SERVICE! ; - 1FEATHEH . If yea fail to receive yew Statesman) by :80 A. M. phoa 900 and copy wQl be deUvered-t yon at oner Generally fair todays conti- . aed cold; heavy froatc. Max; s temperature Friday 48; min. ? 28; Bala .00. River SS. Wind north," . :- V 'i i ... - -4a in SfiVENTY-NfilTH YEAR, NO. 9 PftlCE FIVE CENTS - " r a - , , : Salem. Oreon.' Saturday Moraine-. Aoril 6. 1929 HDDVEfl 1H1 W plFEDEBAtA J D BS FATE DPHUEY j Deeidixtgate of do51 FIFTEEH DIE 1H TflkT nPIV UAPin 99n ? Great Men fywd MnWmnti D inPIPTd DC ... - l i nrnnr OTfronn IWtlllJl nilllll As Inquiries Are Launched DuLlI IIJ olluln r. LUIilb lUuL Pf1 Mttlbt G I UnU official Statement is Issued From White House Upon Illinois" Situation Answering Question, Pres ident Asserts Matter Left With State WASHINGTON. April 5 fAP) President Hoover believes tfiat enioreeement 01 tn pronibiuon act under federal officers Is pro ceeding without excessive use of authority and that as the killing of Mrs. Lillian De King at Aurora. Ill- was done by state officers. there Is no cause for federal gov ernment to participate In jthe in jefltlgatlon. I : f airs, do King waa kuied in a raid on her home when Deputy Sheriff Roy Smith fired upon her and state authorities immediately started an investigation of the in cident. Hoover Keeps Ere v On Federal Officers - Mr, Hoover feels that .the fed eral enforcement authorities are operating uader -stringent orders as regards . thei luse . of . force In making arrests for prohibition vK olations. Since he took office there has not been a case of any person being killed by prohibition agents in the enforcement of the law. The order, which the -president consid lvely prevented use of undue authority, was one promul gated more than , a year ago by the treasury. It ordered prohibi tion, agents not to use their wea pons except to protect their lives or to prevent the , commission , of a felony. Attorney General Refuses To Act . - 1' AURORA. UL, April S.(AP) The attorney general of Illinois, Oscar " Carlstrom today notified Kane county 'officials he would not conduct the investigation into the killing of Mrs. Lillian De King, the injuries receded by her' hus band, Joseph, and the shooting of a -deputy sheriff,; Roy Smith, by the IS year old son of the couple durina a recent nrohlbition raid. -la a letter to circuit court Judge John K.- Xiewhall, two reasons . (Turn te pace S," Column .) Superintendent George Hug and Principal J.XC. . Nelson spoke on the smoking situation before a -boys assembly at the high school Friday morning. Previous to the administrator's talks, Dr. Edward Lee Russell of the child health demonstration talked n phases of social hygieae. Mr. Nelson Jold the boys -that no change tad been made in the smoking boundaries but cautioned them that; Any boy caught? smoking on the school grounds would be suspended im mediately. r . , Superintendent Hug appealed to the boys to watch their smoking habits because. of the. impression " they give townspeople and rlsitors of the high school pupils. He pointed out that according to law most high school boys had no right to smoke any place and that both a personal and schoolrtide should guide them in the milter which has come in for so much discussion lately." j- ' ';'sV AUTHOR PASSES AWAY," :r T ' V LOS ANGELES. April 5(AP) ". .Funeral services will be held to-, - morrow for Mrs. Alice Rollins . Crane-Morajeska, author, lecturer and authority ofl Indian customs. She died, last night at the age of C 8 from a. two year heart affile-: Georgia FairbarilK Chosen : RulerRlFestrM atf Mlas Georgia Fairbanks of Ver - Bonia war elected May Queen at a student body election at Wil lamette unlTersity i riaay. Fairbanks haa been actlre In class actiTities and in campus dramatic circle during -her ;rfaiTeraity career. Maids to the queen will be the ' Misses Jean White.' and Beatrice-- Lockhart, both " of Port land. M1b White and Miss Lock hart hare been prominent In stu- dent body aiiairs; xaia