VESPER IB EASTER FEATURE Presbterian Choir to Appear in Special Program Sun day at 5 o'clofck j According to the custom of past years, the choir ot the First Pres byterian church will present an Easter concert Sunday afternoon at the reaper hour and will con tinue for one hoar. The coneert, arranged by Wil liam Wright, choir director, la as follows: Organ Prelude, "Chant TrIomph- . w. OanI Prof. Churchill I. The Last Supper 861o, "A New Commandment," Maunder v - Laurence Deacon Chorus, "Bread of the World" Mackinson . ' Quartet, "Lore Is the Greatest Gift" .. . Wlldermere Tenor obligato, Mr. Wright ; II The Tragedy Solo. "Let Thy, Will Be Done" Wlldemere . '-v, a ; Frank Ritchie Chorus, "Soul of Christ". Wehbe Solo, "There Is a Green HilT Gonnod - --' ;'.j . Josephine Albert III The Victory Male chorus, f Christ Is Risen" MlnshsH-Nerln f Chorus, TJnf Id, Te Portals" Gounod--- . ' : :. ;";:r' IV The InritafJoav Trio. "Jesus Thon Art Standing" Worthing w"- Miss Cooley, Miss Albert, Mr. Wright Chorus, "Awake Thou that Sleep- eat" ' :' staxner Organ Postlude, Hosanna" . Wschs. -;.. J - : The choir under the direction ot Mr. Wright, has been practic ing tor sereral weeks on the con cert and has prepared it In good form. Placing the concert at the reaper hour has put the program at a time which will sot conflict with most of the Easter concerts to be glyen this year; : - - - Chetneketa St. SBrangellsal Sunday, school wilT present an Easter terries entitled "The Res urrection" Sunday evening at o'clock. The program Is arranged aa follows: , Piano solo Opal Slewart "Fill the World With Praise" Choir Scripture and Prayer Pastor -God's Lore" Choir -Easter Angels" . . . .Lola Ray HapBT Easter Time". ...... Wayne Cowdeh and Lillle Nair "Stars O'er a Hill". . ; . . .Choir (Solo parts, Dorothy Hubbard and Clifford Smith.) -The Best of ' ' Caster .... . .Roy. Strsusbaugh "Bells of Easter . Garden" ........Junior Girls "Awake" ........Oscar Wright -O Great Thy Works". .. . .Choir "The Angel of ? r Victory" ..... . Verne Wright Address. ..... Rer. Ch E. Erskine Offertory .... ..Gladys Jehman Solo . ; ; "Resignation" '.Ernest Lehman -The Sign" .Bobby Carper "Caster Comes" .'...Opal Slewart -i Know Tnat My Redeemer Liveth". . . . . . Choir "Wait In the - Garden" ..... . .Irma Martin -Easter Cain ........ ...Choir Benediction - ............ Pastor Knight Memorial Morning Service. Is Easter Drama A dramatisation of the Easter story win ; be, presented at the Knight Memorial church In the mornmj service at 11 o'clock. - The scene win be that ot gar den with palms, lilies and flowers. The characters as they will appear re: uonaw Barnard as Pilate; R07 Harland ma r-h!f nrlaat; Mrs. Ethel Thompson as Mary Magda- iene; iiucjis Harland as Salome; Olive Barnard as Mary the mother of James; J. J. Thompson as Pe ter and H. L. Braden as John. The cast will be assisted by the choir ana Everett Craren of Portland. The musical numbers are from Bach's "Passion Music," "When I Surrey the Wondrous Cross.' ' The Cry of the Soldiers." "Sara Thyself, from the cantata "Morn of Victory;" "Night Within the Garden," from the cantata "Our curing Lord." and "I Know that '7 Redeemer Lireth" Children toGive v Special Pragram The children of the Free Meth odist Sunday school will giro a special Easter morning program, consisting of class exercises, sonrg nd readings, during the regular churcbschooi - hour. The school fouveaes at t:45 o'clock. Rer. W. Coffee will preach an Easter Bf.rmon at 11 o'clock. Special ma 85 has been arranged for this ser vice. - . , : .. mar sratxTcrsx t. W1 T"P " Ceafer Stmt W ?!. , at. Th regular yasUr. wTiT' w""?1 . La " VaUey ef Fart la ad a I" V r Mi Mia Saultar. CHE1KETA CUm SCHOOL III SERE Directs Choir JT. William Belcher of