8 (Sfn -Fir iThiriy-: Salem Bmpleto EMef;;Northwesi 'Comgir'ess n w DID FIGIITJOIE Watchmaker Plant P(cks Eu J r- gsris Boy to Enter Ring With Kew "Find" "c. If otto ted by insistent demands that Jack Kentworth, - southpaw mauler who floored Red Hares ev- ry time ho swuna- a glove in their aerap aero - last wecnesoay, ee matched la a mala event, Match maker Harry Plant went scout tug down to Eugene Friday night. looked over the flrhters in action there, and announced on his re- " t tarn that;, he had : eigneo; p Chuck Borden of that city to meet Kentworth here Friday night. April 6. ' Borden appeared to bo the' pick of all tho boys ' on tho Eugene jr ' card. He outpointed Jimmy Rob inson of Klamath Falls In every round and won a decision thow Ins a. world of ' aggressiveness: and Robinson Is no mean fighter himself, having fought In many sections of the northwest. '. All Want Him Now Portland and , Eugene match - makers are hot on tho trail of Kentworth, but that lad says Sa lem gave him his chance and. he's : i I M ' i going to make this dry his home. ' : ' ' ( J : ' That left mitt of Kentwbtth's certainly made an Impression on tho fans Wednesday night, to say nothing of making a lasting Im pression on Mr. Hayes, who is, rec- vtoueu vj vYvry uo acre as a tough customer. When Kentworth , V. put him down for good In the see- ond round. It was the first time in - .a couple of years that the cus tomers here had seen him counted - . - i . out. It hadn't happened since he ' was a mere novice. v Eugene Boys Billed Matchmaker Plant Hasn't an - aounced tho rest of his card but - Intimates that It will bo largely a . " Salem vs. Eugene affair, several fighters from the Lane county seat being brought here. Tho Cleghorn-Dixon bout which Plant had tentatively signed up, is still In tho distance, as Dixon's injured -hand will reQulre several weeks of rest yet before it is ready '- for. any hard usage. ISEis COLISEUM.; Los Angeles, Mar. 19. (AP) A track and field giant stalked over the cinder path and sawdust pits of this great bowl today, sounding a crushing tS to IC victory over California's mystery" team as a threat to oth er teams. . . V f-4 air That i ' . . ituri Sale, Starting 7 Mf ' : .PIC' I Your Callison's By Coa"ch (AP) E. H. Hedrtik, superlten-1 dent of Medford hlxh oehooL said today tho board "ha a number of applicants- for tho position of eoach," but that no action win bo takfa ' wvtn - Prince Calllaoa's name Is definitely on .-the dotted lino some place else." The statement of the school head referred to tho report from Eugene yesterday that Coach Cal iison of Medford had been offered the position of chief eoach of the freshman squads at the University of Oresron. Cauisoa has made no final decision and will not for at least one month, It Is understood here. , H Jenne Not Arcroached la event' CaUisoa leaves there are, it Is known, about a dosea applicants for the position. : Hedrlck's statement said: "Thexe ls no grounds for tho statement that the position'of high school athletic. eoach will be of fered to Eldon Jenne of Portland any more .than there'' ls'-for the statement, that Knnte Rockne win do empioyeo. in zairness to inese genjtlemen It should bo said that so far, neither has Become a can didato and neither has been ap proached by the .school board. ? "Bhl 'Not Yet Becetved "Personally. I . ' regard Eldon Jenne as one "Of the outstanding high school coaches of the state, and we would be .very , glad to have him on tho list for consider' ation should It develop that he cares to be considered. ' - have a number, of andl- dates for the position, and when the time comes the ; board will elect a man, but it will not be un til. Prince Caulson'a name Is def initely on - the dotted line some where else.1 A. number of local business men during the state basketball tour ney ."felt out" Jenne relative to wards his acceptance of the Med' ford position, in event Callison anits. They reported Jenne re garded the proposition favorably but said nothing definite. 