TWO The Neif OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Friday Morning. Aprils. 1929 j - s .- Wuhan' Defense Collapses as Cantonese General Goes Over to Hanking (Continued from- Face . 1.) cession' area, which has been bar ricaded to exclude - defeated and demoralised Kwangsl troops. J I i , A , civilian, peace : preservation ' committee hj been formed Thus far there has be in a rioting." Forefgnem Protected - .. As Well An Possible " ; - L ' ' The Nanking government la Mid to be doing its utmost to se enre the.- protection of foreign srs, bat there Is - considerable alarm as to the' possible danger from the retreating Kwangei-coldlera, up to the present the Wuhan armies were said to hare been under con trol, but practically all Kwangsi military, and. official authorities have now disappeared. . General Chiang Kai-Shek's for ces are .hard on the heels of the retreating soldiers and tor" this - reason It Is hoped that the Kwang si bands' will avoid Hankow In their withdrawal and proceed di rect to the province of Hunan. -' General .Chang : . To Arrive Soon Chang Kai-Shek himself is pected to arrive In Hankow toihor . row..' . . - The low level of water in the Tangtse river prevents big 'vessels from coming to Hankow, but Brit ish and Japanese naval authorities ' are doing what they c a n to stfrf ngthen naval forces here and are taking emergency measures to protect their nationals. . This city was panic stricken to night and the Chinese military headquarters were deserted. The French and Japanese concessions have been barricaded and in event of whol$4le disorders all foreign ers win mcentrate there , GUI 1 REPORT (Continued from Pan 1.) when federal cavalry came up af ter a long chase. . . Abandoned by their leaders, the Insurgents made a desperate stand against the fierce charges of the federal cavalrymen under General Anecleto Lopes, forming a line at right , angles to the. railroad and firing from the scantly shelter of the stalled train. Federal Horsemen Reach Car Windows - . Federal cavalry charged In to the very windows of the cars, where some of their: dead were later found, and equipped with light machine guns, rifles and au tomatics, m&wed down the' rebels. Every window of General Esco bar's staff Pullman car was smash ed by their fire. i .- Rebel casualties were nearly all fa the Infantry, the cavalry escap ing on horseback. . r Insurgent' forces left between La Refonna and Chihuahua- city were estimated at about 5,0. Reports from rebel headquar ters at Santa Rosalia and Juares conflicted with the despatch from La Refonna. They described a reb el counter attack at Jimenez, but this was thoughts refer to events which happened several days ear lier. . Plata Body ef . Tedrmia Rest . General Almasaa gave the main body of his troops a rest at La MmiWef rbytbiiwosxtrr ' tare! Aatossalically streps; ekavea and cleaaa witkeat removing blade! Hakes eacfc rasor stroke fast, slick, ;rf ma m mmmtmim aprisy. Shaves ' last konrs lewgert Try itf NEW "ifflLION DCLlAtf ' r 3:SIJU U i KOFFliT Entry Ticket for EUInore-Stfttcman -1 hereby eaU the Miss Salem contest, a4 agreete abide i : by the nles and regulations of the contest.- ' . - ; v I agree to snake gppearancee on tht stage ot yom thea tre as many times a deemed necessary by the coatest o ' : mlttee. for which; I tat to receive no comtpeasation. i ' s It is agreed that yea. are privileged to use my pketo--;t- graph, for advertising purposes, aa well as allow my -ansae ; ', and picture to be ttsed la eonnsctlon with the publicity et the -. contest. In tke dtflr pipe designated , by romrwlt, wltkont1 s any remuneration whaUoever VI'gree to accept the decision ot the regularly appointed Judges, as final, and if selected dk hereby agree to appear on , the stage of Portland theatre during the ay of May 1-1-3. with the understanding that my traveling expenses as well aa , i hotel expenses