The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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    Famous Royal Russian iioir at MsinoireFn
Buy a Policy Today!
Cu yon afford to be wtth
v'out a 'Statesman IasuuM
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WEATOEn f t -
- Unsettled with rains to
dajrs Fresh west winds," Max.
tesnperatmre Wednesday 88; i
, Mia. S5; River - 4 ; Part
ciondy; No rain. -. - '
man. Much .21. 1151.
Salem, Orrjon, Thursday Morning April 4, 1929
i.- -
Decisive Victory is Reported
by General Calles After
: Terrific Battle ;
Insurrectionist Movement is
ft In - Cbllapse Following
Capture of Trains
is. -
'l A battlo of "true ttchry" was
fonght at ;La Reforma, eleven
miles north of Jimenex. this afternoon.-
General P. Ellas Callet,
MnerallMlmo of .the sorernment
- forces said It was a 'decisive de-
- feat for the rebel and tne vtrest--"st
battle in Mexico's revolution
ary history." , J
The report said that the rebel
tnfantrr vn destroyed, that their
commanders had fled, that all re
bel trains were . In possession or
tho' federals, . that there were a
trumnndoni number of rebel dead
and more than 500 wounded for
wnoa tne ieaersH wouia nre cu
care.' v';S'v ' :
General Almazaa .. '
Sends in Report v ' - .
- General Calles based this report
on advices from General Almazan
who followed up his successful
two days' assault on Jimenez by
taking personal command of the
which pursued tne retreat-
in r insurgents. .
"The battle at Xa Reforma was
definitely -decisive and In it the
rebels nave paid dearly for 'this
infamous revolution," said Gen
eral Calles message to President
Fortes Gil. . .
L In my opinion this most infa
mous of rebellions has found its
tomb In the battle today at La
Reforma,". continued General Cal
les. "I have congratulated Gener
al Almazan 'and his officers for
the able manner' in which they
have defended the honor and arms
of the republic?
With the federal troops hot on
their heels, the rebels under Gen
eral Jose Gonaalo Escobar were in
full retreat this evening; from Jim-
V" 'Crura to Pag T. Column '
(AP) Colonel Charles A. Lind
bergh, who today made his fourth
arrival in Mexico City by air, es
caped the" notice of the populace
and spent a quiet day with his fi
ancee, Miss Anne Morrow, daugh
ter of the American ambassador.
The couple strolled about the
embassy garden in the morning
and later motored along some of
the picturesque roads in the oat
skirts of the capital. They have
found an automobile-excursion
the best method of being by them
selves. The Colonel's plans were not re
vealed, but it was understood he
would spend probably tlrt or six
days here.
Wind Lifts Auto
From Street to
Lawjt Wednesday
- Back in ' the - middle ' west- It
wouldn't have been anything to
mention In the papers, but when
the wind, picks up an automobile
in Salem, lifts it from the streets
onto a lawn, that's news.
Such a scene was witnessed by
numerous students ' at . the Par
rish Junior, high school at 11:50
''clock Wednesday forenoon.-An
unusually heavy whirlwind lifted
a- Tord ear neatly over the urb
on the streets south of the school
bulldlnc and . wrecked the top.
Students who reported the unus
ual occurrence did not find out
the naaao of the car's owner. ;
Business Men :Show Their
; f Interest Immediately in -
-Miss Salem' Contest Here
Salem business men showed Im
mediate ' interest . Wednesday - in
the announcement of tho Elsinore
Statesman "Miss Salem" J contest,
April 11 and lzwhen Salem's
mot attractive girt will be select
ed to represent the city in an all?
state contest at Portland -when a
uii f Oregon vill be chosen
state represenUtlve at the annua)
Galveston,Texas. beauty contesC
No less than x firms imme
diately agreed to act as sponsors
for local girls, furnishing them
affair 'and other - merchants are
expected to render similar baek
with appropriate costumes for the,
lug to the contest once it becomes
better known to them. , A ; r
, Under. the local regulations,
any ' Salem girl, from It to 25
years of ago and of good moral
character, may. enter the local
intact Which Will be -held, tWO
evenlags before competent Judges
at the- Eisiaore.ineaire.