4 SMI MISTS DH III Salem will be wen represented la- the - motorcycle - racing events scheduled for the Gresham half- mile track Sunday afternoon un der the auspices of the Portland chapter of the Moose lodge, If plans now being laid, materialize. Salem has two entries in the 21 cubic inch single races, and two In the 45 cubic Inch sidecar events.. Featuring the program 'will be the polo meet between the Salem and Portland teams. : Emil Jorgenson and Cody Evans win place their Harley-DaTMaons la tne-slngles. ana Glen Rice and Henry.-Jeegler will compete In the 1 sidecar races. Rice and Jaegier anve lnauns.. ' v r - mm cilia Olinier. field being 'still "too muddy for enecesstsl navigation, the Salem Senators baseball squad will work oat at Oxford park this afternoon at 1:10 o'eloek, Man. agar "Frisco' Edwards announced Saturday. He Invites all local play ers Who : hare any ambitions- to play "Oregon-Washington league ball this year, to turn Out and show their paces. -. Practice will be confined prin eipally to batting. Edwards em phasises that hehasnt picked any team as yet, and that the . local boys will be given preference, oth er things f being anywhere near equal. - - t, v., s Announcement Is made at Pen dleton that the American Legion post win conduct an outboard no. torboat reratta on the McKay dam reservoir during June. - ) Job Sought RACES T OXFORD TODAV BEiies cnusu '28CD0OS fomana ciud now Leasing MB - - mm ' m m Am"- Percentage "Column With Others An Behind . coast uunra avawsrjrat - . W LPet V It TU TmUml .4 1 .sooiVlMtae t 8 .400 Su't .., s .eooiEoUr'd s s 4oo b A, S .00 1 Seattle S e .400 goiMi wS m .eoo 1 8u r. i oe COAST SOOrZS BATUXSAT : Pnka4 9; P fnaeiaee X. OakJa S MUio 4. 8sttl U Xioe AfU T. ' Htlliii 10; CmmmiI 1 . - - - : - - '-' - ' " ; - SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. J 0. j-i TAP) The "Portland BeaTers went on another wild baseball spree today and walloped the San Francisco Seals, 9-1. The Bearers were considered of undetermined power before the season but so far they hare trounced last year's pennant Winners in four games oat or five. Curtis Davis and Lefty Gomes, two Seal youngsters, were the victims today with the Bearers piling up IS hits. Jimmy Cronln, shortstop, r led the attack with three hits out of fire. - VY -? ' ' -": R H E Portland 9 IS 2 San Francisco . . , , . , . . 1 10 : 2 - - Knight and Rego; - Davla and Schmidt. :;-' ' , Oaks Hose Oat Bells " OAKLAND, Mar. 30. (AP) The ' Oaks of the Pacific coast leagne went on another home run rampage here today to defeat the San Francisco Missions, f to 4, taking the lead In the series. , Carlyle, Verges and Lombard! delivered the eirenlt clouts. Lom bard! went to the bat for Jimmy Reese In tho seventh with two on bases and hit a long drive over the center field fence to put the Oaks out In front. R HE Mission 4 IS 0 Oakland 5 8 2 McQuade, Cole and Hoffman: Demoirch and Burns. Tribeemeei WbipT Angels LOS ANGELES, Mar. SO (AP) A seven run rally la the ninth Inning featured by a home run by Manager Ernie Johnson,- gave the Seattle Indians a It to 7 victory over Los Angeles here today. Thir ty-five players were paraded on the field during; the game. The . Angels . apparently , sewed up the game la the eighth when Earl Webb rolled a homer under the left field bleachers rate to score two runners ahead of him, but the deluge of Tribe runs in the following Inning more- than evened matters. :..; u Four Seattle batters were walk ed In the last inning by Walsa and Peters. ' V- . - R -:H'- K Seattle ,. .Y.iV.V; . 12 14 1 Loe Angeles i . 1 ; 12 1 Fish, Collard and Borreanl: Weathersby, Peters and Hannah, Sandberg, Warrei Sbe&s WaUeV Sacs ' SACRAMENTO. Mar. SO (AP) Hollo ywood got on its bitting robes again today and rapped out U ease bits for ten runs while DlcltMCCabe was lettlar the Sac ramento 41nb down, with a- lone ran, the result "of a circuit smash by Monroe. The Stars drove out - -J;' To my. many patrons thati I have taken over the shop' and . equipment of. Eastman Brothers, Inc., formerly located at : 222. N. Com'L Street - y- r ," s sl''--''';"'-1 J' I will continue to handle the faU line of Eastman For-, naces and will be located at 615 N. Capitol Street - -I have oa display In my show room the new Eastman Con- vertible Fmrnace something sew and see It. , t Q 615 No. Capitol Street Tha 'iter CnSCOrf STATITIIAN. i May Bring Tournament Here in 19315 Six Fast .?:.