The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    10 HOTS 117.
Rickreall ' School . Furnishes
Place for Teachers to
Tryout Work
RICKREALL. A O r i 1 3,
Elghteea students. of Oregon Nor
mal ftcnool at Jdonmoutn are now
at Riekreall for the spring term,
whfr ther are teachinie in the
grade school for their practice
The rfrts In the new urouo are
Mary Ellen Jderts, Eugene; Ger
trude Kaarlo. Astoria: Miriam
Ravo. Portland! - Georgia Blanch
ard. Ballston; Lola-Hamner, Cor-
Tallis; Gwen Stevenson, Ridge-
fleid. Wash.: lone Imblen, Dal
! Florence Bierce. Monmouth
Alma Canr. Salem ; Bern ice
Bleugh, Lafayette: Lucille Male,
TCiiAim Kverrn Howard. Wash-
ongai. Wash.; Jean MeShane, La
Grande: Ruby Homlcker, Hills-
boro: Cora Mac Callavan, scio;
Bessie Barber, Tillamook; Gladys
Hulse, Seattle Wash. -ThA
Rfckreall critic teachers and
- ten other Oregon Normal school
Inafrnctora entertained the entire
O. N. 8. 1 faculty Thursday night
at the Rickreall student house. '
. Large howls of yellow Jonquils
were used About the rooms and
general color ' scheme of yellow
was carried out. Lemon pie was
served to the 48 teachers who were
ftfAOAnf af frisS ttfiftr
sa voui u y j , ,
The hostess group, consisted of
the Misses Emmons, Donaldson,
Johnson, Ttylor. Bralnerd, Bul
ware, Barnes, Turnldge.JByre and
tha Mrs. Hall, Beldon, Heath, and
Smith. ......
WOODBTJRN. Apr. S (Special)
The victims of the, tragic explo
sion at . Monitor last Thursday
were buried on Easter Sunday.
Funeral services for Charles
Stettler. 39. and his two daugh
ters Gladys 6. and Charline 3,
were held from the Hall under
taking parlors Sunday afternoon
Rer. D. J. Glllanders of Monitor
officiated. Interment wag at Belle
Passi, where the remains of the
father : and children were placed
In one grave.
The casket of Charline was car
ried by four little girls, Ruth Bli
ven, Ruth Hanson, Barbara Jen
sen and Hazel Dimmick. Olive
Hanson, Rosie Jensen, Loreta
Wolf and Marie Hanson were pall
bearers for Gladys.
The pallbearers for Mr. Stettler
were Henry Annen, Harry Rush-
old, -George, McCuiston, Volna
White, Charles Wilson and Frank
former immi
ZEJCA. Anr. 3 fSoeclal) A
pre-Easter affair which was very
much enjoyed bv the guests was
that aiven Friday by a former
Zena resident, Mrs. Mary B. Craw
ford who entertained for her old
frin1 from this and adioinlnz
districts at her rooms at the Court
apartments, Salem. A huge Easter
basket, brimful of beautiful flow
ers which had been sent by Mrs.
R. B. Munger, of Chicago, a
danehter of Mrs. Crawford, filled
the rooms with fragrance. A plea
sant social afternoon was loiiowea
by & dainty lunch of lee cream,
cake and tea. The guest group In
cluded Mrs. r. W. Henry, Mrs
HalDh H. Scott. Mrs. C M. Pur-
rime and Mrs. Wayne D. Henry.
of Zena. Mrs. V. L. Gibson and
Mrs. Charles McCarter of Brush
College. Mrs.' Walter Broy, Hope
well. Mrs. S. D. Crawford and Mrs.
