The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 30, 1929, Page 8, Image 8

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Prink Callisdn.ofMedford FP PTV SUCK K
May Take Place asProsh nrfn ov fniii v
Coach at Sfate University HELD BY TOMIWY
W I. Pet. ' ' - ;W I Pet
Portland - 1 .750
Oakland .500
S 1 .750
Son P. -l .S50
Holly'd 1 S .S50
Soottlo 1 I JM
Loo A. -
1 .150
S .500
-ooast" aeons rtniiT
At 8u Fraaeioeo -PertUod ;
At Lm lin1i-lM iinbi 10: Se-
At ntllW-Wkland ft: XUiiona 1.
At Sierameato Hollrwood 15; 8m-
foDOSte 4.
(AP) The San Francisco Seals
: twisted themsehres oat of shape
trying- to bit Le Roy Mahaf fey's
slants today and : the Portland
Bearer moundsman, pitched his
team to a 6-8 win. Mahaf fey al
lowed the , Seals fire hits while
his own team mates came through
with timely bat work and excel
lent infield support. Keesey I
Portland and Wingo of the Seals
hit home runs, eaCh drlre coming
with a man on. T The Bearers hare
won three of the four games play
ed this series.
- R. H. K.
PorUand 41
"San Francisco -1
Mahaffey -and Rego; Mails And
Polroft. : 1 ; . :
' Indians Ixm Again
Los Angeles made it three out
of four orer Seattle here today,
beating the Indians - in another
free hitting game by a score of
10 to 7.
The Indians threatened In the
last two innings, scoring; three
runs in the eighth and drore Nor
man Putt to the showers after
two were oat in the ninth. Angle
Walsh rellered Plitt with opposite
slayers on second and third and
retired Dare Barbee, who, earlier
in the game had poled his fourth
home ran of the season, for the
final oat, - y .; . "
Jacobs, Hannah and Berger
swatted out circuit clouts for Los
' . R. H K
Seattle z. 7 11
Los Angeles .. . -10 11 - 2
Fipgras, ' Ault -and Stelnecke,
Cox; Plitt, Walsh and Hanna.
Oaks Trim Missions
OAKLAND. Cal.. Mar. 25.
AP) George Boehler of the Oaks
allowed the Missions only one hit
and one unearned run here today
while his team feathered 11 hits
for an easy 6 to 1 rictory.
Carlyle. Senton and Boehler
each hit home runs out of the
park. The aeries is now eren.
R. . H. E.
Missions : 1 l
Oakland U-. C 12 2
Nance and Baldwin; Boehler
and Lombard. r - , -
Sacs Drop One
SACRAMENTO, M a r. 2 8.
(AP) Hollywood's Sheiks were
king tor a day and broke Into the
win column . of the .Coast league
this afternoon by drubbing the
Senators 18 to 4. Lefty Johns
hurled the Stars to their first win.
which was the first defeat suf
fered by the Senators.; Three
rookie pitchers were battered all
orer the field, in addition to
Pudgy Gould. Heath and Rumler
hit homers.-
" R. ' H.' K.
Hollywood IS 20 1
Sacramento .... , 4 12 2
Johns . and , Baasler; Kinney,
Gould, Freltas, Osborne and
Big Sister y --ui.:
. A nou is voo right soah come toNo oej. iyeu. co jf yltWy - Li F . Jril y
V W$ HAOCMOU6H IbCAtV I fXN 06OAf AN 6tt - ?K - . - it, W&&& UPHV-Uy-ATW
' 1 ' y 1
- Goomoves,-- : Jim.-:-:y ' : : ' :-J-:- r3 : y defter.
.-- . . . , . , - . . . ........ , . . : . : u - -- - - . 1 .
