The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 30, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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    - A BIG VALUE - j
Reptc-entative business -mien
agree that the States- -man's
Travel Accident - In :
sura nee policy Is the biggest .
. dollar's . worth ot Insurance
" GeneraUr fair today but
i lIwith some ckmdlaess; Cold
Friday SO; Mln. 83,' Rate
Vo Fcrcr foay If; o Fear Skdl Vice9 ISrS'Vn:
Salem, Oregon, Saturday Horning llarch 30, 1929
' 1 " I ! I I il i HiV I .1 IC - 4 1.1 l-l II l-I JI 11 II II II II II L , " 1
Oiscrimmation Against N. W.
; Lumbar Interests Eyed
Askance byYanks- f"
U. S. National Government Is
Awaiting Information; in
Critical Situation -11 :
(AP) ComplalaU of "United
EUtes lumber . Interests against
tha oroDosed Increase by Japan In
the tariff on American lumber
hare been informally called to the
t tfintion of Japan 1 by thex state
department, r"0-"'?' -i-t'A
The Japanese tariff situation is
heinr closely watched here -and
serious consideration Is glren at
thA canitol to surreatlons for a
retaliatory tariff on raw silk, and
tea importations to this country
In the - erent' the "hew Japanese
tariff act Is nut into effect.'
While the,-Japanese "diet has
Bussed the tariff act. Increasing
the rates on lumber, it does not go
into ef feci until,' and nnless, the
cabinet promulgates the law dj
Dubllcatloii In the official Gazette.
It has been, anticipated that, this
I ubUcation would -occur .tomor
TOW. , . ' ' - ' ; l '
piscrtmlaation ''"1'--.U.:Y
Charged By U. S. ?
It is the contention of the lum
ber interests In this country that
the new Japanese act. is discrim
inatory against .'America S and
therefore constitutes ' a" notation
of the American-Japanese com
merclal treaty: of 1911, :
The Tokyo 1 embassy - was" in-
etructed by thesUte department
to express to ihe Japanesevgot-
ernment the" hope -of rlhe vyolted
States that American limber and
other products - would 5'not be
placed upon an nnfarorable .basis
with similar or: competing prod
ucts of other countries.
Senators Stelwer and McNary,
of Oregon, are watching the de
velopments clsely. They , . went
. before- the state department to
urge the protest to the Japanese
government. f - ;'. "
Bute Department '
AwaKins ETenta : - .
State departmenf of ficlalshare
been carefully tdTing, the situa
tion and feel that at the present
Juncture they areB6t -warrantad
in going beyond expressing the
hope tothe Japanese gorernment
that American - products -will not
be placed in an unfaTOraMe posv-
The principal complaint is un
derstood to come from cedar lum
ber interests on the Pacific coast.
Japanese concession "holders in
Siberia hare been exporting to
Japan lumber from the. Soviet
Itussian country but it 4s be
lieved here by officials that ' this
lumber is of such a quality that
it does not - seriously e'nter into
competition with the :- American
products. ..J-, ; "'.?'.
Robert S. Tarrell of -Portland
was appointed Friday by Governor
Patterson a member of the state
fish commission to serve out the
unexpired term of Fred P Ken
dall, who died recently. Mr Far
rell formerly was a member of the
firm of Everding. and . Farrell.
commission: merchants He served
as a member of the state senate
for several terms? and was a del
egate to the frepubUeaA national
convention at Kansas : City y last
year. .'-"rV-:;.
. There were a large number of
applicants - for the office of fish
commissioner, according - to ; the
governor.'"'. K,.:-'i,,
- on Fisinxo trip: '
Asahrt; Bush, Frank Hughes
and James Linn have gone,, to the
coast, where they ; will spend the
.week-end on a fishing Up., They
plan to troll for salmon in the Al
sea river. .--i ,
Water to be Diverted ; ? : . ; ; 'J;
Under Liberty Street
- Culvert SundayyWord
Completion of the culvert north
of the Liberty street bridge which
Is a part of the project for con
necting that street across South
Mill creek and Pringle creek, will
he marked Sunday by the diver
sion of the former stream through
the culvert instead of ground it,
according, to the forecast made
Friday by P. L. Frailer, contractor
in charge of the work. . ' :
Completion of the missing gap
in South Liberty street, however,
is still to be delayed many weeks,
for the extensive fill U yet to he
finished and this cannot be done
wntil contractors on both the
bridge and the culvert are through
with their work. ; -
When the street is opened," the
city planning and toning commis
sion is expected to. have a new
major problem on its hands. Con
scUon of this bridge and cul-
hiJ1rgest Project of the
2"re brtW program, was decid
iin lTglr with the IdeaAhat
"terty street would become an
v, .- - r?., - " ! v
::: . . -T- . - - : .-: X- -- -y-Sv.