L. F. Matthews, Spring "Valley,
Mrs. L. M. Purvlne, Salem and tne
hostess. ,-i v
Hiram Barker, 86,
Dies at Roseburg
ZENA. April 3. Hiram Barker,
father of 8. H. Barker of Zena,
died Thursday, Marclf 28, at his
horn at Roseburg. The deceased
j KO. t
SrMMia ef tha AmuI Statraant of tk
Aaiariesa Merchant Maria. Inraraoea
Coimnaa? ( Vaar Tork, ta tta State of
Ntw Tork. oa tha- Uirty firU 47 ( Do
cmkT, 192$, aaad t tho laaaraaeo
C.auniurioner ( tko Stat at Oragoa, prir
naat to law;.,, ,
. cay rr Ait ; ..
Aaaonnt of capital atoek pali ap
Ot,000. - ..w- ,-....:J- ". ''-V
Ifot pranlaaas raeairt iuriag tao roar.
Zatoroat, -atfrideada and raata reeelred
ioriar iko-yoar, asa.491,SS,---f
Ist.rett froat ' otbor aooreoa toeolvod
dnriar tha. yaar, $544,41 VS8. - - - - .
Total iaeom, SS5B.284.4l.
Not losaoa paid darinc tao Tear Inelnd
la adjaataieat zponaoa, $178,033.27.
Dividoada- paid oopital stock during
tha rear. S26.000.O0.
Caanaaiaaioaa aad salaries paid daiiaf
ut roar, s.ivo-.oo.
Taaes, lieoaoea aad fioa : paid duria
taoToar, $3,088.08.. -
atoaat of , all otat r oipeaditaroa,
$93,431.08. v T
- Total arpaadirar.. S3SS.S60.04. .
: assets- -
Taloo of roal oatato awmtd (aarktt
valaot, aoaa.
Valno of stocks and aoads Oiraod (aur
kat vahio). $1,888,947.00. .
Lmsi oa mortgages sad eollateral, ate.
Caak la Uaks aad oa haad. $84,581.41.
ProaalaaM la eoaroo ol eollartioa vrit-
Ub aUeo Sept. SO. 1928. $381.04.
Iatroat aad rests dao aad accraod,
Total adsltted aaaet. $1,888,982.51.
: - - LIABILmSS ,
Aatoant of aaosmcd vremlnau oa all
atstaadlng rUka. $235,950.88,
- Dao tor .. aoauaiaaioa aad - prokarafa,
" AU otker HabniUoa, $.050.82. '
Total liabilittos, oxelnairo at Capital
Stock Of $00.000-i80.014.84. " , "
-. : BCSTKK8S IN 4)HEQOS . .
' - FOB TUB TEAB - ' '
Kot pmaoma reeoirtd daring tho yasr,
$2 954.87. . v .
Loaara paid darlnf tao yoar. $8,820.74.
I-oos iaenrrad daring tao . yoar, $2,
No of comaaar Aaarieas Verelaaat
Marina Isaaraaeo Conpanr.
Naao o preidnV C. p. gtew.rt
mo of Menttry Edcrar F. ClaTk.
had bees in about two weeks and
had he lived, would have been S7
years old la August, Surviving him
are two cons, 8. B. Barker and
Henry Barker, one brother, O.
Barker, eleven grandchildren and
eleven great-grandchildren. Mr.
and Mrs. S. H. Barker, , Mr. and
Mrs. S. H. Barker, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy E. Barker, and son Sammy
Joe .were accompanied - by Mrs.
Charles Matthews, a neice of Hir
am Barker when they attended the
funeral Saturday. Interment was
in the' Oak creek cemetery, 13
miles from Roseburg.
PMffl FSfflS
ROBERTS, Apr, 3 (Special)
Mrs. Alice Coolldge and her sla
ter, Mrs. S. L. Spurried of Pasa
dena Who is spending a few weeks
with relatives here went to Port
land Sunday where they will-remain
until Wednesday.
Mrs. Roy - Rice will Intertaln
the G. T. club Thursday, fi i hi
B. IX Fiddler. who was very low
with pneumonia last week Is bet
ter. A trained nurse Is attending
him.r ;-:t . f -rfr-s :f ?
Mrs. .. Bl ache! Semler of Port,
land spent Sunday with Mrs. S. C.
