The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 31, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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Salem, Oregon. Sunday Mornin, March 31,-1929
Easter Brings MmH
Treasury Secretary Defends
-Plan That HidesBusi
ness From Public'".
Knowledge of Use of United
States funds Would be
: j Denied People I;
WASHINGTON. J, March .30.
(AP) The first .p u b 1 1 e ut
terance of i Secretary Mellon as
the HooTer cab
inet. raadet fl
ight over the
radio,, was, a
spirited defense
of the treas
ury's tax refund
policy, ' an i as
surance of trea
sury sympathy
toward ' further
t a reduction,
a n d a reitera
tion of the gov
ernment - deter
mi nation to
wipe out the na
1 '
tional debtTtK
In a speech
broadcast under I i
t h e wasning- mjxlON i
ton Evening , : - ,
Star - Mr. .Mellon outlined plans
of his department :: f a r I im
proving lai administration, debt
refunding and budget savings. The
basie principles of ; American gov
ernment financing, he said, were
the quick repayment of national
KiiraHnnn. the maintenance v of
..nonHitnrix withln income, and
the upholding ot public credit.
Refunds 25 Per Cent
r italic Tax Total - " '
"SlneelOlT'tfce bureau of fnr
arni , rr nne'i has " collected al
most 12.0OO,00M0O:and has as
Bassed more than four pillion of
back taxes. During this time it has
refunded less than one billion dol
lars or approximately two ana one
half per cent of the amount col
lected. This is a record of efficient
cy that would be hard to equal
and yet responsible publle - offi
cials, whUe not charging dishon
esty, have attempted, io uiscreu
this record because occasionally a
refund of several million of dol
lars has been made to a single w
tr tThcT---nesrleet to? state that
the taxes paid by auch individuals
or corporations often run ibio i
hndreda of millions, of f which
.mail nart is eVer re
funded." -X-TJ
Mellon Would Fay '..:
iiniwr la Secret ' "'! -"
Mr. Mellon-said that the treas
ury policy always wouia po m
Turn to Tw 9. Coimn &.)
The arUstry of Paul PetrU di
rector of mMle at o. jj.
.um nf Robert Planquette,
author of "The Chlmea of Nqr-
mandyr-were blenaeo io cre.
one of the most eipuung-wui"
opera producUona that any Salem
'ji... ... wttneased when the
, Oregon State Mardisal and glee
x clubs appeared on ine s
Grand - theatre Saturday . - night.
TTfortiinately. attendance at the
traduction was disappointing. ;
Chorus, daet and solo numbers
were sung with ?B"2
bespoke the wealth of , musical
.M.iant on the campus at
CorralUs, and : S?
actinr were a perfect exemplify
cation of what comic open
be.- - t 'Qcj.Z
Outstanding 1 members X of I the
east were Flora McCoy as Serpo
lettt, a charming little upstart;
i.v Hertford In the s difficult
-. .v..aa rni nf Hasnard: Helen
Wood as Germains. the lost mar.
'ehlonesa: Ted Roy: famous Oregon
- ainaer.. aa Jean, the fisherman,
and Ted. Gilbert as the marquis.
The building permit total for
March adranced to 1113,015 when
the last day's business was added
to the ' figure announced Satur
day morning of $107,fl5.t ;
On the last business day of the
month three permits were issued,
as foUows:::-":;:;;-f .
-W. D, Russell, dwelling 5 t
Thompson and Center streets, lr
oo- "i---': "v--
Warren Newman, dwelling X
1745 Berry street, .12000. -
William Mann, garage, at 1(85
North Cottage, llOO.y
Six Killed When :
- M1LFORD, Conn., Mar. !.--(AP)
-Six: men' lost their 1 llTes
here late today, near SUrer Beach
when, a boat they were' using to
come to New Haren after working
at the new Dominican Retreat
house on Charles island, was cap-1
S113.015 PERMITS
Fdrr Observance of, Uayh
. Range of Concerts arid Cantatas; Sun-' '
- viwrvice8putohby.Youth
ANOTHER Easter ! ' And another focal day to hark back
to those hours 1900 vears aco when ramp the birth nf
hope for mankind-with the
jesus. taiem people wiu observe this day with varied man-
ncr; some seriously; some in family reunion some in pleas -
ant ouung, weatnerpermitting- some in glee over the ac
customed Easter dress . or. similar .tokens ; and others, just
because it i "Rastpr ' T ':.J J--'"'"i-;. ' -
Undoubtedly by far the larrer
number orSalem folk will bethink
theraselres of the-real Easter-and
find Joy in attendance at some one
or more of the many entertain
ment which hare been arranged
for all by the Salem ' churches.