Escobar Wrecks Own Train
A slight mlsoacnUtloabroaght about the wreck of the troop rain.
above, near Escalon, Mexico. Daring tho retreat of Geneva! Joae
Escobar, revolntloaary leader, froos Torreon, orders wrere given to
blow np a' bridge to prevent the advance of federal soldiers. A rebel
troop train was ocinolished by the
" Trk t,,a.B..., "... TP TP
President n
First "Month
Record of Achievement Established by New
Chief Elxecutive During His Initial
Thirty Days in White House
Associated Press Staff Writer
f T President Hoover will reach the end of his first month
in the White House, a month in which he has applied himself
unremittingly to the problems of the government, made nu
merous important decisions and announced outstanding new
policies of administration. , ;.
Day by day he haswo?ked away .at his desk, receiving
an apparently never-enamg
procession of official callers,
consulting with his cabinet
members and attacking the
pile of presidential correspond'
ence that can not be eared for by
subordinates. Only on Sundays
has he devoted himself to leisure
and relaxation. The rest of the
time it has been work and plenty
of it.
The month has seen the pregl
dent call congress Into extraordin
ary session for the consideration
of farm relief and limited tariff
revision, announce that the ad
ministration will follow a policy
of rigid conservation of govern
ment oil and order that tax re
funds of more than $20,000 be
. (Turn to Page 2, Column J.) .
(AP) A combination of. the
three Pacific coast states with the
federal government for the pur
pose of seeking a comprehensive
plan for the conservation of sal
mon is sought in a resolution in
troduced by Senator W. R. Shar-
fkey of Martinez today.
Sharkey . Introduced a resolu
tion in the upper house that di
rects the state fish and game com
mission to confer with the states
of Oregon and Washington and
that the three states should seek
advice of .-the United States de
partment of fisheries.- : ' .' 1
.The purpose of tne tn-state con
ference -would . he the protection
and control of the salmon indus
try and state regulation of salmon
fishing by trolling la offshore wat
ers. The senate fish and game com
mittee is considering tne resolu
tion. r '
The -winner In -the event here
will have all of her expenses paid
when the state-wide contest ; is
held la Portland May 1, M and S
la ihe Portland, theatre. " Entries
from; the majority of Willamette
valley cities will be pitted against
the winner in Portland, all the
Igirls vielng for the coveted trip.
with all expenses paid, to Gal
veston. . t :Of.
' Girls who plan to enter the con
test 'should dos without delay
according to George Mltchley who
is' representing the, pageant com
mittee of Galveston in the north
west Mltchley Is in Salem per
sonally, making preliminary ar
rangemedts and will conduct the
shows both Thursday ; and - Friday
nights of next "week. 1 R. H. Mar
tin is representinjr ' the Oregon
Statesman in the ' development of
4Xhe contest la Salem. : , ,
oover s
(AP) At noon tomorrow
PARIS. April 3. (AP) The
body of the late American Ambas
sador Myron T. Herrick starts to
morrow on Its homeward journey
with honors never before accorded
a foreigner in France. .
An imposing filllitary pageant
will accompany the coffin from
the American embassy, to the
church, after services embodying
speeches by General John J. Per
shing, Count "Quinones- De Leon,
the Spanish ambassador to France,
and Premier Polncare. The troops
will be under the personal com
mand of the one-armed hero. Gen
eral Touraud, military governor
or Paris.
The pallbearers .will Include
Premier Poincarc-foreign Minister
Brland, Count Quinones De Leon,
Owen D. Toung, General Pershing
aad J. P. Morgan. The procession
will paeceed from the embassy to
the American pro-cathedral in the
following order: the family is to
lead the way, followed by the em
bassy staff. General Lasson, repre-
(Turn to Fa- JZ, Column t.)