Portland, dfiwrtnr of tha Leslla Memorial choir which appears in Easter con cert at 7:SO 'does; mmaay ere- i: f ' An Easter vrocram will be pre sented at the Sunday school hour at the CalTary Baptist churcn ana will be followed by the ordinance of baotlsm. ' The orogram is by ths nrimarr and beginners de- Dariments and includes: 8ong "Christ Arose;- . .by school Prayer . " -, "Welcome". . ... Stanley Welbon Song "Daffodils". .Primary Dept. Exercise . "Easter" ... Six primary boys Hesitation- "My Easter Lily".. Jean Barham Exercise. "What Makes The Spring".. Six primary girls Song "Awake". Primary department Reading "At, Last"... .;.. Janet Eilers Exercise. "Haw Far Does Lore Reach".Four primary boys Song TTls Spring" ...Junior department Reading "Victory" ... .Florence Foster Piano S0le.....Vere Jean Huber Exercise "The. Resurrection". . . Juniors Tableau "The Old Rugged Cross"..... Intermediate girls At the morning worship seVrice at 10:8 o'clock Rer. W. Earl Cochran win sing "The Resurrec tion" by Shelly, and tho choir will sing an anthem. "CalTary", by Rodney. Owen's gospel song, "What Did He Do?" will also be suns: by tho church choir. The sermon wlU be on "The Battle Orer the Empty Tomb." Jil CHOIR III EM HEM SsTeral special features hare been arranged in obserranee of Easter by the different groups of tho Jason Lee Memorial cnurcn, first of which will be a sunriss nraver meetinar at C o'clock Sun day morning with the young peo ple in charge. Mrs. Robert Fork- ner Is directing the program. This will bo followed by -an , Easter oreaxiasi at ins cnurcn h a av . A. .e A o'clock. The early morning meeting has become a tradition at this, church, and while the young folk are in charge, all are larKed to tho ser rice. " Reception of members and bap tisms with special music wul be high points in the morning: wor ship at 11 o clock. - Tho church school, which meets at 19 o'clock, wlU hare short programs in "the radons departments, with the In termediates to , hare a special showing ot good pictures on tho stereopticon. ----- ;- The big erent of the day for the congregation will be the Easter cantata by the church choir and friends at T : S o'clock Sunday erenlng. Mrs. 8heldon Sackett Is directing- th choir. The Blakeslee sisters will contribute two special numbers on the program. Campus Groups Plan Sunrise Easter Worship The two Christian associations ot Willamette unlrerslty win hold their annual Easter sunrise serrlce on the east steps of tho espitol building at C o'clock Sunday morning, it was announced Friday. Hayes Beau ana assistants bare arranged an appropriate program. The serrlce will be led by Leslie Manker. In ease the weather Is nelement and will not permit the use of the Capitol steps,, the ser rlce will be held in the Chresto cottage on the campus. , Ereryone, both Catholic and non-Catholic, is welcome to the Easter nerriets in St. Joseph's church. Father Buck, the pastor, announces, and gires the ' follow ing Information. Low mass with communion at 7 a. m. and anoth er low mass at t a. m. when a beautiful program of music wCI be sung by the Sacred Heart aca demy choir. .Communion also at this mass. - At 10 o'clock there will be a solemn high mass with three priests, and 2ft boys from Mi. An gel Seminary will aifSment the regular choir, who will sing a sue clal mass for the occasion. The offertory Is one composed by Rt. Rer. Abbott Placidus, O. S. B. . - HIV BAPTIST pweimseiii BTEMPLi III BM SERVICE Lodge Group to Share Pro gram at Unitarian Church : Tomorrow Morning The DMtlay Commandery of the Knights Templar will attend Easter serrices atvthe Unitarian church Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock. The Prelate ot the order j win assist Rer. Martin F. Ferrer, the minister In the