The Royal Russian Choir -Tonight -dtjtlie Dsserveo Community Support Bay a Policy Today! . Can yda. afford to be with oat a . Stateamaa hnnaee - policy? Owe costs only f MM) per year. - " J I TS is 7EATHEn f ,. Unsettled today, Ocrasioni f I-rafcMi Soathweat winds: Max, temperature' Thursday ; Mia. M RjJn Hirer' ' S.6) Wind aoatlu-. - . T 1 " ' "116 Fact Sc'ay Us; llo FesrShdl Ace From the. First States man, March St, 1UL Salens, Oregon, Friday Horning April 6, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTOS iMir.ii' i t y . . i-.tti ii i-i 1-1 - - - r j?, r in u - h u i in mm t . k t -', ; '.' - - - ". .'. v : -V. v -. 1 r if' UK TAXES IN Complicated Situation Aired Before Court in Confer - ence Thursday Institutions Advance Offer ? I Inyolvirig Release Frorn - Levy if or 1928 " s The problem of ' an amicable I and eqnltable settlement of Mar- i Ion eounty'e- tax problem plicated by the existing situation ; regarding six national banks, was . . exhumed for a bearing In ; the - county court Thursday. The re- V mains ere giren. careful Tlewlng t but no burial of the difficulty Is expected before court officials and r" county bankers meet again Tues- r. 1 1 ' - I. Iiike OliTer Twist.- Marlon coun f ty, represented by the court, seeks I more. And the bankers, with a federal court decision exempting . them , from . stock . taxation, " are I unite iwilllng t Sle?the . existing payment of taxes staiid as satls i factory, iC:.t,r:..- : ; Bankers Say "Let WeU Enough Alone. : Tersely stated the proposal, of the six national banks is to con stitute $7768.93. total amount paid on 1926 and 1927 lerles. as payment in full for 192J, 1927, wiil8fiT- Tf the court accepts this proposal the banks agree among themselves that they will not ask for any - tax refund and will ar ; range an equitable distribution of - the different amounts of taxes al ; ready paid by the six banks. This total represents approximately 23 -per cent of the total' taxes levied I against the six banks In the three years. - - v, Peeling that such a payment will greatly handicap the county. the court aslw a payment of at - least 13099 more or fully 35 per ieent of the taxes for the three i years although the court feels that i this amounj is not adequate. . Judge Siegnuind, speaking for the court Thursday, said that he felt the 4aaks were morally obligated - because of governmental protec x tlos they received, to come to the 4 eounty.'s assistance with . a more ? liberal payment than proposed: He admitted that under the federal I court decision there was no means ; available to compel national banks ? to pay more taxes than already (Turn to Page 2. Column J.) - NEW YORK, Apr. 4 (AP) Jules W. "Nicky" Arnsteln and 1 two other men were arrested" today as fugitives from Justice. Police - said that they were wanted In I Taunton, Mass., for the, larceny of 12,000 from a hotel owner whom they were alleged to have swindled In a theatre merger ' scheme. - . Arnsteln, who was booked un der the name of Jules M. Arnold, gave his occupation as a real es tate broker." The others arrested. James Thompson and Harry Fields said they were a theatrical pro- - motor and. a - theatrical manager respectively.; I Th'ey were- arrested on a bench -warrant 'issued.-im New Bedford, . Mass on December 20, 1928, on ' complaint of Thomas Kearn, of Ryanham Center, Mass., the hotel owner. Police here said their in formation -was that the three in terested Kearn in a theatrical merger. Induced him to draw $32, 909 from the bank and then left on December 5, 19 28 wit the . SBoaeyy '"' "c.t' 17 'y, : ' ' Detectives i satd they Jtraeed . Thompson - to Miami, Fla and then to New -York, He was arrest ed v today on Broadway and dis closed tha whereabouts of . Arn- " stein andflelde, where Uke a abort time later. ' . ' - THREE ARRESTED 019 SillBCK DetaHs of Critical Battle V Show Mexican Rebels are Now in.BTigfit Northward ?i By The Associated Frees ' V$ JUAREZ, Mex4 April, 4.