year boiu of them -held positions on tne ex ecutive committee, w -- NoivSoiwitT WonwBi;' . f Uuf Make Influence Felt iTbe election this year took. on rpeclal Interest by; reason .of the recent organisation of the non ' sorority - women of - the campus. mia- ofi'va -Mrricinauon. - ox - uu 'group was felt both In .the nom , itinni uJ in the election, and has glTen campus political dope sters a new factor to consider in their future predictions of campus lections, --The -, election, t' the cueen was hotly contested snd a f ecord heavy yote .was,cast-"." ; lllss FairbankaJs, member of the Alpha Phi , Alpha sorority. I'Asn Iyockhartand Miss White be ors to BetsCChL . ' - J , 3. Once Prominent Persons Resting in L 0.X F. Cemetery at Salem ; Former Senator's - Grave Reported A NSWERS to all of the questions relative to the borial Xjl places of certain ones of Salem's most fam6us men, were readily forthcoming Friday in resrxmse to a reouest made by Lucian Lamar Knight of Atlanta, Ga., through Mark Poul sen, city recorder. Much of the information Skiff And W. T. Rigdon,4nd xienaxicKs.. Benjamin F. Harding, Unit ed States senator from 1862 to 1865, was buried in the cemetery at Cottage Grove. Three of the men mentioned by the Georgia writer are buried in the L O. O. F. cemetery, one of the earlier burial ' places estab lished here. They are Stephen F. Chadwick, goyernor of Oregon from 1877 to 1878, George K. Shiel. Oregon congressman from 1861 to 1863. and Samuel R. Thurston, Oregon s first delegate in congress, 1849 to 1851. Rufus . Mallory, congressman from Oregon from 1867 to 18(9, was buried in the Riverriew cem etery at Portland. A lengthy list of noted men and women whose homes were in Sa lem and - whose j activities in the formative period 'of Oregon's his tory entitle them to places along side those mentioned by the Georgia writer, could be prepared, and It is expected that informa tion about the burial places of many of these persons, will be forwarded to the city recorder. . A large number of members of the original Jason Lee party, were buried in the Lee Mission ceme tery here. COLD SfJflP IS FELT i insraiDraci Mercury Going Down Stead- ily at Early Hour This Morning, Report o- -.:'".".y';,v'l- -:, i Frost for the Salem district was not the most unlikely thing early this morning when thermometers were at 87 and on the way down. The tops of automobiles had 'a Ught-wWtroatfsg!ndatlver4f frost. : r;-. vThe sky was partly cloudy. with cold clear sky showing through with the stars looking like spark ling frost. Such f mit buds as are well along could expect no protec tion from warm rains for 1 2 hours under early morning predictions. PORTLAND, Ore., April 5. (AP) With snow, frost and low temperatures reported from yir tually every section of the state, winter took, a flying wallop at Oregon yesterday and today and swept on toward the Rocky moun tain states where sub-zero weath er prevails. ' Snow, sleet and rain fell Inter mittently In PortlanTduring the day and temperature dropped dur ing the night to 33 degrees. . Despite the low temperature, KC AtweU, it secretary of the board of horticulture, said no re ported 'damage had been done to fruit trees. "Buds." he said, "hare not commenced, to open except In isolated instances and it will be another 10 days- before prune trees blossom ' ' v.. ': Cloudy , and unseasonable wea ther will continue tomorrow, the government meteorologist pre dicted tonight. tf y-r,-; ; K'J ;-fIRYS XNFIDENT ' 1 ': SAN FRANCISCO, -April 5. (AP) T h e drys of California have no fear of the result of a referendum of the state dry law, declared Dr. A. H. Briggs, state superintendent of the anti-saloon league today.:: ..itlW-i Plans for the Willamette uni versity May day festivities are rapidly taking shape, announced Edward Wells, manager - of the May Day. All committees hare been appointed and chairmen will make a complete report early next Baseball Astd' Track Wttl be Scheduled -- 'A . baseball - game