The New OREGON STATESMAN Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, March 33, 1929 lx)cal News Briefs . Ifeachens to Meet Th April meeting of the Salem Teachers' council will be held next Tuesday. Atoll 2. in room SI of the Parrlsb jiitflsr : high school, according to tbr Teachers Bulletin issued Fii dvi The latest bulletin la the sec ond edited by the senior high Eng- lttt students of Miss Grace Hock- ett and contains 11 pases, with illustrations appropriate t o the Batter season.' Mixneographlrfg war done by the commercial stu dents. This? meeting will be the last- regular meeting, under the present council, or which K. w. Tavenner. assistant hlgbr school principal. Is president. Semites for Tonight Carl Wackerbarth of Portland, where be is attending the North Pacific Evangelistic Institute, will preach tonight at: the Tre-Easter revival series' at the First Evangelical ehareh, corner Liberty and. Center streets, announces , the pastor, Revi A L. Layton. Roecoe Plow- mafit also ot the Institute, Will have charge of the Saturday night meeting. The revivals will con tinue another week and the insti tute's gospel team will assist next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Three Couples WedMarriage licenses have been Issued by the Marlon county clerk to the fol lowing couples: Jones Ford Kel ler and Esther Browning, both of Salem; R. C. Storey. 23, and Ruth Mj B&bcock, 24. both of Portland; sad no Dewek Place. 20, and Es therWilsey, 17, both ot Tangent. Gbrilen Clnb Meets The Salem Garden club will bold a meeting in Ule Salem chamber of com merce rooms Monday at 8 p. m., according to announcement made Friday night. Luther Chapin and MvsV Walter Purvine. both of Sa lem, will discuss flowering bulbs. Xo School Hero Monday- When Satem school children tucked their books away Friday afternoon they g hi good-bye to school attend ance until next Tuesday morning. In" keeping with the usual practice- here, students and teachers have . been giren Monday a an Easter holiday. This applies for all- public schools. " Postpones Ret am In a wire retired Friday at the health cen ter, Dr. Estella Ferd Warner ad-vlses- that .she will not return frtnrf -her'trip to New York City until- the middle of April. Dr. Warner, who Is director of the county health demonstration, had planned to return next weekend. Mother Dies Miss Grace Gil liam; teller In the state treasurer's office, was summoned thome- Fri day ;hy the death of her mother, Mrs.?N. J. Gilliam, at the family heme near Pilot Rock, Oregon Mrs. Gilliam was 1 years eld and ttt mother of two sons and six daughters. She died Friday: moru la.' -,;:.-';-:;.-,.:. Make Trip to Pedee C. ;W, Lee, manager of the Purity Stores aad D. L. Shrodo went to Pedee Friday night to attnd a comntan- ity meeting.! Mr. Lee leares this morning on a business trip- to Coos Mrs. Mills Better Condition et Mrs. J. S. Mnis, 1231 Center street who has been ill for the past six months, is showlnc slight ' im provement. She Is not able to be Bp as yet. - - ? '. '. Gees To Home Miss Vernelta Herron. teacher in the home eco nomics department at the Parriah juuier high school,, has goat to her 'home in Monroe ta,xemsni until after tha Easter vacation. " Mrk Denton BetteswMra. W. A. Denton, local ausl-MCractor. 