conduct of the serrices and the sermon will deal with the historical development of the order and their part in the liberalization of the world at large and Christianity In particular. , The program for the morlng has been . arranged as follows: Ser mon, "The Sword of Truth and the Shield of Immortality." Organ prelude; hymn 642, "Onward Christian - Soldiers." The Easter serrlce on page 20 In the serrlce book. Responsible reading by the Templare. Vocal duet, "Forerer with tho Lord,". Mrs. Truma Hu ton and Mrs. Florence M, Ferrer. Scripture reading, Haggal n. 1-10 and John XX, 1-11. Prayer by the Prelate of the Knightsv Response: announcements; offertory; rocal solo, "Hosanna" . Granier, 1 Mrs. Florence H. Ferrey ; sermon ; To tal solo, "Sons ot Men," Mr. Ly man McDonald; organ postlude. Mrs. Frank Breckenbridge at the organ. . A story-cantata7 with pageant wti be presented in obserranee of Easter at the .Reformed , church at 7:20 o'clock Sunday erenlng. The cantata is' "The Dawn- of Vic tory", musical numbers of which are as follows: Let Glad Voices Ring Proces sional. Calrary (solo), Truth Con tralto. V ' . Down From the HU1 ot Cal rary -Chorus. Remember How He Spake, to Thee; Faith, Soprano. In the Midst of a Beautiful Gar denQuartet. . Walt To the Victory Day (duet) Faith and Truth. Truly This Was the Son of God (solo) Nlcodemus. We Haste to the Tomb Chorus ot women. A Risen Lord Is Ours, (solo) John. Can It Be He Lireth Chorus. - Christ Jesus Is Liring Today Closing chorus. Members of the church who will take part are: Eleanor Berth, Alice Wulfemeyer, Mr. and Mrs. F. E..Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. Lorens Schmuelle, Mr. and Mrs. Arno Spranger, Mrs. Anna Wulfemeyer, Hertha . ToeUe, Herold ToeUe, Amanda and Lola Lienkaemper and Rer. and Mrs. W. G. Lien kaemper. Ford Memorial Easier Program Features Music Special musle will feature the Sunday erenlng worship at the Ford Memorial church in West Sa lem, The program wilt begin at 7:- 20 o'clock and la as follows: Hymn -"Low in the Grare," the congregation; prayer f Rer. M. A. Grores. pastor. Pageant "Easter, Morn," Inter Sir1, 10 Lm "Calrary." H3. Harris Thompson; Chorus, "Allellula. Christ Is Ris en, the choir; Song, the T John Frleean family; Shorus "The King of Glory -Shan Come In," choir Address "Immortality," Pastor; Solo-'-TheSonrlHeard One Sun- Very choirs - 1 Alrin Meade is director of the I vlanlaf. The young people of the church Epworth League wlU hold .a sun- rife meettogr at t o'clockv f oUowed by an Easur breikfast la the com- nniiif nail A , trim nm nAm.1 J I .L . Iia.i. w x 1 ing Kmcs uu uiut atlases Ajuier ana Kemington wiu . sine a . duet and reception of new. members and I baptism 01 oa eies wul occur. of Eight y To Be Baptized Baptismal serricer for eight ot the young people of the Interme diate department will be the main erent of the Easter moraine aar rices at the MU1 street Methodist I Episcopal - church.. Special music and hymns hare been prepared by I REFORMED CHURCH bhmii urn cfliivA koiku groapa ana miw iiuui wucij vi lolsts with a theme aunroortate to I McKay building, Portland, begln- the baptismal rites. Following the I oapusm serrlce and reception of the children- into preparatory memoership, Rer. patrfk Dahlln wiu preach on "Loyalty." , TOXD MSMOX1A2. OOlOCinnTT Vt Ealaak orar Girtk btwm amd 1 TSir atrMi. Hmfitk A, OrHNLi lor. fiaa. S7S E4wstor atrMt. Pbi 1S41S. ScrrieM: EmwUr kckvot S:45 . m. - hfmf DLapp, Kapt. Wonhip It ft. m. Tl iHt by h UttI Uim KUr 4 Baiartft. tr unwx, "Tk Bmmtliwi," by tk pattor. Tkr will b rptio f araWn mm has- tmm f abis. at . wm 1 irn. Jmnitt him Mt at 11 a. sui Mabel i liat. km s:9o. tramiaa T:So. Tk J Saadiy aebaat hri will nHl lfoadaf at S b. a. Bar 8conU will mat at T P- m. Taaadar