--(AP) V -i-Train passengers reaching here -; lata today and message a to Mexi . can rebel leaders in Juares said tonight that General Jaan Andrea Almaxan, federal leader who cap ' tared Jlmcnes had been caught In . a trap between Insurgent forces r In Jlmenes and Escalon.. . . -, 1 The main . body of the Mexican revolution was smashed to pieces " in one of the bloodiest battles ia revolutionary history-when a pur S " suing federal army caught up with r Insurgent troop trains at La Re ! forma, state bt Chihuahua-Feder-. Z al cavalry was last reported hotly v 'y pursuing the scattered bands of a '. nee powerful force.;. ;, ' , " k -' Eight hundred rebel- dead lay piled la three heaps beside ; the - ' railroad tracks at La Ref orma and K one thoasand wounded were being e red for by the federals when the Hoover's Right Hand Man : V . I I . : W Iiadies and areatlemen, meet Sir. George Akeraoa and bis capable wife. AVhen yon go to Washington Mr.' Akeraoa Is the right party mil vwvJ v a. v muv if1 vowv nv. Where Ate Salem's Noted Men Buried? Aumor Asks Help from Local Citizens Lucian Lamar Knight of Atlanta, Ga., Sends Inquiry to Recorder Poulsen Who Passes Request on to Public Where are Salem's famous men buried? Information on this point has been asked of City Recorder Mark Poulsen, by Lucian Lamar Knight, of : Atlanta, Ga.. who is preparing a work on "Ameri can Historic Shrines and Sepul chres." , : First of all, the author wants j to know where the following ' outstanding men in Oregon's pioneer history are buried:' Hon. Benjamin F. Harding, U. S. senator 1862 to. 181$. ; "Hon. ' Samuel R Thurston, Oregon's first territorial dele . gate in congress, 1849 Hon. Rufus Mallory, ' con--gressman 1367 to 186$. Hon. Stephen- F. Chadwick. governor ; of Oregon 1877 to 1878. ''-;.H.t-''';--' Hon. George K. Shiel, con gressman 1861 to 1863. v The author states that all these men, according to his un derstanding, were residents of. Salem, and presumes that most of them were buried here. Information which will assist him In complying jrith . the Georgia writer's request, is asked by Recorder Poulsen, h Hon. Samuel R. Thurston is buried in the L O. O. F. ceme tery here his grave being sur mounted by a monument erect ed by the people of 'Oregon through a legislative act. ' . Hon. James W. Nesmith, not Included in the list but certain ly worthy of mention along with those listed, is buried at the farm which he owned west of RlckreaU. He was Oregon's congressman from 1873 to 1875. . ' . There are innumerable other! famous ' men buried in, Salem and vicinity, who deserve men-, tion In a, work such as the, At-, lanta man is preparing. " " Operatic Star id -Sing tor Hoover ' WASHINGTON, April 4. (API Lawrence Tlbbett. a few years ago an almost unknown singer, probably will be the first operatic star to visit the White Honse for a concert before . president , ana Mrs. .Hoover. The redUI ; la ex pectedto : take place 'soma time this menth although the definite date has not been set. - . Associated t Press ... Correspondent with federal commander's Alraa aan's army arrived at the battle- tieid. - rr: - General Almaxan had not com pleted' his check of federal cas ualties, which were temporarily put at 42 killed and an' ande termined number of wounded. Rebel Lealer Flee - -vv,,-Before Battle Occnrs v 11 The Insurgent leaders escaped, Generals Bcobar and Urbalejo getting away from Jlmenes in au tomobiles April J.-v--Vfc ..JA force of 2,109 rebels,' the last to abandon Jlmenes on April 1 2, was caught at La Ref orma by-Several cavalry and airplanes as de stroyed railway bridges were being feverishly repaired. The work had been completed and the troopjxala was only a quarter of a mile short of the last repaired bridge on the road to safety and Chihuahua city (Turn t Page X. Column J.J : T KV cited er w. m Address Made Before Salem v Realty Board After His Return From South ' ,. Declaring that he was thorough ly" sold. on . irrJs&tMn following a recent ' trip to California, where water Is king, George Vick Thurs day noon told the Salem Realty Board that that body could be in strumental in starting an indus try which would bring millions of dollars to Salem. ; - Mr. Tick's plan would be for the Realty Board, or any service organisation, to purchase a 49 aere suitable tract in Howell Prai rie, put down a well and Irrigate, setting