---. " 1 , -
I .i -A
! ' SSI' 'V-
&SVsm& K UaJ weaiw
R. L. "Pink" Templeton, reappointed Stanford track coach for another period of five years, is ptf-
nusue orer Stanford's prospects for 1929, using for a nucleus of what he believes will be a champion
ship team, 18 lettermen who scored JO of the team's 43 points at the intercollegiatea Templeton is shown
above, center, with Ward Edmonds, left, a pole vaulter, who has been converted into a hurdler, and
Erie Krens, weight mas, who recently established a new world's record for the discus with tow'of
MS feet 8 V inehe.
ens in our
Oil Bi'fi BIBHtf
Inspired, doubtless, by the fact
that Friday waa the 60th birthday
of the institution they represent
ed, the Ladd and Bush bowling
team won its series from Western
Paner Conrertinr com nan v. two
games out of three on the Winter
Garden alleys that night. But if
the bank had kept books as did
the scorekeeper of that game, the
bank would never bare survived
CO years, for at the close of the
deciding game, the bankers score
was added up to show nine less
pins than their opponents. ' Some
eagle eyed assistant cashier saw
the mistake and the Ladd and
Bush crew went home with a ric
tory by a one -pin margin.
Capitol theatre - won three
straight from the Headquarters
249th team. J
Tonight two special doubles
matches will be bowled, both be
ginning at 7 o'clock and both for
five games total pins. -Sam Stein-
bock and Fred Karr will bo pitted
against Virgil Stoliker and .Wayne
Kantola for a 830 prise, and Art
Allen and Ray Johnson will com
pete against Henry Barr and Mert
Hemenway. . "
Scores in the Bankers league
aid - ; -
' 244 am luk
Bttrtck - ,,.,,140 12 1S 405
Mcriartr 147 1ST . 150 418
OibtOB .148 130 148 443
Bartoa 14S 14a 1M aaa
"Walker - 184 14
KUk llf lot 128
805 790 744 2281
WwUfa Ttp
141 188
154 187
172 127.
Jhn Bcyarl
i Erri
.757 787 745 2288
Pa4a.nrtm S4Mk
1SS 18
WilMa .
- - tmmmmi
Ed TontUn Agrees t
To Sign Contract :
With Beaver Clzb
29. - (AP) Ed TomllB,
right : handed pitcher aad.
mtility man with the Port
i land . , Beavers, tuts finally
come to term and signed
his contract. Tomlin tried to
sell himself to, one of the bay
clubs here bat they would
not meet his terms. The hig
fellow reported and worked
oat with Portland in spring
training but had not signed
a contract..
Tatala .
-717 70S, 784 2358
Oanttol Taaatra
-J 184 144
144 181
" 141 :
157 . 188
. 148 185
Willett .
181 t 488
185 sao
liartia .
184 488
148 " 408
Brewi ,
112 4
.741 SOt lot 2170
Vets of Foreign
fVars to Meet at
Armory April 3
Veterans of Foreign Wars will
meet Wednesday night at the Sa
lem armory for their regular bus
iness meeting according to Cap
tain Cicero F. Hogan, commander
of the post. Colonel Rilea of the
state adjutant's department Is to
be the principal speaker, making
an address in which he will com
pare the national guard organisa
tion of today with that of 1911.
Business collections in Salem
during the month of March were
about tho same as la previous
years according to a local collec
tion firm. March is considered a
"slow" m6nth. Few lawsuit were
begun by the firm.
. .
Wrestlers of the Salem T. M.
C. A. organised Thursday night
under the managership of Stanley
Frye of ' the' T. 'physical staff:
Matches will be scheduled with
the Portland V. team and with
the Oregon Normal school grap-
piers. - ,
- Twelve men signed up for the
club which will meet Monday and
Thursday nights. All weights
from 128 tor 190 aro represented.
sari Williams, for some time
wrestling coach at the University
or Oregon, win be mentor for the
local matmen. ' - ,-.
Medical Society
Will MeefHere
Tuesday, April 2
The regular meetina of the
Polk-Yamhill-Marion county medi
cal society win & held at the
Marlon hotel next Tuesday eve
ning. April g. at 7 o'clock, it was
announced Friday. Doctors are
asked to note the change In meet
ing PUCe. .