ninr. Bibla ttnir. Srayar ass praue I y. a. Tltusday. ; Vain the Christ hath American Lutheran Church Plans Double Observance Congregation Will Celebrate End of First Year In Easter DayServices Prepared for Both Morning and Evening Easter day.. 1928. the American Lutheran church held its first morning serrlce in the church au ditorium and tomorrow it will hare a - double obserration In honor of the rebirth of Christ and the beginning of a new year ot work, Easter serrices will begin with an early communion serrlce at 10:15 o'clock, foUowed by spe cial serrices at. 11, announces the Rer. P. W. Erieksen, paster. The Sunday school, assisted by the chorus choir of SOjoices, has prepared an excellenfrirogram for the erenlng meeting at 7:20 o'clock. Following are the com plete "programs for morning and erenlng serrices: Prelude Andante Pastorale. Alexis. Miss Arlene Tlmm, organ ist,.. : ' , . Jesus Christ is Risen. Today- audience. The ppening serrlce. - "'O Joyous Easter Morning " audience. ; Scripture reading. Male Quartet, "The Awakening Chorus" Homer; Herman Tasto, Arthur Tasto, William Brltzke, Max Gehlhar. Prayer. Anthem, "For It The Dead Rise Not," Gabriel. , Offertory, "CalTary." Mreeman. Solo, "Sheep and Lambs," Ho mer. Leon Jennlsen. . Sermon, "The TJaparalled Day," The Rer. P. W. Erlksen. Prayer, and Doxology. Postlude, "Trlnmphal March.' Castle Church Easter Program Is Announced Program for Easter at the Cas tle United Brethern church will morning; nd Is announced as fol lows by the pastor, Rer. IV W. Biddle: - - - '. - CPrelude, Easter Processional1 by Ira B. Wilson: doxology; inro- cation, Gloria Petri; congregation al, song, "Christ Arose." Scripture 'Matthew, chapter 2 ; ro- urM voeai soio. -iaii- inou Glorious Easter Morn!ng"-by P. A. c.v-rr r wi,m- Sermon, "The Risen Christ" by the pastor Rot. L. W. Biddle. Re ception of members. Benediction. -.1.., Ok. V - M . . Ji1" S.rS'? " SSsTaKir P- " T . -. . " T Lr i . ? ? w ' i. SZUer Ax6673i7 Will Broadcast Easter Message Rer. Father Thomas V. Keen- an, pastor ot the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church of thl city. will brosdesst an Easter sermon Sunday erenlng, March 2 1, orer station KEX Portland. This sermon will be broadcast under the auspices of the Catho- nlnx at 7:20 p. m. and lasting un- ui 7:50 p. m. Early Morning Meet Planned s The Christian Endearor of the South Salem Friends church wlU hare an Easter . mornlns prayer meeting at the home of Dr. J. Pembertoa,: 1425 South Commer- clal street, beginning at 7 o'clock. ,,u TenIng meeting. - .special iasxer exercises wiu feature the 1 Sunday school and 1 morning worship at the church. Jrto Christ the Lord is risen today,. Sons of men and angels say: ; Raise your joys and triumphs high. Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply. , ... Love's redeeming' work is done, Fought the fight, the battle won;- , Lo! our Sun's eclipse is o'er; Lo! He sets in blood no more. stone, the watch, the seal : burst the gates of hell! Death in vain forbids His rise; Christ hath opened paradise! lives again our srlorious Kinsr: Where, O Death, is nowjthyting? Once He died, oursotflsto savex Where thy victory, O Grave? Harris. Ereoinc Serrlce Prelude, "Erening Prayer," Reioeche. Primary department Easter parade; Sunday school, proces sional. Chorus "The Resurrection Day". Respoaslre reading and prayer. Chorus, "The Word is Spoken.' Exercise, "What Easter Means," Lloyd Relnwald," Aage Rohmer, Gordon Kraeger. , . Chorus "The Song of Triumph." Recitation, "The Garden," Mar garet Clare. Exercise. "The Lilies Easter Song," Kindergarten class. ' ' Chorus, "Come. See Where He Lay;"' exercise, "The Message of the Cross, Gladys Quesseth, Doris Strand, Marine Stetler. Chorus." "Dark Was the