while In Portland shall be taken care of by .the ,1 state-committee. ' - " r -' I am..j,........years ot age, unmarried, and live at itn. - Name' ot - Entry ; 0 - 'v - - :; - ; 'FreeentTilhiet Refonna while his cavalry pursued rebel cavalry northward in an ejfc rort to force another battle, : General Calles .declared that his "campaign o f extermination" would continue. The federals were diverted to combat so called relig ious insurgents la the states of .Jalisco and Guanajuato.' An American was held br fed erals at La Refonna charged with being a rebel aviator. , General . Cardenas oh the west coast, reported to, Mexico City that his infantry was entraining at La Crux to mtfve up to Quila. near Cultacan. His cavalry has already adyancedrahff1he ebel army: was reported fm retreat. : u V: ! i At Naco. Sonora, a federal air plane was brought down by reb els, and the aviators killed. An at tack the besieged federal garrison did" not materialize. . r ' CedTr.B.De MUIeVpersonaliy directed production'. The Godless Girt. written, by 'Jennie Maepher son; -'-author t tThe . King of Kings. wiir be the attraction at Bllgh's- Capitol' today and Satur day.' -i-.'vv " -- ,"f y.v ' The" story, deals Vith Ine foibles of ' modern, " youth of advanced thought in jefvic and religious af fairs, s'nd of more or less.obJeC Uo&aMe1 practices in 'state' reform atorjes. - There arelnumerous dra ifcstjc scenes in the picture,, the climax being a fire .which is said to be unexcelled for realism. l The principal roles are in the hands of Ltna Basqnette, 'George Jpyryea. Noah Berry, Eddie Qull lan and Marie " Prevost. "As ' an added attraction the- Capitol-will offer an all-talking comedy. - has been to the throwirig of light ed firecrackers? on the sidewalks. among - crowds. 'Into " automobiles moving along he"streeti, and Into store fronts. v , v - A climax was reached last year when, while: t be dxtwntOwn streets were jatnraed wiUTa' hqlldiy eve ning crowds some Inspired youth conceived the ,ldeh. ana 'put into practices 'of .Shooting? skyrockets down through tier thrbngs -on; the sidewalks. ' NtrineftfGs p'ersons": have been burned by powder, and "more ser ious accidents have occurred. One young womSff wa confined 16 her bed - for months' after 'the - last Fourth ot- Juiycelebtatiorf; be cause of a firecracker" burn.' A lit tle boy in? West SaTenr has not yet recovered' fulty from injuries he received when hit by an -automobile while" fie was' darting across the highway to f pick -up a' fire cracker. Two rears . ago.- two fires weVe caused in SaTerri by firecrack ers. - & r - - - : v-i But tolhe 'mari( of Salem's peace lovTng'eltlsens'theTOtract ed and incesseat din for days b7 fore and after Independence day. is the feature most ehtecllonable. and the proposed ordinance1 is ex; pected to hare -widespread sup port. . ; -f. t - ' JTJfVr 'GETS- CASE ' SPOKANE. -Wash.. -prU -4.-;-(AP)"-The 'Jury was, given the ease ef E. E. Flood, former vice president of the Excliahge Nation al-bank charged with conspiracy to embezzle nearly 145,ooO, - at 6:34 o'clock this afternoon. Ssfter It bad bee Instructed by Judge E. E. Cashmasv- . : - j S..U'Si&(SJa3 , . - .rnt or nearest: relative. thwitre at. once mm youth is SEB1Q FILM HERE Complicated Situation Aired . Before Court in Confer ence Thursday . (Continued, from Fg 1.V handed the treasurer of the coun ty. -- - . : A banker's committee wfil meet again with, the court Tuesday. Ke Part ef Taxes -: '-' - '. .. i ' -For 1028 are, Paid T- ; ; ' - Examination of . the records shows' that the six "national banks tsr the county were assessed taxes of $11,565.04 in 111 of which $7124,11 were paid. Iq 1117 the levies: consisted, of $8811.14 of which only $800.41 was paid, this beihg received from the United States-bank of Salem. The 1928 taxes from the six national banks would have totalled S12.94t.3i al though, these were never entered on the rolls due to the court de cision. None of the. tax for 1928 has been paid.