Dr. O. Larseu, professor of ana
tomy at the Unlversitr of Oreaon
medical schooL Portland, will read
paper on nuclear Jbiiracuresi
of tho Urer in the Treatment of
Pernicious anemia." Other items I
Paper on "Nuclear Extractives
on the program Include presenta
tions oz clinical eases by Dr. C. H.
Robertson and Dr. R. T. Boala. .
Secretary Wilbur of tho Inter-
lor department announced tonight
he had asked Attorner-General
Mitchell for an opinion aa to tho
legality under the Sherman Anti
Trust act, as well as the Clayton
act, of announced plans of the
etroleum -institute for the con
trol of Petroleum production.
Many Veterans Out for Bear
cat Team; Good Sched
u!e Being Framed
"Playing catch" in the gymnasl-
am is scarcely a test ot;the base
ball ability of any group, -tft
; from the number :- of lettermen
turning out and the records of the
new recruits, the Willamette unl
rerslty baseball - team - this year
will be one of the fastest put in
the field by the local institution in
many, years. v.
Coach "Spec?. Keene has two
reteran pitchers and , two new
candidates who are showing prom.
Islng form. The lettermen in this
department are Ledbetter and Van
Nice, and the rookies are Majov-
! ski and KiminkL , The latter has
pitched twilight ball In Salem for
several seasons and his ability is
well-known, while MaJovski ap
pears to have plenty "on the ball.'
- veterans Namerons
. Cardinal and . Kaufman,' both
veterans. Compose the catching
staff. For first base, - Welch, .a
letterman, is out . again, along
with Scales and Steelhammer. The
latter has the advantage In height
and reach. vv-
Other Infield candidates include
I Adams, '.who played second base
last year; ' Brawley, who gained
some experience the same season;
Gibson, Lloyd Girod "and Banja
mln. McMullIn, . shortstop two
years ago, nay be used in the In-
field, the outfield or possibly as
a pitcher. Frank Girod's Injury
may not permit to resume his reg
ular position In the Infield this
.Veteran outfielders are Deets
and - Round tree. Satch well, Mc
Ginn and Hall are promising new
candidates. -
"i Schedule FaTorable
The Willamette team will prob
ably llay its games on Sweet-
land field this year, with the dia
mond-laid out - alongside the
grandstand with home plate near
the. west end, and a high wire
fence-built along the miUrace to
prevent the loss of too many balls
hit Into right field.
An unusually good schedule has
been tentatively arranged. There
will tl vt an 'Maalkt. Mm
games with University of Oregon,
dates at Eugene nrobablr being I
April 19 and 20. Games with
Oregon SUte college at Corrallis
win ie April ll aad 12.
There will be two games with
Oregon Normal school, two con
ference games each With Pacific,
Linfhsld and College" of Puget
Sound, -and probably a series with
Columbia nntrerslty.
- . . , I
"A risitor sixes up a town by It
business firms window displays
and its newspapers as much as by
another criteria" declared ' A. F.
Kneubel, field manager of a Los
Angeles sales training Institute In
an Informal address Thursday be
fore the Salem Ad club. Kneubel
JA " wen Impressed by Sa-
lem's window fronts as well as by
tho attractive streets 'and parks
which the city possessed. -
The ad club roted unanimously
to send tho president of tho or
ganization, William Paulus, to the
coast conrentlon of clubs held this
EUGENE Ore.. Mar. 29. -(AP)
Coach Calllson, proaceer , oi
rhurnninnnhin football and basket"
ball teams at Medford high school
for aereral rears, may come to tne
Vnirersity of .Oregon next fall as
chief coach of the Oregon fresh
man sqnads. '- ' -
Necotiations hare been under
iv for MTtnl weeks. Virgil D.
Earl; director of athletics at the
Unlrersity of Oregon, said today.
Calllson has not been elected to
the position, but the position has
fceen tendered. Earl said he will
be formally elected on his accept
ance.' - " - ' - ' - .
v.ttartu to reach Calllson at
Medford today were unsuccessful,
TMtnAn of Calllson said he had
ipft town for a couple of days and
It was reported that he was on his
way to Eugene to conclude final
arran?ements with the university.