Vale. Exercise, "Easter." Dale Reed. Dale Newman, Wilbur Flnden, Russell Peters, Wilfred Peters, Kenneth Peters. Chorus "Easter Bells' ot Pesce.' Exercise, "Consider the Lilies,1 Fay Sherman, Grace Johnson, Marcele Stetler. Lillian Meyers, Lorene Taylor. Address, Max Gehlhar; exercise "Easter Promises," Darid Struts, Lester Meyers, Gene 'Huntley. Offertory, "There Is A Green Hill," Gounod; remarks by Paster Erlksen. Chorus. "Easter Day is Pass ing." Postlude, "Esster Day," Hos mer. Vesper Service By Joint Choir In Two Churches la a reaper serrlce at 4 o'clock at the Knight Memorial church and an erenlng serrlce in the Grand theatre, the choirs of the Calrary Baptist church and the Knight Memorial Church will unite in the presentation of the Easter aantata. ''Mora ot Victory," by E. K. Heyser. , ,: Her. H. C. Storer wUl direct the combined choir at the Vesper serrlce and Rer. Earl W. Cochran will direct in the erenlng at the Grand theatre.. ..-- " Accomnanists will be Donald J. Allison, organist of the Knight Memorial church and Mrs. W. F. Foster, ' organist of the Calrary Baptist churcn. ; v , Members ot the' choirs who will sins special numbers are Miss Grace Fawk. Miss' Myra Gleason, Beneltta Edwards, Harriet Adams. IC L. Braden, Leonard Chad wick and Mrs. Dale Taylor. Regular Masses , At St Vincent . Masses on Easter Sunday will be held as usual at 0 and 10:20 o'clock at the St. Vincent dePaul Catholic church. Myrtle and High land arenues, reports the Rer. Father Thos. V. Keensn. The last mass win be a high mass with Rer. Father Hentges a S. C. of Colum bia unlrerslty, Portland, preach ing. This wni be followed by ben ediction ot the .most blessed sac rament. 5 : - ' ' , 6TJ20I2SB "MEET The rouns people of the Court street Church ot Christ wm hold a sunrise serrlce Easter morning; berinninr at 7 o'clock, following which they will hare breakfast at the church at 2 o'clock. -A short Easter program will be-gtren at the Bible school hour. ' XETOXWE3 CUOKCR ' ' Caraar Caateal aa4 Maria itraatc. VT. O. Ucakaaaiaar. paitar. Bmnity aebaal t S:43. , t. . ' Kraca aasariaieadrnt. EaffUa aerrieat aftsao. Subject! 'Te Tbraa- Marra at tka Opaa goaakara." Aantaa imifti at 11:15. S abject: "Oor Eaatar raita." Eaater Cantata it T:M ST. PAUL'S CllOIln IfJ EASTER PROGRAM BishOD Wa T. Sumner of Portland In Charge' of Morning Services The choir of . St.. Paul's church, under the direction of R. H. Rob ertson will appear in special song Easter Day at the 11 o'clock aerr-J lee. The Right Rer. Walter T. Sumner, bishop of Oregon,, will conduct the different serrices dur ing, the morning. The program is as .follows: - . Processional. "Come Te Faithful"! Christ Our Passorer. .. .Schilling Kyria. (Tours) Gloria Tibl. Gratia Tibrd Nicene Creed ...... (Harker) "Victory . . .Gaul Hymn "Angejs Roll the Rock Away" Sermon . . . ."Bishop Sumner" Gloria . . . . "Day of Resurrection". . .Spence Presentation "Praise God" Sursum'Coda and Sanctus (Camidge) Benedietus .". . (Selby) Agnes Del (Adams) Gloria Iu Excelsis. . (Old Chant) Serenfold Amen. (Stainer) Nunc Dimlttis ..(Vincent) Recessional "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" ' Soloists Kamed ; The soloists are Louise Robert son, Margaret Rosecrans, R. H. Robertson and Tom Tattum. The personnel of the choir is as fol lows: Mrs. Louise Robertson, Mrs.' V. E. Kuhn, Julia Creech, Sarah Lansing, Irene De Lisle, Bertha Orford, Mrs. Joseph Law, Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans, Eileen Gilson, Jennie Thompson, Mary Kafoury, R. H. Robertson, Thomai Williams, Robert Neimeyer, Tom Tattum, .and. Frank Deckebach. The organist is Myrtle Knowland. - At the Good Friday serrices be tween the hours of 12 and 2, the Rer. U. H. Gibbs of Portland will officiate. Persons