- v.? Bridge Benefit Fraternal ; i Temple Aanouncemen t haseen wade that a"; croup fot girls from1 the Sacred Heart ? academy pre eentmBlaX: number dorln.tbe bridge hoars, from two to- lour Monday atternoott" wh: the't diesl of SU Vincent de ?anl -wUl be hostesses for C5 thl bridge beneOt Mrs. Sheldcn Sackett win sing rThe Xady "Who is Sprits". MathCWB, and "I Tried to Do Mj Work Todays; Dent Mowry. She willf be acompanied Ly Mlse Bed ford; i? a '$"ft; ''.4 ?Ht-k-:?t I-; "-v'WrsFtedeirlear- tamport and Mrs,? Ruben Boise added their name to the preTlously' pnbll?hed lisf of.thbse taklns tables for the afternoon bridgey" t v A; tea hou r 'f ronv "tonr ,, to fire wilt' be anotber - fetlare ot what protniaes .toVbe aTerr suceessfnl bridge heneltr;.Th9 tyooDger W crodwU-b Tepreeented by those' vs1" Jhts " ho,UT. They are: Marie Pillttte, Margar d Tbonnson., -"Alice rziellnski. Margark-Albartch.; CJara Albrich.j josephlno Barr, ansa orinn, Gladys Rntherford Honor Reidy; u.mnt DaTidsoB.- Agnes Moia- sb. Elsl Wood. Hatel 'Deertter, and MlBa.KJtttdlllo. . V Tr!xM-wil be awarded at! the -Mn.ion of the afternooa a -i fraternal Temple. 4 T Center. treet, will be a bower ot lorely spring flowers and creeB suit -will lend Jntt; the: right note to the happy afternooB that bas been planned by -njeBa.Der m tbe commUtee or wwen jh.. . Franklin TiptoB Is ehalman.; lason Lee Churct jPresent "Eastertide ' Piano i prelnde Meditation; sm Barker.- '' "'-" Hymn, andience standings InTO- c ation. -, WMsperinr Hope. Tiollna, Misses Blakeslee. . '-' . . Vmt - TlHS PaSSKMi ri.o t & Green i Hill i- Far Away.V chorns. w "When the Morning was Come, MissiPrenaL . " , "And Pilote Ask Them," Mr. Mnmford. . " "We Fonnd This Mas Penrert- Iek the Nation," choms. "Then Pilate Called Jesus," Mr. Mumford. ' ' - ... "And They Were Instant with Loud Voices chorus, v -"When PUAte. Saw. Mr. Mum -His Blood be Tjpon-Ua," chorus. -The March to Calrary," pUno, Mi Barker. -. "Now from the Sixth Hour, Mr. Mumford. -v ; "O Perfect Life of Lore, chor aieby chorus. - InteriBlsston Hymn, announce ments, remarks. Offertory: "Trau merei," Miss Barker. " ' Part- IL Easter . - r "As It Began toJDawn.f Mis PresnalL- i l' "-' "And Behold " there Came Great Earthquake." chorus. "They i Hare Taken Away My Lord." , Mrs. Hagerman. v . -Come Unto Me." Mr. Gilbert. ''My Faith Looks Up to Thee, "The Morning-Purples All the Par." Bernic' Rickman. :. Interrafssionv5" y 'V-''i " - ' "The End of .a ; Perfect. Day M hses'-Blakeslee; ' ZZTJftZ? "Now Is Com SlTatio.,,cho:- ns. BenedicOoo and piano postiude. "Hail. Thous Once pespised-Je-us.r -Crown Hint withMany rrownsV. -'. -"" ': The personnel of the rfolr riudes Mrs. SheldonT Sackett. di rector, and Miss Catherine Barker, pianist; sopranos: MrfcXE.HaR erraan. Bemice Rkkmap, Mrs. W L. Lewis,' Mrs. Mary Cunston. Miss Florence . Gunston.-Mrs. .Henry Schmidt and MIes OlireOppen; a ltos, Mrs.? J- W. Clark, 3IIss Bet-4 i y Kempie: Mrs. Robert Forkner; Miss Carolyn Hodshire. Miss Beu lah G. PresnkU, and Miss Barbara Harhatn ; tenors. Henry Schmidt. Rollin Staynor,.W. H. GUbert, Ro bert Forkner, W. H. Ney and F. P. Phlpps; basses Harold. Mumford. 11. R. McWhorter, Roy Currier. f Ray Gamble and Dr. H. J. Smith;, a nd assistants : the M isser WUla-i-iette.