Eren the non-church-goer is bound
to find satisfaction in one of the
numerous concerts or cantatas' for
which i church choirs ' have been
practicing so painstakingly; or in
the children's programs arranged
io me bunaay scnool flour; or
again, in the Easter messages
bright with hope which the pas
tors will bring. ;A :
Full Program for Day,' "
On At Most Churches f -:
.WhUe nearly all ehurehes will
xeatare'some special music or pa
geant during the morning and eve
ning worship hours, sereral . will
giro full Easter programs at one
hour of the day. Including - espe
cially the Leslie Memorial. First
Methodist; Jason Lee, Knight Me
morial.' AmerJcan'Lutheran, First
Congregational, St. ,. Paul's. Re
formed church, First Christian.
-Vesper services will be held at
the Presbyterian church ' and at
the Knight Memorial. In the latter
the Knight Memorial and Calvary
Baptist , choris are cooperating.
Easter will be fittingly observed
at St. Joseph's and St. Vincent de-
Paul churches. .. ":-?;i"-:
-Sunrise services for.: the youth
of the city are being sponsored by
the various young people's church
groups and for those young youth
there is : the Easter egg hunt at
the' fairgrounds this afternoon.
All in alUJf one la Easter-mind
ed, one should find something to
special significance to occupy an
hour or two of the day. y ""r
Election of Building In
. fspector Probably; to
Wait for" Time "
Steps toward instaUatlon of the
traf fie control system on Salem's
downtown streets will be the most
Important item of- business . to
come before the city council Mon
day night, when bids on the, pro
ject will be opened and the con
tract possibly let. although" the
committee ' to which . this matter
will be referred may ask for far
ther time in which to consider the
bids. , ' ' .:. ,,
Bidders wM be local r electri
cians, as the firm -which m&nn-
factures the traf fie lights system
does not do the installation work.
A number of Salem electricians
have been preparing- figures.
Mayor Still fa East t "
. Indications Saturday were that
no action would be -taken on the
election of a building inspector to
aueeeed William Lainr. who. re
signed recently. The mayor has the
privuege of recommending for this
office, and the selection will pro
bably be deferred until his return
from the east.- r. ; "
-I. L. Jensen, holding the office
temporarilr, is one of three per
sons who have submitted applica
tions tor the office since Mr, Laing
resigned;, the others are Charles
Murphy and E.,A. Kenney. Others
who had applications on file be
fore the office was orginally filled
and who are still candidates. In-
.Tun t Paa z. Column 2.1
Delputy Sheriff
CHICAGO. ' Mar. : SO.-(AP)
The arrest of Congressman M. A.
Mlchaelson was the ' objective to
day of a deputy sept out by the
United States Marshars ornce
armed with a t warrant charging
him with violation ot the dry law.
ulf he isn't at home, camp mere
nntn he shows up. was the In
struction given the deputy. It-ap
peared as though the onicer mignt
be fcittlnjr on the, doorstep some
time because it was reported Rep.
Mlchaelson had . gone to Florida..
In was In Jacksonville tne trou
ble started, due to the keen now
of a city policeman and the leakl
nesa ot two trunks the congress
man was bringing from Havana.