can attend these serrices at any time during these hours. Request is -made. howerer. - that persons enter or leare during the singing of a hymn. . FIRST CHRISTIAN 0BSEII1CES TOLD The Easter serrices of the First Christian church start with "Syn- rise Prayer Serrices" at 6:00 a a' . to. The Loyal Friend's class, will meet at the church from where transportation will be furnished to West Salem Heights,, the place of meeting, Ereryone Is cordi ally invited .to this , serrlce. The high school class ' Will hare a' prayer serrlce and special Easter breakfast at . the church. Other plans of the church for Easter Include: Special features In each department in the church school which meets at 9:45, Sun day morning; preaching serrices At 11 o'clock, when D. J. Howe will use as his theme "The Resur rection Gospel." Special music for the worship hour will Include a solo by Mrs. Clayton Jackson. Calrary" (Rodney-Wilson); and a baritone solo by Ralph Patter son, "I Know That My Redeemor Lireth, (from Messiah). The choir will present a con cert of Easter music ss a prelude to the erening serrice. and Uldine Gartln. the blind singer, will sing as a solo, "The Stranger of Gal ilee". Subject for the Easter eve ning sermon will be "The New Life of Christ." Baptisms! ser rices wil close thf day at this church. Special Music By Gospel Team At Evangelical A special musical progrsm will feature the Easter dsy serrices at the First Evangelical church, an. neunced Rer. A. L Laytoo, with the Gospel team from the Nortn Pacific ErangeUssaoinatltute la Portland to Jnxniah all the num bers at the morning hour except a solo by Lawrence Msres. -Rer. Carl Wackerbarth of the institute will also bring the Easter morning message, -. 7 ; :.. -u A platform meeting will be held at the erenlng serrices, with a special quartet from the insti tute to sing. Dr. J. A. Goode of the school faculty will hare charge ot this hour. Young People V Plan Program . The Sunday school and Baptist Yonnsr People's Union of tne First German Baptist hurch are cooperating in a Bible - day and Eaater program to be siren Sun day night at the church, begin- nlnsr at 7:20 o'clock. Aummis- tration of Baptism will take place folio wine the morning - sermon. when the church choir will Ing "Behold the King and Who ire All these Robed in White?'' CKTJXCH Of TBI Wir.AXCTg 6 klMk Milk C CttUr m tStk llrwt. I D. fimitfe. . 134S B. CoBUMrrisI trot. Saaday . at :45. Seceial '. fcr th ehildrra'a itM,' Mrminr prchimg at II lr nrr. K. J. Lard ( Katrbrf. . Taaac aoal' Bartlnc at S:SO. Thaa Saanaaa. vrrti- 4nu U eiarr. Mrs. T. A. RiaM, fea4rr. vsacali&li arvie at f :S. Sola fcy lira. C. M. LitwUlar aad a Saet hr Mr. aaS Kra. A. O. SfeTder. ET. C. H. Ropkla. farmer pattar tai church os Mr f.fiawBarg, wui yraaca. , Special--. Both Morning anirx The rested choir of the First Methodist church wUl appear In Easter concert at 7:20 o'clock. Easter evening under direction of, Prof. E. W. .Hobson iind at 10 o'clock Sunday morning the church school will give a Veil-prepared program, with the cradle roll, be ginners, primary and junior departments cooperating. 11 OF EISTED IT LESLIE .V The chorus choir of the Leslie Memorial church,. South Commer cial 'and Myers streets, will pre sent Ira B. Wilson's Easter-can tata, The Dawn of Easter," at 7:45 o'clock Sunday rveninr, J. William Belcher of oprtiana, ai rectingix Cantata OwtUned - Chorus "For Our Transgres "The Master is Asleep," L. H. Springer. Men's chorus, "Our Hopes, Our Dreams Are Dead." Tenor and contralto duet, "Let Not Tour Heart Be Troubled." William McGilchrist, Mrs.- T. H. Temple and choir. Tenor solo. "Tomorrow," Floyd v Mclntire. "Day .