1 Improving in. health following; a suite serious illness,- Mrs.? Demon is at the heme ot her sister, firs. M?Uyer. at Itlt Court street. Pfdtoin Man Visits Fred de Vrieeof Pratum, where ' he-. Is chairman of the school board, was a business visitor la the city FH say, While here he called at the orflee of the county superintend ent ; " . -" ; - SHesf Cfcab Heod--Vr-rest -Holladay receired the-majority Tote in the election held at the hieh school Friday to determine a tie Tote for the presidency of the . seien-e club.- Mexico Folk Visit Mr. and Mrs. Wallace French of Mexico City are stopping In Salem for a few c They are registered at the Argo hotel. . , Sublimity Man Here W. L. Graham, well-known farmer of the Sublimity neighborhood was a business visitor In Salem y ester day. Downs n South Dr. C. A. Downs has gone to southern CaL Ifernia. from where he is expected to retnra the middle of next week. arvcy- W. '-'hbs. Los Aagele trdist. vas la Salem Friday. . j Isq4 Daily Kxeapt Wosiay j 1 : tTtjt sratef m't n XlvWdstn 215 8. CMBMwrelal 8. ASSOCIATED KESS 1 Tas AMoeiatcS -Press is aslaa'vety atfflc4 f tb vm fsr sabUcsti ( U t AifpaUkM ersiitsd U ltr skf tkerwiM ttitC is this papsr iMjsIm ts tha total aavs Rs0as . xuasrEaa ornczs iri. wv 6tm - awitr ite-PortBHis : gttiiM BMi, -Sas w Aef.w , T1 t TELEPHONE r J tt. ttosortmats ". ' r C affT as tk paat Offiaa. to. Balaaa- ( "oa. mnl Uas aaattor. 2 . atasnxfttoK aUXVa. osrtUsd natSB. as Advsasa aVfe fee. tUfci fuZ Zzt'l If ' fctobse. SO 2 sr 0AAS- taw 1 nu ta It m. m. a I e ems aaaata; Cook's Pay Taken Writ of at tachment against , the" salary of Harold Cook, with a return by the state treasurer and another by the secretary or state, was filed with the Marion county clerk here Fri day in the suit for I49.C3 brought against Cook by Carl and Bowen- sox. The returns show that Cook made an assignment of 3175, his January salary,, to- T. B. Kay, state treasurer, and $131.25 that was due him of his February sal ary, to his wtf e, Cookwho is now in jau at jjauas awaiting action of the grand Jury on a statutory charge, filed a voluntary petition In bankruptcy in federal court at Portland a few-weeks agoi Hayes tille Has Program Wil liam W. Fox, rural school super visor, was in Hayesville last night to assist with an entertainment sponsored by the school district there and to which some ten sur- rounding districts were Invited.' Seven rolls of 4-H dab firms, de pleting .different phases ot the work ' as "carried on the ' Oregon- school children, Trrrre shown as the principal feature of the evening's entertainment. One- Industrial DeathThere was ' one fatality due to an in dustrial accident In Oregon dur ing the week ending March 28, ac cording to a report prepare by the state industrial accident e mission. The victim was Fred Young, Roseburg, truck driver, There were - 766 accidents re ported 'to the .commission during the week, - , .Mrs. Fsdkersosi Imorovlna; Condition of Mrs. Mary L. Fuiker son, county school superintendent who has been confined to- her home most of the week on -ccoant of the influenza, is considerably better. It wUI be the first of the week before she is able to return to her office. ; . Girl ubhmky Folk Mr. and Mrs. R EL Sagnotts of Sublimity are . the- parents of a baby girl, Irma Irene, born 'Starch 20 at a local hospital, eeccording to certif icate filed Friday with the county health officer. Returns to- Heene-Mrs. Harry V. Doxsee, who has been visiting in Salem, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. MiHie, 475 North Capitol . street, for ihe past . week, returned Friday to her home- In Brownsville. While here Mrs; Dox aee underwent