1 PORTLAND. Ore., April 1.
(AP) A : suit brought by Erie
Anderson and Evald Anderson,
doing - business as t E. Anderson
and Son," Washington eoaeera.
against the Astoria ImproTemeat
company. W. C Logan, Astoria
Savings bank. Korthwesterm Trust
company, uoyd R. mlta- re
ceiver of the Trust company..GC A.
Hawkins and the Astoria Crushed
Rock company opened In federal
court here today. n
In the original action E. Ander
son and Son seek to foreclose a
lien. They allege they catered
into a contract with the defendant
Astoria Improvement company.
et aL on August .12T to con
struct a theatre and office band
lag la Astoria,; and too contract
was ? terminated October. It 27.
J or work: perforated 'they seek
lt.79.rt and l?St attorney
fees. - i -sk vy-v -
The Astoria Crushed Rock com
pany filed, an answer and cross
salt seeklnr $2.2U.C1 for mater
ials furnished and SSSt attorney
fees. - The Astoria Improvement
eompaay and C A. Hawklas also
tiled a cross bill with 'their answer
seeking damages ef 125,009 for
not being able to carry out their
plans for the .construction of the
DUildlag. -
'i The latter defendants allege
that they had" arraaged a loan of
SlSO.000 for construction of the
building which was changed to a
progress loan payable as the work
progressed w the building. -This
failed to materialize and the lien
filed 'against the property by the
plaintiff is claimed, to have proved
a bar to their efforts to refinance. :o
Forty Million Dollars Spent
; ori tast Side . Project,
f Ra!ph Uoyd Says 5.
HoUaday . Park pevelppmerrt
iiTsxt flaceas Soon
5 as Possible, Word
PORTLAND," Ore. ; April ..Jr.
(AP) A 2e-year-old '. dream' of
civic ; enterprise.': Involving 140,-
000.000 was revealed here today
before the city councU by Ralph
B. Lloyd, Los Angeles capitalist,
who received two prolonged ova
tions from the greatest crowd that
ever Jammed the council - cham
bers. . '
' The dream, Uoyd said, entails
the development of Portland's east
aideconstruction of a 13,000,014
hotel, widening of streets, orna
mental lightinr systems, apart
ment houses and a metropolitan
shopping district.)
'.Five mUUon dollars will be
placed in the project as rapidly as
possible, ho told councilmen, with
the idea that his dream a part of
which may bo realized within the
next five years.
The section of the city to which
Lloyd refers is known as HoUaday
The capitalist . first eame to
Portland in 1105. He left the city
and returned in 1109 residing here
several years.
Willamette Group Adjourns
to Meet Again in Eugene
Early Next Month
The annual spring meeting of
WiUamette presbytery of the Pres
byterian church was adjourned
late Wednesday afternoon to meet
In special session at Central Pres
byterian, church in Eugene May 7
to ordain one man and license an
other, and to meet in full session
at Waldport in September.
A. H. Saunders, pastor of the
Eugene church, and L. M. Ander
son of Newport, were chosen min
isterial delegates to the general
assembly in St. Paul in May. Fred
Wright of Cottage Grove and Ei
H. McDonald of Grace church, Al
bany, were elected lay delegates
to the assembly.
Work In North
Slam Described
During the afternoon session,
Dr. Hugh Taylor, missionary In
North Siam for a number of years,
addressed the presbytery, outlin-
(Turn to Page 3, Column 1.)
PORTLAND, Ore.. April 2.
(AP) Charged with selUng stock
without a permit-from the state
corporation commissioner, George
E. Adams. 25, and D. O. McEntyre.
55,. were arrested ' today on eom-rl
plaint Of J. Hodges who said
he purchased stock in the North
west Chair company, Vancouver,
Wash., on the promise , ot .being
given a 'position. V,.iV".r U
Adams, according to the corpor
ation commissioner, organised a
1100.000 corporation under Wash
ington laws and -after designating
himself . as . secretary-treasurer,
sold IS 0,000 worth of stock V to
MeEatrre. Between: 210,000 and
215.000 worth of stock was sold
la Oregon And Washington, it .is
claimed, and 25000 was collected
as tnelr coessalssloa. ' .