Although Mr. Mlchaelson was in
dicted last October, the public
knew nothing of the affair txntil
two daya ago. .T-?-"-. -
This, explained officials in tne
southern city, was : because ' the
warrant for his arrest had . not
been Issued and It waa customary
not to make publlo aueh indict
ments for -fear o f frightening
away the persona wanted.
of Int Wide
miracle of the resurrecion of
blOnOlOnOUS Wa Iina rr0VeS
Too Much ; for Seamen
. Aboard Sujameco
MARSHFIELD, Ore., Mar. 80.
tAF) strangers in a strange
land, t their : nerves worn - bare bv
T20 hours of mohotonou waiting)
Jameco, rebelled tonight, on the
to oi . jaster, ana aaaressed a
plea to the outside world for im
mediate relief. il:'-, ,
After 30 davs of silence, under
. 1. at W a m . m . .
ofllcen and members of the crew,
who expected to spend Easter with
friends or relatives in New York
and New Jersey cities, revealed
the state of mind prevalent aboard
Turn to Page X. Column S.)
.. ;' ' x -1'' '
Valuable Prizes Available,
Too, When Lions Stage
2:30 o'clock Hunt
' Easter eggs and maybe
prize, one of 51 attractive offer
ings, provided for .the kiddles of
Salem by as many kind-hearted
merchants-all will be available
at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon a
the state' fairground Vwhen-?!
Salem Lions club stages Its sec
ond annual Easter egg hunt Jn
which . everyyoungster in Salem
from the ages of one to 12 years
is invited to Join.
Promptly at 2:30 o'clock the
mad scramble will be on. All over
the broad lawns of the fairgrounds
the eggs will be hidden and after
these the kiddies will go pell-mell.
In some of the eggs precious
ones will be tickets v and these
will contain good fortune tickets
for their finders -for when the
tickets are presented . downtown
tneir noiaers win- receive ? xne i
awards offered by the merchants.
A feature arranged for a pre -
llmlnary will be s high school I
band concert. The entrance to the AU acted as chairman at the ebm
malA gate at the fairgrounds will I mission for several years. Mr.
be used by visitors, It was ,an-1
nounced Saturday.
Just to assure the- little tadS
fair play, a special lawn will be
hunt, free .from the dangers of
longer legs and stronger arms
which might roh the little WmJgS
of their chance at a prise.
Ak Mail Flyer &i
Killed in SmasMp
(AP)-Robert McLean, air mall
flier between Brownsville, Texas,
and Mexico City, 'was killed this
morning - at Tamplco -Mexleo, - in
an airplane accident, according to
a message: received today by his
parents, : Mn and Mrs. Marshall
MeLean, of Gibson ville. The mes
sage gave no detaihuj :y .
is Ordered
Arrest Made
Mr. and Mrs. Mlchaelson were
-v -.
not been determined. The warrant
for the congressman's arrest was
issued yesterday and it-was under
stood he would appear at the fed
eral building within 14 hours to
the required $2,000 bond
ik removal nroeeedlnca to I
pending ; removal proceedings . to
Florida. ?-i. -?-,;; . .--'y
It looked today as though Mr.
Mlchaelson has passed over .these
preliminary steps and gone to
headquarters at ' Jacksonville to
settle the question aa quickly as
possible.. ; . -: -
- When the warrant was Issued,
District Attorney George ' E. O.
Johnson announced he would give
the congressman 2 4. hours to sur
render. The time was up today
and a deputy was sent after him.
Department of Justice
officials I
said they recently talked with Rep.
Mlchaelson over the telephone and
asked him to save them the em
barrassment ot forcibly taking: him
to Uys federal building..
Former Employee of State
Tuberculosis Hospital
Untrue to Trust -
Stubs on Check Book Are
r rh!inii(, etato ie
L ?; Ol,douc duue l5
Auditor's Report
A known shortage of 1 138s. 5 4
In the funds of the state tnbercu
losis hospital "due to the . book
keeping, defalcations of one R. D.
Parrish, f ormerly employed by
the institution, may reach a larg
er figure, .officials said Saturday
after an audit of the books of 'the
hospital was completed.
. Parrish was employed at the
hospital from September IS. 1928,
discharged by G. C. Bellinger, su
I . a . 1 . . . .
perinicnaem m . lasuiuiiua.
Parrish was said to - nave con
fessed to Dr. Bellinger that he was
short approximately $600 in his
accounts. , The aunu of the hospi
tal books was-requested, by a sure
ty company.
i The : report; indicated that - the
records of the hospital were Jo! a
I the shortage was discovered.