J9fc- ' ii il" 1 I i IPP m swum in mii vM6'
!(.M -
This Wiiuaal plctare of MIm Anne
A. Undbergh, was taken at the annual flower festival teAfexico City.
Although dozen photographers were present this was the only pic-
au9 mwtow vouimaoie since sue bid net face every time an
exposure was' made. The Morrow family rode In square boat deee
eated with flowers which wm followed: by "canoe filled with
musicians, ,.v .. .. : ...
Fair Board Will Meet Soon
to! Consider; Warrants
Sf'. vlSSUed rfC:
Plana for - the S150,00 com
bined g?andstand. aid educational
building which is to be erected at
the state fairgrounds. , contingent
noon the raising of $50,069 locally
are "belnr prepared for. the .state
fair board by architects,: and will
be ready for the board's consider
ation when it meets here early in
April, it was-announced Friday.
The board is desirous of starting
construction as early as possible.
so as to have the structure ready
tor this year's fair.
-The fair board has announced
that It will issue 450,000 of nego
tiable coupon warrants, which will
be applied toward the construc
tion of the building. :
The bonds will be underwritten
bv Carl E. Nelson and Hawkins
and Roberts. The 1929 legisla
ture appropriated 4100.000 lor
the construction of the grandstand
and educational building contin
gent -upon the- 450,000 - being
raised locally. The nui was in
troduced by Senator Lloyd Rey
nolds of Marion -county. ;
The state appropriation will be
said out of receipts of the fair.
The warrants to be issued by the
fair board will draw. 5 ft per cent
Commission Aide
Lane MorleyTof Salem, senate
mailing clerk, during the last ses
sion of the legislature, has . been
appointed deputy state dairy and
food commissioner. T He. will as
sume his new duties next Monday.
Mr. Morley has been engaged
In the grocery, buslnest in
Salem for a number of years. Be
fore locating in Salenrhe lived in
Roseburg.', -
arterial .thoroughfare- for .travel
south, on the - Pacific . highway.' -K
: Before this Is realised, however,
the problem of, extending - the
street from its terminus at Super
ior will have to be faced, with the
only risible solution "a diagonal
extension to South Commercial.
" Liberty street ends about mid
way between' East : Nob Mill : and
West Nob-Hfllatreeta,- so that
either may be "considered its ex
tension. But -i neither i of ' these
streets wfil serve to carry traffic
out of town, for they both termin
ate at Judson and cutting through
the long blocx there, will not
serve, as a high hUl intervenes be
tween this point andvthe highway.
: The" most' likelr Idlaronal to
South Commercial extends through
block 12, cuts off the northwest
corner of block 11; runs through
block 24, all of Nob HUl addition,
and reaches Commercial -- soma,
where in tie neighborhood of Ru
ral avenue . ,
BEIf!6 DMl'til
s Camera
Uorrmr. fUirnM f rvi rhu.
. - ., v-.r, . -. .......
Parents!bf Miss Frances St
- John Smith Skeptical
. About Report
NEW YORK. Mar. 29. (AP)
On : the basis of first, reports
here of the finding of what pqjice
of Long Meadows, and Springfield,
Mass believed to be the body of
Miss Frances St; John Smith, miss
ing Smith college student, her rel
atives , here expressed the belief
that the body found was not that
of Miss Smith. They said they had
nad the report that it was her
body Investigated and discredited
it. -. . - -
SPRINGFIELD, Mass.; Mar. 29
(AP) The body of a girl was
found In the Connecticut river this
afternoon in Long Meadow, a sub
urb, and Police Chief John H.