-Is. Breaking." -' Bass solo and, woman's chorus, ','He Is Not Here," F. C. Rock. Chorus, "Come Forth In Triumph." So prano solo and chorus.; "O Te of Little Faith." Miss Ruth- Hazel ton. Chorus, "Risen from the Dead." Final chorus,' "Thanks Be to God." ; ' Chorus Personnel Those who will take part In the cantata are: soprano, Mes dames W. R. Bush, Irene Lore, Clark M. Will, W. J.Llnfoot, A. It. Mason; Misses Ruth Hazelton, Helen Curry, piadys E. Miller, Isabelle Huston. Marine . Ulrich. Alto, Mesdames'A. ;C. Bornstedt, Lu T. Beall. T. H.Temple, E. T. Barkus, C. C. Long, Misses Helen Ingrey and Gladys D. Miller. Ten or, Messrs. William McGilchrist, Floyd Mclntlre.Fred L. Scott, H, R. White, Ben' F. West. Bass, Messrs. F.'- C. Rock. Leslie H. Springer, L. C. McShane, V. M. Clark, Alfred French, Leland Scott, Darlew E. Johnson. Ac companist'' Mrs. S. Darlow John son. - The young folk ot the church are" sponsoring 0 o'clock early morning - praise service, when MrsEmma Whealdon will bring the message on "The Easter Wit ness." Following this service, league breakfasts will be held for the intermediates at the John Huston home and for the Leslie and Asbury groups at the church. MOVIE FOB EASTER IT C0BATIO1L Special services will be he'd st both services and in the evening hour at the First Congregational. church, as follows: At the Sunday school hour, 9:45, Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist will sing a solo, Miss Irma Bab cock will give a reading, and the school will participate in build ing a white cross by each wearing In a flower, symbolizing consecra tion to Christ. The music at the morning ser rice will include Eseter hymns, an anthem "Now is Christ Exalted' by Scott, and a solo, "The Won drous Cross",' by Heyjer sung by Mrs, Harry Harms. . At : the evening service . the greatest religious picture yet screened. "The King of Kings be shown. Hymns will be sung. from, the screen, the euartet will sing "Sweet Bella or Easter Time by Baines. And Mrs. Harms "will sing during the closing scenes of tie picture "The Old Rugged Cress." 1 '. r Mrs.H.Corsaw A ttthn r Prhprarh i 0 J : lf m ' M fl Ilf4t1ni czc v:m iiuiujiwu Mrs. Haxel Corsaw. member of .the program committee for the' Eaater day exercises at the Chris tian and Missionary Alliance, has written an Easter progrsm which will be presented during the Sun day school ' hour tomorrow morn ing. The exercises will; begin promptly at 9:45 o'clock. y Rer. O. J. Stone; pastor of the Alliance tabernacle at Tacoma Wash., will bring the message at 11 o'clock. At the preaching ser rice Rer. J. G. MIn ton.; regular pastor, will sing a new Composi tion ot his own. entitled, "Putting My Trust In Jesus.? - St. John's Has Easter Numbers St. John's. Lutheran choir .will sing a special number, "Low He Is Risen, by George Kessel. ; in the English services Sunday morning. Mrs. W. Fisher, wUl offer a solo, "1 Know that My Redeemer Liveth., from the Mes-H siah, as an Easter feature ot the German services. Mr: Fisher will accompany her. Holy communion will be observed in the German serrices this Sunday, and in Eng lish 'the following Sunday. ot-ad Tisnroa sossrow - t4$ H . Coart atrrat. 8. aaataa. I anator. ' gaaoav tcbool at 3 p. m. rr- rirtt at S a4 8 . at. Mwtinr TuedT. Thursday asd Saturday Taiunr. - CHURCH soioisis ior me easier cwuceri. for which Prof. T. S. Roberts will be at the organ and Miss Ruth, Bedford at the piano, are: so prano, Misa Gladys Mclntyre, alto. Miss Josephine Albert, tenor, Ron-. aid Craren, bass, Everett Craven. The program: Organ prelude. "Easter Dawn' Mertel . Prof, ti S. Roberts Process lonal hymn No. ISO, "Christ the Lord Is Risen To day" Invocation .... Rer. F. C. Taylor Solo. "He Shall Feed His Flock". Handel Miss Josephine Albert Chorus. "Creation Hymn" Rach maninoff Recitative and Air. "Thou Shalt Break Them" (from Messiah). Handel