Loose Sfethods Followed '
la Bookkeeping
"The stubs of the check book
kept by Mr. Parrish appear to be
confusion confounded," read the
report. . I have found-where
checks have been Issued and not
recorded on the stubs.. . The
amounts entered on the stubs dlf
fered from the amount of the
check as cashed. Several checks
drawn on the fund designated 'Ex
tra' were hot accounted for In the
records, althosfgh these checks
were paid by the bank. . Numer
ous errors in addition and sub
traction as well as an apparent at
tempt at falsification of the fig
ures : purporting r to show the
amount of cash in the bank also
were discovered.
v Numerous entries In the ledger
to be payments or charges against
the accounts, but which were not
paid, were uncovered in the in
vestigation , ;; --4 -v--v
"In Tiew of my Investigation,
read . the report, "it Is apparent
that ' Mr. Parrish - has misappro
priated or f aued to account for
I the amount of lS8f.B4.
Memelrs of . the board of con-
uot mdieated that the curety com
pany would cause a warrant of
rrest to be issued. Parrish left
Salem within a few days after the
chortage was discovered, and has
not returned here since that time,
vt h. vnTinAi. f anA
s.tnrdar was reannolnted bv Gov.
ernor Pittomnn mmtuv t iha
.tAta - hlrhwv Mmmiini n
VanDuier-orlrlnallv was annolnt-
ed a member of the olghwar com-
mission bv ex-Governor P1Arr He
Vill serve for a term of four years.
mnk -McColloch of Baker , as
mimv, w k-, ...-
tive- session. Mr. . Hutton . Is , a
graduate of the Colorado school of
mines and has - been engaged in
mininjr activities 'in Orecon since
4he year 1S01. McCulloch is an
attorney and has made hi home
in Baker tor several years. The
state corporation commlssionet Is
the third, member of the board. ;
"'The Ills legislature authorised
an appropriation of 130,000 with
which to conduct a mining survey
of the state.- Half of this money
will be expended in eastern Ore
gon and the remainder la western
Oregon. - y-'':J-j L C if .
' ..Prospects for a higher tariff
on filberts and walnuts, something
7 "7S " i- . z Z.r' JJlT'JSt
visum ui iu oaioui uuiiwu wtu
chamber of commerce, luncheon
Monday. . : . -
Mr. Bentlev. 4 manarer of .the
North Pacific rfut Growers coop
erative since 19 2 1, was, delegated
to go .to Washington, "D. C.f- to
present te growers appeal for
an Increase before the tariff com
mission. He will tell ot the con
sideration given his plea by the
commission and discuss the pos
sibility of the Increase being grant
ed.' The present 'tariff en filberts
Is 2 H cents a pound, and on wal
nuts four WaUvijiil;
' - MEXICO CITT, Mar. 10(AP)
The United States embassy
learned today that T. L. Carnahan.
sn American mining man, who had
been the prisoner of bandits for
ten days while they sought to col
lect ransorr.. et 10,000 pesos,
wa release-i TLsrsday by feder
al troops. ,
mi tppoiiur
Rebels Are Still Promising
1 to Come to: Grips With
Federal Forces
Fight Just South of Strong
Jimenez Position js Now
Believed Probable
' Associated Press Correspondent
MEXICO : CITT, Mar, 10.
(AP) Less than four miles sep
arated the federal and -the rebel
forces at Corralitos, south of Jlm-
enex. tonisht. Tne "re net xorce
had steadily fallen back for set
era! hundred miles through the
states of Zacatecas, Coahulla and
Durango without offering serious
fight -
Their main body appeared to be
still south of Jlmenes, despite the
fact that the government an
nounced here several days ago the
rebels had retreated through. Jlm
enes, tonight. The . rebeltoce
pected here for several daya that
if the . rebels made a stand be tore
reaching Chihuahua City it would
be at Bachimba Pass, the - most
strategic point to .defend in that
territory. .
