y icSTTTED APYo-w , r5.tiiin. Pr use-- iO 4 TauasV flM tae per line 320 ry - i TEST Tracma r3-. .aTiS bt inuiuB -..k.imi " .TV.inc coast.."- T.... i i Wijwa ami. --- -. tha '""iiSd for xfaS. weer I APT. bouse trade forr email -.Kb KlTof property. T "y iiehaaga I T. -aniES -- eawm w hm Tm. We ca tTaa i ur t nlta !34 or FOR -...iv VairmooM HUT BJsaa lu"" Rutrt ty owner. ARTHUR KAHW - r Phone J9 " t - rTpoAlN in a Winter, street borne, lem nir" decora lea. . in j ;mm lot. '"-;"Jc?..:vi m I'"""'-- - -' - -1 I -m mm se m ' as Tin an a aajv a ; . V," i iia city Jim a ew i rrisoo oo. . . , siTSfl 5e l ACRES ana "" - 1 . s ACRES U '- -"2 fTtaoS J m la OH 1 . V. k.,iMIin a nun 1 rounty roao. w at ! n F A strictly modern 4 room house . i ki. WE write ST kind, of Insurance. Let write jmir nv 'rr"Ji J. F. Ulrich Co. , ... - p,i st. Tel. 1154 ' - -.. H l.nr -i -i 1 ' ' ' " i ixr farm and city propeni. Teraia owner at 111 a W nter. ! ACRE fruit tract, aood flro ocm T,ir-- "'r"r 111 ' FOR SALB-Beanuiui -r looking S-aienu J2ri2J. owner. 5 STMMER . BTREKT CORNER nSfVEU JUai moved from Salem and .... m to sell hie tine homo at rediiced price. larfe rooms. I FtftLESmJiE BeautlfuJ lawn 1 li'i nbb?ry shade, trees.' Price i-7. We will be pleesea to aaow i ' Urf KIIU ' mill.. MIA . ..a Rtnet - . ' Phono 172T. ,., ,ri-.-ii I I" iriiT PIT RENT? with f treolace. street TZurA with bSe$2- P month. Includinr ta4WROOaC. plastered ouse.ood lo cation. lie wiui " 5 ROOM hotw.on Pved -etreet.pay- tng paid, tor fe wim ril- w nm.na m. Realtors a at.ta ktreet v Phone 1727. .ni.M If ' " """J '"" ROOM, modem coxiaa l'"rZ . . . . t ..i Ae iwu. bllV I . tiiis On your wwo . . 1 1 1 r.XIntim a rm. modera home nortti. i raw and bet of conatrucUoo. very at-j ,.tiv m-iih extra large nvma rm r,irii a.iiio on easy icrm. 1 175 south High .street - j.ii.iijirTMV i- ..... -ii inpw i j.4-,0 FOR a 4 room pongaiow whw t rd nook : large Mrlnf roonv two oeo- rmirkitchenT baaemept. garage,' tie rt.m n '' S' I w ' ii. nn . . ..... ikiinvnlAV ( $3;;0. FOR a room, ' house and hook. xte V?," atr.-t; full concrete aaemeU fur fia.e. fireplace, garace on .largo ot. Thi ia a real bay on 5 $4008. FOR a new room English tv,w house, modern In every way, baae mint. furnace, fireplace, pavement pa il Good term. " '1 8i800. FOR a real home on South COTunerdal atw 6 large room on one .... i-n . nwkfrr and all kinds of shrubbery. Tou wffl buy thl khih tf vou want a gooa ouiub. uwu i terms WE have a few real farmer, who want to buy farm from to is acres In It or 12 nrHe of Salem; but ttiy want good land.-What havo you U offer? . , - -, tittut) PRIVATE money to loan at f irt.i tntrffanv a' DARK ir a. uank Bide. Phono ST. . moot .tou aervlca Station In i 8.im on highway fAillT equipped and making money ; will exchange for farm i - - I . n . . I nn. ..,v K'H'im Hint !"'" . rts i ROOM houae on PaTement nortn c.in itMA TMnxan. Will traoe Tt-tn ea tV.i- - ainartment house t; - i ,iii.. - , , ...t i ....i.ni BMimA lanw. - t '.i - 1 c room pww2--':t;v: Nob Hill for 3Wier.." U2.50 a taonth. .Trade equity for -ot SERVICE ataUon and ficerr tore An hlehwav : souta ; ra"" Trade eouity for amatt. .lioe any- a here. grounds, fair DunainK -- change -,a a.thlng 3 RY.KP phone 3241. 16 8. Liberty ' il M-ll-ri- ...rr. needing remodeling and l. Jil lite Biree "..,' -.ntlu f niched. $100 down and M a P-fiA ikhTchrai SO term. 'VoVR room i'liordown! !rge lot. -lrifheet 'I'LL tradt ulty olUOO, in brand new homeorca lot. . 201 North High Street Tn.njTwaawseeawe, . --.a a iMkrirri FOR SAl-SMr"fL,7 -Th hauee on -North Churchijtreet. AU atrt assessmeatpalAJ TeTma 1359. AJLMOSTTneW basement. - furnace. - "replace. J. floor, well located, " close to echooi. very easy terma-" . . 2lt4 CORNER lot cfce in : an street improvement patd for. Insuranee Money - ta toww a RICH L. REIMANN. Realtor . 211 N. High St. Tl- ?!- ULT.-LT.-LfU ' - -- HII- WHT BENTt " WHEN we can sell yon a loom plastered house with bath. In S. Salem. flSOO. 23. down. $2. per month. , i W. G. KRUBGER i Realtor 14T N. Com'l. Phon -lJ- IN REAL RKAL ESTATE BAR GAINS A CHOICE 6 a. tract $34--v ONLT S0 down adjoins city, lim its: has good R. bouee poultry house. . - . . 119 A. TIMBER $3 PR. Z7L OWNED by a widow, must acriflee. . Lomr. wn.MTi . . . On FAIRMOUNT HILL for 111. IXW.N, ; mww-; BtJTS a coxy 4 R. bangalowjar- 11151 CASH ' J. BUTS a choice lot 4 Mock of post office, paving paid. . tt. t sa..