Henderson, Jr., of Long Meadow
expressed the belief that It Is that
of Francis St, John Smith of New
York,. 8mith college student, who
. (Turn to Page. 2, Column X.) -
rails MiR is
; BLAND, Mo.. Mar.: 29. (AP)
-Okeh Bevins was seriously in
jured today when his Lockheed
plane crashed into a small tree in
an attempted take-off from, farm
near here.- ::r -:. ir-r' .iri-
Kevins, who suffered fractures
of both legs,' and-cuts on the front
of his head, was taken to St, Louis
hospital. ,-
' The" plane had been forced down
on the farm of Amos SmltlCAfter
completing minor, repairs to his
ship. Bevins Attempted a take off,
but the motor . eut out and , the
plane was wrecked against a small
tree. It was said that the flier
was attempted a non-stop flight
from New, York to .the west coast.
He was unsuccessful last week in
an attempt to fly from the Paeiflel
coast to he Atlantic coast with
out stopping, being, forced ddwn
in New. Mexico. W-r-;.
. Is New Senator
After a conference with Presi
dent Hoover today Governor Reed
of Kansas announced that he
would v appoint former. Governor
HSnry J. . Allen to the United
States senate to tin the vacancy
caused by the elevation of Sehat
tor Curtis to the. vice-presidency.
High School Girl
Shot By Accident
COLFAX, Wash.. Mar." 19?
(AP) Ellen Nelson, 1? year old
high school senior, practicing a
role la "Captain Applejack." ciaasJ
play, shot herself with a .44 cal
ibre revolver "picked up by mis-
lake. In her home tonight. After
an operation surgeons said her
condition was "extremely danger
ous." . . -
Forty-three Permits in March
Reach 107,915 With
. ;" Day Yet to Go;-'
0. : F. - Johnson Residence
: iSweils Rgurer Remodel
, V-" ing Jobs Started VSf
l . - t i .- .... .. . ,
i ; ftnlldinr Ttermit-,tatala . for Sa
lem climbed back into the realm
of six figures this month, 'when
43 permits to the valfle of 4107,-
night with one ' day -remaining
within .which to increase this
Activity in starting construction
this month has been the heaviest
since . December 1424, when the
figure was 1122,300. It la also
greater than the totals for Janu
arr. February. June 'Anrust. Sen-
icmoer, vciooer ana iMovemoer oi
last 'year, in March, i28, -we
heavy construction which - lasted
through 1947 was still under .way
and that month experienced more
than t twice 'the netlfity started
this j lnonthi Marth .tjis year al
most doubles ? February's totaL ,
Jonnson Kesldcncej
Permit Is Issued . ? -
A - permit - for -the residence
hlch O. F. Johnson is to have
erected at Fir and Lincoln streets,
was issued Friday to swell the
month's total . materially.- The
cost was' estimated at 422.000. al-
uiongn me vaiue oi ine property
ahd the landscaping and other
work planned will more than doa
ble this figure. Carl Bahlburgi
has thentrsxLT . -
Tte only other , permit .Issued
Triday was for repairs en a dwell
ing at stw iiooa street ownea oy
Carl Brand, at a ost of 40.
Other Important, construction
started this month has included
Kwo super service stations, one for
Frank Doollttle and the other for
Nelson Brothers; repairs on the
Oregon Packing company ' ware
house, -.repairs nr the , Oregon
building, an 4 8 0 0 0 residence for
R. Jj. Hein on 23rd street, and
repairs on the Hollywood" theatre.
Business Women of Salem
Hear Advantages ; of
: . Service Order
Work In orcanizlnc a chanter
of tbefZonta club, an international
service club for women, was car
ried forward with a banquet at the
Gray Belle Friday night. 'A group
6f Zonta members from Portland
motored . down to Salem for this
meeting among whom were .Mrs.
Violet Ahlf, president of the Port
land club. 'Miss Genevieve Kidd,
third vice president, and Miss Pau
line Hynes, first vice president all
of whom -spoke before the Salem
group..-. .
Mrs. Eric Butler presided at the
meeting and Introduced the speak
ers. ' Discussion of the order and
Its worth to - executive - women
formed the chief topie of Interest
daring the evening. r.