---.::Iioca M 'Thirty of Salem's best bowlers wfll represent this city at the Northwest Bowfofr Congress "&t Vancouver,-' B (, next month, according to the entry list already sent in by Virgil Stoliker of the Winter Garden, who is one pf the di rectors of the northwest association. 'l wr All of these players are entered in five man team com petition,' doubles and singles, and their efftry. fees totaled $525. - In return, the bowlers expect to. bring" home a large slice of the prize money from the tournament. . . . 29 alts and II runs yesterday. The series still favors tho Senators by a game margain,' they having cap- tml the first three battles. The Sheiks got a homer, three trinles and two doubles. ' - Hollywood ......... 10 ; 1 Sacramento i ...... 1- -. McCabe and Bassler; , Rachac, Vinci and Serereld. mu mm u i ? f .u. rfkicklnc and handling the pig skin. 1 the principal acuvity or the f e w.- WUlameae juniversuy footbaU mea . turning M out for spring practice.- So many or tne athletes are engagea in spring sports that the turnout for foot ball Is small, but tho kickers and receivers are getting some valu able nraetlce. An especially promising canai- data in this department is Keitn Jones, tackle on the Salem high eleven .for the last several years. He Is developing into a punter of ability, getting plenty of neignt and distance even: though he has not yet mastered a spiral kick. He also kicks off capably, ana nis ability along this line will help out the Bearcats materially next faU. . .. POUDERS ARE BEtll III sra The Salem T. M. C. A. team, de feated the Roosevelt club of Port land 3 9 to 14 In a basketball game oa the Salem Y floor here Satur day anight. Morley, Phalanx cen ter, .was high point man of .the game .with 12 to his credit. The lineup: ; Tbalaax (S) v (14) Rooserelt c, Newton (8) Saterberg . (4) East (2) Caldwen - Templeton Ward (8) F LottlsfS) T Morley (12) C Rlenlka (7) G Gamble 'O GOl (2) w ; : :S Argument over the admittance of Junior high schools Into the county high school baseball lea cue. was reported to hare result ed in threata on the part of Wood bora aad Silverton high schools la the farnaco line.' Come nv ens QUIT m w - i ' . - - - f ej'(6pCOc; l;r ;;iSalexa,.Oregoii Safea,': Ore?sa. gday IIcrafc" TeamsMakeTriD oaiem aeieg-ates are also going to pull hard to. bring- the north west congress to this city In If SI. Next, year-it- Is almost- certain -to go to Seattle, but Salem has a good chance of getting It the fol lowing ytWpj: vw-v'?.-.,?.,'-r-i casei the v tournament ils brought j here. It :wlU mean ; that IMf for- mors' bowlers from all orer the. northwest states and Bri tish Columbia will soend days In Salem. The facilities at the Winter, Garden are adequate to I aanaie a tournament of this mag nitude. u i ; , ; i ! . Three CIam A Tmhu Six fire man teams from Salem will compete: at Vancouver; class A f teams include Reo Flying Clouds, O'Learyl LerionnAlrM anu tna Man's Shop. Class B teams are Army, Navy store, tho Elks uups ana ; the ; SMeni Saniury The teams hare been lined up as follows: Flying Clouds: ' S." Stelnbock, rr arr, nenry uarr, Earl New, ton and Mert Hemenway.' " M-eary-s: YlrgU , StoUker. C. Monson. Van Welder, n. nrooniaw ana vert victor. Man's Shop: Al Titus. C. lCrt. son. J. Coo, L. L. Hall and Wayne Army s Navy store: Ray-Johnson, Don Poulin. Rar Nehre-all at Ajuaon ana Marry. Steinbock. . ... . . . . - o - jcias cuds: Ed Pratt, J. Elliott, r. nears. J. . ueorre : ant rvn xoun. ; saiem sanitary Dairy: C. Mar- un, js. ustnn. Rex L-ron cinrr Nelson and E. Mailer, , Pairings la the doubles are: ? Class A S. Steinbock