Matter Ye Unrtecwra ;
"Nothinr final h4s been done or
ean be dona until we hear from
CaUi8on,,, Earl said. -He is a very
fine coach and a very fine young
man and we will be glad to hare
him If he decides to accept, al
though we hare understood there
was another offer which he had to
consider before giving us his an-
.swer.". v .
Calllson is a graduate : or the
University of Oregon and played
football here six or seven years
aro. but his greatest fame has
come since he began coaching at
Medford where his success year
after year has brought him con
siderable glory. (. r : i i.
Record is Good
At the' close of last season his
big red and black Medford team
first brensrht The Dalles down to
defeat- to clear Its claim to the
state championship, and then tie-
summer at Oakland. Stanley Keith,
a former president, had previous
ly been elected as one of the club's
delegates. -
H. T. Vance, proiessor aure-
gon State college, will make the
principal auurean aiu.
the club sponsors a program ftr
the chamber of commerce at the
latter's Monday noon luncheon. C.
A. Snramie is chairman of a com
mittee arranging the program, and
with him are Gardner Knapp and
C. W. Raid. - ,
H Ulieral &eTVlCe
" .UCM Z
JFjr FarrinPtOTl
; OT r cU llIlg LUI1
At Eugene Today
The body of Paul Payton Far
rlngton, 21, who died suddenly
here Thursday, was sent to Eu
gene Friday where the funeral
will be held today. A number of
Salem newspaper men and women
will attend the services.
Mr. Farrington Bad been em
ployed aaLtelegraph editor and re
porter on the Capitol Journal for
several months. He previously
was employed on other,, news
papers on the Pacific coast and in
the east.
, - I
- - - , -
SnOW On ijTOUnd
for Short Time
Snow which came on unexpect
edly Friday morning covered the
ground to and .around Salem for 1
a short tune but ranished as the
temperature raised, during
day. Trucks coming Into the city
early in tho morning from
north : bore a mantel of snow In
dicating that tho fall had been .
hearier. towards Portland.
- H
1. Ipmo 150
m. m mm -k ' . M V A.
land, met them in a special post -
season game In Portland In which
Medford had' things all its -own
tTJEDFORD,' Ore., "Mar. ,297
( AP ) In the erenT that Prince
Q. (Prink) Calllson, ..whose high
school basketball and football
teams hare won district and state
championships for the past ' six
years, accepts the " position of
freshman coach of football, bav
ketball and "baseball at the Uni
Tersity of Oregonvrth place he
leaves " will bo tendered 1 Eldon
Jenne, coach of the Washington
j high school, Portland. ;i
Calllson Yet Vndecided
I " SoNfar Calllson has not decided
on what .course he .will follow.
.Business men of the city,. in
terested In high school ' athletics,
conferred with Jenne during the
state basketball tournament1 and
he is said to hare viewed with
faror the Informal; proposition
they offered him. ; : - :
-Six members of the state cham
pion high school football -team
who graduate this , June, hare
pledged themselves to follow. Cal-
Uson to whatever campus he may
go.' They are: William Morgan
and AI Stoehr; tackles. Morgan
was named - all-star ; basketball
guard the last two years ; ' Fred
(Red) McDonald, end and basket
ball center; Al Melvin, all state
basketball forward, and quarter
back;; Bernard - Hughes,: football
center, and Jack Hughep, guaid.
All except Melvln are six; foetena
and tin the scales at over" 1 20
ine Apni term oi circuit, cqurc
i . . -j - . ... ...
Ing cases listed:
Monday, April 1 at 10 a. m..
Peets vs. Simpson. ' .
Monday at 1 p. m
Noland.' -
mgenanengeo orwMon w
Wednesday at 1 p. DustlnjNi se
rs. Speight, - t -'.
Thursday at 1 p. ftw Marcus vs.
Lebengood. ' ,
Saturday at 9 a. m.V Riggs' vs.
New Jersey Plate Glass company
Monday, April 8, at 10 a. m
Williamson ,rs. - Lockwood. ; . . v
Tuesday at 9 a. m, Spong rs.