Mrs. Inez Meyring. president of
the - Seattle : Zonta club, - and ? In
charge ot organising tne aiem
club, told of the origin of the Zon
ta organisation ten years ago In
Buffalo. New York, rundnv; the
guidance of Marion de Forest.
playwright of Detroit, following
the suggestlonZof a Rdtarlan that
the women form a club for women
such as Rotary Is for men. ' "v -
Mrs.- Winifred Pettyjohn dis
cussed the possible: values to Sa
lem women which would - come
from such a service organisation
as the Zonta elub represents.
At the close oLthe banquet Fri
day night twelve women had sign
ed the application - for- a Salem
chapter of the Zonta dun. Among
the classifications represented
were bank, telephone, ocal teach
er, press, real estaWT vocational
education stenographer, and of
fice manager. -. . ---' - '
There will be a noon meeting
for luncheon Tuesday, April 2 .
POTtTLANTl- Ore Mar. 29. -
(AP) Mrs. Ellen Love. 101 years
Aid. natlTA.of Ireland and a resi
dent of Portland since 1911, died
here today. She came to America
when she was 20 and settled in
Boston. .5 ;j:A t.t.S j 2-
j ChfldrcnV jtiiiee
TbJs Coupon : and five cents
wffl admit any child to See and
Hear the amaslng chapter play,
- v.. -r"
' . Friday and Saturday
W- : Blatinees:
.:;Frm:Twe tJntfl-Plve.V
" " :' ' -clded-" . l .-.
:.: f si. :' t- -T --''" -::
MLoneVl WolTl Dakgheer"
- A part talking picture
v. t
Bzrglcr ca Rocf
. V , Terns Oct to be r
-" Just Lent Tomcct
Help! There's n burglar
on our oof! - : -
This- waa'the summons
thai sent a eqmad of police
hustling out to residence
on North Commercial street'
early Friday morning. -
' When they arrived, they
found the family barricaded,
but. willing to help when
they were assured the police
had come.' ' -r"
Yes, we beard him walk
tna aroundup- there, they
Insisted. : -iv - "
After, searchlns; through
the house, the police from
vantage point at the rear,
trained flashlights on the '
roof, and espied , huge male
eat, arching his back at an
.acute angle. - - ..v.. - .'
Grand Jury Investigation is
: Declared' Likely After
Forgeries Found :
PORTLAND. -Ore.; Mar. 29.
(AP) The posslbilty of a grand
jury? mvesugauon ; oi an -aiiegea
attempt td showUhat the state
T . . il ' -m " S)
highway commission awards con
tracts to irresponsible bidders,
exposed by the state commission
during its meeting today, was seen
tonight following numerous devel
opments. ; '
An alleged fake bid is the een
ter of the controversy. Back of
the fake bid. it is said, are a group
of contractors. Hand writing, ex
perts hare discovered the Identity
of the man who is said to hare
perpetrated the . alleged forgery
and one of the commissioners was
appraised today of the men in
volved In the plot and what is
their purpose ;
. A bid on the - Malheur river
bridge was submitted March 4 by
Michael Brenner, Portland. Ac
companied by a bond supplied by
the Great Britain Sureties, Ltd.,
oy Andrew scoggins, inc., general
agents, with Portland offices. The
bid was so low and so out of line
that the commission rejected it-
Inquiries followed and It devel
oped that there was no such ad
dress as Brenne gave, no such
person as Brenner so far as known
and no such Surety company that
can be found; no Andrew Scog
gins, Inc., and that the .Portland
bnUdisgwhe're the concern Is al
leged to have .been located has
only 12 floors and not 14 aa set
forth in the bid.
Then came, handwriting e x-
perts. They-ferreted out the man
who -wrote the bond, it is claimed
The - entire matter has ' been
placed in the hands of the attor
ney general and the possibility of
bringing criminal proceedings for
iorgery is ongni. -
Stolen Auto
Driven Far,
Tve driven that stolen car 400
miles today, and nobody stopped
me until I got within a few miles
of Salem, declared J. C. MeClary,
wnp brought back from Ukiah,
CaL, the automobile belonging to
Carl F. Gerlinger ot Dallas, which
was stolen recently in Salem.
- - MeClajy, representative ot the
Insurance company which had Is
sued a policy protecting this ma
chine, drove It all the way. hack
from? Ukiah, without ' being sjop
ped . until - Officer Stelwer of, the
state traffic force baited him near
this city, although officers every
where along the line had been no
tified that the car was stolen. :. -
Two young menwho stole the
car here were arrested at TJklah.
but were held for subsequent theft
ot a car In that city Instead ot be
ing returned to face . the Salem
charge. . s , '
Pair Who Stole ' i l
Sc re enAcioi's
Bonds Said Taken
LOS ANGELES. Mar; 29..