the land to filberts. Con fident that this would do for Ore gon what oranges and lettuce have done for California, Mr. Vick sug gested that alfalfa be raised on the land until the filberts which Cal ifornia can't grow and Salem can reached a bearing state. Oregon is deriving a great deal of benefit from the California tourist trade," Mr. Vick said, adding that because of this he would. like to. see Oregon more loyal to California. It was his ob servation while in the south that California is not fighting Oregon; rather Is that state ignoring Ore gon any number of them admit ting that they would prefer to spend their summers in tha Wil lamette valley of which they have beard plenty. : San Diego- furnished tha only real booster spirit he encountered on his trip, but despite the almost boom program there,' the supea dous building going on there, the fisheries and . 1 3,9 0 0,0 0 9 monthly government payroll gar a sense of security there. . - . Land values' he found tremen dously high, and especially In the orange and celery, sections. At one stage of his trip, he encountered a good deal of fog, but from Los Angeles eeuth weather conditions were ideaL 4 OB OH' Z03I1U LOS ANGELES, April 4. (AP) Tod Morgan retained his championship here tonight By tak ing six rounds of the tea round fight with Zorilla, San Bias In dian. It was a fast and furious bout. . " Morgan finished bis ten . round battle with the weaving, bobbing Saa Bias Indian with a badly slashed left eye, but with a some what decisive margin of 'victory. The Associated Press score sheet gave the champion ' six rounds; Zorllla one, and tha rest even. ?s 1 Morgan's eye was cut la the second round, either by a tramp from the kinky head of the chal lenger, or from, one of ..Zorilla'e swinging rights. The injury seem ingly but'' spurred the champion on. His sharp shooting scored heavily although - Zorllla contin ually waa boring in with his ma chine gun-like volleys. Morgan took, the .last five rounds. Zorllla was warned ln'two or three ses sions for bitting low and against butting with, his head in tha clin ches. The champion also apparent ly swung one left low, but Zorilia declined examination. ' . --' v . TODaeu TVJQ KILLED AS . Vancouver Aviator and Port land Policeman Victims . . 'of Tragic Crash Machine Nose-Dives From Height of 400 Feet and Buckles in Center 4 PORTLAND. Ore April 4. (AP) Lieatenant Ralph A, Floyd army aviator, was killed outright and Asa F. Clement, Portland po lice lieutenant, suffered injuries from which he died four hours later when the plane piloted by Floyd crashed to the ground at Pearson field, Vancouver, Wash., from a few hundred feet altitude late this afternoon. Clement died from internal injuries. 5 The plane nose-dived from a helghth of 400 feet and buckled in the center. Although there were no eye witnesses, other Pearson field aviators said they believed Floyd was doing, a wingover and went Into a spin with the motor shut off, but was unable to regain control of the' machine. Compaaiaa Gives Details of Event L. D. Manciet, Portland police man, said he and Clement went to Pearson field for a pleasure flight. Floyd and Clement took off early in the afternoon but at 4,000 feet encountered a snow storm and returned the plane to a hangar. Winds abated, however, and they went up again. Floyd, 33 years old, was an au tomobile salesman. He received bis first training in the air .service at San Diego. Cel., later , going to France. During the world war Floyd's plane was shot down and he was captured but later escaped from a German prison camp. v Clement made regular trips to Pearson field. He has been a mem ber of the police department since February, .1912. . Members Of City Council to Face Problem in Near : Future, Report Only 90 . more days before Fourth of July! " : With the annual local reproduc tion of the Battle of the Marne once more drawing near, members of Salem's city council are report ed to be. seriously considering a curb on the : firecracker nuisance. Merchants who have in the past ordered large stocks of explosives In anticipation of the noise test which habitually has extended ov er from four