- Bernice f and- Henriette Blakeslee. i : ,"- - ,; h . . . y, : - . . Mr. and Mrs." Jl E. Coulson. nee FraiJer celebrated their , Golden wedding at their home at Scotts Mini March ; 27.; The bright - warmth.of "the day made It a most Joyous occasion. A - large bundle of greetings front aU parts of the United States expressed to them, as did many tokens, warm friend ships. Their children, all of whom were at " home for., the day. are Mrs." Ethel: A. Cox of SoU Mills. D. D. Coulson of - New berg.-" E. Worth Coulson'of Scotta Mills and Mrsi; L. -Earl-. Deane rof -KribI, French Cameron, v West .Africa. The- cheers i of grandchlldreB who ' reside in Oregon mingled with -. those r grandchildren bo"1',"1, equatorial Africa and.al the cold en dinner those aeeustomed to lee cream were ho better able to aualj i:y than were those from the land where Ice cream is unknowji. .: The reception . was ; ;. held ; two evenings later at whih time a host ot friends and relatlres ga- thcred at ithe Coulsoa home to wish them boa reyage foranother fifty years of happiness An ap propriate, and entertalnlnr - pro gram ot musical and literary num tera was giTen.;- Soon after their marriage at Ba lem. Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Coulson remored. to western Kansas. Early after the opening of the Oregon Friends colony in Marion count they came to this state where they hare since resided and 'where they hate taken their place in church and ciTie. Hf. ; - , -' , -.:ysrr;-':ir . The Wi HiL society of the 1 First Methodist church will meet - on Wednesday afternoon tn the - church parlors for a tea meeting. At Mrs. O. H, Alden will preside at the business session. -Mrs. A. S. Rlsey will hare the derotions and the lesson wilt be presented by Mrs. : C. G. Doney and Mrs. W.' E. . Kirk. The Lenten offering-will be :- received at this meeting. - Vested choir. First Metho- dist church, - 7:3 i o'clock Easter music. ' - r ' r lsh 'dedication ; of ' the new Q Sa:em Lions ' club Easter r eg? hunt at Fairgrounds. :!- . First Presbyterian church choir in concert at S: o'clock.' . 1-' Monday - ; ' 4 B. and P.' W. club rpbosorv lRedskIn,f benefit per-l w .. day, and Tuesday . ; 4r Salem Garden club at"S o'clock-in' Chamber of Com- Vo.audItoriBBU--:C3;----'t i i Study classes, Salem Wom- an'a :, club, clubhouse, 2 :30 , o'clock; -i'r-j-r Salem Hospital'&uxiliary at at 10 o'clock lu Commercials ;club rooms. -nf.Vrti? v r-r? Tuesday &r- -n.T.: K K. girls elab after- noon with Mrs; Lewis, 580 N.' Winter. ..t.,-. : ..--fz . : Hal Jlibbard.' U. S.: W. V- .afternoon meeUng.- -..; " Uedaesdar ,--. j.t- Salem- Dakota .club meet at , :3o 6'cloclCai American Lutheran -church. j--aVj r W.rH..M.X of First MB church tea meeting in the church parlors.,. r r-i-..e .'.., f :Thtr3dy v-;r.t , RaphaterUh club with Mrs. . Ie--Uaralfc.'"-Js.J.:i,.sui Ladies Aid of W. R. C. wUl , not meet thtk, weekl-- - ' "T.'; M. C. A. program, mu- ' steal costume play directed by Miss Lena Dotson.u r v Friday f r - - West Side .Circle . Ladies . 