-Adams aad McXntyra advertis
ed -Jobs at IS a day to attract
prospective purchasers of stock,
the state contends.
Seattle Bank to
Be Acquired by
Big Corporation
CAP) Appraisal ot the Brother
hood Bank aad Trust Co. SeatUe,
win be made this week by George
Strattos. vice president at the Cal
ttalo Investment corporation pre
vious to purchase ef the bank by
the corporation, Strattoa announ
ced today.
Strattoa leaves for Seattle to
morrow to make the appraisement,
he said' today, as weU as arrange
for further expansion of his eor
poratioa in the northwest,
. -A ; .. ii, , ... i
Church Street : J
; Span is Closed
- Barricades closing - the- South
Church street t bridge across Prin
gle creek to' trAffi. were in place
Wednesday, putting into effect the
order, adopted by the city council
Monday night to close the bridge
n the ground that it was unsafe.
Albany Homing .
Loss ct War Vet r
- yiLersestin Army
r ALBAXT, Ore-, Apr. S '
BJOy Backer, 41, six feet,
six Inches tall and weighing
839 pounds, who claimed to
be the heaviest man In the
United State army dorias;
the World war, died here
tonight. Barker ' was never
equipped with a regulation
nnlform while in the service.
A specially tailored one was
ordered for him hot ho re
ceived it a month after be ins;
On Scooter
PORTLAND. Ore., April 2.-
(AP) Glenn Smith, an enthus
iastic 9-year-old disciple ot Mark
Twain, , believes that adventure,
like gold, is where you find It
- Monday night Glenn read the
last breathless escapade of Huck
Finn, borrowed a scooter and
without "Informing 'his mother,
started off " for the home ot his
uncle at Monmouth, Ore., 5 miles
away. Incidentally adventure en
route as a diversion would have
been welcomed , : ' :
Glenn arrived at Amity, Ore.,
where a man with a star halted
his trip. Mrs. Smith was notified
and the boy was placed on a stage
enroute to Portland.
Police were to meet, the adven
turer, but they apparently went
to the wrong stage terminal.
So with no one to meet him
Glenn decided to continue to quest
things out of the ordinary, mount
ed his scooter and left again.
Tonight police are looking for
Former District Attorney Or
dered to Give Details of
Aimee Probe
As Keyes, former district at
torney of Los Angeles, is to be
brought from the county Jail in
that city to Sacramento as a wit
ness in the Impeachment trial tt
Superior Judge Carlos S. Hardy
opening April 2, it was definitely
decided today with the signing of
a subpoena by Lieut. Governor H.
L. Carnahan.
Keyes Is an inmate of the coun
ty Jail pending hearing of his ap
peal from Judgment of a? one to
14 year prison sentence following
conviction of . accepting bribes
while in office.
Carnahan signed the subpoena
after vising an affidavit submitted
by Harry Sewell, member of the
assembly board of managers pros
ecuting Julge Hardy on charges
of misdemeanor in office.
Hardy Charged With
Aiding Evangelist .
Hardy knew the district attor
ney's office was Investigating the
kidnaping story told by; J-, Ai
mee Semple McPherson, evangel
ist, two years ago .that,' while
handling affairs for Mrs. McPher
son. Hardy conferred with Mrs.
Lorraine WUeman-Sielaff and that
she told him she was willing to
testify it was she and not Mrs.
McPherson who accompanied Ken
neth G. Ormlston, the evangelist's
raaio operaioFio carmei aurmg
(Turn to Fag s. Column .)