days to a week, are hesitating to do so this year, fear ing action on the part of the coun cil -which would leave them with nnnsable goods. , ; ;l - -f No Drastic Rale Contemplated Now - Nothing quite ao drastic is con templated, according to council man who are in favor of the ban. They would like to rule fireworks, except in the hands of pyrotechnic specialists duly licensed, out of the city entirely; that may come some day, but they feel that Salem must be educated gradually to the Idea that Independence ; day can be spent agreeably .without resort to the ancient Chinese custom of lighting black powder capsules and- watching them explode. So theordlnanee which is ex pected to be framed within the next few weeks, will .go no further- than -an attempt to bar the setting oft Of fireworks within the fire limits downtown.' Such a measure. It la felt, would do away with the worst features of the annual firecracker orgy, and still not arouse too muck op- posltlon." W -': - :rr:-t- ; - - Aside front the prolongation df the practice for several days,' the principal objection in recent years (Turn to Pace S. Cehma I.) : Theatre . Coupon . for Kiddies Under - ..-.-'.-'-..- - -. - - ;:.'..;'.', .i '':- - -1- "rf ' " ' " ' " This coapoai aad'five eekta -HriB admit any, child- smder: : l yearn to The Statesman Jand CapHol Matinee, .- ' .'i' it'. ' r "' -t'l- :h Friday or Sattrrday ' Bllsh's Capitol Theatre ' Xoa see the gripping story of: Vv" Added - v ftdl B. Ddmk,s J ' The Godless GirF AH Talkiag' Comedy TftaphoM Acts aad ' Talkie New Herder Stcry u f t Hot Just Perfect Of Had Assert ! r- SAJfTA BAKBARA, Apr 4 (AP) Lomis W. Car son's story of killing Albert Xelsom St, Louie, im 1024, which bo anafolded - tm the aherilf .here yesterday, waa trae except tm the following particalarss 1 It should have bcesi St. Paul Instead of St. Loais; - There waa no Albert NeL ea, and, there was ao saar der. ' ."". - As a result Canon was lit erally thrown out of Jail last night after St. Paal police wired there was nothing1 to it. He appeared yesterday with a "confessloa' of hav ing killed Nelson, a friend. In Jane, 1024 in St. Louis. Seven Girls . Now in Race Staged Here - - t Miss Mary K. Carrier, (00 South Church street, is the first candidate for honor as "Miss Sa lem." Early Thursday morning her name was placed on a formal entry blank at the Elsinore thea tre which with the Oregon States man is putting on the contest. Six other girls Thursday signi fied their intention to enter the race for city-wide beauty honors. They are: . Miss Rose Wojniak, 249 South Cottage street. Miss Frances Sande, IS 95 Trade. Miss Helen Turner, 1148 Hall! Miss Phyllis Day, 945 Cheme keta." Miss- Juanlta Powell, IS 4 9 North Capitol. Miss Marie Stutesman, 14S0 Falrmpnt. Ages Vary From 10 to 25 Tears Each young lady, who must be between the ages of 19 and 25, will be sponsored by a local bus iness firm. Arrangements have already been made for this fea ture with Miller's,' Kafoury's, Worth's, and Kay's Coat and Dress shop.' Many other firms have indi cated willingness to enter. The first night of the Contest, Thursday, April 11. the girls will appear In an attractive afternoon or evening outfit furnished by a local store. The second night of the contest the girls will wear bathing suits. Beauty, grace and form are qualities on which Jud ges will determine this most at tractive young lady to be "MJae Salem" in the statewide elimina tion. The winner locally will have all her expenses paid for a trip to Portland where "Miss Oregon" will be chosen' to represent the state at. Galveston, Texas in June. Every entrant here has an equal opportunity to capture state-wide honors and to obtain the much de sired trip south. GSffll FJCI1IG CM SH BATON ROUGE, La., April 4. (AP) Disposition. of $9,000 of state funds drawn from a Baton Rouge bank by Governor - Huey P. Long in twenty dollar bills for entertainment of the National Governors conference in New Or leans last November, was the sub ject of-sharp quizzing today by the Loufoiraa honse of resre- sentatives sitting' in impeachment Judgment upon the young execu tive. . . . The governor's accusers