and a track meet will be held, Mr. Wells stated Friday; btt definite sched ule has 'not yet -been made with any school of the Northwest con ference Arrangements for these events are - in charge of ; Collas Marsters, manager - : of ,.' spring sports. ir:mi t si - Regular rehearsals of the Jan. lor T class - play "The Romantic Age are under way, and arrange ments have been made for Miss Alida Currey, of the physical edu catio'h department to direct the May day dances. .There Is possi bility that the crowning of the queen will be done on tthe campus this year. -the first .time-for four years.. -.During the reconstruction of the campus and establishment of the lawn, the festivities hare been staged on the grounds of the sttpreme court building. ;. - at Forest Grove - : was obtained from Dr. Mark through inquiries made by R. J. Whafs the Proper Way to Use a Spade? No, It isat leesoa oa bridge. It's Just a page of timely information on the subject ear and dear to so many hearts Oar Gardens! The page will be a States man feature Sunday and yoa will revel in the timely news the page contains, about flowers, and shrubs and bow to make a laws or the way to raise a pansy crop. ;, Watch for this page and read It! If yon like it, aay so. More will be forthcom ing. The Garden Page a fea ture of tomorrow's States- Few Vacancies in Teachers Staff Apparent at Pres ent Time, Word With but few vacancies in sight in the teaching staff of the Salem schools and literallv hnndrnda of applicants applying for positions, Superintendent George W. Hug is facinc no easr task in th nom inations of teachers for the com ing year. The superintendent estimated Friday that but 10 or It vacancies would .be open when . the first hiring Is done, probably shortly after, ha retnrna tram lha ..mix.. of the Northwest and Inland Em pire associations in Spokane this next wee a. it is probable other vacancies will develop as the sum mer, progresses ana teachers dis corer other Jobs more to their liking and Hring. It Is a well known fact that teachers often miki i iipmMaiiM it " vn" whtle secretly scouting another Job. And It Is another well known fact, that teachers in the KaIptti system are almost notoriously an- Applicalons from an , parts oil mo emie, as weii as xrom outside states and many from the east, having been pouring into the of fice for several weeks bow an day goes by but the snnerintendJ ent meets several applicants. Lit tle attention is paid to the eastern applicants, unless they have or are moving to the coast.. - With so manv wishing to ret In the schools here. Mr. Hug says mere are many good applicants but that his first cnnnideratlnn In recommending teachers will be for the youngsters whom these teach ers wiU instruct. ' . . - Improvement of the connecting link, between North High street and Broadway will have pro gressed to the point at which tra vel across ; it ..will be possible, 'within a few days it weather con ditions permit, Walter Low; street commissioner, reported Friday. Work was Tinder way that fore noon, but teams snd wagons aired down -and ; that phase of; it had to be halted. The street Is lev eled to grade; Dn the Oregon Electric right of way, it will be lowered 21 Inches, and the rail road company will fill In Its road bed with rock up to the ties. V The street will . be pared this year only on the south end. from the present - pavement : to Knapp street, girtng the fill beyond that point one more winter in which to settle. -f- :;3- . ; SdwdVExhibiii By Pupils Here An exhibit of the work of the English students In the senior and two Junior' high schools was tent Friday to Spokane, where It will be shown In the educational exhib it at the Inland Empire associa tion which meets April 10, It and The exhibit, arranged! under dlreetlo nof Miss A'da Ross' head otths English department In the senior- high, consists of booklets. book covers, newspapersvorigtnal poems, essays and other work done in -the- -classroom. "Much of the work