9 Aid of Jason Lee church at 2 o'clock with ; Mrs.4 Hockett, 1 3 -N. Commercial. . . Salem Garden Club Will Discuis Bulbs Mrs. Walter Pearmine and Lu ther Chapin will discuss bulbs at the meetiag ot the Salem, Gafrden club. Monday evening at -bYlock in the chamber of commerce audi torium. Mrs. W, H. Dancy, chairman- of the committee, on rules and regulations for flower shows, will also read her report, - ' ' - a. . . .. The Standard Bearer meetings at-tne borne of Mrs. A. A. Lee at which Esther Lisle and Hazel Hys ler were assistant hostesses; prov ed Instructive" and interesting to tbe group Tueday evening. . v The program was a trip to Malaya- on the & S. Minneapolis with Muriel White as captain, Ramona Walker; GUdys Taylor. and Fern Colwell as- mates,- and Dorothy Taylor aa. chaplain. e Misslonsrv stories were told by Elva Sehon, iren wampier. Edna Newberry and Mrs. A. A. Lee. Ramona Walk er was in 'charge f the social half hour. ' i?s and A Salem Institution , v v Place your Let us finance your - . . . or monthly 142 Sonth Liberty Street ' ' ' " i i " uUMfT'4 r??' "Vonne" of Fiance Presents the. :, . '1 H. VA'7 M: ii..U'jWw-r-r" --V i fivuitj w tv r , . - ii nvi sLU3 iui 7 i TVo'-marvelbus-floral ocfors from the won : France': ' .The sweetest and most caotivatin France; ' The sweetest and most captivatine pe J petals "and imprisoned in a bottle f or the tt-J- Mail orders : promptly, fiied. V Add ' ice f for packin2 and postage '. VELOUS FACE POWDER, IN ANY SHADE. And all we ask you to do ts pay a small service charge of S8c to help pay ocr local advertising campaign, special salesladies, express, etc. ' No ether cost. vLiait cf 3 sales to a..? customer.''-..' , -a s-'-- - " i.. - Present thisoispon and csly 88e to help pay ocr local advertising expenses, salesladies express, etc aid r we will dve you Free without further cost Two Regular S2.C9 bottles of French Perf cries in Narcuse and Slack Tulip odors and also a S1.C3 box Elack Tulipworld's most exquisite face powder. All 3 a J3.CD -valae for Se thi3 offer cood crily cntil Wednesday night." , 4 1 - . Think oiF it! Twb botUes'of Perfume .f : ... . : '.' ' . s.. ." . . . . - r s : 405 State. Homes -Cominittee Sponsors Bridge 'SilverTea V fTHE American Homes commit I 1 tee of theSaleni Women's -'club' will sponsor a benefit bridge-tea April for; the v bene fit of the club bHlldiug fund and for-the W." cTt, -U.? Chlldfen's Farm; home" 'fitZ Comlllal Th committee In charge of which Mra Hrry.lla wklns , is the chairman h&n beea preTfously ."announced. -The woman's clubhouse will be the setting for this affair. Playi Wni leommence . at ! ' o'clock: and continue until four kt which 'time Sxtinique feature- will -be' Intro duced; bx'asalThlViV. b"a skit fromLSe.Tepteeii"f.wlth LoisJWllkes, Lueile-Downfng, and Elizabeth' .Waters r taking 'the parts; Following' the "progfrfni a snyer tea win oe'serrea and it is hopedr.tbat thanywho dd not' not hare thee time tovplay bridge" all afternoon will at least come tn for tejal? ?c?4-:t. At ;r, ?.1' , ? A- partial list? of the tables" t. served to date are as follows:" : ltr. A. B: Oaltowar, Vra. J. C Parrf, Mri. V. K. Kohn, Mr.-C&rti B. Cnw. MttiW. CmwU f)y,r, Hn. rraak fipnt, Mr. 'P. IX Qtoisebrrir. Mrr. 6. I JStm toa.Jtr HjwryBl. Mr. Carl XUaaana, Mrs. W. J..tniigit, Mrm. A. A. Miek.J, twa tabUt fr tka Laitara Hoar clab, Mra.- Jntapb Baraari. - Mri. T. X." Al brieh. Mm. Adam Aa1 Mrs. T. A. "Wia. a:hF.. Ura. O. A. Olaaa. Mr. Jtm Kicko'ma. Mrs. Par Inria, 'Mr. TAnu-r Liatc Mrm. U. J. Will.!, Mt. Tdtar Ik Span Mias. - MivHtrrT Waidaxr a4 '. - t a .. , ..."7 -- t--- 4nd:Thirhble Club MeetMiy H ;I r. The Book and Thimble club met at the home of Mrs; L. F. Brown recently. 