charged la. the impeachment resolution that he diverted part of this fund tor private use and naa never sub mitted an accounting. . Automobile salesmen testified today that the day after he drew the money, from the beak he be came interested la a new automo bile and a few days later paid the 6COTTS C1TT; Kansas. Apr. 4 (AP) 'A short flight taken to warm up the motor of an airplane fa ' which six men had planned to make a - trip" ended - fatally here this morning when the shin- crash ed to. the ground and -burst. In to flames, burning to death Its two passengers. Dr. C. C. MeGlnnis and Chester A. .RHey, both of Scott CltT. and John Flonrnov of Wlch- tta, the pilot, - The ship, a moooslane owned by Bert Schmidt of Hutchison, was taken aloft 'by . Flournoy accom panied by the two passengers while; waiting, foe two. other men to complete the party. When the plane had attained an altitude of about 500 feet and was turning around, it suddenly : dived to the ground after .which it burst into flame, trapping the victims. inside. -f The bodies were burned almost beyond . recognition : when taken from the wreckage. " i- $v- Schmidt - and two other men, John. Newsom and Wane Watt. who were planning to take the trip and who saw the crash said : they could ascribe no - reason for' the accident. Schmidt sair the plane had recently been overhauled: aad was in first class condition. II -: (Turn' to Tace X, Coinma a. siiTMebop DDICeS 3 DEATHS Wuhan Defense Collapses as Cantonese General Goes Over to Nanking x Panic Prevails in Area Near Hankow But No Serious ?, : Rioting Reported HANKOW, China, April 4. (AP)-The Nationalist govern ment was victorious today in its first serious clash with rebellion In the provinces. Wuhan armies. led by chiefs of the Kwangsi mili tary group, collapsed before they even had begun to defend Hankow and are along the line. Martial law has been declared in the city This' result of the recent hostil ities seemed inevitable when Gen eral Tu-Shalng, who held the bal ance of power between the rival armies, remained sitting on the fence and Upeh generals declared their neutrality in the quarrel be tween the Nanking government and the Kwanga party. Cantonese Deeertlon Brings Final Disaster , The final disaster for tha Kwan gsi armies came today, when the Cantonese general commanding the seventh "Wuhan division went over to the Nanking cause and left a gap in the Kwangsi line through which the government forces were pouring in tomgnu Nanking troops are expected speedily to reach Hankow as the whole of the Wuhan forces are re treating in confusion. Panic pre vails in Hankow and its neigh borhood. Thousands of Chinese civilians are pouring into the eon- (Tura to Pas Z. Column 1.) Weather Man Gets Confused Sending South Wind to -Puzzle Locals Jupe Fluvfus got all tangled-up Thursday and brought snow with a south wind. Just as rare a thing as balmy weather with a noreast- er in Maine. Sunny weather was in order when the town woke up but by noon clouds had blown up, then suddenly snow and sleet and more snow, then hall, then well, towards midnight It seemed spring was back again. The March lion was, a month behind time for his regular-month was really decent according to all webf ooted persons. The mean max imum temperature for March was 59 while the average minimum was a good seven points aoove freezing. - Salem had Its scorchingest day in March the 27th, when .99 was record ejjL-and the lowest recorded, leVVSme early en the morning of the sixth. Only 2.51 lnehes of rain fell during the month. PORTLAND, Ore., April 4. (AP) April showers turned to snow through Oregon today and cities, as. far west as Bend, Ore., reported heavy ana tnm coatings while fruit growers feared contin uance of 'unseasonable : temperature-would mean thousands of dol lars' loss through prolonging the blossoming season. . - : Although little snow fell? in Portland, Marshtield and Astoria, Ore., on the coast, reported a steady snowfall which melted rap idly, --v..