The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Kew CUTS ON fTT ATIZSM A Tfr. - Salem, i Ore -gn. Sunday Hernia?. Kardt 31. 1520 ' :
PAoae tf - v OLIVE DOAK - Society Editor
Vedding tesAre
i Celebrated At
f -"Si.PauTs:. -
v -
kNE of the loveliest ? wed
dines of r the season' will
be celebrated this afternoon
Episcopal church when Right
Reverend Walter :T.i Sumner
bishop of the diocese of Ore
fron, wiH - unite Marguerite
Blumenberg daoghter of vMr,
and Mrs; William Elumenberg,
and Kenneth iDalton, son of
: Mr. and Mrs; ' George, palton,
in marriage.. -- v Ctf 1
i Theibtlde, inatgown of
- irory talis and ehanttny lace, ana
a .. lone white tall rail, worn ia
cap effect and .wMrinj a single
. ornament, cross about her neck,
will come to the alter on the arm
of her totherTWIinamrBIaBWB-
berg. while the eboir accompanied
- ty Miss Louis Pinmmer at the
rgan, wiir sin tbe bridal chorus
from "Rose Maiden." The groom
' will he accompanied by Erriest
Knafe. Little Erelyn and Doris
, Polanski will he flower girls.
Miss . ETe:r . Emery; haa been
' chosen as maid of honor and Miss
Margaret Daridson and Miss Hon
era Reidy are the bridesmaid.
Their gowns are "of rose tulle orer
rose taffeta, each a bit - lighter
hade than the other. Tiny tnllej
- reils caught the-' surer bands,
and snands of pearls, the gift of
the bride, will -complete their en
semble. They wUIvearry; shower
bouquets of fresstas,' Cecil Brun
srer roses and forget-me-nots. The
Arlde and her attendants were
tlaismafes at Saereo 'Heart 'dead
The ceremony will be perform'
d before aa altar; banked with
cala lilies, palms and ferns, aad
spring flowers. The whole interior
f the ehurch will be softly light,
ed with the mellow glow of many
Jlsfcted iTory candles.
One hundred - wedding lnrlta
tioas were Issued.. Guests are ex
.pected from ' Portland, Corrallis,
Eugene, Woodburn, Independence,
and M VAngel in addition to those
4-om Salem. - , - .
- Immediately following the cer
emony the wedding party will be
receiTed at the home of the brides
.parents. Mr. and Mrs. William
tSioomenberg where a reception
will honor the young folk before
their departure by motor tor van
courer and Victoria. B. O. where
they; will spend -sereraL weeks he
fore returning to make their home
to Salem, While in Seattle the
aewlyweds the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Hobbs.
Daring the , reception Mrs. R-
aieo Gouley will cut ices and Mrs.
William Burghardt. Jr., will pour.
Miss, Blumenberg is a. protege of
Mrs. Burghardt in the realm of
music. She presented Miss Blum
enberg in solo piano recital only
recently at hen home. . --
Assisting' during the reception
will be Miss Ruth Halrerson, Miss
Sarah Lansing, and Miss Kather
tae Gouley."- .
e .
Dinner Honors'
Bridal Attendants .
Miss Marguerite Blumenberg
who will become the bride of Ken
eth Dalton .today, gare a dinner
.honoring her mother and'her bri
dal attendants, at her home on
Korth Mill street Saturday night.
' CoTers were laid for six ai a
Cable graced; with spring flowers,
amd rose candles. Tiny Easter bas
kets containing Easter tarors were
at each place. When opened these
, ' tarors proyed to be strands of
pearls, a gift from the bride-to-be
to her ettendants.
- Gneats for the dinner were Mrs.
William. Blumenberg, Miss Ruth
. Halrerson, v. Miss Erelyn Emery,
Miss Margaret Daridson and Miss
Honors Reidy. v-. .
thfi:i -; . : e . X'-;v;: -
Mr. and Mrs; 3. M. Derers and
ehildrea attended the Henry Duf
fy players production of 'Damger'
at the Dufis theatr Friday sight.
Mrs. Crawford Neweomb and
Miss Kalherine GuanelL motored
toPortland to attend' a per fer
aaee of the -Desert Song." Tharsi
day afternoon.: , ,
t a
'Miriam Jean Becke, daughter, of Mr.
arid Mrs. Karl G. Becke. " ; '
Gloria daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
'Milton"ilyei";;-;g '
Barbara Leigh, daughter -of Mn and
Mrs. W. IU Anderson.