shows a study and aptitude unusual in Junior high and high school rupllv . , " HUUDRESS IPPLYine FOR POSITIOrffi HERE iclllufil "Voluntary" Contributions to Republican Campaign " Funds Traced Affidavits Are Collected by- Postoffice Department Showing Situation WASHINGTON. April E (APV Chairman Brookhart of the sen ate patronage committee reached Into' a heavy file of correspond ence today and drew out a sheaf of letters, telegrams and affida vits to show that large sums of money were contributed to repub lican : campaign tunda In five southern states by .federal Office holders. In Mississippi, affidavits col lected by the post office depart ment disclosed that 110 postmas ters gave more than flz.OOO to the republican tunds, some of the money going to E. P. Booze, hus band of the negro republican national commttteewoman. While nearly all said the subscriptions were voluntary, tome of the affl davits Inferred that the money waa paid in return for postmaster ship' .(appointments. Arkansas Man Fays -$378 For Nice Job A former Arkansas postmaster declared he gave 3378 for his Job and a former Tennessee postmas ter asserted that .he contributed 200 and two hogs for bls ap pointment. An Alabama physician said he hollered appointments were being "given to the highest bidder in the state. ? Texas letters and memoranda. put into the record at the request of R. B. Creager, republican na tional committeeman for that state, revealed that a large num ber of office-holders, many of whom were recommended by Crea ger, had been regular contribu tors over a period of years. Nearly all of the letters praised Creager's methods, but some did the op posite. - Brookhart read a tele gram in which Creager accused the senator of falsehood with re spect to a recent statement. "Creager," Brookhart said, "is intellectually dishonest. - The (Turn to Page 3, Column T.) Miss Salem Has Chance At Big Trip A trip to Portland' with all -ex penses paid and possibly a : trip to Galreston, Texas, with nary cent of cost, waits Just around the corner for some fortunate Salem miss. All she-needs to do is to en ter and win the "Miss Salem" competition to be staged next week at the El8inore under the joint sponsorship of that theatre and the Oregon Statesman. - . Fortunately for the local con testants several stores are ready and anxious to provide them with the niftiest and newest costumes to exhibit at the showings April 11 and April 12 when the Judges will decide on the lucky girl to represent the city In Portland. , But the entrants, prospective, cannot wait longer and the man agement of the contest Is urging every - possible contestant . to file her entry blank not later than this afternoon at thi Elslnore theatre. There are no-"strIngsr to the contest. No obligations entail on the girl who-enters and there is every opportunity for ber J.o be acclaimed the most -. attractive young lady in the city, f. winning not only this honor but a coveted trip to Portlands i - To date seven young ladles, be tween the ages of 18 and 25--which are the limits for the com petition -have, expressed their de sire to seek the "MisS Salem? ti tle. Easily double that number can be accommodated by the the- atra.'VttV:-: -r,l-2i;V - Merchants aarreeinr to act as sponsors of a young lady include Worth's, MUIersv K a f o u r yfs. Mack's, the H. L. Stiff Furniture Co., Kay's, Shipley's, Bloch's Gold en Rule store, Fulop's and- Coo- ;7Tlicatre Coupon Aoi ICiddies Under TbJa coatpom and five' cents ' win admit any child smder? . la years to The Statesaaaa ', and Capitol Matinee.: . . ,,- :j. i .- ' ..v.''.'.-;,;'...i'ij ?- h Friday or Saturday ; Bligh's Capitol Theatre t Torn see the gripping story of : : MIGHTT -1 -V-' ddeofe-l f st.TfJkbag. Fletswe " Tht - Godless irF : ; t.? - f-.rt.J.-..4.