(AP) - Carl Coleman. 25. ' and
Morris -Goodman, 24, were arrest
ed on suspicion of grand; theft
here, today in connection .with the
disappearance in April, 1929, of
bonds vainer! at more than 4100,-
000 - and belonging v to ' Wallace
Beery, acreen actor. . v
They had attempted to seu the
bonds but later burned them, po
lice charged. . Police Captain Ray
Cato claims - that - the men con
fessed having the bonds In' their
possession but declare, that they
were stolen by a third man whose
name they do not know. , A .
Shattuck Still '
Unchanged, Votd
Walter Shattuck; who has. been
unconscious at a local hospital
since Tuesday afternoon- when a
pile of lumber at the Spauldlng
Logging company caved in en him
and companion, la holding, his
own, ' with little change noted ' In
his condition, attendants reported
Friday night. Shattuck suffered a
fractured skun.i;-'H;
Gerald Harty. who was Injured
at .the same ' time, was: able to
leave the hospital Friday, t
Not Stopped
Walkout of 4000 Employes
. Suspended Jor 30 Days
as Board Created
Trouble Suppressed for Time
Being; brotherhoods to
Comply With Edict
DALLAS-, Tex., Mar. 29. (API
An order which originally had
called for a strike of 4,000 Texas
and Paclf ie Railway shop and
train employes at six a. m. . to
morrow - was withdrawn . tonight
by officials, ot the four brother
hoods. .
The Jrder. of withdrawal -was
signed by Fred Barr, rice presi
dent ot the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Firemen and enginemen;
D. A. McKensie, vice president of
the Brotherhood of Railroad
trainmen: E. H. Kruse, assistant
grand chief engineer of the Broth
erhood of Locomotive engineers:
anl y. A. flinnnii yrft niwiMAiit
of the Order of Railroad car-men.
Th decision to withdraw came
Mwr.iu.uieBara cunierence oili. e...v c.j v-
u. v..i i . , . . . I
ir THn wfl. io. .n7th., propping .a 16 gauge shotgun be
Their meeting was closed and they I v,- rtir th
djd not divulge the cause of the
rescinding action.
Withdrawal Not To
Be Made Permanent
Spokesmen indicated, however.
that the withdrawal was tempo
rary only, pending, the report of
(Turn to Page 2, Column I.)
Funds Scarcely Available
for Full Requirements
Sisson's Opinion
e.TM. tKA aaa MMtnM
an airport will in reality ; provide
a flying field rather than an air-
offered at the Eugene conference
ot. chamber representatives.
A va- . ,
rlJ,l.y V j ' B.,s
son, includes a standard size
hangar, a beacon light, full light
ing equipment for the field; a res
taurant, housing facilities for ov
ernight use, a machine shop and
a hospital among its list of need
ed facilities.
These can scarcely be provided
with the funds at hand, in Mr. Sis-
son's opinion. However, a first
class flying field and some of the
other facilities will be available
from moneys provided for Mr. Sis-
son s field .and such equipment
wiu put saiem on the man as a
stopping point for airships. In
time full airport facilities will be
available he believes.
'S STO i
4 V
George W. HugAclty school su
perintendent: has received numer
ous phone calls the past few days
side: papers ot criticism directed
at the Salem school board
dining, at its last meeting, to
make a set rule in regard to pro
perty restrictions on student smok
Mr. Hug Friday made the foll
owing statement, to correct any
wrong Impression which may have
been t gleaned : from the ' accounts
in. the outside press:
It " is - the idea of the school
board to leave the ? high i school
free from specific rules passed by
the board to regulate high school
matters. It Is the desire that the
principal make- and carry out
rules for the high school and the
board wui do all It can to back
up the priaeplars ruling. High
school ? government ; should 'come
through - the ' administrative head
and the faculty." Mr. Hag himself
takes a similar, stand. ,
The superintendent finds a con
sensus or opinion - among persons
who have called him on the smok
ing: question that smoking should
be eliminated among high school
students, and especially xon the
school premises. - - ' . -, .