treatment tor rheu mat!jm. . VL.s .rasa CrvsJHs Ira. O P. West, wife of the new scout executive, arrived In town Fri day from Corvallis. Mr. West has been In Salem for two weeks and as- soon as a suitable location is secured they will take up their residance here. ' Ijaytoae 'to Pallas -Rev.", and Mrs. A. L. Layton were in Dallas Thursday afternoon to visit their old friend, the Rev. M. J. Ballyn tine, a retired minister who is ser iously- 11L Rev. Layton is pastor of the 'First Evangelical church here. - A ' Easl m a Mast AeeeptaPoamon C. H. cooler of New Tbrk has ar rived at Salem from Tampa. Florida,-with Mrs. Cooler. Mr. Cool ey is employed as draperies man by the C. S. Hamilton Furniture Co, Melsdytw Reaurmo Floyd Mc Intyre has returned after spend ing the) winter In Florida. He was in Washington, D. C. at the time ef President Hoover's inau guration. l - , Rev. Coc&raa Slags The Rev. W." Earl Cochran e the Calvary Baptist ehurck was the soloist at the Lions club luacheea Friday, with.- Miss i RutS i Bedford .as ae coaspanlst' - .. ComW to Salem Mrs. H. A- Holt arrived, in Salens Friday to be with her , husbaad in-their new home at 875 N. Liberty street. Mr. Holt is with the Bus ter Brown shoe store, .r . w ' - - . - , ' . . Possess km Charged Roger Fel ger was- arrested Thursday night by local police on - a - charge of liquor possession. A pint flask half full of alleged liquor was Ukea. Aecepts- Leeal, Position. L. V. Van Slsyk ot Portland has accept ed a position as furnishings man and window decorator for Direc tor's lepartment store. X 1 ' ' KO. " Sraasti AaaaX StataaMat sf 'tiia Ktv Tarft .Iseaamtf Caaaa y mt X Tai Cr. to tk Stat f Kav Trit. a tk tUrty-tixst iy f Deabr, 1M. auSa t tk luiruct Ca iirinaar t Ak Stat. T OTcaa.nmaat t tow. - caritAi. . i , " 'toHii aC cayital stock ! ap, t,- . . . . Kt praatfcaw rive Cartas tka yaar, 9T.S3l.74S.15. ' ; Iatoraat. aivi4a4 aai aaatc reeaivad aauriao tk ymr, S30.U4J. - Tai rraai atlma aovreaa leeiva iariaa- Itolaw, S3T.e.S. Total teeaw. SS.2S3.ossS. PLSRCRSKMESTS - "Vat totaea saUk arw tk yaar Inrlaa Ur ajataMt espaasea. 4,8,T6S.SI. Oividaads paid a capital atoek dariag lk yaar. aa. . - - Oaanantoas aaa aalarias pali Sanaf th pT. . . -. Tasaa. Yirmmm aa ta pais Ssriag ta yaar. S1SS.0SS21. , Aataamt f all tkr azpaaeKarea, 1,- tss.ooea " . . Total spmiitar. ST,1I,0T.U r . - . ASSETS Talaa f aaJ atat va (aurkat vala, S38.0OO.00. - . ' Vala mt atacka a4 baaia ai (up kat vataa). 4,61.808.00. . Loaaa as atartf agaa aad eoUataral, ate, 87UO.OOO.OO. s Cuk ia kaaka aad : a ' feaai. SS. S4S.S5. - - -r. - '. Pnatiaaw la eavraa f cnaetla wilt toa UM Sept. M, ina, S1.M5.1A5.1S. Iatorant aad raata 4a aa4 aecracd, f8S.T17.TS. Otaar aastte. 3S7.SI.1. Total saaiUtea aaaati. M.57,S5.SS. - LIABILITIES - - Oroia alal I tr - toaaaa aapai. S3, ttt.SM.IS. r - - taint f ai-av praaMaaia s - aB ra.04.S-S0g.2a. . Dw r caaimliiiaa aa Woraga, Ysos.Asa.7sv- ..- - r , - v -aa tap KaVKttoa. iSS,741.04T Total ltoWHtta, oaelaai r ,pHal toak- af aa aarplaa. S47. SSSJ7 .t.Se9. - ' ' i V .- : - .- roa TBS TSAR -r--"-. Wat pi taaaj t ari4 Aariag. tk. yaar, assjaXei. - ... . pats Sanaa ta - roar. sze,. t-"''- i.. ---. iaarr4 iariaa tk yaar.' Si7.