- " State' banks' have been unaf fected by the court - decision; In 1928 more than' $30,000 in taxes was paid by the It state banks in the county, while In 1927. $23. 580.C was levied and $18,1S.01 was paid, several of. thq banks withholding their taxes until a de. elBion was handed down in a case waged, by, Portland state .banks, claiming tax exemption. It Is said that the fatter litigation has been unsuccessful. ktlnued from Pace J.) $1500 In twenty dollar bills and turned la bis used car for a new machine. . While the impeachment hearing was In progress cohorts of the governor summoned to Baton ' ; ? STARTS il!iilPRIL12 : 'fifem ELSIMORE 7 a X 4 I -j 3M g"WlW " " : l 1 " 1 ' ii.4 . 1 1 1 i - - Rouge tor an all day rally, swarm' ed about -the - eanitol. and the streets, cheered, listened to curb stone orators and awaited with lively Interest the appearance ot the governor tonight at a mass meeting where'he planned to de fend ui record. s ' Governor Long lost a-support er in the legislature when w. H. Bennett, ef East Fellnclana. rose to' a point of personal privilege and declared he had been con vinced that Governor Long had made the statement "that, he had bought and paid - for me ar he would, a aach ot potatoes," and for that reason he was severing all relations with the governor and resigning from, his office as chief enforcement officer' of the highway commission; to which the governor appointed him last Au gust. . . i -' ' ' - Reasoas For His - . i Decsslosi Are Given Several wltnessea yesterday. tes tified they had heard the govern or make the statement but Ben nett read a -signed denial, from him. Bennett said :he was moved to take his stand by the refusal of the governor to issue a sworn de nial. ; Representative Leonard Saves, of Avoyelles, the member who was struck with a pair of brass knucks during a fist fight in the house last week, testified that last July 1th, the day after the legis lature had eliminated tea thou sand dollars from an appropria tion fpr the purchase of a car tor the governor. Governor Long told him he would get it any- way. Star Boarder is Off With Man's Wife and Auto . SAN FRANCISCO. April 4: (AP) Joseph Bygle, motorman. demanded a grand theft warrant for a man he claimed stole his au NOW PLAYING (H;ili t; Wit mm an Star CM-Z.-M Bimhw Vtrle Tnwt tlokh Brry -. Omib Osryta ail Talkhif CuMdr with S4azd svsrttt Bortoa VttaplMas Acts acoTiETon irsws goxsar xsnrot aw - AU TALKTSTa YTTAFHOirX goronia grsozAX. - testes Tutsi - Win Taks Sslsst tiy Stem ThU asve tse sbM ef ymr Ufa. . XDDMD t Tttaphms Acta 1 sfevlsttae Vrv testa tiSXASTfSl 3 scat I Hi Russion Choir Presents -; EsitrdaplMiis ; ;-. . Feature to Lure Crowd Tonight at the Elslnore theatre as well aa this afternoon when a special matinee will be presented, the Agrenava Slaviansky Russian choir, heralded as aa extraordinar ily fine attraction, will be heard br Salem townspeople. This choir, first begun by order of the czar In 1840, has main tained a continuous organixatlou through the years, many of Its members having served with the present director for a number of its yeara. .j-s-i f- - ? , This is the first western trip ot the organisation. . It is expected to divide the outstanding, musical at traction ot the year id Salem. . -Early this season the choir was In Honolulu where it received an tomobile, authorities announced here today. . 