St. per month. FOUR . room house furnished on South 12th st. $23.00 per month. ROOM house, 1280 N. 4th street, per month. FURNISHED apartments, 1(0 Union St. $30.00 per month. t ROOM house, $22.50, North 15th street. 4 ROOMS, til X Liberty St. $15.00 per month, water free. 'Ladd Bush Bank Building Salem,' Oregon. m00wWmm0w00000000000000n00mm,0000s0 FOR RENT Modem 7 room house, cheap. Phone 2(34J. f FURNISHED housea Call for Mra Lane Morley. 225 North High or phone 187TJ. FOR RENT Apartments FURNISHED apartment, steam heat. 245 S. Cottage, phone 1043J. FOUR room modern' flat, new, elec tric range, linoleums, sleeping porch, ! tiazei, pnone zsiih. FURNISHED tad unfurnlahed S room apartments. Virginia Apart meats. 879 N. Liberty. APARTMENT for rent We'll jive 9 year lease. Melvin Johnson, 320 TJ1 & Bank Bldg. Phone 637. -- ' sSssasaSMMSsaaSaas$rfsst AMBASSADOR APTS. 1 room fur. and unfur. ; one 3 room fur. apart-' ment. Radio and refrigeration: plenty of heat .and hot water. Nicely fur nished. Garage or free parking. -Cool in the warm weather. 550 N. Bummer 1972. THREE room furnished apartment, newly papered and painted, furnace, heat, private bath. 545 Court street, phone 105T. FOR SALE USED CARS Special Used Car Sale Lasting: Two Days April 6th and April 7th - These cars are guaranteed to be as represented m A 1 shape. 1921 Studcbaker Dictator 4 -Door Sedan. This car has been used wry little-New car guarantee. Sold for $155. Our Price Only $1000.00 12$ Reo Wolverine 4 -Door Sedan. 200$ miles. This car in A 1 shape. New car guarantee, sold for $115.00. Our pric only 1200.00 1921 Nash Special Six Coupe, new car guarantee This car sold far V $1547.00. Our price only 825.00 1121 SJudebaker Special Six, 2 -door sedan, with trunk and equipped . CS0.00 1923 Special Six Studebaker Victoria, license Chrysler "if 'Coupe, la nice snap 1924 Dodge Roadster with new tires and 1925 Rkkenbacker Brougham 192; Ford 2-door sedan new paint Trucks 1927 Ro Dump truck, J-ton 1923 Mack Truck. 2fe Ton 1921 Fageol. 2W Ton truck 1926 Dodge-Graham, t-ton. ir Vn nthar tnifVm t,Mi SEE these and drive them They are guaranteed to be at represented. These cars may be seen at the address given below. Reo Sales and Service Company 339.347 Norttt High StrBfct FOR RENT Apartments' -iju-i-nri-i !-!---'------- i- i - -- --,---- - NICE, furnished apartment, heat, light, garage. $25.00. Phone 843. BsaaeassgBasBsaaeeBje,,,,! vrT PrVT ermoTI f nrniTif! ftnnrt- menl Private bath. $15.00. 590 Union. PRESCOTT APARTMENTS, 1064 Oak st. Near capitol b.iilding. Three nicely furnished rooms. Furnace heat. See them. fcjXTUXrOXrJBraaTaarafww a TWO room apartment. 2281 Harel. Tel. 1939W. MODERN S room apt., furnished, electric range and telephone $30.00. Phone 1902M. FOR RENT Rooms rWVwwVwwMrVVrVArrwVrAAA BOARD and room $30.00. Phone 9S1J. ROOM nod board. Sfil South 12th. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY Y0m000000mm10m00000000000000001000 CUSTOM hatching and baby chicks. Expert service. Guaranteed quality settings and hatches twice" each week. Watch our Sunday display ad. ' Phone 133F2. Lee Hatchery nj-unjunjnrarlBJiJVl"i"l"i"il" ' mm mm BABY CHICKS Every Tuesday at the Oregon Capital Hatchery, 2160 North Fifth street, near Highland school. Tel. 2766. , FOR SALE Used Cars VMWwwVwVVWWMMwwVrVrrVrVV1rVri A Used Car for Every Parse and Purpose 1928 Dodge Senior Sedan Only run a few thousand miles. $1900.00 car for only $1250.00 1928 Dodge Standard Six Sedan Looks and runs like new only 750.00 Late 1927 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan Reconditioned and good rub ber 2.00 1924 