'A short business session was followed by a program furn ished by Mrs. Beaver. The hos tess -was tasisted In 5 serving by Mrs.lpmte TrotL 1 IslljpHli present 'werevv- iflss Florence St. Pierre. Mrs. Digman," Mrs. Stratton, sister of - Mrs. Brown. --'V- . :-. --u '. Members' present were- Mrs Charles Adams, Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mrs. Charles Schwartz. Mrs. Fred Kubln, Mrs. Ray . Laoey, , Mrs. George Trott. Mrs. E. A. Sommers, Mrs. Ross Damreil, Mrs. George Vah Sanfen, Mrs. A. 3. Krueger, and Mrs.- U JV" Brown. . The next meeting will be with Mrs. Beaver, April ii;i:-,."?s' ::'"':-.- K ' . ; ,';' . ;.-:;:-, a a :,r I -f ' , ? Those de3ir Jng r tickets for "Redskin, the "play being . spon sored by .the Salem Business and Professional Women jit the Elsi- nore theatre Monday,; and, Tues day may buy. them any time Mon day, or Tuesday, at the .drug store of either Carson and Carson or tho Red Cross Pharmacy.-.. Loan Asscckfcn orgaafzad in 1910 . ' savings witri us home on veekly - payments , 3 DAYS ONLY 7:, WHY THIS OFFER : ; : . J; IS MADE - : ' Monsv De fVonne,w, famous'-French Perf uker,rfC wkh to introduce hia toiletries 1o, the Aneri-. 7- !.Jir virt twct--1 dsiira ta national aavenisxn?; ne u usinz wusr mftfcixl of ccttiu2 these exquisite products di- reetly t you. Do not confuse this with previous -serf csie sales. These are the renuine products as advertised. OUR CUSTOMERS MAY NOW, HAVE fXWO REGULAR J2.C3 EOTTLES OP THESE FASCINATING PERFUMES AND ALSO A $1X3 BOX OF THIS COUPON V EMWM-.;.DRU(S"STDIiflS"' Mrs. W. Dancy Announces Meeting Mrs. William Dancy, president, will call to order the April iseet inr of the Salem General hosnltal w - . a auxiliary at tbe chamber of com- merce rooms, Tuesaay at i t ciwca. ' .r.vi-.j;' ' . f ; -WThis , auxiliary -organised J by some thirty Salem women- Inter ested' In th up-bullding of the much needed InsUtntlon. of .the General hospital, la at the pre; eut-time busy Increasing the. num ber of members ov that -when the fait time comes- and definite xlan hare ' ben.;,jnatured from- the spring work there will be a suffi cient number of Salem women be longing to the organisation to in sure the successfal completion of the work; which as a ; group the auxiliary jwill takep-t ?-fK'?-- So tar th4'workhss been- that of .organization : and laying,' of plans for work to be accomplished Many -plans . are ;.nnder way bt f nothing, definite-! has -been an , . . : Miss Lena "Dotson will present a musical costdme play at the Y. M. C. A. for the. regular Friday night program - this coming FrK day nighty- ii?Xj at 83 . The baiia of treatlng sickness has not changed since Dr. Cald well left Medical College In 176, nor since he placed on the market the laxative - description ha had used in his practice, " known to druggists and v the ' publie since 1892.' as ' Dr. Caldwell' - Syrup Pepsin.;. '5-' '"'-t'4' Then, the treatment of consti pation. . biliousness, headaches, Mortal iAnrefialo&.7 Indigestion, sdatfstomafchiaiffl&Jther lndispohi sKt4ns that resuld from constipsHl tion was 1- entirely -ny means , o simple .vegeUble laxatives, herbs and roots. V- These are still the basis of Dr.t Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin, which is a combination of senna and " other mUd ; laxative herbs, with pepsin. V , ;, w Dr. Caldwell did not approve of drastic physics and purges. He did not -believe ; they, were good for human beings 16 put Into their systenu ilf grown people want to use them no one