-t-M firwxM-t unities- MEAT market $1 fy with Uvlng roomtjltOft-retanrant nu amcawniawr, -w. - -HOUSES AND APTS. FOR RENT 8KB BKCHTEli un D.Anj . ill Stsfai Rtreet Room . i .i i-..ir-i i . - MUST be old 40 acres taproved iu miles from Salem. Priced at 145.-per acre. Make me an ofer. Box 427. State-man. - -- . : WANTED Real Estate W1TOA.I JUVI TIT I l ' : imvkfll WANTED HAVE man with 4t0. to 9150 0 to pay down on small acreage near i!n. Must havo electric llghta phone, R- K. D. and bo near school. See Mr. Lyiioh at 309 No, igh st- Salem. Ore. rii: juuuiowm-i'i-i ........ i . Sell HAT FARM. VACANT LOT. RE ini NOR, BUSINESS PROPERTY OR &1 ' 8 1 N KSS THROUGI I , ODERN COMMUNITT DEVELOP- nt Vw.hU?' it .",-' - Salem. 1 Ha r Umlta. f2100. a A. In EXCHANGE Heal Estate WILL nAllin new 7 nnm Irri4.k cottasr clow, in, for Portland prop, orty Phone 1175M. . .. . - -- -- ---) -LnruuvuTjui . -JSACMANUE. WE have a . sew 4 . mum 4ha4m house. price ta whuw for - 1 larger -house about same value.- Win old house if modern. 4tK -moms son with - - - , LKO N- CHILDS m..T)MltAn State Street - Phone 1757" WILL, take fa trade tnoenut tui li'irm. wu Tnrmian is wm """r. con. Property. Houses of - in court street COZT room house, aui table for t iitopib' email payinentn e--. cnanse xor acreage, hum 2493MV IXKHC WTIATS 'nSRK ft ACKEi 1U miloi from nwul town. 1k of prunea. cheniea and lo fanberrtea. ; up-to-date S ' room koaar. met 9a60ff.ee. Will take house In i oramall rear. near Salem. Bee j wu xiiau w ouieia, ACREAGE ' ' IB ACRES-ftSSe w iity -bzi m a ti a. t -ja. a acre M ctiiuvation. 1 a. oak aruba. C aIDTn"JEr,,lt - . Three room house. wrn. ine wuu price I una TRIANGLE REALTY CO. Ceart Street ' Ground Floor: ACRSSmall house tlt down Price flfee , Close tail and ecbool. BECKS ft HENDRICKS 13 Korta Hich Street - 21 ACRES to' heart of bean aectkra. with Irriiratioiu Crop contracted in ad vance. Will take altera of crop aa down payment.' u. m. battier.- til Jiaaonia temple. Salem, Ore icon. " - ONE acre all in orchard, three miles out on Portland road, small house and sarage, szev" - :. K. :t jr. nuou - 241 State -Street IRRIGATION land, cheao water. 31 acres. 6 rm. bouse, electric Itrhts. milk route, acnoot bus. wnrjr izesu. sivue, down; bai. terms. "V . all ACRBS. olewed' SS a. fine bot tom, aam i timber, t rm. ltouae, spring water, on riyer. S cow. & calves, chickens, turkeys, aU for 3It.Jl down. Writ C. E. Taj lor. SUyton. vreejoo. S A. chicken ranch near highway. bid?, and fruit. 11069. term. 11 A. form, fair bidaa all la cult. can do irncateo. i4aee. A. farm .T A. fruit. ti A. farm mar town, cood bldga. 1490, easy terms. 2 'EXTRA aood farm near Salem fop Inroraar arooertr. -- riMis income property saiem parm 11. com terms or taae farm. . htna our uat oeiore otiyter. PERRINE afARSTKRS 1 -Oray RuilainsT - FOR 8ALK 115 acre, 13 mile north of Salem on roed road, about tirt T Mnd llmrmr niniunf ntpr 11 r. i w - i n : . a per ui su. - ' . V I. WOOD -; m state Street r aaaui rAKa joAJKuaxN y. miles from small town.- 1 room house in good condi lion -electricity a. logans. race izao. , o. as. jpewiTT 1113 Kdgewater r aim Phone 1143 FOR SALE 72 acre farm located north of Salem on pared highway, all under cultivation, two acres orchard. aix room i Krone, wtin ttiumoina-. zoou barn and outbuUdlnga. pressure wat er system, electric lights hi all build ings, si&o. per acre. aeew. casn or will take suburban home. F. I WOOD 341 State Street FINE FARM 141 -ACRES, -on good road 4 mile xrom cown. tie acres unoer piow. oai ance timber aud pasture. S a. fruit 1 hi a. berries.-71 a. In fall and spring grain.1 Welt Im proved with strictly mod. ern room house, large barn, poultry houae. hog house, garage and other outbuUdlnga Price Including- full line machinery, 2 horses.-S cows, 2 brood aeMH.iutiTHj. op xa a a cs ae i,vw, m w wi sow and 3 aheep. 