Dodge Touring A real buy in transportation 2..0 A Few Fords. Overiands and other light cars $35.0 to $125.0. Bonesteele Motor Co. Across the bridge on 8. Commercial Phone 423 - Open Evenings BARGAINS IN GOOD, cheap transportation. Overland touring in good running con dition with 19-J license. Total price $60.00. Overland 4 door sedan wire -wheels, seat cut down for bed. Nearly new rubber no license. Total price $75.00. THESE cars as real bargains. See them today. OPEN EVENINGS Loder Bros. 445 Center St. Salem Phone 450. Graham-Paige Sales A Service for Marlon and Polk Counties SAVE $310. . on a 12 model 4 door Sedan CHRYSLER 65 THIS car has only been run "100 miles and is in Just at good congtiion at new. The price new, was $1290. plus license, $1. making total of $1435. Come in today and test this car. Our price for quick sale is $1095 oa very easy terms. Open evenings. Loder Bros. 445 Center St. Salem Phone 45. Graham-Paige Sales and Service for Marlon and Polk counties. SEE THE NEW OLDSMOBILE THE FINE CAR MADE FINER USED CAR BARGAINS . READ THESE OVER 12$ OtdsmobHa, 4" door Sedan $1. 12 OldsmobUe Coupe 4 90 125 Packard 4 door Seoa? 127 OtdsmoblU Deluxe Rdstr (0 1Z$ -Whippet Roadster V" 125 Buick $ Glass Inclosura Roadster a, $$$ 1125 Buick 4 Door Sedan $42$ 125 OldsmobUe Coupe :$37 1925 Overland Glass Inclosura, Touring , 12$ Ford Delivery (Inclosed) $! - Jewett Sedaa yaa 1225 Overland S door Sedan $3T( Maxwell 4 door Sedan FORDS: Sedans Touring Can All Prices. 1$ Other Good Running Automobiles A Priced from $1 to 4200. - " - " ' CAPITOL MOTORS, Ino. 35 North High Street WHITE TRUCK and TRAILERS Gas OU Grease Storage aad - Repairing Ohm In aad Sea the 1921 C4dsmobiIs Tou can buy a bigger car but not a better car. 2$ PONTTAC Coach cheap R. E. Patterson. 290 Klngwood are. FOR SALE Used Cars new tire and equipped with $00.00 450.0 275.00 530.00 200.00 license 10.00 450.00 450.00 S7540 numerous to mention. Salem. Oregon. sWasraaaaaaasewsaSs Reconditioned Guaran teed Used Cars 5Day Free Trial 29-Type Essex Coach .$725.0 2-Type Essex Sedan 850.00 2 8 -Oak land Sport Sedan, ( wire wheels ..". , $50.(0 27-Pontiac Deluxe coupe . 525.0 27-Chev. Sedan 4(5.0 27-Ford Coupe Wire wheels 25.00 26-Chev. Coupe E. 295.00 26-Buick 2 Door Sedan (50.00 2-Chev. Sedan 2(0.00 ALL the above listed cars have '29 licenses. We have many other good buys la our stock, some as low as $40.00. State Motors, Inc. Hudson A Essex Distributors High & Cheuieketa Phone 1000. McKay's for Used Cars with an O. K. t&at! Counts 1927 Chevrolet Truck 1927 Chevrolet Coach 1928 Chevrolet Coach , 192 Ford Touring .V 1922 Ford Coupe 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet 475.00 425.00 525.00 135 00 75.00 550.00 Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co. OldsmobUe Offers Week End Special PACKARD sedan 125 series. $125. 0 Duco paint, motor rebuilt, like new. Tires 95. Front and rear bumpers, 8. M. spotlight, swipe, rear glass, mo tormetex and bay cap, four wheel brakes, broadcloth upholstery like new. Special today $950.00 10 OTHER good used cars, rds tourings, coupes and sedans. Liberal trades and G. M. A. C. terms. Capitol Motors, Inc. Home of the Fine Car Made Finer. 330 North High Street BIDDY BISHOP, Salem. Oregon. aMaaeJstaasssaaaaBasaaaaatat Prices Talk for Them selves 1928 Advance Nash Sedan cost $1825 new - $76. 