Battle South Of
Jlmenes Probable
However, with the pursuing fed
erals only six kilometers In the
rear of the rebels, it was thought
possible that here , might be a
forced fight somewhere south of
A government bulletin today
said .'that rebel cavalry, presum
ably, the 'rear guard, evacuated
the town of Rellano this morning
and ' retired to Corralitos. Cel-
lano was said to be the last strat
egic point this side, of .Bachimba,
as the country between is flat and
open giving the advantage of the
superior federal forces.
The fourth week of the revolu
tion ended today with the rebels
reported on the run but the fed
erals were still not in control of
Turn to Fas 2, Column .)
Marvin Beyers and Gertrude
Winslow Jake Honors
at Albariy Match
Salem high school students may
not be able to win laurels, this
snrinx in the state athletic associa
tion world, but students who can
compete with other high schools
of the state In other inter-school
events have . already started to
make a showing of their own
8alem high representatives Satur
day took first place In both the
district declamation and extem
poraneous speaking, contests held
at Albany;"- -..w
Marvin. Byers, speaking on the
crime wave, presented the best ex
tempore speech and Gertrude
Winslow gave the best Interpreta
tive reading. Other schools com
peting were Albany and Lebanon.
, Byers and Miss Winslow win
represent the Marion-Linn district
at the state contest to be held In
Corvallls April II, when winners
of the IS distrlcU Into which the
state has been divided will com
pete. .The contest is being spon
sored bv Delta Slcma Rho. nation
al forensic society and the National
Collegiate Players, dramatic hon
orary society. . . . .r :-ttv--
In his extemporaneous . speech
Byers . emphasised the. Jact that
free .speech was a fundamental In
American government and held
that; suppression ot 1 crime news
was bad. - He suggested in place
ot suppression, of news, 'the re
lease of it through the, police bu
reaus were plain statements, un
embellished by rtpOrterial (ouches
would be given to the public - Un
der' this poller. Dyers contended.
news would ; be printed but not
played up," a condition whleh he
held would 40 away with much ot
the sensationalism attending mod
ern newspaper methods.
Hurrah! New.
. .. . .. r
Hat Can Gome
Forth Today!
Fair weather predicted, for to
day will bring forth many a tasty
spring bonnet which has been del
icately handled the last two days
while ralnclouds vied with Old Sol
for victory.
i Now the sunshine Is predicted
by the v weatherman . and out will
coma the spring bonnets in the an
nual fashion" march Ax
' Salem's streets were thronged
with last minute- shoppers Satur
day, afternoon, men'a and wom
en's wear establishments doing a
rushing business although '.the
man of the household proved the
worse procrasttnator in the mat
ter - ot apparel purchases.
A combined meeting of the ex
ecutive board of the Calvary Bap
tist church and the Bible .school
la announced tor 7:J0 : o'clock
Monday night at the church."
Jv.K-.-.-.-:-yy.-f.-mm ::..... ;:-:.
V ' ia .
,, i a-"
' v-v - r s , x , . , V" X A
X tVV v ITS "
i' , - ! . .v V a- . : 4
r w"
General Plata rco Ellas Calles, right, former president, snapped giv-
tng orders near Torreon, Blexico,
their campaign gainst rebels.
mited by revels near Torreon in aa effort to halt Calles advance.
View shows temporary track bnilt by federal troops below ruined
' bridge on dry
William L Bevens Said to
Have Obtained Loan .by
Four Indictments and two not
true bills were returned by the
Marion county grand Jury here
Saturday after two days spent in
hearing testimony,
William E. Bevens was indicted
on a charge of obtaining 11000
from the late Clifford Brown un
der false pretenses The true bill
recites that on or about April 17,
4$26, Bevens went to Brown,' who
at that time was a hop dealer in
Salem, and borrowed $1000 from
him. He gave as security a mort
gage on 20,000 pounds of hops,
representing that he had a clear
title to the hops. Later develop
ments, according to the Indict
ment, showed that Bevens did not
have a clear title to the hops and
that Brown's mortgage was not 'a
prior Hen.
Marion Cornelius Held
Marion Cornelius was indicted
fo petty larceny. - The charge
against him asserts that he stole
a gasoline blow torch, an auto
matic alcohol torch and - several
other articles belonging to George
H.. Leabell. The date ot the al
leged crime is fixed at March 26.