11S.009.M. T4 cal Will consider. Idaho or eastern Oregon- Irriirated farm In exchange. TRIANGLEREALTx COMPANT 421 Court Street Ground Floor IF TOU have the money to pur- chase the stock and eauipment on good 7 acre tarm wtucn is almost en tirely in eroo at tne present tune. long ttmo lease mar be secured for the entire farm purchased on terms as easy; mm rent- inn mm su uuinjamiiii luri . t. .. . - m -. - mnmttnmm with IHnirMl ranltal to ret a i t vri;r r rOTMlV v ' BOHRN8TEDT. Realtor 147 N. Com'l. St. . Salem, Oregon. ACREAGE BARGAIN 33 ACRES, all cleared, bearing fam llv fruit. Good black soil. room house and furniture, food barn, 4 large coops, uooa.weu. jj mile irom nign scoooL Price 1300. Off. Easy terms. SOCOLOFSKT A SON - First National Bank Building 3 A. In city, good 7 room modern house, bam and otlier bldgs. All kinds of fruit. Thi 1 a beautiful . home for someone wanting acreage close in. f 5, VALLET LAND CO. 14 North Liberty FOR RENT MASQUERADE cosramee and wig. rz ri. Btn. i-none isiij. FOR RENT Houses v FOR RENT Large house cloae .ln 150 ll rooms. - f- .,8ECKE HENDRICKS ' 189 North High Street- THREE room cottage for rent. Part ly, funusned. 99.00 per month. Phone FOB RENT furnished or untarnish ed 2. room Court-lraw. floo.-a. ureptace. built-in kitchen, garage and laundry. Immediate possession. Phone 1(43 or S RMS. bdw. floors, hot water heat. Frigidaire, Westing- large airy rma, iMHise electric range,, garage. ahade treea Near state house. - WINNIE PETTYJOHN 1 7 5 SOuth High Street FOR . RENT-rr'Furnace flrepUi 931. Garage. 4 room and glassed Sleeping porch. , . BECKK HENDRICKS 11 North High Street MODERN 3 room bungalow. Gaf. age. Reasonable, Phone 13S2M. 1755 K. Capitol. Polly a$d Her Pals SUSREkJIDERS FW&sBK FUSSlKJG belt? y A Tt lUAlV VI Sal.? JMIUKV rill. lyAJ- rrts gotta stop.' J ur?- vA7Af?N)ED him THAT a .ii- n . i a THE Ry I EE HIM HITCH HIS-TRbuS&RS, ILL . , ' - ' 1 'y' ' " Tht New CniXCN STATZSIIAW. Ca!cu Orersn. Satsrday Ilonilsr. IZtxch FPU RENT Hocses I " vninivvwinftfuuui FURNISHED houae, fl-re or at- rnnmrn wun tatw. 8 IP t. 81 at street FOR RENT Apartments . - - - . -ir---ii--u-i Tnnjxnru"i-n TUBKISUKU ud anfarnlshe 4 room r apartmeoU." Virginia Apart ments. 419 N. - Liberty. ---Tr APARTMENT for res. We'll gtve t year lease. Melvin Johnson, ! U. 8. Bank Bide Phone 7. - NEW Knjclteli cottaaa for rent dose In. Phone 117&M. AUBASBADOR APTSi room fur. I and unfur. ; one S foom fur. apart-1 ment. Radio and Tefriceratioa ; plenty J of beat and hot water. Nicely fur-1 niahed.. Garace or - free oarkina. Cool In tha warm weather. 5e N. Summer 1172. NICK. - furnished apartment, heat, i light, carafe. aS&.ffe. -Phone 143. FURNISHED anartment -24S South cottage. Pnone 106U nirniauea pt.-eee . ubwb. -.- i BUNGALOW apt partly furnished. Inquire 4T MU1 street. Phono ZI4R or 144 28.e0. ' PRESCOTT APARTMENTS. 10C4 fbk mt kmt rnitol buiUlina Furaace neat. Adulta. FURNISHED apt. and rooms, cheap in rerry. - CLOsr in 2 room furnished ant. Ground floor, ssrare. lee auiL lAUUCliUl W IVAa lAUlVe AIVW -waa awirtmenta-at the rm. one xur- l liisunu huu uiuw w.. ... i Winter, Tel. SSSU. - -. - LIVE STOCK and POULTRY CTTSTOlf hatchlna and baby ehicka Expert aerrlce. Guaranteed quality setttnc ana natcnes cwaw aaca. wn. Watch cmr Sunday display, ad. - -j. Phone 1S35"2. , - Leo Hatchery BABT CHICKS Every Tuesday mt I the Oregon Capital wtcnery. . yiae North Fifth at reel, near . Highland school Tel. .ifci. . P . FOR SALE USED CARS. ' - or A'NTTIA WT g 8TCDE TkTTPI.RX Bhaetonj 4 pa, in Tery .juu- a Jav aniaLraintee and - -- new TUklnr foh. Tne DOOX I value of this Studebaker is "175. Our I pricorecondiuonea ana gaaranteeu wi StS. x&my leraia. cm ,v - Ope evening Closed all day Eas ter Sunday. -. Loder "Bros. XAPST 'or llarioa and Polk Counties JJUMalJslJTXU"irV """ MaaaA Stop and See These Real Used Car : Buys 1925 Studebaker sedan A-l me chanical anape, new puwu, good rubber the best carta town for ." 158.00 1023 Studebaker Touring me chanically line, imisii avuu . Inside and out a bargain li5.00 Late 1927 Essex Coupe can t be told rrom a new one A Vullv Mtulnned . 550.00 1924 Dodge Touring new paint gooa tires, a car I" warn- out 200.00 Knitns vara cmod cheaDer used car i wh wa of transoortutlon in them - Make us any reasonable oner. , Bonesteele Motor-Co. TanAn.1nM T Pjus ind Truck Priced to sell. Just across the bridge on South Commercial. Phone 4Z3. . ... TjLrLnj-Lnjin.i i .. - . . 