m.hA tr.rr Stoliker and Victor, Kantola and Monson. v Class B--ftarr nf tTm.n. Kewton and H. Steinbock. Allison and R. Johnson, Hall and Neber gall, Poulin and Kertson, Elliott buq ueorge, mtt and. Young, Spears- and Lyons, ,1 Welder and Greenlaw. Coo and 0trtn rttn. and Martin. Nelson and lffnnr to withdraw, at a meeting held in o"m oaiuraay. - ... OffJclalS O t thm mnif1MM. declined to dlaenaa ihm but said that Parrlsh Junior high of Salem had been admitted to the leagues 5'MLVAnrel hfk t.t also was a new entrr. Th whif. ula will be .xerliAd . ri . t.i. eeek. ft was. announced. ; 5 ? ' yV;;- ,1 . -- . 3 "i 'i m v::,' " ';. -' v : v.1--3 U ' ' " i -r?"5 .c ' ,, J '. iJ p- - kVw .a" cj-t&i srg'lM i''t ' ' f -Ts-t t?y -. T . 3 lTASS tPlfi ?riW& Birricei ' i - j r t"?9. frpm the drive: to a tent that cover AnM -tt.x , .m,, , . aevtce,ffra$9 opraers, rugs and ckaurs. - 1 ; ; Uxth 31. 1S23 STILL 10 ICE Good Weather Expected to . Bring ;Sa!em Team up . - Amono Leaders ' Salem trapshooters will line up today, against Helix, Wasco and Heppner in the - Oregonlan tele graphic shoot, and they will also try once more to shoot off the tie with Rosebarg which has been hanging fire for two.week. .-The local club's present stand-, tng Is ten matches won, four lost and one tied. With anything like good weather, Salem, Is expected Faith in " i : Fhith in his Ability Faith in his Guarantee. I7VA1TH Is a wonderful thing, a very necessary and comforting part of 1 existence. I never knew a man or woman who had "faith" who was bad, nor one who lacked "faith" who was very good. , ' THERE'S something intuitive about faith you seem to "know" things are so and people are true, even though all the world says' otherwise. You see faith in the eyes of -your dog faitti in the smile of a child faith in the trust 'of a womanand faith in the hand-cEkp of your friends. BETTER a man lose all than loss his faith in himself and his friends. The measure of success I have made in my profession ! owe to faith. ;r I had faith in myself, in my ability to serve the public well, and faith that my HON ESTY OF PURPOSE, at LOWER PRICES would not confuse this office with the nameless irresponsible concerns who use cheap "prices, merely as a "bait" or "lure." . . . - - . ;r; ---r vl; ..'-'.-" . , People who must count the cost of dental work in these days of high Drices should look for RESPONSIBILITY FIRST and price afterward.1 If my very low fees were the only Inducement I offered I should not. ex pect, nor should I deserve,, the patronage of the people' who think for.them- selveS.-':.: "" "' -" - ; - . .- .. ; ' - (S. A. :5 : r PerpetuaIFund to work. It way back up anAng the leaders today. ; - : - Much Interest is being taken among the shotgun expert la the contest for places oa the team which will compete in tho finals at Portland.' The Salem dub has always been In on the finals, aad Is practically certain to get there again this year. . This team - is selected on the basis of the number of' times a member has placed In tho weekly telegraphic competition. , : u FOR SALE at SACRIFICE: 'A-i throughout.' Shadt trees, near school and bus line.' Mast 'be sold by owner, SUSS Center fit, .'. . ; ;' Elove TToib his Honesty of Purpose u EILHDEinEIIDSE. DEtJTIST Corner State and Commercial Streets l:z2ij Salem,-Oregon - v iorUamtenan6e f. Thoso who, tl with tho ones whoso names are seat in, get equal recognition.,. s - r- ; " N Present standings ta thle eon test are: - . ;Cuyler Van Patten, plaeed four times; R. Shelton and Tom Wol gamott, placed three times; Clar ence Bowhe, Bill Ball; Hal DeSart,' Romeo ? Gouley, Bert McKay, George Palmer and Vlesko, placed twice; Carl Rahlburg and Harrj Imlah, plsced once.- a y y-'.-'.y;.- ' This .modern e y home at a . sacrifice, R semi-English type. our very , 1 1 . i . 1 4 " ... Moderately Priced Reasonable Terms May, 11 Phohe2205 A'::i! 5thi IIS First Natl Bant: Bldg.. At - Yen-. Szttlzo Call 224G'cr. 720 . J i iv 1 , - - - - - ' - - . . . . ; -- - - - - .. . . - - - " ' : 1