. sm
c. a: wm
- f.f
nriHE Girls Work Committee of
l- the city T w.-c A. naa oe
' tided to snoasor an out-of-door
pageant. "Shiaiag Goddess."
which will be presented by the
GIrNReseTre groups as 'the mala
erent of the last day of National
music week. May - 4-11. . Accord
ing, to the tentatire plans laid t
the-luncheon meeting of the com
mittee at the T. W. C. A. Saturday
afternoon the pageant will be pre.
seated In Wlllson park In connec
tion with rarious local' hands.
"Shlnlag Goddess" was chosen be
cause of Its appropriateness with
the .season' and Its exposition of
Girl Reserre ' Ideals.' Mrs. W. J.
Minklewits will direct the pageant.
Miss Grace Smith spoke before
the committee on Legislation as
It pertains to women and chil
dren." Miss Smith outllaed the
legislations regarding minor and
those for the protection of wo
men. Miss Smith tpoke particu
larly of the laws of Oregon.
Mrs. E. T. Barnes, chairman of
the committee In charge of the
summer camp at juenaman. re
ported a number of improrements
that hare already been effected at
the camp. . v;".-" '-:
Reports of the progress of the
rarious Girl Rcseire groups were
made by the group advisors,
Elolae White, Muriel White, Nel
lie Badley, Florence: Power -and
Josephine Olsea. . n' ; r ':
Mr. and MrsL Welling
Friday Evening Hosts
. Mr. and Mrs. E, O. Welling
were - hosts to a group of friends
at a Rookr: party Fridsy erening.
-The -guest group Included, Mr.
and Mrs: Paul Acton, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Lee, Mr .and Mrs.
Ralph ' Kletzing, Dr. . and:: Mrs.
Frank. Voigt. Dr Jind Sirs. George
Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott,
and I Waldo Marsters. "
Mrs. ; Welling was assisted at
the suppeTahour by Mrs; Lee and
Mra.-Ajcton.w' ; ,
Mrs.-0. P. off r house ehaper-
ne.fer the Alpha Phi Alpha sor
ority. returned iw. her . duUas at
tha uereritr after rdeitlstC isaPorg-
laad during- the sarinr. raeatloaL
and la Dallas the early part of the
'week.' r "
'A -s'.
Janice, Reed and Stuart Nelson; children of 7lr. end Mrs. C. E.Nelson
Annual Inspection
Hal HIbbard auxiliary U. S. W.
V. will hold their regular month
ly business meting Tuesday after
noon (Instead of Friday, the reg
ular day) at the armory. '
Mrs. Claude Kara, department
president. wM be present for the
annual lnsseetion. A full atten
dance of the membership is de-
I 'JtrMkA VnT 0. Kelts at
Brookrtne. Peansylrania, are the
guests of Mr. aad Mrs H. T. Lore.
?- Saltsi9 Oregon - i : '- " 5 ;
' S A, .
r r
. t i"
Statement of MarcK 27, 1929
-Banking House.
: Other Resources
Drafts In Transit
I Customers' Liability Account
Letters of Credit Liability Account '
: Bonds : ; -
rU. S. Bonds
1$3j70401.4S .
. . 307,70?.04,
2,421.67 s
3,165.00.. ,,:
. 88350.00.,
.- 677.000.00 '
1,086,784.63 1,763,784.63 ;
-.Undivided Profits
- - r - " $6,289,259.72
j. f ;600,O00X)O
' . , 100,000.00
. Customers Liability Account
"Letters of Credit Issued , r
; Deposits - ;
C,CCa,C13X3 -
. Today aU society bends its' head ia reverence)
and. parses the final solemn "Arnen" to thepast
- sis weals cf .quiet and meditation which is- set :
apart to stainp anew upon the mind of dvHlza? :
r'tion the memcry of that createt of aU social Be-
fss vfc prored by deaiesstraUoa the underrinx
- rrizdpla cf eoeiety that no man can lire txnto -.
h! ::f tlzzsT, and, that to fullest hsanaeas and
- 'CzZzzt fTtiTtimi 'comes net from what wa re
- cdva tct frcm what .we' tlTti'l'-teyvi..
5. hit is ia honor of EQxa andllli appredatTca of ,
1 tha cisplldty tad feiuwing beauty of children X
rthat tha hzrzY ftce? baby folk ffaze out at you
'today: wiih esch ; clear-eyed and unsophisticated
,Thcsa who lead the lovely celebration --.
cf - tha cuctczsa, which have been bunt around
" raster are the youthfu spirits of the land who r
are either too young or too wis to bother withe,
icaHisg cards or formal parties today; -.