Tuesday at .l p. nu Moon rs.H?" rtmwnr. 13.50 m m ,.r
Yiednesday At 9 a. mJ Gasklll
vs.! Daugherty. -;-t.Vv;;-'-';
Thursday at 9 a. m4 Geelen rs.
Jsildriedge. - :-r: -
. Saturday at 9 a; m Cammaek
rs. Settle nitier."
Monday, April 15, at 10 a. m
Smith rs. Engle " y .
Tuesday at 9 a. m., American
Hawaiian Steamship company- vs.
Nelson Brothers. - - - - .
Tuesday at 1 p7 vL. Ramp ; rs.
.WidiHjit it 1 b m nnW.
rsVNrs? " P ' DMnJn
-; '"i
stoticx or giXB ' or GOTEKjrXEBT
.-'.- nam -. .v..
: .. - - " . UJ.L, . I
M' eendittoai nl. limit.tian. - r ik. I
ih , xi I as stt. sis), as Mneaa-
67r aS L.iLitfi JSt
itn biua ti.Mt leu Urn U p-
ate to be nbict te th. spmval th.
8eerUry t tk Iwttrmr. fti pareksM
iuHanti sua
nim'iiiowMrmait k 4pMite4 at
. y k rtmrae4 if I
r..7 ;PPT". ?nriM PtBk will
' w'ki - yearfcr Bias will-1 fc
SEti Us tJaitMk
t awoeiatioBa . ( - oca eitiMaa
rprsMar rrus aaaer th
Uwt ! U. UaiUd - States t liy guu!
terrrt! r iirtriet thwecf Cpi.
PVkeatiM f a ulifUa pmrehucr tb
kev say -lccal uMlmlti infc
? ?."or !rrer. niu T. IN. S,
lalyensw. fir
b ' yruw Iir aou. M. .T. 8 8
HS2-?!! J !22 Wft 4 ail
w - i " yellow
. s. jw w. bcl-15 MWU
ft fi I A -V on.ll
?rrBW 7iw fir SitX.r4 fir
IT50 X. bom ml hM n,k-i --TvJ.l-
yrfteWfir a reau per X fw tie
a ,aso T, 18 8.,
1 .wjf-B Hit9o?
rwru. . cst, ar a y n u : Mi Uar n -
vi nwvn r su nksrxA osi wa n . -
IS .tV-11" X for tka rod
for. tho
z vnm nur .
5 00
l&J&li&T "k'iator Biao
uu sit sa r& nt i : 1
M ilfoil, rVlM
rod aaC yellow lir J50 X. KEU
. riow fir iso'm
1VO u
-".-" JiiW ur ISO m. r . as
no SO X. rml ... ' f r"7 1
1 : .: . rw - nunej aril - mm wrAii.kH
wtipn. to bo m,mA
fir, SI.OO
11.50 per
lor tne hemlock, d
for the tmI eed.iviT - 12
' Bet. il- SFl. x-b m .
- " " t reinw
w zao X, red Iir
yellPW ib 100 ' X
r H T,1w Pine -80 X
SO X,rd fir 60 X. Wu e
X. swv,
tTl- nw 1ioo 60 X
lteo X. I"m1.'- k Pine
." A 7"r piae 10 H.
80 U.
37 rid fir
3.00 Vr xV.Tw J""' " lavas.
ina ser ju- n 4v- " .- ; . ? I .
4 y.lhnc
, e,nh.fw ot: -r:n x
1 i-uuy i moii nciams line OUl
Thafs About All; Fight
- ; is Costly Affair
AssocUted Pre Sports Writer
CHICAGO, Mar. 29 AP)
If there is such an ailment as a
financial headache. Tommy Lou?h
ran, . debonair Philadelphian, nt.
doubtedly had one tonight. '
The-world's light heavywtif j;
champion got what the bora - ; )l
the Mexican standoff In his I.
tie with Mickey Walker, ruler .,f
the middleweights, in Paddy li; t
mon's, new Chicago stadium lrt
night, r He saved his life and
prized title, but lost most of l't
When the Illln oia S ta te At
letie commission checked over ti e
gate recetbts tonight, it was :
realed ' Loughran received oiiy
$15,289 as his share of the n
eelpts, with S 50.000 going u.