1 - KKRTES DELUXE JEWETT 2 DOOR SEDAN price laza.ev .. - , THIS 1 the model which made Jew- ett car famous C3 horsepower mp tn, hvrimill 4 wheel brake a 115" wheelbase power speed and lasting qualities never before built into a car up to the time of its production. Thi car la in very good condition and we will arlve easy terma Open evening tlosea au aay raster Sunday. " ., Loder Bros. Ait r.nn. t:t. Ralem Phone 450. Graham-Paige Sales and Service for Marion and trove counties itnnrLfLn.tTi-Mi i "i" - r - -- - SEE THE NEW OLDSMOBILB -THE FINE CAR MADE FINER USED CAR BARGAINS READ THESE OVER 1J25 OldsmobHe. daor Sedan fl.OOO 1928 Oldsmoblle Coup .. -9900 1925 Packard 4 door Seaa' 1 1927 Oldsmoblle Deluxe R48tr.00 1928 Whippet Roadster 4450 RoadSeV 1925 Buick 4 Door Sedan .- 1925 OldsmobUe Coupe Z 1925 Overland Class" Inclosure, Touring .. . 1 25 1924 Ford Delivery (Inclosed) - Jewett Sedan .. 9300 $300 375 1925 Overland 2 door Sedan Maxwell 4 door Sedan -9255 FORDS: Sedan Touring Coupe All Price. 19 Other Good Running Automobile Priced from 9a to 9ZUT CAPITOL MOTORS, inc ase North High Street WinTE TRUCK and TRAILERS Caa Oil Urease Storage and r.'. Repairing t i Com In and See the 1929 Oldsmoblle You can buy a bigger car but not a - better car. i HERE'S TOUR CHANCE FOR good transportation at a cheap price : : - . OVERLAND 4 cyl. 4 door f 1 , sedan, good running conai- ' tion almost .new . rtfbber - wire wheels, cut down to make truck. All for 9 7.00 Ford Coupe 1923 model car, needs a few things to put In. running snape, oui m raui at $ Ford Coupe 1924 Motor, good rubber license in A 1 sliape . A vmI tiv s ' . 8140.00 . THESE cars will not last long at these prices Sold a 1. irice low to attract quica sate, see mera wwv. ttract quick aale. See then today, Open Kvenlns Closed aU day Eas- tor Sunday. . Loder Bros. 445 Center St. Salem '; Phono '450. Graham-Paige Sale and Service for Marlon, and Pofk ffeuntlea i . FOR QUICK BALE- 1927 4 -cylinder COUP. Phone zisa. HEs5 vajiTH Hi$ f4ECT TIME HIM! HI. r-:jl-r . IK- ' -'tel: . . -J" - , . . -.- -' I f x-'-'' ' . " Z ." ',.1' t - - ... . "' - 4 - - , - . - :- -' - - - - ' - - - - j - . . . - ; - FOX SALE Used Cars I '. , f y'd1;: -Vick Bros" Used Cars ' 1927 Oakland Landau Sedan . A ar that? haa alaara beea tn carefnl inwuainc truaa; a:i uoenea T928 Pontiac Coach .w. - ' ' ' t(Hi new rubber: finish Itka-ttew i- chantcaj condition ; 1121 Uceasa .,.; - 1927 Pontiac Coupe : Btfhwera: -t5!i aejr. oeeralaa. ttreti motor la una eoooituxa, u cense ! 927, Pontiac Sport Sedan .FuDr eautDwd: exceptionally flae but Terr little ; real value ; 1921. license - - - - - - . - . 1 Uz7 Whfnnet n Liflch : Wall 4milniM1 nm ha.Ilnnna i flntah in everr res Dec t: 1121 license ; - f Ofa nMcmnhtl tVinrfi : ? Bumper -front and rear: all metal new; motor over-hauled; 1329 license 1 927 Chevrolet Coach . Motor over-ban led : flntshilOO . new: cent new rubber; 1929 license - - am sa afta af UVeriana.WOUPe . .... - . . .. Kew duoo natsh; new Dauooir lecnanieai roonaiuon i isze itcenae.. Uj ip Studebaker Light 6 , nun tmt svrVltrM Oriarioal finlabt I cent new rubber: 1929 license : 1926r Ford Touring Top, etirtams and upholstery A 1 ; Willi Phone Vick The House That - - - f,lf . " j j fTlCC OClitf U9CU VX1 9. TOTX WILL ' BUT ONE ' HERE. OUR CARS ARE RECONDITION ED AND refinisheivand: we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. - 1924 Ford - touring, balloon , Urea z9 l.? off traa license. ! 76.00 1927 Ford Coupe. 1921 Ford Coupe. - 1921 Ford Touring; 1923 Ford Coupe, a anap. 1922 Ford Touring. 1924 Whippet Cab Coupe. 1911 Whippet Coupe. ' ' - 1927 Whippet Coach 1928 Chevrolet Coupe. . 1927 Chevrolet Coath. 1923 Chevrolet touring. 1920 license, 950.00. v., . . 1920 Dodge touring. , 1923 Dodge touring. 1927 Bulck Coach. . 1924 Essex Coach. " 1927 Nash 4, Standard Sedan 1924 Oakland Coach. , - 1923 Studebaker 4 Pass. Coupe, '29 li cense. 150.00. 1924 W. K. 70 Sedan. -. - 1924 Chalmers Coach, new paint ever hauled, $250.00. , 1924 Ford Coupe. 1924 Dodge truck priced to sell. - 1924 Overland 4 Coach, 9400.00. 1925 Overland 4 Sedan, 9228.00. 1923 Bulck 4 Pass. Coupe, 18o.W. Used Car Center I VALLET MOTOR CO ALFRED BIL- I LINGSLET MOTOR CO. v ANDER SON MOTOR CO. Marion ft Liberty Phono 1027 Bargain Hunters Here's Your Chance 19 It-Bulck" 2 -door Sedan ' Kmr Hren llcenae A. 1 me. chftnlcally u....., ! 