Tomorrow yes, .' there! i-, pkty of the for-
. ir..T.i, uut wxxay we rest sua stow a die
St V- - - i. .
Mrs. Power is Hdstess
To Kensington Club: -
Mrs. Frank Power was kostese
to tbo Kensington dub at aa at.
tractlre tea la her homo pn 14th
street Thursday afternooa. Daffo
dils aad Easter decorations about
tba rooms vert suggsstlre of tba
Additional guests for ta after
aooa were Mrs. B. Cr Ling, Mrs.
Kennetk Power, aad Mrs. Waldo
Mills. The club roupi ineluda
Mrs. F. 8. Anuasea. Mrs. Caarles
Pratt, Mrs. Alfred gattta, lira; K.
C Kafoury, Mxa. Georxa U. Xing;
Mrs. Otto i. Wilson, Mrs. Caarlea
Bmdkiaa, Mrs. L M. Doughtoa,
Mrs. Qeorga Ortffttk, lira. Herbert
Hauser, Jfnu Henrr E. Morris,
and Mrs J. H.;Mobrr ,
Mrs. Xeah. Holt irlll present
"The Holy City" as a special pro
gram number, on tbo Warlitset
orgaa at. tbo Capitol theatre this
afternoon' and this erening. " The
number is offered in special com
memoration of tba Easter time. .
- J - "t
Mrs. Otto Paalua-was the guest
of 'her sistr8turday, Mrs. Jack
Wells,, of Independence. " -
?ks: ' ufrfcffzA- I
if i Jwt$ : .
TheSpmg - :
Silhouette -is Achieved
: m 'toe titEw, " t
The truly, smart woman realizes that the
first thini cf importance in the svtins en-
semble is its foundation. - The ARTISTIQUE
foundations unfailingly meets the needs' of
I a well-groomed appearance. '
' Creating mbh-Interest
. No definite results hare . been
announced from the try-outs for
the coming play, "The Piper" to
bo presented aarlr. ia May - by the
Salem Drama League under the
direction of lira. Otto Paulus.
t. Intense interest Is being shown
aa -judged by theiry-ont .night oa
Friday night, so much so 'that
Monday night f s toi be girenorer
to those who wisned to try-out
Friday aight and did not hare the
opportunity. Thar place for try-
out 1s 21 ConrtyStreet. It is said
that there aroysereral parts for
mala characters which offer .some
rery finer chances for some one
Interested especially ia that role.
In perhaps tea days there will bo
a' try-out for the children for the
which is to he filled by Ja-
The cast of this play win call
for aeany 100 iadlriduats and as
the setting is la 1284 A. DI. there
will end to the amount of
experiences It will offer to those
who take part.
rtoone need be a member of
the Drama league to take part for
the play Is to be a cirie under
taking rather than Just a Drams
league play, therefore all the
townspeople are urged to take aa
actire interest ia It.
' The full cast for tha play Is as
follows: - v ,
The Piper. Michael-the-Sword-
Eater, Cheat-the-Deril Strolling
riayera. . ..
- Jacobus tha Burgomeister, Kurt
the Syndic; Peter, the Cobbler,
Hans the Butcher. Alex the Smith,
Martin, the Watch, ' Peter, the Sa
eristaa. Anslem, a youngs priest.
Old Claus, a miser. Town Crier
Men Hameltn. ; , ; p , ;
" Jan; HaaseV Use, trade, Rndi
-ChlldreB, J " ' - : r 5.
v Veronika, tha wifs of Kurt; Bar
oara, daughter ot Jacobus; Wife
of Hans the Batcher, Wife of Axel
tfia Smith. Wife of Martin the
Watch, Old Ursula, Burghers,
auas, priests- and children.
Scene: Hamelia oa the Weser,
1184 A. D,
-:'. '! '
lira, r. J. Richardson of Mon
tague. California, returned to her
home Tharsdar ereninc followinr
a ahort rislt wtihAfrs. O. P. Hoff.1
Announcement Is
Banquet -
fTlHE - betrothal : announce
X ment of Gaynelle Beckett
and Frank Alfred, prominent
Willamette juniversity stu
dents at the Beta Chi formal
banquet - Saturday ' evening
was ft delightful1 surprise to
Ilias Beckett's . sorority Bisters.--
Hiss - Beckett , is the
daughter of Urs. Emma B.