- . Hi r K7 Ttok. SaaWi gaato mi aaaailaat Saaaeat Walt. " ki iato W naratoas ii afkait . UvmUL Btatataar aia sttaaaai tv ai"laa lawrrcs riaaaiilissif. talssh On, Spesd Easter fa Portland Mr. and - Mrs. " Simon - Director will spend Easter at Portland visiting at the home of friends and rela tives. ' Bend Man Visits Carl A. John son, Associated oil products deal er at Bend, was in Salem Friday conferring with local representa tives of the same company.' ' BaOds : New Home "Bin Church, well-known Salem' busi ness man. Is building a new house in Salem Heights. The property win do ready for occupancy soon. Spend , Easter Here Mr. and Mrs. Hardesty are spending East er at the home of Mrs. Hardesty's motner, Mrs.. Florence Brown. Speeding Charged Robert N. HoUaday was . arrested ; Friday kaiternoon by; a local traffic of- ncer on a charge ot speeding. - Goes to Corvallis Frank Dob little was a business visitor in Corvallis yesterday. , i . Albany Man Here E. R. Cum- mlngs of Albany was a Salem vis itor yesterday afternoon. . Portland r Man Tislts Frank poolitUe of Portland will be- here Easter visiting - Irene - DeLisle. Find It Here Your Motor Cotnpletelr " Overhauled, 2-3 regular orices FlUgerald Sherwin Motor Co. No. La oert y at Chemeketa. Beaotif ul Easter Lilies Arriving at The Flake Petland. Br. Jacksoa - 407 Court. Phone 2243. IMlar Every night Marlon hotet. i :lt to t at t Fnrntniw Cpholsxersf And repairing Glese-Powera Furniture Co, FIFTY "Used Piano Bargains' stirr Furniture Co. Get Tow Easier LaUes Now At The Flake Petland, 35 cents per bud or blossom. For Sale or Trade ' The Black Cat restaurant See Roth Grocery Co. Easter Lilies i Special The. Flake Petland, S5 cents. bud or blossom. Old Time Crystal Garden every Wed. and sat. night. FIFTY "Used Piano Bargains Stiff Furniture. Co. Special Easter Hostess Cakes Something new at your grocery. FIFTY "Used Piano Bargains" Stiff Furniture Co. Easter Spot Basfce At Hasel Green Saturday. Eat Your Easter Dinner at the Homo Restaurant. 50e. Fried Spring Chicken Dinner ' Sunday. 11.00. Black Bird Inn Noon to S p.m. We cater to din ners and rartles an Vme during the week. Phone 16. Black Bird Inn Rickreall, Oregon. NorJee : "rufer's Pereomial Gardens" has taken over Bate- hams Floral Gardeas on Wallace Koaa ana win conunae at reauced prices. ... Fostoria Glassw Is always acceptable: Large se lection In ear gtftry. Pomeroy A Keene. - 4 . Piantiag Time Is Here We have GUI Bros, best seeds. Morerop fertiliser, prennr 1 plant panslea, gladloH. Salem Seed-6 Or chard- Supply Co. 17t- S. -ComT. St.; .formerly Pearcy .Bros. 'steTeU i . '- Cam .Thaaka.-.T-'- We wish to thank our friends ran- thair- sympathy during moth er s . illness - and, death. L. Enners and tamtlyv . Teachers Will ! Name Officers "The Salem Teachers'' association will hbld annual election of offi cers at the sea lor high school au ditorium Tuesday., April 16, pres ident R. W. Taveaner announced Friday. Final committee : reports win aiso do neara at mat tune. Miss Dorothy Taylor, principal of McKInley aad Lincoln schools, and Mrs. Sylvia Krapa of Parrlah have been nominated for. the presidency. : - jtv.-ee .. Svaopais of Aaaaal gtataat f .tka AJbaay Unnm Coajpaay f Alkaar ia th Stata ac Maw. Trk, a tk tkirty, firat Say at Paaaaiaar. IMS, aaaS t tk- laaaraaea -Caunisaiar t tka Stata t Orga, punut to tow;- - CAPITAL Aamrat at capital stack pa! ap, ft90, 000.00. ISCOUK ,ft sraaiiaaia aaciTa Sariag tfct yaar IT), 75.0ST.S. . - "v . ' latataat, Aiviaanae aad ranta raratTad) twunx tka 7ar 17). SSISOS. - ' -. laeaaio ttma ttktr - iini raealTa: Tartar tk rarst, Total, iaoaia. I7. AS10.TS1.59. : DISUURSEMEKTH - Y Kat toaaaa paid dariar tk pear taelad- -ias ajatoMt epena ssz,- fiividaad paid aa capUal stack dstiaf tk yea (tt) aA7.aO0.0. - . - CaaiaMiiinar aad aalartoa paid dartag tk pear lS-i7-4Sa-l. Tuh. Uaes aad t -paid dariag tk ar (J4-JS),- Sas.7SS.St . - Aatoaat f U ethar aspeatoraa 1SV a-SO-S t-2a SJ-S8U-2S - SS . SS - , f7 299.54. . v - .. r Ttl apaaditsra. 