Residence To Be
Torn Down For
Phone Buifdingi
The bufldlng on the property
on State street between , Cottage
and Winter purchased last fall by
the 'Pacific Telephone and Tele.
graph company. Is being vacated
and Monday morning a wrecking I
crew wIU begin tearing down the I
oia residence ana clearing on ine i
grounds In preparation for con-1
stmcuon or tna nevjra -suua-fent,
ng piannea .oy the pnone com
pany. A sale ot the furnishing: and
effects . ot - Joseph and Margaret
Thlel, who have resided there, was
held Friday. The building Is own
ed by Leo N. Child.
Voyage in Arctic.
X PcssinJJnierlcti
The New York Times tomor-rew-wiU
say tha-Captain.
SlrlIubertW'llkms, polar ex
plorer, is inaltingactivej ln
nuirka Into the possibility of
makhis; ' submarine . trh.
across the Arctic sea. .
ASlr Hubert raid that'while
he-had no definite plana he
.may make the attempt .this
year and has had this trip in'
mind for .15 years. He be
lieves the Journey can be
made in month and said
that July would be the most
avorable time. J -i
It would be possible to
do It this summer and be
back'la time to resume my
Antarctic "work next; Octo
ber, he said. . ' ": '
Schuyler L Usher of Silver-
ton Jakes Own Life;
Widow Finds Body
I ' SIliYERTON, Mar. zi. ispe-
"JT2?, 1 V:
uuuic. ouuiu snvuu o" w l. vj
muzsle against the back of . his
head, and striking the trigger
with the end of a cleaning rod.
Despondency due to discourage
ment and financial worries, was
believed to be the cause ot Mr
Usher's act.
He was alone in the house at
the time, Mrs. Usher having left
the house at 11:45 o'clock to at
tend a noon Good Friday service
at the Methodist church. She
found him dead when she return
ed at i:so. Apparently no one
heard the shot, and therefore the
exaet time of the tragedy could
not be ascertained.
Mr. Usher had eaten his lunch
eon neiore Mrs. usner leit,. sue
said afterward, and had deemed
to be in as good spirits; as -usual.
No Inquest will be held, it was
announced, there being no ques
tion-as to the cause of his' death.
ma at tne jaca ana
d"ii-?Vl J?""1
""!"'c""vt"-t" vv- v
their home in Silverton for nine
IV: ;Jlll:
er, is the only surviving eiose
cMurv wsawi w evav en- naaTaaa-
MiarfwA uff TTfVA uavaiai u tnavn-
her of Washington Masonic lodge
in Portland, and of the Iron moul
ders union in the same city.
Approximately 4.000 Salem
grade and Junior high school pu
pils will hold a May day pageant
on the' new dinger athletic field
Wednesday, May 1, Superinten
dent George W. Hug announced
Friday, following a principal's
meeting - Thursday afternoon. -
The May day affair will take
the place of the annual honor roll
parade so far as the Salem schools
-:- . . J II, . .. '
cuiicrrncUj uu wui ua umw
, Joint enterprise of the honor
roll health workers and the phy
sical education departments. The
colorful affair will come appropri
ately during the national "health
week," -v-V-o '-
Miss Carlotta Crowley, as head
Grace Wolgamott, as director of
physical' training in -the schools,
will direct plans for the pageant.
They will announce tentative plans
and committees shortly. .
Ella Noren. wife of John
Noren, died early Friday night at
the family home' at 1140 North
14th atreetrShe had been 111 some
time. Mrs. Noren was 44 years old.
Two brothers,. Marcus M. Long
and Stroud Long, both of Port
land, survive. Funeral arrange
ments - have not yet been made.
Remains are in care ot the Clough
Huston mortuary. . ... '
Aptitude For Vocation V
Deteriuiries Successor
r Failure, Says Jewell
Development of the theory of
individual differences - In human
beings has contributed most to ad
vancement of mankind in the last
few years. In the opinion of Dean
J. R. Jewell of Oregon State col
lege, .who spoke at the opening
at tbe T m. a a. Friday
The mechanical , aptitude . o f
some persons ahd the engineering
ability of others, tendencies often
confused, were pointed out as out
standing differences.. The Instance
of n young man who went to the
college with, the idea that ie was
a potential automotive engineer ot
great ability, but who nroved to
be a mechanic of exceptional tal-
illustrated the mistaken Ideas
of vocational abilities.