BOISE Idaho, April J (AP)
. Carefully dressed -but with hia
hale, in long braids tucked under
his coat, .Luke . Cewapoo,'
ton, Ore Indian, appeared before
the board of pardon today to ap
peal for release for his son. Jack
Cowapoo, who was sentenced more
than a year- ago on . an 'arson
charge for setting fire to his bed
in the Lewis ton Jail where he had
been Incarcerated for drunken-
He's been punished enough for
what ho did." Cowapoo said. He
displayed' petitions signed by eit-
Isene of Pendleton and Lewiston.
This is the second trip Cowapoo
has made to appear before the
hoard in behalf of his son. -
He said Jack Cowapoo had left
the reservation ' school near Pen
diet to visitrelatives in Lapwal,
Idaho. and 'while there - had got
into bad company.,., Luke waited
patiently all day to appear before
the board.. His name was the last
called on the - first day of the
hoard's sitting." No action on any
ot the eases bas been taken.
Polish Ministers
Resigns Position
WARSAW. Poland, ApriT 2.
(AP) r Evening papers today re
ported that Caslmir- Bartelwho
succeeded Marshal Joseph Pilsud-
skl as prime minister, had resign
Yoiith Seeks
for so;i mm
ed and that a new cabinet would
be formed; Official Confirmation
was lacking.'-.-'; ?u3W-:--
Arthur M. Hyde Speaks for
Government Control of "
i Crop Surpluses . .
Views Outlined Before Spe
, cial Congressional Body
- at Regular Hearing
WASHINGTON, , April 2. -r
( AP ) Enactment of legislation
similar in Intent to that proposed
y the McNary Farm bill was
recommended to . congress today
by the new secretary of agricul
ture, Arthur M. Hyde of Missouri,
who said- that such action ap
peared to be the clear mandate of
the country.
Appearing first before the agrf-
eulture committee ot the senate
and later the agriculture commit
tee of the. house, Mr. Hyde em
phatically declared in favor of a
federal farm board' with broad
powers to deal with what he de
scribed as a multitude of prob
lems standing In the way of a
complete rehabilitation of the
farming industry.
Farm Aid Held
Congress Duty
The clear duty of the forthcom
ing special session, he said, was
to pass a bill such as the one In
troduced last fall by Senator Mc
Nary of Oregon, which provided
for. a farm board authorized to
loan money from the treasury to
stabilisation corporations for the
purchase of surplus crops in order
to maintain a constant price level.
In addition, the secretary told
the committees, inland waterways
should be promoted to bring!
about lower transportation costs,
the tariff on agricultural products
should be revised so that the farm
may obtain the fullest benefits
from the protective structure, and
the government's system ot rural
credit should be improved in or
der that the maximum of assist
ance could be derived from these
facilities. " '
Throughout his testimony Mr.
(Turn to Page 2. Column 1.).
PORTLAND, Ore., April 2.
(AP) Determined opposition to
the proposed extension of the
Great Northern railroad south
from Klamath Falls, Ore., to con
nect with the Western Pacific in
northern California was voiced be
fore the chamber of commerce
board of directors today by rep
resentatives ot two rival transcon
tinental roads.
Faced, with the alternative of
choosing between what on one
hand was pictured as a boon to
Oregon and on the other hand as
a disastrous blow to Portland's
railroad payroll and Its maritime
interests, the board, after a -two
hour argument deferred fin's!
action until Wednesday.- On pe
tition of Charles A. Hart, attor
ney for . the Great Northern," the
board of directors previously aad
been asked to indorse the pro
ject..--; -- .
-t Hart,- who presented .the case
for the Great Northern,- told the
directors and Ben C. Dey and Ar
thur C Spencer, counsel, for the
Southern Pacific and Union Pa
cific, respectively, said that Port
land could not remain .neutral;
that - refusal to sponsor the pro
ject before the interstate com
merce commission' would hamper
the remainder of the state.