9717JOOS.SS. . , - - ,;r- ASSETS ' - . v Xaiataraaea daa - aa Paid I.aaaas salt Depeait PkUada'pkia Uadanrritars An- ciatisa, 11.7S.8T. - - - Valaa at atocka aad aa avaad siae ' kat aata, (S-Ssv, SI.7SS.St4.S0, ' Iaaa oa motti aad eeUatoraTt ate. " ..." tt-8 2M75jG0.- - -..w "-'t-' -. Caak la aad aa, kaad. (S-7), . ' rrai:a la eaara f aol'eetiaa a-rit-taa slaa 8it. . 1921 (8) 9K9.H1.19. latateaa- and teats da sad aferaed , (14, fll.1 At 43. - - - . ... -v-f . Ttat atm anatt. az.isga, - LIABU.ITIXS . - - i-- , 4 . Ora elataa fr laaaaa aapatd (14), SS-4.s5a.S8. - , -I aajeaat" af aaaarnad anejtoais -a -J2 laatauaAtof aiakC (1). 9Z74.aAS.rS. - Da) far iiaaiaiM aad fcrakaaats (87) ' . , " A atW HaTaiUtoS (1I U U) Att MUt.-. - ; "-'. - J - - Total lUkiUtlaa, aaalasrea f tn!l5 :ek wt 5.n-ee (t set.A4 i.---: i.-aoaUaijesa-nr oaceoif . - . - Vol praaiiaaia recairad dartog tk fmtl . Lmmb paid iaVtat Poor 945.81 1 lacarraa - saras; - ia-- roarx iummt : aaaapaa-f AJaaay Taaat a am Statatarp - raaidaat ' attaeaap far rr VMS ajintllfl CoaTaBJSaapasff, llllSf Qfc CODS BAY KILLFri IS IN PHI FOR LIFE Hanging Sentence phanged ; on Retrial Jor Use of V Unfair Tactics J .. Robert Grebn began a new sea fence la the . state penitentiary Friday when he started a Ufa in torment for the murder ot Caleb Green. Coos county, in November 1027. Green was first tried early In 1 0 2 8 and sentenced to ' hang. April 14, 1023, ten days before he was to die. the msremi court ordered a new trial when evidence was introduced that a detective posing as a prisoner, had extract ed a confession from Green. On second trial he was found -guilty and: given life Imprisonment. - It was a happier prisoner who returned to the penitentiary Fri day, authorities said, Green con versed with friends made -during his first, imprisonment without the restraint of. the" first days -in prison when a death watch had been established and .the noose was imminent. Bud McGowan ot Coos county was also, committed to the state prison Friday on a 10 years sen tence for assault with intent to kilL - ..-,7 The present population ot the prison is 720, a decline of 11 from the high mark ot 740 reached fortnight., ago. NEW JAIL PLAN Umatilla county is figuring :oh a new jalL and the county court members will go to Colfax, Wash., and Lewlston, Idaho, to - Inspect the new Jails that have been erect ed In those eitles. OBITUARY - Fieener Vivian Maxine - Fieener , died Wednesday evening at the family residence, 71 0 North 15th street, at the -age of 17 years. - Besides her parents. Mr. and Mr. Damon Fieener, . she is - survived by one sister, . WUda Fieener. Vivian Fieener was- a member ot the First Presbyterian church' aad a senior, at Salem high school. Fu neral services Saturday at 1:15 p. m. at the Rlgdon Mortuary, Rev. N. K. Tally officiating. In terment to Cltyview cemetery. where the Rainbow Girls wilLhold graveside services. ; Sanger ' Funeral services for Mrs. Ther esa Sanger, who died at the home at 1850 Fir street March 24, will bo held Saturday at 3 p. m. at .tMs Clough-Huston parlors, the - Rev, K. L. Payne and G. Scbunke offi ciating. Interment will be made at a later date at Memphis, Tenn. She is survived by