Ronald Craven Chorus "At the Ninth Hour" Shelley Solo, "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" (from Messiah) Handel Miss Glavds Mclntyre Organ solo. "Andante Cantabile" Tschalkowski Prof. T. S. Roberta , Chorus, "The. Heavens are Tell- 1 ing" (from Createion) -Harden Solo. "The Trumpet Shall Sound" (From Messiah) . Handel Everett Crarea Chorus "Worthy is the Lamb that is Slain" (from Messiah) Handel Children to Appear . . The program for the Sunday ' school observances and the part te ; be given by each department fol lows: . Song by congregation and invo cation by-Rev. F. C. Taylor. Cradle roll pupils song, "Jeans Bids Us Shine;" reading by class, assisted by Vera Vancleave; recitation, "Told By Pansies," Audrey Skip per; ''Jesus Lore3 Me," class. - Beginners' department - "Oh Bells in the Steeple," Helen Fred ericksoa; "Spring," Gene Temple ton; "Happy Easter Day," Mara lyn Zeller; "Thoughts and Flow ers." John Reynolds; Easter Song, class; " Easter Rabbit." Genevieve Winslow; "Beginning to Grow Ruth Barton; "Keeping Easter Day," Virginia Covert, DIx Moser , and Ilona Bateon; "Some Things that' Easter Brings," Mary Eliza beth Sisson; "Easter Bells," Patsy Holt. . - F1a Story Included Primary department recita tion, Beth Siewert; readings, eBt ty May Selander and Mary Joe Geaier; songs by class; "Spring Song;" and "Wake Up Little Birds." Junior department "The Flag That Flies Highest ot All," a skit with Wilbur Swafford, reader; Joseph Tringle, North Wind; Sam Holladay, East Wind; James Se hon. West Wind; Gordon - Carl. South Wind; Bonnie June Selan des. Flag of England; Betty Mo-, ser. Flag of France; Betty Fargo, Flag of America; Marjory Knox, Christian Flag. Other Glags of . Nations will be represented by Iris Frederickaon, Marlon John ston, Grace Bailey, Beverly Swart. -Paul Uppold. Robert Lorens, Walter Waterman and Merrill Ames. Leaders, Evelyn Berger, Annabelle Hoogerbyde. Gladys , Hawley, Margaret Vadeny, Lois ; Spanoil and Lnella DeHarport. " Music Feature . : A t First Baptist Church Sunday The church choir of the First Baptist'church will present spe cial program .of Eaater music at the ' erening serrice at 7:20 o'clock. At the Sunday school hoar' sereral children from the begin ners' and Juniors' departments will appear In a short program of rerse and song. These two depart, ments will shortly be liven class rooms in the new basement. . Rer. Robert L. Payne will bring av message appropriate to the day at both serrices, speaking in the oiuug ob auau Yt ttnw baca other in Our, Resurrection Bod- ies?" and at night on Seeking and Savins." Plan : tSpeaal' Music ' . Spb!al Easter ' music Is beln't planned for the morning worship at 11 o'clock at the Church Of the Nazareue on 10th a block south of Center. Rer. Louise Pinnsll will hare charge of the music, which will be as folkws: "Hallelujah for the Cross." and "Christ A rose," choir; "He Arose." John Frierson and family; r.end ; the Word." Ila. Coramae and Cam a- ' gene Hotter. -; Tit. .tlMfMlll Mrtfl A . . AwtMkM l""" w V avr, vuasua ; ttsviivwui :,- . ' Special Sermon . - . " I Eaater will be observed In the Center street, Methodist Episcopal church, . with an Easter sermon by the pastor, P. J. Sehnert.' Spe cial musical - numbers - will ' be glren. : ''.'k.t;; -av:, . - COVST STXSXT CHTCH OF VhSTST Caart aaS 7tk trert., , Tt. F. feboa Jaker. miaitfr. 144 W. lStfc atrrat. Bia!a.aeSt 'S:45 a. am. A ahart ExMrr ' Psraai will b riT,a darinf fhm Bibla ' acaml aariad. Ifaraiaa warshin It a. aa. a "Th naaarrartioa rnC Jt Tr'-mnha." Appraanriata araaie. diriatiait - Wfiw aaS Jaarar mtetnrf 8:30 p. aa. 6m; rr rrf aa4 atiraaa 7:30 p. m. p"l'-t, "How Shall Wa tfpa if Wa h Gml 8atTatiaat" Itiat Cartia wt.I aiag and lead taa caarua at all aarvicea.