Among the diagnostic tests to
be asked the young man about
to ' specialise - en . some ' vocation
Dean Jewell cited the questions:
' "Which would " you rather work
SUfJTf .1 iBf
Highway Commission Acts to
Have Much Needed Route .
-l. Put on Forest Map ; ;
Survey Ordered in Answer to"
Innumerable Requests;
Ti Expense Shared
PORTLAND. Ore l .'Mar. 29.--
(AP) -The Central Oregon hlah-
way became a prominent issue at
today's state highway commission
meeting and final recognition was '
given it with the awardina of a.
contract for the surfacing of the
14 miles between Burns and Sage ."'
Hen hill.
Complying with repeated re
quests, t the commission . recom-.
mended that the North Santiam
route, from Detroit to a connec- '
tion with the South Santiam high
way be placed on the forest read
map. ; Government officials pres
ent agreed to accent ft aa rarh
and agreed to hare a survey madar
when they were informed bythe '
highway commission llhat advo- '
cates 6f the North Santiam hare-'
offered to pay half the cost of a '
survey . v - v
Immediate Construction
Hot To Be Counted On
The placing of the North Santi. -
am on the forest road map does
not imply that it will be imme
diately constructed or that it will
have precedence over the Seeth
Santiam which Is both a state and
forest road. -
Linn county officials will h in.
Tited to attend the next highway
meeting with the federal repreeen- '
tatives to discuss what is to be -
. (Turn to Page 2, Column 1.)
Huey P. Long Sends Out Lit
erature to Combat That
of Legislature r
(AP) Governor Hney P. Long - -Is
publishing, his own "newspap
er, a miniature, in his eampalgnj"
to defeat the nineteen impeach
ment Charges on which the state
house ot representatives will pass
opinion next week. - - '
While the rest of the town took
a Good Friday holiday, typewrit
ers rattled In the executive office :
as about twenty-fire stenograph
ers and clerks prepared copy for -the
governor's organ, which be n
mailing to all parts of the state.
It contained further denunciations
of his political enemies and tbe
Standard Oil crowd, who, he 4
charged, was responsible for the
Impeachment proceedings because
he attempted to have an oil tax
enacted. : -$" ;
The governor resorted to h Is"
own press because the daily news- ,
papers of the state turned against
him editorially and advocated inw
peachmenfcV The Baton Rouge '
State-Times demanded today tan -
addition of two charges to the lav
peaehment resolution of it '
counts. One charge, it said, should
be based on the governor's ltael
of members of the legislature" by
charging them with accepting
bribes from the Standard Oil eess- ... ,
pany'and another on .the exeeu -
ture's . alleged, use of state cm -
ployes for his private Interests. '-
No Indications were given in ex- . -
ecutlve, quarters' that Governor " '
Long Intended ' producing the
names ot the members he said had
been bribed as requested by a -
ate resolution and Standard Oil .
officials hare o reply to the awv -
ernor's eastlgatlon. Both the gwr ' .
ernor and Dan R. Weller, preal- .
dent of the Standard Oil company
of Louisiana, have .-suites at the y'"
same hotel. The governor keepf
well Indoors but did consent to '
pose for photographers, who said
he looked worn and drawn. '-
with, men or things" and 'Weuli
you rather work for commission
or for a salary T On these two
points hinge much ot the success
or failure - In business life and
praetlcaUy aU : of 'the conteated
ness or lack of It the dean at-serted.-..
- . - . ' .
- Dean Roy Hewitt of Willam
ette university presided as toast
master. Introducing Chief Justice
O. P. Coshow, who gave the iaro
eaUon: Ivan White of the "T?
staff, who introduced the various
delegations: Wes Heise, - wt
greeted, the -visitors on behalf of
the local group and Salem kixa
school; Angus Ware of Etarton,
and MatheW Moehel of Wood tern,
who both responded to the wel
come. ,f . -
; Harry gtona cf the ! TortlirJ
T. M. C. A. said a few wores
the opportunities of th conrer- r -
and ot the growing interest in t
Easter season - . Leon Jen: "-m
sang two selections with r a
accompanied by Mrs. Jeitn!:. x.
- y -
i J J-