'J "He was the star boarder at my house," police say Bykle assert ed. "And he not only stole my au tomobile, but my wife too." The 'authorities however, deter mined that one warrant for the man's arrest would be sufficient tor the present. GUINEA FOUL DIE ASTORIA, Ore., April 4. (AP) All but a few members of the block of 100 guinea fowl liberated recently in Clatsop county by the stale game commission have died from exposure. County Roadmast er A. F Danielson said today. He claimed the birds could - not ex ist la wilds' of this country. FIRST. AMERICAN TOUR OF THE WORLD FAMOUS .... Agreneva Slaviansky Mir ail 30 GOLD MEDAL VOCALISTS GORGEOUS -COSTUMES SUBLIME MUSIC SENSATIONAL' DANCING SOMETHING DIFFENTJITHING NOVEL Good Seats at the Box Office Ml 7Se: 9K fLMt ovation at each appearance. The Honolulu Advertiser, said, In part: A packed house greeted and applauded every number offered last night by the Agrenava Sla viansky Russian choir. There Is a. captivating llthsomenesa in the singing and the dancing of the Russian folk that so far has es caped all. other peoples. Out of their hearts they , dance and sing. Every one is borne of Innermost feeling. Their countenances are like the smile ot a summer morn ing.' or like the pathoa of a misty sunset. They are more than art; they are the art .which nature makes. Their opening programme was varied and well chosen. They sang Ukraine folk songs sprightly with " the wind-swept hillsides. They sang , songs of - battle and strife of the steppes. They sang English songs "The End ot a Per fect Day" and "Just a Song ot Twilight" being the most appeal ing. Madame Slaviansky is a wonderful director. She- modu lates the voices of 30 singers with the bending of a finger. She caus es them to swell to passionate vol ume with the bending of an elbow. She .lifts them to starry heights with a gesture of hand and head. She. sends the base to the 'deepest depths of a nod. "Taking It all In all, It was by far the best musical treat that Honolulu . has ever had and we predict a wonderful success for them' In their New York debut.- MAT EVE 3:00-8:15 HA 10 WHIRL WIND DANCERS , Eveaittr: fi fusoi Baleens, 10, 75. ""n m.-sm n. -:-w, flOSSTOWEW . PK' PROGRAM (Continued from Page 1.). material aspects of this study, in the log house which the children hare so Joyfully constructed; In the fireplaces; In the covered wa. gon and wallboard oxen; In the charts; the rugs woven by the girls on small looms; in the book lets on pioneer life; and in the state seals fashioned of clay and carefully painted. The pupils have made a pioneer booklet souvenir for their visitors today; and. inci dentally, they 'will serve a true pioneer refreshment: popcorn. The program which they have arranged follows: Explanation of progress charts by groups from class; poem, "The Old Oregon Trail." by Betty Dot son; original play, "The Decision" written by Robert Law with the scene laid at Champoeg; original pioneer poems by the authors: Virginia Wilson. Ruth HUlman, Robert Law. Eunice Hanks, Kath, 'The greatest of all crook dramas lives again' est the screen M, William Haines first TALKING PICTURE! Ton see him as the gallant safe-cracker and heart-break er yon actually hear him and the other characters in smashing dialogue sequences! " ' TALK ABOUT TALKING P I O IVRE8I1HI8 ONE IS THE YEAR'S SENSA. WON! E51LSIIKflSlS HllllltJ I HiA.riMrFG e v i- . 1 Ais- Fanchon & Marco Opportunity Contest ' COME! See Your FaTorite Candidate W II O will Represent Salem In the Ianchoa-Iarco Opportunity Idea HLOHNATIONa START 9: SO P.M. . '.w aw-i y.i m. ...-.. leen Rock and Betty Dotson: play, -"In Pioneer Days., written by Virginia Wilson; song. "The Old Folks at Home." by sixth grade; poem. "Beautrf ul , Willamette." .-41 Eunice Hanks. .V5 Play, "How Whitman Saved Oregon for the United States." all members et the class; address on "Pioneer Life." Jndge Peter D'- g Arcy, an Oregon pioneer and mem- 1 ber of the Oregon Historical so- 1 ciety; remarks by Superintendent George W. Hag: the Oregon state song by fifth .and sixth grades -A Read the. Cldssified Ads. OREGON HRRY CAREY "Barniag: Bridges , ni Chapter Five Diamond Master" COMEDY NEWS with ijoxl barrymore. karl dane leila hyams SaiSi Talking Act "Now and Then" Eddie Peabody In 'College Chimes' Pathe Sound News Events ---iLSO--ON THE STAGE -.-..--.. j 'sn.o fM-iav V i 1