-. ; -Zt AH Talking Cosaedy " -- -YltarboBe Acta aal . xaiue sews Impeachment Charge Vote Wilt be Taken before 8 P. M. Today, Word Louisiana Legislature Fixes Deadline for First Part of Prosecution BATON ROUGE, La., April 8. (AP) After a stormy session that ran Into the night, the Louis iana house of representatives ag reed to vote" before 8 o'clock to morrow on a part of -the impeach ment charges against Governor Huey P. Long. Later today after further testi mony had been heard on charges that the governor had appropriated to his own use a portion of the 38,000 granted him for the enter, tainment of visiting state gover nors last November, had used ab usive language to state officials, and had granted Improperly a pa role, his foes sprang a surprise by off erinr a resolution providing) for an Immediate vote on five of the4 nineteen charges originally pre ferred. - . Charges Presented In Complete List -The five charges are: Attempt ing to Intimidate the press, mlss- (Turn to Page 3. Column 3.) Dealers of City Meet Jriday Afternoon to Discuss Price Status All was unlet along the Poto mac late Friday night and the gas signs hung high at 25 cents throughout the city but reverbera tions coming from a meeting of dealers held during the afternoon indicated that there was no un anmlty of opinion In continuing present prices in Salem for auto refreshment fuU five cents above the Portland mark. Some dealers advocated a 23 cent, price here, some wanted 20 cents established while a email group la said to nave auvocaiea at Friday's private conference of dealers that a wholesale rate of 18 cents be established as the re tail price throughout the city In an endeavor to blow the lid off the pot of discontent which has been seething since the last out burst a fortnight ago. Meanwhile Portland gasoline prices are 20 cents while the pre vailing rate in Vancouver, Wash., is 17 and 18 cents a gallon. PORTLAND. Ore.. AprU 8. AP) With non-member filling stations In Vancouver. Wash., and throughout the Willamette valley still displaying 17 and 18 cents a gallon signs, indications were to night that Portland motorists will continue to purchase motor fuel at 20 cents a gallon, the price announced last night by the retaU gasoline dealers association. The latest quotation was a SH cent reduction from prices pre vailing here since the end of the last gas war two weeks ago. TACOMA. April 6. (AP) Complete Investigation . of gas oline prices, in Tacoma Is to be made by John T. McCutcheon. as sistant United States district at torney, to determine if the present arrangement of the gasoline deal ers and the contracts between the dealer land the; distributors are not in restraint of trade and in violation of the. Sherman anti trust law. It was announced this morning by Mr. McCutcheon. , . II Plans for the new S1S0.000 grandstand to be erected by the state fair. board this summer wlU be discussed at a meeting of that organisation here s Monday. . Under an act approved by the legislature, f 100,000 of the money iir to be advanced by the state on the pro vision that 350,000 addition be raised by private loans and .that th state's advanee be returned from profits of, the fair with in terest payable annually 1 and the entire loan repaid In 10 yers. ; ' The new grandstand will house the educational exhibits, it Is nn- derstood-The old wooden building In the ' center : or j the : grounds, which for t years has ' held these displays is to1 be rased to ' the ground, ? X: . ' In i attendance - at the-meeting Monday : will be JL C. t Marsters, Roseburg. Charles Cleveland.' G re- sham, A. R. Shumway, Muton, H. R. ' Crawford, Salem, and D. v O. Woodworth. Albany. Mr. Wood worth, appointed Friday by Gov ernor Patterson, succeeds Frank Una at Ferrydal.;.