1921 Studebaker Special Touring driven only $4,000 miles, new paint 125. Franklin touring seats cut to make bed. Runs fine , 135. Ford 4 door sedan 15. Ford dellv. starter and balloon tires 50. Ford dellv. without starter 85. Dodge delivery 90. Ford truck 125. Valley Motor Company Pettyjohns Used Car Clearance Sale OFFERS you these excellent ased cars at prices that will surprise you. 192$ Chrysler 0" Sedan 127 Hupp "(" Sedan 127 OldsmobUe De Luxe Coach 12( Studebaker Spec Six Coach 192 Buick Standard Six Coach 1927 Nash Light Six Coupe 12$ Nash Spec Six Coupe And an excellent stock at used cart priced under $100. F. W. Pettyjohn Co. $(5 N. Commercial Telephone 12(. Nash Automobiles Dealers Federal tracks After We SeU We Serve." taawwMawiwyassiM HERE IS YOUR CHANCE FOR ONE OF THOSE Graham Paige Model (lCa WB1 have bad a great many people Who wanted to bay one at last yearns models of Graham Paige's but have been, unable to secure ana of them until WE now nave ana la stock ran II.- miles and lit very fine condition gray duco with mohair upholstery to match. " -- , . - Price "when new $1115.. Oar price for - auick sale 75. Wo will guaran tee in is car ana give easy terms, see It today. Open Evening Loder Bros. 445 Center St. Salem Phone 45. Graham-Paige Sales and Service for Marion aad Polk Counties." FOR SALE USED CARS VslMsJtamean. DEPENDABLE1 USED TRUCK READY TO GO PRICED RIGHT Graham 1 Ton Screen '2S Chev. 1 Ton overloads '2$ Graham Six, S0x$ duals '27 Graham 8 Ton four duals '26 Graham 1ST .A. with duals BONESTEELE MOTOR COMPANY 474 S, Commercial Street Salem, Ortgon Phone 423 or Eventnars 68F12,. WANTED Used Cars CASH paid for Ford. Eikr Aute. AUTOMOBILES mM000m00000001000m000000000wt00000 RELINE your Drakes to hold wet or dry. Save 2 till Man, 1 FITZGERALD-SHERWIN MOTOR Co. Liberty at Chemeketa MONEY. TO LOAN arAMA"AsaMasaVavaaKA CITY AND FARM loans at lowest Bates. . Best terms obtainable. Our insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service In all lines. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inc.) Tel. 1427 205 Oregon Bids. hlaeBsseWaa CITY AND TRACT LOANS Reasonable Rates No Delay STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION f 03-$ First National Bank Bldg. Phone 457 tialem. Oregon 00000000000m000000000f00000m BUSINESS property loans $H per cent Res. loans monthly payment and straight loana, lowest rates. Met, Life Insurance Co, money for farm loana HUDKINS 4k SAN FORD. Inc. Miller's Store Buildlns. Photic 2211. se'BsassaBWBrfaaaBBej WANTED Private mon far farm loana We have several applications on band. Hawkins 4k Roberts, lac. 80S Oregon Bldg. m0000000mmm000000000000000000t SALARY and collateral loana. Re payable In weekly or monthly Install menta GENERA FINANCE COR PORATION, t hat Nat l Bank, Tel 1200. aaaaaAaaBAaaaAsBaaWBafeeeaeBaaaaaSaaaaaaaeaa FEDERAL FARM LOAN . F. K Wood. 341 .State Street. Private Money to Loan syassaaaaaa,aa,aB,,sa ON FARMS ANt CITT REAL ES TATE, LOWEST INTEREST RATES. BERT T. FORD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. NsaBBasaaBaaaaaanaBaaaBatBsrBaBaiBaB FARM LOANS Plenty vf money to loan on good farm security. City Loana W are loaning Prudential In surance company money on city resi dences and business property at 5tt per cent, plus a commission. Hawkins A Roberta, 205 Oregon Building. MONEY LOAKEO ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce your paymenta You keep the car. I , : P. A. ElKKI Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 121 ealem. Ore. WE havo private money tor real es tate loana Straight .and Installment loans on city property. Fva loans aft a plus eommisaien. ' ANDERSON A RUPERT Realtors It a High St WANTED Male Help UNUSUAL opportunity to become connected with a live-wire real estate selling conoern. SEE 4,ohn Werner, 208 North High. Must have car. MAN to work on dairy at