50.0 1928-Oauana eport iseaan e.Wir WliMlaOriainal fin ish. Like new license 150.00 1924-Jewett Std. Sedan New Tires Ummd-Urfcrln&l rlnlsh AT. - tra good. A. 1 mechanically 450.00 1927 Ford Coupe - Wlra wheels, new tires new Duco Paint . v , 295.00 1139-Eaaex Conch First series, finish like new 725.00 1927 Pontiac Deluxe coup A good one S2S.00 MANT other late Tnodela la our stock to choose from. Wo also havo several tourina cars that are not o I good, from 910.00 up. State Motors, Inc. High ft Chemeketa Eta. Plione 1000. A Ford Dealer Sells Used Cars at the- Low est Prices. Here is the Proof 127 fTimmnbila .Coune. rumble eat. new tire all around ....9551, 1927 Nash Coach worth 91500, new. Our price, trunk and all 9500, 1928 Whlrmet 4 Door Sedan al- most giving It away at .895, 1927 Oakland Coupe, like new, .9595. 1922. Buick . sedan, new rubber . aerved - ,1 . r.. . . ... .... 9275, 1953 Dodrs Rdwter 81 SI LOOK: AT THESE BEFORE TOU BUT Yalley Motor Co. 875 Center St. - Tet, 1994 McKay's for Used Cars with an O. K. that , Counts 1938 Chevrolet Landau Sedaa'. 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolst w 1928 Chevrolet Coach 19725.00 550.00 . 525.00 425.00 - 475.00 450.00 jhi tjnevroiei v.oacu 1927 Chevrolet Truck 1927 Chevrolet Coach -i 1924 Dodge Coup Douglas . McKay Chevrolet Co. . J 439 N. Commercial 1141 BnaJHERS VOlKJ'h If . . &U0& rALLU BEEj) vaJCTH THAT , vaJKEReA -E A vaJCm AkI CST I 77, T SCREEN RAnaJ? It 0 L ; V&R vsORD-J . f AM' 61TTikI tTROWKJED. rr per HOdRSi r j, 1 7 6,0 - V y - C3J '!r S rp-r- z. J m9m I , W U I II rj 11 a Jtk m'.Jmmmmmw aU I p. 4f ' . ' ':: ' ., d. ' . . FOR SALE Used Cars - - Kaade; fa like new and fully - ' aeveral extra : audi to A; 1 rue- ;. .,,.', ....- - - ' , . . . flntah and tiphelstermc A 1; See.M mohair upholsterlnri baa. run . r price ., ' t .M . like new i in fine condition ; '. . 47a.M - v trunk r new rubber; finish like" .,.. ., ., ,'.,. 425.00 fully eduloned : has S3 per - 424.00 .. - . ures;' several exxraa; max - . ,. . 10 new: motor A 1: TO oer , 274.00 . :: f; y balloon ttres; motor. In fine shape 195.00 ' Hlh l Tf4 Bros. Service BuUC - THE PRICE ' HAS bean reduced oa ' that little Overland 4 door eedan; , . Hero la a small 4 door sedan which has had exceptional care by Its former owner and is in A 1 ntaning condi tion. Come in today and try It out. Tne price is ,oiy iia,v on oi terma - 4 Opea evenings. Close all day Eaater sunoay. -. ., ; Loder Bros v 445 Center Street ' Salem Phone 450 Graham Paige . Sale and Service for Marion and Polk Counties. - - ------ - -if)- -m.1 injin.n.rLTLr DEPENDABLE USED TRUCK READS TO GO r PRICED RIOHT 25 Graham 1 Ton Screen 3S Cbev. 1 Ton overloads 28 Graham Six, 30x6 dual . -. 7 Graham 2 Ton four duals - 24 Graham Hi T A with dual. BONESTEELE MOTOR COMPANT 474 a. Commercial Street . Salem. Ortgon i Phone 423 or Evening 5SF12. BIG C STUDE DUPLEX Phaeton 7 nasa. only run 13,000 miles; in beautiful condition. It Is a crime to price this car at only 9445; but the owner wanted a smaller car so her Is your chance to get one of those exceptional burs. . "txiME in and take a ride In this comfortable and nearly new car that cost SZ3 new just a snort time ago. Terms to suit your convenience. Loder Bros. . Open evenings. Closed all day Eas ter Sunday. . 441 Center Street Salem Pnone 46. Graham-Paige Sale and Service for Marion and pout counties eewsewwwMwwwwiwwwM Spring Brings in Reap Yalues WE offer a 1928 Studebaker Dicta tor. 4 door sedan, sold for 91545.00. driven 12.000 miles, like new. Our price !i,50.uo. ALSO 1928 Nash Special Six Coupe driven 9.000 miles. Sold for 91504.00. uur price sssa.ow. - 1924 REO 4 door sedan drlved 2900 miles. Sold for 91415.00. Now greatly reaucea. 1924 Studebaker Two-door se dan -..4675 1937 Chrysler 60 Coupe ; 475. iz Kickenbacker 4 door broug ham- . i 050. 1925 Ford 3 Door Sedan . 200. 19Z4 Dodge Roadster 275. 192T Reo Dtunp Truck 3 Yd. 1800. 1928 Mack-Truck 2 hi Ton 450. 1921 Fageol 2 Ton 450. Reo Sales & Service Co. 337-847 N". High Street 4P4saka0h44 Low Prices -Finest Yalues Today - CHRTSLER "40T Sedan, excellent condition, nicely finished, good Urea attractive appearance, splendid mer. cnanaisa, lew price .,,, . ...itii, . 