- , COLD FEARED i: MEDFORD. Ore April I. CAP)- Rogue rtveryaUey orcb- ardlsts tonight were preparing to safeguard - pear- orchards from a heavy frost. r 1 ; r -, gas waa Averted m DIFFICULTY FI UGIISTO ' "" ', '- 1 Ji : -. ,,., f - mJ " Determining fate of Governor Hacy inent proceedings have been brought, Louis iana state legislature meets in historic old state capitoL shown above, in Baton Rouge. Below, legislators debating impeachment charges. BS Wt 61 MESH COURT Re-Trial of Old Lawsuit to Begin Before Circuit Judge Kelly The wheelsof the law and their slow grinding process are re vealed in a case to be heard in circuit court today when C. I. Biggs appears as plaintiff against the New Jersey Fidelity and Plate Glass Co. defendants in an action for payment of a policy, held by the plaintiff. In an auto accident which oc curred in 1923 Janet Waller and Andrew B. Junor, the former the mother-in-law of Riggs, were in jured. Both sued Riggs and Mrs. Waller recovered; damages of 8954.83 while Junor won judg ments of 11000 and 8(58.50. Riggs in turn asked relief from his insurance company but the lat ter charged coUusion between Rigg and his relatives, the policy Riggs held providing that he must endeavor to protect his com pany in case of trial. - This can tion, the company- avers, was not exercised by Riggs who abetted nis relatives in securing tne judg ments - ... . r When first tried In 1925; .de cision was granted the defendants in the case btat the hearings were taken before the supreme court and the case was remanded to the circuit court for a retrial. PUCE CRASH FOUND DADTT lVTi na lr41 K vse a jkna.av vs " - ' ar (AP) Lieutenant ? Carlton" T. Bond, commandant' - of Pearson field, Vancouver, .Wash., barracks, today officially announced that the airplane -crash which claimed the lives of, two : men yesterday was an unavoidable ... accident-' Lieutenant Ralph A. Floyd, ar my" ' aviator, and Asa Clement, Portland police lieutenant, were killed when the plane nosedived from an altitude of 400 feet v . i In his official report Lieutenant Bond,' who brought the plane from San Diego last week, said the ma chine was . in perfect condition. The report stated that the trip was authorized, that weather con ditions were good, and that Floyd was considered one of the best pi lots at the field. - . 'A full military funeral : will be accorded Floyd - tomorrow, while Clement will be burled Monday. Chamber Passes 700;llembership 1 ' The -700 membership marl: has been passed - by the chamber of commerce this week Five new members have, been added to the roster. They Include -Elmer ' E. Stewart. West Salem' realtor. Dr. Edward " Lee.t Russell, physician, O.. W. Emmons, attorney. George A. Rhoten. attorney, and aV K. Plaesckl, attorney. IB 1D1BLE -1 P. Long, against whom impeach. Delegation Appears Before County CourtHere Fri-l day Morning A petition to. have the road from Humbug camp to Breiten- bush springs made a county road was launched Friday afternoon after the county court had sug gested that placing the read on the county highway map would be the. speediest method . possible to secure 36000 for Its Improvement. This amount of graveling, a dele gation In court Friday morning said, would make accessible an all-year playground for Salem and Marion county. M. D. Bruckman associated with F. A. Bruckman, his father. in the mineral springs project, told the court that forest service estimates set the sum of 36000 as sufficient to gravel to 10 foot roadway from the camp to Brelt enbush. Already 810,000 has been spent by the Bruckmans on this road while the forest service has expended 343,000. Dr. Laban Steeves and Ialo Smith both urged the court to (Turn to Page 3, Column 4.) BftEITEHBUSH ROAD 1Y IMPROVED Membership of Local Post Passes 1000 Mark Friday More Speed Found Needed The membership total of Capi tal. Post No. 9, American Legion, passed the 1000 mark Friday and advanced to 100 8 before the day was aver. ' However, the, cam palgnLw'lll have to speed up from now on If the 1209 mark is to be reached within the time limit set. i . Following is a continuation of the post's "honor roll,! consisting of the names and members who have paid their dues for 1921: L. P. Bach, Dr. Gerald Back strand. Floyd Bacon, L N. 