--.' r- v Bend experienced degrees above-aero. r .' ' . . - ' ' Chilly weather, the government metorologiat predicted, would con tinue tomorrow. " ... ' AJ5TORIA, OreAprtl :-2i(AP ! v- Astoria i experienced - Its first April eaewfaU lav 40 years this afternoon when a half -.inch blanketed tha city. Temperature fell to SS degrees. '? Umatilla Indian : 4....... - - y - , ' - V" " " " Nbt Pardoned by iSttfe Officials BOISE. Idaho. April 4 (AP) - Jack Cowapoo. Umatilla Indian, who with a companion set the Lap waL Idaho Jail afire, must remain In tha state penitentiary a while longer tha pardons board decided today. " j ' - ' :- p Luke Cowapoo, father; of the boy, came from Pendleton, Ore., for. the second time1 to plead for the release of his son, retelling the story that Jack Cowapoo told at his trial la Lewistoa, Idaho, that -other Indian" set pre. s- The state -contended the -Indi ana fired the' Jail to escape after they had been arrested on drunk enness.' ... !--4 . - SlIALLFOZ REPORTED ASTORIA. Ore, April 4- (AP) Health authorities today warned parents of .school children that vaccination would be necessary to cope with the smallpox situation here . Seven cases have' been re ported within tha last St. hours. LIGHT SM IIIIS SALEM THURSDAY Select Policemen ; T Examine Pidares : . ,10 Machin e Gats ;: ' Salem's aria guardians of. the law at the police station were seen Thursday night poring over a catalogue list ing machine guns for sale the type known ia Chicago and other centers of lawless ness as "Tommy guns. " Whether Salem's "finest" Is to be equipped with these defenses ' against.' gangsters and general rioting, has not been announced. The only , obstacles are the fact that there is no provision for pur. chasing them in the' city's budget, and the further fact that a two-maa' riot is the largest experienced here in many, years, aside from sta- 4 'dent uprisings which could be handled marh more effec tively with a fire hose. Probably the blank condi tion of the police blotter for approximately 84 hoars, , caused the. police to yearm for more exciting beats than they are required to patrol here. Pioneers to Be Treated Pupils of the -sixth grade at Washington school will present a program in the assembly hall this afternoon before a group of Ore gon pioneers and parents. Under the guidance of their teacher. Miss Mary J. Wilson, they have been correlating much of their class work this semester with an Oregon history project and the program is being given to show parents a part of what they have learned in the study, now ended. Several pioneers have been invit ed as special guests. During the project study, which is simply relating all possible classes to one general theme and letting the students learn as much as they can in all byways of the theme, the teacher directing, 01 eource, the students have studied historical events of the state, Ore gon birds, flowers and scenic beauties, the industries, travel. health and other' lines of- progress and endeavor. Elaborate charts have been prepared showing the historical development of health, education,, amusements,, travel, and Industry in the state. Poems and short plays hare been written. When parents visit the school today they will see" some of the Turn to Pace X, Column 7.)' to be an OUT NEW YORK, April 4. (AP) Despite the intimation by Attor ney Mitchell that the- American Petroleum Institute's crude pro duction curtailment program may violate the. Sherman anti-trust law, R. C. Holmes, chairman of the, Institute's general committee on production, said today he would recommend that the plan be car ried out without delay. M. Holmes, who is president of the Texas . corporation, said he would recommend to the general committee and the institute's re gional committee that "we carry on. without delay, as we have planned to do', in whatever ways and in every way that is open to us to do properly and Jf by chance we are held to be acting la res traint of trade, leave it the courts to determine whether.,, such re straint is in the public interest or not.- . .'