Leo Leonard was indicted for
issuing a check March 22 without
having suffflcient funds to cover
it. The check waa for 111.70.
A true bill returned against O.
D. Shorb charges him with unlaw
ful possession of a still. He was
arrested February 22. ,
3fot true billa were returned
against Frank -Porkorny and
George M. Drollnger. Porkorny
had been held on a charge in
volving theft of five .cords of
wood November 1 6 from ' Mary
Kralicik. v Drollnger had been ac
cused ot larceny by embezzlement,
or, converting $56 to his own use
that he had collected for the
Acme Finance company.
(AP) A. B. Abrahams waa killed
in a fall from the eighth floor of
o down-town": hotel today.
4 nuns ft
Job of Distinct
The district attorney of Mult
nomah county rattier than the at
torney general should conduct in
vestigation -ot an alleged fake bid
submitted to the state highway
commission recently by "Michael
Brenner Attorney General -Van
Winkle announced Saturday.
This waa announced by the at
torney general after reports had
been minted in the press that the
state's legal department would be
reauested to conduct an investiga
tion.. Data regarding the bid had
not been received by Mr. . Van
It was said that the bid was ac
companied by a bond supplied by
the Great Britain sureties, im.,
by Andrew Scrogglns. Inc.. gener
al agents, with headquarters In
Portland. The address of Andrew
Scrogglns was given as the 14 th
floor of sv Portland of flee build
ing. Investigation in Portland In
dlcatedthat : Andrew. Scrogglns.
Inc.; did not exist, and no person
was found- who had ; any -knowledge
of the Great Britain Bure
ttes, Ltd. ; , ,:. :
for advance of federal troops in
Below, steel railroad bridge dyna
river bed.
State Representative Mokes
State Representative Makes
Impeachment Suit '
BATON ROUGE, La.. Mar. 20.
(AP) The spurning by the at
torney general l the services of
Charles- A. Moon, Oklahoma rep
resentative, as adviser, in the im
peachment proceedings "against
Governor Huey P. Long and the
governo'rs announcement that he
would come forth next week with
revelations that would "split op
ponents wide open" lifted today
to an even higher pitch of public
interest the forthcoming inquiry
Monday night by the house of rep
resentatives Into the executive's
official acts.
Representative Moon's appear
ance in Baton Rouge created con
sternation in the ranks ot the gov
ernor's prosecutors and brought
solace to his faithful, who seized
upon it to set up the cry of "per
secution'.' by an outsider.- Moon's
stay in Baton Rouge was not long.
He checked in the hotel and check
ed right out again. No one has
been found who will tell what he
did while here or what became of
him when he left the hotel.
In positive language, Attorney
General Percy Saint denied that
he had Invited the Oklahoman,
who aided In the impeachment ot
that state's governor, to loin him
as adviser in the Impeachment
move against Governor Long,
charged with 10 official offenses
Including murderplotting, -
Triple Funeral
Set For Today
WOODBURN. Mar. 10. (Spe
cial) A triple funeral service for
Charles R. Starter and his two
daughters, Charline and Gladys,
who were killed In the explosion
at Monitor last Thursday morning,
will be held from the Hall under
taking parlors at 2:00 o'clock
Sunday afternoon. Word was re
ceived from relatives in Oklaho
ma late Friday afternoon.''
s to
.-The fake bid was said to have
been submitted to the highway
commission in an alleged attempt
to show that the; commission was
In the habit of awarding' contracts
to Irresponsible contractors. The
bid under fire was said to . have
been so far below those of other
contractors that It aroused suspi
cion and was injected. : . y : '
' - The. highway commission has
employed handwriting, experts in
an effort to determine who sub
mittedthe bid. -t
; The attorney 'general said he
would glidly assist In the investigation,-
but that any complaint
in connection with the-bid should
be submitted . to the Multnomah
county, grand Jury.