her husband, Robert Sanger, also a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Pennington of Memphis, Tenn. Noren ,r' . Mrs. Ella Noren died early Fri day night at the home at 1160 North 18th street at the age ot 4 years. . Survived Jiy her hus band, J obn of Salem ; two broth ers, Marcus M. Long; and Stroud Long, and two nephews and one niece, all of Portland. Arrange ments in care of the Clough-Huston funeral directors. ' Sdunld At the home ot Mat. Schmld: one mile N. of Sublimity, on March Z9, Mrs. WaUie Schmld at the age of 06 years. Survived by three sons Matthew Schmld. of Sublimity. Joseph Schmld had Ignats Steln- er, of Salem.. The remains are in care of the Salem Mortuary.' Fun eral services today, March 30.; 3 p m. at HuDumity. rather scher- bring officiating. Burial In the Catholic cemetery. Vs - -,. , f- v ''i''Haaoergert- At the home ot Theodora Heu- berger ia AumsvUle on March 28, cusaoem ueuoerger at the age of 89 years. Survived by one daurh- t e r,- Mrs. - Mary - Heuberger - of AumsvUle and one son Nicholas' Ritsinger of Ashland, Oregon. The remains are In care ot the Salem Mortuary. Funeral services will be held today, at 3' p. m. at Sub limity. Father Scherbrlng offici ating. Burial will be In tbe Cath olic cemetery. .. . Jjtlvcttit iHemoriai A Park Cemetery perpetual care J fXOTD T. EIGDON, Mgr. ra ... - ; . - JV tpw jl. iVflLlLAiifETTTE VALLEY TRANSFER COr.IPANY TtmtUASi "'-"aai' faS Slav T J O-;-?- lBaai40w s? . - , . Becoming Effective March XVllxf v r KfeDDmONAL SERVICE 'v-Mtvissat AXtssf, CorraEis,,Eciene r : AIm cosctlaaed service to all points sowth of galeaf; Ashland! and Dally Servico to Cell KC3Fcr Equalization is BigTaxProblem - Senator Claims ', Laws providing for better equal isation of assessments, were the most Important pieces of legisla tion with respect to taxation pass ed at the recent session. Senator Lloyd Reynolds of Marlon county said In an address at the Lions dab luncheon Friday. These Included the establish ment of a paid tax commission, and also changes In the machinery of equalization within - the coun ties. .. - Senator Reynolds outlined the provisions ot the excise, intangi bles and income tax laws, and also tlje changes In motor vehicle li cense laws. m GRADEPUPILS The second grade pppils of the Richmond school entertained their schoolmates and' mothers at an in teresting Easter - program Friday afternoon. Miss Mary Lee Scott is the teacher. , The young pupils prepared much of the program In a project study on the rabbit. The toy orchestra selections were a particular feature of the program, which follows: March, MIn Lilae Time,' toy orchestra' under direction Nola Lee: The Bunny Story, written by class, by Melvtn Hart; -Flippity- Flop" and "Timid Bunny." songs, by Herman Friesen. Glen Brooks, Lee Nleswander, Leland Berry, Marybelle Tantis, Blossom Beat wright, Andrew Zeigler. Ray Breedlove, Nola Lee, Irene Wolff, Barbara Gesner, and Walter Bushnell. "Adventures of Peter Rabbit, an original play, with John Erik- son as Reddy Fox; Glen Brooks as Peter Rabbit: Nola Lee aa Sha dow, the Weasel: and Edwin Keyes as Water;, "Two Rabbits' and "Funny Little Bunny,! songs by Delbert Pitney. Leon Long. Dale Newman. Billy Evans.