an deny them the -privilege; but they should nev er be given, to children. . ? The ainipler the remedy for con stipation, tha safer tor the child and tor yon,: and . the better for the general health of all. , And as yon can get results la a mild and safe way. "bynsIng.Dr.rCaldwell's Syrup Pepsin, why ; taka 'chances s Caldwell Nelson & Hunt Drug Store '"--a- Corner Court and liberty derful flower; gardens of Sunny JSputhem : it. perfume ever "extracted v from , flower I use of perfume connoisseurs c f i?r thousand fi i - i : 1 - . ..1 . i - 4 DU V02JNE" A MAR IS WORTH S4.02 ; ; and Face Powder $5.00 Value for 98c" - . : "..". . 7r.- - .., -l" , ' " " I :. . ." . r "- : - . ' . w - 1 : -- a Affair. r The women, ot the auxiliary to the American Legion, are making final plans for the elaborate bene fit bridge -which ! . being planned tor April SV at the Elk'a Temple. Flaytni VUt begin at two o'clock ad eonUnue to theiiea.honr. at four o'elock-.Many guests are.ex pected ln at theltea hour who will jnot be able to come for. the afttr neon'S'bridge. t 7 'The' benefit; Is being glrn un der the -d&ect "-auspices of the ohlld-welfare. committee andtne rehabiliUUon;r The funda. deriy ed from it wiU.go toward relieving the many lualiona which. Is conr tinually coming, up tor. attenUon throng these "two committees. , : j Those Jreeeivlng; duricf -the- af ternoon will be; the . past -preei-dents of the auxiliary. Mrs. John Rottle. i Mrs. ; Allen - Cleavetand. Mrs.4 Albert Gragg.!-Mrs. Jeeso George. Mrs. i "King s Baxtlett. ,and Mrs. IT. RTlVnlter---- . Mrs.6.cP. Hoff, house chaper- . , ) 7 V.! : ';.J H AT AOS a with strong drugs? All drug stores have the generous bottles. Many Is the family today 'that makes It a rule always to have a bottle ot this perfect preparation In the house. Keep It handy and observe these three simple rules ot health; keep the head cool.' the feet warm,' and. the bowels open. -Why not try Dry Caldwell's gyrr up ' PepsIn--today I . ? " . ; -. --, . . m American Legion : Women Plan Big- RaimidI for r.- Peos SoM.by : Telephone 7 - BLACK TULIP o 4 . ... 1 .... . i . . ' r 7- Monday Tuesday and Wednesday,' April . 1 ,: 2; .3 -iDtRECT: t: xj r y v . - Direct X Front France ia beautiful black and white a tJf t boxes ; . - !j.H.vnittt: bm- ifr-iJJ fen- one for the Alpha Phi Alpha sor ority,, returned to Jier duties, at tho sorority after visiting In Port land during, the spring vacation and tn Dallas the early part of the On Val I r Open 8760 Hours Each Year - . - '(That means we never close) - f-7 i The Station With a f ' . Hi1 Hopari and because the : - 1 J?t,a 5rlir.tlfieidon of this . - r . .Tha 500" party to be spons ored by the ladies of the St. Vin cent de Paul parish at the juewly erected hall will have an added In- Iterest bythe addiUpn ot mu&le terest bytna aaaiuon oi mpajc presented by Mr. and, Mrs. E. - L - - j s V the new Clock Vr . -. ; ;Mos t -Me n e FLO R S H E I M SHOES Because arCTnitaH6n" liv able' quality and fine gtyUT 1 I FIT 1 ; . lltistyUs CIO m - a . 1 i. - 4 l Prultt and son Airing TW ; ba old time music and will -..bo .7 followed ; ty ; a dance. Between- i v. j.nf-inr and cards there .will ; t mtlter:. ? A. be a cnicaea V: 1 1 ir11 . TV v AILIL(D)(Q)H ll Phone- . - Mi arf 7. j t - r 3 crest qualitya1 - . r . i j - 7 - 5 - , . . ' i , v . .. l 5 ' I'' 4 "1" ; i'i ... r , . ' -. il- c - . r -t 1 " . t