Walker, who lost the fight.
.Loughran -guaranteed Walktr
$59,000 for a losing fight ar..
$10,000 If he. Walker, had wop
On top of that,-Loughran contri
buted $12,750 toward defraying
the expenses of the 10-round seirr.--windup
in which Jerry ,Tuff"
Griffith batted out a -iecision ot
Loo Ltnaskt, the Aberdeen, Xn.,
assassin. - ; '
Loughran had agreed to take
55 per cent of the net receipts,
which' amounted to $141. 8jh!
I This left him with $78,039. .Which
i waa rorced to cut. under th
terms of his contract, with Wait
er and help meet the expenses if
tho Lomskl-Griffith affair. Walk
er did not receive a cent from tfce
Chicago stadium corporation, as
Loughran had agreed to pay tbe
challenger out of hij 55 per ctr.
1 9 - - At. BW 4fc S W V. . fir ni, u
1 1 8(V-lt rtiitv pin ;o u. rJ
I tkr 40 V. , ni m u, v,,r
yrfisV-w ii, 'r' t,r..r
. THw pin 180 M. rri fc,
JsL nmsrsks wsinsi TJA V WI' l X-1Vis
M, fi fir 80
innt 1 in. u AHuTi vwt t
M, r4 'Or'20 il, uttr pin 80 .
",. itr piD 7 jf. SW SEW
Tallow m SO X, t4 fir 200 X. surr
Vise e X, 8W4 SEiyllew pine
X, n fir tOO X, acar pia 100 M. -eni
ttH 10 X. SWi 8E4 jelicw
tL"ao, ' n iir 'M M !
SO H,- iaea eCtt lf -X, 8K4 n u
ytlUwv ia 10 M,- r4 fir 180 X, (r
180X, 8W4 SWi yellow ),
SO X, Mfir 139 X. rorr pirn Wo M.
ft Utabcr am tk etion i
bm aol4 tr Ics tha S1.2S hor u u.r
it. f 3.&0 mi M . r
01 HrfU for il
rellew piaa aa
81.00 Bar X for rlu.
ttnf ectUr. - - i-'
XeK 37-80 Ju 8-8-19-1S-17-20-24 27.
- Uew FlriiaUonal Baiik
feg Building Directory
c 'C..lim Bhlnmg Parlr
aJtperts tor Ldi and intlm
gr0'NUI A Burdetta. wptomctrla
lfX Ward J? Oen"U Dentistry
.TV Dr. W. A. Johaaon. DeaUst
TWapbone 1284 . 1M1
1 a Hlsn
RUPBBTA, R altars
Tel. U4
W. n." BOND, lit N. Com! SL
, PnosoK 374
Itt N. Hlsn . j. TeL 111
i8 Orer Bids. : Phono T88
Ut.K. TVimtnarclal ' . Tol IT
!! nuts fctvi-
CO, Realtors -
tW w yt Ok DELANO -
W. Church . ; , . Tel. 1818
M8I g. Cbarch St. Phone 11IW
R -Uberty St. -
W.. R. nRlRPvunsin a. v
1S4 & Llborty Bu ToX SIS
tie P. 8. Bank BW7r Tel tit
TeL llf
E. U0SB3
ToL 11 1
M Court- . TeL 1881
ail Gray Bids. - 7 - TeL toT
-s RICH L, REIUANN. Raaltor
" N. High nw v ToL S
Eta to bt. Room 1. . TsL 104
94-B Flrot Nat. Bk. Rld. ToL 11
rt''-.B4!JA.RB LEAL REAIfy CO.
u S. Nat'L Bank Bide Tel 478
N. .Commercial -v . V
TeL 1354
H Jourt Bt ; .'i. ..-.. Tel. J1
LI. 8. RE ALT r CO.
'ux suts St
- " a
a M