Beckett of Salem. Sh was
prominent In debate at Salem
high school I and has i been
quite active in the activities
of tha sorority gad Junior glass at .
the aairersity. Mr. Alfred is
prominent la tha dramatic circles
of tha campus aad Is a member of
tha Alpha Pat Delta fraternity and
tha senior class. ' The betrothal
was made kaownl with . clerer
make-beliere theatre programs
which wert) brought In at tha close
of tha banquet program. " " . '
Scores of lighted yellow and or
chid tapers . and a . number of
bridge lamps cast aa impressira
aad beautiful lighting for the ban
quet which celebrated the orgaif
isatioa's tenth annlrersary at tbo
Marlon hotel. The places were
laid for , about seventy , alumnae
and former aad actire members of .
the sorority at a large U-shaped
table decked with centerpieces of
daffodils, yellow carnations, sweet
peas, plumosis, ageratum and adi
untum. Beta Chi ia the oldest
sorority on the Willamette campus.
Among tha alumnae present
were Miss Margaret Jane BoDine,
Miss Frances-Hodge, Mrs.- Mar
garet Wible Walker Miss Mildred
Grant, Mrs.' Phyllis Palmer Pat
ton, Mrs. OdeU Ssrage Ohling.
Mrs. Winifred St. Clair Rogers,
Mrs. Velma Baker Legge, Mrs.
Dorothy Palmer Thomas, Miss
Leila Johnson, Miss Wilms Spence,
Miss Ruth Hewitt, Miss Generiere
Thompson, Miss Lola Millard,
Miss Clara Jasper, Miss Margaret
Arnold, Mrs. Carolyn Lambrith,
Simpson,- Miss June Gaines and
Miss Virlaa Hauge. I
. Special guests at the affair were
Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, house chaper
ons, Mrs. E. C. Richards, honorary'
member, Mrs. F. A. Legge, for.
mer house chaperons and Mrs. W.
Connell Dyer, patroness.
The ttUra atembars I tk prority are
Mary LniM Aikea, Batrie Lorkasrt,
tau WTiite. Jea . Wkite, One White,
Marsant Wood, Gajraolio Boekatt, Emilr
Brawa, Katheriaa, lioretta Xlahsr,
fj Irrine. Fraaees MeQiWra. Helea Uc-
jraorsoa, t loroaco nvor, Dorotbr xoanc.
Marraa Sdwarda. Mar-.
raret UaorBler. JoaephiM Albert, Iaaor
Ueadenon. tItb Hixh. Harriett Hace-
ilea remoertoa. Koraoel J
ash, Minnie Phrode. Roi
irr Jo Tintr. Virnnk
Wieaekt, Wilna Battle, Holes Cochraa.
Biaa, Bob LancUio, lais Kail, Eliaor
Palaur, Helea Pembortoo, Korahel Pratt,,
Mildred Pach. Miaoio Bhroda. Roaalind
vaa Wink if. Mat
Par Cornntt. Beryl Hale. Praneee Smul-
mo, eioiaa White, Margaret Morehouse,
Helea PjbuM, JLoie Jeaa Baaca, Lacile ;
Sehnlta aad Derie Btoel.- .
Mrs. Velma : Baker Legga, waa
the, toastmistress f the ereulnc. "
and those who responded to toasts'
were Mrs. E. C Richards, who
-was the first house mother of
Beta Chi. Ruth Hewitt, 2S. Mar
garet ? Arnold. '29. : and Beatrice
Lockhart. During 1 tha erening
Josephine Albert sang a group of
solos. 'x--.i'j- f, vVr-; ' --"
At the close of tha erening the'
group aang a number of tha House
songs. -'f-vr
In order to enable them to char
ter a bna to tha Marlon Countr
Veterans' association, the W. R.
a; Comrades aad Sons aad their
Auxiliary require 18 passengers.
Tha association meeting wUl be
held at Woodbura Thursday, April
.H cnartered, the bus would
leare the Senator hotel at f
o'clock Thursday morning. . -
toi. Crawford, Neweomb aid
Miss Kathrlne GanneU motored U
Portland to attend a performance
of tha 'Desert Soag," Thursday
atteraooa. r '' '. '
-m m '.- . -
Urs. T. JS RlchardsoB of Hon-'
tague. Calif ornla. returned to her
-homo Thursday erening following
a ahort rislt with, Mrs. O. P. Hoff.
- V V ja e
1 mmk V0 f ' l
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; . i
Special AttcMcn Circn'to Fitting .
Howard Corcdt Shop
ICS N. Liberty SL '
ti:'."' """"" w ..- ..,. ......:, ,...,
. auae-SBiaaaeeeAaauiaiaAaa t 4u& - - - " ir.o eieawh.o-eoe a. ef twwf -
wasjaaiiiaiit,asaasaseissiS)easiasMaaii' r . .
4S7 Court