The New OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Friday Morninr. March 29, 1929 SUCCESSOR SOUGHT p FOR FRED Dili Governor Hears Visitors bu Makes No Comment on His Plans A. K. Downs. John Gin and Robert Silknltter. all of Portland inferred with GoTernor Patter son here Thursday with relation to the appointment of a successor tn Fred P. Kendall, member h state fish commission. Mr. k.ondall died recently in Portland Neither Governor Patterson nor th visitors would make any statement at the conclusion of the rnnterMlCe. Other visitors at the executive rfpnartment included Roy Kitner Pendleton, ex-state senator nd Denton Burdick of Portland. G.,ntatives in the state legislature. K'tna rand Burdick said their business with the governor was of . nersonai nature. Goreraor Patterson said he had not vet determined when he would announce Mr. Kendall unrrpnnoT. He has received iji-za number of letters and tele crams indorsing various candi dates. KW PILOT COMMISSIONERS William C. McNaught and W. if Patterson of Portland and F. M. Sweet of Astoria Thursday wra rf&BDOinted ss members of the state board of pilot commis sioners. Tfie reappointments -tre announced by GoTernor Fat teron. They will serve for two vears. TONS OP CLAMS USED More than 1100 sportsmen sat down at the 10th annual clam f-d of the Cashmere Sportsmen's a-ociation and consumed 2A ton of clams besides a lot of other things. COMMISSIONER'S COURT do do do L., 8) 20.00 8.00 10.00 23.00 25.00 (Continued from rage Smith, Mrs. "Wesley, do S'rinlins, Hulda, do. . . . Sv-ph?ri, Murtig M., Titinel, Mrs. Arthur, AValkoskl, Barbara, Var&nier, William Sr., do WheoleT, Mrs. Anna do v. ilbanks, Hattie, do . , Williams, Alice Bertha, dO : Zuerrher, Alma, do Salaries Sheriffs Offke iMrkhart, S. O.. dep. sheriff 124.72 C.rbcr, W. T.,.do .... 124.72 I.w hardHon, W., do . . . 99.72 WrUhtman, F. T., tax d.-puty 114.72 15.00 15.00 30.00 10.00 15.00 li'it !or. 109.72 115,00 110.00 110.00 100.00 ioo::oo 100.00 90.00 90.00 115.00 115.00 S. J., do ..... Clerk's Office C. C, dep. Co. - wk . 1. 1 m kin, W. S., do . . . v I on. J. R., do V.ihi, J. II., do Ilrcortkr's Office I.-'il.ardt, Eva C, dep. ft-orraft. Myrtle, do.. Kronch, Louise M., sten- rs;raphpr Siindbor;;. Ava C.. do. . Treasurer's Office Ittfhardsoti. W. Y., dep. A-wevors Office Bholton. R., deputy as-sp-isor J incs A. , do 115.00 I: ifiprts, Era. clerk....- 100.00 Aikrman, Alma, do.. 100.00 District Attorney's Office IMs Lyle J., dep. d'st. atty 100.00 H knx, Carlotta, stenag- rapher 60.00 School Supt's. Office R?id, Cora E., assistant 100.00 RMd. Cora E., truant officer 15.00 Vox. William W., super. mor izo.vv Health Officer's Acct. l)oiis;las, V. A., Co. health officer 18.7 McMpine. M., co. nurse 150.00 Douglas, V. A., co health officer Jan. .. 70.84 McAlpIne, M , co. nurse for January 150.00 Court House Account Wyatt. A. H., Janitor. . . 70.0 h'iaM133-oroa:aUPii6.. '. 17a li hson. L., do . 70.00 D !!. W. W., do ii ' 70.00 sealer of Wts. Jt Meas. Acct. J'is, J. F., sealer of ts. and meas 37.50 .Miscellaneous Accounts Smith, W. Carlton, co. physician 65.00 Morehouse, W. G., CO. veterinarian 33.60 Nona, probation officer 109.72 County Court & Comr's. Acct. Smith, J. ., saL and exps. co. comr Porter. J. II.. do Y M C A, Salem, Oregon, main, free employ, bu reau .............. Indigent Soldiers Account Girod, Arthur, relief for f. M. Alley ........ Cirod. Arthur, relief for Irving Bunce Cirod, Arthur, Telief for Hd. Fane . . . . Cirod. Arthur, relief for Clarence A. Miller .. Scalp Bounty A ceo ant Doorfler, L. M.. bounty 1.00 plier & Mole Bounty Account Hvith, Anton, bounty. . 4.05 Scalp Bounty Account Dill. Charley, bounty .. 4.00 Dexistratlon & Elections Acct. Dover. C. E., expenses, rWk 44.63 Conner rflntlng Co., i'rinting cards ...... 6.00 Mathers In just a minute FOLEY'S HONEY and TARJCCOP015D jp5tops coughs even whooping cough. i Pure, reliable, effective, for children and grown persons. r M White, offic lzo.fra 112.80 50.00 tnt " 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 NUes. B. M typing .... 17.50 Remington Rand Bus. Service Inc., Index cards 10.00 Sheriffs Office Barber, W. T., use of car etc. 54.80 Bower, O. D., envelopes 22.64 Bower, O. D use of car 36.70 Elliott, N. D.. printing receipts, etc. 387.00 Fireproof Storage Gar age, storing car .... J0.00 Knowland. Chas. E. Co. printing notices .... 13.75 Salem Statlonerry Store, olier 1.25 Thlelsen, WHU clerk ... 101.25 Clerk's Office Antrlcan, Llla, clerk .. 71.75 Capital City Bindery, binding books 5.25 Cnruh. Lee M. Print. Co. printing blanks 30.10 Recorder's Office Brooks, Mildred R., cash adr. for stamps .... 6.00 Clark, Nellie J., stenog rapher 9.00 Treasurer's Office Drager, D. G., cash adv. for envelopes 10.90 Surveyor' Office Portland Blue Print Co., record book, etc . . . r 59.46 "ost. Tne Frederick Co., VnetlM x.u Assessor's Office Brown, Ken. keys 1.00 Capital City Bindery, binding blanks 45.00 Clenlnshaw, J. M. Co., manual t.00 Elliott. N. D., printing booklets SO 00 Herrick, B. B., blue prints 1.7 Knowland. Chas. E. Co., printing blanks 103 00 Rahn-MeWhorter Paper Co paper 1.50 Shelton. R., overtime on tax roll 61 25 Steelhammer, O. A., cash adv. for stamps 7.0 0 School Snpt's. Office Fox. W. w., traveling expenses 50.00 Fulkerson, Mary L.. do 50.00 Hardie, Thomas, services teachers Institute ... 10.00 printing blanks 57.50 Reld. Cora E., traveling expenses j JO Rodgers Paper Co., pa- ; 5.70 Health Officer's Account Douglas. V. A.. M. D.f traveling expenses .. 20.83 Douglas, V. A., M. D., do 20.83 Marion County Health Unit, maintenance . . 50.00 Marion Co. Health Unit, do- ! 60.00 MeAlpIne, Margaret, R. traveling expenses 33.33 McAlpine, Margaret, R. do S3. 33 Herjlck, B. B., blue Prints 1.00 Hollister - Stelr Labora tories, services An Hollister - Steir Labora tories, do 7.50 O. S. A. C. Creamery, use of eoufDment. etc. e 9 O. S. A. C. Creamery, do. 1.16 Horticulturist' ArMtnnt Van Tmmp, S. H., co. horticulturist 133.00 Stock Me Herri liunvt Patterson, Wr; J., asst. herd insnector 11 tn Simmons, A. W., do. . . 43.90 Court House Amtnnt BrowneU Electric Co., wire, ete in tn Buren. Max, brass bind ing Rl Capital City Laundry, laundry service . . ' . 117 Farmer. Ray L. Hdw. Co.. door closer, ete.. n r, Graber Brothers, radiat or handles, etc. . a ha Kennedy, J. R., paint. etc. 152.1 Morris, Jesse, cutting WOOd 25 25 I Ore.