1927 OLDSMOBILB De Luxe Coach. ttres. In splendid eoxit!on. mechan ically, fine, finish dark trfue,-Interior mmim rt . . ' mm ....... i m n f I. Coach with new big six motor. thor-, 124 STUDEBAKER Specie! Slf oughiy recondiuoned. all new- urea ha bad the best of carev.. ... ,....464. i 191f HUPHOBIXEi "45 four door sedan, overhauled and thoroughly re conditioned, all new tires, good paint fie. - A Surprise for You WB have an almost new 1924 Nash Standard Six Landau sedan at the very tow price oi ss ....i:L ' . . ALL cars advertised her have 1929 Been and repreeent dependable mar- cnanaise ana real woruwnuo vaiaea . F. W. Pettyjohn Co. tax Vim-tn rionurierclal St TeL 124 Nash Automobllee Dealere--Federal Trucaa - m k Ttxr a-jl wv It mm mm awi ti fcJ- f. 1S29 V7 ANTED Used Cars CASH paid far Porta aTllrsr Auto. : AtrivxoiaLEs MRRRILLS Caraga- Aomarill, Ore. 1 Caa, oua, vre acceseonea. - ' i claaa- roecnaoic au arora iwuww. Located hx oUT 8peer buildlnaV Serrka wtthr a amlle. RELINK roar orakea to bold wot or dry. Sara tiU Mar. J KrrZGERALDwSHERWIN afOTORCa. I ihMT mt fltiinieiiis TO LOAN jjtt' nr- BUSIN123S property loan 4H par coat. Rea. loan monthly payment and rraiahk loaaa. lowest rates. Met. Life inaunne Col money for farm loan. HUOKJN3 ft SAN FORD. Inc, Miller' Store Building.. Phom. S318.., - . " . - m. a. m. 9 nnVl vk W III lMe I WWlV'l"W' . rrrx and TRACT LOANS Reasonable Ratee-o Dalay STAtE SAVINGS AND LOAN " . ASSOCIATION' f os-d 'First, National Bank Bids. Phono 45T Saiam. Oregoa askllaaaspafe9la crrr and farm ioa at rates. ' Beat, term CDtamaota. . wur Insuraaca department offer you oa pert advice ana service in au maa mweiNU A ROBERTS final TeL 1437 . , 205 Oregon Bide. -4a-lla4k4k4ak FEDERAL FAKM LOAN . F. I. Wood. Ml State Street. fskBapseP0BW aifjiRT and eoUataral toana. Re yabl to.weeMy.or jmthlr. tmnatt. menca. ucauuiit suimw wr PORATIOM. Fliet - NaT! - Ban. Tl 1210. e , j'L'-'um 1 ' " -ri WANTErwPrtvata money for -farm loana. Wo have several aepueauea oa hand. . Hawkins ft Roberta, lac. 81 uregon itUsT. -v' - -- - - Private Money to Loan " ,w ,w. ' .. .-. . ' sva riCWO AWn CITr REAt. Eft-1 TATE. LOW3T JOTEREST BATES, "FIRST NATIONAL BANK BlDG. vmii ikANfiv Staaor money to loan oa good, farm aooarlty. ,Ctty Loan-wc are- aoaning miowusi u-1 rmmrmi NWlHulT BBODVay OB City rww- ea ana puaines pvwnrii ! oat, - plus a comffllsato. Hawkins ( Per ft Roberta. 304 Oregon Building, laONETT LOANCt OS. AUTOS Contracts ReOaaaced -ftrraage to redueo your paymenta Too keep the oar. . -Cor. Liberty St. wl Ferry Phone 121' . - Salem. WE have private messy for real ea ts ta loaaa,- Straight and Installment loan oa dtar property. Farm loan at 4 Pios eommlsslen. ANDERSON ft RTJPBRT Real tore 149 8. High St mnjTru-ui-JTrM-,r itiii -r i W1NTEI1 "BROKERS will "consider for finan cing, stock issue ready for Immediate -aaaf-a. . . - .... ... rJKWSteSSt wuTgrv. consideration to new issue irom respon-1 .mifiy m"5 .TaViKfy --- "TiM-lr" m. v-iiu.v... -v- WANTED Male Help uui iTniTiTr."iiri''i'V"r - itnttsital onoortunity to become connected with a live-wire real estate selling concern. SEE John Werner, I 298 North High. Must have car. WANTED Female Help juuowifljwvwyvx'iivT'i i-t - . vwiT, 'innearlna woman -over 29. 1 rvl maid, room, board and salary. Inquire 208 North High. HELPWANTED laakaayeaeaWaisa w i lsr-TF-n 'rcraerlriir-ed weavera Apply at Oregon Linen Mills, Salem, uregon. MISCELLANEOUS innrinnnn rn---i- - TTiiMrrrTUi PAHKiNO for sIiIxk neatf, Gtese-Powers Fuitttr Co. XTtjOnrtreTsrif -r'l lH W - wik tvkw washlne-. yard and gar- aen worn, -xeiepnone ioi. w a rr Rn TTaed nlanoa. In ex dann m RadinaL nhonoamnha or fur - niture. H. L. Stiff Furniture Company. urkurK CW1WN ornamental shruba I fruit trees; grape vines, etc 2060 Ne- j bra ska ave. George Schrelber. i ruxfvi.ivTi-inrwi-ii"i''ir - nin t JLAlrtm m 'atal araelne. Call Vftlw-l .., - 2557M.V - ' FOR SALE Misc. lLru-LrLn.ruT.nnr".ii"i-i - m mmmm FTTRNITURB UPHOLSTSRINf ana renairinz. Gicss-Fowers Mmilun Store. ILTLnJU-LTUTITri-l- FOR 6t.t!M Bcareocer servtc call 141. iu-u--T.lt.i mm FOR SALE Cheat hay. Albert Lie- chty. Pratum. Oregon. TtnT.r. too desk. Underwood typ- i ..1. - cfll tT m' - .11 LCI till MIC. - - v . WILL sacrifice Singer electric sew- tne machine. 615 N. Church. jfrxXjKJKfyf'yt -a-.-naeae-aa- , ALMOST new. walnut finish dining table. 6 chairs, 'full leather cushion Snap. 176 Belmont- irnone asswv for sal cheap. In perfect condition. 9100. takes it. uregon r inane- jor- poratlon, 209 Masonic building. Tele - phone 2J81. s-4ssaaaais1- av-iR S4T.it: dr trade Cash reg ister and -grocery scales. Phone 1759 W. j WANTED MISC. . 