Dey argued that the chamber
of commerce ; had - no -business
."meddling', in " the controversy;
that, all facta would be brought
out at the Interstate commerce
Pendle-icommission hearing and that ap-
proval would be "a slap in the
face ot the Southern Pacific"1-
'- . -,,--
. Approximately 1600,000 is to
be expended during 1121 by Mar
ion county on its road building
program, W. D. Culver, road mas
ter, stated Wednesday. While wea
ther conditions are unsettled little
work "will, be done, the main pro
gram formally getting under way
about May 1, according to Quiver.
Three to four hundred men will
be engaged by the county once
the work la started. As a prelim
inary to toad ' construction the
county "court Wednesday purchas
ed three new trucks, trading in
ten old trucks unfit for further
use. Some of the trucks traded
were without engines, and none of
the machines were' in condition to
be used tor further service.
2. (AP) Accompanied by mem
tiers of his household : John D.
Rockefeller left his winter estate
here tonight by train tor his sum
mer home at Poeantlco Hills. N. T.
labor WmTeke ;
Place of Strap,
; School Head Says
' Hard labor has been snb
;stitatcd for the strap as a
means of punishment at the
state training -- school for;
boys, according to a report
filed Wednesday-with the
state board of control by W.
H. Balllie, newly elected su
perintendent of the Institu
tion. Mr. BaiUte indicated that
the innovation has proved
successful. Paroles, for 20
boys were recommended at
today's meeting of the board
by Mr. Balllle.
Girls Get
Ro om Fo r
For the first time, Salem Girl
Reserves have a club room all
their own. The old dining room
at the T. W. C A. has been re
novated and is being fitted up for
a room to be used by all the Girl
Reserve groups of the city. The
floor has been painted, walls and
celling kalsomined, woodwork re
painted and new curtains hung.
4 While the girls are bringing
table covers, pictures and other
Items to make the ropm comfort
able and cheery, similar things
which anyone may care. to donate
will be appreciated. Girls' books,
especially would be gladly re
ceived, as it is the intention to
fill several small shelves with ap
propriate titles.
Miss Elizabeth Baker Is advisor
to the Girl Reserve clubs. Their
new club room has been made
possible by finances supplied by
the Y. W. C A.
Non-Stop Airplane Hop Over
Pacific Ocean Planned
for Near Future
TACOMA, Wash., April 2.
(AP) A non-stop trans-Pacific
flight from Tacoma to Tokyo to
be made as soon as . wind and
weather conditions are favorable
was announced here today by Lieu
tenant Harold Bromley, Tacoma
aviator, a.nd Tacoma capitalists
who are hacking his project.
Through the Tacoma chamber of
commerce it .was announced the
financing has been completed and
purchase ot a plane negotiated.
Bromley will leave for Los An
geles Thursday or Friday to take
charge of completing the plane
and making the final arrange
ments for a preliimnary non-stop
flight from Los Angeles to Ta
coma. The plane that has been
purchased is the big Lockheed
Vega monoplane designed for
completion for Sir Hubert Wil
kins' Antarctic expedition. It is un
der construction at Burbank, Cal
ifornia. Stanford, O. S. C.
Divide Debaters
CORVALLIS. Ore., April 2.
(AP) Henry Harris of Stanford
and Grant McMillan of Oregon
State college, arguing the nega
tive In a split team extemporan
eous debate today was given an
audience .decision over Robert
Hume, ' Stanford, George Knute
son. Oregon State. The Question
was; "Resolved that the United
States'shoald-cancel France's -pre-Armlstice
Debt." ;
Name of Every
- Incidental to its present mem
bership i campaign, Capital Post
No. f, American Legion,-' has
launched a program which, the ex
ecutive committee hopes, will be
successful - In- establishing a rec
ord containing the name of every
world 'war 7 veteran in Marion
- The New Statesman is cooperat
ing by publishing the coupon be
low, which subscribers are asked
to dip out and fill in with the
names and addresses of j x-serviee
men. If enough subscribers In all
parts of thO county comply with
this request, the list will be com
plete. '
Vets Invited To
Join Local Post
Of, course the legion post ex
pects to profit; in that it will be
able to check, its membership roll
against this "list, and will then sol
T 1
In Marion County S
By A
- Help CAPITAL POST NCy f , American Legion, by writ
hing his name and address here: - - - r - r1 : '
' -""-- " ..'!"'' " "; ' .