Corvallis. Phone 25$. Waucotnah Dairy. PERMANENT POSITION available A local business firm desires a per manent, full-time representative to represent it throughout the country tributary to Salem. The work requires a man who can meet people and make friends, do part-time solicitation, build steady respect and loyalty to his Institution. Salary and commission will be available to right party answering this Inquiry. Ability to write clear ac count of each day's transactions is one of the requirements. This is not a ped dler's Job but a high-class proposition. Make written application to box 413, Oregon Statesman. 2 MEN WANTED WILL you work eight hours a day for - substantial income? If you are willing to travel, have neat appearance, fair education, call for personal Inter view. This la not real estate, period icals, washing machlnea vacuum clean ers eta. Between 1 and 5 Sat p. nu, 462 State St., Room 6. WANTED Female Help 0000000000000000000000000m WANTED House cleaning, the work. Phone 1086M. $45 So. Need Com'l. MISCELLANEOUS $BWespnaaanitaaatstjtakr FURNITURE PACKING for ship snenta Giese-Powers Furniture Co. m00000l0'000S00000t00000000 wanted (jsed pianos. In ex change on Radios, phonographs, or fur niture. II. L. Stiff Furniture Company. HOME GROWN ornamental shrubs, fruit trees, grape Tinea, etc. 30(0 Ne braska are. George Schreiber. CARD readme crystal gazing. Call 1S5TM. FOR SALE Misc. mmmj0000000000mm00000000000m) FOR SALEM Bcavenxer service call 1(7. BJssstafJMBaMMa4 FURNITURE UPHOL8TKRIN1 and repairing. Giese-Powers Furniture Store. m000mf000000000t . PIANO BARGAINS A mile from Man nrioes: Practice piano 6 Used piano, fine make Player piano, 28 rolls .$12 Jl7 in 175 185 usea piano, line new aad many other such buya Pay $1 down. $(, $8. or $1 monthly or rent aad apply rent an purchase price if you buy. TALLMAN PIANO STORE. 885-295 a 12th at "The Home of the Baldwin." AA mmmttmmm0m0m1mfr. m. ,-gMLrLrij-(JLj FOR SALE A I trailer cheap. North Winter. 0m0mnw'w0000m00wn0000l m,tSI l,mt0000l 1145 PIANO FOR SALE Upright with bench, a bargain for $14. Cash sold by 10th. P. O. box 433. 000000m00mB0000000W000000000 GOOD electric range te trade for geodwood and coal range. Telephone 00000000000000000j00000010000f VACUUM cleaners new or used. Exchange for room rent, radio parts. WhatJuivejrjuM3oxl93iState WANTED MISC. MMMrV2AArVMAMie$aJIVVwwVBMIiMWi CAPITOL BARGAIN and Junk house 15-145 Center. Tel. $$, . Ail kinds af Juak bought aad told;- Rags, Sacks, Bottles. Barrela Hides, Pelts. Wooes, Fart, Tallow. Cascara Bark, Grape Root. Pitch, Peppermint OIL all kinds of Iron and metal eiesji Lhffig from a needle to a locomotive. WANTED Wood and eoa' and eof as part payment on good xei. zzsaat . By WANTED Misc. POEMS Set to music. Master- CraXt song Publisher's, Seattle. 0000000000000000000000000000000 WANTED to buy or rent for sev eral months a large water wagon in good condition. Phono 294(J or 23(2 evenings. I GENERAL DIRECTORY AUCTIONEERS F. N. Woodry IS Yra Salem's leading Auctioneer and Furniture Dealer Residence and Store 1(1 N. Summer St Phone 511 COr A. L. STEVENSON auc tioneer. 