1 WANTED Pasture for 2 cows, or Will trade for good freh cow. Mra M. Conley. R. 4, Box 114. Salem. -a Pimi. BARGAIN and Junk bouse 105-145 Center. TeL 399. All kinds of Junk bought sad sold) Rags, Seek Bottles, Barrels. Hides, Pelts, Wools, Fur. Tallow. Caeoara Bark. Grape Root Pitch. Wpponalat OiL afl kinds of Iron and metal evetTthuig from a tst-sdlo to a tocomotlv. c iwwwwwMMwww-aMai PORMa Ret to music Master- Craft Song Publisher-, Seattie. 44sak444As0a4 Saddle Horses Wanted WILL oar too price for sound geav tla aaddle horses weurhlnaT around a thousand pounds each. The Hunt club riding academy, Goodman's Gro cery. 3444 Fairground Rd. Phon. Sa- Un lilT .. W ."'. LOST AND FOUND IDfTT Small white, lonarhalrod Answer to "Jerry." Bits u and begs. .Reward. Call lissv. FOR SALE Wood v . . Wood - . ; Coal d Fuel Oil .ti m n torn nrleea. .We ctr toad aieaaare. MOd-auaUty, aad ood r vice.. . -Transfer & Storage . Tell 924 -' IjojogXJUf-af-! -" r m m m mm I w.t vnnn sit m. TmMmmhlm Arte, WeU ssasoned ecood growta iu-. aim Aarxvahw w w mm - - I well - sua ur ku . - j I tsmaaVw a41 eersM JrF2rT 0PliweTi "s 1543 - Fred XL WeU 244 South. UTorn scrisi GOOD - DRT WCOUoak and fir. I Phono l wooer, fiw '"V V,:J , " V V. Ti li iimA 'uJST TRACETS FUEL TARD . Phon M ULrinri.iumrir.iririii " i' i' - -- --------- FOR DRT FIB. WOOD I ft. or sawed Call - C D. -Query. '-r Phone -ij juiMOfTfirir "n f-ii ' ' " 1 "GOOD DRT wood forr.7oii-rA:A. Larmer. Tel 1898. - - . fwin rtnT.. naeond arowth 4 ft. 94.09 .. per cord. 3 cord lotv : Phone sill. w. - 1. mm ii mm m i I GOOD LVAlr-uni Ttrw PROMPT DELIVERIES ' i - v. UlUiMAM f UbUIAJ. w TELEPHONE 1464 ; - DRT 14 to. Id Ur, oecend growto flr and maple. , P it RARBAOGH 433 Hlgblaod Are Phono 190 !, , iu, L j I, i -Ir- r rn "r ir- TOR 8 ALE Wood "of aU kinds. . ia. ia atayxieui. pwaaw - i .. ruTARANTEED DRT woid coat. bwVs. aaiem fui co, 353 Trad. I !T . . . . ......... ARANTEED DRT Woid coal. vt. - as as la" 7 0 ciood oak My ieri and old fir dry - WEST BALJU r JKJU isau (Cord measure ft square deal). A Phone 1143. , i General direciokY ATTORNEY AT LAW n. w. MMONS. 3d floor. Oregon Blag. General practice, mono ss. AUCTIONEERS F.NeWoodry IS Tra Salem's leading Auctioneer and ramtture ueaier -" Residence and Store , r 1410 N. Summer St Phono 411, COL. A. L. STEVENSON auc tioneer. 34 years experience la the Willamette' valley, for datea or ar rangement see F. A. Doerfler, farm advisor. First National Bank. Salem. ?? rite. A. U Stevens Cor- - P. WiKidrv and Son ----- mr I - . TT-vr.T-vn..-oTi3 wn. svtl m,um nvi i i r-r-------- iw w. ttlte-uown- t own Phone 7 39 Tear a Experience'" . ELECTRICIANS R r Barton National Batteries Starter and generator work. 202 WWW. - It W. WELCH ELECTRICAL contractor; fixture and suppliea. Estimates rui-nisheo. . a . n - - - - a.- XyKAna 1 ft 1 49 tatJte fomilAlOBS V1441 4 aawaaw 3541-M. Salem Markets ma rratts CWaeleaal smuUrai. Apples, f. eaa I -Orecea Seie. Bee Blvar .3.40 .1.60 .1.90 160 .2.64 -1.36 -1.55 .2.25 0T Ysllew Mewtewss Fancy Romans Ckeiee Keass Wiisaaea. extra fsncy Wineaapa, choice ...... Choic Delicious Cembr Belicieat - Baasaaa, la. 1 fjal I Csliloraia. crate Dreaeaary. 10-es. pkgs- ttalk Osiiew-. . Cess's Pitted, ease a.-mafrmlt- Alia, easa . Florida, case ..- , .4.25 Comb keasy; aaw crop LaaMBS, CaL Oraares, lou a 124's ISO's 171's SOO'S 21- 252's 288' S44s yacetaM (Wholesale tlnotatleai) Seed Petal aaa Early Rote. Ib. . . . Early Okie, lb. n Earli.s of AH. lb. , .0S 08 08 85 .1.40 Asparagus, Is. j Articbeksa. 4.x. Paas. Calif, lb. -.30 15 Wreaa b.ani. -jiui. I Bidiahcs. , Calif. .00 j Creea Onions, The Dalles, dot, bn..(l i -.eiery ... . Spinach, Cslit. lb. I spissca, ersts n4.W i sauaso ! Bsaaa. . Habbard, lb. 04 04 04 .0 -1.75 .04 I jf Ar4l9B4j-gVal Csrruta, local, sack, , lb. : Califersia, erata . rsrsaips i Brussels Sprouts, Calif. 1. .17 -01 Rjfth.M . . , Caaliflewer, Calif, crate ...--1.15 Beet ' - Turnips t retiteel ' LeesL BarbssK . Yak. Oscaa No. 1 Ta. Otau. Ka. a, .1.15 .1.40 -LI Seatkara Sweats, erata. J.T5 0 usrhe, lb. Peopera ri.rida. eraea. Ik. t5 .5.00 Teiaaleer. Maxioaa lug - local aet aeuse .. , . ,. , .lea K. 1' i .. .... L00 20 : ana Me. 2' 1.60 Eailiaa-. Ileal Lateaaa-YnuMrial yallav. crate 4.50 0 4.40 RkeberK Wash- crate -1.15. 