-Wash. Water Serv. Co.. water aervfea 11 no Packer-Scott Co.. hrh Salera Hardware Co.. locks, etc k Schellberg, H., carpenter ora- 84.75 County Court A Comr's. Acct. Capital Journal. Publ. claim docket 45.60 Oregon Statesman. The Do 45.60 Oregon Statesman, The PubL semi annual re port 47.20 Oregon Statesman. The PubL budget notice . 87.20 Roland. J. H., auditor. .. 120.00 Wulfemerer. A. M.. Do. 120.00 Justice Court Accosnt Ferguson. Blanche B.. taking statement, etc. 5.20 Circuit Court Account Ferguson. Blanche F.. raoorters fee 7.50 Knox. William J., sur veying, etc 17.85 Moores. Ross E. 4b Co., covers 21.00 Remington-Rand Busi ness Service Inc., typewriter 71.60 Juvenile Court Account Bower. O. D.. use of car 16.90 Miller. Dewey S.. Trans. for Cox family 10.00 Fecble-MJLaded Account Greenbanm Dept. Store, clothlns for Bnrl Cra mer ......j 26.30 Greenbaum Dept. Store, clothlns for Harvey Moudv 81.45 Poor Account Archerd. Chas. R.. Imp. Co.. crass seed . . . 5.80 Associated Charities. cashAdv. for Trans.. 40.00 Barrlek. Dr. L. E.. pro fessional services ... 10.00 Broucher. A. L.. rrocer- les for Mrs. Berkner 7.61 Broyles, W. H., cash adr. for groceries. etc. for Belle Gates.. 1900 Clark. Frank C, care of soor farm Inmates.. 430.16 ColdwelL Mabel, school books for Ardath ColdweU S.00 Cooler, E. W., groceries for Rose Farlow .... 5.00 toe Jardin. A., groceries cor ueo. uraugn .... aw.vv Drager, D. G., cash adv. , for care of Howell girl3 40.00 Dunigan, Mrs. W. L., re lief for ePrry Cham ness 10.00 Fry's Drug Store, medi cine, etc for poor . .: 16.25 Giesy. B. F.. M. D. pro fessional services . . . .: 8.00 Golden Ambulane Ser- vice for Gilmer Wan- less 8.00 Hollister-Steir Labora tories, laboratory ser vices 14.00 Hurley. Guy G-. milk for Swanson's - 9.00 Hurley, Guy G., do . . . . 9.00 Porter's, groceries for Rosie Bloom 15.00 Rigdon, W. T. Sc. Son, Inc., burial of Chas. A. Blakely 35.00 Rigdon, W. T. & Son, . Inc., burial of John Regner . . . 35.00 Scott, Mrs. C. E., house' rent for Mrs. Rosie Bloom 9.00 Shrode, D. L., groceries for Mrs. Northcutt . . 9.13 Silrerton Hospital, care of E. G. Darkens ... 27.50 Skaggs Safeway Stores No. 491, groceries for Elsie Sand-Taylor . . . 20.00 Smith, Mrs. Bert, care of Julia and Maxine ... 38.00 Snyder, A. C, wood for Welsh family 11.00 Thrift Grocers, groceries for Earl Tucker .... 6.00 Thrift Grocers, groceries for Mrs. Hyatt 10.00 Thompson & Son, gro ceries for Isham fam ily 20th Century G r o c for Stores, groceries Mrs. L. M. Smith .... 20th Century Groc. Stores, groceries for J. Esplin 20th Century Groe. Stores, groceries for - Mrs. C. C. Parsons . . 20th Century Groc. Stores, groceries for Wayne Acheson .... J. L. Busick 4b Son, Groceries for Mrs. Brown Groceries for Mrs. M. Caldwell Groceries for Mrs. W. W. Clark Groceries for Eva Ells worth Groceries for Mrs. Hystt Groceries for J, W. In- man 10.00 4.39 5.00 10.00 20.17 6.00 . 7.00 8.