L" and mailing this coupon to R
eos uana: ac vosanserca mng t
Officer Who Killed Woman
is Now in Flight Toward :
Chicago, Report -
'j. .'
Arrest Warrant Not Served
on Fairfield, Accused -of
Manslaughter; v :i
AURORA. III.. April 2.4-(ApV
Eugene Boyd Fairchlld. county
dry investigator whose alleged
perjured affidavit led to the raid
In which Mrs. Lillian De King was
fatally shot by a deputy sheriff,
has fled. Deputies who sought him
today to serve a warrant charging
perjury found he had vanished
and Reuben Anderson, night city
marshal at Genera, reported see
ing Fairchlld and a companion
speed each from Geneva toward
Chicago at 2 a. m. today. .
The warrant charged that Fair
child signed the search warrant e
the De King home, asserting that
he personally purchased liquor
there. At the coroner's Inquest yes
terday Into Mrs. De King's death
he admitted he had not bought
the liquor.
Disappearance Is
Faircbild's Second
Once before Fairchlld disap
peared. The day after that fatal
raid he left Aurora and was traced
to his former home at OdelL 111.
A coroner's mittimus for the ar
rest of Deputy Sheriff Roy Smith
who killed Mrs. De King, was is
sued today but service was. with
held because Smith lies helpless'
In an Elgin, Ills., hospital, suffer
ing from the leg wound inflicted
by a bullet fired by 12-year oM
Gerald De King. The manslaughter
charge kgalnst him will be pre
sented to the grand Jury probably
next week.
In addition to' the grand jury
Inquiry, another by the state ler
islature appeared a possibility to
day: Representative John F. Petit
Introduced a resolution in the
house at Springfield demanding a
special commission to investigate
the killing.
BATON ROUGE, La., April S.
(AP) A parade of witnesses
before the Louisiana house of rep
resentatives, . sitting as an im
peachment grand jury, - detailed
accounts today of alleged at
tempts by Governor Huey P. Long
to Influence legislators, politicians
and a newspaper publisher with
patronage offers and intimidation.
The house spent the whole day
In examining witnesses and
planned to continue through the
week with hearing mora than a
hundred persons, summoned to
shed light on the It charges
in the Impeachment resolutions,
ranging from murder plotting te
. Charles P. Manshlp, publisher'
of the two Baton Rogue newspap
ers, testified, that Governor Long
accosted him In the capitol lobby
and warned him that If he did net
cease the editorial attack la his
newspapers on . the oil tax ha
would "hurt him.' The governor
asked -the publisher, be. said, kf
C P. Liter, managing editor of
the Baton Bouge State Times, had
delivered his message That mes
sage. Mr. . Msnship said, later
(Turn to Page I. Column 2.)
War Vet
merican Legion Post
icit those who are not members:
but the record of all veterans wia
bo valuable even aside from this
use. . ' - . '
The post reported a membership
total paid up for 1122; of 222. a
considerable gala since tho cam
paign started early this week. A
number : of veterans - have re
sponded to the appeals broadcast
through the columns of The
Statesman and paid their dues for
this year.' ,.'--"-'-..,.
i ' A bulletin board will soon be
erected at a prominent place in
the city; containing tho honr
roll" of paid up mmebers. But The
Statesman wilt "scoop" the balse
tia bbard, for it is to be furnished
a list of the members and will be
gin publishing the names tomor
row. As new members come in,
their names will bo added to the
list. '
IL Basaett, Post Adjutant, at
tMwem, vrcgom,