-Bffly Lockard. Ruth Disbrow, Aaron Dumbeck. Violet Weftmafiv Jean Read, Leon, Spalding. Nola Lee and Gwindoiyn west; Mr. nanny, Constance Wedell; "Amoryllia" by toy orchestra. Legislature's Records to be -, Complete Soon The desk .clerks employed la the senate and house during the recent legislative session, will complete tad work of checking the bills, resolutions, memorials and Compilation of the legislative journals will then get under way. A. W. Norblad. president ot the senate, and Ralph -Hamilton, speaker of the house, probably will arrive in Salem Tuesday to affix their signatures to the final proceedings. Easter Bonnets Bit Disturbed by Signs of Snow - Easter bonnets are nestling snugly in their boxes awaiting the arrival of the holiday with not a little anxiety In view Of the lr- regular" spring weather which has greeted Salem folk Royce Allen, , who , stopped, at Salem on his way north yester day afternoon,1 said that he had driven through a driving snow storm' at- CaayonviUe. while en route. People in town from Dallas re port snowfall there.' ABOUT LOCAL OS RAIXJtOAD FnONE 7X7 Drccn Dcctris Ity.N WfiaaMtta Tartar Lta u EASTER EGGS LArjre Penny Egjrs, also Small Bird Eggs . Special for Friday and Saturday v s . .. Fresh Blade in Seattle 25c a lb. or , Two lbs, for 45c - . - . ' 7- Only at ... Schaefer's Drug Store 1SS IT. ComT. St. Pbene 19? The Original Caady Special ' -Store of Salens, ' Penslar Ageacy IWIm run ; -r- way polats Above T isfcrxnitica pencil PeterS Adveniures WITH- THE WI?fD AS HIS FBXESD - "WelL yoa have had a day of it!" Peter looked sympathetically at Duck, who gave a , deep sigh and nodded his head. ; ' ' 'Til say so. declared he. The boy stared at the bird in surprise. "Where did you pick up that expression f asked be. "I de clare one never knows what to next expect from yoa birds! Now, woh would ever guess that the feathered folk used slang! I thought only we Two-Legs did thaf. " .' . . "Pooh! cried Duck and puffed out his chest. "I tfelieve my peo ple can do just as many things as can yours more If yoa ask me and as I told you once . before, hoy. you think too much! What good does It do to think, any how? Only makes your head ache as far as I can see. I said what I thought. I always do. What fault have you to find with that?" "None at .aU." replied the boy. hastily, thinking for - the hun dredth time that these birds were always getting their toes stepped upon. "What are you going to do now?" j "Oh, nothing much just try to keep; warm while I hang around here waiting for those friends of mine to come from the North. "Why- you have missed them, old fellow! Those friends f yours 1H11CEIS HUE The emestloa "Who's to be queen ef tha May?" Is one of all- absorbing interest on the Willam ette university campas for tha next week.. If any eligible candi dates were eliminated in a nomin ation ballot cast Friday at a spe cial meeting of the student body. Of all girls fn the senior class, the Misses Georgia Fairbanks. Jean White, and Beatrice Lock- hart received enough votes to make them candidates for the election for queen to be held next week.' It is expected that the out come In 'the election for queea will be 'close, for all thre candi dates have been prominent in campus affairs during their four years here. , Miss Fairbanks has been prominent in class activities and - la dramatic work. Miss White is vice president and -Miss Lockhart secretary of the univer sity student body. The May day program will be held on May 4. Few plans have been, definitely formulated, aside from choice ef the play to be pre sented by the junior class. CONTRACTING FIRM IS INCORPORATED FRIDAY The .General Contract company, with capital stock of $5000 and headquarters In Portland, has been incorporated by A. Bleid, H. Wacaster aad J. Sands. Other articles filed in the state corporation -department Friday follow: - OlR'JiOJ . - -jaitras . r r ii - u -v i i v xr pv .. o-t. a -a- - V SMITH VlMCTiHT came and went ' long -before heard yoa crying for help from Mr. xuskrat's doorway. At the boy's words Duck gave a startled quack. 