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 14.00 10.07 t.00 Es- Groeeries tor Mrs. telle Kallstrom Groceries tor Mrs. A. Swanson Groceries for William Winkey Groceries tor Jane Worden PAGE 16 Salem Deaconess Care of Miss Addle Rig don ... . Care of Mrs. Elisabeth McAfee Care of Donald Miller Care of J. H. Morrison - Care of Norn Sing -. Care of Richard Stock Care of Fred W. Baker -Care ef Mrs. Amelia Cot- trell Care of Andrew Camp bell Care of Frank Gallagher Care of Robert Baulieu Care of Miss Katie Schir- man Care of David Ratcliff Care of G. L. Downs Care of W ill Bunting - Care of John Paris - Care etc of Mrs. D. C. Thompson Care of J. Fields Skaggs Safeway Stores No. 87 Groceries for Helen Buechler Groceries for J. W. In man Groceries for Mrs. Ann Starkweather Groceries fir Mrs. Alice George . Groceries for George Disbrow . Groceries for Mrs. Apple Groceries for John Fromm ...... Unger Undertaking Par lors, burial of John Parrls Wengenroth, Wr., gro ceries for Geo. McKay Wengenroth, Wm., gro ceries for Josephine Jeoudoin j Yates A Yates, grocer ies for E. J. Davis Creson, L. C, cutting wood Cm nil. Leo. do Grazen, Peter, do .. Westiey, wm., do Doe Tax Fund Anderson, Frank, sheep killed by dogs Beringer. G. E., do ... Carruth. J. W.. do Coatee, E. E., do . Coburn, J. M., do - Colyer, J. A., do Cramer. Ermal E.. do . . Poerfler, Ed., do Drager, Rue, do : Duncan, W. C, do .... Hobart, A. F. & Son do 10.07 1 Hospital 85.00 85.00 SS.00 85.00 85.00 35.00 85.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 30.00 18.7S 1.25 33.25 2.50 80.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 4.90 5.00 85.00 8.00 15.00 10.29 94.05 86.25 67.77 22.87 24.00 8.00 8.00 48.00 8.00 57.50 106.50 16.00 48.00 40.00 8.00 WEEK END GPECIALC 33c 32c Swift's Premium Hams half or whole, per Lb.. . . . Fry's Delicious Hams half or whole, ner Lb We bone and roll at the same price. Trade at the place which can furnish you with even cuts freshly cut. Make use of our "Jim Vaughn" meat cutting machine. E3ARKET Phone 994 155 N. Liberty Free Deliver 1 1 g I 1 i rr -n Ml l i i1i. Tknsn-ml rv 71 III! til I 77 v m www- - 111 1 ix ..w 1 111 III I k-P V mil Ft -"fff Mil v t r 11 V mats tor taster Here you will find a splendid array of the new jl "".. Straws trimmed with Ribbon and Silk Prints ViY ,B coatrMtI,1a' colors All the new shapes and 1 0- A kvv In colors of tan, red, blue, green and orchid. A f I L l P,en4!i assortment priced at ' J If ' WWW & ft; - . , . I" ' W J i 4.S O I fiS Qj Others from $335 to 12J0 ; ( ft 1 l On tht Balconjr jl V ; J NortK I I Hogg, W. T.. do 8.00 Holm. Mrs. Herman, do. 8.00 Sauercssig, Jennie E., do 8.00 Savage, A. T., do 13.00 Steingrube, A. C, do .. 8.00 Sturgis, J. M.. do 5.00 Tegland. S.. do 184.00 Vearrier. W. H.. do . . . . 24.00 Winser, Carl, do ....Disallowed Wood Bros., do ...... 8.00 Zielinski. J. P., do .... 41.50 Judd, H. A., issuing dog licenses, etc 75.00 Indemnity for SI. of Diseased Cat tle Account Seller, Martin, indem nity 5.90 American Disinfecting Co. Inc. The insect jail account destroyer, ete. 67.50 Bower, O. D., board of prisoners 592.00 Carl ft Bowersox. mat ches, etc 9.66 Opera House Pharmacy, medicine for prisoners 7.35 Prohibition Enf. Fund Skaggs - Sate way Store, No. f 19, groceries for Mrs. Ida Buckbes .. 23.89 Wengenroth, Walt, gro ceries for Mrs. Nick Promotius 10.72 Divorce Fees . Die. Atty. Salary Account Kay, Thos. B., state treas. divorce fees .. 