28 years' exnerience in the Willamette valley, for dates or ar rangements see F. A. Doerfler, farm advisor. First National Bank. Salem. fnone or write. A. 1 Stevenson, cor vallis, Oregon. rf. F. Woodry and Son The AUCTIONEERS Who Sell ' ' Rite-Down-Town" Phone 75 20 Yeara Experience LOST AND FOUND m000000000000m00000000000m100m LOST 2 trunks also one large box in some house in Salem of much value to owner. Holder please report same to Oregon Statsenuwi and be well re warded. A FOR SALE Wood arsfrsfrsra "t- ",K'-wBra" jb DRY FIR A OAK Wood Coal & Fuel Oil Call on ua for prices. We give good measure, good quality and good ser vice. Larmer Transfer & Storage Tel. 920 GOOD DRY wood for you D. A. Larmer. Tel 1S98. OOOD, DRY Second growth 4 ft $(.00 per cord. 2 cord lota, $5.75. Phone 2711W. m0000000000000m0000000000000mMWm , . v , . J 1 , V mmTm GOOD COAL DRY WOOD PROMPT DELIVERIES HILLMAN FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 1855 DRY 16 in. old fir, second growth fir and maple. C. U HARBACrGH (2$ Highland Ave Phone 199 GOOD WOOD at a reasonable price. Well seasoned second growth fir and old fir slab and Inside wood. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells, Phone 1542, 280 South Church street GUARANTEED DRY Wood coal. TeL 13 Salem Fuel Co 752 Trade. 2 Autos Sttolen Here Found in Various Places Two automobiles stolen In Sa lem Tuesday night, were reported Friday to bare been recovered fn widely divergent direction from this city. The machine of R. H. Keith wit found abandoned In Portland. . That of Air. Mattie Hinkle, ttolen from her home, 60 D street, was picked up in Newport officers here were Informed. Flor ence Hinkle, daughter of fhe own er, had It in her possession, it was stated. The girl was returned to her home here Friday. She had run away several times prior to this latest escapade, officers re called. yo. so Sra.pUs of Anaval Statement of tha FtteaVurg Matual Fire Iaiaranee Co., ef ritehbarg, ia the state of Mattachaietu, ea tke thirty-first day of December, 128, aiade te tke Iasoraace Ooamiasioaer af the State ef Oregon, pursuant te law: CAPITAL Asaeoat ef capital stock paid ap, Neae. rxcoMs Nat presussH received dariar the year, $$11,$05.57. Iaterest, dividends and rents reeeived dariag the year, $42,834.2. Iaeeaie treat ethar aoarees receive daring the yaar. $78,218. SO. Total iacome, $742,358.55. DISBURSEMENTS Nat lasses paid daring the year la chiding adjustment expenses. $220,04$. 15 Dividend paid oa capital slock daring the yaar, Nona. CemBissieos and salaries paid dariag the yaar, $101, 494.50. Taxes, liceni.n and fees paid dariag tke year, $13,(19.45. Aatount of all ethar expeaditaree, $1.6t.77. Divideade pal te ' tielieyheliers, $ Total expeaditures. $630,758.$$. ASSKTS Yaloe ef real aetata ewaal (market velne). $180,000.00. I Yalae ef stocks and bends ewaed (mar ket valae. $025,956.00. Leant ea mortgages aad eellstersl. etc. None. Cash la basks aad ea head. $28,180.73 Prosaisms ia coarse ef collection writ tea since Sept. 30, 193$. $64,57.7e. Philadelphia fire Underwriter's Ana Depeeit, $100.00. $t.S5.t. latereos aad rests das aad sacra ad. Beiaearaaee recoverable ea paid aad aapaid leasee. $1,808.01. Tata) admitted asset. $S58.0$.47. LIABILITIES Greet skuas for losses ttspald, $85, 14. to. - Ameeat of aaearaod p real oats as all eatstandtog risks, $43t,7.. Dae fee eemauastea sad Brokerage, An ether HabHitiae. $13.75 9. Diviaeads declared tad aapaid to pel fjrholders. $0,255.74. - " Total liabiiitios, axehtaivo st eapHal stack ef o $4.TS.e. . businkssin oaroojr . - Oa THX YBAft Vet prosaism teeeived dariag the year. $1,705.47. - " -- Lassos paid daring tke year, $4,tT 1 Lessee la Barred, dariag the yean $. $05.4. Name af eompsay rite a Vary Mstasl lira lataraaes eempaay. Kama af arealdeat Liaeela R. Welch. s aiTHms ef aeeretary rredoriek W. Per- ' Jm tatery ras Ideal atteraey for serviee tU Martta, rortiaas. Oregea. W ALLY BISHOP. A1TJ0RNEY AT LAW O. MT. EMMONS. 2d floor, Oregon, Bldg. Oeaeral Practice. Phone 1449. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN Batttry Service Station Automotive Electrtcians Vick Bros. High St at Trade Tel. 1141 R- D. Barton National Batteries Starrand gen... tor work. 83 BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN Columbia Blcyctea an drepalrlng. 387 Court. CHiKUPKACrORS" ,sO. L. SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. 25N. High. Tel. ;. Res. 2104-J. rkra L'.nr.M,,.,. Zz .. onvjriti, i "aimer chlro- fe.Jw na U H. New a-aaaaaa aVltlK. DOCTORS . O-ALTMAN. M. D Homeopath ic Piiysician. phone 147. 2 N. Lib. erty tt. ELECTRICIANS E. L. WELCH ELECTRICAL contractor; fixtures "oPpllr."- Etimates furnished. "(1-M. ClmnercUJ Phone HALIK ELECTRIC CO. Electric contracting and repairs. Electric fixtures and supplies. Electric ranges and washe.-s. $ 4(1 N. Front FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occaslons Olsena Court 4c High St.. Tel. 801. CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decorations. C V grfrthaupt. llorist. 612 State Street TcL ISO. INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Life and General Insurance Tel. awi. -c - 219 U. S. Bank Bldg. ANDERSON ac RUPERT - . General Insurance 1(9 a High TeL 1(11 ... rBJ?.CKE HENDRICKS H9 N. High TeL 1(1 RICH L. RE1MANN General Insurance, Loans 21$ N. High St. TeL $(5 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE AGENCY 215 Masonic Bldg. Tel. 911. FARMERS Mutual Fire Relief Assn.. wm. A. Pereey. Agt.. (37 North 20th st Salem. Phono D12M. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WEIDER LAUNDRY Telephone 28 21 8. High CAPITAL CITlf LAUNDRY The Laundry of Pure Materials" Telephone its 12(4 Broadway MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED by the CltyBeddlng Co.. 308 North CapitoL Called for and delivered, an Work guaranteed. TeL 1. MUSIC STORES oE?R.. RNT New planoa H. U Stiff Furniture Company. JOBO. C. WILL Piano,, Phoae graphs, searing machlnea sheet must and piano studies. Repairing phoae. graphs and sewing machine a 432 State street. Salem. PAINTING PAINTING and paperliangtng. Cliaa Bennett. Tel. 151 1R 718 Wilbur. PAPER HANGING PHONE GLENN Adams for house ST?1.00' rmperhangtng, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. KALSOMININO fAJNTINO, papering. Prices reason able. Refa. Phone 2198J. 1. M. Alex, ander. PLUMBING PLUMBING and repairing; reason. aUwo pricea. A. L. Godfrey, phone 4 $ W. PLUMBING and general repair workGraber Broa, 1( bo. Uberty. PRINTING EVkB trt A TlAv r. . . -w u.Aiu.icin, caraa. nam Phtota progrania books or any kiod SLSS?" caU l Statesnlaa Prtntlns: iMDirunMt 9i a a f T ctal-TiL 50. ' RADIO FOR evrv mrnnu fn. . w TTfU staJHlard aUes of Radio Tubea ZP'ZJF1"1 HOP.88oSISt "e aava ava. STOYES BTOVE9 Ull mtfmm. Mt-1 a. l,Z?Li'- rebuUt . ad repBJjredT All kinds of woven wlr (!!. ... Plain, hop baskets aad hooks, logan hooka Salem Fence and so w7kT 25 Court St. Back of Bualck'a TAILORS D. H. MOSHER Tailor far '"isa. 474 Court Be TRANSFERS T,llt Dibutlaan for. warding and storage our specialty. Get long-distance hauling. Phone 280. TRANSPORTATION ". Yelloway Pioneer System 8TAGES. Los Angeles. $1$; Sat Francisco. Sacramento, $13.50 ; Seattle $4.5. Depot BUgu hotel, phone 742, VETERINARIANS DOCTOR W. O. Mora house, veterin arian, residence 725 S. Com'l. Phona 151. Office 29 a Com'L Phone 1198 VIOLINS HANDMADE, old rare. UlLllsa. doiine and stL guitars, all strings aad auppues, excnanges. ttnng ma your old wreck, Repairs. Scientific adjustmenta PINCKNEY v ' F imie Soutti Commercial i LODGE ROSTER CHEMEKETA LODGE NO. L L 0. F. Meets every Wednesday eran- mar at v :zs o cioea : inira noor hlu O. F. Temple corner at Court and ruga exreeis, - - , .. .