! - . Carle A Drams To If rpgr IBM Leader of Veterans List; Campa ons The name of CoL' Carle Ab- rams, like that of Abou ben Ah dem of old, -led all the rest by virtue of its priority in alphabeti cal arrangement, when the Incom plete-Toll of honor" at Capital Post No. 9, American Legion was made oat. ; ".:- In conjunction with the legion post's Intensive membership cam paign, the New eOregon Statesman begins today . publication ot the honor roll as It stands at present. AH present -members-who - have paid their dues for 1929 will be listed alphabetically, and v their dames will be published " before the - names of the new members who sign up from now on are add ed on. -"T v - ' . --(,. Added Progress tV , Shown by Report r ' Additional progress in the drive was reported Thursday by Adju ; KNOW A WORLD W-AR VETERAN? 5 ' - Help CAPITAL POST NcC t, Americas Legion, by writ ing hla name and address here: -" .... '"". ' ; and mailing this coupon' to R. 80S Bank of Commerce Rhlg, 5ii Dry Agent to Face Perjury Charge m Connection With Proh! Raid Prisoner Defiant Stating He has Done Nothing Wrong to Cause Arrest PONTIAC, Ills., April 4. (AP Eugene Boyd Falrchlld, wanted on a perjury charge which result ed from the fatal shooting 10 days ago of Mrs. Lillian de King at Aurora in a .county dry raid was arrested here late today. Falrchlld "was held for Sheriff L. L. Urch of Geneva, who raid he would come here to take him' to jail at Geneva. Authorities arrett ed Falrchlld after receiving a Hp from .Sheriff Urch that he had come here from his home to Odetl. nearby. Perjury In Signing Warrant Charged The charge against FairchiM is that he perjured himself in sirr ing a search warrant in which fee said he purchased liquor at the Aurora home of Mrs. de King. Mrs. de King was shot to death, her husband's skull fractured ,tha . 12 year old son terrorized and Deputy Sheriff Roy Smith wound ed in the leg by the de King boy. Falrchlld testified at the in quest he had not personally bought liquor at the de King home, al though he had so stated In the affidavit. "I have done nothing wrong." he declared, defiantly today, "aad I am not going to run away. "Where was I yesterday? In Springfield seeing my attorney, who is he? I can't let that out now." Investigation Sends Defendant On Way Falrchlld was reported to have said Walter Millar, chief Investi gator for the state's attorney gav him $15 after the inquest and tM him to get out of the country aad stay out. This, however, Millar denied, explaining the county had given him the money because the young man was without funds hav ing been held three or four daya by court procedure. - Falrchlld, working for 15 an each case he uncovered, finally admitted that a casual friend, Phil ip Johnson, bought the liquor somewhere in the vicinity of the de King home for him, declared he knew nothing about tha law and he signed the affidavit for the state's attorney's office without looking, at it. He signed-it be cause he was told to, he explained. "Why should all the blame be put on me?" he asked. "I never had any experience as an investi gator and only took the Job se 1 could make an application for a federal position. Obscene Films Bring Trial of California Men LOS ANGELES, Calif., April 4. (AP) After a federal court Jury had viewed allegedly obscenw motion picture films sent out freaa Hollywood by Harry Winter, 52, here today, it found him guilty rf improper use of the maids. - : : . W. J. Laravee. arrested .with Winter on the same charge, plead ed guilty to using the mails to de 7 fraud and will be sentenced Maw 7. ;r--; "'-- - " ' " Is Present tant Raymond H. Bassett, the JteW tal at the end of . the day-beta 995. The coupon arranged t aav sist the post ia obtaining a com plete list of world war veterane 9a Marion, eounty, is being published again to give subscribers another ' opportunity to clip ft out and co operate. In the legion post's pro gram. . . Following is the first- Install ment of .names on the honor rolL: Carle Abrams, D. C Ackermaa. P. H. Acton, O. D. Adams, Robert L. Adams. A. L. Adolphson. Henry Ah reus, Rodney W. Alden, Geo raw Alien. Albert T. Anaerson, usm Anderson, H. P. -Anderson, Janets W. Anderson, Ray Anderson, Earl T. Anderson. A. W Arms, K. T. Arnold. Harvey C, Arthur, BertJa G Asseltine. Harris Ault, E. K Austin, George W. Averett, Frank H. Ayres. - JT. Bassett, Post Adjutant, at Salcsa, Oregon. - - Pushed