Davenport and family. While here
Mrs. Semler: visited her father" S.
C. Davenport .who is in the hosv
pital frecn a recent operation, c
James Fry is running his Incu
bators full capacity. He "reports
a great demand for day old chicks
this spring.
John J. Roberts has had thir
teen acres of walnntg set out on
the Ball farm which he recently
George Dressier has been work
ing on his farm, which he recent
ly bought.
J. P. Bressler who has been sick
for . a long time Is able to ride
about in the car again.
George Hlgglns has purchased a
BROOKS. Apr. 3 (Special)
Brooks Camp Fire girls who at
tended the Council Fire camp at
the Salem high school were Miss
Doris Wood, leadeF of he Brooks
girls, Miss Ernamae Sturgis, Miss
Lena Riggi. Miss Emmaline Sears,
Miss Bessie Aspinwall. Miss Gla
dys Otto and Miss Hattie Ramp.
Mr. and Mr. Carol Griffith of
Portland were recent dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coffin
daffer. From here they went to
Klammath Falls.
Recent guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Cris Otto were Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred LaFountain and
son Wilfred Jr.. of North Howell,
and Mrs. William Schaffer, and
Mrs. A. E. Harris, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Curry and children. Miss
Mildred Curry, Frances Curry,
Myrtle Curry and Merle Curry of
North Howell.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gay'of
Vancouver, Wash., were recent
guests of Mr. Gay's brother-in-law
and sister Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lard Ramp and family.
Read the Classified Ads.
Merchant of Venice to be
Staged at Woodburn;
May 3-4 Dates
; WOODBURN, Apr. 3 (Special)
The following s t a 1 1 has been
appointed to arrange for the pro
duction of the Shakespearean dra
ma. "The Merchant of Venice,
by the senior class:
Costume: Pauline Llvesay, Car
Ine Wnrster, Clara Koch, and Eth
el Tresidder; ' business, Fred
Kinns: advertising. John Nelson;
properties, Kenith Dickenson, John
LIchte ; lighting, Harold Wright,
Norman Roiling, Irvine Chrlsten
Eon;' stage, Warner Guiss; cur
tain. Willard Hunt: : , :
The date of presentation has
been changed to May 3 and 4, In
stead of April 3ft and 37, as was
announced some time ago.' '
' i
Valsetz Woman
Dislocates Her
Knee in Tumble
VALSETZ, Apr. 3 (Special)
Mrs. Charles Taylor, while doing
her dally routine of house work,
fell, and dislocated her left knee
cap. Mr. Taylor la playing nurse
and housemaid.
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Gates have
ratnrnad after latin a? at Vancou
ver. Wash... where ther were call
ed two weeks ago oa account of
tha illness of Mr. Gates mother.
Mrs. GatM la still la the hospital
where ah la Improving repaidly.
.' Juniata Powell haa returned to
Salem where ' she Is attending
rhooL She snent her Easter va
cation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Powell.
Leslie Willie and family have
moved to Reedsport, Oregon.
Mr. Thompson, night foreman,
handed In his resignation to take
effect April 1. Mr. Thompson left
for Portland as soon as he fas
released from his duties.
John Bullis of Independence
spent the week end with his bro
ther Curley.
. v
Easter is Cause
For Vacation at
Clover dale Room
cial) As the teacher of the Sum
mit Hill school wished to spend
her Easter at home, there was no
school Friday.
There was Quite a snow storm
here Friday morning.
The James Chenewltb family of
Salem visited - here at , the Jay
Cook 'home recently. "
Mrs. Gay Barnett gave her pu.
pits an egg hunt for, their Easterj
treat. - . t - . 1 j
Mrs. May Cook. Mrs. Anna
Hadley were Salem visitors Satur
day. Mrs. W. Morris' mother, Mrs.
Brinkham of Aumsvllle Is report
ed quite sick.