9.15 03.15 Raabarb. Calf, eatsiae. bex --A0 Haw eetateea. lb. ...14 aotart qaetatwaa) Calf meal. 94 lb , . fairy H. tea cratch, tea - 1A4 .44.0 -40.04 Cera, who la. tea -44 Jf .47.04 4 Ciaeked aad areaad IfiU rma, tea " , tram, tea i Keg ' axaak , q. .94.04 -40J09 By Cliff Steitett f; -5.50 e so IS -4.5 .M 35.85 4.T5Q5.6a anos.25 Kavala ' 8.00 eo -no .50 8.00 . 3.75 1UTTERY EIXCTRICIAII . Batttvry Service Station , s Automotivo Electrician - Vick Brcssr : High St. at Trad .TeL 1343 BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD EL RAMSDSN Colambia i Bteyclos an repairing. 34? Court., CARPENTER gtkaMBsaalBMMVa CARPENTER Builder. - Mom spe cialty. Plans and specifications ire with work, tteuahie. steaaonaM.- fcay or contract. Tel. 2734. r CIIIROPRACTORS DR, LLOTD L HOCKETT. Physio-. - t r xaerapisx . - "- - 944 N. 5th BU Tel 1354-W . . Dr. O. L. SCOTT. PSC Ouropractor. 354 N. High. TeL 47. Rea. 314. Dtt& SCHOFIELD. Palmer Chtro- aractora JL-Rar ana .N. (J. Jf- km kshv Hhv . DOCTORS. L. O. ALTMAN. M Du HomeoDatb- Ic Phyilciaa. abeoa 147. 394 N. Lib. orty St. EIiECllUClXNS I HALLK ELECTRIC CO. Kiectne coairactmg ana repairsv Klectrie fixture and supplies. Electric raoces and sraahara. Ph. 3 451 N. Front FLORISTS r FLOWERS FOR ALL oeeasiona I Olson's. Court ft High St, Tot 44L . CUT lawaea funeral wreaths, decora tiona ... C. - F. f Brelthaupt, florist. 412 Stat Street . Tel. 880, - INSURANCE " If A S.PDOW . . I. tual Jasuraace, 437 North 20- Salem Tel. 012-M. . ' t-r . . WARREN F. POWERS " f Life and Ueneral Inaunane- Tel. 407. 211 u. B. Bank Bids. , ANDERSON ft RUPERT i (tafber&l v iTkmurmarm - 149 a High TeL 1444 BECKS A HE.VDHICKS M9 N. High Tel. 141 RICH L, REIMANN General Insurance. Loa.na 219 N. High St TeL 444 WILLAMETTE INSURANCE - . AQEMCr 215 Masonic Bldg. TeL 928. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEkTLAUNDRX THE WEILK-& l.iirvnor Telephone 35 214 SL High CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "The AannoVv of Pun. Uiiwl.! i Telephone la 1344 Broadway MATTRESSES Uattrkssks RRxnviTsin s- ,. Capital City Bedding Co 3039 North I CapitoL Called for and delivered. All I work guaranteed. TeL 19 f MUSIC STOKES FOR RENT New pianos. Stiff Furniture Company. U. L GEO. C . WILL Pianea. Phono. graph a sewing machlnea sheet muafa . I and piano. studiea Repairing phono, graphs and sewing macuinea, 433 Stat street. Salem. NEWSPAPERS THE PORTLAND TELEGRAM fit. K-m Agency. The Ace. TeL 039. . FAINTING PAINT TNG and iMMrluniiiur rh.a . Bennett. Tel. 1511K 728 Wilbur. PAPER HANGING v PHONE GLENN Adama fee houa. ' decorating, pa per hang tng. tl-itinaj; ate. ' Reliable workman. n i . KALSOM1NING DITVTrvrl - ... ., able. Re fa. Phon 219U. 4.- M. Ales- ( ander. ..... , PAINTING, tlntlnc papering. Tel ' 1 1028M. PLUMillNG PLUMBING and reDalrlnat reaaoii ' able prices. A. L, Oodf rey, phooe 46 . PLUMBING and general rena.v I work. Graber Bros- la So. Libert. TeL 650. - . - . PRINTING FOR- STATIONERY cards, nam. phieta, programs, books or any khd of printing, call at the Statmaa rt-mung department ZU aw Cotxuuor clal TeL 600. w - - RADIO FOR every pucpoae. for every purs Ail standard sixes of Radio Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 4S6.Court kwmw i mmw waw- ,- i -.-- STOVES : STOVES and stove labad-hur. Btovea tor sale, rebuilt and repaired. All , kind of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop basket gad hooks, logaa ' hooka. . Salem Fence and Stove Works, " 364 Court St Back of Busick'a TAILORS D. H. MOSHER Tauor Cor mea and e Mirx ch. transfers T CAPITAL City Transfer Ov 121 ," ;., State St. TeL 134. Distributimc for- I wardlag Md atorag our specialty. Get lour rata.' - i PATTERSON Transfer. Local and . long-distance haulhuC. Phon 439. - transportation Yelloway Pioneer System STAGES. Lo Aiurelea 818 1 ' A. Francisco, Sacramento. 913.44 ; Seattle 94.64. Dpot Bllgh hotel, phon 243. YIHER1NARIANS DOCTOR W. O. Morehouse, reterla, ariaa, residence t!5 & Com't . -Phono it. urrice z M. Com'L Phono 114. VIOLINS i i nANDMADE. old rare. H. M Maa. doUn aad stL guHar, all string and J suppliea exchange. Bring ore your old wreck. Repairs, scientific adjustmcnta : .... v. Iff kfiflTV 13 "tr . 1149). South Commercial V LODGE ROSTER CHEMEKETA LODGE NO. 1. L a O. F. Meet every Wednesday even-. tng at T : o'clock : third floor of X. O. O. F. Temple, comer of Court and llllsh streets. . T- - v - t i i ii