'Tender roots and snail skins! screeched he. ; "Why didn't you tell me so before? Do yon' sup pose I would have spent all these precious moments talking to you if I had known that? Not but what I appreciate aU yoa have done for me, of course." Duck ad ded hastily fearing he had made the boy feel badly, ,"but ' with every word I have been, saying those .' birds have been taking strokes that have carried them farther and ; farther away from me. ' 'r.;,.:vV ..;;'-: - ' "Just thing of the long, weary way I shall hare to travel all by myself! And that storm drawing nearer every minute! The wind Is my best; friend' now. Luckily for. me it Is blowing my way, Thank goodness. It is, at my back . I couldn't bear - to face it tonight; "i shall never forget you. boy. When I come hack this way next spring If ever I do come bk I shall look out for you, and per haps, if you want me to, 1 will make a 'stop-over, 1 so we can have some good times together. Goodbye! Wish me luck, won't you. for I certainly need it after the bad start I made!" Auto Greasing Station, Inc. Portland. $25,000; Edwin Falls. Bertram Smith and J. P. Harmon. Reed Investment, Inc., Port land. $5,000; Edna B. Reed. Mar dith Pelton and Henry S. West brook. East Side Church of the Nas arene, Portland (no capital stock); Dr. F. D. Lnse. W. E. Northey and William Ebert. Florist Generous With Thousands Of New Blooms Generosity extraordinary was manifested by a modest Salem florist who did not let his name be knows, when this week he dis tributed thousands and tens of thousands of blooms to the sick and shutln families and to hospi tal Inmates." Calling various church leaders, he gave them the flowers as a pre-Easter gift to them for distribution throughout the city. . PUESCURED at loss sf Blw MARSHALL $4.95 For tka best ."Tori mUng leases Kzamiaetiea fraa W iniar year sUitea azaiatt kraakafe. . THOMPSON-GLUTSCi: OPTICAL CO. , 110 N. Cooaanerclal 8C - ' . & J$P JSP 9 t Lost and Found :'h Committee For Hunt is Chosen Recalling that several - child ren were temporarily Tost". dur-' ing the Easter egg hunt last year, the Lions club Friday arranged to hare a "lost and found" commit tee on duty at the affair Sunday at the fairgrounds. "Mike" Ohllng and C. F..GIse, aa tall members who can see over the crowd and espy the lost children, were ap pointed. . . ; . - -. -, '.. Holllng Huntington. Dr. George Lewis and George Reynolds were named on a -committee to super vise the awarding of prises for picking up the wrapping paper af ter the hunt is over. , - SATS . . . . ,' ' ' . ., Late 1922 Ford Coupe la fine condition, RnxtcTJ axeL several other extras, 1029 license. ' -Pce 9)93.00. "TbeHoue That Service BalH Rev. A. L. Heine's High Grade Furniture innir ; SALE Wednesday April 3rd l P. M. - 1750, State ate St. Comprising: of the complete furnishings : of 8 rooms Watch papers for further particulars . .. i NOTE: Mr. and- airs. Heine are mo via to the East, so everything mawt be sold. H.F.WOODRY & SON - ARE - THE AUCTIONEERS "In Charge" ? 'Rite Down Town Phone 75 -(The Commercial St. - A ITT ATT mi - -- - - i ' - ' - r ' . " "" i " 3