'Bacon, Claude A. Bailey, Roy E. Baker, Walter M,-Baker, Elmer Balder ree, E. E. Rail, Leonard Bannick, F. E. Barnick, George Barsness, Lt P." Bartholomew, C. W. Bart lett. King S. Bartlett, J. C. BSlr, R. D. Barton. Louis Bartruff. Ray mond H: Basse tt. Ansley G. Bates, Tom C. Bates, Chris Battalion. ' 5 Dr. W. W. Baum, W; J. Beard, A. Jv BeckA. J. Becker, Russell Beckett. C. Kenneth Bell. Tom A. Bell. W. ;W. Bellamy, EL Bello. G. S. BeltonV H. C. Bennett, Rea W. Benson, L! S. Berry, Horace M. KNOW A WORLD x ? Help CAPITAL POST KO. : lng his name and address here: vr iana mailing mis coupon io w 80S Bank of Commerce Blda Tornado Sweeps Four States in Middle West Doing Immense Damage Terrific Gale Follows Upon Heels of Premature Wave of Heat By The Associated Pre -Fifteen known dead, scores In jured and heavy property damage, was the toll of tornado wind storms that broke suddenly over Nebraska, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota last night, following a premature heat wave. North Minneapolis and the ad jacent Lake Minnetonka distrclt, where two fatalities occurred and 25 other persons were reported In jured, apparently was the hardest hit. A tornado there, demolished scores of buildings and paralysed wire communication. Most of there reported -injured were struck by flying- debris. Six deaths were reported at Rice Lake, Wis., where scores of farm homes were blown down. Two children were .killed at Reeves, Wis., a man and-an unidentified woman were killed near For Lake, Minn., and more than a score of persons injured. Two Farmers Die Aa Rooms Fall A farmer was killed when struck by the falling room of an outbuilding near Little Rock, Iowa. Another farmer was killed In a similar manner at Taylor Falls, Minn. Barns were blown down, farm buildings destroyed and wire facil ities wrecked by a tornado over a fifteen mile path in the vicinity of Hudson, W i s., communication with Roberts, Wis., was cut off end it was feared loss of life and heavy damage occurred there. A small twister at Worthingten, Minn., leveled farm buildings, but no one was reported injured, la the Pipestone, Minn., region se vere dirt storms wrought havoc. In Nebraska, where the wind at tained less velocity, -no casualties were reported, but property dam age was heavy. Motorists were blinded by dust whipped about by a forty mile an hour gale at Has tings and numerous collisions re sulted. Wheat crops were levelled generally over the state and tele graph communication crippled. . TAKE HIKE SUNDAY The first local walk for Salem Chemeketans will be held Sunday afternoon, when a hike will be made from the vicinity of Govern or Patterson's ranch at Edla te the top of a bald peak on the Sola hills. From which the group may get a view from an elevation of 1,057 feet. The return to town will be made through the hills, the hikers to arrive- about o'clock. Chemeketans will take a stage to Eola, leaving the termi nal at the Senator hotel at 1:10 Sunday afternoon. The local walks committee Is in charge of the hike. . Sunday. April 12, the local or ganisation will be the guests of the Mazamas of Portland for trip to Ablqua Falls. Blbby, George B. Biets." O.' D. "Blsv egar, Ray L. Binegar, B. E. Birch,' A. C. Bishop, William Blackley. W. A; Blake, R. C. Blaxall, Paul P. - Bliss, William Bllven,' Paul Block. - ::.:;V,--':..-s'. - . Robert Blumensteln, Clifford A. Blunt. R. B. Boatwright, Hen ry Boedingheimer, J. H. Boening, R. A. Boggess, O. H. Boje, H ad den H. Bond, O. P. Bond O. AV Beaty, ' William Bone, . Tester ' N. Bones, R. Breyman Boise, Ernest Bonesteele, Russell Bonesteele, Carl V. Booth. Henry F. Bortoa, H. E. Boxell, Joe " Botts, A. E. Bonffleur, Dennis J. Bowe, Joe W. Bowersoz. . -. ' - C. L. Bowes, Clyde J. "Boyee, T;'J. Brabee, K. M. Bradford, F. J. Bradshaw, J. H. Brady. C. R. Brantner, Pete Brassel, W. J. Bra sean, J..E. Breese, F. E. Brennaa, Joseph M. Brennan, Ira Briggs. Hartan Brock. C. H. Brongncdo, F. L Brown. George E. Brown, Herman ..; Brown, Kenneth F, p Brown. V r . -.; WAR VETERAN?. 9, American Legion, by swrit- n. u imu, i Salem. Oregon. f : r A ;L wm m