THIRT does not Denetrate
washed away if the walls
are painted with
Flat Wall - ,
Paint '
Call at the store, of helpful service
for color card of beautiful, soft,
glare-less tones. -
Veller Hardware and Paint Store
428 Court -
Telephone 539.
We always try to remember that our success depends on keeping:' oar old
customers pleased and adding new ones. With this thought in mind we
are listing the following specials for (Thursday, Friday and Saturday:
35c I -
Hinkle Pills
50c Alcorub
16 oz. .
75c Mineral Oil
Russian. Type
25c Spts. .Camphor
2 oz. .
16 oz.
15c Boric Acid
4 oz. .
25c Castor Oil
S oz.
25c Zinc Oxide
Ointment .
50c White Pine and Tar
Cough" Syrup
75c Olive Oil -
16 oz. " : 1 '
100 Aspirin . 1
a bargain - -50c
Milk of Magnesia
75c Bay Rum
16 oz
$1.50 Hot Water Bottle
Guaranteed Value ....
$1.75:Hot Water Value
1 year guarantee -
2 lb. Box Parisian Chocolates-
Suitable for-.
Mother's Day .
75c Stationery, pretty
box, bur best value
50c Stationery, several
colors, 2 for .. ............. .
40c Pound Paper
102 Sheets, Linen
15c Linen Envelopes
2 for
Universal Lunch Kit1 - f' Mft
Complete with, bottle 0 sW;
Scot -Tissue Toilet Paper . lOA
Regular 2 for 25, 2 for - IOC
5c JToilet Crepe
:10 for
Fels Naptha
10 for
10 for ,
25c Aqua Velva, with Williams Shaving Cream.
Valet Autostrop Razor and strop, with Ingram's Shaving
50c. Mermen's Shampoo, with Mermen's Shavinx Cream':
50c Day Dream Dental Cream, with Day Dream Face Powder
25eWests Tooth Paste, with Adult West's Tooth. Brush r'
Phone 474
a IJVELLMAN, Registered Pharmacist
'r r ElEASON '
I? mm, -is b
It has always been our policy to clear out
odds and ends from the early spring sell
ing. The "undie" department Is the lint
contributor to this house cleaning. How
ever, we would like you to know that ev
ery garment is practically new spring
merchandise and is being disposed of at
these prices because there are only one
or two of a kind, just a few of a sire or
numbers that we will not buy again for
this season's selling. All pieces are per
fect not a damaged or soiled ' garment
Is Included but we have a reputation of
keeping our stocks and selections tight
up to the minute and to do this It means
sacrificing the odds and ends that natur
ally accumulate from our large selling.
We have made a reputation on these dis
posals this reputation must be upheld.
ftayon slips, combinations,
vest, lace ana ribbon trim.
A few glove silk combina
tions included. .
Rayon slips, Bemberg and
rayon slips, combinations
teddy-bears and bloomers.
Yes, and some rayon gowns
Crepe, de Chine stepins, dance sets,
combinations elaborately trimmed
with lace and ribbon. Rayon dance
sets, gowns and, yes, some Baronette
Blips. '
Crepe de Chine dance sets, lace vid
ribbon trimmed. Baronettesatin, rayon
and Crepe de Chine slips with double
shadow resisting hems. An exception
ai buy .; " . ; - -
0h, we wish we. could run comparative
prices oh these Girdles and Corsetletts
v -4ialf price isn't oh, oh. Well any
way Mr. Shipley says to sell the entire
lot at each
1 . ,
Crepe de Chine stepirisrcomblnatioris,
' . dance sets and slips in the pastel shad
es, lace and ribbon trimmed. Jtlay wo
just remind you that it 'will - soon' tSo
graduation time? .
I -
t -
Odds and ends in bras
sier, crepe, lacer pus
sywillow and bl a ck
silk m$ire it- ' 4
Brassieres ef hrecade
. and lace
. A lot of rayon and lace
. brasslers to so at '.;
Quality Merchandbs Popular Prices