65.00 Miscellaneous Accounts Atlas Book Store, bind er, ect Jf.77 Barr, Theo M.. plumbing 32.25 Boyer, U. G-. cash adv. . for cards, etc 45.00 Commercial Book Store, moistener, etc ...... " 4.45 Hamilton, C. S. Furnl Co., linoleum, etc.' ... 235.16 fr(63. . . .loy. . . .al. Pacific Tel. 4b Tel. Co., Telephone service . . 103.05 Patton Bros., Ink, etc . 5.65 Portland Elec. Per. Co. light service 185.23 Bank of Stayton, blank ets 62.80 Hersch, A. C, bounty.. 1.50 McKay. Douglas, relief for A. W. Arms .... 25.00 Alison, Ailona. assist ance 10.00 Foster, Genevieve, do .. Si. 50 Howe, Christine, do . . . 15.00 Kime, Mrs. Maud, do . . 25.00 Ross, Mabel Lily, do . . . 25.00 Sawyer, Rose Mary, do . 25.00 Slavens, Blanche E., do 10.00 Robins, P. C, bounty . K 10.85 Barkhurst. Robert, do . . 5.35 Boyer, U. G., Co. clerk cash, adr. as bounty . 99.20 Hersch. A. C, bounty . . 1.50 Myers, L. F.. bounty .. 2.00 Peters, H. H., bounty . . 1.00 PAGE 21 McKay, Douglas, relief for Autis Hayes .... 20.00 Smith, W. Carlfbn, ex amination 5.00 Byrd. R. D., do 6.00 Smith, W. Carlton, ex aminations 10.00 Yost, CarL bounty .... 1.00 (Splnograph Picture) Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday or appointment mads on these days for future dates will be O. K. DRS. SCOFIELDS X-RAY CHIROPRACTOR 414 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 2101 i RECORDS . All the Latest Hit I r " . ssSSBsssssssBsnE4 Visit our New Modern Women's Store We Invite you to this new store Visit it whenever yon are in town you are always welcome whether yon buy or not. See the new modern ways of mer chandise display. Sunday, March 31st Clever Coats Coats for Dress wear in light and dark col ors trimmed with fur or with flares throw or cape effects of the same material. The newest styles, tht? smartest colors at $19.75 ,0 $45.00 Sport Coals $14.75 to $29.50 Stunning Frocks The new Frocks come in shades of green, suntan. yellow, rose, blue, navy blue and black with pleats, tucks and flares that give them a very Individual touch. $24.50 $27.50 $35.00 New Ensembles The Kasha Coat and Skirt with silk blouse decorated with embroidered design vie for favor this simng Many styles to choose from at $35.00 $45.00 $49.00 up Flowers For Coat or Frock Clusters and Sprays of Flowers that will add that finished touch to your Easter costume. There are Violets, Apple Blossoms. Roses, and many others ia the popular shades 69c .. 98c Gloves French Kid Gloves in all the new light shades Fancy backs and turned cuffs Ex tra well tailored and good fitting a real value at $3.95 NEW HOSIERY Kayser all silk, top to toe, Chiffon Hose, full fashioned slipper heel all the new shades. Chiffon or Servlee Weight Hose In either French or Pointed Heel the latest shades. Handbags Hand Bags In new colors to blend with the new Easter ensemble in either un derarm pouch style. $2.98 and $5.95 Moderniitic Jewelry The new in Jewelry Js here made of Corochrome (it doesn't tarnish) with stones In colors of Sunbeam, Aqua tine and Burgandy Red. AQg Clever Jewelry as low as 'sVQ NEW LOCATION 255 NORTH LIBERTY STREET ,.- NEXT 'TO FORTiAND vU ELECTRIC POWER CO. NOTE Purchases made Saturday 3 J: "mm.. pno.': COXNT.CTIOX 517 will go orf April accounV Payable May, l.r 1 i i 1 ..6 "I 5 Por Sale by Capital Drug Co. if 1 ... , .-T-ra"(;.;'' .