" " ' Pop Gates Confers
;C. E. "Pop" Gates of Medford,
member ot the state highway com
mission conferred with Governor
Patterson here, Saturday in con
nection with the bid. Neither Gov
ernor Patterson - nor Mr. Gates
would make any statement at the
conclusion of the conference. ;
0U11 FJ
Says Fake Bid
Aimee's Mother Discovered
r . in Portland After Long
and Frantic Hunt ;
California Solons Cool Heeb
Waiting for, Evidence In
:. Judge Hardy's Case -
A commission granting the a--
aembly board Of managers proas
cutlng the impeachment or super- .
lor Jnrira Hardv rieht to take ft
deposition from Mrs. Minnie Ken- ,
nedy within the state of Oregon,
was Issued by Lieutenant Gover
nor H. L. Carnahan tonight. The ,
nuirert are Klreadr armed with -
a subpoena effective in Washing
ton state but Mrs. Kennedy Is un
derstood to have left Seattle tor
Portland, Oregon.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Mar. 20,
t A P ) Mrs. Minnie Kennedy,
sought by William Hornblower
and Walter Little. California as
semblymen for a much wanted de
position In the impeachment trial
of Judge Carlos Hardy, came roll
lag into Portland this afternoon
in a big. bine sedan and announced -that
she would refuse to give any
more evidence unless it helped
Judge Hardy.
Ma's Attorney
Relays Statement
Mrs. Kennedy s statement was
relayed to the press through Mrs.
V. A. C. Ahlf, Portland attorney,
who added that the mother et
Mrs. Almee Semple McPherson,
Los Angeles evangelist, did at
have to make a deposition in the
Hardy impeachment trial.
The automobile carrying Mrs.
Kennedy and her secretary, sought
by city and county police last
night and early today, arrived In
Portland from The Dalles, Ore.,
where Mrs. Kennedy said she
spent the night. She depied In
telephone conversation that saa
was in hiding.
"I hope to die before running
away," she said. "There is M
reason why I should keep out mt
the way."
Solons Have Hope '
But That's All. '
Hornblower and Little, when
informed Mrs. Kennedy was , fta '
Turn to Pare 2, Column X.) v.
BEAUMONT, Cau, Mar.; 20.
( AP) The roughest mountain
pass in American air lanes today
took its toll of four lives when' an
air transport liner bound trass
Los Angeles to El Paso, Texts,
crashed in the fog, exploded and
burned ' into an ' unrecognizable
mass with Its pilot and three men
passengers. . . , -
In a heavy fog with disabled
engine,; the Standard Air Lin
monoplane, a Fokker with one en
gine, went to its doom: In tne
heart of the pass Just three miles
north of here. The victims were:.
Delbert R. Everltt, pilot of Lea
Angeles.. : .
R. L. Blake wealthy' buslneea
man of Los Angeles. - "
George NIco. wealthy Los An-
srelea -contractor, r. -' r .
T. J. Kelly, stock broker sales-
man of Los Angeles and San An
tonio. ., . . ...
The monoplane, which left . Lea .
Angeles at t ev'clock found tne
pass blanketed with tog which
tended in cloud formation to tavc
top of the pass between Mount -Baldy
on the north and- Mount
San Jacinto oa the south both at
which are over 10,000 feet "high, ;
15 Communities-" 1 ;
Send Boys Here
: For Conference
Fifteen communities of Marion
and Polk' counties were represent
ed by the more than 100 boys wan
Indulged In vocational guidance
talks at the Yv M. a A. Saturday
and "Friday night. Many of the
visitors pronounced this Older
Boys'- conference, the sixth,; the
best, they have attended.
- Saturday several talks on the
choice of a vocation were given
for the boys. ' At noon .they were
the guests': ot business men at
lunch an! were told Of the busi
nesses and the problems they pre
sented.... : . .-. ' -;f:-..;-.:'
Recreation was the order of the
afternoon with some ot the visit
ors ' going to the airport, others
playing tennis, some baskebalL
A cafeteria dinner and business
meeting closed the 'confer enet.
$400,000 (Gems
Recovered and
Robbers Taken
TOPEKA, Kas., Mar. 20 (AP)
Captured with diamonds believed-to
be worth 2100.000 U
their possession ; and reported
stolen from a New York salesman
In San Francisco,' two men who
gave several names were ia cus
tody here tonight, preparing t
fight extradition to California ta
face charges, ot robbery, - -